FUJIFILMの方は写ルンですみたい簡単な構造のカメラで、Konicaの方はズームや日付も付いていて性能的には良いようです。 メルカリ見てみたんですが、1万円出せるなら、 Konica BIG mini 初代 Konica BIG mini A4 Konica BIG mini BM-301 はほとんど同じようなものなんですが、動作確認済みのものが7500〜くらいからあるぽくて狙い目な気がしました。写りのいいレンズを使ってるコンパクトカメラですよ。参考まで!
Nice collection, I would also like to add Chinon CM-4, they are full manual like the MX but have metal shutter as compared to the cloth shutter in MX, not much bigger and uses Pentax K mount as well. I imagine they are cheaper in Japan, though they are not as attractive as the MX, I have a ME Super.
@HironOverland254 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I didn't know that ChinonCM-4 was a K-mount SLR. I want to see it once. ME Super is also an attractive SLR. That camera was used in "Stranger Things". Did you know that?
@wckoek4 жыл бұрын
@@HironOverland25 I did watch the show but I didn't notice the camera, I have a check and the prop guy said they used an MX here: www.wired.com/2016/07/stories-behind-stranger-things-retro-80s-props/ Both are good cameras, just come down to metal vs cloth shutter, aperture priority vs manual, shutter speed etc, I heard that the MX is better build and more expensive at the time.
@HironOverland254 жыл бұрын
I remembered that MX was used in season one. I think both are good cameras. I now realize that there is a difference between cloth and metal in those shutters. What are the differences between those photos? It seems that MX has many used goods that do not break down.
@wckoek4 жыл бұрын
@@HironOverland25 Metal shutter are capable of higher speed and better flash sync, they usually more durable and won't burn through if lens are pointed to the sun, some cloth shutter might develop pinhole if it is old and not of good quality. But cloth shutter is easier and cheaper to repair, and quiet in operation. Leica uses cloth shutter, and have that nice shutter sound, they are still durable enough for use. Picture quality are the same, unless you need 1/2000 speed for capturing birds or running water. The MX might be better build in quality since I heard it was targeted at professional at a higher price back then. Both are still among the smallest SLR with a lot of cheaper lens that can be used, Miranda, Chinon, Cosina.
@HironOverland254 жыл бұрын
I learned very much. In the near future, I will be reviewing the MX, so I will include this information in that review. Thank you!