How overheating loses fights As Magik! (Marvel Rivals Coaching FT Punccc)

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@SillySphark Күн бұрын
Hey all! Mike here! I know the format of this video looks a bit odd... This was in part because Obs and Discord were acting really weird when trying to play marvel rivals. This issue will be fixed moving forward so thank you for bearing with me! :)
@AdventZZZx Күн бұрын
If you ever do this again would love to be couched on my magik ign:AdventZx
@Punccc Күн бұрын
@lemmvalo Күн бұрын
i love it when puncc fills me up
@NoodleTactics Күн бұрын
@lemmvalo Күн бұрын
@Punccc i love when puncc fills me up
@leonardomanso4701 22 сағат бұрын
Since I started watching your Magik videos, I’ve been MVP on most matches, thank you for the teachings, my lord
@SaltyGoodness Күн бұрын
0:17 A fellow man of culture I see
@JotaKingtero Күн бұрын
Legit my favorite Rivals content. Learn so much with every video
@ilovedoors4444 Күн бұрын
Hi, I really love your videos ! I am trying to learn how to play magik and I'm really glad you uploaded this. Keep up the good work, you really inspire me a lot !!
@silverfoxbro4168 Күн бұрын
More Magik content, big W. I'm up to about 45hrs on her total and lately i'm raging at Peni being Peni, and Jeff and Rocket almost always escaping 1hp for free. Pain. Lately swapping to MK to deal with death balls and tripple heal stacks, the trip healer meta feels tough against the shifty healers. No probs at all with the other healers, only if they land a good CC when i'm too deep. Loving the vids as always man, cheers and enjoy the grind!
@coopdam3721 Күн бұрын
Soilder grabbing me has become a problem. feels like that thing never misses
@silverfoxbro4168 Күн бұрын
@@coopdam3721 Played against a scary Bucky last night, mostly head shots and landing most hooks. I tend to do the Magik uno reverse on them and hit them with a uppercut combo in response lol, but if they hit headys its just gg imo
@cedricspencer720 11 сағат бұрын
Best most comprehensive Magik coach on YT, one of the only people that actually talk about movement and positioning, also I haven’t seen any other Magik content creators use replay footage this well, I’ve learned so much and improved, I’m diamond rank now hoping to move up with more practice
@Akherousia502 Күн бұрын
I'm once again pointing out that I appreciate your commitment to Magik while also trying to flex in how you present Magik-centric content. Variety is really helping us learn from you and it makes for great content. Though, if I can lend a critique, can you please encourage the people you collab with to prep their mics with you so you can get solid levels? The clipping on his end is really hard on the ears, though I do recognize that's probably not something that will stand out to most of your viewers, so I understand if this isn't something you consider a priority. I just wanted to bring it to your attention. (EDIT: Also, not a dig on the dude you're coaching. Most people don't even realize when they're overloading their mics.) You rock dude, thanks again for all that you do. I feel so blessed there's a creator like you who happens to focus on the character I'm most interested in mastering.
@littlechicken8485 Күн бұрын
Holy moly, a whole hour of magik, im eating it ALL
@DissipativeAdaptation Күн бұрын
Missing on a dash is so defeating 😢 I try to get past it but I feel like the whole enemy team is just busting out laughing
@Dylan_________________________ Күн бұрын
One tip I'll give to him is to aim the little guys. they hit in the direction that you are looking when you spawn them. like for example he aimed the one behind the bus at the bus, which then was a waste because it couldn't hit anyone. Good video 👍.
@PillowSensei Күн бұрын
I KNEW YOU PLAYED FIGHTING GAMES! There's just a vibe you give off that tells me lmfao.
@SillySphark 21 сағат бұрын
Lmao I'm a v big fighting game guy haha v much love them
@PillowSensei 19 сағат бұрын
@@SillySphark it would be amazing if one day we could play one! Promise me sometime in the (potentially far) future you'll fight a fan or something
@DookieStain007 Күн бұрын
Thanks to your videos I genuinely feel myself getting better every day
@sirnotanerd8544 Күн бұрын
loving the content as always from mr michael sillysphark
@crutch6991 Күн бұрын
I’m so bad at magik but I’m trying to get better, I just mute my team bc I’ve had so many people rage at me when I’m just trying to learn lol
@DissipativeAdaptation Күн бұрын
lol you and me both. I feel bad for playing her when I’m learning but what else can we do. Competition is the only way to improve. Stay strong and you’ll be mvp 👍
@jayskj2655 Күн бұрын
The biggest thing that helped me early was just sitting with my tank and a grouped up team, and just assisting with whatever problem comes up then diving back into the team. Sounds simple but staying as a group and just being ready to dive in to help your teamate; or to finish a kill, then diving back into the group helps way more than what the endgame stats will show. Then when you know you have a 6 v4 fight or something you can dive fully into the enemy to break their formations and let your team single them out for a wipe. But it's never a good idea to just dive the back on a 6 v 6 fight when you're learning her
@elushuto5270 Күн бұрын
Gotta get the shot for the viewers to pay attention 0:17
@DewyQ Күн бұрын
00:29 boned up 🥜
@MissKatie5098 3 сағат бұрын
Loved this format!!
@xPureAndTheTaintedx Күн бұрын
38:26 good advice in general, but in this situation the cart is in overtime and leaving to regroup with team means you just lose. So you kinda have to fight around cart while waiting for team.
@Juke47483 12 сағат бұрын
25:42 here u talked ab how u think of ults as points could u make a tierlist vid on them and how much they impact a teamfight
@pinheadlarry3992 8 сағат бұрын
I changed up my Magik gameplay since i started maining her and have gotten alot better results. I've given up on focusing on using Magiks one shot combo unless i know i have a clear line of sight to land it on a Healer during mid-fight or if i catch a squishy by surprise. I feel like Magik's one shot combo is a bad way to engage with when enemies have their skills up. Like most of the time when i land the one shot combo it rarely ever kills because Mantis & Luna can still throw their CC at you mid-air, Cloak disappears, Sue goes invisible, Bucky punches you off him, and sometimes when you land the one shot combo & the enemies you knockup in the air end up behind you like Moonknight double jumping while you land your combo and it makes the animation super wonky and they end up behind, right, or left of you mid-air so you can't finish them off which is SUPER frustrating. Also i don't melee anymore unless i know i'm going to hit the enemy since most of the time enemies aren't in close enough range or walking away from you so you can't land the melee hit. I now save my dash to last hit kills or to escape. Once i stopped trying to be over the top fancy with Magik mechanics and started playing more simple i started getting alot more insane gameplays. It's only been one day of changing my gameplay and i got more 50+ kill & 30K+ Dmg Done games in one day than in the past month of one tricking her (about 8 games yesterday). What i really hate about Triple Support meta is that it pretty much made Magik's one shot combo useless since whatever backline unit you dive on gets healed while you land your one shot combo so like even if you land your one shot combo they still live with 50% hp (after getting healed) and kill you since you wasted your dash.
@SillySphark 5 сағат бұрын
Of course (: consistent plays>flashy ones
@PebisOrenus Күн бұрын
My two kings
@mustafaulukus3377 2 сағат бұрын
Got to diamond thx to u love playing magik and love watching your vids keep at it man you're great.
@jackasw3921 Күн бұрын
Hour long SillySphark vid. we eating good tonight boys
@maigodayo Күн бұрын
@sapphiretwo8631 Күн бұрын
Thank you for the guides, just hit diamond 3 cause I didn’t know what to do when not diving. Soon im gonna beat you.
@Blayz705 Күн бұрын
Can you do an updated season 1 matchups tier list for magik? I think it would be really helpful along with a map tier list for magik/playstyles based on the map
@Dunkacciino Күн бұрын
The flaming in the video title is nefarious bro (jk, good coaching, keep up the good work)
@anguschalmers2766 Күн бұрын
Love this vid idea
@mattie1428 Күн бұрын
@NikH847 19 сағат бұрын
Who ever is screaming in my ear for the first match can get LOST
@TangosMango Күн бұрын
uploaded 1 minute ago perfect
@stefanboromisa5003 Күн бұрын
How do you play magik into this triple support meta, I have found her to be nearly unplayable moving through diamond and now grandmaster.
@SillySphark Күн бұрын
Personally I play really selfish with the intention of one shotting sups. The game feels a lot easier to play like an annoying dive when you have a better team to play off contact. Otherwise I bait support ults to allow my 3x support to have an easier time. The short answer is I don't really like magik into 3x support
@stefanboromisa5003 Күн бұрын
@ Okay that is basically how i have been “playing” her, i was wondering if this is really all magic gets when there is a loki, luna, rocket all pocketing each other. I have nearly become a namor main since reaching grandmaster cause magik is just kind of miserable with all the supports.
@Metrikon9000 Күн бұрын
One thing I've noticed is that Moon Knight used to be a pretty easy pick for me, but after the Season 1 patch, he has become an absolute nightmare to deal with. All he really needs to do is drop his ankh and spam his left and right click to almost instantly delete me. Same with his ult. He drops it and I die faster than I can get out of it. It's absurd. The only upside is that he is pretty much a free kill IF I can get around behind him and catch him by surprise, but that is way easier said than done given Magik's mobility is much more horizontal than it is vertical. Moon Knight likes to sit on high ledges, and wasting both an Umbral Incursion cooldown and the time it takes to reach him just isn't worth it most of the time. Maybe I am just doing something wrong? Or do others have the same issues when dealing with a Moon Knight?
@SillySphark Күн бұрын
Moon is gross this patch for sure. Mostly I think he loses 1v1 fights to most of the cast as of rn so I try really hard to make him be alone and exploit that since normally he stands in spots that are a little away from his team for the best ankh placement (other than new York map)
@Metrikon9000 Күн бұрын
Gotcha. That makes a lot of sense. Glad to know that I am not completely imagining things. I tend to play close to my team most of the time, staying next to the tank, farming bonus health and peeling enemy tanks or assassins from our support until someone on the opposing team steps out of position. Once that happens, I can easily snowball, moving from one squishy target to the next. Moon Knight has a tendency to disrupt that playstyle, so it makes sense that I have a problem with him, I guess. Honestly, I think my primary issue is knowledge of the map. I have no problem knowing where the Moon Knight is, but I do have a problem figuring out how to get to him.
@SillySphark Күн бұрын
@Metrikon9000 I would start watching back your matches with moon in them and j look for how he plays in regards to his team. Often times moon players are not that great it's more of the champ being strong so anyone can play him
@Metrikon9000 Күн бұрын
Good idea! Thank you so much for the tip!
@Faebuls Күн бұрын
W coaching
@SandyCheeks1896 57 минут бұрын
I love putting the demon on breakable stuff
@domnumber4016 Күн бұрын
Video explaining when and how to efficiently alt in depth plz
@anshit6952 Күн бұрын
I really appreciate this as a valorant player i was struggling with this game in general. Although i haven't watched it yet PS: 1 HOUR LONG VOD!! i don't think i can watch it 1 sitting
@Dismal626 Күн бұрын
how do we submit our replays for review? I need magik coaching!
@SillySphark Күн бұрын
This weekend I will have a message board in my discord. Players that donate will have priority but otherwise ppl will be selected at random (:
@SillySphark Күн бұрын
Discord is in the description
@domnumber4016 Күн бұрын
I feel like I die to much ten deaths least but I always die in my alt to the point where I beg my healers to pocket me everytime I alt or I wait until healer alt just to pop it I also like feel like I’m 5 v 1ing a lot of the time and my team never walks with me even Should I just comm out these things everytime or what do you suggest I’m not struggling got gold in one day but I just don’t know
@trippwalker2536 Күн бұрын
Genuinely, would you ever be down to help a random person out and give a coaching game or two?
@SillySphark Күн бұрын
Of course! As of now I'm doing a replay review stream on Saturday. But moving forward I'd be super down to help and do coachings with ppl (:
@trippwalker2536 Күн бұрын
@@SillySphark What time is the stream?
@TorkaPorka-x8p Күн бұрын
Hey there! Your videos always make my day better. 💕🌈 Zii EDM’s music has the same uplifting effect-it’s a must-listen! 🎧🎵
@xE_l0 Күн бұрын
u play on NA or eu ? to know ur stream time
@SillySphark Күн бұрын
@@xE_l0 na est (:
@austinfrancis3544 Күн бұрын
YOOOO Coach me next
@TheFunnyJohn Күн бұрын
Nice vid! I think coaching a live gameplay might not be good? BECAUSE I think it might be distracting to the player. Maybe going over a replay would be better. I still learned lots tho haha
@highlordalcadizakyr1479 21 сағат бұрын
i think as a coach you should have run the replay on your pc and stream it to him, so u could show and explain stuff better
@SillySphark 21 сағат бұрын
Discord wasn't working well with my obs which is why we did it this way since we couldn't figure out a fix on the spot
@highlordalcadizakyr1479 21 сағат бұрын
@@SillySphark hopefully you figure it out, otherwise it was nice to watch :D
@Zap_q 23 сағат бұрын
i see magik i click magik is love, magik is life idk if it helps but i noticed you tend to say "ah" a lot in your voice overs of the video, but you didnt say it at all when you where talking to him. it sounded much more natural.
@SillySphark 21 сағат бұрын
I'm a lottttt better at talking with someone bc I have to listen to my own voice much less. Kinda the same thing when live. No idea why but typically when I'm alone I trip up on my words really bad since I talk fast
@rahar_peru Күн бұрын
dont you wanna coach me? haha
@DewyQ Күн бұрын
Yo cutie pie do you play tank
@SillySphark Күн бұрын
I dabble :)
@vashlotus1891 Күн бұрын
Comp is far too much of a mess to deal with atm with Magik. Her dash doesn't connect reliably enough. With the triple stack healer meta, even 250 hp squishies don't drop as consistently anymore. Had a match as Solo with FIVE FU**ING BOTS on my team.......endlessly twitching around, running into plants, watching the walls, and aimboting. Cheaters are getting worse. Squirrel Girl needs a nerf.
@karmine3640 Күн бұрын
I’m doing fine lol
@Ragalya Күн бұрын
I like the idea of sharing coaching but I wasn't a fan of listening to the player be toxic. I would take the time to edit out some of the behavior of the person you're coaching. It makes the video a bit crass and if your other students are also toxic, it will change the shape of your content towards that direction. As a coach note, I would dial down the people-pleasing just a tad; when the player asks "Did I do this wrong?" and they obviously made a bad play but you say "I like the idea" and end it there. It would be helpful to hear your true opinion instead with an example of what they did in that moment that was suboptimal or cost them a death. That said, I made this comment at 15 mins so maybe you adjust that later on, we'll see. Looking forward to the next!
@vFrosty2K 19 сағат бұрын
Facts this dude was just annoying that he was coaching though 😭
@dr.hairbrain1486 23 сағат бұрын
This game is eomm trash
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