Nice music 逃がしてくれって声を枯らした Let me run away, I whimpered あたしの願いなど叶うでしょうか Will my measly wish ever be granted 目を合わせて喋れないんだ I can’t look you in the eyes when we talk 喜怒哀楽のどれでさえ No matter which emotion I draw out of the pile 愛してくれって何度叫んだって Gimme love, how many times do I have to shout it 君が見てんのはあたしじゃないな? I’m not the one you’re looking at though, huh? 腑に落ちないことばかりだなぁ None of this sits well with me この世界、世界はさ In this world, this world, y'know 「愛し方なんてわからないんだ」って “I don’t know how to love” I say あたしの言葉は伝うでしょうか Will my measly words ever reach you 振り返ることは出来ないな、ただ唄い続けるだけ There’s no turning back, I can only continue on singing 「ねえ神様、視界はどうだい」夜を虚附く彼女は言うよ¹ “‘Scuse me God, what’s your perspective” says a girl who roams the empty space of night 「なぜあなたの目に映るあたしの横に誰もいない?いない?」 “Why’s there nobody by my side, when I reflect in your eyes? There’s nobody?” SOS鳴らしているんだ I’m sending out the SOS もうそろそろ気付いてくれよ Heed my calls already, c’mon 今日もまたアスファルトのグレー照らすだけだね Alas my efforts only shine light on the gray of asphalt again 放蕩しようぜ Let’s debauch fulfill 徘徊しようぜ Let’s wander off ill 正解なんて誰一人知らない Nobody can deem what I’m supposed to be 「愛してみようぜ」 "Let’s give love a spin” 「失ってみようぜ」 "Let’s lose it all within” あたしの思うまま、逃げ出してみようぜ To my hearts desire, let’s run away and begin 探してくれって何度叫んだって Come find me, how many times do I have to shout it あたしの言葉は届かないや Alas my measly words don’t reach you 振り回されてばかりだなぁ All of this feels manipulative この世界、世界にさ In this world, this world, y'know 愛し方なんて忘れたんだって I’ve forgotten how to love, 君の瞳がささやいたんだ Your eyes whispered the message to me 縋り附くことは出来ないな、また独り声を枯らすだけ I can’t depend on sticking around here, all I’m left with is a shriveled throat 夢の中を歩いてるような夜にあたしは溺れてました Once upon a night of walking through a dream, did I immerse 無意識の片隅に眠るあなたの姿が痛い、痛い You sleeping in the corner of my subconscious, hurt to look at, it hurts その引力に逆らうなんてどうしてもやり切れないんだ Try as I must, I can’t defy the force which pulls us together 真夜中に交わるその思いドラマみたいだね Our feelings mingling in the middle of the night are like a drama 不時着した夜の海で The night takes a crash landing, it’s us ditched upon such sea 何を祈る What do you pray for 誰を彩る Who do you dye in ああ Ahh あたしはまだ何も知らない I still don’t understand anything 焦がし続けるだけ My spirit only continues to burn 夢の中で遊んでるような夜にあたしはあなたを待った Once upon a night of playing amidst a dream, I had waited for you 自意識の裏側に沈むあたしの本音が痛い Stuck sinking back into the hidden side of self-conscious, my true feelings are hurted 痛い It hurts 本当の Nobody 正解なんて knows 誰も the right way 何も things’re 知らない supposed to be 「神様、今日のあたしはどうだい」夜を乱して彼女は言うよ "God, how do you like me now”, says a girl as she perverts the night 「もしあなたの目に映るあたしの横に誰もいないなら "If there truly is nobody at my side when I reflect in your eyes SOS鳴らしているのもうそろそろ終わりにしようか」 Then, there’s no reason for you to keep up this SOS business” 今日もまたアスファルトを踏みしめるだけだね I guess I’ll only be stomping on the asphalt all over again 話をしようぜ Let’s chat free あたしをやろうぜ Let’s do me 世界のルール壊してしまえばいい Fucking break the rules of the world 愛し方なんて The how-to’s of love どうして、どうして Why now, why now あなたの思うままにさせはしないよ I won’t let it go the way your heart desires 放蕩しようぜ Let’s debauch fulfill 徘徊しようぜ Let’s wander off ill 正解なんてあたしがもう決める Now I deem how things are supposed to be 愛してみようぜ “Let’s give love a spin” 失ってみようぜ "Let’s lose it all within” あたしの思うままに愛してみようぜ To my heart’s desire, let’s give love a spin Credits & Keynotes:
Dear wowaka, Today, I can’t believe what I learned : you went to heaven. It lets a big blank in my heart. When I was eight years old, I started to listen to Vocaloid thanks to you. I was victim of harassment at school and the lyrics of all the songs you composed at this period touched me a lot : I can’t even count how many times I cried during listening Unhappy Refrain... I wasn’t really happy at this moment of my life, and I found refuge in your songs, it made me understand a lot of things. Then, I continued to listen to your songs and to become more mature over time with them. I started to smile more, and I met my first true friends, but your songs stilled to resonate in my ears, and the life messages you put into it continued to grown up in my mind. Today, I wanna thank you because I am sure that you did something important for me : your beautiful texts were a part of the things that made the person who I am nowadays. I’m so emotional, I can’t stop crying during writing this comment : I can’t even realize that from today you live in the heaven. Also I have a last thing to tell : even though you’re not with us today, your songs will continue to resonate in our minds, and we’ll never forget you. Good luck to Hitorie members, it’ll be a difficult moment to pass... Thank you for everything, Didi.
@metaknight2815 жыл бұрын
thanks for sharing your story. One of the reasons why I am in love with japanese music (and especially Vocaloid) is that their lyrics actually have a meaning. You know they do not sing about money or fame. they sing about how hard life can be but at the same time they encourage you to never give up. without Vocaloid and the Producers my life would be hell but thanks to them I can keep going...
@hellohi48205 жыл бұрын
Japan isnt a christian country so they might believe something else but wow..
@AMA-bg3bn5 жыл бұрын
Your comment made me cry so much... a happy cry. This was so meaningful, thank you so much for writing this!
@dondodon05 жыл бұрын
You make me cry... Thanks for sharing your story.ありがとう
when this song was released, no one of HITORIE and the rest of the world anticipated that wowaka only had 27 days left. maybe the God is also jealous of his talent. and im so regret to discover his master pieces so so late. again RIP wowaka, for both your vocaloid and hitorie