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Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィ

Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィ

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Пікірлер: 102
@雪カワウソ Ай бұрын
超簡易タイムスタンプ(コメントうまくできないので超大枠です) 00:54 start 19:32 警察来店 1:08:03 パン屋到着&パン屋と交流 1:32:40 ポルカ記者来店&接客するママとチーママ 1:42:20 アーニャ&こよ来店  1:55:20 事件発生&カオス 2:24:37 キャバクラに現れた警察に困惑するラミィ 2:27:12 こよに連絡&悪いことをしたいラミィ  2:28:50 こよから愛を疑われて怒るラミィ 2:32:16 こよから連絡&まだ怒ってるラミィ 3:23:43 おかゆん接待 4:05:00 こよから連絡&ママから切るように言われるラミィ 4:09:00 こよに連絡するも… 4:10:20 メッセージ 4:11:00 救急隊&こよ発見 4:13:40 こよの不幸な一日を聞くラミィ
@雪カワウソ Ай бұрын
一応サブ垢の方なら多少かけるかもしれないので詳細版作成してみます ※19日追記:返信欄にて詳細版追記(抜けがあります)
@雪カワウソ Ай бұрын
詳細版1(警察編) 03:58 今日のお着換え開始 04:54 警察の声&勧誘するママ  06:18 お着換えする団長やわためぇ  08:28 警察を動揺させるセクシーラミィ  09:00 警察の下着を覗くママ  13:50 所長&いろは合流・警察の経費で落とそうとするラミィ   14:59 言葉を失ういろは・誘う団長・副所長合流  15:39 ししろんからユニコーンケーキ  16:25 覚悟を決めるいろは・ハグするママ 18:12 警察のパーティ主催決定&めんどくさいラミィ  18:49 ししろんを誘惑するラミィ・爆走で集まる警察達 19:32 警察来店・終わってるメニューを説明するママ  24:40 ギリギリの衣装をみこちやまつりに指摘されるラミィ  26:25 ポールダンス開始   27:10 ノリノリなママとチーママ   27:54 真打ママ登場  28:40 宣伝用写真を撮るラミィ&所長にキス込みの金額を請求するママ   30:21 所長とママの交渉&ノリノリな副所長  31:38 ポールダンスするオリー  31:50 サービスしようとするもバグるみこラミ   32:13 サービス&連絡先交換とみこちと個別交渉  33:30 おねだりするラミィ  34:02 警察犬来店  34:57 交渉決裂するママと所長  37:20 ししろんと惜しみながらお別れ&同伴の約束  39:40 一人取り残されるの団長&しっかり払いに来る署長
@雪カワウソ Ай бұрын
詳細版2(ドライブ&パン屋交流編) 44:08 バイク購入へ  47:14 あぶなっ(アウト) 47:34 ディーラー到着&バイク購入 49:27 バイク納車&パン屋へ行こうとするがペットショップに心惹かれるラミィ  50:22 行きまーす→即事故 51:20 怯えながら運転再開  52:05 オラつき&ニャースが出るラミィ  52:40 気持ちよくなってペットショップを通り過ぎるラミィ  53:24 鮮やかなフラグ回収  54:22 ペットショップに到着するも… 58:30 遠くのスーパーマーケットへドキドキドライブ開始  1:01:27 煽り運転をするラミィ  1:02:30 スーパーマーケット到着&商品購入や水(100万)に驚くラミィ 1:04:57 パン屋までドキドキドライブ開始 1:08:03 パン屋到着&パン屋と交流  1:09:50 ファッションチェック&万屋到着  1:11:28 〇〇扱いされるラミィ  1:11:57 かなたんのバイクで逃げだすラミィ   1:13:20 署長到着&似たような恰好してる署長  1:16:00 バイクを奪った事に気が付いたラミィ  1:18:17 ころさんからパンをもらうラミィ  1:20:05 こよに怒ってるころね&こよに連絡  1:21:01 ポルカから連絡&甘えるラミィ&ころさんから詰められるラミィ  1:22:30 スルーされるころさん&格安でころさんからパン購入  1:25:37 ころさん「それシャンプーハットやん」  1:26:12 かなたん&ミオしゃ帰宅  1:27:11 ママから出勤要請  1:28:40 同乗しようとするころさんを脅す?ラミィ&ぷいーん
@雪カワウソ Ай бұрын
詳細版3(接客編) 1:29:30 店到着&怪しい関係のルイ&ママ  1:31:30 ポルカにお誘い  1:32:00 署長の注意&無視を勧めるママ 1:32:40 ポルカ記者来店 &接客するママとチーママ  1:35:34 プチ修羅場発生  1:36:38 こよからの連絡&修羅場発生  1:39:00 お着換え&特別衣装でポールダンス 1:40:43  1:41:40 ママと交代 1:42:20 アーニャ&こよ来店  1:43:10 ポルこよと修羅場発生  1:44:24 アーニャにサービス 1:44:55  1:45:39 特別衣装でポールダンス  1:47:47 ポールダンス  1:49:54 請求タイム&交渉  1:52:25 BANかと思って焦るラミィ  1:53:00 ラミこよイチャイチャ
@雪カワウソ Ай бұрын
詳細版3.5(事件発生編) 1:54:15 まつり警官の荷物検査  1:55:20 暴行事件発生&カオス  1:58:27 犯行の原因&警察の判定  2:00:05 こよからデートのお誘い&裏で連行されるアーニャ  2:01:52 はじめちゃんを誘惑するラミィ   2:02:17 りりかに下着を覗かれるラミィ&体験入店を勧めるラミィ  2:04:00 こよとのお別れ 2:05:37 ポルカおじさんからのメール&意外とノリノリなのを不思議がるラミィ 2:08:50 ママ帰還&動揺するフワモコ 2:12:00 ししらみ会話 2:24:35 突如現れた警察に困惑するラミィ  2:25:15 警察から協力要請  2:26:00 バレた原因:警察が集まりすぎた  2:26:58 こよに連絡&悪いことをしたいラミィ   2:28:48 こよから愛を疑われて怒るラミィ 2:29:25 ママから連絡 2:32:16 こよから連絡&まだ怒ってるラミィ  2:32:30 すねて一人でダンスするラミィ  2:33:30 こより逮捕情報&夜の街へ  2:35:00 キレながら爆走するラミィ   2:35:45 「なんで事故らないの? 」  2:36:25 急にクラッシュするゲーム 2:38:12 再起動&バイクがなくなり高速に一人残されるラミィ
@クロニクルアッキー Ай бұрын
おつらみです GTA世界のカオス感本当に面白い バイクを乗り回すラミィちゃんかわいかったです
@矢車ゴルベーザ四天王の5人 Ай бұрын
@user-ry9ig4yw3barnstrike Ай бұрын
でしたー ホロGTA2日目も色々あってすごい楽しかったです 最初はヒヤヒヤだったバイクの運転も乗るたびにだんだん上達して バイクで颯爽と運転するラミィさん素敵でした。神回避とかもすごかったです!
@2_chance_HND-1_chance_NRT Ай бұрын
おつパンパン仮面でした!ラミィちゃんが楽しそうにGTAしてる姿がめちゃ面白いです! 立てた目標も無理する感じじゃなく、楽しんで達成していく所もとても良かったです! 明日も楽しみ
@Grauzan雪民 Ай бұрын
@tougenkyou1203 Ай бұрын
ソロパンパン仮面でした〜 万屋さんと署長からダメ出しされた衣装とフワモコに逃げられたのマジ笑ったwww 今回もおもろかったーーっ
@烈海王の彼氏 Ай бұрын
汚いフワモコ面白すぎる 良いコンビ…いや、カップルだな
@雪花たまごドッグ Ай бұрын
今日も楽しかった〜! バイクめっちゃ可愛いしラミィちゃんに似合ってる✨ ラミィちゃんずっとずっと大好きだよ
@003rec5 Ай бұрын
holoGTA2日目 今日もめちゃめちゃ楽しかった〜! ラミィちゃんのオリジナルカラーバイクめちゃかわいいね!大事に乗って行きたいね♪ 3日目も楽しみにしてるね!
@チャアクック Ай бұрын
今日も面白かった~♪ ラミィちゃんのオリジナルバイクめっちゃ良かった✨ こよちゃんとの遊園地デートもワクワクだね
@けんケン-x2t Ай бұрын
@るぷるぷ-n8h Ай бұрын
@sisiou_nyafu Ай бұрын
@webxxk Ай бұрын
おつらみ! 初日以上にわちゃわちゃしてほんと面白かった! ラミィちゃんカラーバイクほんと可愛いから乗ってる所いっぱいもっと見たいな
@どこかのねずみ Ай бұрын
@taratara0627 Ай бұрын
今日も楽しかったよありがとう! バイク買って速攻事故るラミィちゃんおもしろすぎたw 他にも色んなところに行ったり色んなホロメンと絡んだりと今回も盛りだくさんで楽しかったよ! 明日もたのしみにしてるね!
@うめめ1115 Ай бұрын
今日も楽しかった! バイクの運転上手でした!!!
@ミナヅキスイ Ай бұрын
おつらみでした〜 初めての運転や太客GETなど今回も見どころ沢山でした メニューもとっても可愛かったです 運転技術とても上手でした👏
@Osisan0213 Ай бұрын
ノリノリなラミィちゃんも 大好き
@r_r5_ Ай бұрын
@三毛プロ Ай бұрын
今日も一日お疲れ様〜 いろんなホロメンとの絡みが見れて楽しかった!! お店も大繁盛✨ポールダンスも凄かった バイク購入もおめでとう🎉 バイクの神回避にはビックリ!!ラミィちゃん運転上手いね! 次回のGTAも楽しみにしてる!こよちゃんとのデートも楽しんでね〜
@syara- Ай бұрын
面白かった〜!みんなこの世界を楽しんでいて見てるこちらも楽しいです! バイクは見ててひやひやしてたけど終わりの方は上手くなってたね!カスタムバイクかっこいい! こよちゃんとのすれ違いの後二人が歩きながら話をしてたのがよかった
@ヨッシー101 Ай бұрын
今日もお疲れ様でした めっちゃおもろかった! 営業時のオンオフの差にプロ意識を感じてさすラミを見せてもらったり、信号無視に逆走はしつつもホロメン内で一二を争う運転技術でバイクで疾走するカッコイイラミィちゃんが見れて飽きることなく今日もあっという間に時間が過ぎてったよ ラミィちゃんありがとう!
@ju-ichi527 Ай бұрын
バイク乗り回せてよかったね!クラッシュでなくなっちゃった(見つかるかも?)のは残念だけど、 カスタムでいい色のバイクゲット出来たし結果オーライかもね! あと、ムーナちゃんに頑張って請求書教えてたのが印象深い。さすが! 肩とおなか丸出しで清楚とか言ってるの感覚バグってるなあと思ったw お洋服結構分かりにくいけど、またいいの見つかるといいね!
@masa5636-t5m Ай бұрын
GTA2日目おつらみ〜 今日も面白かった! ラミィちゃんだんだん衣装が....ww 青くゆにバイクのカラーリングをかわカッコよくしてもらえて良かったねー
@ネレウス-e8r Ай бұрын
holoGTA2日目お疲れ様でした! 服装選びやバイクのカスタムで真剣に選んでいるラミィさんのこだわりの強さも楽しい一日でした バイクの運転も爽快で物の受け渡し等システムにもどんどん慣れていく様子も楽しかったですね 次回も皆さんとどんな絡みをするのかも期待してします、長時間ありがとうございました!
@KENZAN-K Ай бұрын
ホロGTA2日目おつらみでした! 2日目はクラッシュしてバイクが壊れたようだけど、何事もなく終われてよかったね! 明日も楽しみにしてるよ!
@user-kisaragiyuki Ай бұрын
2日目おつパンパン仮面! 購入したバイクのカラーリングめっちゃ可愛い出来てよかったね!お店も大盛況 明日も楽しみにしてます!
@zyuz Ай бұрын
GTA2日目おつらみでした! 2日目もお店大盛況でよかったです! バイク乗り回すの楽しそうでよかった! 明日も楽しみにしてます!
@hanicha8282 Ай бұрын
マリラミがたくさん見れて嬉しい 船長と一緒にキャバクラしてるの にあいすぎてる
@Almuss96 Ай бұрын
おつパンパン仮面でした!ほんと毎回面白いすぎる! お店もいい感じにぼったくれてて、ラミちゃの特別な人がいっぱいできてよかったね!! 着実に上手くなってきていってるから今度は悪いことできるといいね!!!お仕事がんばれ!
@freon_holon Ай бұрын
さっそく公務員をたぶらかしたり バイク購入早々事故ったり クラッシュしたりと面白かったです! キャバクラ内でのムーブがノリノリかつ上手すぎて笑いましたw 明日も楽しみです!
@ズオウかける Ай бұрын
おつらみでした! バイクの運転かっこよかった!ジャンプ台とかあったと思うからトリック決めるラミィちゃんも楽しみにしてるね! 3日目も楽しみ!
@わにわに-m7c Ай бұрын
holoGTA2日目おつらみでした! バイクウキウキで買った後、全速力で壁に激突したのめっちゃ面白かったですw でも後半は運転も上手くなってましたね!スゴイ! キャバクラのムーブもしっかり板についてきて、お客さんの反応もより面白くなってきましたね! 明日も楽しみです!
@シュウ-u6z Ай бұрын
GTA配信おつパンパン仮面でした、今日も楽しい配信時間ありがとうございました。 今日も凄い濃い配信でしたね…。アーカイブ残って欲しいものです…。新しい衣装、可愛いです。大量のファンサービスも嬉しいです、ありがとうございます。 次の配信で会えるのを楽しみに待ってます。
@Tenebre_Zwei Ай бұрын
GTA2日目!新メニューも出せるようになってお店も大盛況!!3日目もいっぱいお客呼んで稼がなきゃね!! そして意外とバイクの運転が上手いラミィちゃん、スレスレで回避するのがうますぎる
@Pecannuts___607 Ай бұрын
今日も可愛かったです🥰🌸🌸 お疲れ様でした😇😊🌸✨
@Vtenco_ch Ай бұрын
本日の好きなシーン 50:23 買って秒で事故るの好き勢いもGOOD! 2日目面白かった! 池へダイブしてるホロメンを見た後だとラミィちゃんのバイク操作って意外と上手いのでは…? キャバの衣装も過激になっていくし、明日はどんな衣装か楽しみ!
@askayukimin Ай бұрын
おつらみでしたー!購入直後の突撃は笑ったよwww キャバ嬢ノリノリなのほんと好き(∩´∀`)∩
@フラン-r8o Ай бұрын
@setio_personal Ай бұрын
おつパンパン仮面でしたー! 今日もすごく濃厚(?)で楽しかった! 次回も楽しみに待ってます!
@NTD_11 Ай бұрын
@writedraw8655 Ай бұрын
おつらみでした~!ラミィちゃんのロールも堂に入ってきて今後の展開がどうなっていくのか本当に楽しみ!! やりたいことも起きる出来事も多いからホントに密度の高い毎日で楽しいね!
@Clip_bell Ай бұрын
バイクかっこええやん!キャバ相変わらず大盛況やな! ラミィちゃんのバイクの後ろに一回乗ってみたいような乗ってみなくないような… 明日も楽しみだわ!
@熊-l1m Ай бұрын
ラミィちゃんおつパンパン仮面 ラミィちゃんとこよちゃんが仲直りするとこ見れたよ~ 無事遊園地も行けて良かったね!
@byakkou0427 Ай бұрын
おつパンパン仮面! 今日も色々楽しんだね〜♪ ポルカ記者への接客が『ガチ』すぎて面白かったw 次回も楽しみ!
@ex-3719 Ай бұрын
おつらみー 今日も今日とて面白かった!また明日も楽しみに待ってるからね!
@badapow Ай бұрын
おつパンパン仮面でした〜 キャバクラ盛況ですね!しかもラミィちゃんの人気も高い!やはりNo.1キャバ嬢の名はダテじゃない!! あと喧騒の中にいるようでなんやかんやで結局大体平和に過ごしてるの好き 明日も楽しみです♪ラミィちゃん大好き!
@tennnorii Ай бұрын
下っ端ギャング(こより)とキャバ嬢(ラミィ)のカップリングとはドラマとかによくありそう これからどうなっていくのか楽しみ
@makai_noooooo Ай бұрын
ラミィちゃん おつかれさまーー
@raines_2352 Ай бұрын
ラミィちゃん、ホロGTA2日目おつらみ〜 バイクめっちゃ可愛くカスタムできてよかった✨ お店もなかなかのカオスで面白かったよw 最後、らみこよのてぇてぇを見れて楽しかった♪ あとはママとこよちゃんだね ホロGTA2日目ありがとう! 3日目も楽しみにしてるね✨
@日々希 Ай бұрын
ラミィちゃんの布面積がどんどん減っていってヒヤヒヤしましたw 風邪引かないでね
@user-sinamonsugar Ай бұрын
今日も楽しく自由に遊べて何よりだったよ お店も大繁盛で良かったね! 明日は遊園地でアフターデート!? 楽しんでいこうね! 配信ありがとう!長い時間お疲れ様!
@稲島しんじ Ай бұрын
正直オープニング明けから、何て格好してるんだ?っておもったけど、このイカレタ世界ならまぁ当たり前か?って受け入れている部分もあるよね。 ラミィちゃんのこの世界の動向はわりとすべてすれ違いしてるよなぁって思いつつ世界観における重要なファクターだったなぁっておもえるよ。
@kururugi_yukima Ай бұрын
でしたー! キャバクラ来たらストレス値下がるんだね、なるほどいい仕事じゃん。 みんなお金持ち始めて来たから太っ腹だね結構笑 バイクに挑戦したり、ペイント頼んでみたりと色々とやってみてていいね! 明日も楽しみにしてるよー!!
@iintyo21 Ай бұрын
毎日何かが起きるのは面白いですね笑(*´ω`*) 明日は何が起きるのか、、、
@ceradys7348 Ай бұрын
OtsuPanPanKamen~ Thank you for another very fun and cool day in Los Santos with Lamy-chan ! Today so much amazing things happened and it was the best to see Lamy-chan having so fun. I find cute how Lamy-chan is everyone n°1. The synergies with other holomens are too good. As always Thank you for the adorable Lamynglish and cute giggles Lamy-chan does great at getting used to the game too. I'm really looking forward to what will happen next in your adventures in Los Santos ! I wish you a wonderful night and sweet dreams. Love you, Princess
@ルナティック鬼島 Ай бұрын
ホロGTAおつらみ〜! 今日もみんなワチャワチャしてて面白かった!笑 次回も楽しみ!
@Sonicmaster2008 Ай бұрын
Plenty of fun and wild moments today. Been a great time! Glad you're enjoying it Lamy! Thanks for the stream! Otsulamy!
@鈴木亮平さん似のまっきー Ай бұрын
@39teru Ай бұрын
二日目もおつらみ~~♪ 初日よりもキャバクラの接客も出来て警察のメンバーとも最初に親睦会の場に使って貰えてよかったね♪ それにこの世界でもししらみてぇてぇ見れて最高✨ メカニックの社長おかゆんに莫大なお支払いもあったし、、、本当に二日間で起きていることが多すぎるw 明日はこよりちゃんとデート出来て遊園地楽しめると良いね♪
@CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou Ай бұрын
おつぱんぱん仮面~ 今日もGTAめっちゃおもろかった~ ホロメンと絡んでるラミィさんみるのすっごい好きだから嬉しいね バイクの運転あぶなっかしいながらも事故らないテクニック素晴らしいです しかし下着とか丸出しの状態でポールダンスとかやったりしてアーカイブは大丈夫なんだろうか?w 孔雀状態もみれたりして最高だったよw ラミィさん超セクシー 外着のセンスもめっちゃよくて個人的に凄く好きな感じです 連日長時間配信してるから無理はしないようにね 今日も楽しかったよ おつかれさま~
@minase_kori Ай бұрын
事故ったり殴られたりしてるのに何やかんやダウンは回避しているラミィちゃん凄いわw ママはダウンがノルマになっているまである 明日は従業員増えるといいですなw
@ミンミン-t8x Ай бұрын
おつパンパン仮面!!w 今日も面白かったw 飲食も出せたし、色んな服も着れてお店順調そうだね!!! 色んな人たぶらかしてらから最終日怖いw こよとずっとすれ違ってたねw 仲直り出来て良かったねw 思ってたより運転上手くて事故らなかったw 明日も楽しみ!!!
@リードリィ31 Ай бұрын
おつらみ! ラミィちゃんの痴女衣装やばかったし、それを見たホロメンのリアクションに笑ったよw バイクの運転上手くなってたし、カスタムいいセンスしてた、 今日も営業と客を転がすのが上手すぎて流石自称ナンバーワンキャバ嬢! アーカイブ残ってくれ頼む🙏
@ヒロ-o3y2d Ай бұрын
@さすけ-h8p Ай бұрын
@yukimin_shiro Ай бұрын
ラミィ地やんホロGTA配信2日目お疲れ様❄ 今回もはちゃめちゃだったりカオスだったりで面白かったよw お店大繁盛だったりついに愛車も買えてさらにカスタムしたりメニュー網羅したりペット探したり今日も色々なことができてよかったね 最初はバイクの運転つたなかったけど配信終わるころにはだいぶ運転上手くなっててすごかったね また明日はどんなことが起きてラミィちゃんが何をするのか楽しみにしてるよ! 残りの目標も近いうちに達成できるといいね 楽しい時間をありがとう ラミィちゃん可愛い愛してるよ
@cjlee981 Ай бұрын
@ツトム-b5t Ай бұрын
@kenmaru-don Ай бұрын
末端ギャングこよとNo.1キャバ嬢ラミィの恋愛ストーリーとか、龍が如くとかにありそうなやつやんw こよの好きな手料理を作りながら、こよ遅いなぁ〜って言いながら待ってるけど、こよはもう…ってやつやんw
@X-Kill Ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 1] HoloGTA Day 2 with Lamy-chan! Today we do several things! (Please read the description for details) Let's cheer for the #1 Hostess on Holos Santos! ☃ 0:53 Start, KonLamy! 1:10 _"For real, this game's difficult! That... As i tried to change to the game screen my desktop froze, hello!"_ 1:36 _"L: I can't open it! Can you hear me? Hello!/C: No start post?/L: I thought about it but that froze... Mama, i can't go out!"_ 2:10 Freedom! 2:18 _"So today, i told mama, i'll get changed before, and do lots of things, go to work too right?"_ 3:01 _ "Also i want to do a lot of things today, wait my voice is resonating, it's cause I didn't close my door..."_ 3:24 _"M: Lamy, we have a new Menu, food and Drink!/L: Ohhh!/M: We have it, so have fun with it!/L: Is that what you came to say?/M: Oh yeah, that and because i couldn't hear the voice chat i came to do some testing"_ 4:05 _"M: I published [Come see our pantsu today!] you get me?/L: I see, so i must wear something sexy right?/M: Yeah if you do that/L: Will you increase my salary?/M: no no/L: Then a demotion?/M: That's the contrary! A promotion!"_ 🙏 4:33 _"M: And i'd like to have a new hire (Nice pantsu there)/L: Want a new worker? Me too/M: I have good hopes, i wonder if we'll get a good girl/L: Is it Az-Az as you said yesterday?/M: I hear voices/L: They camee to buy, oh! That's Watame's voice"_ 5:28 _"L: It's all black, id like to change it, have flashier Lamy colors for today/M: You have amazing bewbs, wanna try working at the cabaret?/L: Amazing boo- Does she decide based on their shape?"_ 👀 6:16 _"M: Here we have our Lamy trying on lewd clothes/L: I'm wearing lewd clothes~"_ 7:10 _"L: I want to wear Lamy colors today, a pattern may be nice too"_ 7:42 _"L: Should we go with a heated orange?"_ 8:27 _"Noel: A super pervy person's here!/L: I'm still getting changed!/M: Yeah it's just getting started"_ 10:04 _"L: Aren't you getting changed today Mama?/M: Well i thought it'd be nice to go with PaiPai Kamen today too, shouldn't i change the top too?"_ 12:34 _"N: So what's the name of your shop?/M: PanPanKamen/N: So not PaiPai, PanPan?/M: Thought it was way too much of the same if i did"_ 14:00 Officer Suba's here. 🦆 15:38 _"Botan: Lamy-chan, brought you a Unicorn cake!/L: Really? I'm so happy~!"_ 17:07 _"M: Press Y to accept please/Iroha: Okay- *Gets hugged*WHAT IS THIS OH MY/M: It was fun right?/Iroha: I'LL GET SCOLDED!"_ 18:11 _"Suba: Party Party, Celebration Party! Where do we do the celebrate party, Botan?/Botan: How about... The cabaret?/Suba: NO way! Why the Cabaret/L: Hey why is it no good?! Why is the cabaret a place no good to go?/Suba: So troublesome, Lamy-mama, what's the cabaret's number?/Botan: Just in front of us, let's go!"_ 19:29 Welcome to cabaret, officers! 21:14 Marine reading the drinks: Daifukuu Beer, and Lamy's PaiPai Pantsu cocktail, Lamy water and Marine's Paipai pantsu cocktail, and Marine juice. 21:42 Adjusting resolution. 22:38 Lamy making drinks. Botan orders Lamy water and Marine Juice. 24:41 _"Miko: Lamy we can see your oppe, is that fine?/L: No no! Look well, It's like just barely, you can't see right?/Miko: But from close it's like i can see! It's dangerous! It's like you can see but you can't!/Miko: You do understand Lamy-chan!"_ 👀 25:27 _"Matsuri: Lamy-chan, you okay dressed like that?/L: No, look well, you can kind of see but not right?"_ 26:23 *Lamy starts dancing* _"Miko: Today's outfit is crazy Lamy!/Botan: LAmy-chaaaan!/L: You can see but not right?~/Miko: Yeah we can't!"_ 27:14 _"M: Lamy, show your panties!/L: Ayy but i won't show, it's embarrasiiiing~"_ 🩲​ 27:44 _"Miko: If i give you more money will you give more service?/L: We'll go to a private room~/Miko: PRIVATE?!/Matsuri: You have such thing?/M: Kept you waiting! The performance you waited for!/Miko: But i wanted to see Lamy-chan!/L: Alright Mama, all yours~/M: Here i go, look! you, move to the side!/L: Sorry Mama, it seems i haven't danced enough!"_ 28:24 Kissing Calli for calling her beautiful woman. 30:01 ShishiLamy kiss. 31:38 Ollie dancing and Lamy praising her. 31:57 *Models glitching so Lamy kisses air* _"L: Are are? Does it mean you don't want me to do anything?/Miko: Of course i want! Try once again?"_ 32:19 _"Miko: Lamy You do this with everyone, don't you?/L: No, only with those i think i like/Miko: Would you tell me your contact info?/L: You know it for sure right?"_ 34:00 _"Miko: What is this cute dog?! It's dressed as a policeman!"_ 34:31 Boss and subordinate doggies. Cute for tired hearts. 36:15 _"M: What are you doing? _*_Handcuffed_*_ No, please pay!/L: Ah, i'm too, why why? is it a play, did you like that kind of play Shishiron?/Botan: You'll be mine alone now"_ 37:27 _"L: I want to go to a date together/Botan: We'll go to a nice place next time i'll find it/L: For real, would you accompany me? Promise it, vice-captain!"_ 38:27 _"L: Did you get a drink, Iroha-chan?/Iroha: I didn't.../L: It's non alcohol so... You don't need pay any for this/Iroha: Thank you so much!"_ 🥰 40:21 Shuba smoking as she says how much she has _"Shuba: How about 1 Million?/M: Just 1 million?!/Suba: I'll come everyday so... How about 2 million?"_ 41:36 _"L: My pantsu can't be seen well so i'll go change them/C: Nobody paid"_ 42:42 _"C: The chest's yabai/L: Well, in particular since Miko didn't say i couldn't wear it, i think it's fine, i'll keep it like this"_ 43:58 _"I wanna buy a bike, anyway, let's go like this today"_ 44:18 _"C: Do you have money?/L: Hey, i only have money, what's more, it's all i have"_ 46:09 _"L: I want to go here and there so walking would be though, that's why i want to buy a vehicle.../C: A big bike?/L: That'd be nice, i want one"_ 46:36 _"i want to go to the bakery too, i got so many breads from them so i want to give some drinks"_ 47:15 Lamy slightly run over by truck. 48:41 _"I'm not knowledgeable on bikes at all but..."_ 49:16 _"I want to make it white, cause i also want to make it Lamy color, but at the same time don't it want to stand out, so cool! Black's nice for this"_ 49:29 Lamy got a bike! First destination is bakery. 🏍 49:58 _"I want to go to the pet shop and buy a pet!"_ 50:22 _"Let's goo... AHHHH!"_ *crashes* 51:53 _"L: Amazing, isn't it too fast? Scary!/C: You're in the wrong direction!L/: It's fine, the wind feels nice"_ 52:10 Lamy Meowth sounds. 52:54 Happy Lamy sounds. _"L: Hey didn't i went past the pet shop? It felt so nice i went past it"_ 54:29 Pet shop's not open. 54:41 Hey Guys? (Lamynglish) 🙏 56:42 Doggies inside spotted. 57:12 _"L: Evenn though i came al the way here... I may die if we keep going like this, (Doggie's crying too) i'm even bleeding, i need to go to the convenience store, if not the hospital already"_ 58:19 _"It's damaged, but its black so it's not noticeable"_ 59:18 _"Hey you're slow, [You]! (English)"_ 59:49 Cute Lamy panic. (Continuing in replies)
@X-Kill Ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 2] 1:00:32 _"But i'm good, but scared, but good, but scared"_ 1:01:45 _"WAHHH! A miracle, i haven't died by a miracle!"_ 1:02:25 Reached convenenience store! _"That was scary for sure, very!"_ 1:05:14 Lamy noises. 1:05:45 _"L: I'm really afraid of the highway/C: You're surprisingly good/L: I'm surprised too, by my own driving technique that is"_ 🏍 1:08:07 Reached Bakery! Korone, Mio and Kanatan spotted. 1:08:22 _"Koro: Wait, a big reveal arc is starting/E1: wwwww/Mio: Scary!/L: Look, you can see but not right?/Koro: Stop that, if the wind flows they'll be seen/L: Or so you think right? But i was just driving a bike! I brought these for you/Korone: Your hands are injured, are you alright?"_ 1:09:54 _"Kanata: Your boobs are almost all out!/L: Or so you'd think right?"_ 1:10:24 Suichan's here. _"Suisei: Hello! It's your Jack-of-all trades! Is there anything troubling you?/Mio: Just that Lamy's boobs are half out/L: But why, this is fine right? How is it?/Sui: I wonder... The exposure is too wild, haven't you been caught?/L: Well earlier the police came and they all seemed happy/Suisei: Wait, can i call the sheriff?/L: They were happy too! Everybody was/Suisei: I'll do a quick confirmation call!/L: Even the jack-of-all trades was happy!/Suisei: www"_ ☄ 1:11:56 _"Korone: The molester's there!/L: This isn't good, i'll be caught *takes Kanatan's bike, Suisei rides too*/Suisei: You can't escape, molester lady!/L: Ahh stop! Also i'm not a molester!/Suisei: What were you ding?/L: Went to the bakery and give them my special Lamy Water/Suisei: www What's that.../L: I didn't do anything wrong!"_ 1:12:23 _"Suisei: By the way, what is that [Lamy Water]'s source?/L: Eh? That's a trade secret i won't tell!/Suisei: I see... They're saying that it's armpit water though/L: Eh? So is our new menu causing a roar?/Suisei: For sure!"_ 1:13:22 *Shuba's here* _"L: Something's here!/Suisei: It's the molester, there!/L: No no!/Suba: If you don't stop i'll shoot/L: You're a monster!/Suba: Oi, you.. What happened?/Suisei: Hey sheriff, i didn't see this molester/L: I'm not though? Plus doesn't the sheriff outfit resemble it?/Suisei: True though www"_ 1:14:33 Shuba was muted. _"Suba: Sorry, was muted, Lamy-chan what happened? Where did you do the offense, the bakery?/L: I didn't! Sui-chan seemed to be hurt by this radical fashion/Suba: Wait a bit.../L: Go, there's an accident!"_ 1:15:14 _"Suba: Lamy, for real, your outfit looks like transparent on the chest, so you can't be outside like that/L: So only at the shop?/Suba: yeah/L: Got it!"_ 1:16:05 _"C: Lamy, your bike's gone/L: Ehh?! Whose is this?! Isn't this my bike?! EHHH?! Why could i run on it? With Sui-chan... Kanataso's bike you say?"_ 1:16:55 _"L: My bike was taken, but it's nice right? It's like we exchanged bikes... I'll bring some to Mama as present... Heeeeey even though i bought it, my bike's stolen... There's no bread here"_ 🥐 1:18:15 _"L: Baker you're back/Korone: What happened?/L: My bike was stolen/Korone: I see, did you part with it?/L: No, it was taken by somebody from your shop/Korone: Was it Kanata our girl?/L: My bike was stolen but... I don't know who took it... When i noticed i was riding another one, i took a bike that was there but it wasn't mine"_ 1:18:54 _"Koro: I get it, i'll give you a bike/L: But i can't ride it/Koro: True, since it's not yours right? So you've been here since then?/L: No, i came to buy bread, it's fine if you give me some too though"_ 1:19:13 Koro gives her new bread. 1:19:49 _"L: This is the one i mistakenly stole, for some reason i took it/Korone: Ah but i think they'll come back right away!"_ 1:20:06 _"Koro: Do you have Koyo's number?/L: Yeah i do!/Koro: Well, tell her i'm angry!/L: What did she do?/Korone: She punched me and left me with a broken neck, so i was charged, 200k i think? To have it healed/L: She's the worst/Korone: Tell her to send 100k/Korone: So we'll each pay 100!"_ 1:20:35 *Calling Koyo* _"L: Can you come to the bakery?/Koyo: The bakery? Can it be later?/L: I'll wait!/Korone: She owes me money!/L: Well, you can tell her directly! I'll wait a bit at the shop"_ 1:21:05 Pol call. _"Pol: Working today?/L: Mama is at the shop maybe, why? Wait!/Pol: Thought about going so i'm checking!/L: But come when i'm there!/P: Got it, i won't go yet!/L: I'll contact you!"_ *Kiss* 💋 1:23:14 _"L: Yesterday you offered free service so you can charge me in full today?/Koro: How much would thid be/L: Not too expensive!/Koro: 100k?/L: Expensive! Each is 10k right?/Koro: Then how about 60k?/L: Why did you increase the price?/Koro: At the convenience store it's 100k for a sandwich right?/L: True, then how much per piece?"_ 1:24:09 _"Koro: My chat's telling me i'm giving it for cheap, but it's fine, you're a cute lady"_ 1:24:46 _"[The prize is zero] Lamynglish, does it mean it's free?"_ 1:25:13 Milk found! 1:25:34 _"Koro: That outfit's crazy for real/L: The sheriff scolded me, told me can't go outside/Koro: That thing on your chest is like a shampoo hat/L: WWWW, the Water will come from here then/Koro:"_ *Laughs* 1:26:25 They're back with Lamy's bike! 1:26:54 Asking Kanatan to accompany her to pet shop. 1:27:14 *Call*_"Marine: Lamy-chan Okayu will be right here soon so can you come work?/L: Alright, i wanted to go to pet shop so can i?/M: Come right away!"_ 1:28:47 Koro riding _"I can't say i'm safe to drive though"_ + Lamy bike noises. 1:29:29 _"L: I'm back mama!/M: wwww, what's that, you got a bike!/L: It's my first bought bike!"_ 1:30:12 _"M: Did you buy your pet?/L: No no, I wanted, but i promised i'd work with you first"_ 1:30:51 _"L: That's Korone milk after all/M: Oh, that's nice"_ 1:31:53 _"L: Ah yeah by the way, i was told i couldn't walk outside with this outfit/M: Wh at you mean? Who/L: The sheriff, told me i couldnt go outside with these clothes/M: Ah you can ignore the sheriff/L: I can't, i'll be caught!"_ 1:32:39 Pol's here! 🎪 1:33:32 _"M: How much do you earn, jorunalist?/P: I can't say"_ 1:34:29 *Praising Senchou* _"L: Hey Journalist! I'll get jeaous/Pol: You're cute! It's because of you i came here/L: I luv you~"_ 1:35:34 The Cheating. 😢 1:36:03 _"L: Hey journalist, didn't you come see me? What's this?!"_ 1:36:34 Koyo calling Lamy. _"Koyo: Lamytan, you aren't at the bakery!/L: Ah no, it's just that the sub manager of the store said they had something to tell you/Koyo: So it wasn't you? Isn't that a date with me?/L: No no! if you come to the shop i'd be happy!"_ 1:37:23 _"Pol: Who was that you were talking with on the phone?/L: A customer/M: Lamy-chan really only talks with you off the stage!"_ 1:38:04 *Lamypol Kiss* _"L: I only do this with the journalist!/M: First time i've seen Lamy-chan do it!"_ 1:39:04 _"L: Alright, let's go like this! Just for you, my journalist, my special shape!/Pol: Wait Lamy-chan! Ehhh?! Marry me!/L: It's to soon to get married, i don't know you that well just yeeet~!"_ 1:39:46 Special performance Over. 1:40:19 _"M: Come out once again? Kanatan's coming/L: With this outfit?/M: The lewdest one pls"_ 1:30:55 Dancing. 💃 1:41:00 _"Pol: Your archive will be flagged yellow though!/L: Nooo, (Mama your voice is too low!)/Pol: Your archive will be all yellow!/L: Pure yellow, but my pantsu are whiteee!/Pol: You're reading my mind/L: Which do you prefer, pure yellow or white?/Pol: White for sure/L: Ay no so embarrassing, so you mean this is the form you like the most?"_ 1:41:52 _"My stream archive will become all yellow, if not red already"_ 1:42:21 Koyo's here!_"Koyo: What is that, such a sexy outfit!/L: This isn't something i can show outside, only here at shop/Koyo: Is that for me alone since i came?/Anya: Anya paisen is here with Koyo/L: Look Anya.../Koyo: YOU SAID IT WAS ONLY FOR ME THOUGH!"_ 1:43:19 Embarrassed Wamy, Koyo arguing with Pol over who Lamy belongs to. _"L: I'm everyone's~"_ 1:44:23 _"L: Want to see my lewd figure?/Anya: Ah sure, please do! Is there any special service? If so please do!"_ 1:44:55 Kissing Anya. 💋 1:45:35 _"L: Why does it turn like this... Alright, for you both!/Koyo: WAIT WAIT Ehh, you're bare! Is this fine?!/Anya: YABAI YABAI!/L: Say you love me today~"_ 1:46:00 _"L: This is a special secret for you both~/Anya: Can i take video?/L: Can't, taking pictures is no good either/Anya: Then i'll remember it!"_ 1:46:26 _"L: Only for you both, i'm wearing this only for today"_ 1:46:55 _"L: This is exclusive to here only, and only showing it for you two, now if i do this more i'll be banned"_ *Changing* 👀 1:47:47 _"L: you can use your social media to share this one!"_ *Dance again* 1:48:37 _"Koyo: Wait, aren't your pantsu white?/L: They're not, look well!"_ 1:49:28 _"Anya: I'm drinking [Lamy Paipai!]/L: Chug on it!, Drink as you see me dancing~/Anya: Yum yum!"_ 1:50:17 _"M: Wonder if we can get payment/Koyo: Well, it's my introduction so how much would it be? Isn't it cheap?/M: It's very cheap!/K: How much?/A: We're family, so please Koyo?/K: NO NO IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE! Wait!/M: But you saw Pantsu!/L: You saw me in THAT shape!/Koyo: No no, 3 Million is too expensive! If i wanted to see panties i'd see my own!/L: But you saud came to see me Koyo-chan? I showed you that appearance!/Koyo: I did! But a leap from 300k to 3 Million is expensive!"_ 1:51:38 _"M: If you don't pay i'll call the cops on you!/Koyo: I'm the one that will call the cops myself! I can pay 1 Million though..."_ 💸 (Continuing in replies)
@X-Kill Ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 3] 1:52:28 _"L: Mama, i'm offline now, maybe i've been banned/M: Eh?! I can hear you!/L: No i mean, my stream's offline!"_ 1:52:45 _"M: It's fine, my stream fell twice today/Koyo: Mine did once too/M: It's when YT is feeling bad"_ 1:53:14 Koyokiss. 1:53:56 Anya's cool car! 1:55:22 _"Matsuri: So you have a gun and devices huh/M: You have a gun?! _*_Koyo punches Marine, Anya hits Marine too*/L: MAMAAAA!"_** *Anya and Koyo are tased* ⚡ 1:56:00 Matsuri arresting Koyo and Anya as Lamy cries for her Mama, chaos. 1:56:53 Tried to call Luna but sent to american voice mail. 1:57:18 Calling DR.irika. 🌃 1:58:09 Dr. Fox is here. 1:58:21 *Dr Foobs carries senchou* _"M: Uuu thank you, Take care Lamy!/L: Koyo, Aanya, you're terrible!/Koyo: It was my bad, i tried to open the trunk but ended up punching by accident!/L: So that was an accident?/Koyo: Yeah and i also hit the baker and had to buy sweets!"_ 1:59:49 Koyo's released, but Anya must be taken to custody. 2:00:14 _"L: Aren't you doing anything bad, Koyo?/Koyo: I'm not, but... Could it be you're lonely now that you're all alone? Want to go for a drive? Where do you want to go?/L: I want to go to the cat cafe/Koyo: I get it, just wait a bit/L: I want to get to the dog cafe, Kanatan said it opened"_ 2:00:51 _"Koyo: So it's not like the bakery?/L: Yeah it's an actual dog cafe!"_ 2:01:22 Calling Ririka to cancel the visit. 2:01:59 _"Hajime: Today's outfit's too dangerous!/L: Is it? Want to see more?/Hajime: If you get too close i'll get a nosebleed/L: It's fine! There, my skirt's red so nobody you'll have a nosebleed!"_ 🩸 2:03:59 _"Koyo: Sorry for real Lamytan, i didn't notice but it's time for a meeting!"_ 2:05:41 Reading Pol's DM. _"Pol: [Lamy-chan it was so fun today. I'll go again, Mama is a bit scary but she's a good person, that's why do your best you both. I'm rooting for you both. Next time i go to shop let's have an after or a date, just kidding!]/L: She was pretty stiff yesterday, but today she's too into the mood, why?"_ 2:07:02 _"Leaving Mama aside... Let's do that, i'm serious so i'll make the menu since she's not here"_ 2:07:31 _"C: Won't you get scolded by Sui-chan with that outfit?/L: Sui-chan i don't think would, but the sheriff may, i may even be caught next time!"_ 2:08:13 _"Since PaiPai kamen's playing in an endless loop in this shop all day, i keep hearing it in my ears!"_ 2:09:00 Senchou's back! 2:09:09 FuwaMoco are here! 🐾 2:09:25 _"Moco: Your top looks like a curtain though!/L: wwww! This is a shop curtain!/M: Want to flip the curtain?/FM: _*_screams_*_ (Moco:) Somebody's fallen!/LamyMarine: Take care, do your best!"_ 2:09:59 Baubau! 2:10:32 _"M: Should've given them food or service/L: To Fuwamoco?"_ 2:10:56 Marine was charged 400k for the health service. _"L: So cheap!/M: And i asked 3 Million as compensation to Koyori/L: She doesn't have that much for sure!/M: Of course but, i thought i'd charge her/L: Well Anya was arrested but Koyori was freed"_ 2:11:19 _"M: Our shop may be overcharging though/L: True but... But one bread is 20k, if you think about it, 3 Million may be too elevated/M: We nay have to reduce prices a bit"_ 2:12:11 Shishiron's here. _"L: What are you doing here?/Botan: Thought about going to the casino/L: And do what?/Botan: Patrol/L: Not playing?/Botan: No, just that going with this outfit for patrolling and taking photos seems troublesome, i thought i'd change"_ 2:12:58 _"L: Luv luv you, vice-captain! Work's important, people who do their best at work are cool!/Botan: Then i must do my best! I'll go to shop again!/L: I'll be waiting!"_ ♌ 2:14:59 _"I want to go to the pet shop or amusement park today, Mama's voice is too loud though"_ 2:15:33 _"L: And i want to do something bad, so i thought about asking Koyo to teach me, but then she was called by her organization... How to say, i want to do something bad... Is the gang busy? I do admire bad girls in a way"_ 👀 2:17:32 _"It looks like an outerwear right? Hey, I think it'd be fine to have a pretty seiso outfit for outside but almost be on undies at the shop, not bad, it may be good!"_ 2:19:20 _"This is nice, it's pretty cute! Quite cute...They'll be [Seiso stockings]"_ 2:20:03 _"It's Kanatan, i can hear her voice, so easy to tell!"_ 2:21:03 _"L: Isn't it quite seiso? Is there anything seiso as this/C: Bare legs are the best/L: Indeed, in the end they are!"_ 2:23:06 _"What to do, i want to go to the pet shop"_ 2:23:33 *Calling Kanatan* _"Kanata: Hello?/L: What are you doing?/Kanata: Sorry Lamy-chan, it's a bit of a tough situation now, i'll call you la-!"_ *bwaaaaghh!* _"L: And accident? Didn't she cough blood now?"_ 2:25:08 Officers are here. 2:25:24 _"N: I Wanted to ask for your cooperation... We received a hint, it seems a bad customer will be coming so... Yeah, so can we use the place to ambush them?/L: Of course!/Noel: We will hide and... Yeah"_ 2:25:54 _"L: By the way, who is it?/Noel: Well that... I don't know the name but.../M: Sorry, it seems Koyori found there were police so she escaped!"_ 🧪 2:26:51 _"L: I must go away... I want to protect my customers, i want to be that kind of woman, let's call Koyo..."_ 2:27:18 *Calling Koyo* _"K: hello? What's up Lamytan?/L: Did something happen with my Mama/Koyo: Mama is scary, she became a histeric granny who wants money!/L: Sorry! She's at that age!/K: She told me [Come cause police aren't here] But as i went there were nothing but cops/L: Eh? So she'd set you up?/Koyo: Yeah! There were only officers by the cabaret!/L: I'll go, there's nobody/Koyo: Where are you coming? By the way i'm being chased by the police... Why"_ 2:28:02 _"L: I want to do something bad together/Koyo: Want to do Something bad?! You want to do something bad Lamytan!/L: Where are you?/Koyo: Escaping the police so running in the highway!/L: And you?/Koyo: Wanted to meet you so i left the shop/Koyo: So you're out www, it's full of police right?/L: A lot, like 6 people!"_ 2:28:39 _"Koyo: You're not with them right?/L: No way i would, i want to protect my clients!/Koyo: But you have a client called Shishiro Botan so... hangs/L: Why do you say something terrible! Baka! _*_Hangs_*_ Unbeliebable, she's doubting me despite me taking distance from the shop! She doubts my love, terrible, it's hurts!"_ 😭 2:29:28 Senchou's going outside calling Lamy. 2:30:07 Send Koyo a DM saying [Bakaaaaaa!] 2:30:42 _"C: Let's get healed at the cat cafe?/L: Shall we? but even if i go there Kanatan seemed busy... Everyone is..."_ 2:31:14 _"C: Let's go to amusement park/L: With whom? Alone? Isn't that harsh? I'm not that mentally strong/C: It's too peaceful here instead/L: Let's go do something bad then? I even prepared my seiso outfit, terrible! To trample on my feelings... I can't forgive Hakui Koyori!"_ 2:32:12 *Koyo call* _"Koyo: I'll go see you now Lamy-tan!/L: What was that earlier, dummy!"_ *Hangs* 2:32:34 "L: But... I'll wait, she's coming to the shop... I must wait! I'll be practicing all by myself then"_ *Pout pout* 💢 2:33:34 _"L: I'm waiting for Koyo-chan Eh? [Koyori was caught]?! Was she?"_ 2:34:01 _"So she's no longer coming?! Fine! I'll ride my bike until dawn then!"_ 2:35:22 Meowth avoiding accidents. 2:35:43 _"C: Why aren't you having accidents?!/L: I don't know, i'm godlike at dodging" _ 2:36:24 Game crashed. 2:37:24 Playing some music for us. 2:38:33 Game's back, but Bike's gone. 2:39:00 _"Where is my bike?!"_ 2:40:50 _"I see, shall i buy a new bike for mood refreshment?"_ 2:43:10 _"But this blue is too deep, i'd like a lighter blue"_ 2:43:41 Will be taking the bike to mechanic with Aokun to get it in a bright blue color. 2:44:36 _"But it was expensive... More than i thought... This one sounds different though... Also it takes quite some time, shall i ask her how long will it take?"_ 2:45:44 Arriving to the shop. _"Mio: Something's here! Oh, it's the Molester on a bike!/RBC: www that's too fun www"_ 2:46:21 _"Okayu: I'm inside the car, can she not hear me?/L: Okanyan! Are you busy right now?/O: Well i'm just finishing the customizing so not really, why?/L: I want to have my bike customized/Okayu: Good!"_ 2:46:48 Sora-chan's car. 👸 2:47:32 Calling Ao-kun. _"Ao: What's going on Princess?/L: Oi oi oi!/L: What are you doing?/Ao: Cooking Pizza!/L: I bought my car, or rather Bike cause i want to have it customized but there's no worked available/Ao: I'll go right away!"_ 2:48:31 _"L: Kronii's totally guilty is she? (Pun, as saying one's in the white/black is slang for innocent/guilty, whilst Kronii's name sounds like the latter color in Japanese)"_ 2:49:52 _"RBC: So you're calling Reine?/L: What did you do Kronii?! You're guilty aren't you?/Kronii: Yup!/L: www"_ 2:50:08 Aokun's here. _"Ao: Leave it to me, where?/L: Here! i want this one to be a bright blue color like me!/Ao: Got it, i'll make it a beautiful blue/L: Yeah, like these clothes', a bright blue, can you?"_ 2:51:31 _"Ao: this would be the brightest one... Matte would be, rather than blue, how about this? It's like dreamlike-color/L: Aren't there a reverse version?"_ 2:52:49 _"L: You're so good at customer service Ao-kun/Ao: Leave it to me!"_ 2:53:39 Picking up This color set. (Continuing in replies)
@X-Kill Ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 4] 2:56:14 Senchou call. _"M: Lamy-chan, I have a lot of stress so i want to buy a pet, let's go togehter?/L: I'm at the mechanic, cause i bought a bike and had Ao-kun customize it, at the garage!"_ 2:57:31 800,000 Yen for the service, Lamy thankful to Aokun. 2:58:21 _"800k, so cheap... Enough to question if it's okay to sell it so cheap!"_ *Moona selling burgers* 2:59:16 Princess Sora-chan! _"L: So cute, like a flower!"_ 💐 3:00:21 _"Okayu: What even is going on there..."_ *Chaos, Ao-kun finishes the customization* 3:02:09 Marine punched by Aokun by accident and knocks her. 😵 3:02:33 _"L: Officer, Officer!/Watame: Police here!/Ao: It was an accident!/L: Ao-kun punched my mom!"_ 3:03:22 _"M: Fuwamoco will come help me for sure!"_ 3:03:37 AOKUN PUNCHING LAMY. _"Ao: SORRY! TAKE DISTANCE! Take Mechanic distance!/L: Oi, unbelievable, take her away officers!/Ao: Sorry!"_ 3:04:21 Dr. Fox taking Senchou again. 3:05:58 _"I want to treasure all these items"_ *Sorting inventory* 3:06:28 _"RBC: Lamy may be the one with the most money here/L: Eh? What? scary, what?!/RBC: Are you short on money maybe?/Moona: Want to buy something for 80k?/L: What would it be?/Moona: A Hamburguer~! It's overprized! Is it very very Yummy?/Moona: Very!/L: If you give me contact info i'll buy one~"_ 3:07:27 Getting cute burger from Moona. 🍔 3:07:48 _"Moona: This is yummy, you won't get bored!/L: Here!/Moona: An exchange?/L: Shuffle!~"_ 3:09:11 Teaching Moona how to charge. 3:09:37 Cute thankful Moona as Lamy pays. _"L: I hadn't sent an invoice before, and even though it was my first time"_ (And yet she still taught Moona how to do it) 3:10:30 _"L: Aren't your legs injured?/M: Mama's in taters! Help me!/L: Do you have your cane?"_ 3:11:29 _"M: An original song's playing/L: Yeah! it's amazing right? Yesterday it wasnt playing! Mama, your legs are still hurt though!"_ 3:11:59 _"Okayu: This your new bike/L: Yeah!/Okayu: Cute!"_ 3:12:30 Marine twerking and Okayu wheeze. Ao Kicks her. 3:13:26 Lamy's bike customizing's over! 3:15:48 Getting Margharita Pizza from Ao. 3:17:43 Okayu rear ended her. 3:18:38 *Arriving at shop first* _"Let's get changed"_ 3:19:36 Cute Lamynglish reading. 3:21:26 _"C: They went for pets maybe?/L: And they left me here?! NO WAY! Haaah?!"_ 3:22:03 Okayun checking her bike, it's totally fine. 3:22:55 _"M: For now, Lamy-chan, wear that outfit~/L: Sure thing! I will!"_ 3:23:42 Okayuwheeze. _"Okayu: So erotic! You're almost naked!/L: Want to see me dancing?/Okayu: I sure want!"_ 🤣 3:24:07 Dancing and Okayu losing it. _"L: It's only for you/M: For real, Lamy-chan only does it for those she likes"_ 3:25:03 Marine dancing now. 3:25:23 Dancing by Okayun side and Okayu losing it. 3:26:30 _"Okayu: Amazing, i don't have enough eyes for this all!"_ 3:27:08 _"M: you touched Lamy just now right?/L: Nooo chief, did you touched me in the butt?! But it's special for today!"_ 3:27:28 Okayu wheezing at Marine's self slap. 3:28:03 Lamy changing. 3:28:12 The Mama butt slap was so fun just now. 3:29:03 _"Okayu: Would you come buy clothes with me later?/M: I like, we'll choose for you!"_ 3:29:23 Okayu paying 7 MILLIOOON for the service. 3:29:59 _"L: Paying this much, i should've given much more service to you/M: Yeah! Should've done something crazier!/Okayu: It brought me in a good mood"_ 3:32:13 Goth dress. 🦇 3:33:52 _"Okayu: That would sure make your customers so happy!L: Really?/M: You were the first one to be THIS happy! The rest were all complains and kicked me out!"_ 3:34:21 Fuwamoco said they have 70 million! 3:35:28 _"L: Something lood would be nice/M: It sure would/Okayu: Something that would surprise people when they come back/M: True! I want to see their reactions seeing the mechanic like that"_ 3:37:28 _"L: top 170 looks pretty good for a mechanic, like a good girl who smells of car oil" _ 3:39:26 Going with this bottom. 3:42:10 *Peeking at Okayun* _"L: A-mazing/M: Peeking at her panties?/L: I mean, rather than seeing them a lot, panties that you can barely see are the lewdest"_ 3:45:13 _"L: Eh? Okanyan? I can see it in full now, you're a mega pervert!/Okayu: www I became a pervert!"_ 3:45:49 _"Lap: What are you doing?/M: Like a grade schooler! www A kid came here!/Lap: i'm not a kid!/M: So cute!/Lap: Why... Shut it!/M: Cuute! Let's kiss!/Lap: Why? I won't!"_ 3:46:23 Marine inviting her to the cabaret. 3:46:59 _"L: Ill give you an amazing call, i'll do videocall for you!/Lap: Scary! I'm a police!/Everyone: A police? Aw You're doing such a great job, amazing!/Lap: What's with you all?!/M: You're so cool! You do your best!/L: Aren't you interested in alcohol?"_ 3:47:57 _"Lap: But my throat was dry so thanks, now... I'm scared so i'll escape/L: So cute!/M: She's like a baby, so cute... I want to lick her/Okayu: What would she taste like~/L: Lap's flavor?/M: Definitely like a baby"_ 3:48:53 _"L: This top's so cute!"_ 3:50:13 _"L: Okanyan's car is so good right?/M: It's so cute!"_ 3:50:39 _"M: So everyone, we're recruiting fanart images at PanPanKamen for stickers/L: What was last time's tag?/M: PanPanKamenMenu"_ 3:52:51 _"L: What are you getting, dogs, cats?/M: No, FuwaMoco rejected me so i want a dog now/L: *laughs*/M: SO because of them i want a dog!"_ 3:53:45 _"Kanade: Marine Mama?/M: Eh? I'm here/Kanade: Can you take me to the cabaret?/M: Want to, interested? Well we'll tak-/Suba: HEY KANADE YOU! WORK FOR ONCE!/M: Not going to the cabaret? But Sheriff, come too! We'll take you!/Suba: I'm not going into that car. KANADE GET TO WORK!"_ 🤣 3:55:17 _"M: The thing with cats is you can't take them to strolls, they'd run free if so/L: So after all we're getting a dog?/M: I'll buy Fuwawa, so you get Mococo/L: WHY?!/M: It's Fuwamoco!/L: But... I may get a Koyori?"_ (Continuing in replies)
@X-Kill Ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 5 & Afterword] 3:56:51 *Entering locale* _"M: THIS IS SO CUTE!/L: its butt is exposed though!"_ 3:57:19 _"So cute, it's wagging its tail!"_ 3:58:19 _"C: The pet shop's next door/L: Next door?"_ 3:58:57 Pet shop found! 3:59:27 _"L: I want small breeds!/M: Me too"_ 🐕 4:00:17 Patting the doggie. 4:01:26 _"L: I want a small one... These are all big"_ 4:01:43 _"M: Maybe there's another pet shop, let's look at the map?"_ 4:02:41 _"M: Hello? Yeah, www i'm not [The stripper], i'm [The cabaret lady]"_ 4:03:48 Ririka's here to buy too. 4:04:28 _"M: Seems it's only this one vendor..."_ 4:04:57 *Koyo call* _"L: Hello?/Koyo: Hello Lamytan?/L: What happened?/Koyo: a lot of bad things... I want to talk about it, where are you? Busy/L: At the pet shop, looking for a Koyori replacement/Koyo: No, you don't need to replace me... The real one's here!/L: But you doubted my love before so.../Koyo: Sorry! But for real, Mama was scary!/L: But Mama is here/Koyo: I want to go negotiate with her, where is the Pet shop?"_ 4:05:49 _"M: Who are you calling with?/L: Koyori/M: She's no good, don't call her/L: I'm explaining to her/M: I don't wanna meet with Koyori/L: What? Are you in real bad terms?/M: Because she'll charge me 5 Million if i see her!"_ 💸 4:06:13 _"L: Are you Charging 5 Million?/K: Oh no i won't.../L: May not be good! I'll DM you directly/M: Lamy-chan? Don't talk to Koyori in front of me, she's bad/L: Sorry mama, sorry!/M: Careful, she's trying to take Mama's money"_ 4:07:03 _"Should i get a bulldog?"_ 4:07:41 Lamy giving up cause no small breeds. 4:08:30 _"M: Thank you for your hard work, Koyori's bad news! I won't meet with Koyori, so i'm going back to shop/L: Mama's closing the shop to close"_ 4:09:20 Calling, wants to ask Koyo what she wanted to talk about, but no reply. 4:09:42 _"L: Koyori had an accident?!/Ririka: Pardon?/L: Oh nothing/Ririka: Oh, so you mistook me?.../L: Eh? She had an accident? Leaving me again!"_ 4:10:42 Ririka bought doggie! 🐶 4:12:17 Koyo is safe, thanks to Dr. Fox! 4:13:31 _"L: Fubuki senpai's always working/K: Lamytan, sorry!/L: Koyo, let's talk at the dog cafe there!"_ 4:13:57 _"L: What happened today?/Koyo: Today... It all began when i hit Mama by accident/L: She said you charged her 5 Million.../K: Well, i did something nice with the money/L: You forgave it?/Koyo: But you know, Mama fooled me! So since you're working in the same shop i thought maybe she had ordered you... And got scared"_ 4:14:28 _"L: So you doubted me?/Koyo: No no, Mama is the one i doubt, like, i saw firsthand a lot of policemen in the cabaret! So i escaped, then was chased... And yeah... I died from a lot of things afterwards.../L: So, would you take a Swan boat with me?/Koyo: Then i was a suspect for the police, so a lot of things, took an hour... If i speak about it all it may take half an hour so..."_ 🚓 4:15:47 _"L: But you know, i thougth about buying Koyori/K: Me?/L: A dog, that i'd name after you... But i gave up/K: Why?/L: Cause you said i have you already!/Koyo: You won't replace me?/L: I said it didn't i Koyori?/Koyo: Can i go meet Mama Lamy-tan?/L: If we go she'll be there/Koyo: I see... But i won't charge her, like i can give her 3 Million when i go to the store and speak, i thought/L: I don't know, but if you go maybe i can convince Mama?/Koyo: I wonder if I can..."_ 4:17:51 Giving her Marine's number. 4:18:53 New article posted. _"L: Come to visit me again? *Hug*/K: I'm glad to be able to solve things!/L: It's no good to keep arguments!"_ 4:20:14 Koyo robbing cars in front of Lamy _"Eh... _*_Victims escape_*_ wwww She failed though"_ 4:20:51 _"L: I like cool people, why was that so uncool? Koyo failing a lot is uncool _*_wheeze_*_ she's doing it again!"_ 4:21:32 _"L: What's with this car?/Koyo: A-Ahhh I just bought this!/L: Amazing!/Koyo: There's this popular thing called _*_UberCar_*_ so it arrived right away!/L: Would you take me to the shop?/Koyo: I wanted to see you so i remember!/L: So happy!/Koyo: I wonly think about you!/L: What did you work today?/Koyo: I went with the ambulances and the police! I worked at lots of things! I went to the hospital and _*_Crashes and passenger loses consciousness_*_ and the police..."_ 4:22:49 _"L: Amazing, so cool! People who do their best at work are so cool!/K: I did my best todsy!/L: You did your best alone? Hey, i want to go one place/K: Where at?/L: The amusement park!/Koyo: Me too!/L: Then do you have time off tomorrow?/K: Can i reach to you?/L: Got it, if you have off time let's go to the amusement park together?"_ 4:23:41 Ending. _"L: I want to go to the amusement park tomorrow with Koyo, but first she must make amends with mom!"_ 4:24:54 Storing Bike. 4:25:21 *Found the other bike* _"It's inbound, so it's no good? How much do i have to pay for it?"_ *Watame inbound the vehicle* 4:26:14 _"Well it's 1 A.M so i'll contact her tomorrow, it'd be borderline today, Watame seems busy"_ 4:26:25 _"So look forward to tomorrow.. Everyone... Otsu... OtsuPanPanKameen! SoloPanPanKamen! Or rather, today ince the date changeed... Good night!"_ 👋 Thank you for the fun Stream princess! It was very fun. Today's interactions were very fun. Not gonna lie, it hurts me a bit whenever i see you acting like that with others, but i know it's all for fun in the game, so it's okay. Have a wonderful day, Lamy. 🕊
@user-rei_sakuraduki Ай бұрын
ホロGTA二日目も色んな事が起きて楽しかった! お店でもドリンク出せるようになったり、衣装も増えてきたおかげでKZbinが耐えられるのか!?というレベルのサービスも!w マイバイクのおかげで行動範囲も広がったし、まだ見ぬ地へ出かけたり、この後の生活も楽しみだ。
@らぴす5303 Ай бұрын
ラミィちゃん 今日のholoGTAも楽しんだね! いきなり衣装が過激で草 感覚麻痺してない?w サービスもどんどんし過ぎwほぼ下着だしw 外用の衣装はセンスがあって可愛かったね! まさかバイク買うとは思わなかったなw 行っきまーす!で正面の壁に突っ込んだのめっちゃ笑ったw ママが2度も殴られて倒れてるのを目撃したり、こよが車ごと水没してたりと事件も多かったねw 今日も楽しい配信をありがとう!
@yukihane_wamy Ай бұрын
アスファルトに肉体を切りつけながら疾走するラミィちゃんにシビれました!! アーカイブが心配で夜しか眠れないです…!!
@アストワール十反逆の暗黒騎 Ай бұрын
ホロGTA2日目~ ちゃんと新メニュー出来てるぅw ドリンクがパンツ履いてて それにしてもラミィちゃんが魔性の女すぎるw 誰でも落ちちゃうやんw こよ イチャイチャしてたねぇ👀 GTAの世界でのししろんめっちゃラミィちゃんデレッデレでいいなw かなたんのバイクを盗んだことで一応本日の目標である悪い事達成してて 本日二度も乙るママw 新しいバイクも買えてよかったねぇ 一台目はゲームクラッシュした影響でどこかに消えてしまったけど(警察にあるらしい) 二台目は良い感じにカスタムもしてもらえてかわいいバイクになったね 運転し始めは突撃しまくりでやばかったけど運転も慣れてきて良い感じになってたわ こよちゃんと喧嘩?もしてたけど仲直り出来て話も出来てよかったね 後はママと仲直りしてもらうだけか 今日もラミィちゃんセクシーだったよぉ(正直格好はえっっっっっっっっ!すぎたw) ラミィパン見てました👀👀👀w 明日のGTAも楽しみがいっぱいだな👀 配信ありがとう、楽しかったよ ラミィちゃんだけ大好き愛してるよ
@グミ..雪民 Ай бұрын
おつパンパン仮面〜✨ 今日も楽しかった(≧∇≦) 営業めっちゃ上手いけど、ポールダンスは怒られそうで不安だよwwもうちょい露出下げない?
@murasame_setsura Ай бұрын
でした! めちゃくちゃホロメンくるねwししろんが本命でみこちとかその他が明らかに本命じゃないけど太客だからいい感じにしてるキャバ嬢みたいじゃんw お店のメニューも増えたし営業は踏み倒されなければ盤石かな?しかし下着モロ出しはあかんやろw色気より先に笑いが起こるけど黄色くなりそうだわw 流石に悪ノリしすぎでしょwいっかい運営さんなりに怒られてもろてw バイクかっこよくなっててよかったね! ちなみに清楚と言っていた衣装は全く清楚ではないぞ()そら先輩みてもろてw かわいいんだけどねw こよちゃんとの遊園地デート楽しみだね!楽しかったよ
@5210702 Ай бұрын
@abdulkadirculha1995 Ай бұрын
美しい ありがとう 愛しています Lamy
@spino.ultimate.water.dinosaur Ай бұрын
@user-hom5hom7hom03 Ай бұрын
ホロGTA2日目もおつらみ! 今回もみんなでワチャワチャしてて楽しかった! 想定外のパンチによりまさか今回もママが病気送りになるとは思わなかったw お店も新メニュー出したり、大サービスのポールダンスをしたりと昨日以上に大盛況で良かった
@fenrir... Ай бұрын
GTAでした。 お値段はともかく、キャバクラ自体はだいぶ好評ですね。これだけ好評ならまた新しい衣装を仕入れなければ。ポールダンスのパターンは限られているので、毎回新しい衣装で楽しませなきゃいけないのが難しいところであり楽しいところなポジションとみた。 バイクも一台目は不幸な事故で失ってしまいましたが、二代目はしっかりカスタムしてもらったのかっこいいもので、移動も楽しくなりますな。また同じようにロストしてしまわないかという恐怖はありますが。 それはさておき、いろんな人に「あなただけ」と言ってるのは後々刺されるのでは?
@Aki.f-ry9nu Ай бұрын
でした holoGTA2日目も楽しかったです! ポールダンスもだけど、2日目も爆笑する所が多かったねw バイク買ったら、1台目がいきなりでびっくりだったね。 二台目のバイク、色が可愛いね、運転も上手いし大切にね〜! 一応、1台目のインバウンドが最後に解ったみたいで良かったね、3日目に連絡してみるみたいだし、1台目のバイクも使えるようになると良いね! 3日目がどんな感じになるのか楽しみにしてますね✨
@ぱぱぱぱぱにぃ Ай бұрын
ん~まんまんま こんなことするのもラミィさんだけなんだからね!恥ずかしい ママ恥ずかしい私~やだやだ~(参考 1:38:06 ) 楽屋裏で素になるのも好き。 犬はゴールデンレトリーバーよくない? 私の飼いたい犬上位(他ミニチュアダックス・トイプー) にしても「自分に嘘はつけない」は良い名言でした 愛してる
@kasupa_zu Ай бұрын
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