謝謝妳分享 all in 議題!我也是HA ,吃中藥西藥都沒用,前陣子看了妳一些提到 all in 的影片後,開始接觸這個觀念然後也買了那本書,認真 go all in。 我消失3年的月經終於回來了! 然後我想說西藥給的催經藥通常只是用激素讓子宮增厚然後剝落產生月經,並不會排卵喔!所以大家不要以為吃藥就沒事了,其實妳的卵巢還是在休眠。如果是調經藥好像才會促排卵,但還是要自己來比較好!
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
So glad to hear that! 很開心聽到妳的分享。All in 真的讓我覺得是最棒的方式!
I'm sorry to hear that. 西醫那個藥在 No Period Now What 裡頭有提到是比較以前傳統的方式,但後期已經有許多研究顯示沒有什麼效果。而亞洲的減肥文化很深,也沒有很多 body positivity 的人,所以真的比較少這方面的資訊。(我的資源全都來自於英文)所以才真的想把我的想法和經驗分享出來,希望有幫助到妳🤎 試著不要去想"胖"了多少,而是想著那些是身體在努力試著要幫你維持機能的動作。 然後... 怎麼會有醫生說這種話 🙄(這幾年的經驗,某種程度上讓我也不太信任在臺灣某部份的醫療品質) 聽到這種話的時候就試著不要去理他們,身體是自己的,努力試著放下、放鬆(我知道高三有考試壓力,但就是試著)。妳可以的!
@catherinel71653 жыл бұрын
這醫生也太不專業,月經沒來會有很多問題! 如果是ha 的話,可以去看all in 的資料,我也是經歷過然後找回月經的!
看了你的影片讓我更有信心去找回失去的6年多的月經了,原先一直覺得看到很多案例都是停經幾個月到2-3年的人成功找回月經,想說我都34歲了又HA了有6年多可能沒機會了,現在看到你的影片又給我了一劑強心針,決心要認真的把失去的月經找回來,不過必須說對於身形的變化還是有放不下的恐懼ㄒ_ㄒ,想知道你實施All In的期間體重增幅和在月經來了以後,維持月經正常的狀況下體重是不是有比All In實施期間的最高體重相比,有下降到個人的Set Point Weight呢?
我也正在厭食症的恢復當中 166公分,2020年到2021年我的體重從52公斤掉到34公斤,直到現在我有將近兩年沒有生理期了。當初我被診斷為極重度厭食症且被要求住院,所以我完全可以理解這種心情。在恢復的過程中好像一次又一次失去了原本定義自己的方式,在每一次面對體重上升是無止盡的哭泣。我從斷澱粉開始到斷油類再到斷蛋白質,最後我連燙青菜甚至兩卡的黑咖啡都不敢吃不敢喝,每天只能像個靈魂一樣生活。雖然現在已經克服了對很多食物的恐懼,但我也還在努力的走這趟艱難的旅程,我只能說這不容易且沒人能夠理解。因為厭食我失去了社交失去了大一和大家互動的機會,我現在只希望有一天我也有能力幫助和我一樣有困難的人,也希望有一天這個社會不再只是以瘦為審美觀。厭食症比想像的還要可怕,因為你根本無法控制自己的思考。希望有一樣問題的大家也能夠即時就醫尋求協助,因為你我都值得更好的生活! I really hate diet culture🤬
@barrelleaf2 жыл бұрын
謝謝你的分享。不過可以的話,我建議不要把數字寫出來,因為數字對一些人來說很敏感 :))
@emilyelin22053 жыл бұрын
This will be helpful to many women out there. Another reminder is to be honest with yourself, to be honest with the motivation/reason behind your actions/behavior (avoiding certain foods, exercising compulsively, etc.) and not hiding behind excuses (and convincing yourself those are the real reasons and what your body “needs”). I think many people still struggle with this aspect.
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, totally. That's probably a hidden step before you decide to change.
Nora, that is just a beautiful story! I've lost my period like 7 years ago. And I think I have orthorexia since then, and went into workouts and stuff. this year I realised I can't close my eyes and say that my weight is normal. I am underweight most of the times since then. And I look like a girl, being 33... thank you for the push and for honesty. You are brave and very beautiful woman!! Take care!
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
Hi, thank you so much for your kind words. The recovery path is quite a journey, but it's never too late to take care of your own body, as we cannot predict what will happen in the next second. I have to say my body is quite sensitive. I came to the UK and then I was super stressed that my cycle stopped again... But I'm trying to find it back while I'm dealing with the unseeable future. I hope you could read "No Period Now What" someday. It's packed with solid information and support! Love, Nora
Hi, I'm sorry to hear that. 我覺得一個方法式可以明確和他們溝通這件事(或是丟這影片給他們看😬) 第二個方法是努力不要去接觸、聽到那些和 diet 或減重有關的東西。把健康放第一優先!❤
@tangamber82633 жыл бұрын
謝謝妳的分享 很棒的影片☺️
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
謝謝妳 :))
@shuwen37263 жыл бұрын
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
謝謝 shuwen :))
@tsailily41623 жыл бұрын
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
Thank you 🤎
@AmandaC-z4k3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing! you are beautiful and kind young lady 💗 Glad that you found health again :)
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I hope I could use my experience to help people suffering the same. 🤎
@use-vv043 жыл бұрын
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
謝謝 winnie 🧡
@JeanneRenoir3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing! 🙏🌻
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching my video. It's an honor and my pleasure. 🥰
@YassmineWantsPeace3 жыл бұрын
I don't understand anything but I'm happy for you 💚
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the kind words!❤ I made this video specifically for Taiwanese people and Asians because the HA issue is not well covered and spoken before. The diet culture in Taiwan is really really popular (which is kind of sad). I learned and got a lot of information from reading English researches and books. Fingers cross people in Taiwan can be more aware of what's going on behind all the diet and fitness mirrors. 🤞
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
I just spent some time adding the English subtitles. I hope it could help :))
@YassmineWantsPeace3 жыл бұрын
Wow...that's awesome! I'm sure your help and adwises are needed. Spreading awareness is so important, fingers crossed🤞🏼 And omg you're amazing, thank you so so much for the subtitles!!! ❤🙈
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the kind words. I didn't have enough time to finish all till the end but I think I covered the most important parts. Thank you again for watching and leaving comments. ❤
@YassmineWantsPeace3 жыл бұрын
@@barrelleaf that's absolutely enough, I understood the most and important things. I really appreciate your effort and may Allah/God bless you💚
@秀蓮林-x7c2 жыл бұрын
請問你大概all in多久呢?
@barrelleaf2 жыл бұрын
影片中有提到捏~ 大約十個月左右,不過每個人的身體不同,需要的時間就不一樣。
@CatPaw-1233 жыл бұрын
叶子 你自己治愈了自己
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
@liangg6963 жыл бұрын
@barrelleaf3 жыл бұрын
We all do. 因為現在的社會充斥著 diet culture, 但是相信自己,You are enough. 🤎