Your Chinese is simply amazing! You obviously have mastered the various nuanced pronunciations that are very difficult even for a native Chinese who's not grown up speaking "putonghua", i.e., standard mandarin. More impressive is the ease with which you converse with them. How did you learn this language? Do you have a video about your learning process? I think it would be hugely inspiring for anyone learning a foreign language, not just Chinese.
Danke, my friend. I have been to this city 3x years ago, a very lovely city. Of course, I was not as lucky as you to have so many good friends in Luzern.
阿福,现在是德国深夜3:30,我正在看德国的一个深夜节目Talk am Dienstag :3 nach 9,女主持人问你老婆为什么不选择中国人结婚而选择你,你老婆的回答简单但是有大智慧,所有人都为她鼓掌,你不必担心她的德语,她说的很好,你如果看到这条留言请转告她,作为也是德国人的老婆真的为她感到骄傲!