Hollywood's Customer Relations & Marketing Crises

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The Paladin Jock

The Paladin Jock

3 ай бұрын

Hollywood is at a crisis point. They have been ignoring their customers and their market data, in favor of their social agendas. Day by day, that bill is coming due. Hollywood sits on the greatest treasure trove of marketing data the world has ever seen and they are willfully ignoring it. Stock prices, corporations and financial markets run on $ and profits, not social equity points. Will Hollywood make the necessary changes or seal their fate?
#Disney #Marvel #StarWars #Marketing #Customers #Hollywood KZbin Show Clip Credits: #Nerdrotic #CriticalDrinker Check Them Out At: ‪@nerdrotic‬ ‪@TheCriticalDrinker‬

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@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
RE: Star Wars being formulaic, I was referring to The Hero's Journey, not suggesting they give us more of what we've already had. I should have been more concise. Break it down to the Hero's Journey and with that, give us some new, original stories that we aren't expecting. Cheers 🍻
@sprinkle61 2 ай бұрын
If Hollywood could make something new and original, why buy Star Wars at all ? Of course, the answer is, they CAN'T make anything original, at least not in large enough numbers to make any real money. They own Star Wars to milk it's memberberries for every drop of green alien titty milk they can squeeze out of it, and they used Mark Hamill and the other OG cast to do it, even thought they ARE way too old for this sh!t. In the Disney Star Wars movies, all of the new characters were completely uninteresting, and they couldn't figure out anything cool to do with them, and the Disney + shows were just complete jokes, that somehow cost what an actual movie would have cost. I'm not sure if even Lucas could have made a decent episode 7-9, just because his ideas for those movies had also left the heroes journey, and I'm not sure the envisioned plots would have been interesting in movie form.
@HolyknightVader999 2 ай бұрын
The Star Wars Expanded Universe did that.
@HolyknightVader999 2 ай бұрын
​@@sprinkle61They should have let STAR WARS die with some dignity instead of sucking the corpse dry for profit.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
@@HolyknightVader999 Even the EU got a bit ridiculous 😂 But I’ll take the best of the EU any day
@HolyknightVader999 2 ай бұрын
@@ThePaladinJock Exactly. It was ridiculous, but in a fun sort of way.
@maharri-rasankofa2339 2 ай бұрын
They’re training the next generation to appreciate less. Saves them a ton of money and effort.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
Sadly, so true. It’s a systematic lowering of expectations.
@Daniel-gs5wv 2 ай бұрын
Minimum Wage Best Buy employee isn't paid enough to care
@sg5184 2 ай бұрын
Minimum wage use to buy alot more to
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
They’re definitely not, but the store managers making $100K used to and had power to make actual customer service decisions. Like I said , it’s the corporate decision makers that drive policy and their policy has driven me to take my $10K or so I spend a year on electronics, elsewhere. Corporate should care. But, Best Buy stores are closing left and right as online sales continue to decline as well. Best Buy had its glory days. RIP another store chain.
@sg5184 2 ай бұрын
@@ThePaladinJock and maybe that's part of the problem why is a store manager making almost as much as a physician? I completely understand why youth feels discouraged, buying power for these jobs is at below the poverty level and there are no more bootstraps to grasp for.
@amamdawhatever 2 ай бұрын
The modern business model is that the stock price is the product, that’s it. Quarter over quarter growth of the stock price is all the MBAs care about.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
Very true. The average investor doesn’t care that much as long as they see growth. But in cases like Disney, when you’re doubling the stock price with steady growth over years and then halving that stock price in a very short time, based on very obvious and public decisions, the natives get restless.
@amamdawhatever 2 ай бұрын
True, which means a CEO change and layoffs, then back to BAU of trying to make Blackrock and the other hedge funds happy. @@ThePaladinJock
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
@@amamdawhatever Sadly, you're spot on.
@moonlambo5229 2 ай бұрын
Best buy are idiots. I only shop there if I have no other choice.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
There’s only one good store in our entire area where the employees care and are knowledgeable and that’s the one I went to. Unfortunately their hands were tied. The other 7 stores are ghost towns with idiot employees that don’t care and couldn’t answer a question.
@bgiv2010 2 ай бұрын
"Art is just products now." That's capitalism for you. Things won't improve until business is run by the actual workers (as you suggested). But that won't make things less appealing to newer or younger audiences nor will it end the "subversion of expectations" because that's entertaining. Things will just be less influenced by studio executives and shareholders. In other words, the future will be characterized by either socialism or barbarism.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
I like when expectations are subverted. I probably should have elaborated more. I just don’t like it when a hack like Rian Johnson “subverts expectations” just for the sake of “subverting expectations” with no real artistic merit behind it. In the hands of a talented director, it can create a masterpiece. In the hands of someone like Rian Johnson, it just creates an unrecognizable piece of crap 😂
@moonlambo5229 2 ай бұрын
Vote with your wallet.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
100%. Only reason I hung on with Best Buy was that they are brick and mortar and they gave me that great customer service in the past. They’ve now lost my wallet.
@bgiv2010 2 ай бұрын
All that does is ensure we only get whatever those with the fastest wallets want. Why invoke democracy when talking about capitalism when they're opposites? Unless you like oligarchy. Because that's how you get an oligarchy.
@astrladam4392 2 ай бұрын
I like this angle a lot and totally agree. Refreshing too because while I agree with a lot of Nerdrodic and Critical Drinker, they are both extremely repetitive, angry and just plain winey
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
Thanks! Appreciate it. I love those guys, they're amazing at what they do and I 100% get where they are coming from. I try my best to stay optimistic and hopeful with my favorite IP's but I'm also a realist. These companies aren't making it easy, but I try to be the eternal optimist.
@mevestiller 2 ай бұрын
Yeah but Bloomingdale’s also got 1000s of customers that started to take advantage of the return policy. Right?
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
Good question and in theory you would think that, but they made changes to the policy after the tires. It had to be their product. So in essence it was no longer a pure “no questions asked” but they still were regarded as having the best return policy. I forget what the overall net gain was, but it was substantial.
@bgiv2010 2 ай бұрын
I love the call to action for boycott at the end but, I feel like I should warn you. Depending on the vibes, you could end up with support from either the Far-Left or the Far-Right. This is your customer strike so the choice is yours. I'm just saying... Where do you want this thing to go? Peaceful protest can only achieve but so much so it's important to have realistic goals. We're going to have to literally fight for things like the Right to Repair, for example. However popular movements attract extremists. I'm curious which ones you'd rather oblige.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
I have no interest in either side Im a fiscal conservative, sociall liberal and both sides annoy me 😂 The Far Right likes to pretend things don’t exist and the Far Left likes to pretend the world is ending. Climate change being a prime example.. My other degree is in Physics with an Astro emphasis, so I had to study a lot of meteorology, climatology and Paleoclimatology. The Far Right pretends it’s a myth and the Far Left has weaponized it to try and attach all their bull crap pork spending bills to it. I should have elaborated more on that part at the end as well. The video started out at about 18 minutes and I wanted to keep it as close to 10 as possible. I don’t really want a boycott per se . I want the consumer to just be a little wiser with their money. I feel we’ve all become a bit robotic in our spending, myself included, and companies have ran with it. I think it’s time for the customer to just become a bit more discerning again. There’s probably another video in there somewhere. Great comments and insight. Cheers 🍻
@Xaphino 2 ай бұрын
Pretty good analysis!
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! Stuff breaks. Bad things get made. Shit happens. Just sad to see companies caring less and less about their customers.
@MangoChunks 2 ай бұрын
I sort of disagree on some of the points you’re making about the customer should have to be pandered to. From what it sounds like, you’re saying you just want more of the same. Especially with movies the ones that stand out and make the cultural impact in the long run aren’t the paint by numbers films. It’s the risks. For example Dune part one and part two. There can’t be any real market data to tell us that Dune part one would be a cultural success. Loved the video though. Very entertaining to watch. I’m a current marketing student and it was cool to hear your thoughts on this all.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot. Great to hear you’re a marketing student. Stick with it, lots of cool, interesting jobs out there right now. I’m about to start a guerrilla campaign for a friend’s niche retro tv/film premium format magazine. As far as pandering, I wanted to keep the video to 10 minutes, but I should have elaborated more. What I was getting at and even I noticed I could have stated better, is that Star Wars has a core formula. Just its bare bone basics in storytelling style, not actual story or subject matter. Stripped down to its very frame. Basically the hero’s journey. Start with that and then make it as unique and original as possible. I’m not someone who wants more Skywalker stories. I didn’t even want a sequel trilogy. I wanted a Knights Of The Old Republic type story. Dune Part 1 Denis took some liberties, because they aren’t linear style books, but he strictly followed The Hero’s Journey and that's why it resonated with audiences. We went along for the ride with Paul like we did with a young Luke. Ups & downs. The Kenobi series, Boba Fett, the sequels, were all just sterile, lazy piles of sludge in my opinion. I think its possible to tell something fresh, exciting and unique but also follow the core basics of Star Wars. At some point I'll probably make a video elaborating on just this idea.
@MangoChunks 2 ай бұрын
@@ThePaladinJock I’ll definitely be on the lookout for that video! I agree that they are very bare bones in the sense of a hero’s journey. I think there is some quote about 90% of stories coming from 3 general story structures or something like that. What is interesting about the story of Dune is that it's showing a downfall more than a rising up. This is what will be most interesting for me to see when it comes to Dune Messiah. Will they keep Timothee as the face of the film and market it as him being the star or will they lean heavier on Zendaya as the "good side". Side note about the cool jobs part. Currently applying places as I graduate this May. I am intrigued in film marketing. Do you have any advice about breaking into the job market? Its rough out there right now hahahaha
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
@@MangoChunks Paul is getting the fall Anakin deserved. Tough to guess where they will go. Chani in the books is all-in with Paul. I have a feeling she'd come back to him in the films. I think the only reason Denis ended the film like that, was to show casual fans that Paul was starting to lose control. Chani was his way of showing that, the fact she was upset with him. Kind of like when Padme said "I don't know you anymore." I'd guess the next film starts out with her coming back in the fold with him because she loves him. As for breaking in, I'd recommend one of two ways: either trying to get in with a large company that has a recognizable name and reputation, that will look good on your resume for your next job or get in with a smaller, younger company, where you will gain more experience and likely have a variety of job roles that will look good for your next employer. It's when you get caught in the middle that sucks. Either name recognition and reputation or smaller company, hands on experience is best for that first job. If you want to try and go straight into movie marketing, you just need to get your foot in the door any way possible. My friend worked for Paramount after college. I think he started as an assistant.
@raven-sf3di 2 ай бұрын
I would disagree with you, there is a reason we have genre films and comics . Genre is another way of saying culture and counter culture. Like lord of the rings but want it in space. Well there is a genre for that. The Japanese industry always says you should think of what's appealing to an audience . In Japan it's about the "sale" of an idea I.e the ego needed to play football Vs a manga about the power of friendship and football Vs being the son of a famous footballer and living up to expectations. The American industry has become about the ego of the sales team . It's like a person standing in front of your TV trying to get your attention. They have turned the industry into one of idol worship where you're supposed to worship the people making it. Dune worked not because it was fresh, but because it had that old Hollywood charm
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
@@raven-sf3di I agree with every single thing you just said. So I'm trying to figure out what you specifically disagree with. Those were kind of some of the points I was hinting at. Unfortunately you can't go in depth on every point or you end up with a 40 minute video that nobody will watch 😂 My point was Hollywood is all about ego. That's the crisis. They don't care about the art, they care about the prestige they hope it brings, unfortunately they skip the art part. Meanwhile countries like Japan, South Korea and India are doing "Hollywood" better than Hollywood.
@terrypratt9722 2 ай бұрын
You are awesome!!! You need S M Zeus!!!
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