Thanks for the fun HoloGTA stream Mio! Your RP was insanely good! The whole Bakery family and Fubuki were just incredible, thank you so much for the fun streams this week and doing your best! Congrats on the FubaMio ending! Beautiful! Goodnight!🌲🌲🌲
And that's a wrap!! The holoGTA server was beyond words amazing, and the story of the bakery family was better than I could have _ever_ imagined lol. After Fubuki crashed Mio's wedding, it was looking like all was lost, but by some miracle, the hospital director was able to do it. We got the FubuMio true end!!! The fireworks festival was chaotic, but Mio's heart couldn't stay away, truly the most perfect end to the most fun 7 days ever. FubuMio's final chat at the casino was a blast, ending in a true blaze of passion (helicopter crash) lol. Thank you miComet, and thank you Mio!! 36:57 Mio's adorable muted sneeze
Thank you for the last day of holoGTA! The wedding dress Mio chose was very beautiful and the wedding was chaotic as expected from the bakery family lol It was a fun week watching Mio doing her best in the role playing until the end! Congratulations on the FubuMio ending too Hope Mio can have a good rest after streaming 3 times today
Thank you for the stream! Mio and Korone will thus be forever! The Trio was amazing through out the week! It was amazing short series being super fun to watch this chaotic world for a week! Thank you for the hard work of streaming tonight! Otsu!