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Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィ

Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィ

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 107
@雪カワウソ Ай бұрын
簡易タイムスタンプ(それでも長い&ズレあり、ズレなし詳細版は返信欄に) 02:07 start 02:40 挨拶&今日の出勤着探し 23:40 遊園地デートを楽しむラミこよ  24:30 ジェットコースター  25:00 突如現れるおかゆん  25:40 踏んだり蹴ったり?のラミィ 38:19 こよからの大事なお話  41:32 2つ目の話&めんどくさい女になるラミィ   42:42 約束 50:45 到着&ママとすいちゃんとブラックマーケットへ 53:28 恋路の報告 58:30 プロ意識の高いラミィ 59:00 名悪役すいちゃんとママとチーママのRP 1:01:35 ノエル警官の検閲 1:04:30 すいちゃんによるレクチャー&罪悪感で買い物をするラミィ 1:07:53 ATM奪取開始 1:09:40 警察とのチェイス開始  01:10:40 バレバレ愉快 2:02:48 コンビニ強盗のチュートリアル&強盗開始  2:06:10 レジ強盗できないラミィ  2:08:00 団長到着   2:08:30 人を撃てない二人&脱走 2:35:30 みこちから連絡&すいちゃんをおびき出す方向へ 2:37:40 犬カフェにパン屋到着カオス状態へ  2:39:46 フワモコをかわいがるホロメンたち 2:47:58 病院到着&治療 2:51:00 フワモコと連絡がとれるが…   2:52:14 医療崩壊  2:54:00 限界を迎えつつあるラミィ  2:54:55 フブキ院長&イナ到着 2:57:00 ストレス解消のためパン屋へ  2:58:54 パン屋到着&犯行現場を目撃するラミィ  2:59:18 プチ修羅場&再び脊椎に痛みを覚えるラミィ  3:01:50 復讐するラミィ&キャバクラで勤務覚悟のミオしゃ 3:04:30 Fで加速に騙されるママ&車の中で倒れるラミィ  3:06:33 限界を迎えるレイネ  3:07:28 院長到着&治ったと見せかけて治ってないレイネ 3:08:30 マリラミ漫才&そら先輩がお店にくる事が判明 3:10:20 せっかくなら全員呼ぶか 3:14:24 そら先輩来店  3:16:58 そらちゃんのポールダンス 3:17:22  3:18:09 着替えを勧める船長・必死に止めるラミィ  3:19:20 奏ちゃん来店&そらちゃんと一緒に踊るラミィ  3:20:50 奏ちゃんを誘うママ達  3:21:46 団長を誘うラミィ  3:22:20 署長乱入  3:22:34 団長のポールダンスに興奮するラミィ  3:23:05 スバル署長を誘うラミィ&ママ  3:24:40 楽しんでるそらちゃん助けに来る青くん  3:25:38 踊り始めるラミィ  3:25:40 そらちゃんを誘うラミィ  3:26:17 奏ちゃんを守ろうとして暴行事件を起こす青くん  3:29:54 結局イチャイチャするマリ青とやってられなくて夜の街を滑走するラミィ 3:38:20 突然の交通事故(コンビニに行きたかっただけなのに…)  3:41:35 ママに連絡する前に救急隊だろ! &かなたんに詰め寄るラミィ  3:43:30 合意のもとにひかれたラミィ  3:43:41 かなたんの謝罪&パンツを見せてくるママ  3:45:10 フワモコと病院へ&裏で凶悪な会話をするころさん 3:47:00 病院到着&治療してくれるイナ  3:47:50 パンツを覗くラミィ 3:55:22 店に到着&おらくるに変わった店内BGM  3:56:02 ミオしゃの姿に複雑な思いをするラミィ  3:57:20 親子丼を見たいラミィ&ポルカ記者来店  3:58:10 間近で親子ポールダンスを見るラミィ  3:59:00 脳破壊されるフブキ院長&カオスになるキャバクラ  4:00:24 ころさんとフブキ院長をさらに脳破壊するママ  4:01:00 ズタボロにされるころさん 4:02:00 やりきったが請求を忘れたママとチーママ 4:02:30 明日の方向性 4:03:26 終了挨拶と今日の感想 4:03:54 Cパート
@雪カワウソ Ай бұрын
詳細版①(ラミこよ遊園地デート編) 02:40 挨拶&今日の出勤着探し  03:00 今日の遊園地デート予定について  06:07 マンネリを打開したい船長(なお手段)  07:04 デートに同行する気満々のママ  08:10 ショバ代請求の話も自信満々のママ  14:18 うれしいお話二つ&ラミこよ痴話喧嘩  15:41 すいちゃん到着&予想以上に高額なショバ代の回収   17:49 すいちゃんから悪い道に誘われる二人    20:10 悪いことをする前に4亡するママ 20:47 デートへ行くラミこよ  22:00 オープンカー()  23:03 遊園地到着&人身事故発生 23:35 遊園地デートを楽しむラミこよ  24:30 ジェットコースター   24:50 突如ワープ出現するおかゆん   25:40 一人置いて行かれるラミィ  27:16 改めてジェットコースターを楽しむラミこよ  30:30 フリーフォール  31:30 観覧車   32:48 バグるラミィ  33:50 海岸へ   35:43 浜辺でキャッキャウフフする二人   38:19 こよの大事な話    41:32 2つ目の話&めんどくさい女になるラミィ     42:42 約束 45:30 遊園地を楽しんでるパン屋&事故発生 46:19 ママからの催促&連続で事故を起こすこよ  48:10 限界を迎える車
@雪カワウソ Ай бұрын
詳細版②(はじめてのはんざい編) 50:45 お店到着&ママとすいちゃんとブラックマーケットへ  52:50 命が軽いロスサントス&デート結果と恋のアドバイスをするママ 54:00 ブラックマーケット到着& (ピストル)パンパン仮面 57:50 ATM強盗へ  58:10 プロ意識の高いラミィ  59:25 名悪役すいちゃんと怯えるママとチーママ  1:01:38 ノエル警官の検閲  1:04:28 すいちゃんによるレクチャー&罪悪感で買い物をするラミィ   1:07:50 ATM奪取開始    1:09:40 警察とのチェイス開始     01:10:35 バレバレ愉快   1:11:40 警察を舐め始めるママとチーママコント   1:12:52 ATM破壊チュートリアル    1:16:00 警察接近で慌てて脱走する3人 1:20:08 気軽な犯罪をしたい二人&宝石店強盗のレクチャー  1:22:10 ガス欠発生   1:23:30 ギャップの激しいすいちゃん   1:35:37 ポルカと通話&みんなの事が大好きなラミィ  1:38:50 青くん到着   1:40:00 高速から落下するラミィ   1:41:57 ボッチ煽りされるラミィ 1:44:00 パン屋到着&ころさんのファッションチェック  1:45:02 すいちゃん&ママ到着とミオしゃをキャバに誘うママ  1:47:40 パン屋の凶行を目撃する二人 1:48:43 銀行強盗へ  1:50:03 だんだん倫理観が壊れる二人  1:52:31 強盗準備  1:57:32 強盗開始  2:01:21 人パンパン確定&互いに押し付けあう二人 2:02:48 コンビニ強盗のチュートリアル&強盗開始  2:06:10 レジ強盗できないラミィ  2:08:00 ノエル警官到着   2:08:50 人を撃てない二人&脱走  2:10:30 銃を捨てて逃走  2:11:00 現場に戻ってしまうも声を落として潜むラミィ  2:13:10 迷子になるラミィ   2:13:44 堂々と警察とすれ違うラミィ  2:16:08 こよに助けを求めるラミィ  2:17:35 ママから連絡 2:20:03 ギャング志望だったが犯罪に向いてないことを気が付いたラミィ 2:21:04 2:22:30 お店到着
@雪カワウソ Ай бұрын
詳細版③(連続負傷編) 2:23:35 ママに連絡&身元引受人になるラミィ  2:26:33 警察署到着  2:27:40 すいちゃんを56す方向になる二人 2:28:46 今後の相談  2:29:58 二人で犬カフェへ 2:31:20 謎の大金が入ってきたママ&すいちゃんを56す方向になる二人 2:33:55 犬カフェ到着  2:35:11 みこちから連絡&すいちゃんをおびき出す方向へ   2:36:24 すいちゃんに連絡&堂々とした船長に恐怖を覚えるラミィ 2:37:43 パン屋&ししろん到着・わちゃわちゃになる犬カフェ  2:38:00 犬カフェの犬(人型)に殴られるラミィ  2:39:44 フワモコをかわいがるホロメンたち  2:40:02 船長に殴られるラミィ  2:43:40 こよから心配の連絡 2:44:46 奏と一緒に病院とメカニックへ  2:46:10 ママを助けたつもりが責められるラミィ 2:47:58 病院到着  2:48:11 ゼータ&まつりちゃんと会話  2:49:40 誰もいない医療現場  2:51:00 フワモコ・フブキ院長と連絡   2:52:14 医療崩壊  2:54:00 限界を迎えつつあるラミィ  2:54:55 フブキ院長&イナ到着・治療をうけるラミィ 2:56:53 ストレス解消のためパン屋へ 2:58:54 パン屋到着&事件現場を目撃するラミィ  2:59:18 プチ修羅場&巻き込まれて再び脊椎に痛みを覚えるラミィ  3:01:00 キャバで事件を起こしたころさん  3:01:50 さっきの復讐するラミィ&キャバクラで勤務をしたいミオしゃ 3:03:00 もう限界なラミィの脊椎 3:04:30 Fで加速に騙されて車から飛び降りるママ&車の中で4亡するラミィ  3:06:50 限界を迎えるレイネ  3:07:25 院長到着&治ったと見せかけて治ってないレイネ
@雪カワウソ Ай бұрын
詳細版④(そらちゃん来店編) 3:14:22 そらちゃん来店  3:14:43 そらちゃん相手に緊張するラミィ&清楚な恰好にお着替え   3:15:24 そらちゃんを接客  3:16:09 そらちゃんがポールダンスをする流れになり焦るラミィ   3:16:58 そらちゃんがポールダンスに挑戦    3:17:43 スバル署長合流&そらともとして許せないみこち  3:18:08 そらちゃんに着替えを勧める船長・必死に止めるラミィ  3:19:20 奏ちゃん来店&そらちゃんと一緒に踊るラミィ  3:20:50 奏ちゃんを誘うママ達  3:21:41 団長をポールダンスに誘うラミィ  3:22:16 踊れない奏、乱入して止めるスバル署長  3:22:34 団長のポールダンスに興奮するラミィ  3:23:05 スバル署長をポールダンスに誘うラミィ&ママ  3:24:40 楽しんでるそらちゃん、助けに来る青くん  3:25:38 そらちゃんをポールダンスに誘うラミィ   3:26:17 奏を守ろうとして暴行事件を起こして奏に逮捕される青くん  3:29:50 結局イチャイチャするマリ青とやってられなくて夜の街をバイクで疾走するラミィ   3:32:00 ここどこ&ドライブで気分転換の良さを知ったラミィ    3:33:30 洗車体験 3:34:38 お店到着 3:35:20 ラミィよりよっぽど悪影響じゃないかあいつ? 3:36:23 そらちゃんを雇用しようとするママVS阻止したい青くん
@雪カワウソ Ай бұрын
詳細版⑤(交通事故&パン屋交流編) 3:38:09 突然の交通事故(コンビニに行きたかっただけなのに…)  3:39:50 今日はついてないラミィ  3:41:35 ママに連絡する前に救急隊だろ! &かなたんに詰め寄るラミィ  3:44:00 かなたんの謝罪&パンツを見せてくるママ 3:45:10 フワモコと病院へ&裏で物騒な会話をするころさん 3:46:50 病院到着&イナに引き継ぎ  3:47:30 治療を受けながらイナのパンツを覗くラミィ 3:49:10 退院&ポルカ記者と会話 3:50:20 スケボーでキャバまで向かうラミィ 3:55:22 店に到着&おらくるに変わった店内BGM  3:56:02 ミオしゃの姿に複雑な思いをするラミィ  3:56:55 親子丼を見たいラミィ&ポルカ記者来店   3:58:10 間近で親子ポールダンスを見るラミィ  3:59:00 脳破壊されるフブキ院長&カオスになるキャバクラ   4:00:20 ころさんとフブキ院長をさらに脳破壊するママ   4:00:54 ズタボロにされるころさん 4:02:00 やりきったが請求を忘れたママとチーママ  4:02:25 明日の方向性 4:03:26 終了挨拶と今日の感想 4:03:51 Cパート
@Vtenco_ch Ай бұрын
本日の好きなシーン 3:38:20 勢いが良くて好きすぎる🚗 犯罪に手を染めたり怪我しまくったりとGTAらしくなってきた!明日の新人ちゃんも楽しみだなぁ
@ju-ichi527 Ай бұрын
今回はポールダンス以外の事も色々経験できてよかったね 活動範囲が広くなったから色んな人と会えた印象! 次は何ができるか楽しみだね~
@khoonkitlim5963 Ай бұрын
Thank you for tonight's fun Holo GTA Day 3 collaboration stream, Lamy-chan!
@avezans Ай бұрын
@矢車ゴルベーザ四天王の5人 Ай бұрын
@user-hom5hom7hom03 Ай бұрын
ホロGTA3日目おつらみ! 今回もいっぱい笑わせてもらったよ!今回は犯罪に巻き込まれたり、怪我で病院で治療した後速攻で再度怪我して治療したり散々な事もあったけど見所満載で面白かった
@ズオウかける Ай бұрын
おつらみでした! すいちゃんに連れまわされてるとこ面白かった!団長の職質もタイミング凄かったねw 新人採用やラミィちゃんをめぐっての対決など明日以降もワクワクがいっぱいで楽しみ!
@チャアクック Ай бұрын
修羅場や見所たくさんあって今日も面白かった~♪ 新人さんも楽しみだ✨
@douke1986 Ай бұрын
雪花さん、いつもありがとうございます。 視点見てたら感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになりました。 今日も楽しみにしてますよ。
@Clip_bell Ай бұрын
なんかすごい散々な感じやったな!面白すぎるw 明日も楽しみすぎるわ
@minase_kori Ай бұрын
今日は波乱な一日だった! と思ったが、むしろ1.2日目が平和すぎてこれが普通なのかもしれないw
@kokuyou_neru Ай бұрын
怪我の多い1日だったねw こよちゃんとデートできたし悪事にも関われたね!色んなイベントが起きてて面白かった! こよちゃんとの関係がこれからどうなるのか楽しみ!
@シュウ-u6z Ай бұрын
GTA配信おつパンパン仮面でした、今日も楽しい配信時間ありがとうございました。 今日もまた、一段と濃密な物語が連発した配信でした…。見てる側ですが途中で目頭が熱くなる場面がいっぱいでした。 提出物のお仕事が忙しい中でも配信で会えて嬉しいです。次の配信で会えるのを楽しみに待ってます。
@darkness_dragon_kira_ Ай бұрын
おつらみでしたー! たのしそうで何より!w 怪盗パンパン仮面の語感好きw
@X-Kill Ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 1] HoloGTA Day 3 with Lamy-chan! Let's praise her a lot for a day of hard work with submissions. 2:05 Start! 2:26 _"Good morning!"_ ☀ 2:40 _"Good morning everyooone! So, i'd like to change my work outfit, i did prepare earlier but Koyo said that around 9 PM more or less she wanted to go to the amusement park, so from 8 onwards i promised i'd be with her before so, i'd like to fulfill that first"_ 3:32 _"She may still be doing something, so in the meantime i'd like to change my clothes but... Are you all doing well?"_ 4:02 _"I don't want to go with too much exposure, they'll tell me again [Don't walk outside like that]"_ 4:31 _"Amazing, this feels so Showa-like"_ 5:11 _"Let's dress in Lamy color today? Let's get dyed in Lamy color, but somewhat Red, white and black is cute isn't it?"_ 5:39 _"Let's do a skirt with a pattern"_ 6:04 _"M: Lamy-chaaan?/L: Mama Good morning?/M: Deciding on the pantsu for today?/L: It's pantsu time yeah!/M: I've thought about the mannerism/L: in clothes?/M: No no, about how we do the pole dance!"_ 6:47 _"M: It seems Koyori-chan's coming right now/L: Eh? Already? An errand of yours? I see.."_ 7:06 _"M: You're going to a date right? Can Mama tag along?/L: Ehh?! That may be dangerous/M: why? But we're always together!/L: Taking my mom to my first date? That's like a toxic parent!/M: But i'm concerned!/L: You don't need to be!"_ 7:57 _"L: You have something to talk about today right?/M: With Koyori-chan? Ahh well, it's not about her but... Seems we're about to be charged a land fee/L: What's this Land Fee?/M: Seems that keeping a shop will have a fee so they may come to charge it... But not to worry, we have a lot/L: Have you really gathered that much?/M: Well despite my overcharging they surprisingly paid plenty/L: Then youre also able to increase my salary right?/M: Certainly! I wonder if i should promote you..."_ 8:56 _"A one piece may be fine for today right? Since we'll be going to the amusement park for a date"_ 9:51 _"I'd like to wear something frilly and cute, why is there none?"_ 10:24 _"There was also a maid outfit right? Where was it..."_ 👗 11:53 _"Whyyy?! At least a skirt would be good! Where can i have one? I already have one, so this'd be like skirt on skirt"_ 13:03 _"I don't know this one, but it may be good!"_ 13:47 _"How to say, this skirt is nice but the jeans skirt is interfering"_ 14:17 Marine and Koyo are here with 2 happy news. _"L: What is the first?/M: Lamy-chan, you're chief of this shop!/L: Yaay thank you!/Koyo: What are you showing me?/M: To continue the happy stories... Koyori-chan, accept it?/KoyoLamy: What?"_ 14:46 _"Both: And now... We reconciled! *kiss*/L: Ah, geez! That's good though"_ 15:42 Sui-chan's here. _"Sui: Hello!/Koyo: Wonder if i can see a good punchline/M: I will do! *Punches suisei*/Sui-chan: Really? I'll call the cops on you/M: Sorry sorry!, i was kidding!/Sui: So what were you talking about?/M: Now? We kissed"_ 16:24 Towa became a Papa from today on. 16:40 _"Suisei: So, i have to get the Land fee now/L: Mama, you have money right?/M: Well, we're buying clothes but, as the result of overcharging at the cabaret, i got, over 30 million!/E1: Amazing!/L: Mama, you have that?/Suisei: Well, but the fee for the cabaret is 50 million.../M: 5-5-50 million?! I can't pay!/Suisei: You can't? Then i can only destroy your shop!"_ 17:59 Marine gets punched. 👊 18:17 _"Sui: But you both can do bad things right? For the sake of winning money/M: we can/L: If mama says to do.../M: Lamy-chaan/Koyo: Lamytan may be fine even if she's found out... She's a civil servant after all"_ 18:56 _"L: If Mama says we do it, we will, looks liike you're bleeding from the butt though.../M: That's bad! It's the butt that Ao-kun destroyed a few days, still bleeding"_ 20:17 _"Suisei: Let's do bad things then Mama?/L: Let's go!"_ 20:31 MARINE GA SHINDA! 🏴‍☠ 21:26 _"Koyo: This is my car! I bought it for Lamy-chan!/L: Really? You properly bought it yourself with money?/Koyo: Yeah! For 0 yen!/L: What do you mean?/K: A really kind person sold it for that prize to me!/L: Such kindness in the world!"_ 21:52 _"Both: Let's gooo!"_ (English) 22:57 _"Koyo: It's fine! It's like a Jet Coaster!"_ 23:20 *running over people* _"L: KOYO?! Koyo?!/Koyo: It's fine, this is something you must do, like breathing in this country"_ 24:05 _"L: This was that thing, the Free fall!/Koyo: I wonder if we can get on them all!"_ 24:40 _"L: Like that?!/Koyo: Why are we not seated together?!"_ 24:55 Trying to start the ride. 25:04 Okayu was warped all the way here 25:45 Lamy running by her own. 26:04 Being left behind. Running after them. 26:30 *Call* _"L: I'll wait, so let's ride again!/Koyo: It's fun Lamytan!/L: Whyy?! It's not fun, i wanted to ride on it too!"_ 27:12 _"Koyo: Let's ride again Lamy tan!/L: I paid for it... 😭"_ 27:32 They're sitting together now! Koyo asks Okayun to take a picture. 28:14 _"Koyo: You can hold me Lamy!/L: Really? I'm the type that raises both hands!/Koyo: Let's fly then! Wind feels so good!"_ *Enjoying Roller coaster* 29:41 Took picture together. 📸 30:32 _"Koyo: This seems fun! But it's all damaged so it looks like a lot of accidents happen here"_ *Riding Free Fall* 31:01 Screaming at the free fall, only goes once though. 31:23 _"Koyo: It seems it'll be beautiful at night/L: True! I feel the night view would be beautiful!"_ *Riding Ferris wheel* 32:05 _"Koyo: even though i thought about talking about something serious with you.../L: What about now? Really has to be?/Koyo: Not while riding like this"_ 32:41 _"L: Is it that kind of talk you have to speak about quietly?/Koyo: It's not that kind of talk but, being heard by others may be embarrassing"_ 33:12 Bugged out of game. 👾 33:54 _"L: Let me hear what you have to say?/Koyo: Here? What about by the seaside?"_ 34:31 Into beach! 34:40 _"Koyo: Aren't those super big surfing boards?/L: No no, they're flags no!/Koyo: Hey Lamy, want to ride on a swan boat?"_ 35:39 _"Koyo: These may be ornaments only/L: So we can't ride? This is so fun, i'm swmming!/Koyo: I'll catch you Lamy-chaaan!"_ 36:17 _"Koyo: I caught you!/L: By handholding?"_ 36:57 _"Koyo: I want to talk with you, so let's sit over there?"_ 37:20 Koyo teaching her the command to sit. 38:12 _"Koyo: If you look at the right you can see the sea, i want to talk about something, there's 2 things to say... First, shall i?/L: It's fine, i'm pointing at you though"_ 38:37 _"Koyo: Lamytan, can i... Put a ring on that finger?/L: It's my index... You fine?/Koyo: No! Can it be the ring finger? Can i... Put a ring on your 2nd leftmost finger?/L: Eh.../Koyo: Is that... A no?/L: But we're not yet that deep, it's too soon!"_ 39:08 _"Koyo: If so, would you please date me from here on?/L: But... I have lots of clients i love, so you may not be my #1/Koyo: Why?! It wasn't me?!/L: No no! I mean, there may be times where because of the service to my customers i may not go rush to you..."_ 39:49 _"Koyo: But i don't mind, you can keep working at that... As long as you keep me in your heart always/L: You're right now in my heart!/Koyo: But don't you have Botan-tan?/L: The vice-captain?/Koyo: Yeah.../L: Ehh ahhh..."_ *Fidgets* 40:53 *Senchou call* _"M: Ah Lamy-chan? You may be on a date, but since i'm healed now, can you come back to work?/L: Got it Mama! I can go back/M: What are you doing?/L: I'll talk when we go back!/Koyo: So i'm rejected like this..."_ 41:26 _"L: what was the other thing?/Koyo: I'll beat the vice-captain... So i'll report when i do/L: So you're fighting her?/Koyo: Well i said it's the 2nd thing but... Though i said i was a civil worker... In this town right now, I'm actually a gangster/L: Eh? Why did you say that? Did you lie to me?"_ 👀 42:11 _"L: You're an enemy to the vice captain then?/Koyo: Yes... But according to the recent articles regarding police, isn't it hard to tell whose side justice is on?/L: True, each has their justice"_ 42:44 _"L: But, i like strong people so, if you beat the vice-captain on a one-on-one fight it'll be fine, i'll become yours! So win!/Koyo: Alright, i'll win! I'll even do it in front of you!"_ 43:35 _"L: Koyo? You okay? For a moment you did a hyper jump"_ 44:17 _"Koyo: Thank you for the date today Lamy-tan it was fun, let's go again/L: I had fun too... Yes, If you win!/Koyo: So you're not dating me if i don't win?/L: That's not it! But i want to a cool Koyo!/K: You'll walk my path after all/L: Not really/Koyo: Eh?/L: I'm always chasing my own justice"_ 45:41 Bakers are here! 45:57 Kanatan and Koro riding atop the car and dancing or sneaking. Then Koyo drops them. 46:29 *Marine call* _"L. Mama!/M: Lamy? You're taking long!/L: The bakers are getting in the way!/Koyo: Don't get us in that!"_ 47:14 *Running over somebody else* _"L: KOYYOOOO!/Koyo: Hello theeeere! It's fine, i don't mind it, so you won't either!/L: Eh... Is it okay you ran over 2 people in this date already/Koyo: It's fine, it doesn't hurt! It's your imagination!"_ 48:35 _"Koyo: I'll order an UberCar Sorry, for real!/L: I can't believe it!/Koyo: It'll be right away, just wait there!"_ (Continuing in replies)
@X-Kill Ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 2] 49:02 _"L: Let me call mom..."_ 49:39 _"Koyo: I got a new car Lamytan! Sorry it's a bit lame though!/L: Not an open car this time?/Koyo: Yeah, it's a pretty rusty and clanking car/L: But couldn't be helped!/Koyo: But it represents my strength cause it's sturdy!/L: The previous is all destroyed though.../Koyo: This may not break, it's my strongest, even if i had an accident/L: So you're progressively getting stronger?"_ 50:44 Back to cabaret. _"Koyo: There's a super pervert... 3 of them no less!/Suisei: What are you going to do right now Koyori?/Koyo: I'm off for about 15 minutes/Suisei: I Thought we could go to a convenience store, the bank or an ATM/Koyo: I haven't seen the ATM, i'd like to!"_ 🏧 51:26 _"Koyo: Maybe the bank would be better, we can teach them/Suisei: True... Well, cause we only have to pull the ATM but not open it/L: So you can't do both?/Suisei: Yeah! After that bring (Both the ATM and them) to the mountains and there ask you to maybe open the ATM... What about it?/M: What are you making us to do, you're disposing of us in the mountains rght?/Suisei: I wonder/M: Then covering our corpses with honey so the beetles eat them huh?/L: She's overthinking the torture.../Suisei: Let's go to the black market shall we?/MariLamy: Black market?!/Marine: What's about to start? I don't have anything/L: Me either, i just have sake/Suisei: You have money at least don't you?/L: Mama has it.../M: Yeah but i give money to Lamy-chan..."_ 52:51 _"L: What at the Black Market?/Suisei: Do you know Black Friday?/L: Ahhh!/M: Didn't you just run over someone?/Suisei: Nah, that's the login bonus!/L: You take life so lightly!/M: Murderer!/L: Koyo ran on people earlier so naturally too! Killers!/M: ... Stop dating her/L: Mama, Koyori proposed to me!/M: But she killed someone!/L: So it may not be good!"_ 🧪 53:32 _"M: No good, one day she'll come across the vice-captain!/L: I told her i would accept if she beats the vice-captain though! If she beats Shishiro Botan in front of me, i'd date her!/M: You're setting up the vice-captain!/L: So should i keep with the public service?/M: Of course! She's a killer!/Suisei: Go off you both!/L: We'll be killed!"_ 😱 54:21 Gun shop found. 54:39 _"M: Will we become [PanPan(Pistol)] now? Do we have to kill people?/Suisei: Oh no, it's not needed"_ 55:19 Suisei forcing them to buy something. 55:47 _"L: But for a pistol i need ammo too right?/Suisei: Yeah, for pistols it's fine with 9mm or the .45!/M: What are 9mm?/Suisei: Maybe Koyori-san knows"_ 57:17 _"L: Mama, i got a weapon, what do i do now?!/L: Lamy-chan?! I don't have it/Koyo: We're partners now, Lamytan~"_ 57:40 Marine sneeze. 🤧 57:59 _"M: Lamy-chan, Mama's not resolved to it yet/L: We won't be able to return Mama..."_ 58:34 _"Suisei: you liked the vice-captain?/L: Only as a customer like everyone/M: Amazing, you're pro at being aware... www... But Lamy-chan, it's like Romeo and Juliet, something that the bigger it is, the more it burns doesn't it?"_ 59:22 _"L: Sirens are scary!/M: Won't we be found out by the cops close by?/Suisei: That's why just talk at normal range.../L: Mama, will we be fine?/M: Even i don't know!/M: Maybe it's because they all get lost that they haven't got caught/Suisei: We're getting there! You fine? I'll destroy your cabaret!"_ 1:00:12 _"Suisei: What did you need in order to return there/M: Money.../Suisei: Right? you need to prepare 50 million to pay/M: So if we pay today will the shop be saved?/Suisei: Even if not today, maybe i'll give you 3 days... Prepare it until then! I'm just showing how to get the money!/L: So evil!/Suisei: Said something?/L: Sorry, i mean, thank you for the kindness!"_ 1:01:24 _"L: Even though mama dressed so lewdly/M: But i thought i had to cause we cabaret was at the limit!/L: But that's because you showed the pantsu from the very beginning!/M: I thought we wouldn't get money if we didn't!/Noel: ...Excuse me!"_ 1:01:45 _"Noel: I was a bit worried cause you were going too fast so i followed.../Suisei: But the limit is 100mk per hour so i can do on the highway right?/Noel: Well yeah but i've been following since before you got into highway.../Suisei: What for? Are you a stalker?/Noel: It was too much speed!/L:"_ *Whispering: Save us* 1:02:18 _"Noel: Those ladies are like asking for help though?/Suisei: Oi, you want help, both of you?/M: No no, it was for you Suisei-san! Help us!/L: Help us!/Noel: Oh, you're giving them a ride?/Suisei: Yeah yeah! they were like [The cabaret may close, what now!] so i thought i'd help them!/L:"_ *hyperventilating* _"Noel: Is that how it is?/M: Yeah, we're having fun ;-;/L: I'm so happy i'm crying ;-;/Noel: So it's fine! Thank you for your hard work!"_ 1:03:17 _"M: Sui-chan, Noel is looking at us!/Suisei: Is she? I'll call her then!/L: What should i say about the gun i have?"_ 1:04:34 _"L: And you're dressed like a pervert... So shameful!/M: But Lamy-chan, i wanted to earn money!/Suisei: I'm giving you lots of things, did you take them?/L: She's bleeding...!"_ 1:05:56 Found the way to hide the gun. 1:06:34 _"L: Let me at least buy something in the convenience store... I'll buy stuff, so sorry for the inconvenience.../[Man: I hear you!]/L: Yeah, let me buy... I want a skateboard"_ 1:07:31 _"I bought it... Real sorry for all the trouble we'll cause"_ 1:08:17 _"Suisei: Now i'll pull with the car/M: Isn't it impossible?/L: The ATM is reluctant! It's saying [I don't wanna go :T]"_ 1:08:43 _"M: It seems impossible though!/Suisei: you have to do this a lot of times/L: Wahh! It's taken! There's a wild dog so be careful!"_ 1:09:10 _"Suisei: Now we have to run, go Koyori/M: Where to?/Suisei: The mountains!/Koyo: Good luck! You too Lamytan! I'll go to the meeting!"_ 1:09:29 _"Suisei: Do you get it? This is how you pull an ATM!/L: I don't!/M: So a car like this can pull it AHHH!/L: What?! AHHH! *screams*/M: We didn't do anything!/Suisei: They're coming? They're not!"_ 1:09:55 _"Suisei: If we get caught we'll shoot them/L: Don't shoot! NOO Don't!"_ 1:11:35 _"M: Lamy-chan, isn't thi easy?/L: Are the police sloppy?/M: It's easy to get money like this, we may not even have to show our panties and be fine!"_ 1:12:11 _"M: Getting the money here, we may not have to work as hard!/L: But Mama, we don't know how much this ATM has yet!/M: True.../Suisei: From here on there's a lot we have to do.../M: If this had 2 Million it may be better than overcharging at the cabaret"_ 1:12:35 _"L: It's so deep in the mountains!/M: Aren't you breaking this car on the mountain?/L: She can always steal another one/Suisei: Yup/M: ...It's stolen?!"_ 1:14:44 _"Suisei: You got this right Mama? It's like Dead by daylight, if you mess this up you'll be arrested/L: MAMA?!"_ *Marine accidentally punches Lamy* 1:15:32 _"L: I feel the stres- AHH MAMA! _*_Punches suisei_*_ How should i do it?"_ 1:15:59 Shishiron's voice by the distance. 1:16:22 Falling! But surviving. ⤵ 1:17:46 _"L: Suisei-san? I feel a lot of stress! I must smoke!/Suisei: sure!"_ 1:18:33 _"Suisei: We may have to do this again.../L: Eh.. we're doing it again, until we get success for experience?/Suisei: EHH?! Don't wanna?!/L: No no i don't mean i don't like it!/Suisei: Yeah.../L: Cause it's time to learn the know-how isn't it?"_ 1:20:13 _"L: on the other hand, rather than ATM's, is there any other easier crime?/Suisei: If we do that we may end up shooting someone, you okay with that?/M: Well, you see, i was thinking maybe we'd be better off doing something like jewel thieves akin to [PaiPai Kamen], wouldn't that be cute?/Suisei: It's not cute though!/M: But like, it's like jewel thieves are beauties themselves don't you think Lamy-chan? How does [The 3 PanPan Kamen thieves] sound Lamy-chan?"_ 1:20:50 _"L: Can't we first learn something like a Convenience store?/Suisei: You have to off people though so it's troubling/M: No no, then jewels for sure!/Suisei: Those are pretty difficult in itself so you need a flyer/M: A [flyer]? What do you mean... Somebody that's really fast?/Suisei: Yes yes, that's why you need to arrange exchanges as well/L: I see! But you don't have to kill someone then?"_ 1:21:18 _"Suisei: So at the jewelry shops it says what to do, you enter during the night, enter and then, you have your pistols right?/L: Yes i have!/M: Earlier's right?/Suisei: Yes, so like maybe you'd break it with alt right? But if you have a pistol you don't have to, you just give it a bang/L: I see!/Suisei: So you break it, take the jewels, but it's just that there's too much at the jewelry shops. That's why if you're too scared and only take a little few of them, then go away right away/L: And at what point do they get the alarm?"_ 1:22:06 _"Suisei: It Sounds when you break that glass.../L: I see, so the danger is trying to stay there for long/Suisei: Yes Yes! This is bad, i'm out of gas/L: Stopping now of all times?!"_ 1:23:55 Calling the mechanic Ao as the car can't move. 1:24:26 _"Suisei: Let me call an ikemen mechanic/MariLamy: Ao-kun for sure.../L: She'll come if you say Marine's in trouble"_ 1:24:56 _"L: You can hear her voice www/M: I can hear Ao-kun's voice, just how loud is it"_ 1:25:47 _"Suisei: Look a this bonnett, it has blood all over it/L: That's because you offeded someone earlier!/M: NOOO!/Suisei: Hey, would you've preferred being caught?!"_ 1:27:44 Marine kicking Lamy and Angy Lamy. _"L: What?! Cut it out!"_ 1:28:03 Ao-kun's here... Or not! Calling her. ☎ 1:28:24 _"Ao: No no, it's just that i'm out of gas, so i'll go buy some! What You want me to go save you? You want to be out of gas?/Suisei: No no, we want some/Ao: Good, i'll go!"_ 1:28:43 _"Ao: Cant be helped, if my princesses say so i'll help them out!"_ (Continuing in replies)
@X-Kill Ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 3] 1:29:33 _"Suisei: Should i give you food?/M: Please!/Suisei: Here, pizza/L: It's a good one!/M: Thank you!/Suisei: Got it from the ikemen earlier.../M: She cooks pizza right/L: She sold it to me very expensive/M: Ao-kun gave me her very first pizza/L: Wah, she charged me tens of thousands for it! Said it was cheap! Unforgivable..."_ 🍕 1:32:44 *Sirens close* _"Suisei: Seems it's on the road below, not this one"_ 1:35:37 _"Pol: Lamy-chan? Are you working now?/L: I may be a bit too busy right now.../Pol: When will you be off?/L: I'll contact you when i'm on the shop again, sorry sorry! I want to meet the journalist soon! I'll DM you once i'm working"_ 1:36:09 _"L: Always thinking about toy!/Pol: Ty, luv you"_ *Smooch smooch* 1:37:21 Free Suisinging. 1:39:01 Ao-kun's here! 1:40:03 LAMY FALLING 1:41:02 _"M: Lamy-chan, you ok?/L: I'm fine, somehow i'll do my best to go back!/M: Isn't it impossible? What if we pick you up instead?/L: I'll contact you once i'm at an easier-to-tell place then!"_ 1:41:55 _"C: In the end a loner/L: SHUT UP!"_ 💢 1:43:20 *Marine calls* _"L: Mama?/M: Do you have a number?/L: I'm close to the bakery so i'll wait there!/M: Okay, the bakery then!"_ 1:43:44 Skating Lamy debut. 1:43:59 _"L: Bread please!/Kanata: Welcome!/L:I Came to buy!/Korone: What's that... You wearing 2 tank tops?/L: No, it's an overlapping fancy top/Koro: A white and dark tank top wwww/L: What you laughing at? Something you wanna say?!/Koro: No no!/Mio: You're the number 1 hostess in Los santos aren't you?/Koro: Ah yeah, but wasn't Mama the #1 cause she's Mama?/L: Mama is Mama"_ 🏴‍☠ 1:44:55 _"Koro: Thank you for always buying from us... Mama!"_ 1:45:17 _"Koro: That's the so called Mama!/Mio: What's that ouftit?!/M: Thought i had to be aggressive enough, or i'd be cheated on!/Mio: What are you saying, stop it!"_ 1:46:39 _"L: It looks so pretty now! (Car)"_ 1:47:39 Baker choosing VIOLENCE. 1:49:17 Looking for a bank to go to. 1:49:42 _"Suisei: It's a bit far from the police huh/M: Hey but if we were to do jewel robbery right now, wouldn't the police be around there?/S: True.../M: Isn't it a big chance of success?/Suisei: Let's go close/M: It'd be better if it's closer"_ 1:50:17 Reached the bank, but Sui-chan proposes going first to the black market for something they need. 1:52:45 Getting the hacking laptop and phone. 1:54:13 _"M: Could there be a use for the mask not showing your face so you don't get found out?/L: Like if we hid our names? We can also dress on a quieter way... We stand out right now/Suisei: It seems that's all you needed"_ 1:55:45 _"Suisei: That is for something a bit different than an usual bank robbery as there's a device that'd help a gate close to the bank. So you hack that with the phone/M: And you can't without the phone for it? So you only use ALT while holding it?/Suisei: Yeah i think it's with ALT/Suisei: It brings out a suspicious screen though so.../M: Got it, but earlier you said it was like DbD and turned to be a fake tip so i'm a bit nervous if it'll work"_ 1:57:47 _"M: Something with a % bar started!/Suisei: Yeah, when it reaches 100% it's fine/M: So i don't have to do anything for it?"_ 1:58:15 Hacking complete! _"Suisei: Then over here, we have to open it!/L: Ehh so simple!/Suisei: You hack up that terminal there, with the computer/M: I see!/Suisei: Try it? Could you?/M: Couldn't.../Suisei: And with ALT?/M: No, can't... Is it with the hacking phone?/Suisei: No, it should be the PC/M: I... Can't.../Suisei: Why?/L: Will it be fine? There's sirens/Suisei: Not yet, the alarm hasn't rung yet, it will once we open this"_ 1:49:37 _"Suisei: It may be on cooldown.../L: Ehhh?!/Suisei: Cause there's plenty of gang members hanging around... They're doing plenty of things/M: I see so there's a lot!/L: So waiting timme for crime.../Suisei: Yeah, this is on cooldown..."_ ⏲ 2:00:04 _"Suisei: After this, you have to play some sort of game, and if you win it, then this'll open/M: How much cooldown does this have?/Suisei: I think it was 30 minutes... But then when it opens there's money inside/L: Eh...?"_ 2:00:59 _"Suisei: Sorry for making it tedious.../L: No worries, i don't know how to see if something for a crime is on cooldown time/Suisei: Well due to a bug, it seems the Cooldown time isn't showing up/L: I see so it's bugged right now/Suisei: Or so i think... I think we must go _*_bang bang_*_ on a person.../L: We can only do that?/Suisei: In the end it's the fastest!"_ 2:02:52 Reaching convenience store. _"Suisei: Something to keep in mind... The moment you hold a gun, this clerk may shoot at you/L: Eh?/Suisei: If they do, kill them/M: And if not?/Suisei: If he's like [Help me!] you can make him hostage, yeah! With H... So, please hold onn your guns/M: So if he brings a gun we shoot?/Suisei: Yeah!/M: But not if he doesn't right?/Suisei: Yeah!"_ 2:03:35 _"L: I'm holding the gun, i'm doing but he's not paying attention!/Suisei: When he does it'll start/L: How do i make him?/M: Scary!/Suisei: Right click!/M: You're doing it Lamy?/L: No no no, i don't wanna be the one facing him!"_ 🔫 2:04:20 Starting robbery. 2:05:37 _"M: I'm getting a call from Noel! Why is she calling me now?/Suisei: If you fire at the register, it'll break and if it breaks press Alt to pick the money, and at the moment you break the register it'll alert the cops/M: Why is she calling again?/Suisei: They haven't found out yet!"_ 2:06:33 Game crashed. Suisei has to break Lamy's cashier. _"Suisei: Go to the bottom where the safe is"_ 2:07:02 _"Both: Which is the safe?/M: Do i shoot the safe?/Suisei: Don't shoot!/M: how do i open it then?/Suisei: Wait a bit.../C: You didn't reload/L: And what is that?/M: How do we open it?/Suisei: If you got the money from the register, get close to this safe and press E/Suisei: Yeah, that's a Hit and Blow.../Suisei: Press the numbers from 0 to 9, and it'll tell you whether or not they were right/M: Impossible!/Suisei: You can Marine-san! You're smart!"_ 2:07:54 Noel is here. _"Noel: Sorry, anybody here?/Sui: Wait.../Noel: Excuse m. AHH?!/L: What is it?/Noel: I heard that there was a robbery here/Suisei: Gang members told us to wait here!/L: We were taken hostage!/M: It was that Usada Pekora!/Noel: I don't know that much but it seems she was doing jewel robbery.../M: She said something like [You're my woman so do what i say!]/L: I think that she was doing that"_ 2:08:40 Suisei ded _"Noel: Ahh but being such accomplices is/Suisei: Ahh i'mm bleeding... I died!... _*_Sob_*_ Shoot her Marine! GO GO GO!/M: You do it Lamy!/L: NO NO!"_ 2:09:17 They run away. Noel calls for reinforcements. 2:09:44 _"L: Don't run with me! At least split!/M: I'm being chase- OH wwww"_ *Marine is tased* _"L: I didn't do anything! REALLY!"_ 2:10:29 _"C: Get rid of the gun/L: True..."_ 2:12:04 _"Should i get rid of devices and all the dangerous stuff?"_ 2:12:26 _"C: What happened with Mama/L: Should i call her? She's not picking up!"_ 2:13:37 *Skating* _"I don't know anything... Nope, nothing!"_ 🛹 2:14:27 _"C: You're good at skating!/L: I'm sure good ain't i? But i don't have anything!"_ (Continuing in replies)
@X-Kill Ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 4] 2:14:40 _"C: Where are you going?/L: Taking distance for now"_ 🚶‍♀ 2:14:54 _"C: Pattern are crimes/L: They're not! Let's go to the sea _*_trips_*_ Ow!"_ 2:15:17 _"It's the amusement park where i went with Koyo, the sea where Koyo proposed to me!"_ 2:15:35 _"C: May be better to go back home/L: No good for sure! Isn't it bad? Should i wait for her? Where did they take her? Let's call Koyori so she comes pick me up"_ 2:16:05 _"Koyo: Hello Lamytan, what happen?/L: Sorry, can you come pick me up?/Koyo: Why?/L: Mama may have been caught/Koyo: www, i see!/L: And i'm alone but, i don't know where to go..."_ 2:16:35 _"Koyo: You still have the gun right?/L: I disposed of it.../Koyo? Why did you throw it?! You need them in this country!/L: I was scared! So i disposed of it and ammo/Koyo: WHY!? GO GET THEM!/L: Why must i have them?!/Koyo: Are you able to pick them?"_ 2:17:05 _"L: I let them at a place where i dont know/Koyo: I'm very Sorry, but i'm at a gang meeting, try calling a taxi?"_ 🚕 2:17:36 Marine call. _"M: Lamy-chaan? Come save me, i was caught by police!/L: Can i go pick you? I don't have any means though/M: Nothing? And the bike?/L: Can't you go back by yourself?/M: Don't be silly!"_ 2:18:04 _"M: Where are you now?/L: Escaping so, i'm at the amusement park/M: Why? wwww, it's not a game!/L: I'm not, i escaped so i arrived at the amusement park!/M: You're playing for sure... I'll ask Sui-chan/Noel: Sui?.../L: Mama's at the police station, is it fine? How far did i go?"_ 2:19:02 _"C: They found out where you are!/L: Eh... But i didn't do anything wrong! Nor do i have anything on me. I don't even feel guilty... Wouldn't it be better to go to the police actually? It'd be like turning myself in, i think..."_ 2:19:36 _"L: I dropped it all, from the gun to the other things/C: Can't trust the other party/L: Well mama was caught so the police must be satisfied for sure"_ 2:19:55 _"I won't have anything unless i go to the black market! I can't do crimme though! Mama too, she's not fit for it. My dream for the future was to be gang but, i'm not fit for it... I can't be cruel. Mama isn't fit either, totally... This skateboard is so good, i want to recommend it to everyone"_ 2:20:34 _"L: I actually, may prefer driving small things over bigger things, where's here.../C: It goes uphill.../L: www yeah, isn't it amazing? This skateboard ignores gravity, i'm Conan-kun. But i'm not the type to do crime... I may even be better catching them, my justice is not in killing people... That's what i understood... This is so fun! But yeah, i won't do anything bad! At most it'd be ignoring the traffic lights"_ 🚥 2:21:44 _"C: Better to show panties/L: Yeah i'm better fit to showing panties and call the journalist! I can't shoot people... I can't be like Korone who punches those who did nothing"_ 2:22:36 Back home _"Owiie... That was fun!"_ 2:23:17 _"L: I'm back, such peace! This is where i belong after all"_ 2:23:44 _"M: hello?/L: Mama, you fine?/M: Sorry, wait, my guarantor, they got caught so.../L: Are you at the police station? I get it, i'll go pick you up!"_ 2:26:35 Reached the station. 2:26:55 _"L: I came for you mama, Mama were you caught in the end? What were you charged with?/M: Well i had to pay 100k though/L: CHEAP!/M: it was surprisingly cheap!"_ 2:27:27 _"M: What should we do from here on?/L: Well i was so scared i disposed of the Gu- wait/M: Quiet... Lets go back! I'll ride behind you/Kanade: Do your best and work to earn money!/M: I'll do!/L: So house is fine?"_ 2:27:56 _"M: Shouldn't we better kill sui-chan?/L: Eh? What do you mean/M: That way we don't have to pay 50 million/L: Well true but... Can you?/M: She did earlier didn't she?"_ 2:28:50 _"L: I'm only booked to service the journalist right now/M: I see, so we have to call, maybe the gang? They seem all busy they won't come/L: Indeed they all must be busy/M: We need a new cast Lamy-chan!/L: But is there any today?/M: Today... Not... Tomorrow there'd be a new person"_ 2:29:20 _"L: So a cute girl that'd be on the pure side?/M: A cute pure person will be coming after all/L: In the end, Will she really do that?/M: I'll try inviting her, that's all we can/L: So once she logs in tomorrow we exchange contact info quickly, we can only scout her right?"_ 2:29:44 _"M: Let's go to the dog cafe? It's opened just today/L: I'll guide you there then!"_ 2:31:20 _"M: I got a lot of money, why though?/L: What from? Not payment, why?/M: No clue, ah well, i got it so it's fine.../L: I wonder..."_ 2:31:56 _"L: how much did you get?/M: About, 10 millions/L: THAT MUCH?!"_ 2:32:30 _"L: How much do you have total now Mama?/M: Now?... 40 million?/L: www It's just 10 million, just pay it! You'd even go as far to kill someone/M: But if we pay it it'll be gone?/L: But she said she'd wait 3 days right?/M: Ah true.../L: Maybe we don't have to kill her?/M: Yeah! She taught us how to buy a gun even!"_ 2:33:51 Reached dog Cafe. 2:34:20 _"It's so cute"_ 2:34:51 Patting doggie. 🐕 2:35:17 _"Miko: Hello? Earlier Sui-chan killed me so, i'm putting a bounty on her.../M: And?/Miko: If you find her... Didn't you hang with her earlier? So, would you be able to tell me if you meet with her?/M: Ahh I see! yup yup!/Miko: Is she close?/M: No, but i have to pay her 50 million so i thought i'd kill her/Miko: Ah ok- wait, kill?/M: I mean, if she's caught i don't have to pay right?/Miko: Of course!/M: I'll call her here!/Miko: The cabaret?/M: No, at the dog café!/Miko: Got it, try that she doesn't find out!"_ 2:36:34 Senchou setting Suisei up by telling her she got the money. 2:37:25 _"L: Seeing this side of Mama and her being so eloquent, i got a bit scared... _*_wheeze_*_ She doesn't even change her personality... Mama's scary.."_ 2:37:47 Kanatan, Shishiron and baker gang are here. 2:38:23 Kanatan servicing them on the cafe. 2:38:44 _"Koro: Pat Lamy, pat!/L: You just hit me though!"_ 2:39:36 Patting dogie. 2:39:47 _"L: Cute dog's here! There there! CUTEEE! (FWMC) Look at this cuteness Korone/Koro: True"_ *Marine hits her on the back* 2:40:46 Got dog cookies. 🍪 2:41:32 _"L: Wait, i even got Kanatans album... Can i dispose of it?/Kanata: DON'T DO! I'll off you! But no, if you listen to it you lose stress"_ 2:42:12 Marine hit Kanatan cause she called her Granny. 2:43:39 Koyocall. _"Koyo: Did you return?/L: yeah, i fell and hurt.../Koyo: What happened?/L: Got punched by a dog, i came here to the dog cafe and got punched by a dog/K: One that's humanoid, or a dog-like dog?/L: The Humanoid! And then by a granny/Koyo: That's the baker..."_ 2:45:45 *Marine reading numbers of location* _"L: You're naming the numbers like a monster/M: Don't say monster, i'm a beauty! Remember THAT word"_ 2:46:52 Greeting officer Calli. 2:47:12 _"L: In the end did Sui-chan come?/M: I don't know, but i went [Eh whatever] It seems Mikochi will do a good job"_ 2:48:17 Officer Zeta injured. _"Matsuri: Have you seeing Sui-chan?/L: Not yet, looking for her?/Matsuri: Tell me if you see her, i'd be grateful/L: Just grateful?/M: Aren't you giving something better?/Matsuri: How about 1 Million/M: That's cheap!"_ 2:49:53 _"M: There's nobody, no head Doctor?/L: There's no... And this person?/M: They're just standing there... I want to call the head Dr but.../L: What a good song... It hurts..."_ 2:50:46 *No reply from Head Dr.* _"M: There's only Fuwamoco/L: Should've been healed by them earlier.../C: She's gambling/L: That's the worst... Even though this patient's hurting so much"_ 2:51:04 _"M: Hello? We're at the hospital but there's nobody so somebody please heal us!/FWMC: We'll go there, bau bau! (Moco:) Don't die!/M: They said don't die/L: www Aren't they soothing?"_ 2:51:32 Calling Dr. Fox to tell her there's nobody but no need for her to come since FWMC is in the way. 2:52:17 *Call* _"Moco: Sorry we got a huge work so please wait there!/M: You're kidding right?/FWMC: Bau bau!"_ *hang* _"M: And Lamy's spine?/L: So nobody's healing me?/M: Banchou would come for sure/L: And Ririka? Anybody's fine! I'll call Ririka..."_ 2:52:57 DR.irika to voice mail, Senchou calling Ina. 2:53:24 Dr. Ina called. She's on the way. 🐙 2:54:04 _"L: My sight's blurry, i'm dying Mama, i may not endure... I didn't think i'd fall at the hospital/M: Keep your eyes open! What if i knock you out? You'll wake up!/L: Please don't..."_ 2:54:55 Dr. Fox is here, but Officer Kanade's all ded. 2:55:27 Dr. Ina checking Lamy. 2:55:43 _"M: Feeling well?/L: For sure, Ina's technique can't be wrong/M: Ina's the best!/M: Of course we'd hurt our spine pole dancing all the time.../L: So did we get weaker?/M: We haven't danced today at all!"_ 2:56:27 _"M: being hugged like that/L: It's soothing.../M: Nice!/L: I may have healed now"_ 2:57:27 _"L: Journalist Omarun! Thank you for your hard work!/Pol: That's a cool car! [Pervert] huh.../M: Not coming today?/Pol: Though i'd if i had some time"_ (Continuing in replies)
@X-Kill Ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 5] 2:59:03 _"L: She's doing it again for sure! (Ded person)/M: Somebody's down..."_ 2:59:15 _"L: Hello, sorry i wanted to get some fur ears/M: Where's Mama?/Kanata: hello.../Mio: I'm the Mama though/L: Then... Where's the papa to yourhousehold?/Mio: At the police station/M: Is that so? Can't be helped with that person *Punches Lamy*/L: OII! You're lying right? I just left the hospital!/M: I was trying to get a basket! My bad/Kanata: Stop doing it here!"_ 3:00:55 Using Kanata's album. _"Mio: I heard that you assaulted my husband at the Cabaret, is that true?/M: I don't know.../L: Your husband is too ferocious though!"_ 3:01:30 _"C: You okay suffering Domestic Violence?/L: No way i am!"_ 3:01:54 Punching senchou and Mio spooked. 3:02:00 _"Mio: Ah, for the day that my husband comes back, i thought about how should i spend that day and... Would you have us as employee?/M: YOU POLE DANCING?! MAMA?!/Mio: I thought about seeing what they spend their time though/M: But yeah since when you come i'll give you a mask you won't be found for sure"_ 💃 3:02:37 _"M: You too Kanataso, you can join... Would you like to dress like us too?"_ 3:03:00 _"L: Mama, we need to go to the hospital cause you hit me and i may pass soon/M: Again?/L: IT WAS YOUR FAULT!/Mio: Want some band-aids?/L: I dont think that may help anymore... No good, i'll really pass!"_ *Mio gives her First aid kits* 3:03:57 Back to hospital. 🏥 3:04:25 _"M: I can't move my camera, i may have pressed something... It stopped someplace/L: Aren't you stressed?"_ 3:04:56 _"M: Press F for camera? *falls for the trick*/L: MAMA?!/M: No- MY CHAT!"_ 3:05:31 Lamy falling for the first time ever. 3:06:15 _"Help me, i'll die! I'll lose my items..."_ 3:06:55 Reine's here, but trips over and over. 3:07:27 Dr. Fox is here. 3:07:55 Reine keeps falling. 3:08:17 Lamy lives! 🥳 3:08:32 _"M: Lamy you've healed right?/L: It was because you punched me while i had just been healed!/M: But You shouldn't have went down with one punch, you're just weak!/L: I was just healed! My bones will take time to heal/M: Right now Sora-san will be coming it said/L: Is she hurt? WAIT, TO THE SHOP?!"_ 3:09:00 _"L: Wait, Sora-senpai? Are you alright showing me pole-dancing in HER stream screen?/M: Courage, you must!/L: Really? Won't i be scolded by someone of the higher-ups?"_ 3:10:40 _"L: Hello? Journalist! Right now seems Sora senpai will come see me pole dancing at the shop/Pol: Her going?/L: Would you write an article about it?/Pol: I am at the mountains, if i make it in time i'll be there, thank you for the lead!"_ 3:11:35 _"Pol: Luv you/L: Me too" _*_kiss_* 3:11:56 Calling Koyo too. _"Koyo: What happened Lamytan?/L: Koyo, you busy?/Koyo: Not really/L: It seems a lot of people are coming to the shop, would you come hang around too?/K: Why?/L: It seems it'll be pretty fun, the wife of the bakery will be dancing it seems so..."_ 3:12:46 _"L: I'm nervous, will it be fine? I'm scared, in many senses..."_ 3:13:17 On the way to cabaret, she's nervous. 3:14:05 Message from Koyo: [Sorry LamyTan... I have work so i'll go sometime later... Thank you for contacting me i'm happy, luv you!] 3:14:22 Princess Sora is here. Lamy getting changed. 3:14:54 _"All of this is bad... This maybe? The most Seiso"_ 3:15:57 _"M: There's the main contents after this, come here~/L: I'll get ready/M: You'll feel like dancing!/L: Could it be...? EHH?!"_ 3:16:21 _"M: If you want to dance, please go to the stage, you can dance!/L: YOU INTEND TO HAVE SORA SENPAI POLE DANCE?! You're lying!"_ 😱 3:16:37 _"L: Miko senpai? Sora senpai will be pole dancing! Are you okay?/Miko: ... I'm impacted by the circumstances/L: Ehh.../Miko: Eh... SORA-CHAN?!/L: I won't say anything!"_ 3:17:18 Praising Sora as she pole dances. 3:17:37 _"Miko: That's no good! I won't allow it!/Suba: Mikochi don't go there!/Miko: I WON'T!"_ 3:18:06 _"Sora: It's fun!/M: Right? If you remove more clothes you can dance easier!/L: STOP IT!/Sora: It's long so it's hard to/M: Hard to dance right? Would you buy different clothes? You'll have fun!/L: WHAT ARE YOU HAVING HER DO?!"_ 3:19:05 _"M: [Tokino Sora's Debut pole dance]"_ 3:19:26 _"Kanade: Eh? What are you doing Sora senpai?!/L: I must dance with her, to commemorate this auspicious day..."_ 3:19:46 Lamy Dancing with Sora. _"L: To think this day would come!"_ 3:20:00 _"Kanade: WHO MADE SORA SENPAI DO THIS?!/L: Sora senpai danced!/Sora: I like dancing!/L: Yeah!/Kanade: LAMY SENPAI WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP?!/L: But now that we came this far, i want to dance with Sora senpai!"_ 🙏 3:20:34 _"L: I Never thought this day would come!/M: Sora-chan, how does it feel to turn over?/Sora: It's pretty crazy/M: Where did you go Kanade-chan?/L: Kanade-chaaan? You don't have chances to dance with Sora senpai!"_ 3:21:06 _"L: This is too shocking!"_ 3:21:24 Kanade dancing, Noel's here. 3:21:37 _"L: Since we've come this far, won't you dance too Noetan?/N: I won't!/L: I mean... Even sora senpai is dancing!"_ 3:22:17 Shuba scolding Kanade and Danchou dancing. 3:23:15 Noetan tased by her oshi. ⚡ 3:24:42 _"L: How was it Sora senpai?/Sora: it was super fun! Ao-kun got so angry like [What are they making you do?!]/L: no no i mean"_ 3:24:54 _"Ao: Sora senpai, you okay? I came to save you!/L: She doesn't need saving!/Ao: Oi what are you doing bringing her to the cabaret?!"_ 3:25:37 _"L: Sora senpai, would you dance once more, with our Mama? Over here!"_ 3:26:20 Ao rejecting emotes and Lamy calls her noisy. 3:26:37 _"Ao: I have a role to protect Kanade-chan!"_ *Punches Marine and Kanade arrests her* 3:28:01 _"L: Sora senpai is shining by herself/M: How was it?/Sora: It was fun!"_ 3:28:16 Arrested Lamy by mistake. 3:29:03 _"Kanade: Ah true i don't have a car so... (She lent it to Botan)"_ *Lamy going out for a drive* 3:31:05 _"L: GADAAAAAAMNNN! I feel stress..."_ 3:31:29 _"C: Not going to the cat cafe?/L: yeah, i'll go, Sora senpai has the cat cafe right? Since i had her at the cabaret that's a demerit, and moreover we had her pole dancing"_ 3:31:57 *Phew* _"I'm relaxed, let's go back now, where am i?"_ 3:32:12 _"Driving sure can change your mood doesn't it? I don't have a license myself so i never thought this could be a way to relax in times when i was so vexxed, i'm surprisingly relaxed, screaming while driving lets out stress, people with bikes must have it nice, i could get a taste of how they must feel! Yelling [idiooots!] while running fast on their bikes, it felt relaxing"_ 3:34:46 Marine healed, Dr. Fox came again while Lamy was out. 3:35:20 _"Sora: What if i work at the pole?/Ao: No, you won't! Not at this cabaret!"_ *Lamy leaves* 3:35:45 _"L: Let's listen from the backside, what are they talking about..."_ 3:36:12 _"C: What's going on/L: for real, what's happening at our shop..."_ 3:36:46 _"M: If you're working, you'ññ get dressed with pantsu and a mask like this, all fine?/Sora: That outfit is a bit/Ao: BETTER TO STOP, YOU'LL BE TURN INTO A PERVERT! What is she saying/L: What to do..."_ 3:37:53 _"L: Miosha was also coming so i can't do but wait here, should i go to the convenience store? Where is there one, i want to buy some first-aid kits"_ 3:38:23 Kanata running over Lamy. 3:38:47 _"Kanata: SORRY! I didn't think it was a person!/L: Am...Bulance... Call an... Ambula/Kanata: I will call it!/L: i'm dy..."_ 🚑 3:39:21 _"L: it hurts... I'm bleeding... All i wanted was going to the convenience store..."_ 3:30:51 _"C: Today was sure harsh/L: Today... I kept being punched over and over, my spine too, and injured, and run over at the end... Today wasn't a good day..."_ 3:40:37 _"C: You'll become a Zombie/L: Yes for sure i will... You called it Kanatan, you didn't escape right?"_ 3:41:32 _"L: Kanatan,i feel the stress.../Kanata: Ah she's screaming, wait Mama... Come to the Cabaret/L: Before calling your mama you're supposed to call emergencies... Not Mama!/Kanata: Sorry, did you call them?/L: [Did i] CALL THEM?!/Kanata: Eh? You didn't? Wait/L: Let me confirm... Who did you call now?/Kanata: I got a call from Mama so.../L: STOP SCREWING AROUND! Oi, calling your mama after running over someone!"_ 3:42:18 _"Kanata: Are you okay?/L: No way! aren't you seeing?/Kanata: You're barely alive still/L: I'm at death's door already!"_ 3:42:44 _"L: Mama, i was ran over by this person!"_ 3:43:13 Kanata is arrested for Hit & Run. 3:44:22 _"L: Oi, don't stand in front of people like that, i don't wanna see/M: I must show you panties"_ 3:44:57 Ambulance is here, Fuwamoco to the rescue. 3:45:35 Taken by cute doggos. 3:46:07 Bau Bau! 🐾 3:46:24 _"Fuwa: Where does it hurt?/L: Everywhere/(Fuwa): Everywhere! (Moco): by the way you're not wearing the curtains today (Fuwa): No courtains today!/L: I didn't, and still was run over! *crash*/Moco: It's fine, BauBau!"_ (Continuing in replies)
@X-Kill Ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 6] (Ending) 3:47:01 _"L: Thank you Bau-Eh..."_ 3:47:15 _"Ina: You okay Lamy?/L: I may not, i may die/Ina: Don't give up!"_ 3:47:39 _"L: It's paradise.../Ina: Are you okay? Can you see the colors of my panties?/L: Wait, are you showing me?!/Ino: What color is it?/L: Pink i guess?/Ina: Maybe it's still fine..."_ 3:48:06 _"L: Or maybe purple cause of you?/Ina: ...It's red/L: RED?! I thought it was my blood blurring my vision, so passionate, Ina!/Ina: If they're on the floor, if they don't see colors it'd be bad/L: So you wear colors that are easy to tell? SO perverted Ina!"_ 3:48:47 Lamy healed, paying her bills. 3:48:57 _" This is bad... I was just saved by my Ina and FuwaMoco just because..."_ Biboo called for her turn 3:49:27 Biboo and Pol. 3:49:32 _"Pol: Why are you injured?/L: i was ran over by Amane Kanata, in front of my shop... Hear journalist, Miosha is pole dancing.../Pol: Ehhh?! A lot of people are pole dancing?"_ 3:50:54 Skating. 3:51:25 _"L: for real... But i want to see Korone and punch her... But i don't want to be injured again... If i was hospitalized again it'd be bad"_ 3:52:55 _"C: A pretty tough day wasn't it/L: There's days like those too, and yet i didn't commit a crime yet!"_ 3:54:56 _"Kanade: LAMY-SAAAN!/L: Stop! SCARY! I'm traumatized!"_ 3:55:26 Back to shop. _"L: The song changed!"_ *Kanata's Oracle playing* 3:56:54 _"M: how did you feel dancing?/Kanata: Embarrassed!/L: Did you dance? I couldn't, I want to see it too! Mama and daughter!"_ 3:57:25 _"L: Omarun, you'll see a good mama and child/M: New cast/Pol: ... Eh?"_ 3:57:44 Kanata dancing. 💫 3:58:35 _"Mio: Bau bau!/L: bau bau? That's nice..."_ 3:59:00 _"Fubu: MIO-SAAAN?! YOU WERE DOING THIS?!/Mio: Head Dr!/Fubu: STOP! I get it, you don't need to dance like that!"_ 3:59:47 Lamy ignoring Korone. 4:01:07 _"Koro: Help me Lamy!/L: SHUT UP!"_ *Punches Koro* 4:01:57 _"Marine: Tiring day../L: I want to sleep already/M: I'm spent up/L: Did you charge them?/M: I didn't... We didn't work at all then!"_ 4:02:34 _"M: What will we do tomorrow with this cabaret, let's think about it/L: Ah tomorrow we may get the new worker right?"_ 👀 4:03:20 _"L: I'll be ending! So... Thank you all for your hard work, today was quite rough, being punched punched, my spine beingn damaged, got ran over and left in taters at the end"_ 4:03:45 _"OtsuLamy Everyone! Tomorrow will be peaceful! Oh... I think Shishiron and Koyori will start a war over me, that's troubling... Well good night!"_ 🌙
@ex-3719 Ай бұрын
@user-rei_sakuraduki Ай бұрын
ホロGTA3日目も楽しい時間をありがとう! 今日は序盤の万屋さんに脅されて犯罪に巻き込まれていく展開が、ガチのギャング映画みたいな臨場感でめちゃくちゃ面白かった、ドラマ化決定! そしてそのうえで、ラミィちゃんには悪いことをする才能が皆無なところを見て、なんだかニコニコしちゃった😊 ラミィちゃんは人を笑顔にして、癒すのがやっぱり似合ってる! それはそれとして、ちょいちょい悪いことに興味を持ったり、バイクぶん回したりする落差がまた面白可愛いw
@わにわに-m7c Ай бұрын
悪事体験から警察署からの病院通い+修羅場沢山でかなり濃い一日でしたね。 大体バーの中はカオスな状態になるの面白すぎるw
@freon_holon Ай бұрын
今日も今日で濃い1日でした! もう客が来ないとママも予想してましたが、まさかのキングやBGMのポールダンスで大盛況! 最後は修羅場でしたが…w
@ZERO-vi7nt Ай бұрын
物渡すの方法一回聴いて良さそうかな 今日も面白いです
@るぷるぷ-n8h Ай бұрын
@webxxk Ай бұрын
おつらみ! 怪我が絶えない1日のだったねw 今日も沢山笑わせてもらいました
@Sonicmaster2008 Ай бұрын
Lots of chaos today! Thanks for the stream! OtsuLamy!
@365nichi-insyumam Ай бұрын
楽しかった〜!忙しいのに遅くまでお疲れ様でした🙏 人はじめレジですら撃てなかったり、ホント心根が優しいんだなぁって思った☀️
@熊-l1m Ай бұрын
3:38:25交通事故 3:14:20そらちゃん初めてのポールダンス。 そらちゃん初がめてポールダンスした日がこの日だったのねw ミオちゃんの初ポールダンスが見れて貴重でした。絶対そんなことしなさそうな人がそういうことすると背徳感を感じてしまうw 楽しかったよ~たくさん笑ったー ラミィちゃんお疲れ様。
@竜虎同盟-u3h Ай бұрын
1:47:39 目撃者
@ミナヅキスイ Ай бұрын
おつらみです〜 今回も見所たくさんの楽しい配信でした。 温度差で風邪ひきそう💦
@ネレウス-e8r Ай бұрын
holoGTA3日目お疲れ様でした! 過激な方法でのお金稼ぎを教わったりしていましたがお二人ともそちら方面に向いていないのがよく分かる時間でした、GTAとは凄いゲームですね 怪我の多い日でしたが救急隊の皆さんとのやり取りも面白かったです、次回も楽しみにしています 長時間の配信ありがとうございました!
@ヨッシー101 Ай бұрын
おつらみでした〜 今日も素敵なひとときをありがとう! 今日も今日とて濃厚な一日で誰も先が読めん展開にいっぱい笑わさせてもらいました 車やバイクを修理してないのラミィちゃんぐらいじゃないのってぐらいやっぱり運転がめっちゃ上手くて、ただ2人共詐欺師のほうが向いてるかも
@user-kisaragiyuki Ай бұрын
3日目おつらみでした! 濃い一日だったけど 見所いっぱいあって面白かったw 明日も楽しみにしてます
@Ryo_akiyama Ай бұрын
@taratara0627 Ай бұрын
3日目おつかれさま! 怪我たくさん修羅場たくさんの1日でおもしろかったよ! 車に轢かれたのもまさかの轢いたあいてがかなたんだったこともおもしろかったw また次回も濃い1日になると思うので頑張ってね!
@writedraw8655 Ай бұрын
おつらみでした~!今日も色んな出来事があって楽しかったねー! やっぱり悪事には不向きだったけどまた挑戦するのかな? 混沌とした街に相応しいドロドロとした人間関係に目が話せないよ!✨👀 それと音量に関して、ラミィちゃんの配信を基準にしてると周りから爆音が飛び込んでくるから アーカイブ見返してラミィちゃんの配信の音量を調整してくれると非常にありがたい🙇
@s2hiiragi Ай бұрын
25:40 ジェットコースターのところ面白かった
@だいすけ雪民 Ай бұрын
おつパンパン仮面! 今日は激動の一日でしたね🤣笑 人をあやめる事なく済んでよかったです👍 ただ怪盗パンパン仮面は是非ともやって頂きたいですね😁 ラミィちゃんを賭けたししこよの決闘も楽しみですね✨ ラミィちゃんは罪な女だ😏❤ また明日も楽しみです! おつらみでしたー✨ おやすみなさい⭐️
@三毛プロ Ай бұрын
今日は散々な一日だったね… でもお店でいろんな修羅場が見れて面白かった!! これからのラミィちゃんの恋愛事情が楽しみ! 毎日目が離せない〜
@novocode 25 күн бұрын
Lamy just couldn't get a break (other than broken legs) on this day of GTA.
@kakiyan_snow Ай бұрын
おつらみでした! 今日もいっぱい笑わせてもらったよw ママに殴られ、かなたんに轢かれたりと散々すぎたね…w 強盗はリベンジできるといいね! 明日のホロGTAも楽しみにしてるね♪
@Almuss96 Ай бұрын
おつらみでした! 今日は病院初めて行ったのにまさかの3回いくことになるとはほんとに厄日だったね…。 でも、それ以上におもしろ出来事があって楽しかった!今度は悪事ちゃんとできたらいいね!! さらにそらちゃんとあずきちをキャバクラを入れたらだいぶ稼げるのでは?がんばれ!!!
@Tenebre_Zwei Ай бұрын
@mochisuke628 Ай бұрын
おつらみでした~! 散々だったけど面白かったww
@sisiou_nyafu Ай бұрын
@makai_noooooo Ай бұрын
ラミィちゃん おつかれさまーー
@segawatakayoshi9074 Ай бұрын
@uruukoto229 Ай бұрын
おつらみでした〜! 怪我したり犯罪に巻き込まれたりと大変な1日だったね…! お疲れ様だ〜! ラミこよのデートが見れたりして楽しかったよ〜! 今回も面白かった!
@tennnorii Ай бұрын
@raines_2352 Ай бұрын
ラミィちゃん、おつパンパン仮面 らみこよデートいい雰囲気だったね💕 そのあと散々な目にあって大変だったね💦 でも今回は、そらちゃんがお店にきてくれてダンスを披露してくれたのよかった✨ ホロGTA3日目ありがとう! 次はパンパン仮面成功するといいねw 4日目も楽しみにしてるね
@轟焦凍-l3q Ай бұрын
@askayukimin Ай бұрын
おつらみでしたー!今回も盛り上がったぁ(∩´∀`)∩ 坂上がるスケボー好きwww
@ミンミン-t8x Ай бұрын
おつらみ!! 今回はお店以外にも色々経験できたね!!! みんな容赦なく撃ったりするから、撃たない人は新鮮だった!! そういう人が居ても面白くていいと思う!! ずっと怪我してたねw お店も色んな人のダンスとか見れて面白かったw 次回も楽しみ!!!
@hanicha8282 Ай бұрын
今日も配信ありがとう! チーママはらみぃちゃんしか務まらん!!
@うめめ1115 Ай бұрын
@badapow Ай бұрын
おつらみでした〜 おいたわしやラミィちゃん・・・お大事に どうしても悪いことに興味津々なラミィちゃんかわいい かわいいけどラミィちゃんに悪いことってあんまり似合わないですね〜 2日目もムーナにちゃんと請求書の書き方教えてお金払ってたし!優しさと真面目さが隠しきれないラミィちゃん好きー 明日も楽しみにしてます♪ラミィちゃん大好き!
@yuzuhiko-yukimin Ай бұрын
今日もいろいろあったなぁ ラミこよてぇてぇかと思ったら、まさかのししろんとこよちゃんが今度決闘するとは ラミィちゃん罪な女や
@zyuz Ай бұрын
おつらみでした! 何度も病院に行って災難だったね... ラミィちゃん犯罪には向いてなさそうだけど警察から逃げ切ったの凄かった! 明日も楽しみにしてます!
@chinyan_8ma Ай бұрын
おつらみでした! もう病院と縁がありすぎた1日だったね。 かなたその車に轢かれたのはびっくりしたw でもGTAで、プレーヤーが徒歩で純粋な交通事故って珍しいような…
@Deeandless Ай бұрын
Thanks for the stream today, lamy Otsuu
@spino.ultimate.water.dinosaur Ай бұрын
@39teru Ай бұрын
毎回絶対に最低1個は腹が砕けるくらいに笑える撮れ高作るのを辞めようよwwwラミィちゃんwww 3日目もおつらみ~~~♪ 今日はデートから始まり悪事に一歩手前?まで手を染めて…… 最後にはキャバクラで無料営業と……その間に殴られ轢かれで散々だったね💦 でも見てる側では凄い面白かったけどねwwww 明日は例の黒髪清楚の新人の子を勧誘成功するか楽しみにしてるね✨
@なが-v6p Ай бұрын
ラミィたんが悪道へ でも良い娘だから平和道が、向いてまする(マリンと良い雰囲気家族)
@ケンザン筋肉 Ай бұрын
配信おつらみでした! 今日は散々な日だったねw
@byakkou0427 Ай бұрын
おつらみでした〜! 犯罪(未遂)やデートなど色々ありすぎたねw 2・3枠分ぐらいのボリュームだった気がする…!w 明日も「あの人」の勧誘?含めて楽しみにしてるね〜♪
@cjlee981 Ай бұрын
@鈴木亮平さん似のまっきー Ай бұрын
@クロニクルアッキー Ай бұрын
おつらみです 何気に今までお世話になってなかった病院にめちゃくちゃお世話になって散々でしたねw 次回あずきちの勧誘なるか!? 要注目ですね~
@5210702 Ай бұрын
@雪花たまごドッグ Ай бұрын
お疲れ様〜! なかなか今日は物騒だったけどめっちゃ笑ったよw楽しい時間をありがとう✨️ 明日からも楽しみだ〜! どんなラミィちゃんも大好きだよ
@CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou Ай бұрын
今回もめちゃめちゃおもしろかったw しかしそらさんのポールダンスなんて相当貴重だよね みおしゃとかなたんの親子丼もやばかったw 今回は病院のお世話になりまくりでかなり厄日だったけど見所満載で最高だったよ 見事な轢かれっぷりマジ爆笑しましたw ラミィさんは優しすぎて悪に手を染めるのは絶対無理そうだからリベンジしないほうがいいかな?w でもやりたいならやっていこう 連日の長時間配信と今日は提出物かなり大変そうだったから休める時はしっかり休んでね 今日も最高に楽しかったよ おつらみ~
@user-ry9ig4yw3barnstrike Ай бұрын
でしたー 昨日までとはまた違った展開で面白かったです! こよちゃんと遊園地デートしたりそらちゃんとポールダンスで共演したり色々楽しかった
@kururugi_yukima Ай бұрын
でしたー! 途中から見れたんだけど、枠開いた瞬間にフワモコに治療後回しにされててめっちゃ笑ったw その後ダイナミックに轢かれるしw そら先輩とポールダンスコラボできたのはめっちゃ驚いた、よかったね笑 今日は請求ミスにより稼ぎなかったけど、明日からまた荒稼ぎしてもろて! 楽しかったー!!
@2_chance_HND-1_chance_NRT Ай бұрын
おつらみでした! 初手チーフ昇格からのいきなり強盗に巻き込まれ… ようやく落ち着いたと思ったら怪我連発w たどり着いたお店ではみんなガンガン踊ってて今日は絵面がとにかく忙しかったですねw けどめっちゃ面白かったです
@515K-x4j Ай бұрын
3:38:29 赤信号だったから悪くない
@setio_personal Ай бұрын
パンパン仮面ー!今日もとても濃厚(?)で楽しかったです! GTAなのに犯罪できない二人は逆に新鮮な感じで面白かった 次回も楽しみに待ってます!おやすみなさい!
@user-sinamonsugar Ай бұрын
おつらみでした! 怒涛の展開からの最終的に轢かれて病院行きで散々だったね・・ でもそらちゃんとポールダンス共演できたし、楽しそうだったからよかった 明日は良いことありますように! 今日も楽しかったよ!配信ありがとう
@호로냐뇨뉴뇽 Ай бұрын
@yukihane_wamy Ай бұрын
@政諺-j7j Ай бұрын
@003rec5 Ай бұрын
今日もめちゃめちゃ楽しかった! 怪我しまくりです踏んだり蹴ったりだったね… 明日も楽しみにしてるね〜!
@FlippyZura Ай бұрын
@ceradys7348 Ай бұрын
OtsuLamy~ Thank for an amazing day3 in HoloGTA, Lamy-chan ! Today so many fun and unexpected things happened. Los Santos is a very dangerous place where anything can happens. I'm glad Lamy-chan could discover new aspects for the games and interactions with other holomems. Lamy-chan is really too adorable when she is anxious but trying to do her best. Lamynglish always so cute too. I'm looking forward to what crazy things will happen next in HoloGTA ! Take care of yourself and good luck with your work, Lamy-chan. I wish you a wonderful night and sweet dreams. Love you, Always
@Aki.f-ry9nu Ай бұрын
でした holoGTA3日目も面白かったよ! ラミィちゃん怪我しまくりの1日で散々だったね。 トドメの轢かれた後、救急呼んでくれたかと思えば……おい!だったね。 ラストの修羅場も爆笑だったよ〜w 4日目も楽しみにしてますね✨
@yukimin_shiro Ай бұрын
ラミィちゃんGTA配信3日目お疲れ様❄ 今日は遊園地行ってプロポーズされたり轢かれてタヒにかけたり悪事に手を染めさせられかけたりお店に新しい人が入ったり?と昨日よりもすごくハチャメチャで激動の日だったねw これがGTAの日常(;゚д゚) ゴクリ…恐ろしや... 今回も最初から最後まで賑やかで楽しかったよ~ 楽しい時間をありがとう ラミィちゃん可愛い愛してるよ
@jiho6081 Ай бұрын
@はつん雪民 Ай бұрын
今日もお疲れ様でした! ラミィちゃんにはおも罪は向かないですね...(それはそう)
@tougenkyou1203 Ай бұрын
でした〜 今夜は波乱万丈やったね〜 こよちゃんにししろんとバトらせる流れにしたん、ほんまクソワロタ🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 どういう決着になるか楽しみやねっ
@ぱぱぱぱぱにぃ Ай бұрын
@murasame_setsura Ай бұрын
でした! いやーまさかこんなに荒い1日になるとはねwこよちゃんと遊園地デートなかなか楽しそうでよかったじゃない!でもまさかこよちゃんとししろんの間で揺れ動くラミィちゃんという悪女ムーブねw すいちゃんについて行って悪事やろうとしてもどこも上手くいかずしまいには船長捕まるだけで終わるとはw ラミィちゃんは殴られ病院、殴られ病院、しまいには轢かれて病院w踏んだり蹴ったりだったねw しかしまさかそらちゃんと団長とみおしゃとかなたんがポールダンス踊るとはね、まじで怒られそうで怖いやつw 楽しかったよ
@ロホセロ Ай бұрын
@fenrir... Ай бұрын
GTAでした。 今日は大変な一日でしたね。未遂の犯罪で警察から逃げ回ることになるわ、一日に三度も病院送りにされるわ。ただそらちゃんやミオしゃのポールダンスが見られたりとかのレアイベントもあったのでトータルで見れば充実はしてたんじゃないですかね。 銃とか持ってもいざとなったらまともに犯罪できないのは根が善人のラミィちゃんらしいわ。 ジェットコースターに置いていかれたり、高速道路の隙間から落下したり、運命がラミィちゃんを執拗にぼっちにしようとしている。
@アストワール十反逆の暗黒騎 Ай бұрын
ホロGTA3日目~ こよちゃんとデートするラミィちゃん こよちゃんからプロポーズをされるがに勝利したらプロポーズを受けることを約束した ししこよの拳でのバトル、いつ見れるのか楽しみだ も混ぜろよな、拳で行くぜw シャバ代お請求されたがお金が足りずすいちゃんに連れられて悪い事をすることになったマリラミ 経験者がいるはずなのにどれも成功してなくて 団長に見つかって武器を捨てて逃げるラミィちゃんw やはりラミィちゃんは良い子すぎて悪い事するのには向いてないんだなぁw 向いてはないけど面白から良しw そらちゃんがポールダンスを!? そらちゃんとコラボしてポールダンスするラミィちゃん みんなイチャイチャしててキレるラミィちゃんw コンビニに行こうとしてかなたんに轢かれるラミィちゃんw 確認してなかったのも悪かったねw かなたんより今後全商品タダであげるとの約束をしてもらえる 正直轢かれて踏んだり蹴ったり状態やけどこれ儲けたんでは? 親子丼ポールダンスw ミオしゃのえっ!な恰好でポールダンスをしているところを見て発狂してしまう院長w ママが請求書を忘れててキャバクラの売り上げ0なの 明日は新人さんがくるということで無事に勧誘することは出来るのだろうか? 勧誘成功するといいね 配信ありがとう、今日も楽しかったよ ラミィちゃんだけ大好き愛してるよ
@らぴす5303 Ай бұрын
ラミィちゃん 今日もholoGTA楽しかったね! こよちゃんと遊園地デート良かったね~ ししろんとこよのタイマン楽しみだなw すいちゃんに連れられてママと悪の手に染まるとこだったねw 結局失敗に終わっちゃったけど、やっぱりラミィちゃんには悪いこと出来ないねw あと今日はラミィちゃんが怪我多かったねw そらちゃんをポールダンスに誘うの面白かったw 今日もカオスで楽しい配信をありがとう!
@tyati_0906 Ай бұрын
今日はらやれてばっかな日でしたね コンビニ強盗失敗したり修羅場に遭遇したり楽しかった!
@お身体に気をつけて Ай бұрын
悪事は成功せず、ケガはするわで今日は散々な日だったねw まさか、そらさんとミオさんがポールダンスをするとは…衝撃的だったよw 今日も楽しかったよ、ありがとう
@ツトム-b5t Ай бұрын
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