@emma-janeharrod1948 2 сағат бұрын
This is incredibly powerful. Thank you for this ❤
@xanderunderwoods3363 3 сағат бұрын
This only further justifies why I pirate everything
@ThePaladinJock 2 сағат бұрын
The High Seas is the way to go these days 😂
@robertewalt7789 11 сағат бұрын
My understanding is that the studio gets a higher percentage of ticket sales in the first few weeks, the theater gets a bigger percentage of ticket sales after a few weeks. Of course the theater gets all of the money from popcorn.
@ThePaladinJock 5 сағат бұрын
It depends on the studio. But as a rule of thumb, the easiest way to rough calculate box office is the studio gets 50% of the domestic box office and about 40% of the international, with countries like China taking 70% of the box office. Then for marketing it’s anywhere from double the movie budget to 50%-75% depending on what kind of film it is.
@alejandromolinac Күн бұрын
Funny…. I find most “modern” movies so ugly to look at….. from obvious shots on green screen…. To lazy “pasted on” looking fog and light sources…. To…. Why do “night scenes” now look like they just adjusted the level to make it dark?…. They all look like garbage….
@ThePaladinJock Күн бұрын
So true. They also use the “dark” or “washes” to hide poor CGI, like on the Kenobi Series and Rebel Moon. Modern films lack the artistry that movies on film could achieve when done right. The stuff shot on The Volume is pure trash. In the hands of a capable director, many of these things can be used as tools but we have so many incompetents making films and shows that they use them as crutches
@alejandromolinac Күн бұрын
Yeah…. As I type this…. I am watching the original Alien movie…. Lost of “dark environments” where they shot them just right…. Plenty of strategic lighting to accomplish highlights so you can see what’s going on….. nowadays that would look super flat….
@ThePaladinJock Күн бұрын
@@alejandromolinac It would be all muddled with zero contrast and minimal use of actual lighting. My buddy and I were just talking about the Alien franchise the other day. Movies like Alien and Aliens show there's zero excuse for not having dark scenes look sharp, other than laziness and/or incompetence.
@alejandromolinac Күн бұрын
Ha! So funny….. I mostly enjoy watching “old movies” which I was too young to “get” when they came out…. Or other flicks I missed out on for whatever reason…. And for video Games…. I bought myself an “emulator” system….. now I have EVERYTHING from the past…. I am all set….
@ThePaladinJock Күн бұрын
😂 You my friend, are a man with a plan. I still have all my old retro systems going back to Atari 7800 and mostly watch older films as well. I try to find and support the random gem that comes through and indie films, but that’s about it for new stuff.
@alejandromolinac Күн бұрын
Ha! I got my emulator mostly cause of random arcade games I used to play when I was a teenager in the 90s…. Most of which never got a decent release on home console back in the day!
@ThePaladinJock Күн бұрын
@@alejandromolinac I have an emulator as well for days I'm feeling lazy and don't feel like changing cartridges and discs 😂
@Conn30Mtenor Күн бұрын
Nothing lasts forever. Video games are more interesting than Wokeywoke bullshit.
@ThePaladinJock Күн бұрын
!00% and you get countless hours of entertainment versus a coinflip at best, of whether a 2 hour movie will be good or not.
@Noland55 2 күн бұрын
What people seem to not understand is that movies are a very expensive art form. Do you really expect people to consistently give millions of dollars to satisfy a particular artist's sensibility?
@ThePaladinJock 2 күн бұрын
I’d argue the most common thing people know about film is that it’s an expensive art form but to your point, look at it like Monopoly money. What they’re naive to is the logistics and where the money actually goes. I think very few people have an understanding of that.
@ThePaladinJock 2 күн бұрын
The average person has no idea the cost and coordination needed for something as simple, yet complicated as feeding a crew of extras on location.
@ThePaladinJock 2 күн бұрын
Unfortunately budgets are so out of control as is, then you add in companies like Disney finishing CGI and then editing, as opposed to editing and then finishing CGI, the surprising move away from story boarding and this more recent practice of attaching a bunch of producers on multiple levels that have nothing to do with the project other than collecting a check and slapping their name on the credits and you have the perfect storm for runaway budgets in an already expensive art form.
@xenon6947 2 күн бұрын
Have you heard of "Hollywood accounting," when authors and artists are defrauded of their money and films are made to appear to be losing money in order to deny artists their share of the profits?
@ThePaladinJock 2 күн бұрын
@@xenon6947 I’ve heard of it. I have an accounting minor and it was originally my major, I wanted to be a Forensic Accountant, basically the accountants that go into places like Enron and tear apart the cooked books to see who hid what, where. Hollywood accounting has absolutely happened over the years in some situations. But that’s not what we’re seeing here. This is a mass exodus of theater goers. When you factor in inflation and the cost of tickets and numbers of tickets sold, it’s unreal how far Hollywood has fallen. Cooking books to cheap out on an old comic book creator or author of a book is one thing. But the numbers don’t lie. Even with corporations buying up chunks of tickets and people not looking at number of tickets sold, just looking at the fudged box office numbers with doubled ticket prices from 15 years ago and those box offices still suck, Hollywood is in catastrophic failure. If you take the Star Wars Prequels and adjust for inflation and ticket prices, they blow away the sequels. The sequels suck and now that the real costs of them have come out, it shows how little Disney made on them, but the average consumer just sees box offices over $1 billion and thinks they were successes when they really weren’t.. The average person just sees box office and doesn’t understand or even care, rightfully, about the numbers behind the “box office”.
@brerrabbit9585 4 күн бұрын
Comic book superhero movies, endless remakes, sequels, and franchises, 'flavor of the month' stars, leftist political propaganda , lousy multiplex 'cinemas', and CGI have destroyed the movies forever. May they rest in peace. Have you ever noticed how every film looks exactly like the last one you`ve seen??
@ThePaladinJock 4 күн бұрын
Pretty much what happens when they’re almost all digital and the studios are creatively bankrupt 😂
@ThePaladinJock 4 күн бұрын
It really is sad and pathetic
@harryhoudini714 4 күн бұрын
6:38 These examples of "censorship" for Chinese Audiences are a source of neverending "joy" for me! why? because of the sheer idiocy behind it, thats why! Get this! the Chinese, an ASIAN RACE, is "racist" towards Blacks BUT not towards Whites!!!! got it? I repeat, the chinese, who are NOT WHITE, are "racist" against blacks but NOT against whites! Let me put this in a different context so you get a better picture! the Chinese, a people who are in OPEN DISAGREEMENT WITH THE WHOLE WEST that are a majority of white people, who are currently engaged in many development programs in Africa, which is majority black, are SUPPOSEDLY "racist" towards blacks while they "dont mind" the whites! In the immortal words of Dr. Evil....Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! So I think we can declare that notion BS! but there are other explanations for this! The "over 200 IQ" explanation (which I guarantee isnt the case since the US consists of mentally retarded people from top to bottom) is that this is a scam, a political move of the US to purposely portray the Chinese as "racists" towards the US Population so the People will not resist when they start Wars against China. The other explanation which all things considered makes a lot more sense! the Chinese, unlike the US, dont have a "slavery guilt" towards blacks and therefore they are not ideologically blinded. They can clearly see the intention behind these Movies and know that they are ideological/political PROPAGANDA pieces and therefore refuse to watch them. The US "RETARDS" think that this is because chinese are "racists" (takes one to know one eh?) because their inflated Ego doesnt allow them to look past their own shadows. So in their utter PANIC, fearing they might lose their job and their Latte Frappachinos, they start doing what they would normally do to appease their own People, they CENSOR THE BLACK GUY!!!!! America has turned from the greatest to the most pathetic Nation in History in less than two Decades!
@hyvis4888 6 күн бұрын
@thetalentof 6 күн бұрын
Totally agree with your point about the quality difference with movies shot on film. Looking as gorgeous as they did until the 2010s (thankfully we still have PTA, Nolan, Tarantino, Guadagnino, Shyamalan and Jeff Nichols shooting with it), you can 100% understand why movies felt like special events to get hyped for vs the forgettable and throwaway look that digital gives where you feel indifferent about whether you have time to see a movie or not.
@ThePaladinJock 5 күн бұрын
It’s like CD or MP3 vs Vinyl. I have hundreds of CDs and thousands of iTunes MP3’s, but also have 1,000 vinyls. The only time I listen to CDs of MP3s is when I don’t have access to my vinyls
@zeke1171 7 күн бұрын
He keeps making the same movie
@ThePaladinJock 7 күн бұрын
And I’m sure will continue to, as long as he’s allowed in the writers’ room 😂
@mheiseus 9 күн бұрын
WOKE culture is killing movies
@lackingagoodname3930 9 күн бұрын
@CinemaGatesPictures 14 күн бұрын
My studio is going back to Old School filmmaking.
@ThePaladinJock 13 күн бұрын
It’s so long past due and there is a demand for it. My sister has her PhD and teaches film at university and even younger generations are taking an interest in traditional, true film making. Give me majority practical effects and preferably shot on film 8 days a week.
@Conn30Mtenor Күн бұрын
There are heaps of real, compelling stories that are waiting to be told
@user-putler_kaput 15 күн бұрын
Well, when will we launch #fixhollywood trends? I think it will be relevant.
@ThePaladinJock 15 күн бұрын
I think we’ve reached that “now or never” point for fixing it, once we get through all this backlogged crap
@Dudemaster850 20 күн бұрын
When I Was a teenager in the 1970s going to the theater was a joyfull event.Movies were worth going to. My Genz grandchildren....Hollywho ?
@ThePaladinJock 19 күн бұрын
Same for me in the 80’s and 90’s. It was something to look forward to, all your friends were going to be there, you’d hit up the arcade, have fun waiting in line together. Now it feels like work
@joeaustin2919 21 күн бұрын
1970’s the railway children, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
@user-putler_kaput 15 күн бұрын
The Railway Children was made in UK, not in Hollywood.
@jmsmys13ify Ай бұрын
Looked at the thumbnail, and just had to come say - don't do Costco like that man. This is more of a Dollar General brand.
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
That is a fair point. Costco did not deserve a low blow like that. I don’t think Dollar General even does
@supersasquatch Ай бұрын
Do a Dune 2 versus Rebel Moon 2 review
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
I like where your head is at. I feel it’s going to be “legit eye candy” from someone who cared vs “the 7th Circle Of Hell though
@sadoldgit313 Ай бұрын
I watched Pt2 last night and apart from twenty minutes of improbable action scenes the rest was a drudge of introspective blubbering!
@ThePaladinJock 12 күн бұрын
Spot on analysis
@ShawnmRheaume Ай бұрын
Deadpool and wolverine can save the MCU
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
It can definitely be a great start. Might need to burn it to the ground to save it
@TrenchMan93 Ай бұрын
I personally could care less for the mcu. I just want fun films, that’s what the mcu lost in the infinity saga. Then this, meanwhile even at foxes most shittiest there was fun to he had.
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
Just had this conversation with a friend the other day. The point of movie used to be to have genuine fun, not get some lame lecture
@guygadbois3010 Ай бұрын
I"m already checked out of the Fantastic Four movie because I know the woke stuff comes as a package deal, and the female Silver Surfer and hiring Pascal tells me the woke warriors are in place on that film. We'll just have to hope that Jackman and Reynolds have enough clout to make a good movie within the Disney system but I'm anticipating a 'mid' result at the moment. As for Disney, while it's easy to hire people under DEI guidelines, it's damn near impossible to fire them. Even with all the crap she pulled, when Disney fired Victoria Alonso they ended up in a lawsuit and paid her money to go away . . . can they do that for every diversity hire without going bankrupt? I think not. It may be bitter, but now I want Disney to fail, so that for every company that goes the DEI route I can ask them "Seen any good Disney movies lately?"
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
I’m right there with you. Fantastic Four is hard enough to do as it is because you have to get the family dynamic right and it is based on the 60’s, which is what makes it great but sadly, a family based super hero team is outdated. So to make it harder is yourself as is, is just peak Disney. I love Vanessa Kirby and Joseph Quinn, but this has potential for disaster written all over it
@pablosonic892 Ай бұрын
I don't know. I hear your pitch Dakota Johnson. You are seen. And not gonna lie. Kinda on board nay juiced for your take on the next direction forward in the Spidey-verse. It's all in the title which sells itself. Spiderman: Here he comes. This name is so good they should skip making the movie and just release the title.
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
😂 Your move Sony.
@Thesitdowncomedianhandle Ай бұрын
I really don't get what hollywood sees in Zack Snyder...for him to make a decent film he needs a $400+ million budget and at least 4 hours screen time
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
I don’t either. Especially when he’s best at telling 90 minutes of someone else’s stories instead 😂
@PopcornCobra Ай бұрын
Awesome video dude! Well said my friend
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
Thanks bud. I really did want to like these films. Zack needs to realize writing just isn't his strength, even Kubrick didn't write his best works.
@_dh Ай бұрын
man, bio dome and hudson hawk are some of my favorite movies ever haha.
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
Same here 😂 Mostly because both films know exactly what they are and don’t try to be anything else….and they’re just good, dumb fun.
@_dh Ай бұрын
@@ThePaladinJock Bunny!!!! BALL BALL
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
@@_dh 😂I can't stand prequels or spinoffs, but if I had to make one, I'd be ok with a story about Darwin and Manerva Mayflower.
@_dh Ай бұрын
@@ThePaladinJock that lady was so unhinged it was great
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
@@_dh Perfect role for Sandra Bernhard
@Thesitdowncomedianhandle Ай бұрын
speaking the truth is an everyday occurrence for you. count me as someone who's inspired
@theroguerider Ай бұрын
I’d argue he ISN’T a good visual storyteller. He creates a frame or a painting, but often telling you NOTHING. Like the grain in part two… AND part one now that I think about it. Superman hovering over a scared family with the sun setting behind him. Looks good, but what is it telling us? Superman is in no rush to save people who need it? He likes to mug for the camera? What? No, it’s saying NOTHING as most of it does, it just “looks cool”. I was a fan at the beginning. Dead was good, but missed the consumerism message Romero was saying. 300 was beautiful, but Miller storyboarded and wrote it, so what’s his contribution? Watchmen, same as 300 but Gibbons and Moore did all the work and David Hayter took out the underlying message of the graphic novel. It’s NEVER been anything other than “looks cool” with Zack. Sucker Punch was his woman empowerment movie…. WHAT?! Cool looking, terrible story AND message to empower women. He LOVES making movies, but I don’t think he gets the point of them… at all.
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
I’d agree. I wasn’t really referring to him crafting the story visually, just translating. I wanted to elaborate more but I already had to cut about 4 minutes of video out because it was getting way too long. It’s surprising how fast time goes by and the sacrifices you have to make, when trying to make a point, when you’re trying to keep something to 10 minutes 😂 He’s great at translating page to screen. That’s about it. He doesn’t know how to tell a story.
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
I was actually thinking about doing a video at some point on visuals, that Superman shot being a good example, where at first it looks cool and then you think about it and it makes no sense. Working on a video looking at Empire with a modern eye and how silly some of the things are in that movie, tongue in cheek, but how we will overlook them because the storytelling is good whereas most recent films have zero story so we have all day to nitpick them.
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
Zack and JJ should get together for a trilogy that is just slo-mo lens flares
@guygadbois3010 Ай бұрын
I kept thinking about Snyder going to Subway for a sandwich and while they are preparing his order he's imagining them doing it in slow-motion, staring at them the entire time until they get creeped out and ask him not to come back. Whether that's due to boredom or cheap whiskey I cannot say.
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
😂Now I'm picturing a "Dutch angle" slo-mo shot of someone shaking oregano on Zack's Italian B.M.T lol
@theroguerider Ай бұрын
I won’t mention the frankenstein lens he used for The Army Of The Dead which made me feel like he had just gotten out of his first film class where he learned about Depth Of Field. He’s genuinely the ,often mentioned, kid bashing his figures together. He never evolved. People loved the speed ramping in 300 and he took it as people saying “DO NOTHING BUT THAT!” I would also like to point out I have TWO devastators in my advanced age and thankfully they never transformed into whatever Michael Bay created.
@ThePaladinJock Ай бұрын
@@theroguerider Nice! Bay’s Devastator was so bad. Army Of The Dead was such a disaster. That movie is to visual dysfunction, what Tenet is to audio dysfunction 😂 I still need to buy a Devastator for my collection. Just bought a CIB Optimus, so Devastator might have to be next.
@terrypratt9722 2 ай бұрын
You are awesome!!! You need S M Zeus!!!
@johnhenry6797 2 ай бұрын
What a terrible movie that was. Through the whole thing I felt really annoyed. It was painful to sit through
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
It definitely felt like work and not entertainment 😂
@tjburmesch910 2 ай бұрын
Truth! Nice Demolition man cameo....now I need some Taco Bell! 😂
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
A Border Run is definitely in order
@LimitedCheetah 2 ай бұрын
Heathen! All restaurants are Pizza Hut!
@josephward5436 5 күн бұрын
@@LimitedCheetah Pizza Hut is irrelevant!
@jamesschultz1227 2 ай бұрын
I totally agree. I was a new marvel universe covid era watcher. when I saw with so-called captain marvel, i was like, wtf...so she is stronger than superman? screw that lol. great vid.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
They completely went for the sterile, overpowered Carol Danvers. So predictable and boring
@ZeroDepresiv 2 ай бұрын
It's just the evolution of the race baiters, aint it ?!
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
Prettt much. Undo the actual work for change that good people are trying to do, while making a quick buck.
@guygadbois3010 2 ай бұрын
Nobody gets angrier than a grifer called out on their grift! Their whole business model seems to be racism based in communism and enforced by extortion. Communism, because the 'muh representation' argument is that a valued resource (jobs, movie roles, game characters,etc.) must be distributed by race over all other considerations, i.e., its a redistribution of wealth scheme. Racism, because If you don't follow that redistribution plan, you are a racist. Extortion, as the grifters can be paid off to avoid the racism kerfuffles. In sum, they've a financial stake in racism existing, and thus have a motivation to keep it going, and they are apparently sociopathic enough to do it with an odd righteous arrogance.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
Nailed it. Their true product isn’t narrative consulting, it’s selling a “Get Out Of Jail” card to companies that buys the company protection from the cancel mob….for now. If you took out the names and the parts about gaming and described it to them, they’d think you’re talking about a mafia related protection racket
@adamklein5800 2 ай бұрын
Great comparison! Could've also used the Vikings with the Herschel Walker trade too 😂
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
I was tempted to throw some Herschel in there 😂
@LearnByLeo 2 ай бұрын
this sounds like a tyrion confession
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
@Bioguy5 2 ай бұрын
I swear, the Han Solo point has become a dog-whistle.
@nissan_skyline 2 ай бұрын
God, I can't stand Dakota Johnson. Is she just landing roles because of her famous parents. She's a horrible actress.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
She’s definitely a nepo-baby with an extremely limited acting range 😂
@aprilmae274 2 ай бұрын
...The Smiths or The Pet Shop Boys. This one got me. I am trapped in the Loop now...
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
Not a bad loop to be in 😂 I currently have “Hatful Of Hollow” on my turntable
@LicensetoShill 2 ай бұрын
Don't forget the worst part of that Saints trade where Cincinnati turned it down to draft a mediocre qb
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
So true. Imagine turning down all that draft capital to draft Akili Smith 😂 They likely would have still gotten Akili at #12 too. Or possibly ended up with Culpepper. Double whammy
@bad-people6510 2 ай бұрын
It was the people who most loved the early seasons of GoT that most hated the ending.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
I didn't mind Bran on the throne. It kind of makes sense. They need someone to bring stability while the country rebuilds. I just hated how rushed it was and for once, it wasn't a studio's fault. Daenerys's turn was way too fast and about as believable as Anakin's in Revenge Of The Sith. If Season 8 had about 4 more episodes, and some stronger writing, I probably would have liked it more. Benioff & Weiss were just in over their heads without source material to work from. Season 8 almost felt like a spinoff.
@bad-people6510 2 ай бұрын
@@ThePaladinJock Bran on the throne was the least of the problems.
@bgiv2010 2 ай бұрын
I love the call to action for boycott at the end but, I feel like I should warn you. Depending on the vibes, you could end up with support from either the Far-Left or the Far-Right. This is your customer strike so the choice is yours. I'm just saying... Where do you want this thing to go? Peaceful protest can only achieve but so much so it's important to have realistic goals. We're going to have to literally fight for things like the Right to Repair, for example. However popular movements attract extremists. I'm curious which ones you'd rather oblige.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
I have no interest in either side Im a fiscal conservative, sociall liberal and both sides annoy me 😂 The Far Right likes to pretend things don’t exist and the Far Left likes to pretend the world is ending. Climate change being a prime example.. My other degree is in Physics with an Astro emphasis, so I had to study a lot of meteorology, climatology and Paleoclimatology. The Far Right pretends it’s a myth and the Far Left has weaponized it to try and attach all their bull crap pork spending bills to it. I should have elaborated more on that part at the end as well. The video started out at about 18 minutes and I wanted to keep it as close to 10 as possible. I don’t really want a boycott per se . I want the consumer to just be a little wiser with their money. I feel we’ve all become a bit robotic in our spending, myself included, and companies have ran with it. I think it’s time for the customer to just become a bit more discerning again. There’s probably another video in there somewhere. Great comments and insight. Cheers 🍻
@bgiv2010 2 ай бұрын
Trust me. These companies are making more money than ever pissing off people like you and that pisses off people like me because they aren't even good messages. It's not like "corporate wokeness" (for lack of a better expression) is actually informed by progressive ideology. It's just a money grab. That's the beauty of monopoly power. Yes, companies will implode but they will be bought by a major studio. When merger and acquisition is the best way to achieve the goal of maximum profits, your wants and needs are completely irrelevant. Just like how politicians only consider their donors to be their real constituents, so too do companies only consider their shareholders to be their real customers. The rest of us are mere consumers. We're part of the product. They are only marketing themselves to the wealthy who play the stock market.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
!00% true both in monetary and "ideological" terms. At this point I'm not even pissed off, other than it makes for a more entertaining presentation in a video. In reality, apathy has set in. "Corporate wokeness" is a mask they wear. There is zero principle or true ideology behind it. It's purely for show, social equity points, (whose value is debatable at best) and like you said...a pure money grab. Unfortunately, had I gone done that route, my video instead of going from 20 minutes to 11, would have gone from 20 to 40 😂 I could make 10 videos just on that. Perhaps one in the future would be interesting to dive deeper. I have an economics minor, so I keep a passive interest in the goings on of the market outside my own investments. Though, the things you're alluding to make following it more frustrating than interesting. With oligopolies and monopolies on the rise and enforcement against those things at a dwindling low, the smaller studios and companies can continue to lose money and market share in the short term because the system will just continue to run as it does, up the food chain. Disney is merely pissing around and killing time until a company like Apple buys them. Iger's dream scenario. Then he can ride off into the sunset, patting himself and his ego on the back.
@bgiv2010 2 ай бұрын
"Art is just products now." That's capitalism for you. Things won't improve until business is run by the actual workers (as you suggested). But that won't make things less appealing to newer or younger audiences nor will it end the "subversion of expectations" because that's entertaining. Things will just be less influenced by studio executives and shareholders. In other words, the future will be characterized by either socialism or barbarism.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
I like when expectations are subverted. I probably should have elaborated more. I just don’t like it when a hack like Rian Johnson “subverts expectations” just for the sake of “subverting expectations” with no real artistic merit behind it. In the hands of a talented director, it can create a masterpiece. In the hands of someone like Rian Johnson, it just creates an unrecognizable piece of crap 😂
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
RE: Star Wars being formulaic, I was referring to The Hero's Journey, not suggesting they give us more of what we've already had. I should have been more concise. Break it down to the Hero's Journey and with that, give us some new, original stories that we aren't expecting. Cheers 🍻
@sprinkle61 2 ай бұрын
If Hollywood could make something new and original, why buy Star Wars at all ? Of course, the answer is, they CAN'T make anything original, at least not in large enough numbers to make any real money. They own Star Wars to milk it's memberberries for every drop of green alien titty milk they can squeeze out of it, and they used Mark Hamill and the other OG cast to do it, even thought they ARE way too old for this sh!t. In the Disney Star Wars movies, all of the new characters were completely uninteresting, and they couldn't figure out anything cool to do with them, and the Disney + shows were just complete jokes, that somehow cost what an actual movie would have cost. I'm not sure if even Lucas could have made a decent episode 7-9, just because his ideas for those movies had also left the heroes journey, and I'm not sure the envisioned plots would have been interesting in movie form.
@HolyknightVader999 2 ай бұрын
The Star Wars Expanded Universe did that.
@HolyknightVader999 2 ай бұрын
​@@sprinkle61They should have let STAR WARS die with some dignity instead of sucking the corpse dry for profit.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
@@HolyknightVader999 Even the EU got a bit ridiculous 😂 But I’ll take the best of the EU any day
@HolyknightVader999 2 ай бұрын
@@ThePaladinJock Exactly. It was ridiculous, but in a fun sort of way.
@astrladam4392 2 ай бұрын
I like this angle a lot and totally agree. Refreshing too because while I agree with a lot of Nerdrodic and Critical Drinker, they are both extremely repetitive, angry and just plain winey
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
Thanks! Appreciate it. I love those guys, they're amazing at what they do and I 100% get where they are coming from. I try my best to stay optimistic and hopeful with my favorite IP's but I'm also a realist. These companies aren't making it easy, but I try to be the eternal optimist.
@wolfumz 2 ай бұрын
The problem is the lack of antitrust and fair competition enforcement, which has led to oligopolies and monopolies lacing the us economy. If you don't let it... where else are you going to go? Look at what happened with Boeing. The entire US economy is loaded with Boeings. They figure they can make money ripping you off and rent seeking a lot easier than running an honest business.
@ThePaladinJock 2 ай бұрын
Sadly true. They run the numbers and if it's even a sliver on the side of what direction they'd like to go, they take that path of least resistance. To quote Office Space: "We fixed the glitch." Now, how that manifests in each company, depends on too many variables too count. But there are some companies that could have avoided or staved off their destruction by returning their focus to the customer. Customer service has become a niche market and as the tide turns in some markets, there is a return on a smaller scale, to customer focused business models. But to your point, the oligopolies can just keep cruising along with zero reason to change.