Honeycomb clothes hanger

  Рет қаралды 129

Wood makes me feel good

Wood makes me feel good

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Honeycomb clothes hanger
Some time ago I made a hanger according to my mother-in-law's wishes. I finally got the videos together and made another video for you. When I know who I'm working for, I'm always happy to do it, in order to share good energy.
Honeycomb clothes hanger is made of beech plywood, and all accessories are made of beech wood for greater strength and durability. I helped myself with various machines and tools, as you can see in the video. Everything is painted with colored sprays and varnish for better and more even coverage. Half of the hexagons are varnished with white paint, and half with clear varnish to show the beautiful texture of the wood. I used washers to attach it to the wall, because they hold perfectly on the wall. The hanger is very strong and can handle a lot of hanging clothes. I am proud of my creation and satisfied that it went into the right hands.
They were very happy and grateful for my gift, which of course made me very happy. The product not only has a useful function, but is also a beautiful decoration that fits very nicely into their space. If you also like honeycomb, just share the video with everyone, like it and subscribe to my channel @wood makes me feel good
Thank you very much to everyone, I wish you peace of mind and a loving heart, Damijan.
Obešalnik za oblačila v obliki satja
Nekaj časa nazaj sem naredil obešalnik po željah moje tašče. Končno sem zbral videje skupaj in naredil še video za vas. Ko vem za koga delam, vedno z veseljem naredim, zato da dobro energijo delim.
Obešalnik za oblačila v obliki satja je izdelan iz bukove vezane plošče, prav tako vsi dodatki so narejeni iz bukovega lesa za večjo trdnost in trajnost. Pomagal sem si z različnimi mašinami in orodji, kot jih lahko vidite v videu. Vse je pobarvano z barvnimi spreji in lakom za lepšo in bolj enakomerno prekrivnost. Polovica šesterokotnikov je polakirana z belo barvo, polovica pa s prozornim lakom da se vidi lepo teksturo lesa. Za pritrditev na steno sem uporabil kar podložke, saj odlično držijo na steni. Obešalnik je zelo močan in prenese veliko obešenih oblačil. Na svojo stvaritev sem ponosen in zadovoljen, da je šla v prave roke.
Mojega darila so bili zelo veseli in hvaležni, kar me je seveda zelo razveselilo in osrečilo. Izdelek nima le uporabne funkcije, temveč je tudi lep okras, ki se zelo lepo poda v njihov prostor. Če je tudi vam všeč satovje, pa le delite video z vsemi, ga všećkajte in se prijavite na moj kanal @wood makes me feel good
Hvala lepa vsem, želim vam mir v duši in ljubeče srce, Damijan.

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