His Greatest Speech Yet? Jordan Peterson Sees ZION? - Jordan Peterson Teaches Elders Quorum (EP 10)

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Thoughtful Faith

Thoughtful Faith

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@AnalogKid2112 7 ай бұрын
My God, this is brilliant. Jacob… There is nothing I wouldn’t do to facilitate a conversation between you and Jordan Peterson. You have a gift for communication. I wish I could express myself as clearly and succinctly as you can. We need to get you in front of Peterson.
@DanielSharonTveten 9 ай бұрын
God is raising up many prophets to speak to the people during this time of social and moral decline. But even amidst the uncertainty and chaos (which has multiplied during many ages of the world), there is still so much light! In fact, the truly good people of this world shine ever brighter against the dark, cynical backdrop.
@eljefeelpadron1843 9 ай бұрын
If Jordan Peterson ever did a podcast with one of the 1st Presidency/Q12 the internet would explode like the Death Star in Star Wars.
@lapiccolanonnina9801 9 ай бұрын
Oh, that would be so wonderful!!!!!
@FebbieG 9 ай бұрын
I mean, that would be pretty cool, but we all know the general authorities aren't spending their spare time doing podcasts.
@lapiccolanonnina9801 9 ай бұрын
@@FebbieG yeah, I know, but it would be very cool.
@eljefeelpadron1843 9 ай бұрын
@@FebbieG Maybe they should. Podcasts are the new form of communication.
@misfyresalot 7 ай бұрын
Love Jordan Peterson. He's bold and brave in his beliefs and standards. The world needs more men like him....especially in the Lord's church😒
@hollydays56 9 ай бұрын
I love Jordan Peterson so much. He completely changed my attitude about the Old Testament. I now love it. Thank you, Jacob, for bringing this to us. Dr Peterson is one of the most spiritual people I have ever listened to.
@br.m 9 ай бұрын
Wow really? Jordan Peterson "spiritual"? I wouldn't consider him spiritual at all. Let alone most spiritual.. You must not listen to many people. Thats good. Only listen to Jesus.
@sagegallagher 7 ай бұрын
@@br.m I listen to Jesus a lot. And to Jordan Peterson. Try listening to his Exodus series. Or Genesis. Or his maps of meaning lectures on KZbin. He is getting at the deepest in us and the highest outside of us. I think he is spiritual.
@br.m 7 ай бұрын
@@sagegallagher No. Thanks. I appreciate the offer, but it's like this. Jordan Peterson is not that smart, he is over rated. He talks about the Bible like a fool. The truth is I'm much smarter than him and I understand the Bible. He does not. He should stop acting like an expert and authority on literally every topic. Plus I have a dad and my dad is way cooler than JP.
@establishingzion688 9 ай бұрын
The Vision of Establishing Zion is THE great purpose for many of us who have come to the earth in preparation of the Second Coming of the Savior. This is my desire, focus, and purpose as well. Great video, Brother Jacob!
@jacoboneil1524 7 ай бұрын
Where do you get the concept that you are "preparing the earth" for the second coming? This is completely false doctrine, based solely on the belief that the "prophet" is for our day. How is that so, apart from the church always and only goes right along with everything and anything that is politically expedient. Jordan Peterson also says to do things that are meaningful, not that are expedient. The mormon church will do anything to save its bacon and protect its 501 3 c status. Nelson going to visit the pope and returning referring to him as "his holiness" is a far cry from the doctrine taught in prior years that the catholic church is the great and abominable church. So either they never were, or now the mormon church is also part of the great and abominable church. There is no way around this, and either way it shows how wrong the church is about everything. I suppose you also believe that the second coming will be announced from conference pulpit and Jesus will appear and kindly ask the current "prophet" to step aside and allow him to take control of the church. Puerile, in the extreme.
@lapiccolanonnina9801 9 ай бұрын
I loved your analysis Jacob. I have some of this concepts deep and very strong in my heart and I know they come from the time we fought this same war in Heaven. I struggle to articulate what I have in my heart but Peterson puts it amazingly and you are doing an awesome work in shading the light in this bits of truth! Thanks! I personally strive to build Zion citizens at home and whatever place I go. I know we can live in Zion today if we just let Zion flourish in our hearts and spread to our homes, and then our community!
@edwardgabriel5281 9 ай бұрын
We have inherited many spiritual attributes from our Heavenly Father. Like the sense of empathy, sympathy, modesty, creativity, logic and even humor. But in different portions. It seems that you fortunately have been endowed generously. I hope the Zion you have built in your home goes viral. Notwithstanding your effort and that of many others, my pessimistic frame of mind tells me that Zion will not happen except The Savior returns.
@Thomas-vb4bu 8 ай бұрын
@@edwardgabriel5281 I often feel the same way. But I also feel that the Book of Mormon calls us to have hope and faith that the Lord's work can be carried out by even imperfect servants. Ether 12:32 is a great reminder to have hope.
@janetthorpe493 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! This touched my heart. It is a great service to all.
@DavidThomas-dg8hk 9 ай бұрын
Hello 👋 Janet __how are you doing today how's everything going over there I hope you're having a beautiful day 🏵️🏵️...?
@Greg-McIver 9 ай бұрын
That's why the founders of our country didn't preach Freedom. They preached Liberty, which is to operate liberally within the laws of our Creator.
@truthshinesforth 9 ай бұрын
I like that.
@realtomtomeny 9 ай бұрын
This is your best work yet, Jacob. Keep learning.
@Elias.Barney 9 ай бұрын
Rough Stone Rolling is a decitful book. I liked those quotes mentioned. The book as a whole is to be thrown out in my opinion.
@mycatwould 9 ай бұрын
Somebody needs to get Jordan Peterson a Book of Mormon - and / or have him on their show Jacob Hansen!! Can you imagine what a voice he would be for the restoration
@mrjoshua2791 9 ай бұрын
Now wouldn't that be something.
@alexmunro2640 9 ай бұрын
The Paul Brothers from the stick of Joseph got him and even put his name on it they said waiting to be in the same place as him to give it to him.
@davidjanbaz7728 9 ай бұрын
He's too smart to fall 4 the Book of Mormon!!!
@Croaven 9 ай бұрын
He has them. He is trying to stay as non-controversial as possible to reach as many people as possible. Bringing up the BofM would instantly cost him most of his audience and the potential lives he could help change for the better. Too many "Christians" have taken it upon themselves to deem us beyond heretical and worthy of destruction in some cases. I don't blame him for avoiding it. He may have read it, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for him to bring it up.
@Croaven 9 ай бұрын
​​@@davidjanbaz7728speaking of those hellbent on deconstruction. Strange how the trolls always hide their comments in responses to other people's comments and rarely offer them up as leading comments. Just like the mythical troll hiding in a cave or under a bridge, waiting for someone with courage to wander too close so they can pounce. Avoiding the light because light (ie truth) would turn them to stone. Always ready to criticize but never offering anything in return.
@johnfortney6016 9 ай бұрын
What a great video I loved every second of it!
@user-cd6yo3in5w 6 ай бұрын
YES! Thank you Lord Jesus for this man who is trying to find truth and share it.
@brendenfullmer5573 7 ай бұрын
DANG. That's a great video. So glad I was recommended your channel
@ItsSnagret 9 ай бұрын
1 - Cwic show said this before you. Although you did a great job describing it more. 2 - Jordan Peterson in 2x speed doubles my intelligence lol
@gemelindacjp7976 9 ай бұрын
Your best video yet!
@aBrewster29 9 ай бұрын
The fundamental problem of this discussion about transcending hedonism is the presupposition that we already have all human activity correctly categorized as hedonistic or altruistic. I think as a church and society at large we have more work to do in that area.
@Aristotle33 9 ай бұрын
Nice compilation Jacob. 👊🏼👍🏼
@TrumpAlly 14 күн бұрын
@debfryer2437 9 ай бұрын
Brilliant! If only we could teach him the gospel and help him to understand that God already has the vehicle in place.
@edwinphilips5212 9 ай бұрын
I dunno, he seems to have a better understanding of the gospel than most of "we".
@debfryer2437 9 ай бұрын
@@edwinphilips5212 yes but he needs to make the covenants required to get on the straight and narrow path which leads back to Heavenly Father. 😇
@edwinphilips5212 9 ай бұрын
@debfryer2437 Fair enough, but when he gets approached by a bunch of pharisees, telling him he just needs to read this book and do some specific, dogmatic stuff, when he's actually living a more christian life than most of them...
@PKBillings 9 ай бұрын
This video deserves to go viral.
@Mconley 9 ай бұрын
Couldn’t agree more. We have been sharing it with family and some friends. It’s excellent.
@Thomas-vb4bu 8 ай бұрын
The building of Zion is reaffirming the importance of an individual's personal conversion and relationship with Jesus Christ and then sending them to bring the blessings of his gospel to the society as a whole. It's amazing how much this speech resonates with the vision of Zion. It makes me sad that people like Jordan Peterson are so close, but when they hear the word 'mormon' they get cold feet.
@sagegallagher 7 ай бұрын
I agree. Whenever I hear JP speak, I imagine how amazed he would be if he knew the truths we have in the Church. Some day.
@Art65483 9 ай бұрын
@jocelynn19871 9 ай бұрын
Hey Jacob if you haven’t already I would recommend reading Elder Maxwells Book “Letters to Enoch” it was very insightful
@establishingzion688 9 ай бұрын
I read and recorded that entire book, letter by letter, on my channel. It's a great one!
@jocelynn19871 9 ай бұрын
@@establishingzion688 oh nice I’ll have to listen to those I read the book years ago so it may be time to read it again
@IIIJT 9 ай бұрын
Another fascinating book written by Douglas Murray: The War on the West. I like what he writes in regards to the dangers of unmitigated deconstruction. "An only vaguely milder version of this has existed in plain sight for decades. That is the obsession that started in the academy and then spread elsewhere that is given over to the veneration of “deconstruction.” This is the process by which everything from the past can be picked over, picked apart, and eventually destroyed. It can find no way of building. It can only find a way of endlessly pulling apart. So a novel by Jane Austen is taken apart until a delicate work of fiction is turned instead into nothing more than another piece of guilty residue from a discredited civilization. What has been achieved in this? Nothing but a process of destruction. Those who have made a career out of this find a number of things in their favor. One is the fact that their task is potentially endless, as the possible subjects appear limitless. It is a career for life for the deconstructionists. But still nothing is created or even produced at the end of this process. The only possible demand at the endpoint of deconstruction is to deconstruct some more. And it seems possible to pull apart and find cause for resentment endlessly. Certainly, that is the hope of the deconstructionists, who now scour the world of art and look for symbols of rape, male dominance, privilege, racism, and much more. And of course they find things to occupy their time. For you might easily look at a painting and ask what errant thoughts might have been behind it. You might also ask what labor went into it and whether any forced or unpaid labor was involved in it. You might look at the paint colors and question the origins of the pigments, whether they were legitimately or sustainably acquired. You might ask what pay the apprentices in the artist’s studio received and whether everyone had been adequately compensated by their superior to produce this work for a man of even greater power. You might pull its subjects apart, and “interrogate” its meanings in the light of things that have come after it. You might see all manner of things. You might lament the lack of representation of any kind. Or you might step back and see the Madonna of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci, the Annunciation by Sandro Botticelli, or any number of other works of art stretching back across centuries of creation by the masters. It is the same with buildings. You might look at the great cathedrals and other monuments of Europe and ask who carried all these stones or winched them up, whether they were appropriately paid for their labor and whether the conditions at the time were consistent with modern standards of worker safety. You might ask why people of only one skin color appear to be represented in the monuments or why people only of European background appear to be mentioned on them. You may even ask whether the act of building a structure to a particular God, in the name of a particular religion or denomination, is not in some way exclusive, even exclusionary. You might ask where the money for these great structures came from, whether that money was honestly acquired or whether some portion of the money was taken illegitimately from the poor, the needy, or even from other countries and peoples who had no say in where these finances went. You could do all these things and more. Or you could stand back and admire the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris, the Cappella Sansevero in Naples, the Duomo in Florence, or tens of thousands of cathedrals, churches, chapels, and other monuments. Why should we not simply stand back and credit our good fortune to have inherited these things and enjoy the great good fortune of being able to live among them? These are a gift from humans to all humankind. The reason is that what we have seen in recent decades in the West has been a grand project of deconstruction and destruction fueled by resentment and revenge."
@roughstonerolling 8 ай бұрын
Since you're talking about Zion, I have recently started a new list of Hugh Nibley essays from his book Approaching Zion.
@whitneypay515 9 ай бұрын
With good and evil being on earth at the same time, I don’t think it’s a coincidence Karl Marx published his papers around the time church was being built.
@gb7701 9 ай бұрын
The Lord tells us in Doctrine and Covenants 88:22, “He who is not able to abide the law of a celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory.” Latter-day Saint scholar Hugh Nibley said, “The main purpose of the Doctrine and Covenants, you will find, is to implement the law of consecration.”
@realtomtomeny 9 ай бұрын
We are on the Way to becoming gods. Some of us are there.
@br.m 9 ай бұрын
@Forestgump12able 9 ай бұрын
@johncato4412 9 ай бұрын
Joseph taught Mormonism is the embrace of truth from any source. His wisdom is profound and perhaps we need to be humble in seeing what he offers us vs. us offering him. The vehicle of the church after Joseph has become too worldly in its pursuit of wealth and a monetary kingdom. Joseph was closer to the vision and was blessed with divine personages and was broke.
@br.m 9 ай бұрын
Really? you mean he wasnt a con artist with a cult and concubines and a criminal?
@Ironrodpower 9 ай бұрын
@gefil8781 6 ай бұрын
JBP is an instrument of the Lord.
@sherigraham3873 9 ай бұрын
Jacob I appreciate your channel and your analytical mind. Its been interesting to watch the Richard Dawkins atheist phenomenon turn to mush as the real men cant abide the new woke ideology. And i really love Greg Matsons Cwic channel and his watch on the woke culture impacts on BYU. Another interesting program you did was the atheist Holland on how Christianity has brought massive good to the western world. Islam, Atheists and Hinduism are impacted as well to some degree just by watching. Jesus Christ can never be underestimated in any way! Thankyou for your program! I too follow Jordan Petersons rise to prominance. He's been touched by God.
@nancyjex1214 8 ай бұрын
I would love a link to the Jordan Peterson talk! The seed and the spark of Zion is in all of us.
@halodisciple8459 9 ай бұрын
There is no personal responsibility these days. Everyone's a victim and a product of the government, society or their upbringing. One of the many signs of the times.
@LatterDaisySaint 9 ай бұрын
There's a tornado currently headed toward Mount Zion. Just...interesting. Also noticed the storm going through/past cities like Smith's Grove, Russellville, Adam's Crossroads, Palmyra, Spring Hill, Shiloh, Corinth, Bethel, Oak Grove, Temple Hill...
@prophetcentral 9 ай бұрын
If you have ever seen the film "Who Killed Joseph Smith? Part 2" , then you would understand how the Book of Mormon plays into this idea of leaving your carnal securities and venturing out into the wilderness to unite the kingdom of heaven with the kingdom of earth.
@LatterDaisySaint 9 ай бұрын
3:17 - Not necessarily wrong? I would say it's VERY wrong for a person to think in terms of "being good enough" as if heaven is something we can "earn." Grace isn't about earning or deserving... Rather than trying to be "good enough" in order to get something....we are to simply do what is right, because it is right.
@lemjwp1756 9 ай бұрын
and what do the repeated verses in the New Testament mean that say we are rewarded according to what we have done?
@LatterDaisySaint 9 ай бұрын
@@lemjwp1756 It's about intent and understanding grace. We obey God's Law because we love Him. Hopefully we are living the gospel because we genuinely believe it and want to live it...not out of any fear, shame or ego. If we are concerned about "being good enough" or somehow think we can "earn heaven"...we don't understand grace.
@lemjwp1756 9 ай бұрын
I don't disagree with a single thing you said. Yet, scripture is repeatedly clear that actions do matter, that faith minus works is dead, and that we are rewarded according to what we do, and that if we love him, we keep his commandments. The Bible dictionary defines grace as "the enabling power from God that allows men and women to obtain blessings in this life and to gain eternal life and exaltation after they have exercised faith, repented, and given their best effort to keep the commandments."
@br.m 9 ай бұрын
Sir you are right. Don't expect to convince anyone who disagrees with you though. They just wont comprehend faith, judgement, reward. They misunderstand. Just like people who know faith alone can't understand those who think it is work. They always dig up the 1 or 2 verses like the only thing they can do is quote from James " faith without work is dead" and then conflate that to justify their own understanding. Jesus was clear and scripture is clear. The work of God is to believe in Jesus. Like Moses lifted up the snake. These work based people are like those who name the bronze snake and worship it. Cherry pickers cherry picking verses and abusing them. Like they throw their dart at the wall and then draw the bullseye around it.
@br.m 9 ай бұрын
@@lemjwp1756 Did you notice there is one thing for you and another for me? You are sick and need a doctor? That is what you are saying. The law is for the wicked. The righteous are a law unto themselves. Jesus came to heal the sick not the healthy. You better be more devout than the Pharisees then
@jessicajohnson8276 7 ай бұрын
Can you do a video where you compare Jordan’s biblical lectures with parallels to the Book of Mormon/Pearl of Great Price?!
@missypead2293 6 ай бұрын
They were copied. The Bible was all that was needed.
@missypead2293 6 ай бұрын
Galatians 1:8-12 NKJV But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ. NKJV: New King James Version Share Read Galatians 1
@hagueie 9 ай бұрын
This is off topic but feel a need to get this out. I am a big fan of Speaker Mike Johnson (Good Baptist) who said the following: Johnson recounted many nights when he was stirred awake. “The Lord began to wake me up, through this three-week process, in the middle of night to speak to me,” he said. “Now at the time I assumed the Lord is going to choose a new Moses.” He said God spoke to his heart! Don't Evangelicals mock us members for converting because of our "feelings" and not by biblical text? Seems like another version of faith vs works.
@AnaliliB 9 ай бұрын
Jordan Peterson used to be an atheist... look at him now... ❤
@technerdchic 3 ай бұрын
I am a proud member of the lds church, and I love Jordan Peterson... but... Thank god Jordan Peterson isn't LDS... And I hope he never becomes LDS in this lifetime. Hear me out... I have a very strong reason for feeling this way. If you think i'm wrong after reading what i'm about to tell you, Please, by all means, reply and let me know why... REALLY.... but All I ask is you first hear me out and read my thoughts on why I feel the way I feel about this particular subject. We're all taught In the lds church, that unless you experience some darkness in your life... You can't really know or be able to appreciate gods light to the fullest. I fell away from the mormon church at age 18, when I decided to see what else life had to offer... Slowly, I became enveloped into darkness - And at some point I was so deeply entrenched that I had become convinced there was no way back out of it. As I sunk deeper end deeper into that darkness, Out of utter hopelessness and despair, I even prayed a few times for god's help... but received no answers. In fact, after praying, things in my life seemed to only get worse... So I had all but proclaimed at that point that I was an atheist. If god even did exist, I felt I had been ignored by him... That he had turned his back on me, and left me to perish in the darkness that was surrounding me. I didn't even necessarily blame him - I was willing to own my bad choices, and realize I had walked myself into the darkness, But once there, Realizing that my prayers weren't being answered, and that life was actually getting worse when I did pray, I came to the horrible conclusion that I may have doomed myself for all eternity. That, perhaps it was far too late for me. What was my value in the world, If god had turned against me? It was far easier And honestly at the time made far more since to Rationalize him as being nonexistant, than to acknowledge his existance and simultaneously have to feel the pain of being ignored and rejected by him. But it turns out, god had a really good reason for not answering those prayers... And even for making things worse for me every time I prayed. He knew me, and knew I would have to be in a darker place still... in complete and utter darkness in order to notice a small pinpoint of light that I believe he had planned to bring into my life when the time was right. That pinpoint of light, for me, and millions of others in the world, was Jordan Peterson. AND HERE'S WHY I THANK GOD JORDAN PETERSON WASN'T AND MAY NEVER BE LDS (AT LEAST NOT IN THIS LIFETIME).... Had Jordan Peterson come in as a member of the Mormon church, I would have dismissed his message immediately and entirely. Not MAY have, I WOULD have! If I knew that Jordan Peterson was LDS When I first heard him speak, None of his words would have gotten through to me. And the blessings and miracles that have happened in my life since I've been listening to his lectures, would have never occurred. Am with as far down as I had sunk by the time I discovered him, I truly don't even like to think about where I would be now if it weren't for the fact that I was willing to give him a chance, and hear what he had to say. Jordan peterson is not LDS and may never become LDS in this lifetime. But in the vast space of eternity... We all will have opportunities to do anything we ever dreamed of. When it comes to Jordan, Peterson's mortal life, I believe it was actually god's plan for him NOT to read the Book of Mormon. God made a promise with that book, And it wouldn't be broken with jordan. So, if Jordan, read that book and the promise was fulfilled, (as i believe it would be), He would no longer be able to reach so many who have fallen away and need the help that only he can so skillfully deliver. I testify to this truth, because i've been there. This is a good man who deserves our respect and reverence. I thank God every day for this man.... He pulled me out of a place of true death. Thank god he was someone I was willing to listen to, Because he wasn't wearing a badge from any religious group, Nor did he possess any kind of religious bias... He was simply a well educated human being who had hope to share with me, And was able to deliver it beautifully due to his incredible talent in articulation and teaching. He was exactly what I needed and millions of others in the world needed, and he's what millions more still need today. God knows what he's doing in our lives. I think we, as latter day saints, I need to walk in our faith that in the vast space of eternity, he will Come to know the same truths and blessings that we have known in this church during this lifetime on earth. I believe jordan peterson was called upon to sacrifice that possibility in this lifetime in order to save millions of lives. But that doesn't mean he won't one day be blessed with the same understandings that we enjoy now. 🙏 LDS or not LDS, There are people in the world that save millions of lives during their lifetime... Thank god for them all! God's plan for us is perfect and good, Even if it doesn't make sense in the moment, Trust me... Perspective is everything. This is why I am grateful that Jordan Peterson wasn't and hopefully will never become LDS - Which is why he can never read the book of mormon. I want more people to hear jordan's words, And to begin, to find their way back like I have... ...God knows what he's doing. I promise.
@dukeofsahib4967 9 ай бұрын
This Channel and Jordan have something in common. When it comes to the three monotheistic religions they’ve talked about Christians and Muslims but they haven’t finished the trilogy yet. Jordan released a message to Christians and Muslims but not to Jews. Why? We get a hard truths about Islam video but not a hard truths about Judaism video. Why?
@hansenjacob1986 9 ай бұрын
Because Paul basically covered all that in the New Testament ;)
@chu381us 8 ай бұрын
Interesting that you falsify the venue and the purpose of J.P.'s speech in the title of your post.
@nathanschaupp9709 9 ай бұрын
Well done Jake. Jordan is a Latter-Day Saint and doesn't even know it. I wonder if he's done any digging on the validity of the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the church/priesthood?
@justjamie7577 9 ай бұрын
You should have named this episode Jordan Peterson proves the gospel is true.
@lrsvalentine 9 ай бұрын
😂😂😂And yet we find mostly religious people in prison.
@Aristotle33 9 ай бұрын
Where’s the precise data on that claim? Being a member of a religion and being an engaged believer are two separate categories. Jacob’s and Jordan’s message is about the latter category.
@tvede1027FML 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the irrelevant information
@davidjanbaz7728 9 ай бұрын
That's because atheists R such a small minority !
@eagleriver90 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, Id like to read those statistics, too. I think most of the "religious" people in prison "find God" there...because theres not a whole lot else to do there!! Plus it looks good for parole. Not to be TOO cynical lol!!
@blainepalmer5967 9 ай бұрын
This is a good way to say you’ve never been to prison
@bryancsimmons 9 ай бұрын
Trying to hijack Peterson's thoughts into Mormonism is a huge mistake.....there is a reason why he scrolled past many questions about the BoM and thoughts of the church while he was here at the Utah event. He didn't want to upset his audience. Peterson talks about religion as an archetype, something for society to strive for, which I do agree with him here. You can frame history into whatever beliefs you want but its obvious what Joseph was doing. You can watch current FLDS videos to see that.
@lemjwp1756 9 ай бұрын
The fact that the FLDS can pervert the gospel doesn't diminish the authentic gospel.
@bryancsimmons 9 ай бұрын
@@lemjwp1756 try listening to them. Peter Santenello just did a fantastic series on the FLDS church. I would highly recommend it. If you listen to them, you'll realize that many things they say are exactly how the mormon church acted 20 to 30 years ago. Are you telling me that the current Q15 of the church haven't perverted the gospel?
@realtomtomeny 9 ай бұрын
You are all Jesus! Jesus says so! Jesus' most important words are found in the Sermon on the Mount. There and then, speaking not just to believers but to the multitude, Jesus said, "Ye are the light..." In John 14:20, Jesus said simlar, "On that day you will know that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me, and you are in me as I am in you." Everyone who will ever read this is as Jesus. You came to Earth from your pre-existence in the Spirit world to put on a body. You are as divinely conceived as He. And, as He, you go through life making mistakes, for that is how we learn. This is why we don't hear about Jesus from age 12 to 30, as even He was off making mistakes. But the last time we do hear of HIm was at age 12, apparently breaking a commandment by dishonoring His parents. Yet Jesus did not sin, and we children of God do not sin either. For sin requires full knowledge that what we do is wrong, and when we have full knowledge, we cannot sin, for to have full knowledge is to be a god, and God does not sin. While this argument is circular, go outside at night to know that we live in a circular world. Everything you see is circular. Yet our circular world is just as surely a spiral. A spiral as all those circles move through time. We, both individually and collectively, spiral up as we become more as God over time. And, just as surely, we, individually and collectively, spiral down as we become less like God. The difference between spiral up and spiral down is your choice. The fundamental choice, for all, is to center your life on you, or to center your life on all those around you. Centered on you, you are indeed the center of your own universe. And you fall, fast, down the center of the spiral of life. Centered on others, you continue to travel up the spiral, and in fact you can stay on that safe outer edge away from self centeredness, and you will not fall. In my Church, of Jesus Christ, we call this outer edge of life's great spiral, "the covenant path". On the covenant path we live, move, and have our being in Jesus, for He's Us. We pull others away from the dangerous self center of the spiral, and teach them to look up and out, to be as Jesus, for we are all as Jesus, particularly you. Are you Jesus? That is how I choose to see each and every one of you. Will you make that same choice?
@stephenwagner2688 9 ай бұрын
Why would Joseph aim to take Jesus’s duty of establishing Zion?
I respect Jordan Peterson as a psychologist who allows himself to be enslaved to truth and helping people find meaningful life. This speech though, is not the truth! I have listened to the entire speech on the ARC channel and have been following mr. Peterson since his first appearance on the news. My comment though does not address mr. Peterson’s call but rather the blind affiliation of this video’s author to something a christian should think twice before questioning or accepting mr. Peterson’s speech as ‘greatest speech’, even with a question mark. I have no doubt God stirs up mr. Peterson’s heart and soul. Hallelujah!!! However, should we allow psychology to even remotely remove Jesus and the Father’s wrath and love, both expressed on the cross in Jesus Christ, in death and resurrection? Unfortunately, mr. Peterson does it continually. And that makes me hear him call people to build another Tower of Babel by moving society away from hell and closer to Heaven. A noble and higher level calling, some may say; however that is not Zion! Many historical figures have used the Bible just like mr. Peterson and many do it today, even the organized religion does it. They want to control masses, society using Biblical concepts not realizing even a bit they are forcing spiritual concepts to secular society that denies the Creator. I’m not hearing how mr. Peterson’s call aligns or calls society to align to the central message of the Bible: God’s sovereignty to create and judge, Adamic sin weaving through all generations and making every heart evil and deceiving, God’s righteous wrath and Jesus’ redemptive power to appease this righteous wrath, which results in God’s accepting grace and our unquestionable salvation. I’m sorry you call yourselves christians, just like some in the churches in the first two chapters of the book of Jesus’ Revelation, and have not a discernment to see secularism, or socialism for that matter. And you call other, honestly seeking God christians, to listen to a secular worldview that fantasizes what God should do, you know, because an Adamic offspring is so smart and has such a great idea. Be careful Thoughtful Faith and know the world is watching how some so called christians abandon God for secular ideas. Then society blames all christians for hypocrisy. Cite what Jesus said, not what others said in their aspirations. !!! Read the beautiful and promising book of Jesus’ Revelation! This is the book you have to read! Does it say people have anything to give the Almighty Sovereign Creator and His Lamb for the creation of the new Jerusalem, the new City? GOD, SOVEREIGNLY, does everything for those who love Him, profess Jesus as the Son of God and carry the Faith and the Word of Jesus. That is so that nobody could even fathom the inception of an idea to brag about anything they did to bring God’s Kingdom closer. Only Jesus has that right. Eph. 2:9-10 / Rom. 11:33-36. The rest is self attributed and self gratifying pride = a thing to which God is inherently opposed. Also called idolatry, cult of personality, and I call it arrogant ignorance to the fact that our heart is inherently evil. There’s nothing we may give God but accept His Grace in Jesus Christ. Please open your eyes, keep them on Jesus alone and pray with the second to last verse of the Bible ‘Come soon Jesus!’
@blainepalmer5967 8 ай бұрын
@paulhallett1452 9 ай бұрын
Jacob - Jesus Christ has a Church. Who is your Master? Mo feely feels - God is asking. Joseph has his reward - you must not attain it; obey Christ, His Vicar; his Bride
@blainepalmer5967 9 ай бұрын
@mr.peachychandler4470 9 ай бұрын
The philosophies of men mingled with scripture. I mean shit, the disclaimer at the beginning of this video says that clearly. Jacob is a false prophet looking to exalt himself. Doesn't really believe the church is true.
@ikerd9661 9 ай бұрын
@mr.peachychandler4470 9 ай бұрын
@@ikerd9661 "Huh" indeed.
@johnroot838 9 ай бұрын
I'll be impressed with Jordan Peterson when he bears bold witness of the Restoration and The Book of Mormon. Until then...meh
@technerdchic 3 ай бұрын
Jordan wouldn't be able to help people out of the darkness Who need to hear his message if he was lds. What if it's part of his life's plan to not become lds... To sacrifice that opportunity in this lifetime, in order to save millions of souls who desperately need to hear his message, but would not be able to if they knew he was lds?? I am a proud member of the lds church, and I love Jordan Peterson... but... Thank god Jordan Peterson isn't LDS... And I hope he never becomes LDS in this lifetime. Hear me out... I have a very strong reason for feeling this way. If you think i'm wrong after reading what i'm about to tell you, Please, by all means, reply and let me know why... REALLY.... but All I ask is you first hear me out and read my thoughts on why I feel the way I feel about this particular subject. We're all taught In the lds church, that unless you experience some darkness in your life... You can't really know or be able to appreciate gods light to the fullest. I fell away from the mormon church at age 18, when I decided to see what else life had to offer... Slowly, I became enveloped into darkness - And at some point I was so deeply entrenched that I had become convinced there was no way back out of it. As I sunk deeper end deeper into that darkness, Out of utter hopelessness and despair, I even prayed a few times for god's help... but received no answers. In fact, after praying, things in my life seemed to only get worse... So I had all but proclaimed at that point that I was an atheist. If god even did exist, I felt I had been ignored by him... That he had turned his back on me, and left me to perish in the darkness that was surrounding me. I didn't even necessarily blame him - I was willing to own my bad choices, and realize I had walked myself into the darkness, But once there, Realizing that my prayers weren't being answered, and that life was actually getting worse when I did pray, I came to the horrible conclusion that I may have doomed myself for all eternity. That, perhaps it was far too late for me. What was my value in the world, If god had turned against me? It was far easier And honestly at the time made far more since to Rationalize him as being nonexistant, than to acknowledge his existance and simultaneously have to feel the pain of being ignored and rejected by him. But it turns out, god had a really good reason for not answering those prayers... And even for making things worse for me every time I prayed. He knew me, and knew I would have to be in a darker place still... in complete and utter darkness in order to notice a small pinpoint of light that I believe he had planned to bring into my life when the time was right. That pinpoint of light, for me, and millions of others in the world, was Jordan Peterson. AND HERE'S WHY I THANK GOD JORDAN PETERSON WASN'T AND MAY NEVER BE LDS (AT LEAST NOT IN THIS LIFETIME).... Had Jordan Peterson come in as a member of the Mormon church, I would have dismissed his message immediately and entirely. Not MAY have, I WOULD have! If I knew that Jordan Peterson was LDS When I first heard him speak, None of his words would have gotten through to me. And the blessings and miracles that have happened in my life since I've been listening to his lectures, would have never occurred. Am with as far down as I had sunk by the time I discovered him, I truly don't even like to think about where I would be now if it weren't for the fact that I was willing to give him a chance, and hear what he had to say. Jordan peterson is not LDS and may never become LDS in this lifetime. But in the vast space of eternity... We all will have opportunities to do anything we ever dreamed of. When it comes to Jordan, Peterson's mortal life, I believe it was actually god's plan for him NOT to read the Book of Mormon. God made a promise with that book, And it wouldn't be broken with jordan. So, if Jordan, read that book and the promise was fulfilled, (as i believe it would be), He would no longer be able to reach so many who have fallen away and need the help that only he can so skillfully deliver. I testify to this truth, because i've been there. This is a good man who deserves our respect and reverence. I thank God every day for this man.... He pulled me out of a place of true death. Thank god he was someone I was willing to listen to, Because he wasn't wearing a badge from any religious group, Nor did he possess any kind of religious bias... He was simply a well educated human being who had hope to share with me, And was able to deliver it beautifully due to his incredible talent in articulation and teaching. He was exactly what I needed and millions of others in the world needed, and he's what millions more still need today. God knows what he's doing in our lives. I think we, as latter day saints, I need to walk in our faith that in the vast space of eternity, he will Come to know the same truths and blessings that we have known in this church during this lifetime on earth. I believe jordan peterson was called upon to sacrifice that possibility in this lifetime in order to save millions of lives. But that doesn't mean he won't one day be blessed with the same understandings that we enjoy now. 🙏 LDS or not LDS, There are people in the world that save millions of lives during their lifetime... Thank god for them all! God's plan for us is perfect and good, Even if it doesn't make sense in the moment, Trust me... Perspective is everything. This is why I am grateful that Jordan Peterson wasn't and hopefully will never become LDS - Which is why he can never read the book of mormon. I want more people to hear jordan's words, And to begin, to find their way back like I have... ...God knows what he's doing. I promise.
@joolz5747 9 ай бұрын
I can’t listen to the whole thing, but I heard the first few minutes and that was enough for me. It sounds like Joseph Smith thought he was God. Because Jesus did what he wanted to do Jesus did it he already did it. Why did he have to reinvent the wheel or whatever he was trying to do? It was all about Joseph Smith obviously. Jesus was not like that at all and I think it conflicts frankly. I don’t know much about the Mormons, except that they don’t believe similarly to the Christians. And I think we should listen to Jesus, not Joseph Smith and I mean Jesus in the Christian faith and not changed from a different Bible. I respect your views and you can be what you want but I thought that I was pretty shocked when you were talking about he wanted to transform this and do this and do that and make this wonderful community and create the Mormon people and she has already did that guys that’s all I can say. If I’m wrong, then forgive me but that’s how I feel. Thank you and God bless you.
@johneboy910 9 ай бұрын
I wonder if the 30 pieces of silver that Peterson has received has anything to do with certain topics, events and players he avoids discussing..
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