Back when the developers actually put some production value in their videos
@BttClass13 жыл бұрын
@OtakuAgency The game idea is still re-used, and although details such as items and graphics are changed, there are still 3 lanes, 5 heroes per team, 3 towers in each lane, a barracks (called something else in LoL) and a main base you need to destroy. You still farm creeps, you still gank different lanes, you still buy wards to spot enemy heroes/champions.
@SaitoAOG13 жыл бұрын
@TheMarkt10101 my math was off, he actually casts ignite when reborn so his burst damage after being reborn is over 1000 natural magic damage aeo (more then balphagore, the top damage aoe tank) . not including his massive phys attack. i can understand this character being intel, or agility, that's fine but hes strength which is highly op
@modex2011 жыл бұрын
Like Skeleton King, but better.
@hojima13 жыл бұрын
@Psykoged PK on bubbs makes a lot of sense. PK>silence>ult>shell>invuln > teleport
@naivv.9 ай бұрын
Taki Gość
@coolcoollo13 жыл бұрын
@spedmonger Separate Teams. The guys designing and working on heroes (like DOGKaiser) are not the ones working on the servers. A separate team also works on balancing for competitive play (Mostly SBT and old dota pros). So, it's like telling the pitcrew to drive slower.
@rolo8666 Жыл бұрын
taki gość
@azu12332113 жыл бұрын
@Solbullis Ok, maybe pushing it a little far, but eerily similar. Each of his skills essentially serve the same purposes, if in a slightly different way. Chasing skill, immolation skill, AoE dmg and slow, ulti with dmg and ress that allows you to play aggresive.
@azu12332113 жыл бұрын
@Solbullis Oh, I have no complaints. :) Still eagerly awaiting my dear Obsidian.
@hanton7713 жыл бұрын
@Stradivarius8457 Actually Skeleton King DID require you to have mana in order to proc, this is why most people only put 1 point into his ult, you got higher CD yeah, but it cost less mana to proc.
@Kwakwaaa13 жыл бұрын
@Erulilum Vindi's 1st skill, Ra's skills don't use mana except for his ulti so that means that he cant get the Lore off
@partha13713 жыл бұрын
@leeermin They have actually cut the length of that ledge area by quite a bit. The river in that area is no wider, allows for more people to be in on the team fight around kong. Interesting changes.
@coolcoollo13 жыл бұрын
I have to say the video-editing really has come along. Also Thomas-Adm Habuda's music is top notch here. Good stuff.
@SiickMusic13 жыл бұрын
The spotlights are looking much better visually! (but are less in depth information-wise. I guess we have the new hero guides to make up for that though!)
@somsay3213 жыл бұрын
@Bizm4rk Flint isnt OP at all, but Sil most certainly is. If built properly, she is probably the best late game ranged carry right now. Having a second illusion that essentially doubles your dps scales way better than flint when it comes to late game.
@_Joh_Joh13 жыл бұрын
@XboXz94 Thats old news, Idejder posted pictures of it the friday after the DDoS attacks when people were complaining about no new patch.
@raynomang13 жыл бұрын
"S2 Staff Member Our current situation is not caused by an intentional attack. One of our two main NoCs had significant internal issues. These issues eventually resulted in the corruption of a few very large tables in our database (as well as no accessibility to a crucial SAN drive system). We are repairing those tables, however, it may a while due to the size of the table and potential damage. I can't give an ETA as there is too much uncertainty."
@SaitoAOG13 жыл бұрын
@hopolooopiu he loses the hp on impact therefore, he will only be down to 35%, but he will hit so 40% and you just did 320 damage which +30% is 416 magic damage, then he bursts for 280 more +30% which is 364 more magical damage so ya, at this point your down to 28% hp and you have bursted for over 700 damage, this isnt including basic attacks or damage before his raptastic respawn. hes op
@SaitoAOG13 жыл бұрын
@TheMarkt10101 my numbers are still under the exact amount of damage he would do due to the fact ignite is based on max hp. and the numbers are more correct now because he triggers a cast of ignite when revived, however this doesn't put his normal ignite on cooldown his total damage that i have done with him by level 16 with no strength items and nullshards to remove magic armor is over 1300 magic aoe damage with just the rebirth + ignite + meteor
@2005blackout13 жыл бұрын
So this is the hero in Martyr Spotlight Video? Flame on the ground around him, attacking Flint Beastwood, saved by Martyr, covered by Blacksmith icon.
@Huwarf13 жыл бұрын
From S2 forums: "S2 Staff Member Our current situation is not caused by an intentional attack. One of our two main NoCs had significant internal issues. These issues eventually resulted in the corruption of a few very large tables in our database (as well as no accessibility to a crucial SAN drive system). We are repairing those tables, however, it may a while due to the size of the table and potential damage. I can't give an ETA as there is too much uncertainty."
@hojima13 жыл бұрын
@Psykoged I know, thats why I said PK first. I use the PK to get in silence and ult, then the shell/take cover combo to get some range so I can attack safely.
@MrStreetfarm12 жыл бұрын
Nearly one year later, and he is still fucking OP...
@coolcoollo13 жыл бұрын
@MadaraStv Reading the description you find out that he does need mana to trigger his -on death- ultimate.
@Breezerous13 жыл бұрын
@Shujinkou1147 I used to say he wasnt so op, just new. But im starting to agree with you. There are many ways he could be nerfed without it actually ruining him for the players. I mean, they could for example give him a buff to his stat gain, and so they could take some off his nuking. Also they could give his spells manacost, and remove the cost from his ulti. That alone would make him a lot more fair.
@MadaraStv13 жыл бұрын
@Hydranisk Well sorry for being so stupid and not wait untill 1 am for his release and tought that the next day HoN will be ok...
@InstantZzz13 жыл бұрын
Amazing design, looks unbelievably awesome. And I love the new Hero Spotlight style.
@BttClass13 жыл бұрын
@zearsocom Nope, DoTa 2 is coming out this year for sure, there are many leaked patch notes (you can find the article on dotallyrad). It's also looking to be a free to play game, with a shop much like LoL/HoN.
@dth6213 жыл бұрын
@Zamath119 The only difference is that LoLs development team includes several blizzard and DoTa developers. While S2 is a direct copy.
@SaitoAOG13 жыл бұрын
@TheMarkt10101 ah, your right about the 280 but 102 x 1.3 is 132.6 rounded up is 133. so it appears im off by about 200 in the total damage output.
@Vauche13 жыл бұрын
@LostButSeeking They didn't really mention how much int gain he gets per level, and what his base mana would be. Puzzlebox/nullfire anyone? Plus natural burners like Fayde, Witch Slayer, and Magebane could be problematic, but yeah, it really depends on his int gain. Stacking int items on him would be a waste since he relies so heavily on those hp skills. A good observation on your part though, but it remains to be seen how it'll play out :/
@Xiediac13 жыл бұрын
[S2]Maliken - "It appears people are having issues logging in. We are unaware at this point what is causing this issue. It may be related to our DDoS protection proxy. We are currently investigating a number of potential areas of our system the may be causing this. Please be patient"
@MadaraStv13 жыл бұрын
@coolcoollo Yes but he doesn't actually use the 50% mana - he simply needs to have it. His ult must have at least 300 sec cooldown cuz unless you are against magebane you can't die.
@Nefluw13 жыл бұрын
@CSDragon31 which is exactly why they should focus more on balancing, so they might get picked in competitive games.
@tofattofly113 жыл бұрын
@lukkelose many spells where direct copies of wc3 spells also they leveling system is identical exept that ur hero can reach higher lvl and spells can reach lvl 4 instead of lvl 3.the three main types (strengt, agility and intelience) where also orignaly from wc3
@Markt242013 жыл бұрын
@windtitandeviljaina your dead-on sir and barbed armour like said by TheMarkt10101 will pawn him on rebirth.there are alot of hero counters to, just to say silencers and heroes with mana he's strong but easily countered.
@SaitoAOG13 жыл бұрын
@TheMarkt10101 rebirth triggers at max level +30% damage to all spells, when reborn he has a free cast of ignite, followed by which he can cast his normal ignite and meteor. once again calculations for an amun ra level 16 with 1700 hp, this is with the 30% already calculated. (ignite(280) + 6% of hp)1.3 = 364 + 133(132.6) = 497 X 2(from duel cast) 994 Meteor(320) X 30% = 416 therefore total damageoutput = 1410 natural magic aoe damage is my math correct now?
@delseras13 жыл бұрын
@leezy1990 it was created by steve feak. known as... guinsoo... Eul is the original creator of dota... while guinsoo is the successor. Steve "guinsoo" feak created LoL. not Eul.
@Bizm4rk13 жыл бұрын
@deathzito Sil: Always out-carried, glass cannon. Tremble: Never picked, a joke if focussed at all early game. Martyr: Not played him much. Flux: Fun cause he's ranged and str but not good for much else other than setting up team fights. The last really OP hero they released was flint beastwood, they rest have been pretty blah. Ra is fun though, but not without serious weaknesses.
@AthanSoulis13 жыл бұрын
@V1ratus Thnx m8.Although int gain per lvl and base mana doesnt really matter , as the ulti is based on % of mana. True is that he will dominate anyone early game with this ulti and Fayde & Magebane cant do a lot early game. :/ I posted this issue on Hon Forums in Balance section and lets hope they will do something about it.
@puenboy112 жыл бұрын
The trick on Ra is to be ultra aggressive. You have a hero with ridiculous health pool and regen. Use your Q as much as you can as it would cost basically nothing if you catch 2 heroes and yourself in the meteor and even heal you with 3 or more heroes. E is a priority early game, which keeps you in lane despite harassment and a nice burn aura which will surprisingly be the death of more enemies more than you think. W should be got after Q and E is maxed, or at level 5 or 7.
@RamenStand6 жыл бұрын
@Sabotai212 жыл бұрын
Hi Amun-Ra spotlight! We meet once again!
@Shingan7773 жыл бұрын
Farewell, Amu Ra.
@TheJim919112 жыл бұрын
He's fine, most of the charges came from his Q and E skills anyway. The only thing they changed was his passive isn't triggered by creeps. You won't be jungling at the start with Ra unless you're an idiot anyway, since he has incredibly good early game if played aggressively. He can jungle in down time between fights by the time you level ignite to maximise GPM anyway so what's the problem?
@WhatsY0UTUB312 жыл бұрын
One of Ra's responses is "Bask in my presence" Because Amun Ra is the sun god from Egyptian myth. something like that.
@Stradivarius845713 жыл бұрын
@CMGskater94 Skeleton King in DotA has had this for a long time, and his didn't even require you have mana for it to activate. It's not OP in the least.
@maixck13 жыл бұрын
@biggians i dont think silence counters it, or else she would have said so, the only way seems to be to burn his mana below 50%
@deathx0r13 жыл бұрын
@Bizm4rk apparently you haven't seen n0tail play silhouette... and I'm sure you have come accross the zephyr + martyr rape going on latelly, maybe on 5 on 5 mmr over 1800 it's not that effective but it's tottally steamrolling .. this hero seems annoying to deal with too.
@KvatchIsInDanger13 жыл бұрын
@Gichnni Silhouette was balanced long before she came out. They call it 'Banning Pick.'
@SaitoAOG13 жыл бұрын
@TheMarkt10101 silence/stun/anything besides mana drain will not stop ra from being reborn. thats whats unbalanced, this isnt accursed where you can just say "hey il kill you in a few" hes got a huge damage output as well as a higher damage output when you decide to try and kill him. stunlock is fine and all but hes tanky, he wont be alone alot and because he can walk though cliffs with meteors hes hard to pin down. as well as you take damage for hurting him, see 3rd skill. tanky is bs.
@solarflare2213 жыл бұрын
Hmmm those new secret shops look like watchtowers... I wonder if they're planning to put all the items in the main base and make the secret shops into something like Xel'naga towers in SC2?
@Lemmavs13 жыл бұрын
@DonnieDarkofussel if you read the changes every time they update, you will see that they change almost every character, to balance fix stuff...
@N0LYF313 жыл бұрын
I miss the intro music being this epic
@Tofilux4 жыл бұрын
My favorite hero in hon!
@ilikepie927013 жыл бұрын
@metaness And so do I LoL has a competitive scene but you have a choice to have your stats traced or not so yeah. But LoL does have quality, strategy and balance.
@coolcoollo13 жыл бұрын
Can I recommend and PRAY that Ra has a Phoenix Alt Avatar? IT WOULD MAKE SO MUCH SENSE
@Skub_13 жыл бұрын
@zearsocom You didn't read that anywhere. Dota 2 is slated for this year.
@NattyDL13 жыл бұрын
@9409elle He's obsessed with high HP, and high regen. More HP = more damage ignite does.
@Psykoged13 жыл бұрын
@hojima shell>teleport>silence>ulti or ulti>shell>teleport>silence does just as much dmg? and if you are too scared to survive just use the take cover before someone smashes you. The take cover -> pk doesn't work anymore since take cover's duration has been nerfed to 2.5 sec...
@GlobalProgressiveHouse13 жыл бұрын
@Zamath119 We know that...thanks for noticing though. I think it's a good thing that HoN is here now, because the Warcraft 3 engine is olddddddd... Anyways, Ra is an awesome hero imo. Great farmer and useful lategame.
@akhEX13 жыл бұрын
The way he said "bask in my presents" is exactly like the one in the "Don't Laugh" series, which is "Konya ga Yamada"
@Velynyo13 жыл бұрын
@SlardarDota nahh the tower were just down and the trees were chopped aswell
@KevinCorporation13 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of Icarus from DotA, although I will admit it is not the same, just the whole Egyptian, fire, and rebirth theme is similar. His abilities do not look like they cost mana from what I can see in the video.
@Breezerous13 жыл бұрын
@karpfenaut He is op in anything but super high mmr/psr games, because he can farm so insanely well early game, and snowball carry like hell. The fact that he can easily gain kills early game, and the fact that he can 1v1 fight maliken with autoattacks(lvl 25 WITH GEAR, I TESTED) does not exacly help stopping "op" rumors. By saying he's not op in high psr/mmr is because he doesnt farm as easily there... coordinated ganks ftw :/
@gravityintensifier13 жыл бұрын
I love the intro, i need that into my music files
@Moonbadgers13 жыл бұрын
@kurogane2x flux is balanced but ra and silo are extremly op to be quite honest, especially ra
@Antithesis9113 жыл бұрын
@TcomJ That was Balphagore^^
@warrust13 жыл бұрын
I suppose using items such as tp and such still uses up his mana? but yeah, guess nullfire is a must when facing him, or even puzzlebox
@FreeCandyVan9913 жыл бұрын
Fayde with a nullfire and puzzlebox is his ultimate counter.
@RuthlessVoid13 жыл бұрын
@Munje777 Why skip the intro. The intro is best part :D
@fragilous13 жыл бұрын
@majesticgorgon basing it on his skills (and prolly his hero avatar) he is suited as STR.
@SaitoAOG13 жыл бұрын
@parasiten90 actually, i can sense the numbers are Equal to eachother, the numbers are not new, they are after multiplication and simplification. so your point is that im screwing it up because im making it easier to understand "(ignite(280) + 6% of hp)1.3 = 364 + 133(132.6) = 497 X 2(from duel cast) 994" 280x1.3= 364 6% of 1700 is 102 102x1.3 is 133 therefore 364+133= 497 then due to the fact you can cast it once after the rebirth ignite its x2 so... please explain to me how im wrong?
@ZotyaPotyaZTA13 жыл бұрын
@TheMarkt10101 Yea he isnt OP alone but in team fights,he initate then he dies he respawn what do a lot of dmg
@IdclipPeru13 жыл бұрын
@TheleapOFfate actually the hellbourne had quite the advantage ... you know, kongor stuffs
@Velcrol13 жыл бұрын
@Mathswhizzz Burn his mana, magicarmour, barrier ofc, cc, %dmg based attacks... and so on.Played 4 times against him, won 3 of 4. Last one he got feed at minute 15 with 12 kills, so he wrecked us up. I think he deserves a little nerf, but all in all hes fine as he is now
@MadaraStv13 жыл бұрын
They already had the hero made if you havent noticed the previous video - why not release it? And as you see there is no blacksmith icon in this video so there havent been making a new one since the DDos.
@officiallyallensanity13 жыл бұрын
his weapon looks like Kamunrah's weapon in Night at the Museum 2 ^_^
@sidthsoar13 жыл бұрын
@MrSelanX there are already 60 people who got killed by Amun Ra
@Jujukal13 жыл бұрын
@z4k4t4k no all his skills uses mana and a % of his health just his ultimate requires the hero to have 50%.
@eNSWE12 жыл бұрын
I live in a world where over 100 000 does not approximate "barley anyone". HoN is bigger than it ever was before, it has grown constantly since release. How can you say hardly anyone plays it?
@immabreakaleg13 жыл бұрын
magebane could be a good counter for the ignite. ra should have a nice health regen and always carry a mana ring i guess
@GumGumGamer13 жыл бұрын
new hero , new skin , new map thx S2 :D Wondering how many new came to Newerth in last time ;)
@DONTworryIgotTHIS13 жыл бұрын
@Aidiotdude1 It's not an attack, one of their Network Operation Centers went down. Still though, in three weeks I've maybe played four or five games. This is getting stupid.
@UselessSpork13 жыл бұрын
the king is back!
@Senseless333x213 жыл бұрын
@Zblorg117 nobody said the spells cost no mana? just they cost Hp aswell^^
@Roulden13 жыл бұрын
@Dodas56 Actually Dota was originally owned and made by Guinsoo who later passed it onto IceFrog the current owner. Guinsoo and some other dev's went and made LoL. S2 asked IceFrog if they could make a dota clone thus HoN. Now IceFrog has rights with Steam to make Dota 2 which will blow everything away :) cheers
@omnipotiscience725111 жыл бұрын
Reasons why ra is not op :low base armor(you can kill him with most physical carries or damagers, ra deals damage all through magic damage just buy shrunken head and he's gonna cry.** he's just gonna attack lol ** in the runic shift patch he's ultimate was reworked or changed *depends upon his mana on how much his health will be restored after he come back to life. so just burn his mana and kill him but he will still revive but a lower health ( minimum health for him to recover is 10% ) and etc.
@3croN13 жыл бұрын
@dude9this You can unlock champs without paying and skins are worthless, so I cant see your point there ? And its really rare when server crashes, mostly because they didn know that there will be such a big nuber of players
@detiotinal13 жыл бұрын
i love see the call of Mspuding for see the spotlight
@Contemo13 жыл бұрын
@JunkyardSweet LOL has one, Ginsu or whatever. Icefrog went to DOTA2
@leeermin13 жыл бұрын
Does anybody noticed but the ledge near the kongor area seems diff now.. It might be diff so sorry if that was changed in earlier patches ^^ btw the timer is at 3:39
@lolookphor13 жыл бұрын
@ReXdefiler why would they have to compensate you? they didn't do anything against you or anyone else or wrongly ban anyone so it's not their mistake or fault to fix.
@Sakura-Magika13 жыл бұрын
Sick. So he doesn't use mana except for his ult? Weird how all the new hero concepts are trying to not use the mana bar.
@dahaznboii13 жыл бұрын
@Majskolvenz Uhh..That means he will do 0 dmg late game cuz he has a token that wont do much, refreshers which gives him mana regen...GG
@DeVoirZ13 жыл бұрын
Oh cool, Pharaohs big brother, who always teased him by how OP he is.
@markpiolo910212 жыл бұрын
that's what people said about dev. the problem with ra is if he manages to get fast farm early on (which isn't hard) he can basically snowball the game with his team, leading to faceroll :3
@TheCabIe13 жыл бұрын
@7vampire1 Just some random dude from the 70s. He was in a band, I think.. But I hear this Bieber kid is pretty good
@loglog713 жыл бұрын
@iurkel you really need a better conection if you have lag in hon. I played it a little while ago but it was perfect and that was during beta...
@dollsage13 жыл бұрын
@pudgeypigeon so basically, 1 LoL player who trolled 1 HoN spotlight video = a bunch of LoL players banding together to troll it?