How Phil Spencer Let Us Down and Ruined Xbox

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That Video Game Life

That Video Game Life

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When Phil Spencer took over as head of Xbox, we all thought there was a light at the end of the tunnel. But things haven't gone as planned, and Xbox is on a downwards trajectory that will see it losing against its competitors. This is the story of how Phil Spencer let Xbox fans down.
#xbox #philspencer

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@SaigonBrit 4 ай бұрын
I gave up when Phil said that making great games wouldn't 'move the needle'.
@fuzzylogic3017 4 ай бұрын
I thought he was just saying that to facilitate the Activision-Blizzard purchase: if he really meant it, he should have been removed.
@yofolkdem1256 4 ай бұрын
If the opposite was true, PlayStation would be increasing profit not losing it.
@cliverosfield69 4 ай бұрын
@shalindelta7 4 ай бұрын
​@yofolkdem1256 the bulk of profit doesn't come from exclusives, they come from other purchases made on the platform. Exclusives are important however to keep people on the platform in the first place, it gives the platform bragging rights. This is why Playstation has so many users and Xbox doesn't, you can get everything on Xbox without having an xbox by going to PC. Even without those details, accepting what Phil said simply as a gamer is insane. He basically told you not to expect the highest quality and you were like " okay " 🤷‍♂️
@shalindelta7 4 ай бұрын
​@@yofolkdem1256also idk why you care about a corporations profit, the games is all that should matter to you. If Xbox gamers really cared about a businesses performance, they'd have realized by now that Gamepass is the reason Xbox is failing. How can you expect a business to flourish and simultaneously pay the least amount of money possible ? The narratives are so wishy washy with Xbox gamers.
@shlokjoshie 4 ай бұрын
what's funnier is they bought the company that asked " do you guys not have phones?"
@r.e.z9428 4 ай бұрын
They’ve never managed to top their 360 era, which is baffling. They have the resources and studios, it just seems like incompetence. Like how is 343 still allowed to run Halo through the earths surface, Gears is dead, Xbox’s major expensive acquisitions have amounted to nothing either. I’ve been waiting since the Xbox One first released for them to go back to pushing out solid games. With them being a strong competitor again to keep Sony from going full smoothbrain, but no. I’m still waiting, with only exclusive to come out thats I genuinely enjoyed being Sunset Overdrive and indies.
@TedShatner10 4 ай бұрын
Gears 4 & 5 did a brisk enough trade and Gears 6 is on the near horizon (not to everyone's taste but far from dead).
@DoBap_ 4 ай бұрын
Microsoft as a whole is a poorly managed, bureaucratic nightmare. Seriously, what have they made other than Windows which hasn’t been a complete failure?
@TedShatner10 4 ай бұрын
@@DoBap_ Things like the Zune bombing almost immediately decades ago and Xbox in semi-permament 3rd place since the early 2010s does point at Microsoft suffering from corporate bloat, but keep in mind Sony suffered from similar issues in the 90s too and Google is similarly creaking at seams. Late Stage Capitalism.
@RickEYI 3 ай бұрын
@@DoBap_ the most valuable company in the world is poorly managed, you can't make this shit up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@DoBap_ 3 ай бұрын
@@RickEYI other than it’s one successful product (Windows), of which it has a near monopoly over the market. Everything Microsoft does is complete garbage, because it’s a collective, soulless, bureaucratic nightmare. Xbox has had billions of dollars dumped on it off the back of Windows, and all they’ve produced is underwhelming garbage. That’s poor management.
@SK_Falchion 4 ай бұрын
Life lesson....Stop thinking major corporations are looking out for your best interest. Nobody with a working brain should have an emotional attachment to them
@QuestAccepter 3 ай бұрын
Xbox killed Rewards so yes that'd apply here. Too good of a deal so they cut the only benefit to them
@NoMadKid 4 ай бұрын
Since the inception of Xbox they wanted to acquire Nintendo and Sega just to compete with Sony. They never wanted to develop themselves, just throwing cash at it. The same mistake was repeated when they tried to buy Nintendo again.
@hetzerlee1019 3 ай бұрын
This is Microsoft's culture.
@QuestAccepter 3 ай бұрын
Yes I accepted with no denial after May. Xbox doesnt has spark in their own uniqueness. If you play games you shouldn't be on Xbox as their mind is not on games its on making money with multiplatform releases. Do that but provide me with something unique and you didnt you failed. Just wrap it up and release that pc console or fail to PlayStation every time
@sandman8920 4 ай бұрын
It’s time to stop worrying about Xbox and move on. They’ve ruined everything.
@VonDutchNL 4 ай бұрын
Like PlayStation you mean
@r.e.z9428 4 ай бұрын
⁠@@VonDutchNLNo? Don’t get me wrong Sony fumbles a ton, but their situations are different. You might as well have said “Like Nintendo, you mean” cause it would have still not made sense.
@VonDutchNL 4 ай бұрын
@@r.e.z9428 Sony with Jim Ryan is/was the worst generation ever.
@VonDutchNL 4 ай бұрын
@@r.e.z9428 But seems like you're just a Pony
@JacobGaming-zm6ec 4 ай бұрын
@@VonDutchNLthe ps5 generation has been a bit slow yeah but they’re no where near how bad Xbox has been doing I still won’t forgive them for shutting down tango
@BlueEyedVibeChecker 2 ай бұрын
It's not just him, it's Microsoft pushing their "software as a service" model onto Xbox users. Peter Moore was peak Xbox(360) because he knew what gamers wanted, exclusives and great games. He was too late to turn SEGA around, but we saw what he could do when Xbox hired him in the 360 era. Microsoft just doesn't understand gamers, they rush to meet deadlines, patch everything day 1, think streaming is the future. (In america maybe, but the rest of the world will be left behind and thus will leave Xbox behind) It's sad because I've owned and enjoyed every console since generation 4 for different reasons, but this generation, neither PlayStation nor Xbox have any reason not to just own a PC and a last gen PS4 to get the same experience.
@sandman8920 4 ай бұрын
I refuse to support gamepass. Also rare is useless compared to the glory days with Nintendo
@davidhujik3422 4 ай бұрын
I don't support gamepass or ps now while both are great for consumers it's bad for game developers.
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 4 ай бұрын
Rare is NOT useless... Just different
@davidhujik3422 4 ай бұрын
@@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 uselessly different lol
@sandman8920 4 ай бұрын
@@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 if you grew up playing rare games from the nes to the GameCube you would understand what a let down the company has been since Microsoft took over.
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 4 ай бұрын
@@sandman8920 Rares NES Games are Not that good Dude and during GameCube they we're bought by Microsoft. But I know by First Hand experience how AMAZING their SNES and N64 Games were/are
@proggz39 4 ай бұрын
Xbox has been dying a slow death for over a decade and the mainstream is finally starting to see that
@dusermiginte4647 4 ай бұрын
Hmmm is that why Xbox makes more revenue and ALOT more profit than playstation?
@spectrexr1 Ай бұрын
​@@dusermiginte4647 Xbox doesn't say how much profit they make lol just like they don't tell gamepass ultimate subs or console sales's cause they all in the dirt
@dusermiginte4647 Ай бұрын
@@spectrexr1 they do say though..
@calibudz916 4 ай бұрын
Having great hardware doesn't mean shit if you dont make software that takes advantage of the hardware. This is XBOX main problem. There making games run on anything possible due to game pass and still supporting the xbox one x. Tell me why would anyone pay 499$ for your shit box ?
@stephenpawking 4 ай бұрын
I have a PC more powerful than a Series X but I'd prefer an xbox over a Playstation. I don't like Microsoft nor like their decisions. I think they're very stupid. But I'm one of those that don't care about exclusives, I care about convenience. I actually bought an xbox recently because I tired out both ps5 and series x. I just prefered the Xbox. It's all about preference really. It was way more convenient for me, and better deal. Does that answer your question?
@marcuscook5145 4 ай бұрын
I'm primarily a PC player but the Series X made more sense for me because I can play most of my existing Microsoft store library from the couch and play my old 360 and OG Xbox games at much higher resolutions and at 60FPS in a lot of cases. It also replaces my Roku and 4K Blu Ray player.
@jarlwhiterun7478 4 ай бұрын
They peaked with the 360 and haven't done anything since. Literally. We've clearly all moved on, based on their sales.
@xxnike0629xx 4 ай бұрын
Xbox has been moving towards a digital/streaming future. They're going to leave the hardware market and license out their games (physical, digital, streaming) to its competition (PlayStation & Nintendo) as well as PC. Think about why they've been pushing so much for Game Pass.
@SaigonBrit 4 ай бұрын
I think Phil started with good intentions but he has clearly been corrupted as a Microsoft Board Member.
@stripedrajang3571 4 ай бұрын
He is a board member? Since when?
@oo--7714 Ай бұрын
Lol no
@stripedrajang3571 Ай бұрын
@@oo--7714, well, that's what Saigon is implying.
@jordanwhite352 4 ай бұрын
To me, the very obvious signs that unlike the OG and 360 Days under Jay Allard that Xbox is like the rest of Microsoft with not knowing what the hell they're doing...was that one E3 where Phil Spencer was on stage in the introduces their first Japanese game and he described it and "fast pace, a little quirky but we hope you enjoy it." It was Dragonball FighterZ. Dragonball FUCKING FighterZ. If this was Nintendo or Sony this would have been a centerpiece of their showcase and they would have hyped it to the Moon and back realizing that they have basically what Marvel VS Capcom fans want, but with also a huge ass anime audience. Fact that Microsoft looked at this game and proceeded to basically shadow dropped it in their presentation as if it was some weird visual novel dating Sim boggles my mind and shows how out of touch they are with what a lot of Gamers are looking for, especially when it comes to Japanese games, which is why when they closed Hi-Fi rushed I wasn't surprised. Microsoft especially now only understands stereotypical dude bro PC market shit like the elder scrolls and starfield. They don't get awesome. Cool ass. Hilarious Japanese games or even their equivalent American counterparts Which is why ID @Xbox has always been fourth class when it came to indie games.
@EthanClassetti Ай бұрын
Elder Scrolls is not shit...
@armedhyde1448 4 ай бұрын
The mistake here is believing that Phil Spencer was on the side of gamers. It's always been about Microsoft and its shareholders, thinking otherwise was foolhardy.
@PinkieToe00 4 ай бұрын
Just bought a pc with a i9 rtx4090 and called it a day consoles are done
@Andres_81 4 ай бұрын
Most of the people who buy consoles are casuals who don't care about PC or specs and only want something to plug & play.
@ps3955 4 ай бұрын
In 2023, there was still hope. In 2024, I abandoned the Xbox. No more Microsoft and Xbox.
@dusermiginte4647 4 ай бұрын
Lok, yeah right, thats bs poony.
@SaiyanQuad92 26 күн бұрын
@willnatmartin 26 күн бұрын
Don was responsible for Xbox 1 launching with more exclusives than PS4, not Phil.
@benmcreynolds8581 3 ай бұрын
Growing up in the 90's, It really did feel like the future of gaming was going to be awesome. It wasn't only about graphics. It was physics effects, art styles, a range of gameplay modes, gameplay mechanics, damage effects, environmental interaction, engaging AI to play against in single player mode, CPU bots in offline modes, just good AI in games campaigns. Current video games focus on graphical nitpicking. It seems they forgot how much players enjoyed physics effects & other aspects that make games fun. Quirky graphics can work, if a creative art style is used. Add engaging CPU AI, gameplay modes, the list goes on.. idk what happened? Also: {We have seen that even if companies delay games, it isn't improving the quality of games being released. Which is a sign there is a MUCH DEEPER issue going on with modern games. No excuses, devs used to make great games with much less and they would have given anything to have certain capabilities to utilize that are available today. It just takes actual passion, focus & talent to make great games. Sidenote: It's so crazy how many people are still supporting super mega rich companies putting out unacceptable products.. i don't understand certain people. I don't understand how certain companies can be messing up so badly. It's frustrating that other passionate people are not allowed to make a version of a type of game that we used to have but no longer get anymore.. Yet these huge companies get full control over if an unused game IP gets made & they do everything they can so no other versions of a game idea will ever come out. Even if there's a huge fan base around certain ideas and there's a ton of passionate devs out there dying to make a version of a certain video game idea.. that frustrates me beyond belief}
@charlestrudel8308 4 ай бұрын
i know you probably didnt mean this, but at 10:10 you say that games like starfield were not exclusive and then proceed to say some games have gone to Playstation, which is not the case of starfield. so it kinda hard to follow.
@ogjk 3 ай бұрын
I think it was Don's fault with the Konect and handing sony another E3 moment with pricing and game sharing. Phil has been struggling to clean the mess up to this day.
@stevegonzales527 3 ай бұрын
then they brought the current lady president who gives word salads when pointed out on her failures LOL
@happycloudgamer1088 3 ай бұрын
WHY IS IT THAT NOBODY SEE THE STRUGGLING WITH PLAYSTATION??? Its ridiculous that not talking about all the red flags of Playstation doing now. We keep talking about Xbox/Microsoft that has a swimmingpool with money.
@NightWolf-mq8ck Ай бұрын
@canenationcuz4176 3 ай бұрын
This aged well
@_Darth_Vader_ 4 ай бұрын
I switched to PS this new Gen cause last gen XB was terrible. The exclusives are more appealing to me on PS than XB atm
@davidhujik3422 4 ай бұрын
So many great games on PS4 and PS5 you just missed out on PS4 because you were hopeful to Xbox.
@AnonTDegenerate 4 ай бұрын
Tbf. Could always go back and play them. Most ps5 games are on ps4 too
@dusermiginte4647 4 ай бұрын
You chose terrible
@davidhujik3422 4 ай бұрын
@@dusermiginte4647 we chose correctly
@dusermiginte4647 4 ай бұрын
@@davidhujik3422 yeah because only one first party exclusive last year and zero first party exclusives this year is "correctly".... Good for you. 😂
@tech-bore8839 3 ай бұрын
"Making sure to dress in jeans and a t-shirt to show that he was one of us." The fact that people fall for this crap is amazing. It's like how Mike Rowe suddenly became a "blue-collar expert", simply because he cosplayed as a blue-collar worker on his show Dirty Jobs.
@davids2cents594 4 ай бұрын
the major problem with the backwards compatibility is they focused on that for years rather then games and if it wasn't that it was the new controller of the week
@HilbertGB Ай бұрын
I helped to ruin gaming by buying an Xbox..
@rometherevenant8749 Ай бұрын
Naw. You can thank Don Mattrick for that. Phil at least dug the ship out of the wreckage and put it in a better direction. At this point in this generation, both sony and Microsoft arent doing so well.
@DaProdigyNyc 3 ай бұрын
Great video but they did show gameplay for avowed
@Adrian-le9ij 22 күн бұрын
This man literally ruin the entire new generation of console and gpu’s. Everybody playing with new gen hardware with last gen graphics thanks Phil
@UBR_MXMU Ай бұрын
Before your closer, you just answered I think everyone’s dilemma. It is fun to play games on your exclusive console, but when you make the games available to everyone else and leave your own console behind, it does open the door for others, but it closes the one that was open to those exclusively. And I agree if someone says just buy the system that plays everything which is true, but I think you lose something in doing that as part of the exclusivity. You lose that competition, that individuality of owning something unique. Idk the word for it but that atmosphere or community in time will be gone. Sad to say I think that’s the future where it’s just one console and one developer… to some extent
@ThievNWalrus 4 ай бұрын
It's a real shame...
@nasheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee4495 Ай бұрын
One minute of outro music? Bro?
@404notalive 2 ай бұрын
i think it’s time to get rid of phil, game pass is going everywhere and it’s destroying the brand. we’re also seriously lacking in any good new xbox exclusives for this generation. the series x is one hell of a console but we have no good exclusives that truly demonstrate its capabilities. there’s little drive to buy an xbox console, and you’re right. if the brand goes console-less the sense of community won’t really be there anymore. xbox hasn’t been the same since the 360 days where they churned a game out every month or so, constant new releases. exclusive after exclusive. we need that back, that’s what made xbox be xbox.
@cacheslovakia 3 ай бұрын
My gaming days started with Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Consoles was in central europe too expensive and single purpose in that time. Then I was PC gamer back in days of first 3D games, first 3D accelerators and RTS, but it starts to cost too much in new millenium. So after some hiatus i bought Wii and it was a big fresh change for me and introduced my now wife in to gaming. I still own and occasionally play on same Wii, those games are still great, but yet again, i want something new, something HD. So i bought Xbox Series S in 2021 with game pass ultimate for 3 years (conversion trick). Now i am hoping that there will be handheld variant of Series S with all backwards compatibility as Series S have.. Not everybody have (or willing to spend) big money, so i am really happy that Series S exist. But i understand, why "hard core" gamers want more powerfull console and why ecosystem needs exclusive titles. I hope that the xbox will continue to live and the future S will stand for "Switch" (if you know what I mean). P.S.: the only thing I'm not used to is the FPS on the controller, I still need a keyboard and mouse for that. P.P.S.: in practice, neither cloud gaming nor remote play worked for me, despite the fact that I have fast optical internet available, both are full of glitches. I don't think it will ever fully replace local HW. But Game Pass is excellent for those who don't know what they want to play.
@rodneyabrett 3 ай бұрын
The Kinnect might have actually been way more accepted and successful if the tracking wasn't so terrible, but the final version of that product was severely downgraded from its initial design and concept.
@forest2843 3 ай бұрын
As soon as Microsoft felt like they were in the ditch 2 weeks ago they single handaly come back from the grave by showing more exclusive games for the Xbox then Sony has for the ps5
@Bobby90 4 ай бұрын
Xbox has had a MS problem since near the beginning that's only gotten worse.
@MyDeeroc Ай бұрын
Phill spencer giving us the games now but he giving it to playstation also
@joesterling4299 4 ай бұрын
I feel sorry for Phil. I think he's a good, earnest guy trapped in a soulless company. It wasn't his decision to pull the rug out from under the acquired studios, in service of Microsoft stockholders, rather than Xbox or its users.
@vornamenachname5589 4 ай бұрын
Oh yes, he is only head of xbox. He had no say in this matter for sure.
@MeltWithU 4 ай бұрын
@@vornamenachname5589 actually, he did not have any say this. These decisions came from above him. The fact is, Microsoft as a company favors the investors more than the gamers that actually buy their systems and games. Not understanding that without those gamers, there’s no system or games. It’s backwards ass thinking. Phil has to answer to the people above him, and the people above him want more movement and more profits. They spent a lot of money acquiring all of these studios and financially, they have little to show for it. You can understand it from a business perspective. Here’s the thing, though… I think too much focus has been put on GamePass and the acquisition of all of the studios to support it. Instead of putting the focus where it should have been in the first place… making great games that make gamers want to buy the system in the first place. As many others have said, system is only as good as the games that support it. We are at 3 1/2 years of this system being out and Hellblade 2 is the first game to show us visually what can be done with the system, if they focus on making a game that takes full advantage of it. The problem with that game is the fact that it’s essentially a graphics showcase and little else. The gameplay is repetitive and on rails. It’s not a bad game per se, it’s just not what Xbox gamer want. We won a first party game that not only takes full advantage of the system, but is also fun to play. Something revolutionary that couldn’t have been done on last generation systems. I understand that this generation started during a pandemic and a worldwide fiasco as far as shipping was concerned. So there’s extenuating circumstances. But, it didn’t stop game development and after many of these games started being worked on and 2018, 2019… We still have very little to show for them. We still haven’t seen much of anything of the Rare game, which showed promise. Fable seems to be experiencing some difficulties in development as we’ve seen very little of it. Hopefully we’ll see more on June 9. Perfect Dark has been radio silent. It just seems like Xbox was focusing on putting the cart before the horse with game pass. Because, again… Without games showcasing why people should be buying the system, why should they buy the system? While Game Pass is a great deal, it means nothing without high-quality games to make people want to sign up to it. Instead of Microsoft buying all of these developers, why not put those billions of dollars towards building high-quality AAA games that match or exceeded Sony’s first party offerings? Again, Microsoft, not realizing that if they make those games that people want to play that showcase the system… They are not only going to sell more systems, they are going to sell more Game Pass subscriptions. They truly seem to be cock blocking themselves. The latest decisions came down from corporate. I do see Phil as responsible for the decision to focus on AA quality games, instead of AAA quality games. As a gamer himself, he knows that it’s Sony‘s great first party games that sell those systems. Yet, for whatever reason he can’t get it through his head that if they don’t do the same… They are never going to sell more systems or Game Pass subscriptions. They can put out all of the AA quality games they want… but ultimately they’re only delaying their untimely death. because gamers are ultimately going to either buy a PC and be done with it or buy a PlayStation. Because they know when they do, they are going to be able to play the games that they want to play. And I’m sure many Xbox gamers don’t want to do that or can’t afford to go to the PC route. But until Microsoft finally gets it, what’s their choice?
@DalazG 4 ай бұрын
Not really.... the real reason is the shift towards Gamepass. - Gamepass shifts consumer behaviour towards a game rental model over ownership. It also does not do developers any favours, a new AAA game releasing on Gamepass misses out on the typical new release sales spikes. Its essentially equivocal to a 10 year old indie game on a budget of 0. - Xbox bringing games to pc also means it devalued and dilutes the platform. No need to own it anymore - the Activision acquisition was the last straw. Spencer likely believed it would be an unconsequential purchase. But either he forgot microsoft is a business or he lied. The former is honestly more likely. He didn't understand that Microsoft would be expecting a huge return to make up for this acquisition
@sandman8920 4 ай бұрын
I’ve given up on the new systems. I’m currently playing my snes and megadrive. My n64 won’t work so I’m fixing that too. I can’t see my getting a modern system apart from whatever Nintendo reveals. Everything is just wrong now the games are rubbish. Pandering to the so called modern audience has ruined gaming
@frankiepine7551 4 ай бұрын
Stop crying about consoles and build a pc
@raven679-m3i 4 ай бұрын
Also the mistake with series s lmfao
@silver4silver 4 ай бұрын
You do realize that a lot of the PS games are now available on PC. So how is Sony making PS exclusivity truly exclusives? after all, why would I buy a PS shi#box when a PC spec dominates and can play most of the PS games? It's all chaos ppl........just buy a PC!!! consoles are going the way of the dodo bird!! Sony has hacking issues so I would never even plug in a toaster with a Sony logo on it.
@WWEmaniac 4 ай бұрын
Phil is the one in charge of Xbox and u ppl forget that he reports to Satya his boss in Microsoft and if anyone he’s more blame than Phil, Phil is the scapegoat for Satya while he makes these “business” moves
@AdmiralBison 24 күн бұрын
1. Save Xbox. Kill GamePass (which Microsoft will not do) OR 2. Break Xbox away from MS to be a 100% independent separate company. ($100 billion provisions) MS can keep its Gamepass and go full 3rd party.
@flymartian33 4 ай бұрын
Its not Phil's fault its mostly Microsoft preventing Xbox from doing their own thing its basically a civil war over there
@Dogboydadon 4 ай бұрын
Xbox: we’ll give you our exclusives. PlayStation: WE AINT GIVING YOU JACK!!
@kakarroto007 4 ай бұрын
It just feels like you're making a case in the favor of console/platform exclusivity. Consoles are dying out, because the PC is the superior machine and gaming platform by not even close.
@Neero13 4 ай бұрын
Phil needs to go
@metaldiceman 4 ай бұрын
Microsoft can rise to the #1 spot in gaming (cloud, platform-agnostic, subscriptions) and still lose their core audience and identity because they are willing to decimate the community in favor of an omni-present apathetic gaming industry with no passion and certainly no loyalty. Then more and more people will start to realize that indie is the new gaming industry and AAA have abandoned us long ago.
@quebinlara4373 3 ай бұрын
Lmaoooo this aged terribly 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@matiasjauhojarvi9551 3 ай бұрын
Great video.
@LardoAG 4 ай бұрын
A garbage video that jumps back and forth, instead of sticking to a cohesive timeline. It starts with a preconcieved notion that Xbox must have exclusives and then cherrypicks Spencer's quotes to show how he undermined that philosophy. This is basically mindless conservatism and blaming Spencer for everything, while it should be clear at this point that Spencer is not much more than a talking head that seemingly get undermined at every turn by people who actually make the decisions. Casually mentioning Matt Booty closing studios without ever explaining who Booty even is and how come he can just swoop in a do this is a big rotten cherry on top of the shit pile, which is this video.
@BibLoss 3 ай бұрын
Great video 😊
@marcuscook5145 4 ай бұрын
I love the Xbox Series X hardware and the backwards compatibility program (I already own a ton of compatible Xbox and Xbox 360 games) and it went a long way towards driving my decision to go with Xbox again after switching to PS4 and PC last gen, but A few things... A. Microsoft has horribly mismanaged all of their exclusive IP that made the OG Xbox and the 360 so great. They did absolutely nothing with all of the Rareware games, let Fable die on the vine until recently and botched a lot of the Halo games after Bungie spun off. Halo Infinite is a pretty fun game now but it's inexcusable how long it was horribly broken. They lack exclusive single player story games and they have the IP in their catalog to make it happen if they had competent people running the show. Instead, they seem to be putting out a few half baked releases that are behind schedule and then they close studios. B. The name of the consoles is terrible. Just call it Xbox 4 and 4 Elite. Nobody cares that it's Xbox 4 vs PS5 or they could have pulled a Windows 10 and skipped a number for all I care if they were that concerned about version number optics. C. Put a disk drive on the cheaper console and increase the price by the extra $20 that costs. Being able to buy cheap used games and play my old stuff at much higher resolution is a huge value add that saves a lot of money over the life of the system. In my mind, the Series S is worthless compared to the Series X for this fact alone. You'll make up that $150 in game savings in short order and you get a more powerful console to boot if you go with the Series X.
@arun_gaming1426 4 ай бұрын
Redfall was more lifeless than a vampire's victim 🤣 that was brutal 🤣
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 4 ай бұрын
Dude woh THE EFFFF! cared for Redfall???
@sony4ever93nyc3 2 ай бұрын
Not going to lie i love Playstation but than i started to think dam there like exclusive games that i want i told myself ima just get the Xbox to play gears halo forza and state of decay those games i honestly like to be honest its better to have exclusive on Xbox and Playstation games on your hand n Nintendo theres games that shouldn't be for other consoles but once i started to here 360 is shutting down forever like the ps3 but there some games on ps3 that you can but but theres no deals like i was a kid when n64 ps1 ps2 Xbox than ps3 n 360 watching video of them shutting down like thats not cool like they have so much money they domt want to keep 360 alive that is the reason why it got booster to live up 2 one n than series x but the things they are doing its not cool i want to get a year for both ps and Xbox but i see unlimited 3 to 1 month game pass Xbox became call of duty the company that got them to be only about the money and not the fans than sony is giving a freebie for new subs and returning subs getting one full exclusive for free and microsoft gives Xbox a price increase like i see why i never wanted an Xbox but im not going to turn down exclusive games
@siavashot323 3 ай бұрын
I disagree with you. Phil is in a right way. From now everything gets better.
@davidhujik3422 4 ай бұрын
After hellblade2 im worried wbout the new fable game. Thats not a great thing to have are gamers worry about the quality of your games.
@deiradinn 4 ай бұрын
Xbox makes as much as Windows now, how is that ruining anything? Xbox has so many successful games and their ecosystem is amazing. Every company goes through ups and downs but it's always doom and gloom when it comes to Xbox. Hence the Xbox Tax narrative. Xbox has a massive ecosystem and consoles sales don't mean that much at all now. It's about the MAUs and bottom-line which Xbox is killing it in that department. Phil actually saved Xbox after the Xbox One launch. Xbox is in a phenomenal place right now, I don't understand the naysayers.
@Khrist75 4 ай бұрын
LOL... You live in a dream !! "so many successful games"...could you give us a few please ?? XBox is still alive thanks to MS because it's far away to be profitable. They lost 70 dollars for each Series X sold (A Greenberg) and GP should have to reach 100-110 millions subscribers before to become profitable (Bloomberg)...
@deiradinn 4 ай бұрын
@@Khrist75 GamePass alone makes a quarter billion a month. COD alone will make more than most single player games. Consoles do not make the money anymore, service, software and microtransactions do. Look at Warzone, it's free.
@Khrist75 4 ай бұрын
@@deiradinn Do you know what is a financial result ?? gain, loss, ... it speaks to you ?? If you earn 250 millions dollars and spend 300 millions for it , is it a balanced business for you ??
@tropixi5336 4 ай бұрын
then they killed the 360... xbox 1 has ruined xbox
@lyra6529 4 ай бұрын
Xbox has lost its sight since 2017...
@louis1443 4 ай бұрын
You bugging he can only control so much it’s the shareholders that are responsible
@JasonTheCollectorGamerreseller 4 ай бұрын
I know one thing about Xbox I know I will not buy the new Xbox system when it releases I don’t play 3rd parties games at all 😂
@QuestAccepter 3 ай бұрын
"Without Halo we're not here" and with it your still not here 😂 Xbox One is what happens when you tuly no stakes to offer and when a software company gets there hands on a dedicated position in console market As a Series S user for that media remark Xbox used for media more than games is true. Use Edge eternally for free anime on my tv bypassing Crunchyroll bs. Rewards helped MASSIVELY in building the collection I built on Xbox these 3 years bur Rewards officially died Dec 2023. Not literally but essentially literally. Would I go back if it was recovered? Nah. Broke structure once I'm not going back Series S was footstep to enter console gaming and I achieved that goal so now Imma go on PS5. Not selling Series S unless I get Digital X or next gen Xbox because that's just dumb. All your games are still there so selling your consolw because your angry at brand is stupid. Came up with strat where I'll buy exclusives only on PS5 and true 3rd on Xbox to force me to use it i just dont wanna abandon it after thise essential 3 years I had it. Before that I kinda turned my back on Nintendo so I'm a wandering soul you could say
@stevenkennedy6870 4 ай бұрын
As a Series X owner I disagree backwards compatibility is better than paying for switch online to access old Nintendo 1st party titles because they closed down the E shop. Gamepass allows us as consumers to try out the games before buying them in an era where video games since the 2010’s to present have been releasing at full price broken i can’t see how thats a problem. Also Xbox has dropped more 1st party games in the last few yrs than sony or Nintendo who are putting out more double A games than triple A games. If i can play more of sony’s and Nintendo’s 1st party games via emulation why would i invest in these other platforms so no i don’t think phil spencer or Xbox have let us down.
@weplayvrgames 4 ай бұрын
Sounds like your just paying to demo games and Xbox are double dipping on it's fans , you sound like the perfect consumer they want the ones willing to pay monthly and pay for the games they already have access to They laughing all the way to the bank , how about instead you tell them you ain't paying for gamepass and you want free demos of the games like we used to get Worst argument for gamepass you could have given
@cris1735 4 ай бұрын
Don Mattrick > Phil Spencer >>> Bill Gates
@SinanPurtas 4 ай бұрын
In xbox defence, the ps5 isnt worthy buying either. No games and those few that exist are also on ps4 and pc. In this gen the only thing u need is a pc and a Switch
@dionlandon479 4 ай бұрын
Haha...this video is pretty pathetic...basically you're saying that the games aren't coming out fast enough for you...lmao!! Keep hanging on to Redfall as a reason for all the doom.
@tyjones9864 3 ай бұрын
Doom and gloom.
@High5Alltime 4 ай бұрын
Xbox will always be favorite no matter what. Phill did one thing good only making the gamepass, but im sure xbox will get through all of this .
@davidnonya7359 2 ай бұрын
whaaa but muh exclusives
@MegaNdela 4 ай бұрын
Xbox has a Microsoft problem. But to us, the gamers who were cheering for Phil and Co - they now seem inept and defeated...because Microsoft, as is now 'customary' - have decided to get too involved in their gaming department...with their sole aim being to make as much bank as possible. A very business-like approach has taken over at Xbox...and a gamer-first approach has taken the backseat. While I can't fault a business in its pursuit to make money, I fee that - Ms being so rich - could have watched Xbox from a 'safe' distance to get their thing going, and only move in when things go too far. Maybe it wouldn't have been instantly successful...but I believe it would have picked up - especially with the rapport Phil and Co had established with us. Microsoft have their hands a little too far up Phil's rear end, puppeteering him and Co to make some of this gen's puzzling decisions that run counter to the Xbox they were when the gen began. They are now unrecognisable and easy to dislike and mistrust. Microsoft has always treated xbox as their 'hustle on the side'...and it shows that they are just moonlighting in the games industry...not here to stay. At least ALL indications lead most of us who like/d xbox to think that way. In stark contrast, their Japanese competition seem to really give a SH!T about Playstation.
@dusermiginte4647 4 ай бұрын
Lol,yeah right, thats why sony release all those games huh? 😂😂😂
@OZIPUG1970 4 ай бұрын
Ive never been interested in anything xbox has to offer anyway so whatever happens it wont effect me.
@ezetram774 4 ай бұрын
Got a series x might as well go to pc tbh
@NightWolf-mq8ck Ай бұрын
You guys are soooo salty, xbox gonna be fine, all that money made on sony going back to xbox as well 😆 the doom and gloom is so hilarious 🤣 😂
@musclespy575 4 ай бұрын
@Tobiemoss 3 ай бұрын
Aged like milk
@DP12321 Ай бұрын
Xbox sales are down 42% for FY2024. News just came out.
@ridiculous_gaming 3 ай бұрын
Kinect, for its uses was and still is fantastic; however, being critical for everything was a stupid way to direct gamers back to PlayStation. Also, the launch titles on Xbox One were fantastic and superior to the PS4 launch.
@JuanitoMedz 4 ай бұрын
:3 xbox sucks just simple as that Having more money, more resources, acquiring ABK, Bethesda and more Having the lame gamepass for poor people Having backwards compatibility And still cannot even compete LOL this is beyond sad, I mean, we all knew this gaming machine was shit, but not to this level. Such an incompetent lack of direction.
@dusermiginte4647 4 ай бұрын
Hahahah salty poonies being salty.. And soon they buy Valve and Take2. 😂
@LunaRosalie 3 ай бұрын
the only one that wins is PC where i can enjoy all video games, from all ages. Imagine caring about any console developer where they cant even do real 4K or even real 2K, and make you rebuy old games you already own on another device.
@NOXX1985 3 ай бұрын
I like an idiot bought that Xbox one X bc Phil promised so many awesome games and vr utilizing the power of the one x (never happened) .. I traded both my xbox for 2 PS4 and 4 games and I was shocked why I tried leaving Playstation during 360/ps3 days to begin with, but never again I'll tell you that.
@watchout5508 3 ай бұрын
I had a series S and simply cannot justify paying full AAA first world prices for the same game in my 3rd world currency... Hogwarts cost about a 2/7 of my monthly income. How tf is that sensible??? I cant afford these games. Simple. I sold my series S to buy a monitor to start PC gaming. Im never going back.
@JacobisLaya 3 ай бұрын
Xbox makes me sad now they have gone so far astray that I still surprised that they haven’t sold out yet. OG Xbox was such a good start so many classics, 360 was good cause I took the best franchises and made some of them better and was a cheap console, Xbox one I can truly say was a disaster, series X/s I can say is really just a blank
@IMDLEGEND 4 ай бұрын
I think the main problem made this generation was making hardware so similar to Sony. Also having all first party games on PC day and date stole the luster from Xbox. Many just said why not just get a PC?
@AdamThompkins-dz7jn 3 ай бұрын
Trading xbox for a Playstation I was so wrong about what which console was better obviously it was Playstation
@KintaroTakanori 2 ай бұрын
without phil xbox would probably not exist anymore. i like phil. maybe time for a change but he did good, no matter what this videos says
@kubeanie18 3 ай бұрын
this didn't age well xbox games showcase proves it.. you do know games take 4 to 6 yrs to make they said in February that gamepass will only be on xbox.
@DP12321 Ай бұрын
Xbox sales are down 42%
@martytube821 3 ай бұрын
Xbox isn't just a console!
@codemaster1120 2 ай бұрын
Solution: Move to pc
@DerkuiDerkui 3 ай бұрын
Gaming is dead. Microsoft did the smart thing and bought/invested in ip's to build their Game Pass service, as that is the future of gaming. No more consoles. This means Sony, after the PS5, maybe the PS6, will go bankrupt and be no more, as that is the only thing keeping Sony afloat. Nintendo, after the Switch 2, should also go into online gaming services as they, too, can stay relevant like Microsoft as they have many popular ip's.
@wwjnz9263 3 ай бұрын
What ever. Gaming is one big turd sandwich, and all the corpos are trying to get gamers to eat it.
@KeatsIT 4 ай бұрын
Xbox should've never been released to start with. It always was a subpar Playstation with just a couple good exclusives.
@smittypwnz 4 ай бұрын
Xbox had built in wifi which was big at the time, and good exclusives like Halo. Xbox 360 was better the the PS3 for most of it's life span and was only really surpassed in the final few years due to the over reliance on Kinect and less exclusive games. Xbox is great because it was competition for Playstation, but after the xbox one it was over and now we see Playstation starting to make shitty decisions because they can.
@KeatsIT 4 ай бұрын
@@smittypwnz I agree that competition it's always good, problem is that they never had a unique thing to bring to market. For all the kinect/family stuff Nintendo was better, while the normal gaming stuff was better on PlayStation (far more exclusives) or directly on PC. All they add was Halo, Gears and Forza pretty much.
@smittypwnz 4 ай бұрын
@@KeatsIT Can't say I know to much about console innovations or unique things about them but I do recall Xbox being a huge innovator in early console online play. With both the Xbox and Xbox 360. Also the early consoles at least were made very easy to build games on and with high specs something other consoles like the Wii and PS3 struggled with. Xbox also brought the game pass in it's later years which is very popular and a huge unique thing they have going for it.
@weplayvrgames 4 ай бұрын
​@@smittypwnzuhhh ps had built in wifi before Xbox , 360 you had to buy an adapter PS3 it was built in from launch
@dusermiginte4647 4 ай бұрын
@deltacity3292 4 ай бұрын
unbelievable at this point that there are still xbots around who admire phil and his MS-Shitshow. xbox is down but they will also harm a lot of the gaming space for all of us
@SaigonBrit 4 ай бұрын
When Bond said the game industry is 'flat' it was simply a lie. Nintendo up 10% rev year on year. Switch still shifting 16m units in 7th year.
@richardquintero1980 4 ай бұрын
Nintendo switch a exception it is as much a handheld has a home console that's a big advantage
@jordanwhite352 4 ай бұрын
​@@richardquintero1980funny years ago people like you who are mocking the idea that Gamers would want to play big budget and professional titles on the go and that handhelds were a lesser form of system and thus would never compete as well against big boys like PlayStation 5.
@SaigonBrit 4 ай бұрын
@@richardquintero1980 perhaps but Switch is still doing amazing and its game sales are also up from last year. PS5 slightly ahead of where PS4 was at the same point it's cycle. Hell Divers 2 over 12 million sold in 2 months, Nintendo now with 7 Switch titles over 20 million sold (Inc Tears of the Kingdom from 2023), Elden Ring well over 1 billion dollars in sales, Hogwarts legacy over 1.2 bn. The point is, people are still buying games and consoles.
@davidhujik3422 4 ай бұрын
PlayStation makes money on consoles now to. Both Nintendo and PlayStation show they are very much a business but they bring out games we love.
@jesspeed 4 ай бұрын
@@davidhujik3422 until they shatter their good will from the ps4 era by taking extremely stupid decisions such as the helldivers controversy that locked half of the world from playing the game, did the same things for all the games ported to pc, forcing censorship into games on their platforms like anime games or Stellar blade while Nintendo, the “platform for kids” allow devs to create the vision they wish to create (+ while allowing the uncensored craps from games like TLoU2 which everyone hated), and not to mention, NO GAMES ON THE PS5 which is a meme that’s still running strong years later. We’re literally almost half way through the generation and there’s only like 6 exclusives on the ps5 and a lot of them are being ported to PC. Adding to this, let’s not forget that they have the same type of mentality as Microsoft when it comes to producing the types of games (as well as forcing DEI into both their gamers and the dev teams). All the games that are exclusives are “story driven cinematic, third person games”. They saw the success of the original TLoU1 and decided to pull a Ubisoft move and make their games similar because “that’s what gamers want right?” Meanwhile there’s so much variety on the Switch. Might not be my type of games but I have more respect for a company that don’t take the most popular thing and runs with it while throwing everything else in the trash. Overall, the PS5 is also going through the same stage as XBOX and their next generation push is not looking good. Managed to trick gamers because of their goodwill from the ps4 era but won’t carry over to their next gen at this stage. Both Xbox and PS5 have no games that warrant spending hundreds of dollars and with their DEI philosophy which destroyed games like TLoU2, they’ve already lost a huge part of their audience. Nintendo and PC (steam deck) is where it’s at
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 4 ай бұрын
Half this Video is about End of 360 era to X1 reveal... *Why though!?* This Topic has been BEATEN to Death multiple Times!
@Gumbro21 3 ай бұрын
This aged well...
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