One more thing to consider is that each transcend card is able to flip so long as you play one of them, hold priority, and then follow up with the other. That way both will see another blue being played and you will get both back in hand as Chi.
@RedZoneRogue9 ай бұрын
Shenanigans I say!
@shawnfickett37349 ай бұрын
Im making a Zen LL deck immediately
@Sausageontoast9 ай бұрын
'chipped' playstations - man this takes me back to my adolescence 😅
@tam-ka-blam97369 ай бұрын
Really loved Heavy Hitters, but I think I am going to love this set even more. Nuu scares me so much though that it is making me consider making a mono yellow guardian build and testing to see if it even works.
@chisholm8889 ай бұрын
Mucho love x
@GoAgainGaming9 ай бұрын
had to shout out the english lads!
@MateuszWArt9 ай бұрын
The flight from Poland to Tokyo is 1000 usd both ways. Kel are you going to cover Warlord CCG when the Kickstarter releases?
@RedZoneRogue9 ай бұрын
Possibly! I played the original as a kid and still have some. I'll be following it for sure
@GoblinReserve6 ай бұрын
Got to be honest I missed a good portion of this video while I was doing outside work. I doubt it but in case I was mentioned “relevant reply” if not ummm great video… yeah stir the pot!😅 Hope to see you in TLTMN Kel!
@6seph99 ай бұрын
The art is crushing Even if they're not my classes, I just want to have those cards
@BBpaintball9 ай бұрын
The water commons are way above rate as blue pitch cards. 0/4, 1/5, 2/6, 3/7 on a 3 resource card is really good
@darkstar7669 ай бұрын
I remember when my win and in at battle hardened Philly was against Brodie…. 😂😂
@ValariaxSword9 ай бұрын
I’m stoked for the marvels in this set. All of them look great so far. Probably will end up playing Enigma.
@retrofraction9 ай бұрын
Go to the Dinosaur/Ninja hotel.
@aladoristcg37699 ай бұрын
You goofed, I'm booking a hostel for like $15 a night for my days in Tokyo
@GoAgainGaming9 ай бұрын
well hot diggity donut, i did indeed goof it up, but i cannot wait regardless! :D