that bishop c4 line you found in analysis after Be7 was tricky but i think d4 is very interesting as well and also much more principled because d4 is the move you really want to play in the position. the d4 line is hilarious because the bishop gets trapped after Bh4+, g3, hxg3, fxg3, Bxg3+, Ke2. even if you see the final position i don't think its obvious the bishop is trapped. its such a weird tactic to have a very mobile piece trapped and also because its threatened by a piece there also just happens to be no way for another black piece or pawn to defend the bishop which might save it even though black has 2 moves to try and defend the bishop. for example h5-h4 does not work because white can just take the bishop with Ne4 Nxg3 exploiting the pin on the h-file. its also difficult to visualize because the bishop is not being physically blocked by pawns or its own pieces, instead all its escape squares are being removed by whites pieces. and often in these fragile situations there is some counter-attack to try and open a square for the bishop or dislodge one of the white pieces that is removing squares but that doesn't seem possible in this position. maybe there is some move that saves the bishop but i can't seem to find it and the engine just wants to sacrifice the piece. this is also a common idea in the vienna where the white king ends up on e2 and some piece gets trapped or misplaced on the king side. this often happens with the queen. for example: 1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Bc5 3. f4 exf4 4. d4 Qh4+ 5. Ke2 and white is slightly better even though white is down a pawn and the white king is misplaced. i think in the vienna you should always be looking to sacrifice castling for better development.
@ChessCenturion4 күн бұрын
That bishop trap line is hilarious! But yeah I think you're probably right about sacrificing castling for fast development, thanks for the incredibly in depth comment! I hope my other Vienna videos are interesting for you :)
@ceogangsterslovenite88634 күн бұрын
That computer line with bishop c4 is actually borrowing a motif from a line in the king's gambit called the bertin gambit: 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 Be7 4. Bc4 Bh4+ 5. g3 fxg3 6. O-O gxh2+ 7. Kh1 and then the idea is to sacrifice the bishop on f7 with check, preparing a discovered double-check if the king takes. I was thinking about that watching this but realized it's probably an inferior version of the bertin because it doesn't allow your queen to come to h5.
@ChessCenturion3 күн бұрын
That's a really interesting line, thanks for sharing man! I think in my mind the Vienna is kinda the Kings gambit on steroids although of course black can just not play 2...Nf6
@ceogangsterslovenite88633 күн бұрын
@ChessCenturion In the Bertin gambit, the e pawn stays on e4 - unlike in the Vienna accepted where it ultimately ends up on e5 - so when unleashing the discovered double check, the knight can land on e5, and if the black king returns to its starting square, Qh5 with check is possible because if g6 is played, Nxg6 is possible.
@ChessCenturion3 күн бұрын
Ahh that's true, I suppose that subtly makes a small difference. Do you play the kings gambit yourself?
@ceogangsterslovenite88633 күн бұрын
@ChessCenturion No I mainly play the English. I used to play the Vienna a lot but got tired of it. But I've read about the Bertin gambit because it's kinda crazy.
@ChessCenturion3 күн бұрын
Yeah it does sound crazy. I did have a stint of the English but found it a little mundane?
@Bio5684 күн бұрын
These computers lines are so ridiculous sometimes, Great video too
@ChessCenturion4 күн бұрын
Haha yeah they're so funny but useful if you can really try to understand them, thanks for watching!
@flavioriquelme43524 күн бұрын
Good Channel Bro, keep making videos
@ChessCenturion4 күн бұрын
Thank you man, loads more to come!
@linnss99594 күн бұрын
Can you please play 10mins rapid next 😊or 5 mins blitz 🤔
@ChessCenturion3 күн бұрын
Not for this series but for other videos yeah potentially, some of the older vids on the channel are in these time controls though