*LYRICS* 「そう あたし 見透かされていたガール。 “Yes, I am, a girl who you’ve all seen right through. それって劣等感、劣等感かな Or maybe that’s a feeling of inferiority, just feelings of inferiority 今すぐ見惚れたい、ねえ、これ我侭かな?」 I want to fall in love right now, hey, is that selfish?” 何一つ 答えなど呑み込めず Not even one, I can’t seem to get any answer through my head 重ねた自問自答の果てまで No matter how much I ask questions to myself 咲きかけてた才を見初められず Without anyone falling for my blooming talents その場しのぎの情を積み上げて I’m piling up makeshift feelings 「ねえ あたし 暇なく泣きたいガール。 “Hey, I am, a girl who wants to get busy crying. それでも結構、結構 I would be fine with just that, just fine. 勘違いをただ繰り返して今、これ面白いかい?」 I’m repeating the same mistakes over and over again, is this entertaining for you?” 紙一重 擬態など見破れず Even if by a hair, I can’t seem to see through any imitation. 呆れ切ってクラっとなる心で My heart has gotten so disgusted and dizzy over this. 楽になった今日の独りを、ただ、 Now that I’ve calmed down today, I’m just, ひたすらに味わい尽くして Earnestly tasting solitude until it runs out. 期待 期待 振り払って Expectations, expectations, shake them off 見たい 見たい ものも無くて I want to see, I want see nothing 唄え 唄え 君しかいない! Sing, sing, You’re the only one I have! 声の音、聴かせて欲しいわ I want you to listen to the sound of my voice. 「だいきらいさ、だいきらいさ」 "I hate you, I hate you” 大人びた声 That grown up voice こじらせたあたしの劣等、劣等 劣等症! Exacerbated my inferiority, inferiority, inferiority disease! がらん、がらん 寂しさに飽いて wallow in it, wallow in it, growing sick in loneliness. 「あんたなんか、しらないわ」 “Someone like you, I don’t give a shit about” 理由もなく流れ落ちる感情を今すぐ、 These feelings which are flowing down without a purpose, 今すぐ忘れたいの! I want to forget about them right right now! さらけ出したあたしの色 見てる かしら I wonder if you’re looking at my exposed colors. 「ねえ あたし 隙間なく咲きたいガール “Hey, I am, a girl that wants to bloom without any relents. それでも結構 I’m even fine with just that ああ 勘違いをただ繰り返して今、 Ah, I’m repeating the same mistakes over and over again, それ面白いかなあ?」 is this entertaining for you?” あれ、どこに探しても見つからない What the.. I can’t find it anywhere やけになり見透した心の底 Depressed down to the depths of my transparent heart その場所に眠った独りを、 I’m sleeping inside such depths alone ただ、ひたすらに味わい尽くしていた I’m just, earnestly tasting that alone until it runs out 期待 期待 振り払って Expectations, expectations, shake them off 見たい 見たい ものは無くて I want to see, I want to see nothing 唄を唄うあたしだって、したい、したいことばかりさ This me whose singing songs, what I want to do, what I want to do are a lot of things. 伝え 伝え 音に沿って I’ll send it over, I’ll send it over, follow the sounds. 似たい 似たい 色なんてないわ I want to be, I want to be, no color fits me. 向かえ 向かえ 君しかいないの Head forward, head forward, you’re the only one I have 声の音、聴かせてくれないかな? Can you listen to the sound of my voice? 「咲いたよって、泣いてしました」 “As soon as I bloomed, did I cry” 無意識の向こう側 On the other side of my unconscious, 吐きだしたあたしの痛みを認めたいの? do I want to accept the pain that I’ve spit out? からんからん 夕景に沈んだ dong dong.., It’s sunk into the sunset ーどうしたのって、ききたくて ー足りない言葉で枯らした声も、 今はただ 今はただ ー見てよ、見てよと唄う今日でした - What happened, is what I want to ask - Though lacking in words, even my withered voice is, Now it’s just Now it’s just… - Look at it, look at it because I’m singing today 「だいきらいさ だいきらいだ」 “I hate you, I hate you” 「あんたなんか、しらないわ」 “someone like you, I don’t give a shit about” だいきらいでしょうがないな It’s only obvious that I hate you 音もなくこぼれ落ちる感情を今すぐ、 今すぐ忘れたいの These feelings that are overflowing down without making a sound, I want to forget about them right right now. さらけ出したあたしの色 素敵 かしら I wonder if my exposed colors are pretty. 見てるかしら? I wonder if you’re looking?