How to ACE Your A-Levels

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Academic Underdogs

Academic Underdogs

10 жыл бұрын

Updated for 2019-2021 exams, How to ACE Your A-Levels is available now! For a FREE preview and reviews click here -
Inspired by student success stories. We tell you what your teachers don't...
How to ACE your A-Levels teaches you how to ACE your exams. No matter how smart or behind you may think you are this book will teach you how to revise... properly!
This is my story. I was an average student in a typical state school. I was by no means a 'geek' or conversely, a 'bad-boy'. I was just a normal guy. I went to all my lessons and did my homework. I did everything my teachers told me to. BUT, I failed my AS levels.
I was shocked, how did I fail when school had given me all the information I needed to pass the exams? I knew it was something to do with the way I worked and the solution would be to rectify my revision technique. I formulated a handful of simple strategies tailored to the specific type of learning in each of my subjects. I created detailed plans on how to absorb the information to perform and achieve my target of at least 3 A's out of 4 subjects.
One year later, I finished college with straight A grades. At university, I used the same principles and techniques to motivate myself, and it worked. Since my AS levels, I have never failed an exam, and I have full faith that I never will. I left UCL (University College London) with a first class honours degree. My results were in the top 5 percent of the year and I was awarded with a commendation of excellence by the Dean of Students.
Over time, with the help of the co-author of this book, I gathered all these techniques and produced a 3 step plan for students. In the first step, method, we tell you what top students do to secure top marks in exams. Here we cover repetition theory, the most effective memorisation techniques and discuss how to tailor your learning technique to the subjects you are taking.
Step 2 is the 'Study Cycle'. For years I've heard the term 'work hard' thrown around with no explanation. I believe 'working hard' is a skill in itself which must be understood and practiced as much as any A level subject. Here we provide case studies and examples of other students and their day to day habits during the academic year to help you gauge how much is enough.
Step 3 is 'Motivation'. This section provides the fuel for the 'Study Cycle'. We show you how to increase your attention span through simple and effective tricks. Furthermore, we discuss the damaging insecurities that hold you back from reaching your maximum potential and help you tackle them head on.
Read this book and you will be armed with techniques that will help you ACE your A-levels and equip you for any other exams during the rest of your life.

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@azadehahmed6499 8 жыл бұрын
the moment when you think when are the techniques going to show up.....
@Faith-sr8zw 7 жыл бұрын
It's funny because I got DDDU yesterday
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Faith, Thanks for commenting. What's your plan now?
@Faith-sr8zw 7 жыл бұрын
Academic Underdogs I'm retaking year 12 in another school and I'm going to do 3 subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Psychology) instead of Bio, Chem, Maths and RS. The U was in Maths. Then I hope to study Biomedical Science in university
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Those are good subjects. In my opinion, Biology is one of the easiest subjects to achieve an A or A* in. It's almost pure memory and the exams are mostly short answer questions. All you need to succeed is a productive routine and one decent memory study technique.
@Faith-sr8zw 7 жыл бұрын
Academic Underdogs Thank you very much. I'm going to work more efficiently and ask for help more this time round
@hyunjinskz4626 6 жыл бұрын
It’s funny because I got U E C
@howardjames4109 8 жыл бұрын
Heres how to ace your A-levels: work hard
@edinimusic 8 жыл бұрын
i think its kinda bad that your charging people for trying to better their education and it seems its not enough to just work hard but now we have to pay more in the hope we further our knowledge?i think most people have paid enough in school fee's.
@paul2413 8 жыл бұрын
How do you expect him to continue printing out and producing the book if he doesn't get any money for it? Money doesn't just fall out the sky.
@edinimusic 8 жыл бұрын
oh yeah had no idea thanks for the news flash :)
@edinimusic 8 жыл бұрын
because i forgot you cant just put a link in the description where ppl can download the book online which would charge him nothing? no instead you have to charge people for a book. You might not be aware of this but a book costs little more than around 50 pence when u look at it from an economies of scale perspective, and for anyone to charge £4 or whatever for a book is clearly aiming to make a profit (which i dont blame him for as hes making the book anyway) but i disagree which charging people for it at all, especially when theres so many other ppl who charge absolutely fuckin nothing for educational content, ie. Khan Academy
@edinimusic 8 жыл бұрын
sozz for the rant but i just finished my AS 1st year and got 4 A's in my subjects so feelin kinda cocky :P no hard feelings Caul
@mollydelfuego344 7 жыл бұрын
If they spent their time making a book and researching it makes perfect sense to buy this book , like how you buy books for leisure Or educational reasons. Material does not come out of thin air , you have to buy these stuff so for these guys to charge makes perfect sense. It's a good book that if used properly and understanding yourself it could help for the rest of your educational life
@jamesdale9253 9 жыл бұрын
thats one hell of a turn around well done!
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
james dale Thank you! I'm trying to help other students who were in the same situation as me so please spread the word! Raja
@jamesdale9253 9 жыл бұрын
AceYourAlevels No problem, will do. Also, need a bit of advice. Really want A in maths A Level, and need it for uni. currently doing my AS and my first module, C1 didnt go very well, i can still recover it with S1 and C2 to an A, but they are a lot harder. I will definitely retake C1 next year, is there anything i can do in regards with universities? needed an A for a prediction to do chemical engineering :(
@araja1988 9 жыл бұрын
james dale Hi James, I studied Chemical Engineering as well. So there are a few things I recommend: 1. Read my book: 'How to ACE Your A-Levels' - I know it's mine and I would say that but it will just sort your head out and help you hit the ground running in September. 2. If you don't get high enough grades, pester your teachers for high predicted grades. Try everything: letters written by your parents, meetings etc. One student I was mentoring even summarised my book and handed each of his teachers a 10 page plan on how he was going to improve his grades over A2. He eventually got higher predicted grades. 3. In my opinion, even if you don't get amazing grades, apply to at least 4 - 5 top universities (Preferably Oxbridge, Imperial and UCL). If you don't receive an offer, you're better off improving your grades over A2, taking a gap year and reapplying to these unis. 4. Gap year - do it. Even if you do get an offer try and defer it and get some work experience. When it came to applying for graduate jobs, those who did work experience in their gap years were miles ahead of everyone else. 5. Make sure your personal statement is solid: Drop me a message on here closer to the time and I can give you a few tips for ChemEng personal statements. I hope this helps! Raja
@jamesdale9253 9 жыл бұрын
Anshul Raja Thank you very much and will do!
@anastasiaobi 7 жыл бұрын
Could just not give it out for free ?
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Hi, We offer a free PDF containing interviews with students who turned their Ds into As. There is also a lot of useful information in the comments section of our website here -
@andreaflorea7743 8 жыл бұрын
watching this while being in a void attempting to do my A-level English language homework and then procrastinating
@arrainedee6330 8 жыл бұрын
Lmao! As English is not as easy as I thought it would be. Currently I'm avoiding biology.
@AmolPoudyal 8 жыл бұрын
Mr. Raja, your book saved my life. I can't thank you enough. You're a fucking great human being, sir.
@bleddead4119 9 жыл бұрын
Well done, that must have taken a lot of courage. Proud of you stranger.
@02amh 8 жыл бұрын
For people who are saying this book is another scam or something its a cheap price and there is no harm in trying it out? You guys acting like he is charging u £100 for the book or something. If his book could get me grades like that i'd pay £30 straight money aint an issue.
@araja1988 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Lady2Luv, Thank you for reading our book and getting in touch. I still think it’s important to learn your A2s first because it’s so easy to neglect them when you’re doing a lot of retakes. I did the same thing during my 2nd year for 3 sciences and maths. I never really had to go back to my AS modules when learning the A2 - if I did it would only be a quick brush up on a topic. However, if your A2 modules rely heavily on the AS ones, by all means revise them first as this would be more efficient. Raja
@NazriB 9 жыл бұрын
I always thought having high qualifications means having a stable job with high salary. When I grew up, I found out most of them are not being truthful.
@guyguy1811 6 жыл бұрын
your such a inspiration... true warrior... LOVE THE VID
@coralpeach4313 8 жыл бұрын
Is this book suitable to all subjects at A level including English literature, am just wondering because most of the reviews of students who have purchased this book have A level's such as biology, maths ect.?
@kuzay-i4079 9 жыл бұрын
hey sorry, i dont want to bother you with stupid questions but would this book help with getting A's on GCSEs? im not sure if the book is how to get A's in general, or just specifically on A-levels. I've read all of how much amazon lets me read and i liked it!
@sumerashah3210 6 жыл бұрын
Hi I purchased this book a while ago and have found it very useful however I'm kind of confused as to how to lay out the time table for the new Linear A levels could you please help me out by suggesting a solution, thank you
@sumerashah3210 6 жыл бұрын
I have your book but I have a question how can I use your techniques to enable high grades at the end of two year when the exam takes place
@lawrencepaish1528 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t like how this book doesn’t talk about looking after yourself and not burning yourself out. It says that not working late or not working on a Friday because you’re too tired are excuses to not work which is not true, because if you’re tired your work won’t be effective anyway. This is very likely to damage people’s mental health. Also, if A Levels were as easy as just memorising the textbook and doing papers then everyone would get As. The fact that it says you can revise for a subject in 10 days at first is total nonsense. A Levels have changed A LOT since this book was written. Nowadays, if you get 3Bs you should be immensely proud of yourself because they are so hard! To anyone starting A Levels: only do 3 from the very start, and please look after yourself! If you’re having to work ridiculously hard to get 3As, then DON’T aim for 3As! It’s much more important that you enjoy your Sixth Form life and work steadily, as you will be healthy and happy rather than burnt out and miserable like I was 😔
@nezmustafa4271 2 жыл бұрын
What were your results?
@araja1988 10 жыл бұрын
Nico, I was in the exact same position as you. All the steps you see in the book are the ones I took to turn my D's into A's. My advice is take a break from all your hard work over the exam period. If you don't get the grades you want in August then start your revision for January exams immediately and follow the guidance in How to ACE Your A-Levels. p.s. Pay particular attention to the scribble technique. I attribute much of my improvement to this learning technique as it help me absorb and retain information in the most efficient way. Well done for getting through your exams and try not to worry about your results! Raja,
@LeaderofRussiadhbfsdfbs 10 жыл бұрын
Please help me with my questions I have asked
@husseinosman1997 9 жыл бұрын
Whats the scribble technique?
@LeaderofRussiadhbfsdfbs 8 жыл бұрын
Hi raja, please answer this question: Are you gradeAunderA?
@araja1988 8 жыл бұрын
+yayvillee What is that?
@LeaderofRussiadhbfsdfbs 8 жыл бұрын
A KZbin channel, look it up haha
@LeaderofRussiadhbfsdfbs 8 жыл бұрын
John Doe lol I know right, and he has the same qualifications!
@rainer_uncrowned 6 жыл бұрын
Hahaha u legend!
@weed12371 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Raja, I recently purchased the book and its great and I'm really motivated. Im an A2 student and i have mocks coming up in 4 weeks (3 A2 modules bio,them and maths). How do you suggest i plan out an effective revision using the methods in the book, but the time is very short to incorporate all the layers. Can i still pull of A's?
@araja1988 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, The repetition revision timetable… As you are in your 2nd year, I recommend getting your A2 modules out of the way first (see the power layer or power rep under step 1). The first layer should take around 3 weeks per module. That should take you into February/March. As long as you do the first layer properly you should be able to hit above 70% for most exams after doing past papers 1 or 2 days before the exam. However, you can do better than 70%. You should aim to get a 2nd and maybe a 3rd layer done between March and May(exams). The 2nd layer should take 1 or 2 weeks per module to cover. If you don’t think there is enough time to do 2nd layers for all ur exams then pick your weakest modules. Your revision plan can go something like this.. 1st Sep - 21st Sep : Power Layer - Psychology module 4 21st Sep - 12th Oct: Power Layer - English Module 5 . . . 1st March - 14th March: 2nd Layer - Psychology module 4 Etc Etc I hope this helps!
@astera2286 7 жыл бұрын
If I have your GCSE book already, is it worth buying the A level one? Is it similar?
@TheUltimateHackertron 4 жыл бұрын
How did you revise for your a levels because I just read the textbook and do exam questions and I feel it’s not really enough?
@kittyjohnson2875 7 жыл бұрын
can you put a link below for the free pdf version please
@SimranKaur-ys1xu 8 жыл бұрын
HI Raja I was just wondering as you have to apply for unis with your AS results to make your predicted graded , did you take a gap year to get to UCL?
@AceYourAlevels1 8 жыл бұрын
Simran Kaur Hi Simran, Luckily I managed to raise predicted grades and got in first time so I didn't have to take a gap year. Raja
@MrAsianRaisin 9 жыл бұрын
I bought the book, it's helpful thanks. I plan to do 9 exams this summer (3 retakes) 3 subjects , 9 modules. How would you suggest spacing revision out for this I.e when to start ect . I'd be grateful if you got back me.
@araja1988 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, I suggest you get the first layer of your A2 modules completed & out of the way before January. It should take you 3 to 4 weeks to complete the first layer for each module. Make sure the first layer is a strong one & use the scribble technique throughout for amy memorisation. Also, don't be afraid to cover the material before its taught in class. Raja
@TheLady2luv 9 жыл бұрын
Hello Anshul Raja, This is not my account but sister's however it would be great to get a response from you. Currently at the moment I am very saddened by my state. In the mocks I had around Jan/Feb I received U grades though I studied during free sessions. I study maths, physics, english literature and chemistry. My hope was to get A grades during this summer but this seems impossible as I only have 2 months to do so with 8 exams in total..5 in may, 3 in june. I'm so stressed and confused. I started AS with so much energy and light- maybe I was being too optimistic or that I didn't do enough past papers. What grades should I aim for now? I want to go to uni and at this moment, it seems I would be lucky to even get C/D grades in summer.
@weed12371 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Raja, I recently purchased the book and its great and I'm really motivated. Im an A2 student and i have mocks coming up in 4 weeks (3 A2 modules bio,them and maths). How do you suggest i plan out an effective revision using the methods in the book, but the time is very short to incorporate all the layers. Can i still pull of A's? 
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, The repetition revision timetable… As you are in your 2nd year, I recommend getting your A2 modules out of the way first (see the power layer or power rep under step 1). The first layer should take around 3 weeks per module. That should take you into February/March. As long as you do the first layer properly you should be able to hit above 70% for most exams after doing past papers 1 or 2 days before the exam. However, you can do better than 70%. You should aim to get a 2nd and maybe a 3rd layer done between March and May(exams). The 2nd layer should take 1 or 2 weeks per module to cover. If you don’t think there is enough time to do 2nd layers for all ur exams then pick your weakest modules. Your revision plan can go something like this.. 1st Sep - 21st Sep : Power Layer - Psychology module 4 21st Sep - 12th Oct: Power Layer - English Module 5 . . . 1st March - 14th March: 2nd Layer - Psychology module 4 Etc Etc I hope this helps!
@habibsyed9190 7 жыл бұрын
Is this book suitable for Maths, Further Maths, Physics or Economics? Or just light, children's subjects like English Literature, History, Drama or Home Economics? (Just a bit of banter)
@notabott 9 жыл бұрын
I don't know what kind of trains you use, but a train ticket for me costs 1.20€ this is 10Pounds(for kindle)
@arillashsaravanan9216 6 жыл бұрын
Hello bro I tried buying your book on Amzon I am not sure why It Isn't working. Can you help me out?
@tottib3478 8 жыл бұрын
hii I'm currently an as level student and I still didn't sit for my exams the subjects that I took are maths biology and chemistry , I find it very difficult to achieve good grades at school I barely pass in school but at the same time I'm aiming to study medicine or dentistry and getting bad marks at school makes me think of getting bad results at my externals and I really need some advices on how to study effectively and when to start solving pastpapers, I'm from Jordan and I don't think the book is available in the country
@MrAsianRaisin 9 жыл бұрын
Hi raja I understand what you said thanks , but would you do layer 1 of a subject for 3-4 weeks then move on to the next subject or move onto a subject every 10 days
@araja1988 9 жыл бұрын
Yes, I would only move on to another subject after I completed layer 1 of the first one.
@alisiaontheinternet 8 жыл бұрын
I don't have a kindle? Is the book available as a pdf?
@pickleplease1997 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, how did you manage to turn D's into A*'s? Surely that would mean resitting all of your AS exams in order to achieve the percentage required to get those grades overall
@justkissanamakeup 9 жыл бұрын
Dylan Williams yup he did :) he did his alevels in jan then a2s in the summer
@raheemsterling1510 9 жыл бұрын
Hi there, I'm retaking 4 AS modules on top of A2, I am self study so I don't go to college I just have a tutor that helps me. Just read your book but I feel like I wasted too much time trying to revise for the AS modules and not paying enough attention to the A2 ones, is there enough time to go back and do all the layers before may? Thanks.
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, In your situation, I would definitely look to get the first layers of your A2 modules out of the way first. How many exams do you have in May/June? Raja
@KingHenrySB 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Raja, unfortunately I received quite bad AS level results and I am forced to retake year 12. I will be doing maths, economics and applied ICT. You've explained how to tackle subjects like maths and economics in the book but could you give me some advise on ICT? Also, will the fact I'm doing 3 subjects stop me from studying computer science at a top university?
@araja1988 8 жыл бұрын
+King Henry Hi Henry, ICT is quite coursework based so it's important you manage your time correctly. Students who pro actively set their own deadlines and complete work on time excel over other students who don't. If you find yourself continuously doing all-nighters - something is wrong! Trust me! To your 2nd question, I don't see how doing 3 subjects can stop you from doing CS at a top university. However, I would check university prospectuses carefully. Raja P.s. CS is a fantastic course to study - there is high demand for programmers in the UK and that demand is only going to increase over the next few years.
@btenuha 9 жыл бұрын
Where can I buy this book? I searched for it on amazon but only found the kindle version.
@araja1988 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, Unfortunately, it’s only available in kindle format at the moment. However, you don’t need a kindle device to read it. You can download a kindle reader app for your desktop pc or tablet here - We may start selling physical books in the future so keep an eye out! :) Many thanks, Raja
@bubbleslove7854 9 жыл бұрын
Hi. I am retaking 3 AS modules onto top of doing my A2 exams. I would like to purchase the book but would it be effective if i purchase it now? As I am 3 months away from my exams.
@araja1988 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Neydar, Thank you for your interest. We've been receiving a lot of questions like this recently.The study techniques we describe, although simple, are proven to by highly time efficient and effective. More importantly the book puts you in the right mindset for exams by making you aware of the study habits of those who achieve A's and A*s. So in answer to your question, yes there is still time to benefit from our guidance. Raja
@conbo911 7 жыл бұрын
Haha, I got 3 D's and a U as well. Hopefully I'll do better at A2
@foyekealayande2096 5 жыл бұрын
How was A2 I hope you did better
@tomcox3997 8 жыл бұрын
I bought your book but I don't understand the layering technique?
@johnkevro1948 9 жыл бұрын
Omg i wish i got this earlier!!! i just recently finished my mocks and i have finished the book and it looks awesome. However I didn't do so great in my mocks so i pretty demotivated as i have 10 A2 and As exams in total (6 A2 and 4 As retakes). I want to start as soon as possible but i tried fitting in a revision timetable and there is literally not enough time to do 3 layers for each subject as my exams start from the 13 of may due to As retakes. can you do the first layer of each module in 2 weeks. i really want to do medicine please help! I am so happy i found this video i just need help organising and putting everthing together then i will be on my why to the results i want. i will definitely share this thanks
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hi John, Thanks for reading our book! As long as you get a strong first layer in for each module and complete ALL past papers, you should be able to hit 80%+ in each module. When I say strong, I mean thoroughly working through your text books using the scribble technique and no skipping sections. Make full use of your evenings/free periods/weekends and you should be fine. Raja
@technokid18 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Raja, I that know you referenced in this video and your "how to ace your a levels" book that you used the same three-step approach at uni to get a 1st class honours. But, my question: is did you change anything at uni ? The reason I ask is because university learning is different to a levels. For example university learning outcomes are not as structured and defined as they are at a levels. Can you share some advice on "how to ace university exams"? In the life sciences. Just as a final question could you perhaps write a book on how to ace university exans?
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
technokid18 Hi technokid, I'm glad you asked that because I'm in the process of writing "How to ACE University". You highlighted an important point about a lack of structured learning outcomes. This caught me off guard during 1st year uni and therefore I didn't do as good as I hoped. Even though I turned it around in 2nd and 3rd year, it would have made my life a lot easier if I knew the pitfalls earlier! With regards to your question, the How? and When? to revise guidance in How to ACE Your A-Levels is still relevant. However the What? to revise has to change. You have to create your own learning outcomes by maintaining a close relationship with your lecturers and also students from the year above! As you can imagine, there's more to it then that. Make sure you keep an eye on our facebook page: for updates on the new book 'How to ACE University'. Also, if you're still interested, my A-Level Rescue Workshop date and location is now finalised: Event: A-Level Rescue Workshop Location: London School of Economics, Houghton St, London, WC2A 2AEDate: Saturday, 19 September 2015 Only 6 early bird tickets available! Buy yours here: Thanks! Raja
@t021096om 9 жыл бұрын
I have just finished your book and I thought it was great and I now have many ideas on how I'm going to revise! But I was wondering how I should set up my revision as of now to get as many cycles between now and my first exam in 4 months? I'm studying Maths, Physics and Electronics andim retaking 6 exams from last year as well as A2 exams
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Tom, Thank you for reading our book! I would get your A2 modules out of the way first. Assuming you have covered a lot of your A2 stuff over your first term (lessons/homeworks), your 2nd layer should be much faster. As a rule of thumb, each module should take around 1 - 2 weeks for your 2nd layer when using our techniques. If you work fast and make full use of evenings/weekends, you could potentially finish up the 2nd layer a couple week before your exams. I don't think there will be time for a 3rd layer so hit past papers when you approach exams. Raja
@t021096om 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it!!!
@sulthanasume3789 6 жыл бұрын
I got EEU in my AS and it really broke me down ...planning to give bio alevels again and continue gving physics A2 level... what would u suggest me to do to improve my grades please help
@shuena100 9 жыл бұрын
Hi , I was wondering if you can help me! In my AS I achieved 3C and an E I'm currently doing A2 but not redoing any units again at the moment unless I choose to redo one of As law units which I got a D in because the other unit I got an A in. In the summer I've got 2 law exams , 2 sociology exams and 1 English exam , so 5exams potentially 6, do you think I would be able to achieve minimum grade of ABB ? Urgently need help , thank you :)
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hxna If you were to get 80% in all your A2 exams, what percentage would you need to achieve in each AS retake to achieve ABB?
@shuena100 9 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure I think Bs or possibly As, I'm currently trying to purchase the book on Amazon but it keeps directing me to the app on kindle but I want to buy the actual book so how do I do that ? And what does paper back mean?
@araja1988 9 жыл бұрын
Hxna Hi, It looks like you would need to do more retakes in order to achieve the targets you set. However, I don't know your exam marks so I cannot say for sure. Regardless, You should aim to do the best you can in the up coming exams. Raja
@tottib3478 8 жыл бұрын
hii raja can u please tell me if the book is available in Jordan and thank uuuu
@AceYourAlevels1 8 жыл бұрын
+Download Games Hi. I'm heading over to the middle east in a few weeks to try and get the book out there. Fingers crossed!
@simranherian2339 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, i have 8 exams in May/June, re-taking AS exams aswell as doing A2 exams. Do i still have enough time to use the techniques in your book and manage to cover every exam in time for May?
@araja1988 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, Yes you do. However, you must work quickly and fully use your weekends/evenings. Raja
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Simran Herian Hi, Yes you do but you have to work quickly. Raja
@simranherian2339 9 жыл бұрын
How would you suggest i start/ go about with the layers and repetitions? i have AS history, english lit and sociology exams first in May, then A2 history, english lit and 2 sociology exams in June
@fatimaomer1132 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm doing AS exams this summer. Biology (AQA), chemistry (WJEC) English literature (WJEC). What are the best tips you can give me? How do I revise for English literature? :/
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Fatima, The techniques in How to ACE Your A-levels are well suited to your subjects. As you would expect, English literature requires a different approach than Biology and Chemistry. While science and maths based subjects require only textbooks to revise from, English lit requires a thorough understanding of your literature texts. You literally need to know them like the back of your hand. Our scribble technique can help with this particularly with memorising quotes. However, analysis and essay writing ability are equally important and practice is the only way to improve. I hope this helps! Raja
@MegaBiXch 8 жыл бұрын
Heyy has anyone tried this yet? Like does this work? Cux I'm seriously planning to buy it lol
@m.omairmuddassar3698 8 жыл бұрын
is your book available in Pakistan?????
@KingHenrySB 8 жыл бұрын
Raj, do you have any plans on making a book like this for university students?
@araja1988 8 жыл бұрын
Hi, Yes! I've been working on it with our team for about a year now. It will be available to order on Amazon from early September! Raja
@KingHenrySB 8 жыл бұрын
Anshul Raja Thanks Raj, I'm planning on going to uni next September so that's perfect news!
@TheBgsbgsbgsbgs 6 жыл бұрын
dude! do you not think that if i can't be asked to do work for my a levels that i can't be asked to read about this
@bencham2458 7 жыл бұрын
I'm only struggling with maths as I got an E for AS. Will this book be helpful for a subject which doesn't include a lot of research and writing like maths.
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Ben, Short answer - Yes. We separate all A-level subjects into 3 categories and describe how to succeed in each one. What other subjects are you taking?
@bencham2458 7 жыл бұрын
Academic Underdogs Hi. Well due to school cancelling the alevels I wanted. I now just do a level maths, BTEC Diploma IT and just finished EPQ.
@tomevans2712 9 жыл бұрын
its like 3 weeks before my as levels and im sitting here with all my notes in front of me and i do niot have a clue what do and how im suppose to revise, can someone please tell me how they found the best way to revise, ty
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Tom Evans Hi Tom, At this stage prioritise your past papers over everything else. After you've gone through ALL of them, continue revising over your textbook and notes. Raja
@LeaderofRussiadhbfsdfbs 10 жыл бұрын
When you refer to the 'core text book' I'm your book, what is this textbook and where can I buy it?
@anshulraja1867 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Yayvillee, Thank you for purchasing our book! I hope you enjoy the success many others have experienced from reading it. The 'core text books' we refer to are the text books recommended or issued by the exam board for each of your subjects. Exam boards being Edexcel, AQA etc. Usually core text books have the exam board logo somewhere on the front cover. Ask your teachers if you are not sure. If you do have a 'core text book' for your subject then these are the best and only thing you should revise from (before doing past papers prior to exams). Don't get distracted by colourful revision guides. However, some subjects do not have 'core text books'. In such a scenario it's best to use text books recommend by your teachers and classroom notes. I hope that helps! P.s. pay special attention to the scribble technique in the book. I attribute much of the improvement in my grades to sticking to that simple learning method. Best of luck! Anshul Raja & The AceYourAlevels Team
@LeaderofRussiadhbfsdfbs 10 жыл бұрын
Anshul Raja thank you :)
@aishahussein5056 3 жыл бұрын
how can i order this book?
@futuredrkiran 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, I was wondering how exactly should I revise thoroughly using the scribble technique for layer one (1st rep) of subject? I don'y understand what exactly is thorough revision and how do I do it? And also I have read your book, which is exactly what I needed so thank you, and that is why I am asking. Also could you please help with a plan of action. I'm currently studying Chemistry, Biology and Maths. At AS I achieved 3Cs and a B. I'm desperately wanting to get a minimum of 3As. I'm retaking core 2 and chem 2. Please help.
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hi,Do you only have 2 retakes?
@futuredrkiran 9 жыл бұрын
AceYourAlevels I have 2 retakes and then a total of 11 A2 exams (13 if you count EMPA papers), 4 of my exams are General Study exams.
@futuredrkiran 9 жыл бұрын
AceYourAlevels Also as I'm wanting to study Medicine at university I can only retake 1 module per subject (majority of med schools ask for this).
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
K.Chana Hi, Revision time table: From now till summer, it's important to complete strong 1st layers for as many modules as possible. When I say 'strong layer' I mean thoroughly working through exam board textbooks using the scribble technique for memory based subjects and working through practice questions in method and understanding subjects. I recommend completing the first layers for your A2 modules before you start your retakes revision. Also, it will be difficult to turn 3C's into 3A's with only 2 retakes. I understand your restrictions with retakes but please speak to your teachers about this. Raja
@futuredrkiran 9 жыл бұрын
AceYourAlevels Thank you. :) ok I have planned out my revision timetable starting from February, since I have mocks exams next week I'm limited on what I will be working on. I'll still have 1 C grade at the end of A2 because I dropped one subject. I'm not worried too much about turning Biol and Maths into As because I got a B in Biol and the for maths C2 brought my grade down. I'm most worried about Chem. For Chem it requires me to get good As all through A2 and in my resit of Chem 2.
@LilPani13 8 жыл бұрын
Watching this video , coming from a similar position to you in terms of grades , I'm on A2 now , hoping this will help me a lot till you mentioned we need to buy a book . Just another money scheme
@araja1988 8 жыл бұрын
+panashe_17 I assure you this is no 'scheme'. This is a real product that has helped 1000s of students. See our reviews here -
@nezmustafa4271 6 жыл бұрын
When you have gaps in between layers that are too long that's just going to make you forget stuff
@kimberlyormesher3494 7 жыл бұрын
You success and hard work is inspiring but could you stick book trailer on the end of the title ? Cheers
@Zukay4ever 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Raja, after receiving my AS grades I am absolutely devastated. I got CDDE, and I wanted to do neuroscience at unis with entry requirements ABB. However, I had a chat with my school today and they said I can only resit 2 modules. So I don't know if I will be able to achieve those grades next year. Please help :(!
@AceYourAlevels1 8 жыл бұрын
+Zukay4ever Hi Zukay, In my opinion your school should let you resit however many modules you want. It's your life and future they are holding back. In your position, I would pressure them to retake more. If they continue to say no, I would find another college/6th form tbh. Regards, Raja
@TheShakz10 6 жыл бұрын
Hey I have 90 days until my first of my nine A level exams but I still haven't managed to complete layer 1 for any of my subjects yet 😭 what should I do? I feel like I still need to go over content but I obviously need to get lots of exam practice as well so I'm very confused 😭
@nezmustafa4271 4 жыл бұрын
how did it go in the end.
@eloise-mariebamford1737 4 жыл бұрын
That ironic moment when intelligence is spelt wrong on the video.
@jankinsan 7 жыл бұрын
Hello there, I got BBBC in my AS Levels. Can I improve my grades to 4A's without reappearing for AS! Really tensed about exams this year! (A Level)
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Janki, In short - yes you can. This is pretty much what I did. Have you read How to ACE Your A-Levels?
@jankinsan 7 жыл бұрын
Academic Underdogs No. But I have read those interviews and it motivated me a lot. Thank you.
@KingHenrySB 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm studying maths, physics, Biology and Business studies. I've got the book but I'm worried its too late for me to start your techniques. I've got 32 days left until my first exam, please can you give your opinion?
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
King Henry Hi, How many exams do you have?
@KingHenrySB 9 жыл бұрын
AceYourAlevels Thanks for replying. I've got 9 exams in total ( 3 for Maths and 2 each for Bio, Physics and Business Studies)
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
King Henry So about 3 days per module. Yes you can use the scribble technique, but you don't have the time to read over the page 2 or 3 times. You will have to work quickly. Make sure you prioritise your past papers over your textbook. In your position, for each module, I would use the scribble technique along with your textbooks for 2 days and spend the 3rd day doing past papers.
@KingHenrySB 9 жыл бұрын
AceYourAlevels Thanks for all your advice! I may have found the book late but at least this puts me in a good position for next year.
@TheIncandescentSentinel 8 жыл бұрын
did you ace your exams?
@taabhishek1996 8 жыл бұрын
hey!....I want to buy your book but it shows 10000inr on
@ninad0308 9 жыл бұрын
Hi raja! So I'm indian, doing CIE a levels in Malaysia... I have just four subjects -chemistry, physics, mathematics and economics. I really need help in chemistry and i wanted to know if the channel E Rintoul would help me. I'm confused because he teaches OCR. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
@araja1988 9 жыл бұрын
N vhgmghhk Hi. What exam board are you doing for Chemistry? Raja
@albertogp8205 7 жыл бұрын
I really want to give it a try!! But it´s not on Amazon...
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Alberto, Thanks for your interest. Here's the link - Thanks Academic Underdogs
@baiatucufocu9828 7 жыл бұрын
Hei guys i kno you are here just because you are stressed out and you wanna kno the secret? There's no secret you just have to work hard if you wanna become a doctor or something like that or if you wanna be all alone and start a job all by yourself you have to drop out collage and start thincking at what you ate god at i kno it sounds crazy but you have to do it even if it sounds stupid or mad
@TheLady2luv 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Raja, I've been trying to reach out to you for many times now, I'm in a desperate situation...I really need your advice and help. I have bought your book and I’m reading it while using it to help guide me along with my A levels but I have a lot of questions. First, I hope it’s ok if I give you a bit of my background to year 12 and my situation? This year, I sat exams for AS English Literature, Physics and Chemistry but got really poor grades: EUU. I only technically passed English literature so was advised to resit year 12 again. A teacher said another option would be me becoming a private candidate which would mean I’d have to pay to sit exams, find my own tutor while self teaching these three A levels. I’ll have 14 exams in total, 2 praticals (A2), I've now recently decide to drop English Literature and take up maths so I'd need to get A level Maths, Physics and Chemistry done in a year for next summer. This seems super stressful and as a bad idea and thought maybe I should just resit year 12. But then, I realised if I did this, I can avoid the new A level reforms and after take a gap year which I really would like so I can gain more experience in the field I would like to enter. I don’t really know the content though for AS Physics, Maths and Chemistry, I know parts of the content but not well so it would mean me learning everything in a year while revising for these 10 exams in summer and doing coursework. I remember there was a section in your book talking about balancing AS & A2 exams and that though it may seem that you should start learning/revising for AS first, do A2 first but how does someone like me do A2 first if I am learning AS as I am very weak in AS? A2 seems almost impossible to understand because I don’t have the foundation from AS and even some parts of GCSE lol, which is why I wanted to ask if I began with AS first then began to learn A2 in January/February, is this too late? Or could I learn A2 and AS together? Some AS level modules in Maths, Physics and Chemistry match a lot of the A2 modules, A2 is a continuation from chapters so I was thinking should I do that? I just want to spend the little time I have very wisely and productively. My fear is being a month away from exams and still having many chapters to learn like last year. But I also want to learn these three subjects well enough to do well in the exams next year, aiming high in terms of grades.
@prnczzzsoso1717 8 жыл бұрын
fuck u bitch!
@TheLady2luv 8 жыл бұрын
PrNczzz SosO LOL why? Oh dear...are you sane?
@smallcatbigmeow 8 жыл бұрын
hey, is the book any good??
@TheLady2luv 8 жыл бұрын
***** Yea, it really is. He seems to hit all points of concerns and worries with A levels.
@smallcatbigmeow 8 жыл бұрын
+TheLady2luv has it helped you get better grades??
@9898mohith 8 жыл бұрын
haha I can relate to u soo much :) I even got D,D,D,U for AS level doing A2 now
@9898mohith 8 жыл бұрын
Hey what a coincidence I wanted to do chemical engineering aswell writing my personal statement, man I'm buying your book right now.
@foyekealayande2096 5 жыл бұрын
How was results was it better
@GnarlyFlix 8 жыл бұрын
I'm in year level 11 I'm about to do my first mocks in under 3 weeks , I'm 2nd top and top for all my subjects , in year 10 in the last mocks I got all D's and I really wanna do good in my upcoming mocks , I wanna become a dentist which gives a lot of money and u need physhics and maths , I don't have the book , but what shall I do, I don't revise , help me raja what shall I do
@wackity.7879 8 жыл бұрын
I'd try hard and see how this year goes but in all honesty if you are struggling with the GCSEs you may may to think is going to be too hard. It's possible to pull Cs/Ds up to As/A*s (what I did) but then there's a huge struggle when you start college. (Which I am finding now). Just bare in mind (not too much, still focus on this year) that next year you want to be able to achieve in what subjects you pick.
@arrainedee6330 8 жыл бұрын
You don't revise? Lol. my year 11 mock I had a U of 9% which I pulled up to a B and I continued it in AS and I'm a b average but I had to read. Granted , not as much as I should've but I was shocked. I passed with c and above in everything even though I expected to fail and according to mocks, I should've had only 4 passes. My advise, watch KZbin videos. (Since you don't read) That's what I'm doing for AS level. Also keep in mind, that looking back now at last year, year 11 was like the year one compared to a levels. I wish I could go back.
@abdulrafayimran9687 8 жыл бұрын
can you please tell the link from where to buy this book from???????
@araja1988 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Abdul, Thanks for your interest. Where are you ordering from? Raja
@ayse5712 7 жыл бұрын
there's a link in the description lol
@agm5484 7 жыл бұрын
I'm from Kenya and the book cant reach me and i tried ordering from Amazon could you please help me!!! Pleaseee!!!
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Hi, Feel free to order from our international website: Thanks, Raja
@moustafatager1617 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Raja, I finish my GCSE and now I will do my A-levels, is it possible to do medicine with 3 A-levels.
@araja1988 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Moustafa, Most med schools ask for specific A-Levels to be taken - it usually switches between Biology and Chemistry. As for the number of A-Levels, it's best to check with the individual med schools you are interested in. Thanks, Raja
@tealglitter2097 7 жыл бұрын
moustafa tager I know you've probably chosen your subjects but to anyone else with this question: yes it is. You need biology chemistry and physics. BUT I think maths would look very good on one's profile when applying for medicine
@TheJassal98 9 жыл бұрын
Is the scribble technique more effective when doing a full page or a small "sub section"? This is for GCSEs, so content isn't that challenging... Thanks
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, At the start it's difficult to do whole pages so it's best to split the page into 2 or 3. But over time as your memory improves try and cover a page each go. Raja
@TheJassal98 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks Raja Just wondering, when's the best time to start revising for GCSEs, as you have excelled through the education system already... Jitesh
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Jitesh, Start now! It's during GCSE's you can work on building your habits and discipline. Every evening allocate time to studying. Furthermore, if you use the techniques on our book, you will be miles ahead of your peers. Raja
@TheJassal98 8 жыл бұрын
+AceYourAlevels Hey Raja, Just thought I'd update you and I managed to get 9A*s 2As using your techniques for GCSE Thanks!
@fahimay8799 9 жыл бұрын
I brought the book but now I'm panicking cause the book perspective is from when your starting a levels I got my test in 3 weeks and I got 6 exams 😭 biology,chemistry and sociology
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
fahima yusuf Hi Fahima, Even though our repetition revision time table shows what to do early in the year, the other concepts in the book particularly the scribble technique will be useful.
@fahimay8799 9 жыл бұрын
AceYourAlevels oh okay thank you the book is really helpful especially in terms of motivation.
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
fahima yusuf Thank you Fahima! Please spread the word to any students you know. Raja
@agm5484 7 жыл бұрын
Hi I'm found the book on kindle but its written "sample" on the top left of the book could you please guide me in order i can buy it before my A2
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Hi, Thank you for your interest. Please go to the following link and click buy now on the right hand side. We also have paperback versions available updated for 2016/2017. Thanks, P
@agm5484 7 жыл бұрын
It can't be delivered directly to where i am located. Nairobi, Kenya. I've tried and its not working
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Please drop us an e-mail at
@fredbosire7516 7 жыл бұрын
hi i was also in nairobi in light academy but i was lucky my friend from london brought me the book.
@agm5484 7 жыл бұрын
Hi can you please hit my e-mail. and did it work
@MR2perfectable 9 жыл бұрын
Has anyone purchased the book? If you have was it good ?
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Arian Hi Arian, I hope someone responds to your request. Until then please feel free to take a look at our reviews on amazon: We also have some reviews and comments on our facebook and twitter pages: Regards, How to ACE Your A-Levels
@jamesdale9253 8 жыл бұрын
Hello Raja- I just recieved my AS Level results and did badly, c's and d's in maths physics chemistry and history. I wanted to do chemical engineering at a top uni like imperial birmingham manchester leeds etc. With my AS grades so low and my predicted grades not expected to be much better, will it be impossible to get any offers from them? Note; I have a pretty unique personal statement and wish to do tennis scholarship at my university?
@TheWanem 8 жыл бұрын
I think if u do well in A2 will be enough to get to uni
@AceYourAlevels1 8 жыл бұрын
james dale Hi James, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't achieve the grades you wanted. Push your teachers hard to improve on your predicted grades and have a go. Your personal statement should help and you may well receive an offer. If you don't, I recommend reading through my book and using my guidance throughout A2. If you improve your grades, you can always take a gap year and do something cool like start a tennis academy or play abroad. Then reapply the following year. Raja
@jamesdale9253 8 жыл бұрын
AceYourAlevels Thank you. Yes I have purchased the book and will work through it. I've pushed them hard enough but they won't go higher than one grade up, to keep up their reputation and stuff. I guess my only option now is clearing and GAP year.
@ibrahimlimbada1647 6 жыл бұрын
I've got practically 3 and a half months till my final exams and have a D, E and D in Biology, chemistry and geography. I never study and need some advice before I mess up.
@ashraf4262 3 жыл бұрын
Hi what happened did you get the grades you wanted?
@ibrahimlimbada1647 3 жыл бұрын
@@ashraf4262 Assalamu alaykum brother, no I didn't revise, however I still passed with 2Cs and an E. I'm now in my 3rd year of medicine. I did 2 years of biomedical science prior.
@ashraf4262 3 жыл бұрын
@@ibrahimlimbada1647 you can study biomedical with Cs that give me some hope. What university are you at?
@ibrahimlimbada1647 3 жыл бұрын
@@ashraf4262 I went to De Montfort University
@ibrahimlimbada1647 3 жыл бұрын
@@ashraf4262 Now I'm studying in Europe
@antoniotaylor4216 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Raja could you PLEASE awnser this : I'm starting year 13 next week doing Business , Sociology and English Language. I've decided to take your advice and study one subject at a time. However I don't see how to do this considering that we are always learning new content for sociology down the year- how am I supposed to complete a repetition and then move onto business when more sociology is supposed to be done? I really need a so unit ion because I really want to try studying for subjects one by one this time around
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Antonio, Thanks for reading my book and your question. It's perfectly OK to study a subject before your teachers have taught it, in fact I advise this. Do you remember the topic in How to ACE Your A-Levels on the 'power layer'? The exams/subjects I prepared for using a power layer were the ones I performed better in; often hitting marks above 95%. I often prioritised my layered learning time table over homework. This annoyed my teachers, but it worked out at the end. I obviously don't advise this! However, if you start early, you should be able to manage your layered learning time-table alongside homework/course work. Remember, school is your secondary tool (particularly when it comes to memory & learning + method & understanding subjects). Your exam board verified textbooks should be your primary tool. I hope this helps! Raja
@antoniotaylor4216 7 жыл бұрын
It does help thanks! Do you have any new tips considering that we have to repeat the same exams again under this new system as well as our A2 exams?
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
With the old system where you could re-take exams in the summer and with the old-old system where you could re-take exams in January, you could get away with doing a strong 1st layer and past papers closer to exams. Now you can't! So it's even more crucial to start early and get at least 3 layers in before each exam.
@antoniotaylor4216 7 жыл бұрын
+Academic Underdogs Thank you Raja. Although English Language is written prose, would you argue that it is also key to practice essays over and over again like how you say it is important to do practice questions with method and understanding subjects?
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Absolutely - essay practice is important. However, it's only one piece of the puzzle. You need to become good at forming opinions by forcing yourself to generate and share opinions on everything you hear or see - movies, music, politics, social media etc. Learning how to analyse is also important and that comes from practice and listening to those little golden nuggets from teachers/tutors. For those who aren't naturally good at the above, English Language can be the hardest and most awkward subject to prepare for.
@burhanuddinezzi3914 7 жыл бұрын
If i don't get an A or above in tomorrows paper I'm drinking bleach.
@02amh 8 жыл бұрын
Someone help me, i dont understand the scribble technique. I read like one paragraph and could not remember it word for word help me please
@AceYourAlevels1 8 жыл бұрын
+02amh Hi. Definitely don't try and remember the paragraph word for word as that will take you forever. Just try and remember the key points and explain it to yourself as you are scribbling.
@02amh 8 жыл бұрын
so i do that throughout the whole textbook, what sort of technique should i use to remember what i have covered once i am further in the textbook
@cmdnadald123 8 жыл бұрын
I had 10 A*s at GCSE then got 2 E's and C's at AS level now i am deciding to retake my AS' it sucks and i am nor a party girl i genuinely don't know what happened hoping my life changes around
@awesomeguy3211 8 жыл бұрын
Probably because you used the same work ethic at a level which you used at GCSE
@AizadJamil98 8 жыл бұрын
That's amazing!(not in a good way) How come? I mean just how? Did you study hard? Or took it easy thinking that "I'm a genius, I got 10 asteriks, A levels is nothing"? I want to know. I'm desperate.
@awesomeguy3211 8 жыл бұрын
Aizad Jamil Baloch People who do well at gcses tend to underestimate a levels
@cmdnadald123 8 жыл бұрын
Aizad Jamil Baloch haha no i struggled for the first term was really ill, and then had a personal issue arise, but I still think that did not affect me too drastically so i am still a bit puzzled. But i have moved school since and am redoing the year and I have been getting 90% or above in all my tests in every subject and i do: maths, physics, further maths and Economics. So hopefully this year goes better than the last
@AizadJamil98 8 жыл бұрын
+cmdnadald123 Hopefully! Best of luck! Give it your best, and I hope you get straight A's!
@shuena100 9 жыл бұрын
Can you please send me direct link of the book so I can purchase it ASAP I don't want the kindle app version
@araja1988 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, The physical book is available on our online store Many thanks, Raja
@shuena100 9 жыл бұрын
How come the price is so much more expensive ? £13.99 + £5.20 that is a lot from the original price of £9.99
@araja1988 9 жыл бұрын
Hxna Hi, Are you from the UK? If so, please select the UK shipping option for £2.80. The digital ebook copy is £9.99 and the printed version is more expensive because of printing and postage costs.
@shuena100 9 жыл бұрын
Yes I'm from uk I've jus ordered my book how long will it take to arrive
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hxna Hi, It will be dispatched tomorrow by first class and will most likely arrive to you by Monday. Many thanks for your purchase.
@arcticwolfcub8987 7 жыл бұрын
literallly my life
@briannaconstava6625 7 жыл бұрын
Please reply, i urgently need your advice and please be honest. I have 2 months till my final A2 exams start, i'm sitting 10 exams, and i have all my notes done but i haven't started revision, like actually revising/memorising them. Do you think i still have time to get at least 3 c's?also have you got any tips on how to memorise and understand it quickly. Thank you😭
@briannaconstava6625 7 жыл бұрын
I study Law, psychology and business
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Brianna. With 2 months left to revise for 10 exams, you will have approximately 6 days preparation per exam. It doesn't give you much time, but I have seen some people achieve 3 A's with similar time restraints. I recommend: 1. Prioritising two subjects out of the three. These two subjects should be the most relevant subjects to the uni course you want to do (assuming you are applying to uni). Allocate 8 or 9 days to prepare for these exams. 2. Complete ALL the past papers for ALL the exams. Studies have shown there are a strong correlation between the number of past papers completed and grades. 3. Read How to ACE Your A-Levels - there is very little useful advice I can give over a short message. As you can imagine, when it comes to achieving good grades, the devil is in the detail. It's an easy read that you can get done in 2-3 hours, so it won't take too much of your revision time away. How to ACE Your A-Levels - I hope that helps! Raja
@briannaconstava6625 7 жыл бұрын
Academic Underdogs thanks for replying😭but your first point has got me stressed, because i'm studying Law, psychology and business, and i'm terrible at business, i've always avoided doing anything for it because i just hated it, but now i've realised to get into university, i obviously need to do well in all of my 3 subjects, law is my strongest subject and psychology is okay and business is the worst, so what do i do now?😭😭And also for your second point, because i'm doing the new spec there's only like 2 past papers available😭😭😭i just want to get at least 3 C's😪
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Sorry - didn't mean to stress you out! Few questions: 1. What have you applied to do at university? 2. What uni? 2. What are their grade requirements? 3 C's?
@briannaconstava6625 7 жыл бұрын
Academic Underdogs noo it's okay😭Law, at The University Of Law and they want 3 B's, but they will/do accept you with 3 C's
@rakib567 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Raja, I have under performed in my AS getting Cs in most of my exams. I am going to retake about 8 Exams plus an Empa alongside my 7 other A2 exams. How is the book going to help me? Is it the same rubbish i hear all the time like making colorful notes and nice mind maps because last year that did not work for me!
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Rakib, I also made the colorful notes and mind maps during my AS, and just like you I ended up with low grades. One of the reasons I wrote the book was to encourage students to adopt a more industrious and efficient way of learning/revising. Do the methods I describe work? The reviews/testimonials on and amazon will answer that question. You might be thinking..’how on earth can an ebook help me improve my grades?’. To this I would say that sometimes it only takes a change of perspective to trigger an improvement. This is what How to ACE Your A-levels provides. I hit rock bottom after receiving my AS results and found a way out of what seemed like a futile situation. This book is essentially my story & a detailed description of how I got out of the mess which were my grades. When I started selling it, I wasn’t sure it would help anyone but now based on all the positive feedback it has received I know it’s having a huge positive impact on many students. Chances are it will help you too. Raja
@rakib567 9 жыл бұрын
AceYourAlevels Ok, i have just ordered it and i am reading it as of right now. How would would say the book can apply to my situation? i was predicted As and Bs for all of my A levels but i got all Cs ;( Now that i have my A2s and no January resits, it seems like the pressure is going to be immense and i won't be able to handle it. However i have to other option and this is what i need to do if i don't want to end up doing a crappy course at uni. I have 15 exams in Total inclusing c1,c2,s1,m1,c3,c4(all of maths)- all of biology, all of chem (exept 1 exam) and just 1 physics exam.
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Rakib sdq Rakib, It is a lot of exams but it is doable. You just need to start from now and fully utilize your evenings and weekends. Have a full read of the book first and then I will help you put together a solid plan of action. Raja
@haroonrasib1750 9 жыл бұрын
AceYourAlevels Hi will I be able to buy the book as I can only find it as an app please reply thanks
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Haroon Rasib Hi Haroon, How to ACE Your A-levels is only available as a kindle ebook at the moment. However, you don't need a kindle device to read it. You can buy the book on Amazon and read it using a free kindle reading app - Thank you for your interest! How to ACE Your A-Levels
@nabeelahmed3158 9 жыл бұрын
I got 7 A* at A-levels, I got 10 A*s at GCSE. I'm studying medicine. Hope this qualifies me to tell you that it's spelt "intelligence" as opposed to what us wrote at 0.55.
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, That's incredible mate and yes i'm aware of the error :) I wasn't very “itelligent" back then and thankfully my poor spelling didn't impact my grades too badly! Raja
@nabeelahmed3158 9 жыл бұрын
AceYourAlevels I got 630 in the UKCAT, and I think that your decision analysis skills were quite poor with regards to how you approached A2
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
What do you mean by my 'decision analysis skills'? Feel free to explain...
@nabeelahmed3158 9 жыл бұрын
AceYourAlevels well for example, deciding how much time to put into your strategy for a-levels rather than actually getting on with the work, i mean i got 8A*s, and i think my decision analysis skills are far better. I got 500/900 on that section, which is proof. The burden of proof is on you. I'm also currently doing degree in Mathematics and Philosophy, while i finish my degree in Medicine. Currently in my first year, however, i'm at 3rd year level at Maths, and i probably have the same amount of knowledge as a fully trained engineer. I think interest is haram so i don't want to go into banking.
@nabeelahmed3158 9 жыл бұрын
Nabeel Ahmed I'm 2 IQ points off MENSA.
@agm5484 7 жыл бұрын
Please someone buy the book for me and i shall paypal them I really want it, I'm in boarding school and want to go through the book before school starts. Doing my A2 and resitting my AS PLEASE.
@ericamcallister7400 7 жыл бұрын
It costs under 9 euros... Not sure what that is in pounds, but less than 9 euros most likely. Are you serious that you can't save up that much?
@husseinosman1997 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Raja do you sell this book but for As starting college in a week
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Hussein, Yes this book is for both AS and A2 students. Reading it will put you miles ahead of the rest of year group so well done for showing interest so early! You can purchase How to ACE your A-levels here...
@husseinosman1997 9 жыл бұрын
Is it available in any stores or just on amazon?
@araja1988 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Hussein, It's only available as a kindle ebook on amazon at the moment. However, you don't need a kindle device to read it & can download a free kindle reader app for your desktop/tablet from the link below... I hope this helps! How to ACE Your A-Levels
@husseinosman1997 9 жыл бұрын
Oh OK thanks ;)
@nezmustafa4271 4 жыл бұрын
Good book with good info, but actually sitting down and doing the work is another matter entirely.
@andrewmoore558 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Raja, I just wanted to say that I bought the paperback version of your book today! (I think the seller on Amazon is you right?) I pray that your techniques are correct and sufficient, because I am redoing my AS results after getting a fail in everything last year (Chemistry, Maths, Psychology) .I only have this year to make it count. If your techniques in your book really do help me get between AAA-BBB I will do anything possible to spread the word. You should make a donation page!
@AceYourAlevels1 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Andrew, Thank you for buying our book & I hope it reached you well. I used the exact same techniques in the book to turn my grades (& life tbh) around. Stick to them and make full use of your evenings/weekends/free periods and you'll be fine. Our mission is to spread our ideas and help as many students as possible so please do spread the word! Raja
@foyekealayande2096 5 жыл бұрын
Did you do well
@anishamalik94 7 жыл бұрын
I had an E and 2 Us :(( but I'm resitting year 12 again now
@bob1503 7 жыл бұрын
@collegestudent6037 7 жыл бұрын
Hi raja I really need you advice because I think that you are a real role model I recently got my as results and did not do as well as I got an e in chemistry and I was told that I have to drop it but really need it for the course I want to do in universityAnd I know that if I push myself and get really good tuition I will be able to improve my grades What do U think I shouldAlso do U have an email address so that I can ask you for advice
@AceYourAlevels1 7 жыл бұрын
Hi, There is always some wiggle room with schools. Show your teachers that you are serious about improving by showing them a written plan. I pestered my teachers a lot to improve my predicted grades for UCAS. Don't by shy about approaching them 2 or 3 times to show them you are determined to improve. As a last resort, get your parents to send in a letter or have them come in to speak with your teachers. I hope this helps! Raja
@hannanaldabbous4179 7 жыл бұрын
i just bought this book. am i at rock bottom or what?
@praveenmathew6671 6 жыл бұрын
Is there any difference between How to Ace Your GCSE and How to ACE Your A-Levels ?
@thekrustykrab4241 7 жыл бұрын
just so you know folks, nandos isn't cheap!
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