House - Season 7 - 7x15 - 'Bombshells' EPK - Interview with Hugh Laurie

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Tension reaches new heights when Cuddy faces sobering news that propels her to reevaluate her priorities. While House is distracted by his concern for Cuddy's well-being, the team treats a teenage patient whose worsening symptoms and suspicious body scars indicate more than just physical illness. Sensing the teen's troubled emotional and mental state, Taub turns to the patient's personal life for clues and uncovers disturbing home videos that could put the lives of his peers in danger. Meanwhile, Cuddy remains hopeful that House will be fully present when she needs him most, and a series of dreams, including a musical scene choreographed by Mia Michaels, provide glimpses into her life and her relationship with House

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@chrystiff 13 жыл бұрын
I loved this episode! I hated the ending though. However, that is only because I love Huddy! If I were a fan of them not being together I would have loved the ending! I hope House and Cuddy get back together!
@hollyb6885 6 ай бұрын
I feel the same way!
@zacandsabby 13 жыл бұрын
I'm still not used to his accent XD but i still love him nonetheless
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@espo221b Logic: Cuddy is an administrator. If he breaks the rules and she protects him, her boyfriend, her jobs is as risk. Therefore, if he chooses her, that means that if it comes down to the wire he will choose her, not the patient. Again, METHADONE IS A DRUG. Happiness means a STABLE RELATIONSHIP. Those things are not interchangable.
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@grazu0l1t3 He said that the writers amaze him. That's every week, not just for next week.
@espo221b 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui Alright, we'll agree to disagree, but I have to say that the episode 'The Softer Side' when House took the methadone, was one of the many episodes that brought up the issue of happiness being a distraction. House will never be a completely happy person, but since season 6 he has tried to get some happiness in his life. Cuddy makes him happier. That said, House is still going to break the rules,and lie to Cuddy to save a patient, and all that good stuff. He's already done it this year!
@Sierra_Lynn 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui not true. I'm enjoying it. And so are other non-Huddy fans.
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@espo221b He broke rules and lied before, but he doesn't want to anymore. Sacrificing all for the medical aspects is not for him. She and happiness come first, more than his principles. It's not following his principles that makes him feel meaningful, it's his romantic relationship. You see what I mean about breaking the core of the character? Also, comparing methadone (a DRUG) to happiness in a committed relationship doesn't make sense. He spent 5 years with Stacy, remember?!
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@espo221b Also, no he does not care about his friends more than his principles. He almost lost Wilson's job for him. He lost the hospital so much money over the Vogler thing. He has put Cuddy in so many difficult ethical situations (and sometimes, like in Family Practice, and hte more drug-addled s 5 finale, managed to make her look completely incompetent in front of her subordinates). He didn't sleep with Stacy on their first reuion night because he wanted to solve a case.
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@espo221b ... He blamed himself for Wilson's girlfriend's death and he thought Wilson was going to walk out of his life forever and it was very significant that he would sacrifice the patient for Wilson to talk to him. He was very, very vulnerable and screwed in the head. This is House saying he'd rather let people die than sacrifice his suburban happiness with Cuddy in anyway. Cuddy wasn't saying 'puzzles or me'. The situations are not in the least bit comparable.
@jfarwell92 13 жыл бұрын
Hugh Laurie is very impressive and highly under rated but I think he was wrong about what he said at the end. It doesn't matter how good the producers are-this show could never work in book form. There's way too many subtle visuals involved. House's facial expressions for example.
@hollyb6885 2 ай бұрын
The zombie sequence in Bombshells was GREAT!!
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
Does he even believe what he's saying? These writers amaze him? Come on. Maybe it's bullshit and spin that he has to do and he gets a nice paycheck out of it and it's great if they're having fun but this whole season has been insulting to fans. Inconsistent characters, very little believable motivation and self-indulgent sitcom/soap opera fluxes. It's sad that he's suddenly got such bad taste. This show used to be so good.
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@espo221b Really? He used to have an ethical code which gave him meaning. I want House to be someone slightly comparable to Sherlock Holmes, to V and other principled yet odd characters. Whose meaning comes from their vocation, not their romantic lives. Someone who just wants to be happy... good for him? But he's NOT REAL. If he's not a compelling character, just someone who wants to live nicely in suburbia, who gives a damn about him except for people who like that relationship?
@espo221b 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui Maybe you're focusing too much on your Huddy hate, and should go in with a more open mind. Huddy had two scenes in the last episode. Now, you could focus on those two scenes only, or you can see all that there is to love about the rest of the show.
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@SierraLynn1512 Where are these people like yourself? And I know, de gustibus non est disputandum. Ya'll do have terrible taste though. At least the Huddies have their hormones to blame. You think this is actually good storytelling?
@WaunGronChampion 13 жыл бұрын
Hugh Laurie is better than House. Deal with it. Can't believe some people believed that House existed
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@Jeterfan1015 That makes no sense. Seriously, have you seen this show? I don't mean what he SAYS about patients, I mean what he does. Watch Forever, watch even last season's finale that had that stupid saved by love ending, watch the episode with the bulimic lady who he risked his license to get a transplant for. It's NEVER been enough to just solve the puzzle, otherwise he would work in research in a lab.
@espo221b 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui It makes perfect sense. For the entire episode Wilson and everyone was saying they expected House to do things only if he had something to gain from it, and that's what he did. Cuddy makes House happy, and House wants to be happy so he made his decision for selfish reasons without concern for anyone else. It WOULD be out of character for House to selflessly break up with Cuddy just so he could make sure he saves all of his patients. That's not House.
@Sierra_Lynn 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui If you dont like it, why are you watching it?
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@espo221b It's not that. I wouldn't mind Huddy at all if they wrote it compellingly. The problem with this season is the writing. They're destroying the potentially archetypical and complicated character of House and settling him down. In fiction, characters are representative, not real. So when they sacrifice the quality of the character for this so-called 'character development', it hurts the show. House had characters who represented ideas; House was the prime example.
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@espo221b If he doesn't care about being distracted and that their happiness with her comes first, then that means he'd rather not break the rules to save a patient because that would jeapordize him and her. So no, he may choose patients over sex, but her chooses her and himself over patient lives when it comes down to the wire. That's not what House was. If this is 'character development' ... wtf. I like the guy who fought for his puzzles and his ethics, even at great personal cost.
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@espo221b He was on anti-depressents or methadone. Drugs made him hazy, not HAPPINESS. He's supposed to have been a genius when he was with Stacy right? 5 years? Sorry, not buying this crack. It doesn't make sense. I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. I miss the show being good but I understand that people who enjoy this stuff will keep at it so good for ya'll. This stuff is not really consistant with House from the previous seasons IMO, but I undersand you see that differently.
@wendus93 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui Insulting to fans? How exactly? As far as I know, the fans are loving it so far, except for people like you who can't accept the fact that the show has changed and the characters have developted. Period.
@espo221b 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui But those things are all completely different situations than House is in now. If House and Cuddy were in a hotel room and a patient was dieing on the other end of the line, they're not going to let the patient die so they could have sex.
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@SierraLynn1512 We're 14 episodes in. Everybody except the Huddies are hating this season (ratings drop, critical reviews). Him saying that he loves the writers is only pleasing to H/C fans who say things like 'I lobed this episode'.
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@espo221b I agree that he probably will. But the point is that he doesn't want to. He wants to change his priorities. It's... creepy and gross and inconsistent. But we all like different things in shows and enjoy this if you do.
@vainilla_vai 13 жыл бұрын
@espo221b 13 жыл бұрын
When did he say he doesn't want to break rules anymore? Now you are putting words in his mouth. Most of the time spent with Stacy was without the leg pain. When he was on methadone he was happier with it than he was without it. He blamed the methadone for missing the diagnosis just like he is blaming Cuddy now for not figuring out the case sooner. House believes that being in a good mood distracts him and makes him a worse doctor, but his good mood isn't going to stop him from breaking rules.
@espo221b 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui This doesn't mean House is just going to let every patient die. House is not happy to make this choice, hence the drinking. He may not even be right about Cuddy distracting him. (I think there have only been three deaths this year) House has always believed he couldn't have happiness, and be a brilliant doctor at the same time. The patient's death could have made him overreact into thinking he had to make a choice. I don't think we've seen the last of the issue of happiness vs genius.
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@SierraLynn1512 haha! High hopes for vicodin all 'round. I don't know though. The guy whose only real meaning in life came from solving medical puzzles of patients (not just research, but solving puzzles and saving people's lives) wouldn't have said that he would rather let people die than spoil his suburban life with Cuddy. It doesn't make sense. The leg pain has been almost non-existant this season. Early on there could have been an interesting reveal that doping was why but 14 episodes in?
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@SierraLynn1512 There were 5 good seasons and 1 decent enough one. I used to be a fan and it's sad to see a good show going to crap. Do you just stop watching things the moment you don't like the way writers are handling it? It's like bad crack, this show. They could have archetype with the character of House. Instead they're unraveling the character.
@Mandibulari 13 жыл бұрын
@IsterichkaElliot Listen to him at 3:26 . He says " part dream, part hallusination"
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@wendus93 lol actually I was looking last night for a minute and I think House may have picked up! 9 million something, highest for Monday. Which is great for people who like the show but humanity is rather stupid -.-
@espo221b 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui I will bet you anything we see House break plenty of more rules this season, and in seasons to come. I'm only comparing what happened with the methadone to what is happening now with Cuddy. If you watch the final scene of the episode 'The Softer Side' you'll see what I mean. Alright, I've got it all out of my system now. I'm going to take kamralzu's advice and just enjoy the show.
@MegaXboxgeeks 13 жыл бұрын
the ending of this eps suked so bad from normel house to singell suicedel adicted to vickaden house
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@espo221b And no, being drunk is not equivalent to what House was when he was willing to sacrifice the patient in s 5. Not at all.
@Sierra_Lynn 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui Perhaps you should wait and watch the episode before you start to blasting it.
@espo221b 13 жыл бұрын
@SnapeSoul Just read in an article that the next episode will take place directly after 'Recession Proof' and Cuddy will respond to House's declaration. The issue is not over and maybe 'Bombshell' will explain better for us what is going on in House's head.
@kalifee 13 жыл бұрын
@MegaXboxgeeks Does is "suk" as much as your poor grasp on the English language? (Personally I loved the ending.)
@Sierra_Lynn 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui I'm waiting for him to go back on the vicodin.
@CIoudbby 13 жыл бұрын
are you guys seriously arguing about this on youtube lol
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@espo221b Also, he's nearly died to solve a case before. And nearly given up his medical license for that bulimic lady by lying to the panel which was NOT for her diagnosis but for her cure. And he gave a damn about patients in his own way, especially shown in episodes like Forever s 2 e 22. He wasn't a purely selfish bastard. He was more than that. Now he's just... some guy who's grumpy and good at his job and wants a wife and kid. SO MANY ROMANTIC COMEDIES AND DRAMAS have handled that.
@guybrush93 13 жыл бұрын
Hallucination? could've mentioned "spoiler alert"
@WorldxDesire 13 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know why Hugh is bleeding? o-o
@derdriui 13 жыл бұрын
@wendus93 Ratings are dropping. The only good critical review (from the few people who do review of House) is from Barbara Barnett. To give two examples of significant critical reaction, AV Club, LA Times etc. are despairing of the show (the former) or just plain mocking it (the latter). Only the hormonal Huddy fanatics are loving this season.
@hollyb6885 2 ай бұрын
I’m not a huge Huddy fan and I LOVE this season.
@blearmoon 13 жыл бұрын
Come on!! Thats i see before in Scrubs!
@anastassiya 13 жыл бұрын
hallusinations? i thought those were dreams..
@wendus93 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui Not really ;-)
@WorldxDesire 13 жыл бұрын
@JJTheGuitarDoctor Oh, lol thank you. xD
@MsMoneySterling 13 жыл бұрын
Hallucination?! I LOVE Hallucinations!! :D
@WaunGronChampion 13 жыл бұрын
@lahnagirl Are you serious?
@blazinza 13 жыл бұрын
bloody brilliant actor!
@apeace90 13 жыл бұрын
@SissiSunshiner indeeeeeeeeeed!
@espo221b 13 жыл бұрын
@derdriui He still cares about his patients. Just this season he lied to Cuddy so one of his patients could get the right treatment, putting his relationship in jeopardy for his patient. He didn't say he doesn't care about solving cases, he just cares about Cuddy more. And why not? When Wilson was leaving the hospital in s5 ep1 we saw House willing to sacrifice a patient to try and get Wilson back to the hospital. He's always cared about his patients, but he cares about his friends more.
@SilentWarrior4 13 жыл бұрын
House is awesome, but man he sounds so different in the interview than he does in the show. Kinda disappointing, but he is still awesome :)
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