How I deal with my Protestant family and friends as a Traditional Catholic?

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A Catholic Wife

A Catholic Wife

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@JenniferSilva-ih7ov Жыл бұрын
I grew up protestant with a family whom always talked bad about catholics. I am now catholic after finding out everything that I was told about Catholicism is simply not true. It truly is the church that Jesus built, I am so grateful to have been led on this path. Thank you for sharing your Journey ❤
@WhiteWolfSpirit Жыл бұрын
@Yjr8 3 жыл бұрын
Im still in RCIA, so my Protestant relatives think they still have time to convince me out of this journey I’ve been on. It’s been rough but I’ve supplemented my RCIA learning with Catholic KZbin, including your videos
@bhas3373 3 жыл бұрын
🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for you!
@worthwhilediscussion 3 жыл бұрын
Stay in RCIA.
@ms.pirate 3 жыл бұрын
Don't leave brother/sister because they want you to leave. Satan is trying to work within them to not get closer to Christ. Dont fall for the devil's tricks I herd it happened alot in the church i use to go to (we moved is why), so before confirmation began, the priest blessed us with protection from the devil's antics, twice
@OJB9127 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Scott Hahn and Dr Steve Ray were so helpful when I converted, get formed (it's like catholic Netflix) and watch Dr Steve Ray Footprints of God, it's so good and helpful, God bless you 🙏🏻❤
@peacelove5087 3 жыл бұрын
May our lady of Guadalupe cover you with her mantel.
@angelalong6740 Жыл бұрын
My journey into Catholicism began with the Rosary Prayers. ♥️
@patrickelizabeth9299 Жыл бұрын
I used to love battling Catholics, until I finally came across one, (a new workmate), who actually knew the faith. We had a great time debating everything in sight - before, during and after work. In fact, I had such a good time that after about a year I decided to become Catholic. Moral of the story: know the faith. You never know when the Lord will use you to bring someone closer to Him.
@CarmenLopez-mj3sd 3 жыл бұрын
I would have never thought to sacrifice by fasting FOR someone. What an eye opening video. Thank you for reaching me today. Blessing and Peace
@beebee9803 3 жыл бұрын
This video came at the perfect time -- thank you! I am the only Catholic at my Senior Apartment complex. All of my neighbors (except one) know this & we are all very respectful of each other. Yesterday, my next-door neighbor (the only person who is "uncomfortable" with having a Catholic neighbor), knocked on my door & asked me to please remove the Divine Mercy image & the Our Lady if Guadalupe image I had on my front-door. His explanation/justification was that seeing them on my door as he passes by all the time, "stresses" him out. I said to him, "So you're a Christian but you want me to remove a picture of Jesus from my door
@joemetro352 Жыл бұрын
He's stressed because they prick his conscience
@Emily-vb1ii Жыл бұрын
Wow, Protestant here, but that is just ridiculous and disrespectful that your neighbor did that!
@terrisharp7245 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh. Much of what you say and feel is our same path. I feel like such an infant and I have been Catholic for 50 years, but it is like a homecoming. I am so grateful that God has led us to where we are today. We are in the right place at the right time. Praise God! 💙
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@Terri Sharp thanks be to God for never giving up on me and allowing me to find Him in His Church. We are made for this time and I know that we can bring many souls to the Lord by the witness of our lives. Thank you so much for watching my video. Pax Christi ~ Deena 🌺
@m.campbell650 3 жыл бұрын
I'm 63. Vatican II ripped the TLM right from my arms and stole from me the calling that I know that I had been called to. It was like I was a small child who was dropped on her head. So many of my TLM friends feel the same way: we were never given the choice to go into a contemplative order because Vatican II believes in being out there working the seamless garment thing. The N.O. has been pulling contemplative orders apart in point- the Philadelphia Carmelite Monastery. All but one nun left the monastery in the middle of the night so that they could get back to Nebraska and receive the Mass and Lord. It was the Cor Arans that decided that they needed to get out and teach, no more contemplatives or TLMS. This, along with all the other goofy changes that are being implemented by Bergoglio, can be difficult. Pray, fast, penance, rosary, novena. Blessed be Our Lady of Mount Carmel!
@m.campbell650 3 жыл бұрын
Deena--- I owe you a response about how to use the Missal and ribbons. Your advice was spot on, we were with everyone else. And we didn't look like newbies! I also watched your "Veiling" KZbin, so we were more than ready! Thank you so much and God Bless You!
@robstr12 3 жыл бұрын
Protestants have not idea about the beauty of the prayers that the Catholic Church has. You don’t have to make up your own prayers, you can just simply pray the prayers as they are written and have confidence that you are praying correctly. THEY ARE PURE GOLD!
@worthwhilediscussion 3 жыл бұрын
@ms.pirate 3 жыл бұрын
I like the prayers that are already written. Its easier to stay connected to him without worrying about accidently offending him
@robstr12 3 жыл бұрын
@@ms.pirate YES
@robstr12 3 жыл бұрын
Man! Pray for everybody! A decade for this person, a decade for the next person, a decade for the next one, BAM!!!
@Regina-zx3ex Жыл бұрын
My protestant sibling does exactly what you mentioned. In fact, it's hard to talk to her at all because its made her self righteous. She assumes your intent then takes the high road to preach them slap you with a Bible verse. I'm in my 60s and have a faint memory of the traditional mass. Everything was going away as I grew up. Thank you for talking about this. It's tough to know how to handle things sometimes. Pax Christi
@CatholicCat-er9xn Жыл бұрын
I am just like you! My sister is Baptist and we can't talk about the Catholic Church.
@TheBibleCatholic 3 жыл бұрын
Great tips! I used to be that Protestant who would throw out verses. It was thise deep conversations, like you said your husband does, that challenged me to read the church fathers. I was already enrolled in Seminary and had the bright idea I would study church history (I love it now) to show the church fathers weren't Catholic. Well...I'm Catholic today. Great video!
@ronaldeglewski3073 Жыл бұрын
St. Ignatius 50-108 AD. Its the very first time the Catholic Church was written , Quote "Wherever the Bishop shall appear , there let the multitude of people be . Just as Wherever Jesus Christ is , there is the Catholic Church . Two early fathers ,St Ignatius And St .Polycarp where taught by St. John the Apostle and they both knew Peter and the other Apostles .
@barleybranchhollow7200 3 жыл бұрын
Definitely feel the equipping our children to defend their faith. I didn’t know my husband was a fall away catholic until I told him I wanted be baptized. It turns out my mil fell away from the church (I later learned) mostly because she had been poorly catechized and didn’t really know it wasn’t pick the best domination (yes, Catholicism isn’t a domination, she didn’t know that) that fits you. I can’t tell you how many times she will provide a statement of faith of x and I politely explain the catholic teaching on x and she exclaims “well I never knew that!” It breaks my heart but I’m so happy God has placed me in the position to provide her the answers she never had. I’ve found that listening to catholic answers does give you the questions that are most commonly asked. I do sometimes search other sources for the answers if only to better articulate them. I’ve found that my Protestant family are more receptive if I present my responses as “the Catholic Church teaches …” isn’t of trying to present than as an argument or even a response to their arguments. I’m trying to found a similar approach to some Catholics who have adopted Protestant ideas as I have a habit of being much more matter of fact and direct with them that seems to put them on the Defence. Thank you for all your advice and insight. Your honest examination of how your own combativeness made it easy to see my own as well. Living by example really does work.
@barleybranchhollow7200 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry for another novel
@robstr12 3 жыл бұрын
I haven’t watched the video yet but I grew up protestant. My whole family is protestant. Curiosity about the rosary can lead to other things. The power of the rosary is NO JOKING MATTER. If someone prays it out of curiosity it can hit HARD, if the Blessed Virgin Mary decides to act. People don’t really know how important it is, I don’t think. I will pray the rosary with anyone anywhere. It’s that rugged, and a mere child can do it! It’s mind boggling when you think about it.
@robstr12 3 жыл бұрын
@@pkk.9107 because Our Lady of Fatima told us to.
@robstr12 3 жыл бұрын
@@pkk.9107 you’re welcome! And don’t let the thought of “I’m not doing this well enough” stop you from doing it!
@krysta-ajhaah-min-yah8368 3 жыл бұрын
Lol I was gnostic and when I started to pray the rosary I said, "Mother Mary this is not about me, this is for somebody else, okay" 😂😂😂 I actually felt the effects ~ more peace and joy 🤣
@krysta-ajhaah-min-yah8368 3 жыл бұрын
@@pkk.9107 The Rosary is a meditation on the Gospels.. When you are praying the Rosary you are also reciting the Gospel... Through the decades/mysteries....
@robstr12 2 жыл бұрын
@@pkk.9107 yes! Good! I’m telling you, from all I have read, you can’t go wrong with the rosary. I started to pray it out of curiosity primarily and now I hope to soon confess my sins and receive Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament! I’ve been going to the chapel now for years and the priest there has taught me the Faith (enough for now, one can study a lifetime and not fully know everything about Catholicism). Yes! The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary is no joke! It’s the “Big Gun”, like artillery! What a gift! And, may God bless you, Patrick K.!
@carlosclavell326 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the post, Dina. I'm in my late 50s and learning the Catholic truthful teaching was a game changer. Sharing the full truth accurately with anyone is all we can do. I too learned fasting is the just as important with prayers. Keep encouraging our fellow brothers and sisters. God Bless you and your family!
@notsheepish8304 Жыл бұрын
I am a convert to the Catholic faith (for 7 years now). I was dating a Protestant guy who told me he has taken the Catholic eucharist a few times thinking nothing of it. I told him this was a no-no. He also puts down the Catholic faith all the time. Yet he told me he would convert if he met a Catholic woman and wanted to marry her. I stopped dating him thankfully.
@robstr12 3 жыл бұрын
There are people who can go all day long with Catholic apologetics based on scripture alone and they can blow your mind.
@racheltruex5390 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video! I’ve been having a lot of conversations with Protestant family and friends as I recently left Protestantism to join the one Catholic Church! I find it helpful when going through scripture to take note of 2 Thessalonians 2 and 1 Corinthians 11 in that scripture points to the importance of the tradition of the church!
@anitavaughn1968 Жыл бұрын
My sister got upset at me when I made the sign of the sign of the cross at thanksgiving dinner. She said “There’s no Catholics in this house.”
@ACatholicWife Жыл бұрын
@Anita Vaughn Adventures and Funnies! at which point I would have calmly gotten up and left. My faith is a non negotiable - if someone doesn’t accept my faith then they don’t accept me. Your sister drew a line in the sand. She is the one who put herself first and now the ball is in your court on how to handle her. *I am unapologetically Catholic* and would never tolerate such blatant disrespect from strangers *much much less* from my own family. 💔🙏🏽
@Emily-vb1ii Жыл бұрын
That is very disrespectful. I am Protestant, but I would never say that to one of my Catholic relatives!
@SupremeCrusader 3 жыл бұрын
Deena, I've watched your videos for a while and even though we disagree on many things, I always find encouragement in your content. I, like you, want there to be more civil and charitable discussion between Prots and Catholics. I hate how there's so much animosity between both camps. It really does stem from pride and many people on both sides are more concerned with winning the argument rather than having a fruitful dialogue. You and I have had back and forth in disagreeing on certain issues. You were firm in your beliefs but never once did I felt you were condescending in any way. I always appreciated that. I hope more of us can do the same. Keep up the good work. God bless you :)
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@Supreme Crusader thank you much for watching my video and for always being so respectful in our engagements. 🤫 I was referring to you specifically in my video. I know this battle is as old as time and most likely will not ever be resolved. I pray that one day we are all one as the Lord wanted but I fear that pride & obstinacy will keep many from seeking the Truth. Thank you again for supporting my efforts. Confession…I am still praying that you become Catholic. Pax Christi ~ Deena 🌺
@catherinecox8921 3 жыл бұрын
You did such a good job of offering a loving and Truth filled dialog.
@TheBadTrad 3 жыл бұрын
I’m definitely guilty of battling protestants for the sake of battling, and I can absolutely be uncharitable. I pray I’m able to stop that and share the faith better. It’s a work in progress.
@Cube_Ernator1077 3 жыл бұрын
I WAS that way too-for far to long!
@christinemako7714 3 жыл бұрын
Me too. 😬😬😬😳
@andrewangelopacheco9960 3 жыл бұрын
When the Church Christ founded with its Seven Sacraments, Our Most Holy Lady, and the rest of Catholicism are ruthlessly attacked one must be as stern as the attackers.
@Cube_Ernator1077 3 жыл бұрын
@@andrewangelopacheco9960 Unfortunately, you are Correct. Repelling those, intent on causing damage and destruction warrant a Harsh response. How I wish it wee not so. :-(
@TheBadTrad 3 жыл бұрын
@@andrewangelopacheco9960 I agree wholeheartedly! It is indeed time for us as Catholics to go on the offensive. It’s just that I have sometimes gone too far and have been nasty. I just get so angry at how some prots lie about what Holy Mother Church teaches. It’s infuriating.
@tabathapierce5374 3 жыл бұрын
Traditional Latin Mass is definitely a hidden treasure ♥️ I was also a little angry when I learned about it in studying our faith I came across several people who would talk about. I have a parish near by that is TLM only. It is so beautiful and is a heart’s treasure. God bless you 🙏🏻
@rebeccareese1055 3 жыл бұрын
Wow did this help me! I really needed this message tonight! Thanks Deena 😘
@RaulRamirez-nx5sb 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your channel and messages. My wife and I share a similar spiritual journey as you and your husband. I appreciate the idea of fastening for your spouse. I will keep your family in my prayers.
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@Raul Ramirez thank you so much for watching my video and sharing with me! I am discovering that many Catholics share a similar journey to tradition. I’ve been Catholic all my life but it wasn’t until we found the Tridentine Mass and embraced traditional Catholicism that the scales fell from our eyes! Thanks be to God for guiding our steps to tradition! Your prayers are greatly appreciated ♥️ Are there any particular topics you’d like to see on my channel? Pax Christi ~ Deena 🌺 *A Catholic Wife*
@RaulRamirez-nx5sb 2 жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife Deena, my wife and I have little exposure to Latin Mass. We re-discovered Catholicism once we started attending Bible Study in our local parish. Then, we were invited to join church ministries. Then, we began attending faith formation classes and talks by priests in nearby parishes. Most recently, we watch You Tube videos and read lots of books. We pray the rosary as a family once a week. I would like to see in your channel: your favorite Catholic books, movies, etc. Your thoughts about religious education and home schooling; how to keep our children in the faith, how to grow in faith as a married couple, etc. Thank you for all you do!
@fabioladiaz7383 2 жыл бұрын
Wow🤯 you couldn't of said better! I struggle with this being the oldest of my siblings. I have a constant battle with myself thinking it's my responsibility as the oldest sister to bring them to the faith. Thank you🙏
@praytherosary7086 2 жыл бұрын
I am going to share my story. Thanks to God I feel I was meant to have this video pop up on my timeline at this time. I was raised a Jehovahs Witness (JW) by cradle Catholics. The JW organization is a cult. They have something called The Memorial once a year where they pass the body and blood around and do not receive. I left the group as soon as I could when I found out they were teaching lies. Spent years searching and sometimes I put my searching on hold. I never stopped believing there is a God though. When I was called to the Catholic Church (completed RCIA, am about to get baptized, was contigent on my husband's annulment) I found out things about the JW group such as them rejecting the body and blood of Christ is luciferian. There is also a high level of narcissim in that group. I lost my non immediate family in my conversion process. It has been very painful. I have also been dealing with anger towards my parents raising me in that group. I feel as if they should have known better. Spiritual warfare is real. Thankfully my husband is converting to Catholicism (grew up Anglican) with me and my girls were baptized Easter Vigil last year. Thank you so much for being outspoken in this video and others! It is comforting to hear people like you.
@felicitysfunnyfarm3207 3 жыл бұрын
I don't really have Protestant relatives as much as fallen away Catholic relatives. A few of my relatives are very angry with the Church and are now Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist. Or they believe in Mother Earth or God in Nature. And then the other members are Catholic but very fallen away or choose not to follow the Church Teachings. To be honest a lot of it involves a miscommunication of the Church and its Teachings.
@felicitysfunnyfarm3207 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video! Really needed it now that our families are getting together.
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@Felicity’s Funny Farm it’s so heartbreaking when Catholics abandon the One True Faith for man made religions. The Lord gave us *His Church* and the people who are faithful to Him are in 👉🏼His Church. Sadly, my husband and I have a sad number of people in our family that abandoned the Faith and I pray that the Lord will bring them back Home. Pax Christi ~ Deena 🌺
@fabioladiaz7383 2 жыл бұрын
I will start fasting for my siblings and step back, giving God the win! Thank you for sharing!
@johns512 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's important to be flexible when it comes to Protestant versus Catholic. We are all Christians! I have many protestant friends and family members and we all seem to respect and tolerate each other.
@maryangilletta1249 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your comments! My experience was similar. I really didnt know my own faith and met my protestant friend during that time. I started reading the bible but got drawn into going to protestant churches, a few of which really hated catholics. I was at the point where I was going to leave the catholic church which would have been a bad mistake. Started saying the rosary and I believe the Blessed Mother brought me back. My advice to anybody reading this is do no go to protestant churches because there is such a thing as a spirit of protestantism which will draw you away. Once I realized my friend didnt have the true faith, it caused problems. I tried to discuss different things but to no avail. I pray for her since this can only be done supernaturally. I still talk to her but it is not the same. God put her in my path to get me back on track and I am very grateful to Him. Thank you for your last comment. I cant convert her. That is up to God🙏🙏
@worthwhilediscussion 3 жыл бұрын
You are so right. I feel like their is a spirit that has a hold on protestant churches that is not good and is keeping them stuck. It would take God to intervene in converting them. I've tried and nothing works.
@magddesherrn8289 2 жыл бұрын
As a very anti-catholic protestant (pastor-kid) my journey into the Church began when I met young Traditional catholics. So pure minds, sincerely loving and „not from this world“. In times of the internet everybody interested can search the sources… so please, you and your dear kids, live out your faith and God will reach every soul in his time💜
@1019lms Жыл бұрын
I work for a Bible ministry and am one of the few Catholics remaining. I deal with misconceptions every day and have been told I can’t know the Bible because Catholics don’t focus on it. My head spins. 😵‍💫
@rachael.t.deckard7459 3 жыл бұрын
I was raised as a Protestant but not religious. Most Protestants know nothing about Catholicism. They know the bad, but have no understanding of the purpose of Catholic teaching and worship. During the pandemic, I prayed that I could really learn how to pray just to get peace in my life. From KZbin, I discovered the beauty of the rosary, liturgy and the Latin Mass. I pray the rosary every day and love the liturgy of the hours. I love the fact that these are very old, tried and true ways to worship Jesus. And, yes, I finally have peace in my life.
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@Rachael T. Deckard thank you for sharing this with me. I am so happy that you were able to discover Catholicism. Have you formally entered the Catholic Church? Pax Christi ~ Deena 🌺
@rachael.t.deckard7459 3 жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife No, I haven’t formally joined the Catholic Church. The local RCIA is based in a very modern Catholic Church. I love the Latin Mass and would need to drive an hour away to attend. Truthfully, I don’t want to tarnish my newly blossomed faith by attending the novus ordo. I don’t want to become disheartened by something that seems so close to Protestant worship. I keep praying and knowing that God will make things happen even better than I can imagine. My journey just started in December and I need to be patient. I want to be purposeful in my faith and be knowledgeable. God puts people in my way and I need to pay attention. I grow in my love for it every day.
@worthwhilediscussion 3 жыл бұрын
@@rachael.t.deckard7459 Eventually you should join the RCIA so you can ve an official member of the Catholic church. Confirmation is biblical. A profession of the Catholic faith is beautiful.
@ma.erlindaenciso9874 Жыл бұрын
From Las Vegas - GREATFUL FOR SHARING! Listening to you I’M LEARNING A LOT!
@ACatholicWife Жыл бұрын
Wonderful! I am so happy you found my channel helpful ♥️
@petertherock7340 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! I think we are all guilty of battling Protestants for the sake of debate. Unless such a debate is done in a public forum with an approved moderator, such debates rarely produce good results. In dealing with anti Catholic radicals there really is very little you can say or do. Lately I have simply tried to share the truth in love, without trying to convince anyone of my faith. That is not my job. Let the Holy Spirit do His work without my “two cents.” 🙏
@Traditionally_Tanya 3 жыл бұрын
Another excellent video! I relate to ever single word. You can tell we grew up in the same generation with very similar experiences, emotions and spiritual growth. Pride has always been my major vice. Over coming the anger issues have been the most challenging to overcome the past few years. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and strength with the rest of us my friend. 😉🙌🏻
@madelinejaneski9750 Жыл бұрын
I have some very good Protestant friends. If it wasn’t for them, I never would have woken up to my Luke warm ways. I have had / am having a very similar experience as you. I notice a very ugly side of my self, where I am arguing for the sake of being right. It’s sometimes hard to see what is a righteous jealousy for the lord vs a prideful anger of my own nasty will. Anyways… I needed to hear this. Thank you for sharing - very helpful. ❤
@tonygomes6306 5 ай бұрын
God bless you... Former Catholic, former Baptist back to "The Church" THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.... You are very helpful with sharing your experience.... And turning your back on sterile, adversarial approaches/attitudes when engaging protestants is a must... I am inclined to ask them if they are Catholics( tongue-in-cheek), if they reply they are not, then I tell them they are not entitled to tell what the catholics believe..... Incidentally, you have the same name as my mother and sister have.... St John 1:1-5&3:16
@janetplonka8110 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this much needed video Deena! I have been angry for a long time & it can lead to self righteousness & pride. I noticed this in myself. I’m grateful to my sister who said “Janet, it’s not what you say but how you say it & it turns people off!” So when I am questions I try my best to be not judgmental & be more informing them with love ❤️
@jeanmac8039 Жыл бұрын
Me Too:) TY🙏🏻Born & Raised Roman Catholic:) Similar experiences:) Pray and Stay Catholic🎚🙏🏻📿⛪️📖🙌
@Grtchnjb 3 жыл бұрын
Deena, again, a great video. Such good points.I do love the idea of fasting for a special person or purpose. I tend to have difficulty fasting when it is just general fasting. We can give the information and pray, and God will do the rest. Thank you, I always have a great takeaway after seeing you videos. Your videos have been a blessing in my life. God bless you and your family.
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@Gretchen Burkey thank you so much for watching my video and your support. When I started to fast for my husband and our marriage it totally transformed my ability to maintain the fast for longer periods of time. When I fast without intention and thought …I almost always fail. It makes my heart happy to know what my videos have been a blessing! Our Lord is good and the fact that He allows us to help one another is such a gift! Pax Christi ~ Deena 🌺
@priscillaibarra9805 3 жыл бұрын
Deena, i would love to see your husband start A CATHOLIC HUSBAND channel. We need so many God fearing men on social media instructing the way. My husband would be so blessed as with many other men to subscribe to such a channel. Please have Chris pray about this. I too will be praying. May God Bless you, keep you always and give you peace. ❤️
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@Priacilla Ibarra you’re too kind! He won’t have a separate channel but will making appearances on my channel. Are there topics you’d like to see him talk about on my channel? Pax Christi~ Deena 🌺
@timber66 2 жыл бұрын
Check out kennedy Hall, Dr. Taylor Marshall.
@classicFASHIONISTA 3 жыл бұрын
The best thing I’ve found is to be the most devoted Catholic and not shy away from the beauty of the Church. This leaves a big mark on Protestant friends and family (or fallen away Catholics). Go to Mass more than just on Sundays, wear crosses and metals, adorn your home with icons and statues, say Catholic prayers, celebrate the sacraments in a big way, fast and abstain weekly, keep Sundays holy, conquer your sins, change your wardrobe and demeanor, etc.
@karenrich9092 2 жыл бұрын
My daughter wanted to go to her friend's wedding and the friend was Protestant. Her husband didn't want to go because they weren't Catholic. However, I suggested they go because it was 1man and 1woman who were getting married and we wanted to support that type of union, so they attended. As for myself, as a widow I spend about an hour on various prayers every day. I chose the prayers and begin on Jan. 1st because it's easier to remember when I've finished my year. Next year, God willing, I want to read the Douay-Rheim Bible in 1 year based on the listing I found online. It's just a discipline nothing more.
@timber66 2 жыл бұрын
I love the Douay-Rheim bible.
@felipetejeda7545 11 ай бұрын
I’ve heard a lot of good things about that Bible, is the language in it similar to the KJV? Like old English style grammar?
@karenrich9092 11 ай бұрын
@felipetejeda7545 It's not Old English. I understand it rather well. It does have some changes in the names of the Old Testament books and the renumbering of the Psalms, but it's easy to read.
@alexvault9729 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. I would love to see a similar one focusing on atheists and anticlericals and how to set boundaries with non-believers in the family or among friends. What I find particularly difficult is finding balance between condemning sin and condemning a person. Is refusing to accept a close family member's adultery relationship (inviting the family member without the new "partner", refusing to visit them, rejecting the "wedding" invitation) condemning sin or the sinner? I'm thinking the former, but the amount of pushback I get makes me think it's the latter. It breaks my heart because I know they don't understand it despite my attempts to explain. It's hard to get the message across as acceptance for divorce and adultery has become widespread even among Catholics, and the abandoned spouse is expected, or even pressured, to move on instead of getting support. I'd appreciate sermon/conference recommendations on the topic if anyone knows something that addresses the issue.
@shannonryan2447 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video and for your channel! Came to TLM from NO at age 30, and feel very similar to what you’ve described. Grateful to be able to hear your experiences and encouragement here ♥️🙏🏼
@saraescuderosole2351 3 жыл бұрын
I go to a protestant church because the pastor is an old friend and he helped me and my husband to return to Christ after ywars of atheism and being angry with t'he church. However, we are falling in Love with catholicism and finding Love and freedom and I don't know how to tell him and the church because they think catholics are not real christians and they hate it! I don't want to loose our friendship or stop attending t'he church because we've found good friends. What should we do? I think our pastor would feel very very disappointed and sad
@ndolilehaule1158 3 жыл бұрын
Pray rosary and you will get the solution
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@The Vegan Flutist thank you for sharing this with me. I can imagine that this is a difficult situation to navigate especially because you are friends with this man. Just know that friendship is a two way street. If he’s truly your friend - he wouldn’t stop being your friend because you are seeking Jesus and want to be faithful to Him. Sadly, your story isn’t unique and many have endured being shunned and ridiculed when they discovered the truth of Catholicism. I encourage you to check out Scott Hahn (his story of what he endured when he left Protestantism should inspire you), Keith Nester on KZbin shares his journey from being a Protestant pastor and the fall out he experienced when he became Catholic, and also Steve Ray (Catholic Convert) who also had a similar experience of dealing with family and friends who rejected him. Here is his website if you’re interested Please don’t allow the opinions of men keep you away from Christ’s Church. Pax Christi ~ Deena 🌺
@worthwhilediscussion 3 жыл бұрын
The truth is more crucial for your soul than fearing losing earthly friends.
@darrylmagoon1647 3 жыл бұрын
The sin of Pride is committed by all of us. This is especially true of the Modernist prelates in the hierarchy of the Church. Pope St. Pius X specifically mentioned this about the Theologians who were trying to usher in this Heresy in Church during his Pontificate.
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
Please share your experience with dealing with Protestant family and friends?
@terrisharp7245 3 жыл бұрын
I volunteer at a pregnancy center that is Protestant. At training classes I have heard questions such as, How do we share the Gospel with non Christians like as Muslims and Catholics. Lol I do reply that we share the Gospel where the client is in her spiritual life no matter what her religion is. We meet her with the Gospel where she is. As a Catholic, I do wonder which Gospel it is they think I'm sharing. Lol Also when I am told the we worship Mary because of the Hail Mary prayer. I say we do not worship Mary. I refer them to the Gospel of Luke. I spite of a few little things, the fellowship is wonderful. I love my Protestant sisters and they love me. My closest sisters in Christ are Catholic coverts from Protestant. We just share truth with those we meet on this pilgrimage. God will take care of the rest. 💙
@darrylmagoon1647 3 жыл бұрын
I will be visiting my Protestant in-laws in October. What you provided in this video is very helpful indeed. One of the things that I have taken into consideration about our Protestant brothers and sisters is that many of them know very little about the history of Christianity. If they knew about this history, then they would not ask if Catholics are Christians. The sources you mentioned like Dr. Taylor Marshall, Michael Matt, Michael Voris along with others who support Traditional Catholicism, have been very helpful to me as well. I will share with you my encounter with them with the goal of keeping Pride in check.
@darrylmagoon1647 2 жыл бұрын
@Theresa P I spoke with one of my Protestant relatives while vacationing in Louisiana. She asked a lot of questions about the Catholic faith. She was amazed that I knew the bible. She realized how misinformed she was about the Catholic faith. I explained about the Blessed Virgin Mary and how she intercedes for us. My Sister in Law was grossly misinformed about the Catholic faith and once I explained to her that Jesus formed the Catholic Church (Matthew 16: 13-19) She was stunned. She didnt realize that Martin Luther elimated 7 books from the Bible and changed scripture to create his own narrative, she was floored. I don't know if my Sister in Law will be a convert to Catholicism, but she asked a lot of interesting questions that I was able to answer. If nothing else I gave her a lot to think about. What impressed her the most was my knowledge of scripture.
@renashannon4776 2 жыл бұрын
My father is a Presbyterian minister and theologian, so when I realized that I belonged in the Catholic Church, I was under this constant stress of figuring out how I was going to justify my position. It wasn't just a matter of the usual Catholic vs. Protestant talking points. Peer pressure is a very real thing, and when a preacher's kid falls away in any direction, it can cause serious issues in that specific congregation. I needed to learn how to defend my position while still loving and supporting my father for as long as this remains his calling. I don't mean "support" in the sense of agreeing with him to his face or in public for the sake of keeping the peace. I mean showing respect for him and the firm foundation in faith that he *did* give me and avoiding arguing about where we differ. Debate, yes. Argue, no. I have been in full communion with the Church since last April, and my parents visited for the first time since then just earlier in January of this year (we live in different states). There was no arguing from either side, no snarkiness, and no lamenting that I'd made a terrible decision. Dad was actually *happy* that I've become this engaged with my faith, geeked out over the [increasingly large] collection of books I have, and kept any and all theological discussions within the realm of where Catholics and Protestants more or less agree. This is where I also learned that, just like Catholic priests no longer have to make the oath against Modernism since V2, Presbyterian pastors now have to swear to uphold "peace and unity" within their congregations. That was instituted the year after my dad was ordained 40 years ago, and he is still waiting for the Synod to explain what they mean by it. (We had a lot of fun talking about how much we don''t like Modernism.) Sources that have been an incredible help to me, especially since I knew I would not only need to defend my position against Protestant family but a theologian: - Dr. Scott Hahn and other resources available through the St. Paul Center (Dr. Hahn's own conversion story helps because he was a Presbyterian pastor, himself). He also explains the saints in a way that will make sense to most Protestants. - Dr. Brandt Pitre; not only does he provide breakdowns of the daily Mass readings with Catholic Productions, but his books have a focus on the Jewish origins of major aspects of Christian faith. Protestants are Bible-based, yes, but they often have themselves convinced that Catholicism is corrupted while they as Protestants are more in tune with how Christians originally worshipped, etc. My dad's own comment when he listened to one of the reflections on the Mass readings: "This guy knows his stuff!" Dr. Pitre was also major in helping me understand Mary's role in everything. - The Catechism of the Council of Trent; if you want a solid basis for defending the Sacraments, this is a critical resource because it was compiled and researched and edited *specifically* to help Catholics defend their faith against Protestant groups and their own catechisms and scholarship when the Reformation was at its peak. I've heard Protestant apologists claim to be able to use this against Catholicism itself, but they tend to come at it the same way they use the Bible: by pulling single phrases or sentences out of context. It's also interesting to read alongside Protestant catechisms like the Westminster, Heidelberg, or Geneva. Invariably, when Protestants claim that the Mass is a pagan ritual or involves idolotry, they can't cite anything as proof to support their position. The CCT has all the citations. It's also sometimes interesting to ask Protestants what a sacrament even is. Most of them don't know. On the books, they only acknowledge baptism and communion, but an opportunity to really get a conversation going is to ask them about confirmation, marriage, anointing the sick, etc. The way it makes them start thinking can be really interesting. They also don't necessarily realize that they hold these things on a similar level to Catholics (except communion) even if that's not the "official" stance. My mother ground into us that marriage was one-and-done, forever and for always. It also should be officiated in a church. If that's the case...why isn't it a sacrament? - The Rosary; every part of the Rosary is something Biblical, and it's also a great conversation to have with regards to Mary. - Trent Horn and the KZbin channel How to be Christian for apologetics. The former is really good for not just providing a wealth of knowledge about Catholic teaching and Church history but also how to conduct yourself appropriately in a debate setting. How to be Christian approaches apologetics with snark and humor, but he tackles Protestant arguments on their terms. As most Protestants adhere to Sola Scriptura, he shows how the Bible itself doesn't support a lot of what they believe using little more than logic and grammar. - Rodney Stark's book Bearing False Witness. As a Lutheran, he makes a point that he is defending history with this work, not the Catholic Church. However, out of all the books I've read debunking the lies of Catholic history, this is the most comprehensive and effective. It is even something you can freely recommend to Protestants who get hung up on things like science vs. religion, the Crusades, whether or not the Vatican supported the Germans in WW2, etc. I was still Protestant when I read this, and it made me so much more willing to entertain other Catholic counter-points. If you're dealing with someone who obstinately refuses to listen to the Catholic perspective from a Catholic, use this. I fully agree that we must always approach these situations with patience and charity. Arrogance helps nothing. Since diving into Catholicism in general, I've noticed that a lot of Protestant apologists (at least the more popular ones) carry an arrogant, anti-Catholic tone, but we can't let ourselves reply the same way. A lot of their position comes from 500 years of literal propaganda that has been repeated over and over. You can't just tell someone the truth after they have spent a lifetime eating, sleeping, and breathing the opinions of Luther or Calvin. You have to show them. A couple of years ago, Dad told me that Calvin made the claim that any man who says he understands the book of Revelation is lying to you. Reformers wanted to cut Revelation from the Bible along with the other books they claimed weren't divinely inspired. And then they repeat for generation after generation that the Mass is pagan and idolatrous. *Revelation is where the order of the Mass comes from.* Dr. Hahn converted after experiencing the Mass for himself and making this connection--but experience was the only way it could get through the noise. It was the same for me. When my husband and I started going back to church, it was a Novus Ordo church because I didn't like the local Presbyterian ones. Then, I heard the Scripture readings coupled together in ways that made sense (not just to support the pastor's sermon idea). I joined the choir and learned more about the liturgy, realized that what we said and did came from the Bible somewhere, and subsequently realized how much of what I thought I knew was a lie. There's an anger that comes with that, and we have to be ready for that, too. My education has now brought me to the point where you will have to pry my Douay-Rheims and 1945 Latin Missal from my cold, dead hands, but that is a comment for another video. Thank you so much for all you do! God bless you and your family.
@VeronicasVeil333 4 ай бұрын
I’m with you……I never thought of myself as being robbed……….but yeah……….so much was taken from us. I longed for my tradition.
@marielansford5472 3 жыл бұрын
I don't battle anyone. I find in any journey (faith, health, money), you have to meet people where they are WHILE being a rock star example and doing the real battle at adoration.
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@Marie Lansford thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙂 I don’t bother trying to argue the faith with people who aren’t interested in hearing the truth. My prayers are offered up for them but the battle for their soul is the Lords. Have a blessed weekend. Pax Christi ~ Deena
@ElizabethSampson 2 жыл бұрын
I love the fact that you fast for your husband and marriage! I pray the 15 mysteries of the Rosary every day. I am loving your channel! Learning the faith is so important! I recommend A Bible in a year podcast with Father Mike Schmitz. I love learning the bible. This is something we Catholics are not shown at least I was never able to get through the bible. Father Mike gives an explanation of all the readings. If you haven't checked out this podcast I highly recommend it to any Catholic.
@minorityvoice9253 3 жыл бұрын
I felt the same way about feeling the tradition was kept from me, with so many treasures.
@jamesjonse2976 Жыл бұрын
Dina , Thank you for sharing. It seems that I'm in the same path that you and your husband have had. I'm like your husband. I love sharing our Catholic faith through apologetics. What I've found interesting is when a Protestant encounters a Catholic who knows their faith and shares faith in a charitable way, instead of genuinely seeking fullness of truth, and answering our questions biblically,they say , you have alot Bible knowledge, and it's not about just knowing the Bible, bur rather loving Jesus, or whatever excuse they share with us. What's ironic , is that when a Protestant encounters a Catholic who knows little they critize/ attack that Catholic , or our Church. 🤦‍♂️ Dina, again, Thanks for sharing your video. Love it. You reminded me what I must work on. 🙏🙏🙏
@carlosclavell326 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your clarity and eloquently exprEssington those 5 points. I particularly like 3 and will implement your suggestions for my spouse. God Bless and much prayer to you and your family.
@ACatholicWife Жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful! ♥️
@patrickfahey6722 3 жыл бұрын
I am 61 and was a no Mass attendee until about 50 when by God's grace I found the TLM, I live in England. I too am very angry with so called bishops who have deliberately hidden and withheld the true faith in favour of a political alternative protestantized liturgy.
@d.m5139 3 жыл бұрын
One thing what Protestants dont understand is why we pray the rosary. Its simple. We pray the gospel.
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@Dean Markon I agree wholeheartedly with you. They seem to have a knee jerk reaction to absolutely *anything* about the _Mother of Jesus_ The Holy Rosary makes absolutely NO obstacle to the Word of God. In fact, the Rosary makes the Word of God more apparent and allows us to fathom it depths and allows the soul to commune with The Word Himself. The Rosary doesn’t prevent the Word of God any more than plates or silverware prevent one from eating a meal. The Rosary places NO obstacle to the Word of God any more than a telescope obstructs an astronomer’s view of the heavens. The Rosary simply and powerfully achieves this by the intercession of *Our Lady who knows Jesus infinitely better than those who wrote the Bible* By pondering the Word of God with His Mother, we begin to know Jesus Christ. Satan hates the Rosary. He hates Our Lady. He hates the gospel. He hates God. He hates Christ the Lord. He hates the Lord’s Prayer. He hates the Hail Mary. He hates you. Every time you pray the Rosary, you are entering the territory that he wants to claim as his own. He wants control over your will - you take that from him. He wants control over your speech - you take that from him. He wants control over your imagination - you take that from him. He wants control over your emotions and your early life - you take that from him.” Fr. Dwight Longenecker _Pray the Rosary each and every single day_ Pax Christi ~ _Deena_ 🌺
@mollyl8704 3 жыл бұрын
Wow as someone who is back and forth with Catholicism I really hope no other protestants are reading these comments, some of them are not welcoming then you wonder why we shy away
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@Molly I at what point are we allowed to discuss issues like adults without constantly being worried that someone will be offended? *This is a Catholic channel* Protestants have been vilifying Catholics since they abandoned Christ’s Church. Are you as quick to admonish Protestants? Pax Christi ~ Deena 🌺
@mollyl8704 3 жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife we should always discuss issues but we should not insult each other. The enemy divides us enough, why help him? I didn't see anything wrong with your video just some comments. When someone is questioning their faith they are at a very sensitive time and saying things like they aren't even our borthers amd sisters, simply because they don't know better, does not help. Most protestants I know are not catholic because they do not understand it, when I explain things they are usually really kind. I also see Catholics attacking protestants too with just as much force. Both sides do it, insulting each other or being passive aggressive does not help us
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@Molly I I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me. I think many Catholics (me included) are exhausted with battling the self righteous arrogant Protestant. I personally refuse to fight them anymore because it’s a near occasion of sin for me to go down that path again. I think most people are of good will and will dialogue with a Protestant who is seeking the truth. Any comments of viewers that were also expressing their opinions that were upsetting to you I do apologize but I personally didn’t see anything that needed to be removed. What comments are you referring to that you wanted brought to my attention? Choose to be Catholic because of Jesus and wanting to be in His Church. Our feelings from what sinful people may say or do shouldn’t be a factor. If I based my faith in Christ’s Church on what my feelings were based on people in His Church I’d most likely have tapped out. My faith is built on Jesus and what ANYONE says or does who is or isn’t Catholic is utterly irrelevant to my faith in Him and in His Church. I’m Catholic and remain Catholic because of Jesus Christ alone. Pax Christi ~ Deena 🌺
@mollyl8704 3 жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife some comment seem tone death. Like the one saying protestants are not Catholics brothers and sisters. I dont think any are terrible or should be deleted. I just think both sides need to be kinder. Anyone questioning their faith are not going to feel welcome by someone saying they are not your sister in christ because you never knew better. I have met very few Christians who grew up in a stong Christian household, most I have met are new to the faith and just trying to serve God the best they can and do not understand Catholicism or protests very well. I love your channel and this video, I by no means meant anything against it, just a long rant to others in the comments that being rude does nothing
@robertdean741 3 жыл бұрын
@@mollyl8704 baptized protestants are brothers and sisters in the Lord just not in full communion with the Catholic church, I/we love them as such and pray that will come into the fulness of truth. For many it's due to NO fault of their own that they have not been exposed to the Catholic faith, hopefully their journey will lead them to Holy Mother church!
@home4m0m 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you sooooo much! I really value everything that you shared, specially your regrets.
@robertdean741 3 жыл бұрын
I've invited a few of my protestant friends to Mass & they always seem to enjoy the reverence & the "bells & smells" but I find it awkward when I have to brief them on partaking of Holy Communion, but so far all my invites have abstained. RE: CA, I find they lean towards the modernest view in their theology, not that impressed TBO.
@Yjr8 Жыл бұрын
I wanted to follow up on this post. I received first communion and the sacrament of marriage last year!
@ACatholicWife Жыл бұрын
@jc81 this is so amazing!! I am beyond happy and thank you for thinking about my little channel and updating me. God is good and I am so happy for you and your family ♥️🙏🏽
@kathrynellis5313 3 жыл бұрын
My dad is protestant and myself and the rest of my family are Catholic. We are trying so hard to get him to convert! He already goes to Catholic Mass, believes in the True Presence, and even prays the Seven Sorrows to Our Mother, but he is adamant in staying Protestant and does not see the necessity of being Catholic. Praying God will bring him home!
@daliamcmahon5884 3 жыл бұрын
Do you know where there is a rcia class in los angeles.
@kathrynellis5313 3 жыл бұрын
@@daliamcmahon5884 Sts. Peter and Paul in Wilmington (LA county) has one. Beautiful parish!
@ndnqt8087 7 ай бұрын
I was baptized catholic and went to catholic private schools however my parents were Protestant and I went to a mega church that did teach me a lot about the Bible it was good teaching. I learned a lot about versus and navigating the Bible. However I came from a church that spent a good part of service talking about other religions and Catholicism. Making remarks like, God bless the Catholics in a way that was not productive in my opinion. Now as an adult, I cannot connect to that type of church as I have tried and I just realized I have been trying to connect to Protestantism and not connecting for too long I need to listen to God and go back to my roots in Catholicism. I need to raise my kids in God. My daughter has been seeking God in Catholic Churches since she was 3 years old. She has been asking (out of the blue with no prompts) to visit Catholic Churches to see Jesus and she even has a crucifix and a rosary in her room. My Christian parents honored her interest and purchased the rosary for her and crucifix which is Amazing I’m lucky for supportive parents who love God no matter what denomination. I think it was God talking to me through my daughter all this time and now I have stopped to listen to His call. My grandmother just passed, she was a devout Catholic, and we just finished the 9 days of Novena. I felt so connected to my faith and to her teaching. I go to my first Mass this Sunday since over 15 years and I have signed up my children to be baptized they’re 2 and 5 years old. I’m excited to come back and learn with a new perspective as an adult.
@daliamcmahon5884 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. It was very informative and calming watching your video. God bless you and your beautiful family. Viva Cristo Rey. Amen. ➕🙏🙏
@electrifiedspam Жыл бұрын
I came into the Church 3 years ago. What kills me is that I know many good protestants that are better Christians than I am, but because I've grown so much I know that they would be even better if they would enter the Church. Every good Christian I know would be much happier in the Traditional Catholic Church. They will now Jesus on a deeper level and live the faith on a deeper level as well.
@Virginia-vn7ud 6 ай бұрын
I felt the same when I too discovered how much was stolen from us as cradle Catholics. Could never leave Latin Mass now .
@marccrotty8447 Жыл бұрын
Same here. I did not know that the Latin Mass even existed. Now attend every week.
@tonyschmitz1997 3 ай бұрын
What changed with Catholic Answers thst you don’t listen anymore? I don’t listen as much to catholic answers as much as I used to only cause I’ve gotten to the point that I can answer a lot of the calls myself as I’ve grown in my faith. I always listen to the panel discussions but the call in shows I skip most the time cause they no longer serve the purpose they once did for me. I do refer people often to their resources. Especially people who are beginning to learn about their faith.
@classicFASHIONISTA 3 жыл бұрын
If possible, please do more trad Catholic lifestyle content. (Day in the life, sacraments, holy days, prep for Mass, prayer life, Catholic home) A lot of Orthodox Jewish videos have been popping up in my feed lately, and I enjoy watching them because I can appreciate any devotion that’s lived out. These videos are educational through observation, not straight lecture. I have tried to find similar videos on teas Catholics that give people a peak in their homes and routines but have been unsuccessful. Dr. TM and the Mass of the Ages Episode 1seem to be the only sources, both of which are not exactly what I’m looking for.
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@Nikolai Otto I truly appreciate you watching my videos! I will absolutely create videos that are more specifically about how I live my life as a traditional Catholic! My list of video ideas is so unbelievably long and doing “talking head” type videos all the time is getting boring. I’ll definitely pray about how best to switch up my videos 🤩 Have a blessed weekend ♥️ Pax Christi ~ Deena 🌺 *A Catholic Wife*
@pazbien3549 6 ай бұрын
"He Who Has Not Mary for His Mother Has Not God for His Father. Do not expect to receive mercy from God who offends His blessed Mother.” --Saint Louis De Montfort
@aadamy 3 жыл бұрын
There’s always new trends in the Protestant churches. Right now, it’s actually lectio divina and contemplative prayer (the new age my kind though). This new interest in the desert fathers and catholic practices (they’ll just mention Ignatius or call it an early church practice/technique) is a way to introduce the rosary and just talking about catholic history. I like mentioning Lepanto and the rosary miracles. Remember to mention that these things are part of OUR Christian history.
@TeutonicWarrior Жыл бұрын
I was a convert seven years ago. Went through some of the same experiences, I had to reprogram my worldview and went through some painful feelings.
@sandrafulton4351 3 жыл бұрын
good good good
@kellysoo 7 ай бұрын
Hi I am an ex- Protestant though I have not been confirmed in to the RCatholic family. What should I do with my father sisters and brothers and relatives and lovely friends that are Protestant and will definitely flip if and when they find out I am going to the so called wrong way according to them.
@ACatholicWife 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching my video. I suppose my answer would depend on how old you are? If you’re an independent adult, the opinion of anyone is irrelevant when it comes to your faith. If you’re a minor, you should be respectful of your parents but that doesn’t mean you should deny your faith to appease them. Many of my family members have abandoned the one true faith for protestantism. I would recommend prayer, FASTING, and praying the rosary for their conversion to *Christ’s Church* ♥️🙏🏽
@peacelove5087 3 жыл бұрын
I tell protestants to listed podcast in a year with Father Mike Schmitz.
@tonyschmitz1997 3 ай бұрын
When it comes to interacting with Protestants I’ve come to find there’s a lot of nuance. First off these type of discussions are unlikely to be fruitful with family. Even Jesus was rejected by his own town. A personal example for us was my wife had a conversation with her sister recently about why she left the church moving to college. Her answer was that she couldn’t believe the Eucharist was what we say it is so she couldn’t participate in that. Even though we know the truth my wife could see that at least she knew what the church teaching is and had enough respect not to participate if she doesn’t believe. For the sake of civility and peace she doesn’t push the issue cause we live close together and hang out a lot. I also think before a discussion can even be had you have to establish if this person is even going to be receptive to you. There must be a trust built up first and then a charitable approach in giving them catholic teaching. So many Protestants are cultured to believe a certain trope of what Catholics are. Coming off aggressive and combative is going to just agitate them or cause them to close off and reject anything you have to say.
@joanhamby6247 Жыл бұрын
I have a question also. . . I have had someone non-catholic attend Mass with me. They asked if they were interested in joining the church what they would have to do and I mentioned RCIA. They asked why they can't just join---like now. . . I don't know the appropriate response. (since some protestant churches have the so-called "altar calls" and occasionally Baptize on the spot). Thanks in advance for an appropriate answer!
@vicki8042 Жыл бұрын
Wow, interesting ideas.
@michaelharkcom4773 Жыл бұрын
I am over thirty older than you and I experienced the VII people throwing out The Holy Ghost from the Holy Trinity and replacing Him with a Protestant name: Holy Spirit. (I've not found it anywhere in the Bible)
@potvin1975 9 ай бұрын
You’re awesome
@joanhamby6247 Жыл бұрын
I returned to the Faith Christmas Eve Mass 2021! I had married a Baptist. Now I have been attacked by two Baptists and I was so upset, I was not sure how to answer their war of Bible verses! I am studying and reading Scott hahn's book now "Rome Sweet Home", I have "exploring the Catholic Church", "Catholic mass for Dummies", and "Why do Catholics Genuflect" right now. My problem is that under pressure---I forgot what the response should be so I just don't until i can get on a computer and send and email or send a video of a former protestant minister who became Catholic or something. . . .
@CatholicCat-er9xn Жыл бұрын
God bless you! Pray for answers! Ask for the words you need to defend the Faith.
@barbarayoung7326 Жыл бұрын
i was born in 1946 anf was Baptized,made mjy first communion anf confirmation in the pre-Vatican ll disaster. My younger siter was born in early 1952 just before they totalled messed it up. so the mass had some sembalance of a idea of who and what they were. It was not untill the latre 60's and into the 70's and 80's that the real distruction of stripping out the communuon rails, removing the statues and removal of the crucifixes because ther protestant converts and the modernist younger Catholics did not like th3m because it made them feel guilty. and as far as the Latin Mass after Vatican ll the documents said noting about using enl]glish only. In face the oppsite was encoruaged and left in. But it was the six Protestand ministers that were only suppose to be observers instead they became advisors and the eucharist prayer that is noe used is shotrened and the wording was changed to make it more accesstable to Protestant converts because they could noy wrap their heads around the concept of the Eucharist being the body,blood,soul and divinity of christ. Insterad their idea was that the concesration was on a memorial symbol and only a meal and not the sacrificial banquet it was intended to be form the first. They do not believe that the wine turns into the blood of christ nor the bread turns into the body. Especially when they are coming from a Baptist Evangelical Protestant religion that has been teaching missinformation about catholics for decades and is still doing it.
@allisgrace1313 3 жыл бұрын
Can you please link that Michael Matt video?
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын I thought I linked it in a card within my video 😳😣 so sorry! Here is the video link Pax Christi ~ Deena 🌺
@allisgrace1313 3 жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife Thanks Deena!
@jemill65 Жыл бұрын
How long did it take you to learn the Latin Mass. I really want to learn it, so I bought a 1962 Roman missal to bring with me when I attend mass.
@mimi_j 2 жыл бұрын
I needed this
@joanofarc708 Жыл бұрын
Faith without works is dead James 2
@philipschaffer9414 6 ай бұрын
I have had conflicts with other people of my ethnicity about me being Christian and Catholic
@ACatholicWife 6 ай бұрын
That’s like saying wet water. There is *no difference* between Catholic and Christian.
@philipschaffer9414 6 ай бұрын
@@ACatholicWife To clarify the people who object to my being Catholic are of the same ethnicity as St. Paul and see no difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. It's the same thing
@ACatholicWife 6 ай бұрын
There is *no difference* between Catholic and Christian
@peacelove5087 3 жыл бұрын
For spanish speakers. Listen to Padre Luis Toro on youtube he speaks with "pastors"and many protestants based on the word of God many have converted to Catholicism Thank God. His a priest from Venezuela. Known world wide😁❤
@eloybarbosa2169 Жыл бұрын
My issues are not protestants, my issues are my "novus ordo" family. They think I am a scismatic, a heretic, a blasfemo. Can you beleave that? I tried to make them understand why I am in the right place.
@teresahuston6650 Жыл бұрын
Remnant Newspaper by Michael Matt is a wealth of knowledge.
@ACatholicWife Жыл бұрын
@Teresa Huston absolutely! Have you attended the CIC?
@CatholicCat-er9xn Жыл бұрын
I get it as a subscription. 🙏🙂🙏
@johng.7560 Жыл бұрын
As a catholic, who are you trying to save protestants from? Jesus? Which ritual is it that protestants are not doing that is so valuable?
@ACatholicWife Жыл бұрын
@John G. I have exactly zero clue what you’re attempting to ask me. Can you rephrase your question?
@johng.7560 Жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife Why would a baptized christian need to convert from one denomination (catholic) to another (protestant) or vice versa? Jesus is what matters.
@ACatholicWife Жыл бұрын
@John G Jesus Christ established *one Church* and spoiler it didn’t start with Martin Luther. Since Jesus established the Catholic Church as necessary for salvation, those who knowingly and willingly reject Him or His Church cannot be saved. We see this in Jesus’ teaching: “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters” (Mt 12:30). Also: “[I]f he [a sinning brother] refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector” (Mt 18:17). Paul warned similarly: “As for a man who is factious, after admonishing him once or twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is perverted and sinful; he is self-condemned” (Ti 3:10-11).
@tonijohnson7132 3 жыл бұрын
Please be sure to hit the like button. It tells KZbin to recommend this video to other similar channels.
@ivorcornish4267 Жыл бұрын
How should we fast Deena?
@ordonezo1 4 ай бұрын
Not all Protestants are like this, I've found very good people who just disagree with Catholic doctrine but where most of these attacks come from are from smaller and modern non-denominational Churches, my guess is that they need to grow their numbers and recruit and one large pool to recruit from is Catholics, mainly nominal Catholics. I've been told that I'm not Christian because we still have Jesus on the Cross so we don't believe in the resurrection🤔, and the usual arguments: idolatry, infant baptism, and of course the child abuse scandal. I also believe Pope Francis is giving Protestants a lot of amno too... My take is that most of these people are just repeating what their Pastors tell them to say, been coached to say this and use this verse and let's admit it, a lot of craddle Catholics don't really learn much about their doctrine and what we do, they just go through the motions so they're easily confused...
@ACatholicWife 4 ай бұрын
I’m sure that’s is possible however this video is about *my experience* with protestant family & friends. Thanks for sharing your opinions with me 😃
@randyjones3050 Жыл бұрын
Speaking as someone who grew up in a fundamentalist Protestant household, I find that most debates between Catholics and Protestants is a fruitless endeavor. The biggest problem is Catholics and Protestants appeal to different sources of "final authority". For Catholics the final authority is the institutional Church established by Jesus Christ. For Protestants the final authority is the Bible. (The Protestant doctrine of 'Sola Scriptura' or 'Scripture Alone'.) The problems arise when Protestants refuse to acknowledge that the Bible didn't just drop out the sky into the laps of our Christian ancestors. The reality is the Bible organically emerged out of the tradition of the Catholic Church over an extended period of time. Simply put, Catholics believe the Bible is part of the Holy Tradition of the institutional Church, but is not set apart from it. Protestants, on the other hand, want to separate the Bible from the Holy Tradition of the Catholic Church and then insist that the scriptures can be correctly interpreted outside of that tradition. No fruitful ground can be gained debating convicted Protestants unless they are first engaged on the belief of 'Sola Scriptura" itself. If you simply engage with them in the typical Protestant practice of quoting Bible verses at each other you are automatically arguing "on their turf" by using a 'Sola Scriptura' approach to the debate. You must manage to shift the discussion back to the idea that the very concept of 'Sola Scriptura' is flawed and historically unsupportable.
@ericostmann684 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds familiar. After eight years of Catholic grade school I knew absolutely nothing about the faith, not even the words of the Hail Mary and that was fine with me (apathy and indifference). It was partly because of the anti-Catholicism at my Alma Mater that brought me back into the faith.
@rubenzapata3927 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Deena. I really loved this video🔥 By the grace of God this really shed a light on something that has been troubling me for a long time. I too am in the same situation and I am really glad that I heard your advise. God bless you and your family🙏
@ACatholicWife 3 жыл бұрын
@Ruben Zapata that makes my heart happy to know that my video was helpful to you. Life is hard no doubt and the times we are enduring can feel crushing. It’s comforting to know that we aren’t alone. Be well. Pax Christi ~ Deena 🌺
@rubenzapata3927 3 жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife Thank you Deena. My family does not really practice the faith. As one of the children(I am 20 now), I feel alone sometimes in practicing the Traditional Catholic faith and I try to encourage my family to do the same but I now remind myself it is better to live my faith and give my worries to God than to push it on others🙏
@chrisbaron70 Жыл бұрын
@janetplonka8110 2 жыл бұрын
I was just talking to my Protestant neighbor & she has no idea what a gift it is to suffer or fasting! I tried to explain sometimes people are not meant to be healed in this world but to pick up our Cross & carrying it just like our Lord Jesus did. HE set the example. Jesus fell three times & got up three times. I pray for both my neighbors on both side to have conversation to Jesus Christ & HIS blessed mother Mary
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