Ellen G. White Exposed (Prophet or Pretender)

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@steveguti6452 Жыл бұрын
I would appreciate it deeply if anyone could pray me I'm very sick from long time illness please pray for me I'm suffering praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
@MrGtetteh Жыл бұрын
I would like to pray for you this Sabbath. What is your name please?
@kamalawaidande8218 Жыл бұрын
We unite with faith in prayer with you brother to intercede to the LORD and Saviour for Your healing. Dear LORD Forgive our sins and hear our humble cry. We believe in the Power of Jesus and His Healing and Saving grace. Thank You for receive all blessings with faith believing He has heard our prayer. Amen 🙏
@bccc11 Жыл бұрын
Praying for you! 🙏🏼
@jerrystilwell7666 Жыл бұрын
Praying. Now and will continue.
@uc3698 Жыл бұрын
May God bless you and heal you Steve. Stay blessed always 🙏
@divergentone777 Жыл бұрын
I came to the Seventh Day Adventist church reluctantly 7 years ago after reading Revelation. Three times Revelation mentions those who belong to God, keep His commandments, So I prayed for God to help me find a Sabbath keeping Christian church - other than the Seventh Day Adventist Church, because I had heard so many rumours about them. It took God 9 months to breakdown my barriers, and reluctantly at the age of 46yrs, I stepped foot in God's church. Still very sceptical, I scrutinised everything and everyone, and resolved never to read EG White because, as far as I was concerned, we had the Bible. To my surprise White's books were not studied collectively, yet the Bible was. Very rarely did her name ever come up, and when it did, it was usually a quote from someone relating to Bible Study. I eventually decided to read Steps To Christ, and to be blatantly honest, it wasn't until I read that little book, that I fully understood my wretched condition and Christ's sacrifice for me. I can honestly say that until I read that book, I was not truely converted. I thank God for EG White and her willingness to share the inspiration God has given her, despite fierce opposition.
@wholeveganfitness9922 Жыл бұрын
Wow, that's powerful. You should consider doing a video testimony of that experience some day if you can find it in your heart.
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
Amen. That is why Satan is fighting hard to keep members from reading her books. I too came to the church at 50. I listened to all arguments against her. Yet when I read her books I kept asking myself why she would be so maligned. You found it, she makes us understand how much we need Christ. In there lies the reason Satan fights her.
@earlskie2u Жыл бұрын
Amen Praise all be to God
@servantofgod1446 Жыл бұрын
@linnienason5416 Жыл бұрын
Praise God
@hisstoryjesus Жыл бұрын
I had trouble with Ellen G. White. I read the Bible. I read John chapter 3 that said I needed to be baptized to be saved. I was taken to an Seventh Day Adventist church, not knowing the difference between any other church. It was VERY difficult to accept EGW as a prophet because I knew not who she was nor knew if she was on par with the Bible. I didn’t know I had to believe in her before I was baptized. The Sabbath moved me to continue with the Seventh Say Adventist, and I agree that man shouldn’t had changed God’s commandments. As I fellowship with other brethren, the SOP made the Bible very simple. I used her writings as a tool to teach others, but like Moses’ writings, I saw her writings being used to cut each other down than lifting each other up. Being physically handicapped, I was told I was a burden on my Adventist girlfriend. It hurt, and I had to wonder if EGW writings were heavily opinionated. I did not see myself as a burden but an opportunity to grow closer to God. I thought I needed to prove that I could understand the Bible to, and I did and done. I was happy to know Sister White and James White both were handicapped, and as I read her work, I cannot deny she was a prophet. Her writings are so simple and enlightening that I pray others read what she wrote. The Word of God is magnified. She was inspired by the Holy Spirit. There’s no way any could write like her unless God gave it. If we do not believe God can move this woman, we should disregard the Bible, because the Bible promised to move men and women by the Holy Ghost. From Genesis to Revelation, God has visibly and evidently talked and revealed Himself to man. God shows He’s True, and if man and woman refuse to believe, He’ll use animals and inanimate rocks that will cry out.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your testimony. You are not a burden to God. He loves you to the utmost. We pray that you would grow strong in faith and build your faith in the solid word of God.
@hisstoryjesus Жыл бұрын
@@HL365 I’m thankful for the prayers. I thank God for this ministry. I’ve reread what I said. I hope I did not come off negative. If it was not for the 1844 movement and out pouring of the Spirit, we would not find our placing in these times that led up from Daniel. I believe there was a time where I had the Bible, and I was off course. I did not know what was the 2300 Day Prophecy or the Sanctuary purpose. It was not until recently I digged deep into it as I discussed the Bible with Christians that were Sunday-Keepers. I believe when we’re referred to a cult we revert to try to explain prophecy without the founders. I have yet to find it is possible, because they were moved to study themselves to show why we’re not mere Christians but Seventh-Day Adventist. I believe Ellen G. White had the gift of prophecy. SOP. I’m not trying to win anyone over, but the youth of those days in the 1800 moves us today (and even invites us to critique or examine their studies to) move us to not believe blindly but read carefully and prayerfully. We can conclude as they had, and as we near the end, we can find where we stand in time. I believe if we do not believe God can give a young woman or girl the SOP, how can we believe that our Father can do that for us too. If we believe the promise of the Spirit, we need to believe we can be moved as a testament that God can work the works that He manifest in His Word: For‭ whatsoever things‭ were written aforetime‭‭ were written‭‭ for‭ our‭ ‭learning‭‭, that‭ we‭‭ through‭ patience‭ and‭ comfort‭ of the scriptures‭ might have‭‭ hope‭.‭ ‭Now‭ the God‭ of patience‭ and‭ consolation‭ grant‭‭ you‭ to be‭ likeminded‭‭ one‭‭ toward another‭‭ according‭ to Christ‭ Jesus‭:‭ ‭That‭ ye may‭‭ with one mind‭ ‭and‭‭ one‭ mouth‭ glorify‭‭ God‭, even‭ the Father‭ of our‭ Lord‭ Jesus‭ Christ‭.‭ Romans 15:4-6
@robertchilders8698 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting statement! When I was in the church, I was constantly put down for asking the "wrong questions". My folks would beat the hell out of me if I didn't agree with them! When sent to their boarding schools as a "cerf", I had to work in their tax free school factorys to pay my own child support! Much isolation and censorship! Have. Since come to the conclusion that they are nothing but a greedy, self serving CULT!!!! AND RELIGIOUS BUSINESS! But I won't to thank you for hearing me out, even though I'm on an Àdventist channel!!
@EddySmith85 10 ай бұрын
Due to those who run the churches these days..I will not have my son baptized and won't get baptized myself. If the lord needs us to be, before we go threw the gates, it can be done. Not a man on earth as holy as Jesus..not a man holy an pure enough for that.
@hisstoryjesus 10 ай бұрын
@@EddySmith85 As fallen men may had become, it’s not who but Whom you do it for. If the faults of men and women causes you to not open the Word, you will not know what God ask of you. It was error on my part because I strayed more away from the Father and Son of God, because I was left on my own to decide what the Lord is speaking to us. I hope you considered reading about Baptism, for it is what the Lord commanded us to do to be saved in John chapter three. It is crossing the Red Sea after we accept Jesus as the Lamb of God. We’re promised to receive power from on High the Holy Ghost with fire. The Lord will “will guide‭‭ you‭ into‭ all‭ truth” by the Holy Spirit, so please study and think about why baptism was instituted. It is of God. We should not disregard the body of Christ, because it’s not about reaching sinners but helping Christians that may error.
@steveguti6452 Жыл бұрын
Never underestimate the power of prayer one small prayer can change your life praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Amen. Thank you.
@uc3698 Жыл бұрын
@@HL365 Ellen’s writings are great, but were any of them anti slavery? Because they 😮didn’t want to worship wit blacks .
@alfredtameifuna8928 Жыл бұрын
​@@uc3698EGW's son did all his ministry down south converting all the African Americans. Take a good look at Ellen G White she's not fully white (European). Do some research.
@madamm4191 Жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏🏽
@arleneblanco2799 Жыл бұрын
I became Seventh-day Adventist after reading one oi f her books. I also became vegetarian. I am convinced that the writings of Sister White are a heavenly gift to the adventist church. Many non-adventists members have benefited from reading her books. Thanks God for Ellen White's writings. 🙏
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
Amen. Because you actually picked a book and read it. Those who criticize her have never read anything she wrote.
@dainesecong3282 Жыл бұрын
thank you for the nice message . that would be a great reminder for the coming of our Lord God. thank you. Pastor Mark
@1844-Telltheworld Жыл бұрын
Amen! Amen!
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
​@@JamieElison This is what the Judaism teaches on the subject “According to the Jewish belief. Torah Mount Azazel (Jabel Munttar) in the Judean Desert Cliffs of Mount Azazel (Jabel Munttar) In the Hebrew Bible, the term is used three times in the Book of Leviticus, where two male goats were to be sacrificed to Yahweh and one of the two was selected by lot, for Yahweh is seen as speaking through the lots. [1] The very fact that the two goats were presented before God, before the one was sacrificed and the other sent into the wilderness, was proof that Azazel was not ranked alongside God, but regarded simply as the personification of wickedness in contrast with the righteous government of God.[1]. Aza The Jewish people believed this. Ellen White did not originate the teaching. “Then he shall kill the goat of the sin offering, which is for the people, bring its blood inside the veil, do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bull, and sprinkle it on the mercy seat and before the mercy seat” Second goat. “The goat shall bear on itself all their iniquities to an uninhabited land; and he shall release the goat in the wilderness” The first goat is offered as a sin offering for the people. This way their sins are forgiven Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. The second goat is cast out into the wilderness after all the sins of the people are laid on it. Notice the wilderness. Meaning it never comes to the camp again. It is cast out.
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
Also Ellen White is not the originator of this teachings; “ ……The English versions, such as the King James Version, followed the Septuagint and Vulgate in understanding the term Azazel as relating to a goat. The modern English Standard Version provides the footnote "16:8 The meaning of Azazel is uncertain; possibly the name of a place or a demon, traditionally a scapegoat; also verses 10, 26". Most scholars accept the indication of some kind of demon or deity,[15
@steveguti6452 Жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ died for our Sins According to the scriptures and that he was Buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all......
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and for your prayers
@crucified4me Жыл бұрын
Truth. I have read and re-read these books. They have led me to read the Bible even more and inspired me to love and serve Christ. A lot is said about Ellen White by people who do not really read her books... Those who do need to speak up. Great presentation!
@lizhall2961 Жыл бұрын
That has been my experience. Ellen's always has pointed to the Bible.
@robertchilders8698 Жыл бұрын
Raised as an Adventist! Read many of her books! Went to their boarding schools,! Then I STUDIED THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN!!? Being a direct decendent from the church since it's official founding in 1863. - to avoid paying government taxes! Studied much about Ellen White and Dr. John Harvey Kellogg! My ancestors are from Dr. Kelloggs "kids"! I believe that the church today is nothing but a religious scam and CULT! For the White family and their medical interests! I also believe that Ellen White was biracial and Dr Kellogg was a homosexual .!! That's why they kicked Dr. Kellogg out of the church!! AN X -ADVENTIST!!
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@MrAnderson7372 10 ай бұрын
You wanna find a real prophet, look up Nancy cohen.
@sereneanna4040 8 ай бұрын
Ellen' Recommendation to go Vegan or Vegetarian is vvery Appriopate and Beneficial for Health. Consideratin tat there are many farm animals pestilences in the past eg swine flu, mad cow disease, bird flu, seafood contamination...🍗🥩🦐🦞🦀🦑🥓🍖 Myself was led to detox, fast due to my fatty liver n high colestriol. AND it saved me from a near stroke. I used to eat lots of red meat, fried n spicy food, sugar, gluten, carbs, salt... My church also has a saturday, sabbath n do not eat unclean foods. Yes, there are lots of critics from fellow christians esp amongst family members😊 My Reply to them are: The main issue or crux of christianity is not what we eat but rather that we must abide, follow closely to what the bible teaches. AND our common Denominator is the Ressurrected Jesus🙌🏻👑✝️⚖🛡🌄 And that Stopped the Agruments or Discord for the time being🕊🕊🕊🍵🍣
@DolkkarToyznstuff Жыл бұрын
It's great to see someone discussing this accurately. Thank you Pastor Mark Finley.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@jerrystilwell7666 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry I have never let some comments get under my skin. God bless you for your teachings. You have been a blessing to me ever since I became an Adventist 3yrs ago. Man there is so much hate in some of those people. I truthfully have never read any thing EGW has written that contradicts scripture. Thanks and God bless all. God bless pastor Mark and his ministry.
@spacechimp4039 Жыл бұрын
Hold on to Christ! Pray for those who abuse you! You will receive a crown from Jesus!
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
I can assure you that they are former Adventists who never read a single book she wrote. Disregard every thing they say. Their pledge is to troll all sda websites and discourage the members by pretending they know more than you know. Trust me they don’t. I have followed them including their leaders for sixteen years. They only succeed in confusing those who are not grounded in their faith. Ellen White reminded us that they will be our worst enemies. If we ignore them they will go away. They are not happy with their lives or where they are so attack sda so that they can feel better about their decision about leaving. Kind of what Satan did when he was cast out from heaven. He was enraged and went to make war with God’s children. Check out every single Video by SDA pastors and they will be there.
@jack-buckhilll5428 Жыл бұрын
I read my Bible daily, God Bless Pastor Mark. Comments are good though, but for me, no comment will change my faith in the Church that Pastor belongs to. Simply because I know my Bible very well as I read it daily since 2018 to the present and I, therefore, come to realize that indeed God said He will have his people in the last days, God's remnant church in the last days will keep His commandment and faith in Lord Jesus Christ's second coming and Pastor Mark is preaching those message.
@dauthuc8807 Жыл бұрын
@@jack-buckhilll5428thanks my dear …….manna was given to Israelite everyday and so should we ❤
@nicolagrant5450 Жыл бұрын
When I came to the faith,,I didn't even think she was a prophet but God showed me she was. I never saw any contradiction but daily, the bible is what I'd read 95% of the time. Ppl will read the pope and other writers and have no problem but they have a problem with her. If she stole other writing as some say,, then who reads the others stuff,, and if they do read and accept it then we've a worst case scenario, her writing is fine although some borrowed. I don't think that's the case but I've not seen and researched the evidence. I've never typedin her words and another writers words come up but I've no plans to go further. The bible alone. And if there'sa problem. The God who brought me this far supernaturally- not by man- will show me the truth. They never show what she said that did not come true. If I see things that did not come true then I'd have to rethink
@kennethkirui445 Жыл бұрын
This cleansing theory and saying that in 1844 Yeshua entered the holy of holies is contrary to scriptures and in great error. While Stephen was being stoned in Acts7 , he saw the heavenly sanctuary and Yeshua was seen seated at the right hand of the father testifying that He had entered the holy of holies when He ascended. Be ye blessed.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Please see these presentations: 1844madesimple.org In Acts 7 you don't see Jesus sitting. He is standing on the right hand of God. But it doesn't tell us anything about the location. God is not just limited to the holies of holies. His throne is moveable. If you would like to learn more about it, please email us at info@Hopelives365.com and we would be glad to talk to you more about it.
@teanimoseese7260 7 ай бұрын
When Jesus went to heaven, He entered the Holy place not the Most Holy place. Hebrews 9;11,12.
@kanyohoho7449 3 ай бұрын
​@HL365 God's throne is moveable? There is no scriptural evidence as to that claim
@starman8086 3 ай бұрын
Then what do you think happebed at the end of the 2,300 days?
@farwestgarohills3831 3 ай бұрын
Stephen saw Jesus sitting at the right-hand of God was 1800+ years before. After this may years of Stephen's stoning, Jesus entered into Holy of Holies, in 1844. You never brought into consideration of the time difference.
@jeanelizabethterry7583 Жыл бұрын
That is what amazed me. Her writings. I have not read them all at all. But what I have read amazed me. I was very cynical about her. But reading even one book and just the first chapter amazed me.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord. Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@edithdotson7603 Жыл бұрын
@@JamieElison Even if EGW got it from other sources who told her what to get and what not to receive? The Holy Spirit. MANY other Bible prophets quoted from others, yet they were inspired. Paul, for example quoted profusely from the OT, yet he was inspired by the Holy Spirit.There are many errors, half truths or unuseful information mingled in the writings of good Christians who simply have not come to a full knowledge of truth. How did she avoid those to stay consistent with the unique Bible teachings that became Seventh-day Adventist teachings? Through Holy Spirit study and Revelation. Besides, Walter Rea was disgruntled like many because they reject some point(s) of Sister White's teachings in the area of health especially or the PreAdvent Investigative Judgment. Many do not understand the primary reason for health reform. It is to clear the mind to enable good mental clarity, reasoning, and judgment. To help us to understand spiritual things and come to correct conclusions on doctrinal issues. A careful, prayerful reading of her works will clear up issues rather than confuse minds.
@jeanelizabethterry7583 Жыл бұрын
@@maggiemae7539 she puts the Bible above anything she has written as does the church. And she and the church say everyone should study the Bible for themselves. Her work is not a substitute for the Bible. What I found was her writings make me see the Bible more deeply and the characters more alive and real.
@partlysimpson5154 4 ай бұрын
did any of her prophecies come true haha?
@JhoPrescion Жыл бұрын
Pastor I'm sooo happy that you are one of the thousands that stand to protect the Spirit of Prophecy. Praying for you and all the people of God.🙏🙏
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@19818456 10 ай бұрын
A true prophet of God needs no hunan shield, as God takes care of them.
@HolySpiritFire3 Жыл бұрын
The apostle John said, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they be of God." We are supposed to test prophets and teachers. If a prophecy does not come to pass, then the prophet has either prophesied from their own heart or by a false spirit.
@markbarnes606 Жыл бұрын
Well said
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment. Yes, if a prophecy of a person doesn't come true, then they are not from God. But you must also understand the conditional element of prophecy. Please read Jeremiah 18:7-10. It clearly shows the conditionality of the prophecy. A perfect example would be the situation of Jonah and the city of Nineveh. God through Jonah predicted that He would destroy the inhabitants of Nineveh, but because they repented, God spared them and relented of what He said He would do and this in fact after God through Jonah predicted that HE is going to destroy Nineveh. This shows an important truth about prophecy.There are prophecies that are conditional upon human reactions. So, this must be considered as well.
@maggiemae7539 Жыл бұрын
@@HL365God does not predict!
@mariaskoretz1641 9 ай бұрын
@HL365 Prophesies are not conditional unless God makes them conditional. Jonah literally SPOKE THE CONDITION telling people if they fasted for 40 days and turned from evil that “God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish”. Jonah’s prophecy didn’t fail but CAME TRUE because they did what God commanded and God honored his STATED condition that they may not perish. Ellen gave NO such conditions, and thus her prophesies were false. She claimed an angel told her that some people alive in her time would still be alive and translated at the time of the second coming. False. She prophesied England would declare war on the US during the civil war, it didn’t. She prophesied that Jerusalem would never be built up again, but it became the capital city of Israel in 1949. She claimed she had a vision from God of the shut door and that probation was closed, then denounced it. None of these had conditions attached to them when they were given as in the prophecy of Jonah. In fact, She can even say an angel spoke to her in vision and then copy her “vision” word for word from other authors…that does not sound like the Holy Spirit to me.
@19818456 5 ай бұрын
​@HL365 This is a false argument used by all false prophets (ex. Joanna Southcott) the case of Jonah, which actually implied a condition whereas, Ellen White's was a straight prediction prompted by her angel 😢😂😂 yet, a failure which consequently became a conditional😮 😂
@Lionhearted-g3b Жыл бұрын
Ellen White was inspired by God. Her writtings are an inspiration to me. I have read the Hidtory of Redemtion and now reading The Conflict of the Ages. Thanks Postor Finley for explain the contribution of Ellen White.
@TawngLiNhkum-qe7nu Жыл бұрын
And somehow the writing of Ellen White is lesser light and Bible is greater light although both are inspired by Holy Spirit.Something is not right.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Richard, thank you for your positive comment about your positive experience.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Tawng, we’ll be glad to explain it to you. Please email- info@hopelives365.com
@grainiac7824 8 ай бұрын
But do you believe her when she disagrees with God in the Bible? That is the primary point. When they disagree, do you believe her or God?
@stardustgirl2904 7 ай бұрын
It sounds very similar to Joseph smith's journey, only the church of Jesus Christ of later day saint's came first! 🙄
@ricmay2837 Жыл бұрын
The canonical prophets …. I am convinced They are sufficient…. Bless
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Hi, thanks for your comment. You say that canonical prophets are enough. But if you listen to the canonical prophets, they are the ones who prophesied that there will be prophets. For example look at these passages below: Several Bible passages indicate that the ministry of prophets will extend till the end times. Paul writes, 8. Therefore it says, "When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men." 9. (In saying, "He ascended," what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower regions, the earth? 10. He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.) 11. And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, 12. to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, 13. until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, Here Paul writes that as Jesus ascended, he gave gifts to men. These are the gifts of the Holy Spirit. And one of the many gifts mentioned here is the gift of prophets. They, along with the other gifts, were given to the church to equip the saints for ministry so that the church is built up. This was to continue until the church attains unity of faith and knowledge of Christ like a full-grown man and to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Here the goal for the church is to grow up to be like Christ. For this purpose, all the gifts, including the ministry of prophets, are given. This state is attained only by the grace of Christ and this goal will be fully realized at his coming (Ephesians 5:25-27). Therefore, the ministry of prophets will extend past the period of the apostles to the end times. In His Olivet discourse when asked about the signs that were to occur before the destruction of Jerusalem and end of the world, Jesus wove answers to these two questions in one discourse. One of the signs He repeats twice is not to be led astray by false prophets (Matthew 24:11,24). What must be noticed here is that Jesus does not categorically deny any manifestation of prophets. Instead, He only warns about the false prophets will seek to lead astray even the very elect which leads to the idea that true prophets would exist, and the elect would have to determine the true from the false. The Andrews Study Bible comments, "The existence of false prophets indicates that true ones are also to be expected at the end of time." Yet again, there is indirect evidence pointing to the possibility of true prophets in the last days. Another classic text that reveals the extension of the prophetic ministry is found in Joel 2:28-31: 28. And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. 29. Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit. 30. "And I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31. The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. Though addressed to the Judah, this prediction was not realized to the literal Jews because of their unfaithfulness. But this prophecy talks about the events that would happen before God's great and awesome day. This "day of the Lord" motif is often used to localized judgments fundamentally refers to the final day of judgment. Before this period, God would pour out His Spirit. These extraordinary outpouring would result in prophetic manifestations of vision and dreams. The noticeable aspect of this verse is that this gift would be poured out without being limited to particular age, gender or numbers. The plural language used here needs to be noticed. Though this incredible prophecy was not fulfilled in the ideal circumstance that God has initially purposed for the nation of Judah, it was partially fulfilled when Peter applied this scripture to explain the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. But it will have a complete fulfillment before the antitypical day of the Lord. The most explicit passage that reveals the possibility of prophetic ministry for the last days is found in Revelation 12:17: "Then the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. And he stood on the sand of the sea." Looking at this passage from a historicist perspective, this passage reveals a scenario where the end time church will invite the wrath of Satan. This church has two identifying features: obedience to the commandments and adherence to the testimony of Jesus. John expounds what this testimony of Jesus is, "Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, "You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God." For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy." Bible also tells us that the Holy Spirit was sent to bear witness to Jesus and His teachings (John 15:26; 16:13). So, the medium through which the Holy Spirit bears witness to Jesus is through the prophetic gift that He bestows. Thus, the phrase testimony of Jesus refers to the prophetic gift the Holy Spirit gives. All of these above passages shows that the gift of prophecy will extend till the end time.
@zaratabari 5 ай бұрын
"Then I fell down at his feet to worship him but he said to me "you must not do that" I am a fellowservant with you and your brothers who hold the testimony of Jesus "worship God" for the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. Bible also tells us that the H.S. was sent to bear witness to Jesus and his teachings(John 15:26;16:13)So the‼️MEDIUM⁉️ through which the H.S. bears witness to Jesus is through prophetic gift that he bestows. Thus the phrase"testimony of Jesus" refers to the prophetic gift the Holy Spirit gives. All of these above passages show that the gift of prophecy will extend till the end of time."" (1)Your use of the word " medium" it's also in your song"Live out thy life within me" I the transparent medium thy glory to display"
@zaratabari 5 ай бұрын
You're also misunderstanding John 15:26;16:13; see 16:15; explains 15:26 &16:13, see Yahusha is the WORD(John 1:1,14) and the WORD was with Yahuah and the WORD was Yahuah, and the WORD was made flesh and dwelt among us(and we beheld his glory,the glory as of the only begotten of the Father)full of grace and truth.>The WORD is Yahuah
@Jsuli2408 Жыл бұрын
I think I’m a prophet… 15:09. Why are we so bent on “restoring” the law when the law condemns us. The law serves a function and that is to show us how much we are in need of a savior. Any law keeping is a result of a growth in relationship with the Messiah. But to place such an emphasis on the law as if it will or can save us is creating a major stumbling block where there shouldn’t be one. Come to Messiah and He will lead us in all our ways. We only need to be obedient when He speaks to us; this is how we ought to keep the commandments as I understand it today. Are the tablets of stone good yes of course no one will deny that. But He, today, writes on and tugs on our hearts. Obey the commandments unto what He has asked of you in your heart; the place that no man can see except The Most High. And trust that it is not your law keeping that saves you but the blood of the Messiah. If it were up to the stone tablets, and even those things pressed on our hearts we’d all still walk out of the bank of deeds still in gross debt deserving death. We have to anchor our teachings on the blood only! The blood is the power to save and to change a person into a holy people.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Watch this to learn what we believe about the law: kzbin.info/www/bejne/faK1gpVoidiWg6M
@sandramills1133 2 ай бұрын
I read somewhere in Ellen G white writings that each time we are forgiven we are also given strength at that moment to overcome the next time and if we keep remembering that is true it should help us to believe that it finally can take place in our lives. Please pray for me and others who are weak and want to give up at times.
@Jsuli2408 Ай бұрын
@@sandramills1133 I will be praying for you beloved. But I want to emphasize again, and I’m making it personal. I fall EVERYDAY, if it’s not one thing it’s another. But what fills me with joy and frees me of the guilt trip in the spiral of falling and getting up again, what frees me is knowing my that MY works have zero affect on my salvation where my faith is concerned. My faith assures me that our Messiah’s life, death, and resurrection is our only hope for our salvation. I pray beloved; for you, for me, and for all of the body that we may abstain from evil, and that we may not fall pray to the will of the flesh. And in the same prayer I pray that everyone may be freed from feeling like we need to work out our salvation. Live a life pleasing to our Elohim, do what we know is good. Elohim is in our hearts and like David said, there is no escape from Him! He is with us always and will strengthen us where we are weak. Shalom beloved!
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
I just want to bring to attention to the sda members that there is going to be a lot of opposition to Ellen White teachings here. Some of it outright rude. Please ignore these writers. Majority are former Adventists and their special mission is to cause doubt and disillusionment in EGW writings. Majority never read a single book she wrote. They spread lies propagated by their leaders. Some who are former pastors.
@Wolfman1987 Жыл бұрын
Just because someone doesn't believe Ellen white message and they comment in a manner in which you disapprove, doesn't make them a propaganda spreader or liar like CNN or MSM. That is there right to voice his/her opinion, just as it was for you to let the devil anger you into downing them for posting there point of view.
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
@@Wolfman1987yes I have a problem. Come here with facts not lies you cannot substantiate. How would you feel if someone came to you with lies about someone you like. Would you think it is okay? Wha5 if you knew their motives? Those who lie about you are those who have fallen out with you. So let them tell us why and not make things up.
@Lisa-ox5el Жыл бұрын
​@@AnnWan-bs2xn I do have facts and your teachers and administrators blocked me from this page meanwhile left comments up from "eatmyshorts 4727" to try and "show" that the only people that think she is a false prophet are people with inappropriate user names. This is called propaganda and censorship. Same thing Hitler did. Same thing evil ones did to the men of God. I have to creat 500 emails just to get a comment across. What does that tell you. I have 100's of evidences that this woman is false and it is largely scriptures. This church is in fact a cult.
@Lisa-ox5el Жыл бұрын
I do have facts and your teachers and administrators blocked me from this page meanwhile left comments up from "eatmyshorts 4727" to try and "show" that the only people that think she is a false prophet are people with inappropriate user names. This is called propaganda and censorship. Same thing Hitler did. Same thing evil ones did to the men of God.
@Lisa-ox5el Жыл бұрын
@@AnnWan-bs2xn I do have facts and your teachers and administrators blocked me from this page meanwhile left comments up from "eatmyshorts 4727" to try and "show" that the only people that think she is a false prophet are people with inappropriate user names. This is called propaganda and censorship. Same thing Hitler did. Same thing evil ones did to the men of God.
@watchandpray8918 Жыл бұрын
If you are reading this, can you pray for me and my sister? We are trying to lose weight to improve our health and have had some success but have stalled. We need some help to from our Lord. 👀🙏🏻
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
We will pray for you 🙏🏾
@CoffeeTeaWithSusan 10 ай бұрын
Stick with it… it’s a life change and it doesn’t happen over night. May the Lord grant you guidance and strength.
@watchandpray8918 10 ай бұрын
@@CoffeeTeaWithSusan Thank you, luv. 🙂
@user-mi2nv5fx9t 3 ай бұрын
Holy Spirit is your help.
@jmoguta Жыл бұрын
Thanks alot Pr Mark Finley for your inspirational sermons, especially I'm being blessed day by day by your "Hope for Africa" sermons
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@vasquezfernandez8780 Жыл бұрын
To all you critics on sister White, you all can’t change us (SDA) We are God remnant church, we keep all the commandments of God according to Exodus, revelation and Jesus words John 14:15. We remember THE sabbath day not A sabbath day. Every sabbath we keep holy because of Ex 20:8. On Sunday you critics go to church because you said Jesus risen on that day, so every Sunday Jesus is risen for you and every sabbath we rest and honour God . I wonder who is doing to the right thing? Satan is really a serpent but he can’t deceive SDA MEMBERS and thank God for Allen G white.. To all SDA MEMBERS. Stand firm. Rev 12:17/14:12 (the warning for Sunday church 18:14) Our prophet Sister White Rev 19:10 and We who keep the commandments will see God face Rev 22:14😂😂🙏🏻🙏🏻
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your perspective.
@ElishaKape 3 ай бұрын
Law was given through Moses as an agreement with the Isreal when He free them for slavery in Egypt on Mt Sinai Ex,20:3-17 Grace and truth Through His son Jesus christ. We are saved by Grace ,redeemed by the blood of Jesus through faith in the True Gospel of christ John 1:16-17 John 5:10-18 Jesus break the sabath law so teachers of law kill him. John 9:16 Jesus did not obey sabath like followers of the law of Moses Galations 4:21-25,30 sand the slave woman and her son away. CHRIST GIVES US FREEDOM: Galations 5:1-4 WHOLE LAW MADE COMPLETE . Galations 5:14 John13:34
@markbarnes606 Жыл бұрын
One of the founders of the seventh day adventist was Uriah Smith witch never gets a mention but who wrote the explanation of the book of genesis where a lot of bible study is focused on his book and writings but Ellen white is almost all the time referred back to, not Uriah Smith as if he did not exist i have one of the original books written by him my copy was the second edition of explanation of the book of Genesis. We all need to read the bible from front to back then back to front and only go off the word of God. Read Timmothy 2:10 to -15 and read the hole passage. The words are 10: But (whitch becometh women professing godliness) with good works. 11: Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection 12: But i suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed then Eve. 14: And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was the transgression. then again in Corinthians One 14.34-35 Let your woman keep silent in the churches,for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive as the law also says. 35; And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church 36; Or did the word of God come originally from you? Or was it you only that it reached? We all make the mistake of not reading the bible all the way through we all try and put our own spin on the holy word of God or listen to our priests ,kohen or pastors not questioning them I made the mistake in church of saying was in my truck looking for a church that weekend to go to church i spotted an Anglican church displaying a pride flag and said i would not go into a church displaying the pride flag was asked what was a pride flag i replied the gays flag immediately got shot down in bible study saying to me we are trying to include everyone this was in a Seventh day Adventist church in Australia Are we all deaf to Mathew 7 -15 Beware of false prophets, witch come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravering Wolves You are on about E white not on God that's not following the bible that's following Ellen White
@kymthecocksmith3690 Жыл бұрын
Well said!!!
@mandeemckenzie537 Жыл бұрын
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Hi Mark, you may have misunderstood a few things here. Please email us this comment so we can clarify it for you. Our email- info@hopelives365.com
@markbarnes606 Жыл бұрын
I did reply to hope lives but you never answered me but do not get me wrong I enjoy your sermons but we must never stray away from the word of God we all can read the Bible yet still misinterpreted what God & Jesus is saying but I still believe that a woman cannot preach in church period even Vodi Bocom is stead fast in this part of the bible teachings
@vasquezfernandez8780 Жыл бұрын
To children of the Lord: SDA is God remnant church, not a Satan church .. All Sunday observant is disrespecting God forth commandment that’s said to REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY. It didn’t said to Remember a sabbath day.. Therefore revelation 12:17/14:12/18:14/19:10 and 22:14 belongs to God remnant end time people and those verses only fits SDA. Therefor Sister White must be a true prophet because God wouldn’t destroy his own people.
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
The people disrespecting the he sda and Ellen White are former Adventists. Sister Ellen said we should worry more about them than the world. They will be our worst enemies. Notice how bitter they sound. Sunday keepers are not usually so vitriolic.
@jack-buckhilll5428 Жыл бұрын
@@AnnWan-bs2xn I see now, wolves got in and got out to do wolfy job...Wolves will always be wolves and die as wolves. Forgive them!
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
@@jack-buckhilll5428 exactly. Their motives are evil, they plant seeds of doubt in new believers because they sound knowledgeable. They are here on a mission. They are a scourge and their leaders proudly exhort them for their success in what they are doing. May they fail miserably.
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
@@shirleytaylor2590 you are writing that yourself come out and say what you want. No one is censuring you but yourself.
@JackHermanKikiraNyosy-oe9vo Жыл бұрын
That is why Jesus came back for SDAs in 1844.
@adriana-simonamoco8239 Жыл бұрын
So, the writing of Ellen Wite is the second Holly Spirit for you...?! Sorry ,,, you talk more about Ellen Wite then about Lord Jesus or another profet from the Bible..no ,,no,,,, that's idolatry
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
We believe that the writings of Ellen White inspired by the Holy Spirit as the books of the Bible were. Because this particular presentation talks about Ellen White, that is why Pastor Finley is talking about Ellen White quite a lot. Consider watch this presentation and your opinion will change: kzbin.info/aero/PLILDvXAtv9JhTnlAFfsG2_JdFbzYuaQhI
@farwestgarohills3831 7 ай бұрын
You know not what you believe and speak. But we know what we speak and belief. Exactly the same way Jesus also spoke to a Samaritan woman at well in John 4:22, "Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.". Jews nation was selected to spread the Gospel, but they refused to accept and do so. In our age, God have chosen SDA church to spread true gospel, salvation belongs to Law Keepers. God will bring Sunday keeping synagogue of Satan to worship Him before SDA people's feet.
@patkittrell-mckee653 Жыл бұрын
Contrary to popular opinion… we as a church do not put EG White above the Bible & neither did Mrs. White…please understand that her writings are to be a lesser light that points us toward the Bible…😊
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Amen. Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@gms254 8 ай бұрын
there is this saying in my country, "on the ground things are different". The traditional SDA baptismal vows are themselves nothing biblical by majority.....so much bent to cultist. The spirit of the pharisees is being kept alive in your SDA religion.
@dallyjacobson2146 8 ай бұрын
The so-called lesser light pointing towards the greater light is parrot speak. Ellen White indeed said her writings were barricaded by a "thus saith the Lord" and she said she had not written one heretical word.. You are all self decieved and your leader know it and they are keeping the deception going. The SDA's, the Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons all sprang from the Millerite movement. Wake up!
@stardustgirl2904 7 ай бұрын
I find it incredibly strange that her story is incredibly similar to the story of Joseph smith's story only his church came first!
@stardustgirl2904 7 ай бұрын
I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saint's, evangelicals always put my church down because we believe in revelations! And the restoration of Jesus Christ's church! Many things being said here are similar to the Mormon church!
@healinghumanity1782 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the presentation. As an African Adventist Baha’i, there are no adequate words to express my gratitude to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Due to my upbringing as Adventist, I revere Jesus Christ & His example of love. Also, I take healthful living seriously. Joining the Baha’i Faith’s community has only intensified my affection for the Adventist teachers who instilled in me a sense of sacred. I am the result of the message of Adventists & the example of its members. My adoration for Christ draws me towards Adventists & all Christians.
@HL365 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching and for your comment. It is quite interesting to know that you are both an Adventist and Baha'i. I wonder how that work since both of them are mutually exclusive. There is no compatibility between them. So, I don't understand how you can both be the same at once. Can you please email us at info@hopelives365.com and we would be glad to talk to you about it?
@Laney-xf4xt Жыл бұрын
Rev. 17:14, They shall make war with the lamb and the lamb shall overcome them. For he is the lord or lords and king of kings.and they that are with him are called the chosen and faithful.
@ВладимирБезгин-ч6л Жыл бұрын
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏🏾
@Laney-xf4xt Жыл бұрын
Tim.2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having the seal.The Lord knoweth them that are his and let every one that nameth the name of Jesus Christ depart from iniquity.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
@JackHermanKikiraNyosy-oe9vo Жыл бұрын
The Bible states ' do not add or take away.' Most Bible translators used words that best suits the terms used but making sure that the message is clearly based on the truths. However, if you intepret a chapter and verse incorrectly, then you are 'adding and subtracting.' Too bad when the mass is misguided.
@samuelrex5174 Жыл бұрын
Ask for Holy Spirit ❤ Amen❤
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Maybe misinterpretation is adding and subtracting, which that is bad it’s a bit different.
@gloriaraizada3441 Жыл бұрын
Dear Pastor Finley, Thankyou so much for openly and confidently dispelling myths and sharing the truth about Sister Ellen G White. Indeed she was an inspired women of God. Even during the time of Jesus on this earth and in the Old Testament he used very simple people to be inspirational prophets, Kings, Queen, writers for him. We serve an almighty God of the universe. May we sincerely get ready for his soon coming. God bless anyone reading this. Trust God always. ❤️🙏🏽
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Amen. Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@mauricesiantangalala2078 6 ай бұрын
Some ministers are saying she was not aprophetess but just amessanger ineed help some misleading information are flooding everywhere.thank you for your presentation.from zambia
@answeringadventism Жыл бұрын
Question for SDAs: Why did Mark not deal with any of the issues regarding Ellen Whites failed prophecies, showing she doesn’t fit the biblical qualifications for such? Why did he recycle the same talking points the SDA Church has circulated for decades? Why did he mention her 2000 supposed visions as some monumental feat, when in her VERY first supposed vision, she falsely claimed to given the day and hour of Jesus’s return? Why did he ignore that she blatantly contradicts Genesis 3:6 in Patriarchs and Prophets, pg. 52-55 where she claims Eve wandered away from Adam contrary to the supposed warning from an Angel, was tempted alone, ate the fruit, and then took armfuls of it to find Adam to tempt him? Why does she contradict the scriptures regarding Adam being the only one tempted, and Eve not, in that same section of pages? Ellen White doesn’t even come close to passing the biblical test of a prophet. And it’s dishonest leadership like this that keep shilling out the same tired talking points to try and keep the facade and grift alive. Shame on you, Mark. Especially when you claim to be the “commandment keeping church.”
@duncanbradley Жыл бұрын
its just pr. i feel sorry for the masses still trapped in. i used to be one till i came accross your channel and dr allen. best we can do is pray and keep on with a apologetics..its a huge trap, the denomination, it goes under radar due to minimal physical cult rituals..its mostly theologically cultish..
@lizhall2961 Жыл бұрын
I can tell you have not read any of her books. Well, I have read most of her books and am a Bible student. I find no conflict. Read a few of her books yourself and you will see.
@lizhall2961 Жыл бұрын
Your point 1) You don't even mention what so-called false vision you are referring to. But if there is one, remember the conditional prophecy God gave Jonah re Nineveh. Was Jonah a false prophet? 2) I just reread Ellen's first vision and there is no mention of a date set for Jesus to return. Before her first vision, she believed like many Protestants that Jesus would come between Oct 22, 1843 or Oct 221844 based on Daniel 8 and 9, but that was before her first vision. 3) Read the first few chapters of Patriarchs and Prophets entirely and you will find no conflict with Genesis. 4) I have read most of her books and she is right on target. Your summary dismissal is worthless hot air. You provide no solid evidence.
@JustAMessenger-o7g Жыл бұрын
If you want to know why he didn’t deal with any of the failed prophecies, you should ask him. The problem you have is there are no failed prophecies. Whatever you think is a failed prophecy, please share. If you share one, make sure you show which book and page number it is on. Why the same talking points? Why not? Why do you care if you don’t agree? Lol Is there more you like to hear? On her first vison: “I have not the slightest knowledge as to the time spoken by the voice of God. I heard the hour proclaimed, but had no remembrance of that hour after I came out of vision. Scenes of such thrilling, solemn interest passed before me, as no language is adequate to describe. It was all a living reality to me.”-Ellen G. White Letter 38, 1888, published in Selected Messages 1:76. EW 298.1 Ellen white said that the time and date was said in the vision but she did not remember it after the vision was over. There is precedence for this in revelation 10:3-4 where John was told not to write what he heard. Ellen white did not contradict genesis 3:6, Eve was by herself when she talked to the serpent. Genesis 3:13; 2 Corinthians 11:3, and 1 Timothy 2:14 show that only Eve was deceived. If Adam was with eve when the serpent was talking to her, then the Bible would not say only eve was deceived. Adam would have been deceived along with her. You will have to show where in patriarchs and prophets EGW said that only Adam was deceived. How would you test someone to determine if they are a true prophet or not?
@answeringadventism Жыл бұрын
@@lizhall2961 really? So that’s just made up? “While praying at the family altar, the Holy Ghost fell on me, and I seemed to be rising higher and higher, far above the dark world. I turned to look for the Advent people in the world, but could not find them-when a voice said to me, “Look again, and look a little higher.” At this I raised my eyes and saw a straight and narrow path, cast up high above the world. On this path the Advent people were traveling to the City, which was at the farther end of the path. They had a bright light set up behind them at the first end of the path, which an angel told me was the Midnight Cry. This light shone all along the path, and gave light for their feet so they might not stumble. And if they kept their eyes fixed on Jesus, who was just before them, leading them to the City, they were safe. But soon some grew weary, and they said the City was a great way off, and they expected to have entered it before. Then Jesus would encourage them by raising his glorious right arm, and from his arm came a glorious light which waved over the Advent band, and they shouted Hallelujah! Others rashly denied the light behind them, and said that it was not God that had led them out so far. The light behind them went out leaving their feet in perfect darkness, and they stumbled and got their eyes off the mark and lost sight of Jesus, and fell off the path down in the dark and wicked world below. It was just as impossible for them to get on the path again and go to the City, as all the wicked world which God had rejected. They fell all the way along the path one after another, until we heard the voice of God like many waters, which gave us the day and hour of Jesus’ coming.”-A Word To the Little Flock, g. 14 (WLF 14.2) Same thing published in the Testimonies… “Soon we heard the voice of God like many waters, which gave us the day and hour of Jesus’ coming. The living saints, 144,000 in number, knew and understood the voice, while the wicked thought it was thunder and an earthquake. When God spake the time, He poured upon us the Holy Spirit, and our faces began to light up and shine with the glory of God, as Moses’ did when he came down from Mount Sinai.”-Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 1, pg. 59 (1T 59.1) I could go on and on and on. “Read her books for yourself and you’ll see” I have, which is why I’m saying what I am. Why do you assume I haven’t? I’ve read thousands of pages of Mrs. White.
@grainiac7824 8 ай бұрын
Oh my WORD, She abandoned her infant son (a gift from the Lord) so she could travel/ "preach". I had no idea.
@eScential 5 ай бұрын
That was sad. A tough decision and perhaps she could have done better..... like many parents. Bible writers made mistakes too. As do we all.
@michelemoneywell8765 5 ай бұрын
Wow! I didn't know about that. What a disgusting person. A human mother's instinct is to be with her infant. Maybe, like Apostle Paul, she had a demon. (The thorn Paul had was a high ranking angel of Satan.) The way Satan works is to mix a lot of good/neutral stuff with deadly lies.
@lljl5310 5 ай бұрын
Lol, do you abandon your child/children to go to work? Have you ever traveled to spread the gospel? Have you done anything to spread the gospel? Pls don't judge others, because you're not perfect. Don't be quick to judge.
@michelemoneywell8765 5 ай бұрын
@@lljl5310 No, I didn't abandon my children to go to work. My husband got a 2nd and sometimes a 3rd job so I could stay home. We made sacrifices. Being a good parent is the most important job in the world. EGW added to the law, which is sin. She was a false prophet. She lied. She was a plagiarist. She did a good thing in teaching the 4th Commandment-- the weekly Sabbath. But she failed to uphold the importance and need to observe the 7 annual Sabbaths. So, she turned people against the law, and that also is a sin.
@Annie-me9sk 5 ай бұрын
​@@michelemoneywell8765you are nothing but a troll. Please go away. Trolling is a sin too.
@patkittrell-mckee653 Жыл бұрын
I can appreciate Pastor Finley… he explains the Bible & Prophecy in a simple way that anyone can understand. That’s a good thing.😊
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@mitchellosmer1293 Жыл бұрын
@@JamieElison quote---Can you show me one prophecy that he's told you that is true! Give me one!!--unquote How many do you want?? EVERY Prophesy to this day have come true 100%!!! Apparently you know very little about history!!! EVERY prophesy in the OT has come true.
@mitchellosmer1293 Жыл бұрын
@@JamieElison quote---Daniel 7, 8 ,9 ,+ 10 + 11 ,+ 12--unquote Chapters? Verses??? ---quote--- You got to stop.breaking the 9th commandant!!--unquote Which 9th Commandment????/ THe catholic version or the Christian version??? btw--You got to stop.breaking the 9th commandant!! is an OPINION with NO FACTS--NO scripture!!! btw---what about the 4th Christian Commandment?? Are you breaking that??? Ex 20:8-11 Hypocrite
@mitchellosmer1293 Жыл бұрын
@@JamieElison quote----not one prophecy in the book of Daniel is finished.!!Neither is Revelation chapter 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 and 20...--unquote I NEVER said they were !!!!!!!!!!!!!
@mitchellosmer1293 Жыл бұрын
@@JamieElison quote--- last time I checked..( the book of Daniel is in the Old testament..!)--unquote Yes--and many of those prophesies HAVE come true!!!!
@adavega1736 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Pastor Mark. May God continue to bless you and use you.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@keepitreal888-gnc 8 ай бұрын
Why did Paul wrote the book of Galatians? What was his message to the church? Paul says that if any man or woman preached another gospel other than the one the he preached, let he or she be accursed, even if its an angel. So, how could God changed his message to the church in 1844? The Bible tells us that in the last days many will give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. We don't need anymore prophecies other than what is written the 66 books of the Bible.
@euphorbiadave6714 Жыл бұрын
God bless everyone, Jesus Christ is Lord, for to love is the perfection of God, for God is love ❤
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@setapart1159 10 ай бұрын
I'm so grateful God led me and my family to this church! After 30 + years of drug abuse and being completely lawless not to mention the most unlikely person to be saved ! I can now testify that Jesus Christ is my King and Savior!! I'm extremely greatful and in return, I want to serve Him with all my heart! I truly believe that the sda church is the remnant church, and I'm so very happy that the Lord has given me the privilege of being a part of it ! All glory forever belongs to Jesus Christ 🙌
@HL365 10 ай бұрын
Praise the Lord. What a wonderful testimony. We thank God with you for His marvelous working in your life. We would love to hear all about your testimony. Please email us at info@hopelives365.com and we would be glad to hear your testimony.
@TheLionOfJudahTheLambOfYHWH Жыл бұрын
Ellen G White is God ordained: anyone ordained to do the work of God is Spirit filled ; He inspires through thought and offers dreams to paint a picture sometimes . men and women are blessed accordingly and dictates to Ellen White who wrote as it was spoken to the heart , the conscience - the conduits through which God inspires. 27:09 33:10 The writing style is self evident , that of the divine author HimSelf. Amen
@TheLionOfJudahTheLambOfYHWH Жыл бұрын
@@JamieElison Jesus Christ is a Lamb not a goat. the goat you are speaking of is an offering for sins of says it is an atonement for himself and household and the Jewish congregation for Israel. Christ is the God man , the final atonement for all mankind. What enters the tabernacle must be Holy in the sight of God but it is a goat not a lamb.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment on Ellen White! She was indeed God’s messenger.
@bobmiller1615 7 ай бұрын
So for over 1800 years people have been worshipping God on the wrong day, what happened to all of them
@arlettejohnson9307 Жыл бұрын
CExodus 31:18 “And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God.” King James Version (KJV)
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
God communicated through Moses, a prophet.
@dejanpavkovic Жыл бұрын
Reading so many books by E.G. White has been a blessing to me.
@LuisRivera-cv5nb Жыл бұрын
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord. Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@AlexKUPKOVIC Жыл бұрын
I have found Ellen White’s writings very inspiring and gets me to spend more time in the bible
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord. Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@lizhall2961 Жыл бұрын
I am thankful for the writings of Ellen White as well as the Bible for 50 years. I do not have to choose between them. Having read most of her books and the Bible, I can testify that I found her words to reflect those of Holy Scriptures. Her words aren't a part of the Bible, but point to it. She was a non-canolical prophet like Elijah, Elisha, Hudah, John the Baptist, Philips daughter.
@samuelrex5174 Жыл бұрын
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord! You have understood her writing correctly in relation to the Bible.
@thisisvolpix Жыл бұрын
The only problem is when applied the Biblical test of a prophet to her, she fails.
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
@@thisisvolpix Explain. From your own investigation after reading her books and not from hearsay.
@Jsuli2408 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been really struggling with your lectures Mr. Mark Finley. Sure anyone can take a text and there may be more than one way to see an interpretation, but I can’t say that I follow your statements in the beginning of this presentation. As I understand it the Ark and everything in it pointed us to the Messiah. In facts from my years in the SDA church I was taught that everything in the temple points to the Messiah. And sure like I said the items therein can reflect more than one meaning but the fundamental thing was the Messiah; not a diet, the law, or a prophet. Lastly; and again I’m only 7 min in so let’s see how the rest of this teaching goes but was Aaron a prophet or a priest.. or maybe both I don’t know if there was something that I missed in his role. Also it sounds like the foundations our church was built on a failed prophesy is this an accurate understanding? 5:35
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Would like to know your rationale for thinking that the foundation of this prophecy was built on failed prophecy? Please email us about it. Our email- info@hopelives365.com
@grainiac7824 8 ай бұрын
@@HL365 Would love to know how you came to the conclusion that manna was about diet when it was only temporary and they never had it provided again after the wilderness. It was about God's provision and a continuation of the Bread of Life concept pointing to Christ. That is actually scriptural, not that manna had anything to do with diet. They didn't even know what it was made of so how could it be part of a diet that God wanted?
@antonio-w6x3b 7 ай бұрын
After the ''Great Disappointment'' and the countless unfulfilled prophecies of E,G White, it takes a special kind of thick in the head to go in the direction of the SDA's
@HL365 7 ай бұрын
Can you name some unfulfilled prophecies of Ellen White? Please email us at info@Hopelives365.com and we would be glad to talk to you about it.
@Eternal7834 5 ай бұрын
For example?
@antonio-w6x3b 5 ай бұрын
@@HL365 Still waiting for England to attack the United States for one,,, and she said the Rebuilding Of Jeruselum would never occur ... and she predicted the return of Christ during the Civil War..... Going to another ''Planet with Enoch that had 7 moons to talk with ''Beautiful Beings'' that was a real brain twister even for a False Prophet like her/him
@antonio-w6x3b 5 ай бұрын
@@Eternal7834 go ahead and read my last comment I Have Plenty more this false prophet lied about ..
@dianekelly995 11 ай бұрын
My only comment would be about how our educational system has left the original blueprint. The church (in this respect) has failed our youth.
@HL365 9 ай бұрын
Could you please explain your concern and email us at info@Hopelives365.com and we would be glad to talk to you about it?
@dianekelly995 8 ай бұрын
Definitely... if i had school age children i would home school..
@Sarah-mr3wd Жыл бұрын
I completely agree with Pastor Mark! Thank you, Pastor Mark, for the good explanation. As for me, that Ellen White is leading people to God's word/law is the most crucial and significant, while all the other churches are leading people away from God's law and making them lawless Christians. I respect and admire Ellen White with all her minor errors. Yes, she was a divinely inspired Christian! ❤
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Amen! Thank you for your comment.
@Sarah-mr3wd 7 ай бұрын
@@HL365 Subject: Clarification Needed Regarding the Belief in Archangel "Michael" I'd like to talk to you about what has been bothering me recently. I've just learned that Adventists believe Archangel "Michael" was one of the names of Jesus Christ. Frankly speaking, I was shocked. Michael is one of the chief princes (Daniel 10:13), but Jesus is NOT one of a few major princes. He is very unique! He is the only begotten Son of the Father, and He identified Himself as YHWH (Jn 8:58), and He was with the Father before the World (Jn 17:5). Jesus created angels with the Father and the Holy Spirit. In Genesis 2, it says YHWH made Adam and Eve. Michael is the loyal chief angel of Jesus, and he will never pretend to be Jesus. Only a devil will pretend to be Jesus. Is there any possibility that the SDA Church re-establish their position on the relationship of Jesus and Michael? If not, I cannot join the church. Please give me your insight and advice on that subject.
@JackHermanKikiraNyosy-oe9vo 7 ай бұрын
Chapter 11:19 continues to Chapter 12:1. When the temple opened, there was the arc of the covenant. After John saw the woman. How can that woman be your church? The woman seen is the last arc of the covernant who bore the mana, law and king which was in the previous arc of the covenant of Moses. Those 3 components in the Arc of the Covenant point to Jesus. He's the body, the law and King tavernacled by the woman. Whether its the Nation of Jews, the church or Mary.
@Gabriel-kgk Жыл бұрын
My.onky question about any prophet is, did anything they say come true...if just 1 is off, they're a pretender and only deserve stoning...according to scripture.
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
Yes, I will mention just one that you can prove. She insisted that the church buy Loma Linda when they were reluctant to do. This is what she told them “ A school will be established here. Redlands will become a center as also will Loma Linda. Battle Creek is going down. God will reestablish His medical work at this place (Johns and R. H. Utt, p. 179). You can read for yourself online the miracle it took to get Loma Linda. You know that it us one of the best medical schools and institutions in North America. She died in 1915. How would she had known that Battle Creek Sanitarium would go down? It continued until 1943.
@lizhall2961 Жыл бұрын
Think of Jonah, a true prophet, but Nineveh was not destroyed because it repented. Sometimes God gives a conditional prophecy dependent upon a person's or nation response. Jer. 18 explains it more.
@JustAMessenger-o7g Жыл бұрын
Stoning is not a thing anymore. Just FYI. Do you have any examples where EGW was wrong?
@JustAMessenger-o7g Жыл бұрын
@@AnnWan-bs2xn That is an amazing read.
@AnnWan-bs2xn Жыл бұрын
@@JustAMessenger-o7g praise the Lord, if you read online the struggle it took to get Loma Linda you will see Satan was doing everything to stop its purchase. Thankfully Ellen White was insistent because she knew the God she served is mightier.
@petronawillicks6643 11 ай бұрын
Ellen White's writing is inspired by the same Holy Spirit that inspired the authors of the books of the Bible. Her writings help me to understand precious hidden truths in the Bible that I don't know and do not see. The gift of Prophecy is a gift to God's last day remnant Church. Revelation 19:10. In the old testament, God used prophets to keep his people in check when they departed from his law. Without vision His people perish . May we continue to be guided and blessed by God's last day prophet, to the SDA Church., E.G. White. Revelation 14:13 And I heard another voice from heaven unto me saying, blessed are the dead who in the Lord from henceforth. Yeah saith the Spirit that may rest from their labors and their works do follow them. Thank you Pastor Finley for another inspired message from the Holy Spirit of Truth!
@HL365 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@HL365 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@mikellohai 7 ай бұрын
Ellen did not accept Jesus as son of God until recently...
@mikellohai 7 ай бұрын
Faith without action = dead.
@sheronallen1747 Жыл бұрын
God is able to take u thru your illness i am sick also but i know that there is hope❤
@madamm4191 Жыл бұрын
May you be healed in Jesus mighty name🙏🏽
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@tollam.hallengo7907 Жыл бұрын
I believe 100% E.G.White was a prophet. Her books are great and bright light explaining The great word of God ( Bible) and The Grase and Love ❤️ of God. Praise God for her. She was the brightest woman and prophet. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@ErlindadelaPaz-zd6kc Жыл бұрын
I will pray for your healing. God the Almighty is our great physician
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@bobmiller1615 7 ай бұрын
What happens to all those Christians before Ellen G white came along with this teaching who have been worshipping on Sunday, the first day of the week, like it says in Acts 20:7 since Jesus resurrection.
@HL365 7 ай бұрын
Regarding Acts 20:7, please read this: www.sabbathtruth.com/faq/arguments-refuted/arg/id/1026/t/sunday-is-the-sabbath-since-the-disciples-broke-bread-then And Ellen White did not come up with the teaching of the sabbath. It comes from the Bible. Please watch this: kzbin.info/www/bejne/hmm0iomCeZmUp6c
@bobmiller1615 7 ай бұрын
@@HL365 Genius 1, in the beginning God said "Let there be light" that light I am sure was the Sunday, which was the first day of the week. It was always called the first day of the week, later the days were named. Sunday makes sense since the light was the sun. Jesus later had the apostle meet Him 40 days later on Sunday, which was called Pentecost, to receive the Holy Spirit. Twist it if you want, but they worshiped on Sunday and any other day of the week they wanted to.
@annettecarstens274 Жыл бұрын
Ellen White always points to Jesus- she writes about Him with so much adoration and live that I also want to know Him that well.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Amen. Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@Darlenejoy Жыл бұрын
If they call her a false prophet, what did she prophesy? She didn’t prophesy that Jesus was coming in 1844. So what are they determining it from ?
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Ellen White never prophesied that Jesus was coming in 1844. She is not a false prophet.
@Darlenejoy Жыл бұрын
@@HL365 I agree. And that’s what I said. Maybe read again. Slower.
@Darlenejoy Жыл бұрын
They call her a false prophet but I don’t think they can say one thing she falsely prophesied. They just assume without checking and go by what they hear. That’s a form of gossip imo.
@Darlenejoy Жыл бұрын
@@nicetry620 horrible.
@Darlenejoy Жыл бұрын
@@nicetry620 I’m not sure as you didn’t say what your stance is on this quote you put up. I am saying it’s horrible that in 1980 they were placing doubt upon God’s messenger. Jesus quoted and used OT writers constantly. So should we reconsider His words in NT when quoting verses from Daniel, Jeremiah… etc? If “other writers”, scientists, doctors etc. came to correct conclusions, what’s wrong with using their findings…. Especially under the guidance if the HS. if you are saying you are gif what these people in 1980 said (bringing doubt that God brought us guidance through His messenger (Ellen) then please say. And also please share what it is you think we need to reconsider? I in fact see the fulfillment of what the Lord had Ellen write about. It’s a very dangerous time to doubt. We are on the verge of many of things she wrote of.
@kamaujo2000 Жыл бұрын
Reading Steps to Christ helped draw me to Jesus Christ. Elen G. White had a gift for God.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord. May God bless you.
@Jsuli2408 Жыл бұрын
I’m cringing. I saw this set up within the first 7 min. This is a dangerous thing we are teaching. How you’ve stage this up to this point 16:30: is to say that to go against the writings of EGW is to go against YHWH, seriously?… or am I misunderstanding the messaging. And we know there will be plenty of people outside of SDA that will be saved, some of which would say they openly disagree with many of her writings and the things she taught… I am deeply concerned for my church and terrified by this type of messaging.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
It is concerning to us that as an Adventist, you would not value the gift of prophecy. To reject the Writings of Ellen White means to reject God himself because the origin of her writings is not from her or the church but God himself. Yes, there will be many in heaven who would have never heard of Ellen White. But we cannot equate that situation with those who have been convicted about this truth and reject it.
@Jsuli2408 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your response. However you’ve only solidified my concern. What you are saying is if I see discrepancy in the narrative within EGW writings and scripture and deny what I see in the writings but keep the message of scripture I’ve essentially rejected not only the writings of EGW but I’ve rejected scripture altogether? Many would often say Mrs. White only pointed us back to scripture anyway and yet I feel as though I’m being told that I cannot rightly interpret scripture without her writings. It’s as if you are saying if two in the church cannot agree on what scripture says we can rest our confidence in how Mrs. White teaches the interpretations of the text and that should settle the matter. But if one of the two rejects Mrs. White’s interpretation then that individual has rejected a teaching from God himself. I don’t know how we don’t see the danger in this teaching. There are some sound teachings and positive messages from the church but the overarching narrative of scripture and the way we talk about some of these truths does not do any justice to the message of the gospel. I honestly think Mrs. White herself would say we have made her an obstacle and an obsession in the church today. We’ve taken Sola Scriptura and put an asterisk on it. I truly love the church that brought me up and help lead me into a relationship with Elohim and yet I am troubled with concerns for my people.
@lolojun123lqpena8 Жыл бұрын
I bought a book of ellen white healing ministry I became healthy n strong in spite this book is not perfect I love to read it n practice the health message God Bless
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Wow! What a testimony. When we follow divinely inspired counsels, we always reap the benefits. I'm little confused about what you mean by the fact that this book is not perfect. Can you please explain and email us at info@Hopelives365.com and we would be glad to further this conversation with you?
@lolojun123lqpena8 11 ай бұрын
Gd morning and I want to buy more inspired books of ellen white God Bless Us
@WilliamWallaceRoss 3 күн бұрын
Deborah was a prophetess and a judge, men sometimes speak as they are inspired. Inspiration comes in many forms. I have been a work and had something just pop into my mind, so, I write it down, get home, look it up to learn there is a Bible Reference on that thought. That verse is something God wanted to impart to me, to show me, usually it was something to be studied. So, why couldn't she be inspired or have a revelation, especially when she revealed that Civil War was coming. Ask yourself, how could she have known that apart from a revelation from The Father. Many believe the SDA places her on equal footing with inspiration from God's Word. If so, that would be wrong.
@odhiambokevine7843 Жыл бұрын
William Miller first date of prediction was between March 1843 to March 1844. It failed. Samuel Snow was the one who came up with the October 22, 1844 through his 7th year Month explanation of the The Jewish Day of Atonement. It failed again but this time round it was branded the Great Disappointment. Before, the Advent Millerite Group sold and gave up everything. School going children dropped. Families were neglected, business were left, crops which were ready for harvest were neglected. The next day after Disappointment, shame and guilt covered them, some committed suicide and many lost hope in Christ. This is what falsehood does. No truth of God in such confusion. Now the same day, Hiram Edson and his friend were walking through the cornfield and he allegedly had a vision that Jesus was not to come to the earth but was moving into the Most Holy second apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary. By this those who tried to correct and prove the Millerites of their time setting fanaticism were proved right and the Millerite proved wrong however sincere they were. Hiram Edson supposed vision has now been used to salvage the falsehood of William Miller and his followers. The Bible is clear that Jesus moved into the Most Holy place immediately He ascended into Heaven ( Hebrews 4:16, 6:19-20, 9:24-26). Christ is always pictured at the right hand side of God and power. This is a proof that Hiram Edson in his bid to explain away the Great Disappointment also deceived the entire body of the small band of discouraged Adventists. William Miller, the author of that confusion later repented and said he had nothing to do with any other explanation for that failed prophecy. Ellen G. White and her small band of disappointed Adventists wanted nothing to do with Miller confession. She went a head to set another date for the second coming of Christ. This time round it was a seven year period from 1844 to 1851. This is where the Shut-door theory comes in. She insisted that the probation was now closed to those who never accepted the midnight cry of 1844 and therefore they were lost. Like in the days of Noah, God has Shut them out while their small band was shut in. 1851 came and nothing happened. That was another series of falsehood. Since then Adcentism has built on falsehood until now with Visions of EGW where thousand of pages are plagiarised and twisted to make a denomination. There is a special place in hell for false prophets.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment. If you consider the disappointment as a reason to say that the Adventist movement is falsehood, then the beginning of the christian church itself is falsehood. You see, when Jesus died on the cross, the disciples were just as disappointed or even more disappointed. But out of this disappointment they studied prophecies that helped them understand the misconception they had regarding the nature of Christ's coming. If you study carefully, there was a clearly parallel between the disappointment that the disciples faced and the starting of the christian church and the disappointment that the millerite faced and the beginning of the Adventist Church. Please watch this video: kzbin.info/www/bejne/gl6TlJSrf9uWg6M Plus, we do not know for sure if Hiram Edson has a vision or not. But regarding your claim that Jesus went into the Most Holy Place using that passage, please email us at info@Hopelives365.com Plus, Ellen White did not predict that Jesus would come back in 1851. That is false information. To understand shut door, please read this: whiteestate.org/about/issues1/unusual/shut-door/ If you have further questions, please email us at info@hopelives365.com and we would be glad to talk to you about it.
@odhiambokevine7843 Жыл бұрын
Every cult would use the Bible to defend their stand just like you have used the disappointment of the Disciples to explain away the 1844 disappointment. Jehovah Witness and many other cults can also use that same defense. Now you know that Oct. 22. 1844 was not the original date set for the coming of Christ by the Millerites. Before it was March 1843 to March 1844. It failed, that's when Samuel Snow came in to explain the disappointment and gave the Oct. 22 1844. You can't explain that because the whole thing was first built on deceptions. It was the so called dream of Hiram Edson that salvaged the whole disappointment. He allegedly saw that Jesus was moving into the Most Holy place in heaven. Here lies the deception: Jesus moved into the Most Holy Place immediately after His ascension ( Hebrews 4:16,6:19-20,9:24-26). Christ is always seen standing or seating at the Right hand of the throne of God.
@odhiambokevine7843 Жыл бұрын
About the Shut-door: EGW after realizing that they taught error now went a head to say that all these happened before she received the vision. At least she agreed that she together with the small band they taught an error of the shut door. But still she believed that there was a shut door at Noahs day and Christ's day. So she uses that to imply that there was another shut door at Millerite Great Disappointment. Yet this prophecy was false. Jesus was not to come in 1844 neither was He moving to the most Holy place on that day. He moved there immediately He ascended. So still EGW proves that she was believing in the falsehood of 1843-1844. She accuses believers that they were left in darkness by the midnight cry of 1844 yet nothing like that happened. You can't convince us that EGW is a true prophet when she has lived her life in falsehood. Daniel 8:14 in context doesn't even talk about the 1844 thing. There is a special place in hell for false prophets: Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, Ellen G. White, Jehovah Witness and
@odhiambokevine7843 Жыл бұрын
By the way, Christian Church didn't begin with any disappointment. That is another lie that you people are selling the world just to defend EGW. Christian Church began with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost where there was first conversion of Jews and Gentiles into the Church. The Church is made up of believing Jews and Gentiles not an exclusive club of Jews disciples whose Messiah was crucified some few days ago. Look Admin: there was nothing and there is nothing in the Bible that implies anything prophetic took place in 1843-1844. Daniel 8:14 read into context doesn't say such a thing. The temple in Daniel 8 is not the heavenly temple but the Jewish temple in Jerusalem: The little horn was responsible for: 1. Conquering the lands on the south, east and on the pleasant land ( Jerusalem). 2.Casting and stamping down some of the heavenly host and stars. 3. Magnifying himself against the Prince of the host. 4. Stopping the sanctuary daily sacrifices (evening and mornings sacrifices). 5. Polluting the sanctuary/ casting down 6.Cast down truth All these were to take place in a period of 2300 evenings and mornings or 1150 days. Thereafter, the sanctuary was to be restored into its rightful place or state. This is one of the defilement of the sanctuary a Jewish center of worship that took place. It has nothing to do with 1844 thing of William Miller.
@odhiambokevine7843 Жыл бұрын
EGW after studying Joseph Bates article on Sabbath now resorted to build a religion focused on Sabbath keeping as a requirement for salvation. Sabbath apart from the Sanctuary Message has been the cornerstone of Adventism. It is all in all that determines whether one is saved or not. Those who lives in the final days according to EGW must take their stand on the side of the Sabbath or Sunday. Not even on the side of Jesus. This is falsehood at par and anyone who studies the Bible will never fall into such nonsense unless his mind is contaminated with EGW writings. For Christians, days don't save them . Their salvation is in Christ alone. Their ultimate Rest is not found on a day but a person. They don't wait until the weekend ends to have a relationship with God. They have it everyday. The Holy Spirit is their seal given to them at the point of their belief and He is a guarantee to their salvation. They don't have a seal of a day to keep to be saved. That is devil mind of thinking. All these proves the falsehood of Adventism. No Bible believing, studying Christian can believe in EGW, Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy or Jehovah witness..
@SeanMccrory-sb6qx 2 ай бұрын
Over a hundred years later little did Hellen know but her book she wrote seriously and powerfully blessed me and my cell mate in Tarrant county jail as her book brought both of us closer to Christ lighting a very serious fire in our hearts to the point that even with my bad memory I remembered the name of her book and over a year after getting out of jail was solidly remembering the title of the book to look it up and here I am watching this video after saving her book in my favorites! I wonder how many prisoners her books have blessed all this time. How many got saved in their jail cell late at night as the impact of her book convicts heart after heart to turn from their sin and cry out to God for salvation?
@HL365 2 ай бұрын
Praise the Lord. We're so glad that you have been blessed by the books of Ellen White.
@Jennam1357 Жыл бұрын
I thank God for EGW's writings and believe with all my heart that she was inspired by the Holy Spirit, and is therefore a true prophet. Before reading any of her books, I hardly read the Bible and had no devotions. But after reading the great controversy, I was deeply convicted of my sins and developed a relationship with God through reading his word and prayer early hours of morning and before I go to bed. EGW points us back to the bible. When I read her books (I do so everyday), I fall in love with Christ more and more and that inspires me to read the Bible more. . Most critics have never read her books which is sad because they are missing out on blessings. In order to appreciate her writings, one has to be open minded and allow God's Spirit to guide him or her.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your testimony. May God continue to guide you and may you grow in His knowledge.
@Jennam1357 Жыл бұрын
@@HL365 Thank you! Blessings to you.
@isaacnti-mensah5556 2 ай бұрын
Pls can someone help me to understand this: Does it mean I am lost soul, if I never read her books? I read the Bible almost everyday.
@HL365 2 ай бұрын
No one is saved or lost by reading or not reading the Bible and Her writings. We are saved purely by the blood of Jesus Christ. God in his great mercy has revealed truths in the Bible. And the writings of Ellen White bear witness to the scriptures just as any prophets did. Her writings have special warnings to God's people in the last days and it would be well for us to read them and not be deceived. If you want a book of hers, please email us at info@hopelives365.com and we'd be glad to talk to you about it.
@jeanelizabethterry7583 Жыл бұрын
So sorry. I know it is a daily battle. May God heal and comfort you.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@GrantLeitma 3 ай бұрын
Rev.12:17 explains it all for me. I have used Ministry of Healing in my psychology classes and even on the graduate level. Her understanding of mental health issues related to depression, child development, marriage and health principles have led to many publications for me while I chaired the Psychology Department at Washington Adventist University. We each have a sin sick soul that needs healing through the principles of soul-wellness. I have full confidence in her writings as being divinely inspired.
@HL365 3 ай бұрын
Yes, Revelation 12:17 clearly tells us that the gift of prophecy will exist in the last days. We praise God for how you were able to use the inspired writings in your classes and in your publications. Thank you for your ministry. May God bless you.
@arlettejohnson9307 Жыл бұрын
I believe Ellen G White was a true Prophetess. We also, know she was a human being. So either you believe she was one or you dont believe it. Being a true Prophetess of God does not mean she was perfect. She didnt have to be. Only Jesus was perfect. The point is God used her to share and explain many wonderful truths sbout Jesus, and every aspect of the bible. ❤
@Tutors-yn2cs Жыл бұрын
Throughout the history God used imperfect Men for his word to go forward
@RoanPretorius-de7xv Жыл бұрын
But Gods prophecy was NEVER incorrect- his prophets were flawed but never ever His message- she’s proven herself false
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@roselinbazari3868 5 ай бұрын
Oh yess if we fail to stand for our God now , are we going to stand on that great tribulations. I am a nurse as well. My family and I said we are not going to take the vaccine. I just told myself that I will stand like Easter, " If I perish I perish." Thank God a day before I was going to be stopped working, my family went to a season of prayer. When I went to work thr following day ready to leave my job. The government announced that " Noone should be forced to take the vaccine. Hallelujah God will never leave his own.
@HL365 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your testimony.
@ВладимирБезгин-ч6л Жыл бұрын
It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory. Proverbs 25 chapter - Bible - King James Bible That's everything that I wanna say. Only Holly Bible is Lord's Words. All prophets was until Jhon Babtise. Sadly to hear that somebody wants to establish something another except Bible and proclaiming Gospel of Jesus Christ!
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
The writings of Ellen White is not the Bible, and is not replacing the Bible. Her writings point people back to you Bible. If you’d like to discuss this further, please email- info@hopelives365.com
@ВладимирБезгин-ч6л Жыл бұрын
@@HL365 they lead back to Bible? Don't kidding at me! And have fear of God! They lead far far away from Bible. During 30 years being seven day adventist I never knew mercy of Lord and Saviour - Jesus Christ reading seven day Adventist books. This church definitely will answer before God for all works which they did!
@bredmath Жыл бұрын
From Ellen White (1827-1915) herself: “Some apply the solemn type, the scape goat, to Satan. This is not correct. He cannot bear his own sins. At the choosing of Barabbas, Pilate washed his hands. He cannot be represented as the scape goat…Christ was the scape goat, which the type represents. He alone can be represented by the goat borne into the wilderness. He alone, over whom death had no power, was able to bear our sins” (The Scapegoat in the Writings of Ellen G. White, Alberto R. Timm, Ellen White Estate, [taken from the internet on Oct 26, 2013]; Manuscript 112, 1897). Now, do we see a contradiction to her other statements? Of course, because she does that sort of stuff! She was not a true or real prophet. I pray God free us from her deceptions. 99% truth is still not truth, Ellen!
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Please read this: www.ministrymagazine.org/archive/1998/10/the-scapegoat If you have further questions, please email us at info@hopelives365.com and we would be glad to talk to you about it.
@deanna4636 Жыл бұрын
Scapegoat is Satan. He bears all sin. Obviously. Scapegoat will thrown into the lake of Fire. It will be done. One day soon.
@deanna4636 Жыл бұрын
Pilate washed his hands of Jesus' death. Read the the next verse. The radical Jews took the blood upon their generations. Jews accepted the blood/ blame.
@cischkefam 7 ай бұрын
Ahazazel is the scape goat … google who that is … it’s Satan .
@kingdomtruth7773 4 ай бұрын
Read what the Scripture says. It shows two Goats. One Goat belongs to the Lord, but the other Goat is the Scapegoat. 5 And he shall take of the congregation of the children of Israel two kids of the goats for a sin offering, and one ram for a burnt offering. 6 And Aaron shall offer his bullock of the sin offering, which is for himself, and make an atonement for himself, and for his house. 7 And he shall take the two goats, and present them before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 8 And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the Lord, and the other lot for the scapegoat. 9 And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the Lord's lot fell, and offer him for a sin offering. 10 But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat, shall be presented alive before the Lord, to make an atonement with him, and to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness.” (Leviticus 16:6-10) Explanation through Scripture - “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)❤ “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” ( 1:29)❤ “And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!” (John 1:36)❤ Concerning Satan we are told in Scripture, Verse:1 “And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. 7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the nations… 10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” ( Revelation 20: 1, 2, 3, 7,8 & 10) Finally, “For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root (Satan) nor branch (all the wicked).” (Malachi 4:1). May the Holy Spirit of the Lord give spiritual discernment and understanding to all who read to read and desire to receive His Truth. Reklamation Ministries 😊
@calixtacastang1443 Жыл бұрын
forget about her gender as a female, just read what she is saying compare it with the bible let the spirit of God be your guide, people . Press on Pastor.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Amen. Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@AidenWarren Ай бұрын
Jesus says: those who are not in sin may speak of others in sin. It's sinfully wrong to speak of others in sin if we are ourselves in sin. Also, we never know who God directly speaks to and gives visions to Acts 2:17
@HL365 Ай бұрын
2 Timothy 3:16,17: "16.All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17. that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." John 16:8, 13: "8. And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment: 13. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come." The Holy Spirit uses the scriptures to convict us of sin. He does it through the Bible and through the preaching of the word.
@AidenWarren Ай бұрын
@HL365 again, those of who are not in sin, may speak of others in sin. We are all in sin. We all have done things. So we shouldn't speak of others that done things.
@emmaroche5904 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Pastor,truly her writings ,the gift ofProphecyis arecious gift to us Seveth Day Adventist as the Last Day Church
@emmaroche5904 Жыл бұрын
I mean the Spirit of Prophecy is a previous gift to us a the last day church
@emmaroche5904 Жыл бұрын
I mean Amen,EGW writings is a precious gift to the SDA church the last day church
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Yes, you are right. The writings of Ellen White are a gift to us.
@harrymwerinde Жыл бұрын
The Church/SDA accepts Ellen’s writings as inspired and crucial,but in the 28 Fundamental Beliefs which mark the basis of our faith,Ellen White is scarcely mentioned! Why?
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Very good question. It is important that while we accept Ellen White as inspired, our doctrines are not based on her writings or on any of our mission. That is why you will only find scriptural references that teach our fundamental beliefs.
@samuelrex5174 Жыл бұрын
Ellen White writings are based on bible, she pointes to the bible. Our fundamental believes must be rooted also to Bible. ❤
@kiimahndonah Жыл бұрын
@grainiac7824 8 ай бұрын
@@HL365 You didn't support your beginning setup with Scripture, ie saying what the ark contents signified.
@ewaldradavich7307 Жыл бұрын
If an alleged prophetic word comes to be untrue then the prophet is false
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment. Yes, if a prophecy of a person doesn't come true, then they are not from God. But you must also understand the conditional element of prophecy. Please read Jeremiah 18:7-10. It clearly shows the conditionality of the prophecy. A perfect example would be the situation of Jonah and the city of Nineveh. God through Jonah predicted that He would destroy the inhabitants of Nineveh, but because they repented, God spared them and relented of what He said He would do and this in fact after God through Jonah predicted that HE is going to destroy Nineveh. This shows an important truth about prophecy.There are prophecies that are conditional upon human reactions. So, this must be considered as well.
@ewaldradavich7307 Жыл бұрын
@@nicetry620. I came out from a church where it was Jesus and another book of traditions etc. Now it's sola fede and sola scriptura
@maggiemae7539 Жыл бұрын
@@HL365God does not predict!
@PinkDiamonds977 7 ай бұрын
I read and LOVE EGWhite books….but recently there have been some photos resurfacing showing her and the pioneers doing Mason hand symbols. And James White’s tombstone having an a obelisk. Anyone want to explain??
@HL365 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment and for reaching out to us. Regarding the obelisk, please read this: m.egwwritings.org/en/book/13960.165 And for other enquiries please visit this: www.ellenwhiteanswers.org/answers/mischarges/were-the-founders-of-seventh-day-adventistism-free-masons/
@helenabotha3893 Жыл бұрын
Truth! Praise God.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@JhoPrescion Жыл бұрын
Pastor Finley Praise God. He has raised you and other Pastors who are bold in defending the Spirit of Prophecy. We want to hear the lecture about Daniel and the Revelations. Thanks Pastor 🙏
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@Kevinproblem Жыл бұрын
Amen, LORD!!!❤❤❤
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@forward_ever_ever2595 11 ай бұрын
I personally have no prob wt EGW, however one pastor did note that her writings are not to be used in place of the scripture. This came out of a gen discussion... many were talking, i was talking to a lady and i told her that my experience was one in which i came to the Lord in a crusade through straight up pray and biblical teaching....didn't read any EGW at that stage. I prayed earnestly to God & read the bible. So i tried to explain to her that she cannot say that i would not enter God's Kingdom if i didn't read EGW books. The look she gave me i knew that was exactly what her thoughts were. The latter was later confirmed in another conversation she was having with someone else. Yesterday Sabbath morning, a sister told me that some just prefer to read her books because the bible is boring. From what i have read in EGW writings i could tell you she would not be pleased with that outlook. ALL GLORY be to our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.
@HL365 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience. Ellen White was given the given the gift of prophecy, but her writings are not the Bible, neither do they replace the Bible. Instead, it points its readers to the Bible. Furthermore, the Bible teaches that salvation is in Jesus alone (Acts 4:12) and Ellen White’s writings teaches the same. So people can be saved, even if they haven’t read her writings, as long as they’ve lived up to the light they’ve received.
@forward_ever_ever2595 11 ай бұрын
@@HL365 Amen
@AliciaThomas-h3z 3 ай бұрын
E g white herself wrote that she us the lesser light. SDAs do not worship E G white.
@kiimahndonah Жыл бұрын
Its not time to proclaim Ellen white but Jesus alone
@CrossroadToCountry Жыл бұрын
Which is what Mrs White did. I think thats the point.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
The writings of Ellen White were given by Jesus. To reject her writings would be to reject the message that Jesus sends to us.
@sylviajantjies2101 5 ай бұрын
Randy Skeete introduced this remarkable prophetess to me her words greatly open my eyes
@HL365 5 ай бұрын
Praise the Lord. Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@xboxice2005 Жыл бұрын
Powerful 🙏🏽❤
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@markhoefnagel7548 10 ай бұрын
How would you explain Hebrews 4? To me it indicates that Jesus is the rest that was promised, and once we accept him as Lord and savior, we abide in him and rest from our works like God has rested after creating the earth. Which means the Sabbath isnt linked to a specific day anymore but is embodied now by the person of Jesus Christ. The sabbath day then basically was a shadow of Gods kingdom on earth, which is established by Jesus and embodied by /completed in born again Christians who are enjoying Gods eternal rest NOW.. ‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:8‭-‬10‬ ‭NLT‬ [8] Now if Joshua had succeeded in giving them this rest, God would not have spoken about another day of rest still to come. [9] So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. [10] For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world.
@Switzerland_88 10 ай бұрын
In Hebrews 4 the word rest in the original Greek manuscripts had different interpretations. In verse 10 "For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world" The Greek word for rest originally used here is katapausis (κατάπαυσις) or katapauō (καταπαύω) which basically means rest. So does that mean if we find our rest in God then is the Sabbath day done away with? In verse 9 "So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God" the original Greek word used for rest in this verse is sabbatismos (σαββατισμός) which basically means the Sabbath or keeping of Sabbath. So instead of saying that there is no Sabbath or the Sabbath is a shadow, this verse specifically is telling us that there still remains a Sabbath for the people of God. I believe we do find our rest in Jesus, but I also believe that there still remains a Sabbath day for us God bless 🙏
@HL365 9 ай бұрын
Please read this: www.sabbathtruth.com/faq/frequently-asked-questions/ans/id/1842/t/doesn-t-hebrews-4-mean-jesus-is-our-sabbath-rest-
@first2dollarman Жыл бұрын
Good vision thanks 🙏
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@beatricepineda5923 Жыл бұрын
Oh how little do we often appreciate the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy!! May we all continue to be blessed by these inspired writings. May they continue to point us to greater and greater deeper and deeper Bible study!!
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely, Beatrice! Well said.
@rivoendre Жыл бұрын
Was she shown that Martians lived on Mars? If yes, who showed her that? If this idea is stupid, can other visions she had, also stupid?
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
No where in her writings does Ellen White write that she saw people living in the planet Mars. And no, her visions are not stupid. They are inspired.
@grainiac7824 8 ай бұрын
And it was not shown to be true, so she is a false prophet. Why can't these people see that the Bible is the source of God's instruction to His people?
if someone writes a book about the words of God. that means I have to follow the writer, otherwise you give that person all the credit. So . think carefully about who you follow.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand what your question is. Can you please email us at info@hopelives365.com and we would be glad to talk to you about it?
@samuelrex5174 Жыл бұрын
Think you for your opinion. Everything written on the bible were written by people through the leading of Holy Spirit. They point to Christ Jesus. Reading and following Bible doesn't mean we follow the writers. Ellen G white writings points to the bible. She based on bible. Her writings reflect Christ. Using the Bible as the standard and agreeing to her writings doesn't mean we are following her or see her as our God. I pray that may Lord Jesus our soon coming King gives your wisdom and understanding to discern. May God add His blessings. Amen❤
God bless all answer
@leniecastillo4641 Жыл бұрын
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
Is egw book more important that the word of God the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:14-17. 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
No. Her books are not more important than the Bible. We as Adventists do not believe that. The purpose of the writings of Ellen White is to bear witness to scriptures. They are not to replace, but they are given to lead us to it. If you have further questions, please email us at info@hopelives365.com and we would be glad to talk to you about it.
@christybailey469 Жыл бұрын
FYI William Miller was not an Adventist, he was never, he died a Baptist, I don’t understand how you all proclaim he was a SDA. And actually the testimony of Jesus is Torah keeping, y’all want to say Sunday is pagan, but so is Christmas, Good Friday& Easter. We all need to turn back to Gods Law and obey his commands not just food laws and sabbath…. ALL
@jack-buckhilll5428 Жыл бұрын
Exactly right, this is where most are misconceived even to this day...
@divergentone777 Жыл бұрын
The SDA Church came OUT of the Millerite movement, after the Great Disappointment of 1844. Miller wasn't SDA but he was fundamental to the origins of the SDA church, just as Abraham wasn't a Christian, yet he is fundamental to the history of the Christian church
@19818456 Жыл бұрын
However, Ellen White gave him a ticket to heaven though he refused to accept the seventh day. If God would accept Miller, he would, all others!
@divergentone777 Жыл бұрын
@@19818456 Where did you read that? White can't give anyone a ticket to Heaven. Only Jesus can do that!
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
We never said William Miller was an Adventist. The founders of Adventists were Millerites. After the Great Disappointment in 1844, the Millerites were segregated into several groups. Adventism was one such group to come out of disappointment.
@philippe9078 Жыл бұрын
Did she really say that there were trees of good and evil on several planets but only mankind (us humans) fell for Satan temptation? Which book and chapter?
@19818456 Жыл бұрын
You are right, she did write so. However, this is a clear addition and a contradiction to the Bible. There are hundreds more like this in her writings
@19818456 Жыл бұрын
In fact, she visited one of those planets and conversed with them!
@philippe9078 Жыл бұрын
@@19818456 I just cant believe she wrote such things and people believe this to be a prophecy from God. There was only one account of creation and it happened on Earth.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Yes. She did write it. The Lord has given me a view of other worlds. Wings were given me, and an angel attended me from the city to a place that was bright and glorious. The grass of the place was living green, and the birds there p 40 warbled a sweet song. The inhabitants of the place were of all sizes; they were noble, majestic, and lovely. They bore the express image of Jesus, and their countenances beamed with holy joy, expressive of the freedom and happiness of the place. I asked one of them why they were so much more lovely than those on the earth. The reply was, “We have lived in strict obedience to the commandments of God, and have not fallen by disobedience, like those on the earth.” Then I saw two trees, one looked much like the tree of life in the city. The fruit of both looked beautiful, but of one they could not eat. They had power to eat of both, but were forbidden to eat of one. Then my attending angel said to me, “None in this place have tasted of the forbidden tree; but if they should eat, they would fall.” Ellen Gould White, Early Writings of Ellen G. White (Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1882), 39-40.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
It maybe an addition, but it is not a contradiction. While new revelation from God doesn't contradict the previous revelation, it is certain an addition in the sense that there are more details and insights given. If the prophets were supposed to repeat the revelation already given, then there is no need there for a prophet.
@angloaust1575 Жыл бұрын
The woman was deceived And in the transgression!
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
How was she deceived? Please email us at info@hopelives365.com and we would be glad to talk to you about it.
@Mr.Fotingo-qf9hk 8 ай бұрын
How many times does it take for a "prophet" to be wrong to be labeled a false prophet?
@HL365 8 ай бұрын
None. Bible tells, Jeremiah 28:9 : "When the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet know that the Lord has truly sent him." Deuteronomy 18:22 : "If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him." These verses clearly teach that when the prediction of the prophet does not take place, He is not sent from God. But when talking about predictions, one must take into consideration the conditional element as well. Look at Jonah for example. Jonah preached that in 40 days the city of Nineveh would be destroyed. But because the people repented, God relented from destroying. Now, does this mean Jonah was a false prophet? No. We must understand the conditional nature of prophecy. Jeremiah 18:7-10: "7. At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; 8. If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. 9. And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; 10. If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them." Here are some more passages: Jer 26:2-6; Deut 4:9; 8:19; 28:1,2,13-15. Another factor to consider is also that Satan can make limited predictions about the immediate future. An example would be Saul who came to know about his impending demise from the witch of the Endor (1 Samuel 28:19). So, while accurate predictions are still the tests of a true prophet, they need to be accepted with these qualifications.
@nomadicrecovery1586 Жыл бұрын
False prophet Pretty clear
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
How is she a false prophet? Please email us your reasons for such accusations and we will be glad to talk to you about it.
@farwestgarohills3831 7 ай бұрын
HOLD FAST WHAT YOU HAVE (Rev. 2:25): Many professed in their comments that EGW's writings brought them to the SDA church. To me: I studied in SDA schools from class 1 till class 18 (Masters). I am still in the faith because of 1 Textbook we had in Class 9 & 10, namely "The PRINCIPLES OF LIFE", where it teaches SDA faith and beliefs. That's a fantastic book for a student. The 2nd book which is also my "hold fast" book, is the "EARLY WRITINGS". All SDA, even non-SDA, should read this book.
@HL365 6 ай бұрын
Praise the Lord. May God bless you.
@echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008 Жыл бұрын
from experience of talking about Ellen white with other religions For they condemn her for pointing out a date of Jesus return But many people don't see the whole picture why they saw a date in Dan chapter 8 verse 14 Remember how the Jewish people were given a year where Jesus would appear to them in 27ad Since the 1st part of the 483 years, were determined for the Jewish people, and they missed that appointed time in 27ad The Philadelphia church wasn't going to miss the 2nd part where the thought Jesus would make his 2nd visitation to the gentiles They wanted to be prepared and not be unprepared as the Jewish people were not prepared in 27ad So now I can understand why they fell into this belief Jesus would return on 1844 Oct 22 Everyone of us probably would of had the same mindset as they had
@JustAMessenger-o7g Жыл бұрын
That what a lot of people believe about her. She did not predict the second coming.
@echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008 Жыл бұрын
@justamessenger4577 You're right William Miller had this mindset But since he saw Jesus making an appointed time for the Jewish people, William Miller thought Jesus was making an appointed time to appear for the gentiles in Daniel chapter 8 verse 14 Basically, the 2300-year prophecy was a prophecy to restore the truth two times One time for the Jewish people while they held the gospel 2nd time for the gentiles while they held the gospel of Jesus christ
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your perspective.
@PrayerwarriorZelphamcdonald77 Жыл бұрын
well said pastor Finley God bless you.I pray and hope that every SDA who doubt the the spirit of prophecy will know that they are doubting God.God bless you pastor Finley
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. May God bless you.
@joycekumari6385 9 ай бұрын
Scripture confirms that our dear Lord Jesus Christ had already entered the heavenly sanctuary 👇🏾 Hebrews 9:24-28 [24]For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence. [25]Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again, the way the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own. [26]Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. [27]Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, [28]so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.
@HL365 9 ай бұрын
Amen. Yes, Christ entered the heavenly sanctuary and He has been ministering in the Holy Place till 1844. But in 1844, He entered into the Most Holy Place of the Heavenly sanctuary. Please watch this series: kzbin.info/aero/PLILDvXAtv9JhMWjxujoWiPVwUX1stzVtH Also read this: kzbin.info/aero/PLILDvXAtv9JhMWjxujoWiPVwUX1stzVtH If you have further question, please email us at info@hopelives365.com and we would be glad to talk to you more about it.
@Jsuli2408 Жыл бұрын
Literally trying to keep it together while at work because I just went through the roof with an audible WHAT!!! 🤔. I’m only 20min and my head is spinning. All this effort to legitimize this “prophet”! The more I watch the more concerned I become. What are we doing here….?! 20:57 she knew what to use and what not to use because there was a specific story she was trying to tell and maybe only decided to only use the portions that agreed with her “vision”. And if it was her visions why would she need to copy whole paragraphs about HER visions from someone else. I’m trying to be patient but the math is not mathing… 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️
@robertchilders8698 Жыл бұрын
You are one the right path! I hope your journey is good one! After being in the church many years, I found out they will avoid many issues that don't àgree with! kEEP STUDYING! YOU WILL EVENTUALLY FIND THE "REAL TRUTH"! Best of luck in you journeys! Suggest you study the churches history in a un biased way. I'm a direct decendent of the churches founders. You will be amazed!
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
We’ll be glad to hear you out on this and respond to your questions. Please email us- info@hopelives365.com
@robertchilders8698 Жыл бұрын
@@HL365 I seem to believe that you are a true believer, and honest! Or you wouldn't be so open! Most Àdventist channels don't seem to allow reply sorry. I wish you the best of luck in your quest,!
@miiblenkarn6650 5 ай бұрын
Get some rest
@michellescott8541 Жыл бұрын
I thanku so much for this.I had a friend who was struggling in believing her writings all because of the Great disappointment in 1844.He wouldnt believe she was a prophetess and making errors like that.He said God's prophets wirds are always true.I tried many times to convince him, I think he just wanted more information pertaining to her.I wasnt able to give him much, because at the time I was still young at my christian experience.However unfortunately a few mths later he died.I think genuinely he wanted to know.I said to myself God knows his heart.He was a christian not SDA but I believe I will see him again when Jesus comes.I always.regretted not able to give him the full explanation.I leave this in GOD'S hands.
@HL365 Жыл бұрын
Hi Michelle, Sorry for the loss of your friend. It is quite sad that he died with many truths unheard of or unanswered. But as you said, God judges us based on what we know not based on what we don't know. Jesus said that to whom much is given much is required. So, let's be faithful to him. And just for future reference, it is a misconception that Ellen White predicted 1844 as the year that Jesus would come. But the truth is it was William Miller, not Ellen White who predicted the year. Ellen White was called into prophetic ministry couple of months after the disappointment.
@maratyirka3359 10 ай бұрын
Charles J Pace who runs Waco Texas where Koresh was thinks he is the Prophet of today. He likens tRump unto Christ and says that AI will try to run this world and that is the war that is prophesied. He says that Sabbath is not on Saturday anymore either that it is Sunday because of our screwed up calendar and he figured out that if we did not screw up the calendar it would be Sunday now. . I tend to understand this . Mount Carmel where they are in Texas outside of Waco is on the same latitude as Jerusalem. He says there is an Aquaphor under their land there. Something is happening there..
@HL365 10 ай бұрын
The Bible presents many reasons for testing prophets. Not everyone who claims to be a prophet is a prophet. In fact, the Bible clearly tells us how we determine a prophet. One of the tests of the prophet is that they abide by the scriptures (Isaiah 8:20). But this person contradicts it all. It is blasphemous to call a human being as Christ. Additionally, the change in the calendar has not changed the weekly cycle. Please read this: www.sabbathtruth.com/faq/frequently-asked-questions/ans/id/922/t/hasn-t-the-calendar-been-changed- If you have further questions, please email us at info@hopelives365.com and we'd be glad to talk to you about it.
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