How NIO EL8 WILL Change Driving Forever - EV test drive

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Luis Portas Vlogs

Luis Portas Vlogs

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@luisportas 2 ай бұрын
Have you had the chance to test-drive this beauty? What did you think?
@aairosa 2 ай бұрын
I drive an EC7 and I agree.... it's smooth. NIO is great but has flaws in China. And the biggest one is that english it's not fully available meaning I don't get to enjoy all it's features like voice commands and the phone app.
@luisportas 2 ай бұрын
Oh… the EC7 looks so good!!! I love those coupé lines. Here when I picked up the ET5, I was able to choose the language when setting it up. Didn’t you have language options? Do speak to NOMI in mandarin? 😅
@aairosa 2 ай бұрын
@@luisportas The car software has 80% English. But the phone app is full chinese and voice commands full Mandarin. I don't speak, read or write chinese
@volkhardzentgraf6484 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your nice and sympathetic insight into the car. I also liked it very much and ordered the car the same day. However, I think it is important to know that you are publishing here as a Nio employee with the rank of 'Head of Design Management Europe'. Just for the sake of transparency... Best regards!
@luisportas 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for your feedback! I’m Head of Design Management in Europe, and while I don’t mention it in every video, I’ve been open about it elsewhere (e.g., FRAME magazine). My videos reflect my personal passion for EVs, and I’m not paid to make them-just sharing my experience! I appreciate your concern and will keep this in mind for future content.
@volkhardzentgraf6484 2 ай бұрын
@@luisportas I really appreciate the car myself and can fully understand your honest enthusiasm and that of your wife as two car fans! But if viewers don't know the car, they might think it's just hidden advertising. So let me say it to those interested in Nio: give the EL8 a try and be surprised...
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