High-speed trains: Alstom's vision for the future

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@trippytrains6289 2 ай бұрын
0:45 Hyperloop got roasted there, good one! 😁
@MacGuyver85 2 ай бұрын
Just like SpaceX a decade ago? That went well... 👀
@trippytrains6289 2 ай бұрын
@@MacGuyver85 Even SpaceX knows that trains are the superior medium of transport, they demolished their Hyperloop test tube in order to build a railyard track.
@MacGuyver85 2 ай бұрын
@@trippytrains6289 Lol. Whatever makes you sleep at night.
@Ruzzky_Bly4t 2 ай бұрын
@@MacGuyver85 Let's play a game. You name one example where the hyperloop worked well, I name 10 examples where rail works well. Winner gets to walk away without feeling like an idiot.
@MacGuyver85 2 ай бұрын
@@Ruzzky_Bly4t What nonsense, Hyperloop is a mode of transport that is in development. Rail is an established technology. Try your "game" when rail was in development and horse and carriage was the established technology.
@roberthoyt7921 2 ай бұрын
While it would actually preview future TGV trains for France, might it preview future Amtrak high-speed trains beyond the Avelia?
@p1xel1115 2 ай бұрын
I could see Amtrak switching the a future version of the Siemens Velcro Novo with how many problems the Avelias are having.
@Beauxdimanches Ай бұрын
Of course there's no doubt about Alstom's abilities but ,les mecs , that "généreux" compositing reminded me of doing "visual effects " on VHS back in my college years .. There's a saying : We don't want to know about it ,we want to see it ! Avec amour de Montréal ! ❤😂❤
@tomasbarka7296 Ай бұрын
This train 🚆 look stunning 👍.
@ErickHumboldt 2 ай бұрын
Sank iou faure ze exercice ine angliche 😂😂😂
@lakabimo Ай бұрын
Indeetd its wazs wery ameizing to hier diz english-french
@thunderdemonlover 2 ай бұрын
Speed & Security Are Main Goal ❤🎉❤
@adodgygeeza 2 ай бұрын
Let us know when you discover the EMU concept it's only universally adopted by every other high speed train
@Tealice1 2 ай бұрын
It's quite an enigma to me why they are so clingy with the power car concept. It's not like they never tried to do an EMU. Their AGV had quite a conventional design compared to their other trains. A single decker EMU, just like pretty much any other high speed train. Still they kind of reverted back to the power car design.
@Kollum Ай бұрын
Because the trains are designed as per request of a customer, the french railway operator SNCF, and one of the design point is for the train to fit within some historical stations with the quay length limitation of these stations (700 meters long trains I think, standard width/height to fit through historical tunnels, standard gauge etc...), and a requirement as minimum number of passenger per train (the high speed network is saturated enough that we can't add new trains to move more people, we need more passenger per train). An EMU have an electric engine on each boggy, which makes these boggys bigger than pulled ones, and with the high speed constrains (more powerful engines, generating more heat, long runs without slowing down allowing to cool the engines etc... ) in mind, EMU boggy are too big for double deck cars (obviously, double decker EMU do exist, but they don't cruise above 300 for two hours in a row). Althought you loose some space at both end of the train, a double decker with two power cars have more than 30% (from my not so reliable memory, number to check) the passenger capacity than a single deck emu. That is the only way found by TGV designers to reach the customer set goals. And that is why the AGV was developed only for the export market, because it did not fit the french operator demands. Pick which best suit your needs ^^
@Tealice1 Ай бұрын
@@Kollum Good points, I didn't think about that. But from a quick search I did, it seems that the Duplex-TGVs are all about 200m long and hold around 500-600 passengers, depending on the layout. If two trainsets are coupled together they would be about 400m long and could transport between 1000-1200 people. Because I was curious I compared this to the single decker Siemens Velaro trains operating on the Eurostar service. Both operate on the French high speed network and with 390m a 16 car Eurostar trainset has 902 seats. Sadly I couldn't find any figures for the Avelia Horizon, or TGV M. But comparing these numbers, the difference doesn't seem to be that big. Since the TGVs with a capacity of around 600 passengers doesn't feature any first class accommodation, they aren't directly comparable. If one would use the remaining 10 meters to get both trains to equal length and use the space the double doors on some of the Velaro cars take up, then the difference between these two single and double decker trains would only be around 10%. That's still a significant difference of course, all I'm saying is that the difference is not that great.
@Verbatino 2 ай бұрын
This was worst marketing video I've seen this year....🤣
@carenestephen 2 ай бұрын
Autant parler en français directement et mettre des sous titre en anglais non😅?
@picardiebelleregion9508 2 ай бұрын
@ErickHumboldt 2 ай бұрын
Surtout avec un accent aussi catastrophique
@picardiebelleregion9508 2 ай бұрын
@@ErickHumboldt C'eût été tellement plus simple de parler en français avec des sous-titres anglophones ! ...
@carenestephen 2 ай бұрын
@@picardiebelleregion9508 tellement !
@timusmaximus6794 2 ай бұрын
meme comme un anglophone je suis d'accord, parler en leur langue natif permettrent ces gens passionés de parler avec plus d'enthausiasme
@HSUTransit 2 ай бұрын
If you guys really want to build a high speed train for the future, then why don't you fix the Avelia Liberty already? Or is it because you took the slow pace that Bombardier made trains in the 2010s when you acquired them in 2021?
@StefanWithTrains3222 2 ай бұрын
The Avelia Liberty has been fixed, the testing phase is nearly completed after working out the faults. They will enter service in fall or winter this year.
@HSUTransit 2 ай бұрын
@@StefanWithTrains3222 Still took them 2 years though, 4 years late from introduction in 2020.
@SP95 2 ай бұрын
Not the easiest infrastructure to begin with and experimental power cars. This is still a long delay but I doubt Siemens would have done any better. At least the Avelia Libery will be highly upgradable as the infrastructure improves overtime since these power cars are meant for higher speeds.
@cementedrebar 2 ай бұрын
Compeltely new train series, needs to be tested and all. Not so different if it would have been siemens, except they might have launched it eariler and delivered it with flaws without repairing them.
@daanwillemsen223 2 ай бұрын
Ur infrastructure sucks. You can't have a state of the art bicycle when the road is full of pot holes
@katherandefy Ай бұрын
Lovely train
@Whocaresfrfrfrim Ай бұрын
My country was supposed to get shiny new trains from Alstom FOUR years ago😂. But guess what Alstom did😂
@lionelfully 11 күн бұрын
I wonder if you know the proportion of energy used that goes into traction versus the amount that goes into peripherals? I remember reading somewhere that at cruising speed, it's 60% traction and 40% peripherals (outlets, heating, ventilation, air conditioning...). This seems relatively low for traction, which is why I'm trying to find the source. Je me demande si vous connaissez la part d'énergie utilisée qui part dans la traction vs la part qui va en périphérique? Je me souviens avoir lu quelque part qu'en vitesse de croisière c'est 60% traction 40% périphériques (prises, chauffage, ventilation, air conditionné...). Cela me semble relativement peu pour la traction, c'est pourquoi j'essaie de trouver la source.
@joshdavid258 2 ай бұрын
Oh- replacing the driver cabin with an observatory front, interesting concept, however, what about the driver...?
@StefanWithTrains3222 2 ай бұрын
@@joshdavid258 To add insult to injury they say they want to improve the design for the passengers, the railways and the DRIVERS.
@nikobelic4251 2 ай бұрын
@@StefanWithTrains3222I think they plan on having it be optionally driven I honestly doubt many operators will remove their drivers tbh..
@junglist_ikon 2 ай бұрын
Please pay professionals for video concept and production next time, this makes the whole company look amateurish.
@onuryaman-4578 28 күн бұрын
Hey thats pretty good
@SP95 2 ай бұрын
Disse ize eu véri bioutifoul traiyne dat you have disaigned heere, ite loukxsse laïque eu spaisse shipe 🚄🚃 🚀
@ErickHumboldt 2 ай бұрын
😂😂 c’est tout à fait ça
@My-Opinion-Doesnt-Matter 2 ай бұрын
Is this a joke?
@danieljungkind3824 2 ай бұрын
I literally don’t care one word you say until you deliver Acela. How many YEARS behind schedule are you? 4 and counting. Get it together and stop projecting wildly into the future.
@Christopher-dj2xu 2 ай бұрын
299 km/h 340 km/h 360 km/h .. au dessus 1003 hpa 45/75% 4°C/25°C on augmente efficience aerodynamique .. au dessous 1003 hpa 45/75% 4°C/25°C V(x) + reduction energetique
@ThunderMat_WT800 2 ай бұрын
i hope i wound be 560km/h to uk High speed Rail eurostar to less time to travel
@rushikeshr7295 2 ай бұрын
Alstom is dad
@massimoalessi1831 2 ай бұрын
@Sayitlikitiz101 19 күн бұрын
WTF was this? Alexis and Romain are possibly very bright minds, but they were very awkward in this video. Either they, were out of their comfort zone in front of the cameras or when speaking English. Absolute Fremdschämen!
@benjaminblandin 2 ай бұрын
Rassurez-nous, cette vidéo est une farce ? Le fond visuel bas de gamme et l'anglais au hachoir, bravo les gars ! Quel est l'objectif ? Faire rire/fuir les rares anglophones à s'aventurer sur le compte KZbin de l'entreprise ?
@carenestephen 2 ай бұрын
@@benjaminblandin moi j ai rigolé j’ai cru c’était une parodie mais j’ai déchanté quand j ai vu que c’était Alstom officiel, ils auraient dû parler en français directement et sous titrer en anglais car je doute fort qu un anglophone qui n’a pas l’anglais en langue d’origine comprend quelque chose vu l’accent 😅
@SP95 2 ай бұрын
Alstom a beaucoup de clientèle à l'étranger donc leurs communication comme tel est cohérente 👍
@carenestephen 2 ай бұрын
@@SP95 je te remercie je suis au courant que l’alstom est une entreprise internationale mais j imagine que les investisseurs un minimum sérieux savent lire donc lire des sous titre en anglais aurait pas fait de mal 😅😅😅 honnêtement même un anglais ne comprendrait rien … l’accent français est l’un des pire pour un anglophone, a la rigueur ils peuvent baraguiner de l’anglais mais avec des sous titre pour nos futurs client ? 😂 là c’est clownesque 😂
@SP95 2 ай бұрын
Pour en avoir parlé à plusieurs reprises avec des étrangers, ce genre d'accent au hachoir ne les dérangent pas tant que c'est dans un contexte professionnel, ça donne même un style d'après eux. Pour nous évidemment on le vit comme une torture auditive et une humiliation mais c'est bien moins grave que nous l'imaginons.
@carenestephen 2 ай бұрын
@@SP95 alors par politesse il ne te l’ont pas dit mais derrière notre dos on se fout littéralement de notre bouche donc pour toi la communication d’alstom est à la hauteur ? Avec tout l’argent qu ils gagnent ( beaucoups d’argent publique) ils pouvais missioner une agence de communication ou mettre des intervenants anglophones avec un accent naturel comme fait Airbus , Ariane espace , stellantis , Renault, Carrefour le font parfaitement
@u1zha 2 ай бұрын
Nice train design, seems SpaceX inspired? Hehe. But boy these infographics and greenscreened videos of business people caressing their phones/beards... What are you doing with your axes? You know what -25% looks like? Not this 2:04
@Tealice1 2 ай бұрын
Black and white based designs did in fact exist before Space X and thus not everything using this design scheme is inspired by Space X.
@panda_314 2 ай бұрын
Hey guys compared to the Shinkansen all EU trains look pretty dated so don’t you guys wanna update your designs to be more modern and stand out?
@nicolasblume1046 2 ай бұрын
I don't think the Shinkansen looks more modern. It just looks different
@panda_314 2 ай бұрын
I think specifically the e5, 700 series, and n700 series have cleaner flowing lines, less panelling, less visual interruptions, longer more elegant noses, cooler glasses, and airplane-like windows that make them look modern. The complexity yet simplicity of something like the "duck bill" shape of the 700 series nose is unmatched by any other high speed train. (I'm doing my bachelor's in (transportation) design and my expert professors agree as well). Some of them look like spaceships in comparison? Don't more people think so?
@thomasheredia447 2 ай бұрын
I prefer the look of alstoms high speed trains, they look modern and human. The shinkanshen doesn't look bad imo, I just think it's too otherworldly, like an alien spaceship instead of a human one.
@panda_314 2 ай бұрын
Btw by "cool glasses" i meant the wraparound visor around the drivers cabin pod instead of a conventional split windscreen like a bus/or a normal flat windscreen like a car found in most other trains
@ThunderTiger0801 2 ай бұрын
​@@panda_314 Then you should also know that the most important things are aerodynamics and noise. The Shinkansen has that long nose for one reason only. To reduce the sonic boom coming from entering tight tunnels at high speed
@username9774 2 ай бұрын
How about starting to build normal trains which don't suck
@picardiebelleregion9508 2 ай бұрын
Et en français ? ... 🤔
@poorchef1895 2 ай бұрын
Alston already manufactures a lot in India. I wish we could one day get Alstom high speed trains too. 🎉
@thakuromkarsingh2096 Ай бұрын
Tgv in India would cool asf
@ft4709 2 ай бұрын
Sorry guys, but your high speed trains get progressively worse. I thought the TGV M was already hideous enough but this train of the future thing is somehow even worse. Such a shame, as the original TGV Est was stunning.
@aresivrc1800 2 ай бұрын
What do you find disturbing about it? I have never been in an TGV and I am just curios.
@onlinesavant 2 ай бұрын
​@@aresivrc1800The commenter hasn't been on the TGV either. The bot is just saying something to get a reaction.
@tukaidas1272 Ай бұрын
Alstom need to touch 380 km/h operation speed
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