How to Actually Improve at League of Legends (No, Seriously)

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Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

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@skillcapped 20 күн бұрын
@TheRealFab18 20 күн бұрын
Hi i need help. When I am in the selection, I can see the other players writing and can reply. When I am in the game and write, I get a message that I am alone in the chat. At first I thought ok the other players have switched off the chat, but it can't be that everyone in the game has switched off the chat. so I wonder if I might have a wrong setting somewhere. It would be helpful if someone could give me a solution, because you can't always give the right instructions with ping.
@iowtha 18 күн бұрын
I'm currently in master and I would like to know if this rank improvement guarantee works in my elo
@donaldgromp960 20 күн бұрын
There is a saying, I do not know the source of, but it goes: The man who loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination. With that mindset, some might actually rather quit league and find themselves a more suitable journey.
@xuanjielin1147 19 күн бұрын
sam sulek said that
@ElfPoles 20 күн бұрын
unironically good advice for learning anything honestly
@UniversalHuman7 20 күн бұрын
@a2_zhongbaode718 19 күн бұрын
Totally agreed
@mahmoudbenzarti4534 16 күн бұрын
League got so complex that you need a life coach to climb
@clarencewalters338 20 күн бұрын
Ill say this as someone who only started watching these videos after going from bronze to diamond, that bad teammates wont regularly lose you games. griefing teammates who are intentionally throwing will but that's not the norm. if you see your team making consistently poor choices you can STILL find a way to play around that and turn it into a game winning advantage, if you exercise the ability to critically think about what you can do to play around your team mates.
@VynTastic1 20 күн бұрын
Exactly this, complement the hand you have and dont try to force a hand you dont have. To bad many people are to stupid to see it this way
@MH-tg6xg 20 күн бұрын
when did you start? i started 3 months ago and stopped at silver
@joyhappiness 20 күн бұрын
only if you play mid/top. supp cannot carry games
@osknyo 20 күн бұрын
I'm stuck in emerald rn as a fizz otp any advice to push through to diamond
@osknyo 20 күн бұрын
​@joyhappiness not true lmao sups diff games all the time
@femshep4018 14 күн бұрын
This guide is rediculously good and should be the starting point of anyone wanting to climb. Why I'm still subscribed to skillcapped and why I'm still climbing.
@TheBloofyx 20 күн бұрын
What helped me improve drastically that l don't see people talk about much is watching your own replays. You picked yasuo and went 0/10? Watch every fight at 0.25x speed. Ask yourself what you could've done better/differently
@bushy9780 20 күн бұрын
i should have picked annie.
@chetfrisbee 19 күн бұрын
i mean if you go 0-10 you were trolling so as long as you don't intentionally take bad fights because you are upset, you'll improve. but i see what you are going for and it's correct
@Safineya 18 күн бұрын
No time to waste on that. Sure it helps to improve but I no longer have 14+ hrs per day to spend at the pc sadly. Good old days I guess
@HyperLexus 17 күн бұрын
everyone talks about that it's literally the most basic bread and butter advice for how to improve on your own without coaching can even be applied to any other game or even for example sports irl
@justcern7950 20 күн бұрын
I just wanna say i love these kind of videos so much, mindlessly follow a pro build or abuse OP pick is won’t get you that far in the long run but analyzing, understanding and improving is just way better. Thank Skill Capped for these quality videos.
@rodrigomonteiro867 6 күн бұрын
Seing PubMed in a League video? Crazy. This video is actually so good, congratulations guys! Came to learn how to improve at League, learned how to study literally anything
@GoodnotGreat88 20 күн бұрын
Thank you for this one. I am fairly new to the game and frustrated with ranked right now. I just had a 6 game losing streak that including 2 int feeders and 1 afk teammate. 3 lost games that were close and we screwed up in the end game. The parts that really meant a lot to me were push yourself because I am definitely guilty of "dont feed" mindset but that leaves me unable to take control of the game late game. And the rule of 3 / bad streaks happen. I feel more motivated to go back and try again after this
@BillyBollocks183 14 күн бұрын
no fun effect
@tonytimpe7621 20 күн бұрын
This might be the most important video I’ve watched thus far. Damn. Well done.
@TheZeldaCinema 20 күн бұрын
What helped me climb to Plat II was learning the practical aspects of the game such as macro, wave control and so on. This is the most important. Generic advice such as "learn from your mistakes" doesn't help you if you don't even know what your mistakes are. I've hit a wall technically and I need to practice macro and mechanics further to improve more, but it wasn't "keeping calm" at shit teammates what made me climb, even though it helped.
@BillyBollocks183 14 күн бұрын
send opgg
@muglyte 19 күн бұрын
I'm only halfway through this video, and it's quite literally a life-lesson on top of being great advice for this game! Phenomenal content!
@_odd1ty 20 күн бұрын
This is it. This is what I needed. Dude I've been thinking about these principles in the back of my mind for so long, but having them listed out clearly, and put into league terms is SO helpful.
@garagavia 20 күн бұрын
The Broken by Concept podcast has had a big influence on improvement content, I'm glad their work is being reflected in content like this now. They deserve a shout out
@ColorDeluge 20 күн бұрын
Thanks, man. Great content. Actionable and practical steps.
@kathi7052 17 күн бұрын
"Your not making a mistake, your making experiences. It is only a mistake, if you don’t learn something from it." That is something that some told me and i think it also translates well to League
@Asuraaaaaaaa 15 күн бұрын
Honestly, you guys approaching League in a ways to not only learn but to learn how to learn and get your mental right for your won benefit is genius and extreamly important for this community
@xBruno303x 18 күн бұрын
Great video and excellent approach to improving on something (not only league). One thing that I find important and is more of a thing only for Esports is: To climb, you need to consistently win the games that you are ahead. Let me explain, cause I know it sounds stupid haha. For League, the most common thing in low elo is for games to be flipped. Players in low elo end up not winning the majority of games that they are ahead because they throw the game, as they start playing around and not focusing on the GG. This will make you win or lose this games at a 50% rate instead of a 75 to 80%. This sound really simple, but in all honesty playing games with low ranked friends it is noticeable that being ahead is entirely meaningless, as they will use that gold advantage to joke around until they start losing and get massively stressed. When you are ahead, that is the real moment you should play as correctly as possible, not the moment to loosen up.
@sickorevil 13 күн бұрын
this is actually the best league improving video ever posted on the internet not even kidding
@ShibaNugget 20 күн бұрын
Great! Climbing is mostly about mental attrition. I learned stuff similar to this about 6 years ago and I have taken the concepts and applied them in my life, let alone League, and I see things much differently in a positive manner now. :)
@zedzero-brawlstars3158 19 күн бұрын
I was gold stuck last year and then i started watching skill capped and now im emerald 2 best lol channel fr
@JoeDeMarco-k6i 18 күн бұрын
As a musician and solo que player I really enjoyed this video.
@shimarisu6426 14 күн бұрын
Changing my mindset from 'i always get bad supports' to 'ill play around you, play what you are best on' has helped me climb from Bronze 4 to silver 1 in just less than a week
@Wack-z4c 15 күн бұрын
I have no idea why but this actually has helped me understand the game better. I shouldn't blame my teammates when we lose a fight like it said. Instead I should find out why it happened and how I could have don better instead of just complaining. I also like that 1 2 3 step of the practice, review, and adjust. its just perfect, ill have to start doing that.
@mitradite 20 күн бұрын
Remember to also apply this advice in life! It really helps as well!
@kittypig3619 18 күн бұрын
11:48 the funny thing is this is exactly how school sets up classes
@blackstarx_o 20 күн бұрын
this type of videos is really really meta when u mix between psychology and gaming
@misterjae7565 20 күн бұрын
This was a really useful and informative guide
@UtopiansDream 18 күн бұрын
"Don't think about why you lost. Think about how your opponent won."
@minorantagonist7090 17 күн бұрын
This was great! Excellent advice for developing any kind of skills
@claudiodyus211 15 күн бұрын
Just want to go out of my way and say I have mad respect for your efforts into teaching people how to learn the game better. This shows tremendous commitment to your cause. Keep up the great work and I'll keep tunning in👌
@nsaiin8332 5 күн бұрын
theres a serious problem with a game when a guide is a 20 minute psychology video
@MauroMartinezJr-jq8dd 20 күн бұрын
Bro created therapy for league players
@LaNoir. 14 күн бұрын
reality: checking enemy team, seeing we are on disadvantage, pinging back, jgler ints, adc gets snacked, everyone flames, surrender
@Hoihaufen 20 күн бұрын
You are naturally learning better, when you are having fun. If you just anxiously do a job out of it, you are missing out.
@GoldName79 13 күн бұрын
Thank you for these videos, it’s really useful for the beginners in League like me!
@thelionfromthesouth4844 15 күн бұрын
As a student learning psychology... I appreciate this lol
@lanternstrategy 18 күн бұрын
Glad it was finally mentioned how many games it ACTUALLY takes to climb. People think that if you have a high number of games played at a certain rank, you must be "hardstuck". When in reality, the ranked system is DELIBERATELY designed to make climbing a slow process (this is necessary by the way). Think about it for a second; if you have a 55% winrate and you gain 25LP per game (for the sake of the example), after 100 games you will have won 55 and lost 45, so you have 10 more wins than losses. 10 Wins x 25LP = 250LP. Each division requires 100LP so after 100 games you will have climbed 2.5 divisions (and that's not taking into account promotional series etc.) That means if you started in Bronze IV, you're now Bronze II, maybe Bronze I after one hundred games. This is necessary because Diamond is around the top 5% of the ranked playerbase, and Challenger is something like the top 0.025%. A diamond player is 1 in 20, a Challenger player is 1 in 5,000. It's not easy to reach this level of skill, and if the system allowed you to reach Challenger in a couple of days, it wouldn't hold the same weight that it does. Another way to look at it is, even if you win ten games of amateur football in a row, you don't now get to play in the EPL. You have to face opponents of gradually increasing difficulty and display your skills and prove you can win consistently. TLDR: Ranked is a grind and so it should be, because improving at anything is a grind if you want to be truly good.
@revoslawter3628 20 күн бұрын
Be warned they advertise 6.99 a month and then you sign up and they bill you the full year 🙏 learn from my mistake lol.
@lucasharwick9598 20 күн бұрын
I tried the metronome before and it was a disaster xD I think it's better to just try to build habit of looking on map in specific events in game
20 күн бұрын
The games keeps you on 50% WR no joke
@user-iy6rp1zt1l 20 күн бұрын
Imagine being so hardstucked that you start to believe in conspiracies
@tabletennisstars1227 20 күн бұрын
how do smurfs climb with insane winrates then bud
@dethdaemon 20 күн бұрын
You're just in your perfect elo. That's how elos work, you move around until you get in your elo, and then your WR hits 50%.
@kheireyd3280 19 күн бұрын
As a med student, seeing PubMed really gives me PTSD not mention its combined with league 😂😂
@Prom1seXD 19 күн бұрын
The only problem that I face is bad teammates and all I'm saying is in iron they feed, continue feeding and never trying. In silver and above I've won games with feeding teammates who at least played with me and won the game
@KeuleFeee 18 күн бұрын
bro watch the video at least..
@Beardsnack 9 күн бұрын
Anyone else here realize these aren’t just league advice? It’s sounds like sound life advice
@nobrainpvpYT 19 күн бұрын
That is what I needed to hear, thanks
@jokerfever2590 19 күн бұрын
I wonder how people have 100+ games played a season. I legit played for a month straight and barely got to 80 while playing on Friday's -> sundays for a couple hours and everytime i see some 800+ games dude stucked on diamond lol
@gl_silentesports9164 4 күн бұрын
Such a good guide
@skipperino2677 19 күн бұрын
the way i'm about to write my masters thesis on league of legends (no im not but could you imagine)
@crash3229 20 күн бұрын
In the guide I bet they will use Rorschach pictures and make an insanity test
@proxical 17 күн бұрын
people often think im inting when i'm genuinely trying my best lol maybe league isnt for me :p
@reni6817 20 күн бұрын
Really good video good job
@mrshayde5192 14 күн бұрын
it is luck idk what to do anymore, i win all my placements and carry hard and still get iron 4 and every game i get feeding teamates, cant do anything vs 2 enemy lanes that go 10/0
@garagavia 18 күн бұрын
Broken By Concept started talking about all these concepts years ago and now SkillCapped is finally ripping them off shamelessly. I'm glad that the player base is learning, though
@caraoro 20 күн бұрын
Incredible video
@vendahabr5672 20 күн бұрын
Hey brk thank for advice but when i have 3 29 bot lane in 18 minutes i dont think i can do anything
@boowoho762 19 күн бұрын
This Video is so good, thank you.
@Ev0ltion 19 күн бұрын
Doesnt it feel like optimizing fun out of the game? I remember season 1 with many messed up things like 6 rabbadons annie but game seemed more fun back then.
@josephthomasehigie5809 17 күн бұрын
i dont think it possible to leave iron, with the number of intentional trolls
@Franic19 20 күн бұрын
My issue with this is that if you are in low elo, gold or below, then this won't help you. Even if you have a mindset to learn. Your teammates might not even know what to do most of the time, don't split push when they might be able to or force dragon even when in a disadvantage. If you watch videos like this, great, it might help you improve in knowing what to do, but you still have 4 teammates who just play the game, not knowing or caring to improve further. This is critical because you would then have to find ways to 1v9 if you teammates are doing poorly. This makes winning the game significantly harder for you and it won't matter if you watched hundrets of these videos or what mindset you have. If you don't know what mistakes you make that lost the game, then you don't know how to identify and fix them in future games. Same as if you don't know how to marco, wave control, best time to reset, play for baron or tempo, then you will hit a ceiling unless you know how to utilize these things. Yes, you need a learning and grind minded mindset for league, but not everyone will have that kind of mindset in your team and let's face it, there will be teammates that think they are always the star of the show and blame everyone but themselfs "If I got more ganks top then I could've carried" type players. You just know that they already have a bad mindset, especially if they can't figure out a way to win their lane if their junglers doesn't gank there. There are way to many variables to pin this on your mindset. It's fast decision making, tactics, knowledge of your champion and thinking of solutions to turn games around to win. NOTHING will help you if your team wants to FF at 15 immediately and that is a key point I want to get across. You will have shit teammates, especially ones in low elo and you won't always be able to carry and get faster out of that hell hole. It's a bad mindset from them to see a lost cause game at 15 minutes and FF immediately because the game doesn't go to their liking. And that's the real problem, the mindset of players in League in general. Yes, this was quite negative thinking here but it's true, teammates might play like shit and you are one of the casualties as well. You can have a positive mindset all you want but playing with 4 other people who might run into the enemies one by one or run around the map like chickens with their head cut off is something that you can't fix or play around. The enemy team will have gold, item and even map advantage because of this, even if you are 5/0. And the problem is that if you are playing in those low elos, you might not even be able to know how to fix a game state like this in the first place. The best place to learn is by looking for someone to play with who is higher than you, who knows what to do. Sooner or later you'll learn from that person and that in turn will help you figure out what to do in your own games.
@szymonyoshi1523 19 күн бұрын
The person higher than you might still don't know anything about the game, because actually anyone below master tier still doesn't have basic things mastered (master tier debatable too actually xd). You see diamond players making bonobo throws that you can abuse multiple times per game and you are talking about gold and below. I don't wanna sound biased but you actually have to apply things mentioned in this video and you will climb even if you are monkey, because of how easy soloq actually is. You just don't see it because of typical low elo mentality that goes "I am 5/0 so I deserve to win", no this game was never about killing enemy laner 5 times but what you do with it.
@Franic19 19 күн бұрын
@@szymonyoshi1523 I understand that, but the issue basically is that gold and below players don't have a grasp of basics things, not even basic thinking in some cases. The low elo mentality you mentioned is also a problem, because just because one players on the team is doing well, they might not understand how to capatilize on it and snowball enough to carry the team to win. It's just the unfortunate part of sometimes being placed in a game with players who don't know when to group, fight and don't fight because that is how the enemy team takes advantage of it which makes it 10x harder for your team in general. It's avoidable death and picking favorable fights, but sometimes you have the odd one who just straight runs at them fighting no matter how unfavorable that fight is. But yes, sometimes those higher elo players don't know very well either, but the might have some knowledge that a low elo player don't know yet, for example wave control or resetting properly, which can help.
@KeuleFeee 18 күн бұрын
@@Franic19 as you said, you have 4 bad teammates, but the enemys have 5. If you dont climb you are just the 5th bad teammate.
@Franic19 18 күн бұрын
​@@KeuleFeee That can be true in some games, maybe you're not performing well that day and still play or other stuff happening, but I'd argue that if you play well in a game where this happens, you still might not be able to carry the game alone. We've all had games where we did well but have teammates not doing so great and making it harder for you (or if you are not doing great, a teammate who does) turn it around by yourself/themself. I mena, how many times do people complain about their teammates in-game for not doing things that they thought they should be doing? It's because not everyone thinks the same and has the knowledge that player might have that would turn it around. For example, some don't know how to play for Baron. If you have teammates who know how to do it, then it's easier to set up the enemy team. The more people with that knowledge the better. On the other hand, if you are the only one on the team pinging and running to Baron after a winning teamfight after losing lanes, map priority and overall getting stomped, then that prevents the game to be flipped around because they rather push towers in mid to late game, getting caught out and die, instead of pushing with the buff.
@KeuleFeee 18 күн бұрын
@@Franic19 not true for "some" games but for every single one.
@messybe 19 күн бұрын
You can ask me what i learned on the video right after I watch it and I would still be like a deer in headlights
@TheRealFab18 20 күн бұрын
Hi i need help. When I am in the selection, I can see the other players writing and can reply. When I am in the game and write, I get a message that I am alone in the chat. At first I thought ok the other players have switched off the chat, but it can't be that everyone in the game has switched off the chat. so I wonder if I might have a wrong setting somewhere. It would be helpful if someone could give me a solution, because you can't always give the right instructions with ping.
@Flame1500 Күн бұрын
That Corki Vex clip was disgusssssssting
@Str8Wildcat 18 күн бұрын
League ranked is a meme until you hit challenger. Every player you meet outside of challenger is playing a different game.
@pokefriend123 20 күн бұрын
Literally, don't stop autoing the objective. Any moment you still have mana and you're not on cooldown you're playing bad. Face check every bush in a 10 mile radius and you win gg ez!
@gl4z683 9 күн бұрын
Yeah sure bro, I come from work and I wanna play a game for a couple hours, I wanna get better at the game and to do that I should spend these hours in the practice tool facing bots and cs'ing. I used to be a very high (or the highest) in every game I've played in these 2 hours that I play, with League this can't be applied, not because the game is hard (it's hard when you're new, as every game, but once you understand champions and items it's pretty easy, talking about macro), but because it's a 5 people team game, and it's all around that. To solo carry games you have to perform at least like a 2 rank above your actual rank. I played tons of team games (Rainbow Six and Valorant, for example) and both these games allow you to solo win way easier than League, but still you have to be good, it's not gifted. In this sense the game is hard and takes out the willing to play to improve, for people who don't wanna spend their life on it, like me.
@nonik34 19 күн бұрын
Hey there, plat 3 support main here! I was wondering if anyone knows an exercise like in the video eg. farming, trading, map awareness, etc. that i can practise more to improve without the fear of the adc interfering with what i want to do. Ofc map awareness is one, and i already do that, but i feel like wave control can be messed with by my adc, same for trading. Vision control is really not about practise, but just general knowledge on where to place wards, when, and how to set up for ojectives which also takes map awareness. Farming is almost completely thrown out the window, and when you need to farm as support, its fine to miss some cs (support minion rule). This is not to say im not trying to improve on those areas, but i feel even if i do there can be other things to improve on which can not so easily be interrupted by what my team is up to. For any tips, thank you in advance :) (I'm genuinely seeking advice, so if you're about to write a reply hating on me, please save both of us the trouble, and time)
@Dr69420 20 күн бұрын
i just want to learn how to play against feed botlane as a toplaner, is there going to be a guide on that soon?
@vincentmeyer5662 20 күн бұрын
Thats always my problem. The answer was said in a video of Alois. If you are ahead at top then you need to be impactful in other areas of the match. E. g. taking enemy jungle camps and roaming mid, so that your jungle and mid get an advantage of the opposing lanes. If you are not ahead then this will be your first step. Easier said than done.
@DeadpoolGold 20 күн бұрын
@@vincentmeyer5662 Alois Videos helped me get a 70% win rate on top after 1 week. It's crazy good advice: always looks for doing the Fundamentals. Check out his Sett/Garen/Mundo videos on how to climb.
@SolosoyAngel123 18 күн бұрын
Where is Hector? 😢
@FrejIzzat 19 күн бұрын
lol this is what i get taught about studying at uni
@derekagbamey1532 15 күн бұрын
Amazing video
@GodlikeGoose 20 күн бұрын
Damn I'm here early for once. 😂
@xepicgamer3594 20 күн бұрын
Me too 😂
@MaryseBarbie 20 күн бұрын
@bellsama6588 20 күн бұрын
In low rank it is luck because of how the match making works and how players mentality is. I cant win a match if a dude come in high and feed a Vladimir top......and that happens more frequently than id like to admit...or just get somebody who really cant manage the rank they are at but you are matched with them. I've improved alot from being a Bronze player to almost hitting Plat until the system notices my 60 win rateand be like nah back to 55 lmaoo im at Gold 3 and im hitting plat before season ends but man it is a hassle with bad team mates
@HallidayASR 20 күн бұрын
Why dont you finish watching the video first? All of this is covered. You cant seriously think its all about luck, If you gave your account to a Pro or Challenger player, would they still get stuck on Gold? Of course not, they don't just get better luck than the rest of world. Recognize what you could be doing to improve.
@joyhappiness 20 күн бұрын
how to actually rizzy gyatt (no, fanumly)
@gen.tucker6024 20 күн бұрын
Sidelaning is awesome. I used to sidelane as a toplane Garen or Trundle almost all the time and win a lot, then figured I might win even more if I actually group up instead. But I ended up losing way more games. A lot of the time your team will die, but if you are already pressuring a tower, you'll likely take that tower down and force at least one enemy to rotate, at which point you back and try to cover / group in midlane for another teamfight, alternatively continue pushing if all enemies commit midlane and your team has time to spawn. The surprisingly many times your team actually manage to win or at least go 3 for 3 or something like that, it's absolutely HUGE as you can often straight up take down nexus towers if you are already hitting tier 2 sidelane tower. Compare that to grouping mid. If you win you'll maybe be able to take mid tier 2 unless someone killed the wave, and if you lose the fight there is no pressure anywhere else and the whole enemy team will steamroll down midlane. It's often difficult to assess how annoying you are being to enemies, and only look at what you are doing as not that important, but look at it this way. We've all played against Yorick, and isn't it the most annoying god damn stuff ever when you win a 5v4 only to look at the minimap and realize the 0/10 Yorick you destroyed in lane is hitting your inhibitor tower? You immediately have to recall, and by the time you get there the inhibitor is already gone. I hate Yorick, but he has a lesson to teach us...
@tomokogaming3299 15 күн бұрын
I would really like to believe this but I am hard and I mean hard stuck in Iron 4. And it's not that I don't try but in all my games atleast 2 people if not more are AFK so ye that's a big chance of lossing than
@reiwiler4524 14 күн бұрын
dude i'd love to buy it but im just too poor, sorry
@dareios1992 18 күн бұрын
I didnt change shit in mindset or gameplay and got deranked from P2 to G3 in a matter of 20 games. At some Point my WR got too high, so the game started giving me absolute animals who cant do the basics in the game. Pathetic game nothing else!
@sergio.h1985 20 күн бұрын
Yea? I just went 17/5 on Jinx while Yi as jungler finished 4/16 and of course we lost. Tell me how that's my fault...
@Epah0 20 күн бұрын
It could or could not be your fault tbh You could be against a really hard comp to play against(as jinx) and maybe you dont have the mechanical knowledge yet to play against it, and thats okay. What could've also happened is you, with your lead, did some macro mistakes, and didnt use your advantage in a good way, and then, the Enemy who also had a lead because of yi, simply utilized the advantage in a smarter way, and won.
@jasiuo6794 20 күн бұрын
losing is part of the game, even the best players lose games in diamond or masters like 30% of the time. based on what you said, of course you're not the limiting factor, and with another team, you'd probably carry and win. but if you're proud of how you played, write it off as something that's just part of the game, and go again. focus on getting better and playing your best
@tomaspoliksa5168 20 күн бұрын
How often do you go 17 5 while your jg is almost inting
@garagavia 20 күн бұрын
5 deaths
@HallidayASR 20 күн бұрын
Did you even bother to watch the video? This is covered!
@robertwalker595 20 күн бұрын
End Result: Play more ARAM 😂😂😅
@nitanyess856 20 күн бұрын
Rule of 3. Tell that to my ass
@somethingdifferent5975 18 күн бұрын
Haha i try my best i learn i analyzing my mistakes and dropped from gold to iron. One missclick has bigger impact in game than everything what i learned. Actually smurfs decide who win. Whan i start i was in bronze. And now i am worse where is logic ?
@esapetal-2511 18 күн бұрын
this is either the funniest or saddest comment :D
@KodaiRa06 20 күн бұрын
im good, its my teammates fault
@jinwoo_TB 7 күн бұрын
It's just luck, who gets the more braindead team
@fish-eZ 20 күн бұрын
The problem is, no one wants to improve anymore because the game state is horrendous. I’ve played this game for over a decade and I actually quit a few months back because it’s literally unplayable. The whole game seems like a stupid scheme to sell skins and they removed anyone who actually plays the game from the payroll.
@Harlem6J 20 күн бұрын
Am sorry bro but ur jus bad.
@marcosklabunde1481 20 күн бұрын
Yeah, I think ur just bad, the game is perfectly playable
@fish-eZ 19 күн бұрын
@@marcosklabunde1481 I finished master 1 lp last season, 59% wr over 150 games. How about you?
@fish-eZ 19 күн бұрын
@@Harlem6J I finished master 1 lp last season, 59% wr over 150 games. How about you?
@marcosklabunde1481 19 күн бұрын
@@fish-eZ and I'm santa
@ttvsliwinho10 13 күн бұрын
what we can do if we play duo bot we winning or drawn our botlane but our toplaner has 0-7 in 10 minutes of game our jungler is completely without brain doing 0-5 in 5 minutes then start only farm 0 ganks and he end up with 77 cs in 20 minute of game our midlaner also is fckin katarina who think everyone around here must be mid to help her kill all but unlucky she even dont know what this champion doing 2-7 enemy midlaner kassadin close to 16 lvl in 20 minutes of game ? we literally now having that game scenario every fckin single game i have a theory. ITs cause its close to end of this ranked split so people buy boosters for get their rank before split end ... that why i play against master tier jungler with my 3 low elo apes? this game is 5vs5 mode and you can only be better be higher if you know how to build strong yourself and also learn how to cooperate with terrible teammates. Yes its impossible to do it without smurf duo that why you stack your low elo rank with 1000+ games per season
@rabinderoraon4583 20 күн бұрын
Bro Started the Video by Calling out me!! Holy the Disrespect
@Thekisame27 20 күн бұрын
What I dont get it, if even the pro players and analyst saw that this is a luck based game. Meaning 2/3 of the times, you have no impact on the outcome of the game, then WHY ARE PEOPLE still playing this shit? All these people could play shooter games, mmorpgs, where you can have 10 times more impact on the outcome of the game, and yet people keep playing this luck based shit game.
@yobe5559 19 күн бұрын
That's more like how to improve at anything
@ultimate_champi9138 20 күн бұрын
pls some one free this vex
@Bomberman64x 20 күн бұрын
Play it
@shashl7407 20 күн бұрын
Если тима худший мусор то мораль должна быть в плюсе
@Lymar4nton 19 күн бұрын
gg genetics diff 🤣
@DjBeatmasterOfficial 20 күн бұрын
How to actually improved? Its very easy you Delete League..Live happy life done.
@hhhllkk88 20 күн бұрын
Ditch duo partner who holds you back, thats what i need to do
@mjtheclown4679 20 күн бұрын
probability thinking; did i lose that game even tho i had 18 kills, 4 deaths and 12 assists and got most objectives, because of my one mistake . or did i lose bc my team fed the whole enemy team and a group of 4 fed players is better than 1 fed player. hmmm, league mindset.
@ike9108 20 күн бұрын
2:03 bro, my last game of week was me going 3/4 with 1/5 top, 2/6 jg, 1/4 adc and 0/3 support, by i had an even lane by all means, but just what can lux do into ornn?
@user-gs4th6qp9p 20 күн бұрын
@NiceGuyE 20 күн бұрын
I would say it's soooome luck. Got demoted yesterday because of afks 2 games in a row. Fun.
@mickeyknoxx9502 20 күн бұрын
I thought riot got rid of active down leveling ?
@garagavia 20 күн бұрын
1 game is luck. Climbing is never luck. Long term is the way to think
@iandabest3973 20 күн бұрын
Bro thinks I have 3 hours a day to practise League of Legends 😂😂😂
@justinvonmoss6925 18 күн бұрын
Here I am playing two hours every other Saturday. I just want to play and have fun. I’ve given up on ranking up. Besides all my friends are iron or below level 30. The better I get the less fun it is to play with them.
@antonkuripko7117 18 күн бұрын
how to climb elo in league = become the perfect human being , rito has flipcoin matchmaking , get good team = win , get bad team = lose , thats why some games u play shit and still win , wanna climb in elo , buy boost
@ab0ve8cl0uds2 17 күн бұрын
naw theres no way wout of bronze . these shitters are demons
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