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How Aegon the Conqueror Began the Targaryen Dynasty

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Crusader Chris

Crusader Chris

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@ChampionGold 8 ай бұрын
Naemor’s letter simply said “Pretty Please 🥺” and Aegon finally relented
@divolg7981 4 ай бұрын
Honestly more believable than "lol ur firstborrn is actually a bastard".
@karimabidi8312 2 ай бұрын
​@@divolg7981especially because bastards aren't a big thing in dorne
@connormitchell6446 7 күн бұрын
I think he threatened Aegon by informing him that if he never agreed to peace then he couldn't go to his birthday party
@AesirUnlimited 8 ай бұрын
Orys Baratheon resigning as hand purely because he lost his hand is one of the most hilarious reasons for someone losing their position in court. Perhaps Aegon should’ve just said “look bro, you know that you don’t literally need both hands to be *the* hand, right?”
@cars81434 7 ай бұрын
He probably felt ashamed and didn’t want his lost hand as a joke from people. Like with Jaime when people start calling him Goldenhand, I forgot if it meant to be cruel or not, I think both really
@jadenpitt7893 6 ай бұрын
That shit is lowkey hilarious asf
@AesirUnlimited 6 ай бұрын
@@cars81434You’re probably right. I know for a fact that if I lived in their world, I’d be calling him “The stump of the king.”
@guccifer764 2 ай бұрын
@@cars81434 Jaime actually likes being called Goldenhand. It’s a better name than Kingslayer after all.
@jesusgabrielcarmonamedina1597 8 ай бұрын
The theory that Rhaenys survived her fall and was torture to death seems off to me, like Aegon the conqueror wasn't the type of guy who would make a peace treaty with Dorne, knowing her beloved sister wife was tortured, let alone not even demanding the culprits to be delivered to him as retribution. It must be something else, propbably something related to prophecy.
@elijahalbiston 6 ай бұрын
A theory I just came up with is this. The letter was poisoned. I mean literally and figuratively. Perhaps it had some secret news that would have shook Aegon to his core, but it also had traces of poison that would kill Aegon if he did not accept peace and take the antidote from the messenger, the daughter. The combination of which would have been a power move that took Aegon to a state of peace. A rough theory, but one I believe could be more likely than his sister-wife being imprisoned and tortured. He would immediately try and rescue her. Not agree to peace so she could be put to death.
@Ghostmite 4 ай бұрын
​@elijahalbiston Ngl, I kinda like this theory. It's not necessarily George's way of writing, but the irony of the Mighty Dragon being slain by simply poison would be a nice bookend to a character that we as the reader's haven't come to hate. It's funny how much is written about Aegon, but nothing is really said, and it makes him an almost mystical person of legend even tho he lived only a few centuries before the main story.
@scottkain8977 Ай бұрын
Aegon definitely did NOT allow his sister to be imprisoned, tortured, and killed lol. At least we know that much. He and Belarion would have turned Dorne into ashes permanently.
@shubaairbana Ай бұрын
I personally thought he was caught in two minds, ending the Dornish war would be great for his position, but he really wanted to carry on out of vengeance. The offer being sent probably posed a dilemna.
@TyLeeEnjoyer 8 ай бұрын
I never liked the theory that Aenys is a bastard from some random singer. Aenys demonstrates that sons are not their father; and the son that may look like his father most, Maegor, became a cruel despot, unlike his father in his own way. It is typically George to have supposedly one of the best kings, famous for his conquest and peace, ironically sire both a weakling and a monster.
@thalmoragent9344 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, I agree. Aenys being a Bastard would ruin much of it for me tbh 😅
@Spongebrain97 7 ай бұрын
After much thought, I dont mind the theory. It complements the theory that Maegor was also not Aegon's natural son and he was created by Visenya via bloodmagic and the price was that Maegor would himself be sterile. So in both cases neither Aenys nor Maegor were Aegon's sons which plays into how radically different they were from Aegon. But going back to Aenys being the son of Rhaenys and some random singer isnt bad because Aenys would still be a Targaryen through his mother. GRRM likes to create ironies in his writing and it would be ironic that Aegon I whom the Targaryen dynasty looked up to wasn't their actual progenitor. It also plays into the theme of "power resides where men believe it resides" and so even if Aenys wasn't Aegon's son, it didn't matter because everyone believed it to be the case and the dynasty still continued. This gets echoed on with Rhaenyra's bastard sons, Daeron II may or may not have been the bastard son of Aemon the Dragon Knight, Cersei's children being passed for Robert's, and Young Griff claiming to be Aegon VI
@kryztyn127 7 ай бұрын
You know the saying that tough times create strong men and peaceful times create weak men. Aegon had to toughen up and stop the uprisings. Aenys live in a time of peace. Maegor did, too, but he had Visenya's guidance for warfare. Aegon did not address the faith problem that by the time Aenys married his two children, a faith uprising happened. While Visenya advised her nephew to mount Quicksilver and threaten the faith, which is a bandaid solution, as seen by Maegor going full tyrant and getting uprised at the end. The same with the case of Jaehaerys and his grandson Viserys. Jaehaerys had to reconquer the iron throne back, he had a relatively peaceful rule, so by the time conflict happened on Viserys' indecision, a dance happened. Also Jaehaery's decision to call a council is a wise one considering he takes no blame after his first blunder of choosing Baelon over Rhaenys.
@thatoneblackdude3333 2 ай бұрын
​@@Spongebrain97 while gourge likes to create ironys we have to remember those rumor's of aegons sons not being his son's is based purely on hear say not anything factual, people spread rumors like that all the time with no real basis it makes more sense for them to both actually be his son's because we all know common sense sons are not their fathers aenys and maegor were made specifically to criticize that thought process that just because someone's father was great the son is assumed will also be so .
@MohammedAlmuzahmi 25 күн бұрын
Maegor is a great hero who accomplished vengeance against the 7 for destroying valyria
@GodOfChaos26 8 ай бұрын
I personally came across this one theory that I really liked, stating that Rhaeny’s survived her fall and was being nursed back to health. However because of Aegon and Visenya burning most of Dorne, Rhaeny’s was killed from this. It would explain why Aegon was so angry and decided to go with peace. I really liked this theory personally.
@thalmoragent9344 8 ай бұрын
Yeah but... if the Dornish knew the Targaryens thought one of their own had been killed, why not send a raven sooner? What if Aegon didn't stop the war after receiving such a later? It makes for an interesting scenario but not a very logical one
@vibechecker3168 8 ай бұрын
Aegon's rule focused on uniting the seven kingdoms together into a more homogenous, controllable whole. Essentially breaking the kingdoms and forging them together, especially through marriage, but left a LOT of resentment later. I'm going to be taking a more Lannister/Westerlander focused approach for this. This was no small feat, considering most of the kingdoms had been staring suspiciously at each other from across the border for thousands of years, punctuated by brief periods of absolute bloodshed, and many would not know much about the others. A Westerlander, if told that the Lannister heir was to marry a Redwyne, would probably think that the Heir had a drinking problem. Combine that with the Riverlands being independent for the first time in centuries and that the Riverlands, Iron Islands, Reach and Stormlands having a change in management (many being randoms elevated to the role without the history or experience) and you can see the growing problem. This however, was the first step in making the seven kingdoms get along, at least, most of the time. But for all the good Aegon did, there was always an ever present elephant in the room, that being the dragon in the room. The seven kingdoms were doing their own thing and then 3 Valyrian sibling shaggers descended on Trogdor the Burninator and wiped out 3 of the ruling houses in the realm, and the threat of immolation was the core of their rule, instead of ties of blood and friendship to their vassals. Loren Lannister had to ride through a field of blood and ash and fire to surrender the one thing Lannisters value most. His pride. To save his house and his people he laid his crown and sword at their feet and surrendered, narrowly avoiding the fate of House Gardener, one of the oldest and greatest houses in Westeros. But imagine if your line were kings for millennia, and YOU were the one to lose it, to fail. It must have ate him alive. The Lion that laid down. Then, had had to suffer through Aegon and his sisters being incredibly smug about the whole thing, and visiting Casterly Rock to rub it in his face, as they did to everyone else. "Yes king Aegon, you are rightful king of Westeros welcome to my home. You may shag your sisters in my beds, and take my children as -hostages- honoured guests." "Yes queen Visenya, Casterly Rock might have held out against even dragon fire, but I'm glad I saved yourself the effort, and surrendered." "Yes queen Rhaenys, you can marry my son of to this Redwyne, don't worry about the betrothal I probably already made to one of my vassals, I'm sure they won't hold a grudge, your tongue is as silver as your hair." "By the way, which one of these swords was mine again?" I bet Rhaenys was the worst for many lords and ladies, at least the other two didn't pretend to be their friend, coming at them with a sword, not a poisoned smile and smiling mask. I bet that many a lord like Loren made a private toast in the honour of that Uller man on that Hellholt scorpion that shot her down. Loren Lannister knew he would never become king, but the Lannisters would plot and scheme and lobby for greater power and influence. They would try to get eggs, they would harbour Targaryen's, they would side with the greens, they would break the Valyrian stranglehold on the courts, and eventually, Lannister men would brutally murder most of the Targaryen family in the sack of kings landing. Targaryen power resided always on the threat of violence, dragonfire. And with the dragons gone, and Targaryen's not properly adapting to this, their doom was almost inevitable. Edit: if you’re down here after reading my absolute thesis, then thanks.
@dylanbsll6342 8 ай бұрын
great comment love the insight
@jesusgabrielcarmonamedina1597 8 ай бұрын
Completely agree, and not to mention the Reach great houses having to endure some stwearts of highgarden be the new lords paramounts of the south!
@Charles-In-Charge 8 ай бұрын
Gotta love Trogdor the Burninator, lol. For all the conversation about the Old Town conspiracy to wipe out the dragons, such little is mentioned of the prolonged and ultimately successful Lannister effort to depose House Targaryen. The line that really speaks to me is when Jaime returns to KL and speaks with Cersei, and asks her to marry him and acknowledge their children as bastards. When Cersei responds that this is ridiculous since "Tommen's throne derives from Robert", Jaime says "let father sit the throne". Tywin Lannister has ZERO dynastic claim to the Iron Throne, less even than Cersei's bastards. But the Lannisters consider Tywin's sack of King's Landing and the regicides contained therein, after centuries of failed attempts, to be their own right of conquest.
@thalmoragent9344 8 ай бұрын
I dunno, it wasn't all just "randoms" who took up the roles of the few lordship openings. The Tyrells were direct stewards of House Gardner, hardly "randoms". The Iron Islanders chose their own leader after Aegon arrived and gave a solution to end their constant feuding. And the Riverlords chose to rally behind the Tully's when they chose to side with Aegon after his arrival, as opposed to House Hoare. The only case of a stranger coming in, one who wasn't "chosen", was Orys, but even then, they gave up Argilac's daughter to him so, they did ultimately make that choice (but still, only cause Meraxes was nearby and the Storm Queen was stupid to think she could withstand that) That, and after a while, it became the norm. I doubt the Lannisters planned on taking the Targaryens down for the entire 300 years of rule, nor did they ever try to become kings again after the Targaryens fell. Why bend the knee to Stags, ones who were a line of Targaryens with a different name, if according to you, their whole "scheme" was to destroy the Targaryens? They sided with the Greens which ended up having more Targaryens in the line of succession than the Blacks, so thats hardly an example of Lannisters plotting their downfall
@thalmoragent9344 8 ай бұрын
​@@jesusgabrielcarmonamedina1597 Well, the Reach let it slide, and for the better. Imagine the Reach up in arms over who got to take the Gardner's seat? It went the best it possibly could: towards a House who was the closest to the Gardners since the start
@thatoneblackdude3333 8 ай бұрын
I think the letter was quite simple naemor offered to return rhenys corpse to dragon stone to be laid to rest for peace, torturing rhenys would just make aegon more angry and want to burn dorne more not less and any other theory has no basis for them .
@hybrid_theory990 8 ай бұрын
Always interesting in that it seemed only certain Targs lived until very old ages, mainly the ones who played pivotal roles in the narrative like Maester Aemon and King Jaehaerys. I think it's really understated that Aegon lived to be a pretty old man at 64 years old, just don't think it gets talked about enough, could just be me though.
@elijahalbiston 6 ай бұрын
Hey that's a good point. We could practically count on one hand all the Targaryen rulers who lived to old age instead of dying to violence, tragedy, poison, and so on. Seems realistic but at the same time something more.
@Dominknows 8 ай бұрын
“Get down or get laid down” -Aegon
@alanmark12345 Ай бұрын
Inside Nymor's letter was "insert plot device" and dramatically end the war with a mystery so the plot can move forward.
@Buford_T_Justice1 8 ай бұрын
Great video dude. I think Aegon’s infertility came from all those years of riding that nuclear bomb. Balereon the Black Dread. It fried his sack.
@CrusaderChris 8 ай бұрын
One of the more logical theories I’ve heard. His swimmers got cooked with all that Valyrian fire magic 😔
@everburn 8 ай бұрын
I love this theory😂
@concept5631 2 ай бұрын
@hauntedstarcollection 6 ай бұрын
i’ve always felt sorry for visenya. the oldest and the last of the three conquerors.
@Kyubii01 8 ай бұрын
Aegon: so how we doing this uh rain. “You mean reign” Aegon: Shut up Lannister
@rudebanana3037 8 ай бұрын
Got my Tamales with me ready to eat, your the literal definition of eating while watching KZbin. Happy New Year Man.
@thalmoragent9344 8 ай бұрын
Aegon's Conquest, for all its highs and lows, ended up leading to Westerosi peace on a scale not seen for a very long time, which is an interesting dichotomy. It's always wild to think that despite the switch-up of multiple kings to lords, new Houses in some places, and reorganization of borders all ended up leading to what Westeros called "The Dragon's Peace" for around 30 years.
@jenniferkelly3941 8 ай бұрын
I like that you point out the dichotomy. It puts me in mind of the saying “Fighting for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity”
@thalmoragent9344 8 ай бұрын
​@jenniferkelly3941 True, fair comparison. "Speak softly and carry a big stick", as an old President once said, and those are true words. In the end, doesn't mean EVERY war on the continent is justified, but at the same time, a "change of management" is needed to reset the system. Westeros went from so many major and petty King's to one High King to rule them all, and the marriages (in some cases better or worse, depending on any broken betrothals happening in the process) as well as trade and meetings between so many Lords of various Kingdoms under peace time definitely was the start of a more unified Westeros. That also means the wars would end up being more or less devastating in many cases as well. We went from 4 Kingdoms at war every other year with border skirmishes every Tuesday, to decades worth of peace followed by a massive, continental spanning Civil War or generational Rebellions, splitting Houses/regions/Kingdoms apart in every which way.
@Mjh213199 8 ай бұрын
So glad you went back and did Aegon’s reign….one of my favorite parts of ASOIAF is all the mysteries, what was in the letter sent to Aegon from Dorne?, who or what killed Maegor?, what happened at the tragedy of Summerhall? Although we might not get the answers to all those mysteries I love all the theory crafting that goes along with it. Just makes the story fun.
@dineshbalu6107 8 ай бұрын
In addition, What happened to Aerea targaryen? What caused the 9ft wound to the mighty Balerion? What is the cause of the Doom of Valyria? etc etc...
@elijahalbiston 6 ай бұрын
@@dineshbalu6107 I don't think we want to talk about poor Aerea Targaryen... There are some other great questions though. Especially the who/what killed might Maegor the Cruel, that one keeps me wondering, was it himself? A wife? Or something more sinister and powerful than him... Summerhall is a great one. Were Aegon's children truly his children? Who was the true heir in the Dance? Did Daemon and countless other Targaryens over the years secretly survive, and if so, what did they do?
@TaeSunWoo 8 ай бұрын
I just started an Aegon I campaign in Crusader Kings 2’s Game of Thrones mod and I’ve been using your other vids of his conquest/vids about his sons for research/ambience. I wake up to see you that dropped this vid, neat :)
@TheNewGuy21 8 ай бұрын
Always love the lore! Keep up the great work! And Happy New Years!
@DuTube333 8 ай бұрын
I'm not really on board with the theories that Aegon's sons are illegitimate. To me, these are the exact tales people would tell because either they just want to put the Targaryen rule in question... or they just don't get the concept of powerful women, so Aegon's sisters must be an adulterer or a witch respectively. Aegon himself really did his best to have the people accept him as a ruler and to make and maintain peace... peace after wars he himself started. The realm wasn't really unified during his reign, but he layed the seeds for it. It is an impossible task to achieve in a time when people in Westeros still experienced the times before the Targaryen conquest themselves. Still one of the best kings Westeros had... his sons gave their best efforts to undo his achievements though.
@Sarah_2094 8 ай бұрын
We need an Aegon’s conquest leading to the second dornish war tv series after HoTD
@deldel5204 8 ай бұрын
The rule of six is crazy lol
@deldel5204 8 ай бұрын
Makes sense though for the time. Ig it’s better than just letting an angry husband do whatever they want
@Lionstar16 8 ай бұрын
While I don't think Aenys was a bastard (would Rhaenys really be that stupid), I don't doubt that Maegor was conceived through blood magic - perhaps Maegor's inability to father healthy child was the price Visenya had to pay for her son's birth.
@whatisreddin7367 8 ай бұрын
Maester propaganda, Maegors kid were admittedly killed by Tyanna who herself was barren and jealous. He was perfectly capable of having kids and was not born from black magic either.
@taycarroll1124 8 ай бұрын
@@whatisreddin7367Granted she said that under the threat of torture
@minatodroger7890 7 ай бұрын
Maegor was aegon's kid the maester didn't like visenya at all. They always give her that sort of rep.
@juddyyoutube Ай бұрын
I spend more time listening to vids like this than learning about actual history...
@gingercatqueen4368 8 ай бұрын
I was watching videos from this channel and just moved onto this one and noticed a lot of recent comments. And realized i’m watching the newest video that just came out an hour ago 😂
@jefferson39 8 ай бұрын
0:23 mfw i have ck3 open while watching this video
@tytybaby06 8 ай бұрын
The conquer did everything right like you said except establishing a law od succession & teaching his heir to rule like him since the dynasty was still in infancy
@tommypark2522 2 ай бұрын
I like how after we know aegon knew about the song of ice and fire and everything it makes sense he just wanted peace. He wanted a united realm to fight whatever was coming
@ahmedshaharyarejaz9886 8 ай бұрын
Maybe Rhaenys wrote the letter to Aegon asking him to end the War as her dying wish. She perhaps used some secret words that only she would have known and Aegon could recognise, thereby confirming to Aegon the truth of the letter.
@TheShortYautja 2 ай бұрын
I really like the theory that the letter was poisoned hence the blood and going straight to Dorne
@philippeblais8594 6 ай бұрын
I remembered a theory that Nymor's letter warned Aegon that if he did not make peace, Nymor would hire a faceless man to assassinate Aegon and Rhaenys' son and heir, Aenys. Also, Maegor's first wife was not only a hightower, but was also the thrn high septon's niece.
@kisame771 8 ай бұрын
Crazy that you just have the golden one as your thumbnail
@jaieregilmore971 8 ай бұрын
I still believe Aegon should have send visenya to Dorne instead of Rhaneys probably gone down differently it no secret Rhaneys is Aegon true wife should have kept her close to him. Overall his rule is solid seeking peace is smart move the only issue he is inherent law could done more to it but he the second best king of Westeros.
@hclw3589 8 ай бұрын
She would’ve gotten hit with the no scope as well.
@BrotherHood-xh9sg 2 ай бұрын
It is weird he sent his younger sister wife, instead of the more martial oriented one. That always seemed weird to me. What's next, oh no, I have catch some fish, who do I sent? The fisherman with knowledge of this region? Or this desert nomad who has never seen a vast body of water before? A bit of a overexegaration, but the point stands.
@angelyuqi6709 Ай бұрын
What do u mean true wife? Visenya was his first wife. They were betrothed to each other by their father & he was only supposed to marry her. He broke the norm & married rhaenys out of love (even valyrians don't practice polygamy that frequently). Also visenya was much capable ruler than rhaenys makes sense why he would want her in administration or to protect him as she has saved his ass multiple times before
@Uzair_Of_Babylon465 8 ай бұрын
Great video keep it up you're doing amazing things 😁👍
@SirMDawg 8 ай бұрын
Awesome video🐸
@michaeladu6120 8 ай бұрын
I still feel Aegon should've centralised his state a bit more. There's no reason why he shouldn't have made the Riverlands, the Stormlands and maybe even the Reach or the Iron Islands part of the Crownlands and put the their lords under his direct control. Sure, he needn't have interfered in their customs but he could still have had his direct pick of who would be governor (i.e Lord Paramount). Knowing of the fall of Valyria, he shouldn't have simply trusted in dragons to keep his realm under control.
@jendersonmohammed443 3 ай бұрын
One of the best Kings ever
@Toa676 2 ай бұрын
These hellhot donnies put in work
@willeknoyan2280 6 ай бұрын
Great video!
@aarondemiri486 8 ай бұрын
Love these videos
@wolfbane7497 8 ай бұрын
My personal belief about the faith of the seven is that aegon should have had a much more heavy hand with. The faith and elevated and change some things within the Faith's Doctrine. He didn't have to be religious but he could have commissioned more churches to be built. Advocated for the faith to be more open maybe priest could marry. And be more flexible rather than religious zealot he should have had a much more heavy hand with the church Church. Renovating and changing and updating some of the doctrine. True it may have pissed some people off but if aegon declared himself the high septum it would have made a lot more sense Not only would you be going against the crown but you'll be going against the faith too. I think it would have made much more sense that he should have done that. Kind of like what The Witcher does with nilfgaard religion where the king of nilfgaard is the high priest of the religion.
@seth_fitzgerald 8 ай бұрын
Hey, where’s that video about how Daemon Targaryen won the Iron Throne for Viserys?
@HubertHumphreyWasHere 8 ай бұрын
He made a video about Viserys's reign already. But nothing in the text proves that. Only that Daemon gathered swords to defend Viserys's claim. Daemon didn't actively do anything to promote Viserys - it was up to the Great Council.
@Raethrean 22 күн бұрын
Dorne burned all of their crops and poisoned their wells? so how exactly did they recover?
@Raycloud 8 ай бұрын
Dorne is a whole nation of Mary Sues
@rhaenatargaryen8061 4 ай бұрын
tbh when it comes to the conquest of westeros im less interested in seeing the truth of the conquest itself and moreso the period after it and how it leads into aenys, maegor and eventually nascent jaehaerys. Rhaena would be an excellent pov character for a show set in this period and it would give the opportunity to explore the real complexities behind all these events and mysterious characters
@JosefinaQB 2 ай бұрын
i kind of love Visenya
@queenxx1690 8 ай бұрын
Aegon was one of those people who were right among of smart and had balls just like Jaeherys while Aenys was too scary to fight while Maegor was too cruel
@1andOnlyMenz 8 ай бұрын
Can we get a Aegon 4th / Daeron 2nd Reign video please good sir ?
@CrusaderChris 8 ай бұрын
Yeah eventually. Baelor and Vizzy 2 first tho
@mariacarlarollorata6351 Ай бұрын
Where did you get ur map..?
@theyoungknight.3119 3 ай бұрын
A 7th strike to represent the stranger would be a bad omen and most likely lethal hence why Rhaenys made it illegal.
@aaronbaron3155 7 ай бұрын
This is one of those moments that i despise about Martin. After the first time and its results, why wouldnt a pragmatic guy like Aegon simply make peace w Dorne and let them have their deserts and mountains? Not everyone un Dorne were descended from the Rhoynar. Not all of them were mustache twirling villains. But Martin Mr. "My characters are more grey not good or bad" has to have certain people BE all bad. Or ALL good and dumb. Like Ned.
@Easternromanfan 10 күн бұрын
Dorne shouldnt have been able to actually resist Aegon for so long either. Their castles were all destroyed and their crops were burned. They should've went through a massive famine early on and would submit to Aegon after only a year or two.
@aaronbaron3155 10 күн бұрын
@@Easternromanfan yeah that made no sense to me either
@darthveatay 2 ай бұрын
Aegon was too soft on the faith. He could have said that the reason he was able to rule not just because of the dragons but because the Seven had turned their favor to him and abandoned the andals, that the targaryens were anointed by the gods for divine rule
@Shirafune161 6 ай бұрын
Aegon conquering the continent with the threat of dragon fire and then claiming to only want peace made me go "bruh..."
@axolotl1777 3 ай бұрын
That's every invader excuse
@user-fq5nu3fg9l 2 ай бұрын
Aegon can't be infertile he had maegor though
@seth_fitzgerald 8 ай бұрын
In my opinion, he was a stable King. He kept stability and balance in Westeros, but he had very difficult times at trying to bring Dorne into the seven kingdoms by force, and its still shocks me that no one even decided to think about marriage, but it’s understandable because all of Westeros discriminate against Dorne so of course, nobody would think about marriage. In the letter that was given to him, I believe it contained two paragraphs of the letter, one paragraph was about his son Aenys and the other half was about Rhaenys, which does explain why he would go to Dragonstone. I also wanna say that even though he is a stable king, but when it came to the line of succession, just like Jaehaerys & Viserys, they both made very disappointing and negative affects on their family and Westeros as a whole. He had two options to make the line of succession very clear either the male comes before the female or adopt absolutism, where regardless of gender, the firstborn child is automatically the heir apparent to the throne.
@lawrencereid2767 8 ай бұрын
First to take the Black 🖤
@theyoungknight.3119 3 ай бұрын
I never understood why Rhaenys has to be dead, It could be that the prince had her hostage and she could not escape due to her dragons death, The letter might have told Aegon to come see her for himself and warned that if Aegon ever told the realm Rhaenys was alive he’d kill her, The time he later took Aenys to Dorne could have been to see Rhaenys.
@theyoungknight.3119 3 ай бұрын
Why else would he be buddy buddy with the prince afterwards?
@tereza1959 8 ай бұрын
A forced marriage between houses bracken and blackwood should have caused a civil war worse than the dance of dragons 😂
@dineshbalu6107 8 ай бұрын
Not even remotely lmao😂😂🤣🤣... They r just 2 tiny, puny houses bro, They can't do sh*t to anyone lol...
@durrangodsgrief6503 6 ай бұрын
The letter is just bs to explain dornes plot armor its moronic that a feudal society would have enough nationalism to stay united in the face of fure breathing monsters
@lordsaladman9819 8 ай бұрын
Viva la vida
@joshbarrera8554 8 ай бұрын
Hi 👋🏻
@TheShortYautja 2 ай бұрын
I kinda feel like Henry cavill could make a good aegon given the right script and adaptation
@jenniferkelly3941 8 ай бұрын
Peace should always be the first answer.
@roryedward2631 7 ай бұрын
He barely ruled Westeros tho 😂 his sisters ruled the Seven Kingdoms.
@BrotherHood-xh9sg 2 ай бұрын
All these theories of Aegon's kids being bastards, etc. are just weird and make no sense. You can come up with the dumbest of reasons and still it would be as valid.
@angryyoungman66 8 ай бұрын
According to the shows , velarians are black , and Aegon the Conqueror mother was velarian meaning , Aegon's mother was Black there you go that's supposed to be fine and logical and only a racist would disagree 😂.
@HubertHumphreyWasHere 8 ай бұрын
The skin color of Valyrians doesn't matter. Valyrian purity is based on silver hair and purple eyes. George never says all the Valyrians were white, but he ALWAYS mentions the dragonlords had silver hair and purple eyes. You people are so fixated on race; it's baffling. Find something else to cry about.
@guerreiroazul3230 8 ай бұрын
​@@HubertHumphreyWasHerethat's not the point, it's a matter of consistent world building and history, it makes no sense for the Velaryons and the Targaryens to be of different skin color when they intermarry so much.
@HubertHumphreyWasHere 8 ай бұрын
@@guerreiroazul3230 It doesn't matter. Mainline Targaryens will be white and Velaryons will be black. Skin color isn't an exact blend of both parents every single time. It just doesn't matter whether they're black or white as long as they have silver hair and purple eyes (which HBO isn't doing unfortunately.)
@guerreiroazul3230 8 ай бұрын
@@HubertHumphreyWasHere That's not how genetics work, your melanin isn't decided by your last name, it's decided by your parents genes, and that means that the Targaryens should be brown skinned. And yes, it does matter, characters having the "right" traits is crucial to the plot with the strong boys in HotD and with Cersei's children in GoT.
@angryyoungman66 8 ай бұрын
​@@HubertHumphreyWasHere Why can't you swallow the idea that it doesn't make sense to be completely different skin color within one family , unless its interracial marriage , which still doesn't make sense given that Tragaryens are completely white and many of them Had Valyrian mothers , including Aegon the Conqueror him-self , Jehaerys , Dearon , Bealor , and the list keeps going , why aren't Targaryens black ?? And don't tell me it doesn't matter because it mattered in the show for people to suspect the legitemacy of Rheanera's children based on their looks, unless the DNA in the world of George Martin works in a crazy way that sometimes it favours 100% of the father genes and sometimes favors 100% of the mothers genes
@smudolinithegreatdragobear2433 3 ай бұрын
Jon Snow was not a targaryen bastard since his parents wed before he was born/ concieved.
@faisalkamal4319 8 ай бұрын
house trolland
@animejerk05 7 ай бұрын
you think clear laws is going to stop lords from siding with rebel dragon riders when they dont want any women as there queen
@patrickjeffers7864 8 ай бұрын
I don't think the kids are his(but they were targs..female descent is purer). He may not have been infertile but as they were siblings, simply incompatible.
@apacalypsagon3758 8 ай бұрын
A house is only as strong as it's weakest link. And fortunately for the Targaryens case it was incest.
@thatoneblackdude3333 6 ай бұрын
Incest had nothing to do with there fall it was poor leadership abd corruption.
@BrotherHood-xh9sg 2 ай бұрын
@@thatoneblackdude3333 Not to mention incest was actually to their benefit. Can you imagine if the dragon riders blood was intermingled with other houses. In a few years every house would look for dragon eggs to hatch and by the end of a few decades, major houses would have secretly raised dragons and dragon riders, overthrowing any power balance it had and possibly creating a dance of the dragons a lot earlier.
@nwokochadaniel1723 8 ай бұрын
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