How to Bonsai - My bonsai that I received as a Christmas gift is dying - Help

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In this video I show how the bonsai that you find at home improvement, and retail stores are planted. I also discourage people to give bonsai as gifts to those that don't know how to care for them. Lastly I give simple watering and repotting advice for those that may have received a bonsai as a gift

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@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
Aww thanks! My little dog Cosmo is just the best bonsai buddy you could ever want. BTW he says "hi"
@carolinaburgos1651 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all the tips and advice.
@TheBackyardBirder 12 жыл бұрын
Great topic! I have gone through any number of successful home improvement center "rescues" and some of mine are showing excellent Chinese Bonsai potential. I usually try and get them at a better price when the big box stores give up on them, and once the glued gravel is gone and they're re-potted, most Ficus plants tend to recover pretty well. I think I'm a bit of a sucker for these poor things, and thus far it's been great. Thanks for the video, very helpful.
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 11 жыл бұрын
That sounds like a very creative use of a shell. Very nice
@michaeleber4752 2 жыл бұрын
We have a store near us (Medellin, Colombia) called HomeCenter. They have a garden center and offer bonsai...but they actually offer prebonsai plants. I have a miniature jade that is waiting for me to get tools for potting it. And I plan on returning to put a cotoneaster into a pot I have. Much better than stuff sold in the big box stores in America.
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 2 жыл бұрын
Yes that’s the way to purchase bonsai from those stores. Pre Bonsai is the healthiest material. Thank you
@matthewfranco6164 7 жыл бұрын
You're videos are exceptional! Perfect amount of detail and tons of helpful info. You have simplified and demystified many topics, and in doing so have inspired me to step my game up. It's obvious that you speak from the heart with a love for trees and bonsai. Please, more "face time" with your dog COSMO! If you make a OB-TV t-shirt with him on it, I'll take a medium.
@kamalsameera5588 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your kind video. I am from Sri Lanka i wish to start make a Bonsai Tree please tell me the how to find a good old tree from Jungle and how to remake and convert to the Bonsai tree from beginning and how to removing that old tree from jungle to home, please make a video for it also then it will be very use full for us.Thanks.
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
@graycam Cosmo is becoming a star these days. He whined and sneezed in this one. I think I need to get him a better seat for the next one though. I love when his head just pops up :)
@Spooder1989 12 жыл бұрын
That's a ficus microcarpa :) This is one actually pretty decent material for the price (in my country) other than the bulbous roots. After the primary branches thicken up and are wired down a little, it will make quite a nice broom/naturalistic style. And if you develop the aerial roots, it'll hide the bulbous roots and make a very nice banyan style tree.
@fayemartin465 8 жыл бұрын
i have one of the ficus bonsai tree and have had for a long time and it is doing well and i love mine
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
@TheBackyardBirder Thanks very much. I must admit that I was actually surprized when I saw the amount of roots the tree had, and for the most part was pretty healthy. I've got it repotted in bonsai soil now and in the spring I'll reduce the height. I think in time the base will fuse together and it may actually turn into a pretty decent tree.
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, put it into a larger pot to give the rots room to grow and the tree will grow into a very nice bush-like plant forthe house. That is an excellent idea and easy to maintain
@minxx8676 10 жыл бұрын
Perfect video! I was drawn here because… well, my bonsai that I received as a Christmas gift is dying and I needed help, so kudos on the appropriate title ;-). I fear it may be too late for my poor juniper tree, as the leaves are beginning to brown and are very brittle. It stays in indirect sunlight and is watered sufficiently, but just couldn't stay alive. Thanks to this video I know why, and I will transplant it to an outdoor location this afternoon, though I'm sure it's too late by now. Thank you again for the help and information!
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
Good luck with your new tree and I am so glad that losing a tree didnt deter you from enjoying bonsai and to understanding that the tree might not have made because of your actions
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 11 жыл бұрын
Scrape the bark off one one of the smaller branches to see if it is still green underneath If it is your tree should recover, but if it is brown then that branch is dead. Jsut keep working down the tree until you find green
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 11 жыл бұрын
Ficus grow in tropical ocations, such as Thailand, Central America, Carribean, etc. They get very hot sun and they thrive there.
@chema5253 12 жыл бұрын
thanks for the video have a nice christmas
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
@Psqwall Pines are pretty difficult and don't like much water. The best suggestion is to keep it outside as much as possible, and even cold weather is a good thing to help it go dormant for the Winter. In the spring with more light the tree will recover faster and do much better. Be sure to look for fungus because of the over watering.
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 11 жыл бұрын
The area that has no green is dead, but you may get some new growth to pop where the green does exist, JUst put it aside in a filtered light area and keep it watered. If you don't see anything new in the next few months tree tree didn't survive, but there is hope Good luck
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 11 жыл бұрын
The best way to find out if the tree is alive is to scrap off a small section of bark to see if it is green underneath which shows that the cambium is still alive. If so then just keep the soil moist and give it good sunlight and it should push out neew leaves. Give it a couple of weeks to respond
@charleswebb4014 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your videos. God what a perfect specimen of man.
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
Less roots do not mean water more. They can't take in as much water so you are overwatering, which is indicated by the yellow leaves. Try to get it into a bigger pot with more soil so thetree has room to grow. Oh and yes I do follow up videos once in a while just to show how the trees progress.
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 11 жыл бұрын
It may be putting out new growth and pushing the old leaves off. Also be sure to give it plenty of sunlight and if the nights are getting cooler cut back on the watering. The juniper does noit like to be wet and you may want to treat for fugus on both because the yellowing leaves and curling edges do sound like that may be an issue
@shellytsful 11 жыл бұрын
They do make good looking bonsai in time I have 10 of them from walmart I repot and train them but I know what you mean I do it to save their lives.
@frankwilson7146 8 жыл бұрын
great video. "nothing says I love you like..." funny stuff. that is the very reason I don't buy my wife cut flowers. (I do buy her flowers in pots). thanks for the info.
@peterfoltz2389 10 жыл бұрын
Hallo, thank you for your awesome videos. Greetings from Frankfurt/Germany. And give my regards to Cosmo. Peter
@shellytsful 11 жыл бұрын
Hear is a cleaver idea I did I had a old about 8 inch clam shell I took a cement drill bit drilled six holes in the bottom and made a little stand for the shell and planted a junpter in it been going well for 2 years now and when it out grows it ill put smaller one in do it again. And also I am just starting this if you have the tools I am slicing fat oak logs about 3 inch thick routing out 2 the edge of the bark line then flip it over rout my 2 drain holes and stain for a tree slice pot.
@joesaberi2724 7 жыл бұрын
Very very helpful. Thank you
@colyalbaitz1 12 жыл бұрын
Verry interesting videos and educative. Do you have a video, or do you intend to make, for begginers to show how to replant,watter,fertilyze like a guide.Thanks, Nicolae from Romania
@wwearepilots 8 жыл бұрын
Hi, I live in Canada and have this same exact plant as in your video. I got it over a year ago, and it did okay, although I noticed it never grew leaves on the right side, only on the left. It always got a lot of sunlight that was pretty direct and evenly dispersed. When I bought it one of the trunks or roots (not too sure) is not in the ground, it's exposed and doesn't go into the soil. About a week ago, ALL of the leaves dried up and fell off. I have no idea what to do, I'm not good with plants but I don't want it to die, what should i do?!?! I don't think I should put it outside, as it gets very cold here, and is still quite cold. Please help!!!
@graycam 12 жыл бұрын
Love your vids - keep 'em coming. Feel free to through cosmo in the mix. Although he didn't seem too engaged with your malsai survival vid.
@Psqwall 12 жыл бұрын
@OrlandoBonsaiTV Thanks for your reply I kinda went a little nuts today and re-potted it. Trimming the roots a big and pruning the dead leaves. I put rocks on the bottom of the pot for better drainage and I placed moss around the base of soil for prevention of over water. I live in NY should I really put it outside? Can I PM you pictures I took of it re-potted. Maybe you can tell me the odds of this coming back to life in spring
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
@drychalice I most certainly will. I'm even going to try to do a collecting video as well to show how to dig up the Bald Cypress.
@BackSeatHump 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, I think so too.
@The_table_242 12 жыл бұрын
@OrlandoBonsaiTV that sounds awesome about the collecting, did you keep the tree lol
@taberloney 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@inkk13 11 жыл бұрын
or more plus shipping for some pots. I just make bonsai for fun, I don't need expencive fancy pots. But at the same time I don't want plastic, dollar store home made crap either. I'd totaly make my own rectangle pots if I had a kiln.
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
@Mr420rush Yes keep the ficus indoors whenever it gets below 32 degrees. However during the summer month you'll want to keep it in the bright sunlight. Good luck :)
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 11 жыл бұрын
Its pretty common, at least you can correct the planting and improve the health of the tree by repotting it
@Lew1G 11 жыл бұрын
I scraped off bark from the branches and close to the bottom of the trunk and it was dry and the core was white-ish. I scraped back and had a look at a small external root which had bark texture to it and it seemed a healthy-light green. What do you think?
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 11 жыл бұрын
Search google for Tokoname and you'll find sites that sell good bonsai pots. Tokoname can be expensive but you'll find if the on line store sells them they will usually have others to choose from
@BackSeatHump 11 жыл бұрын
"You can never have too many bonsai pots"? Oh! Please come visit me and bring with you a large sack. I'll take you down to my celler where you can take your pick of small pots!
@qutub6998 10 жыл бұрын
I LOVE bonsai's, and have spent over $2,000 on buying them. And none survived. So the guy in the video is very right. Bonasai's are a very difficult tree to take care of. I guess they just dont like to survive out of Asian countries 😝
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
It takes dedication that for sure. The more you know the better your success will be but its not just a houseplant
@shellytsful 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks from florida
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
@Psqwall Well actually it doesn't sound like you did anything too bad. There is always a risk with repotting, but you did it at the right time of year, and got it out of the wet soil mix. Sounds like you should have pretty good success with it :)
@LanaSorokhan 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video and a cute dog-helper =))) I am repotting Carmona right now, hope it will like it.....if it does I´ll call it Invictus =))))
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 9 жыл бұрын
My little dog Cosmo is the best bonsai helper. Thanks for noticing him, he has lots of fans. Good luck with your repotting and I can tell you're having fun and that is important
@Mr420rush 12 жыл бұрын
Hello! I have a quick question I live in canada and it gets -30-40C during the winter months. I am also planning on gettting a ficus. Should I be leaving a ficus indoors? Great video btw, really enjoy them
@outsiderdf 11 жыл бұрын
Wouldnt that be a good candidate for broom style? even though not deciduous
@steverzrox13 10 жыл бұрын
Poor tree, its a nice looking retusa ficus. I have a few of them while not bonsai still visually interesting :)
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
The tree material is fine. Its the way the store prepare them is the issue. I'm a big fan of ficus as well
@patrickparmer1648 6 жыл бұрын
you're right about that! 1:30
@JamesThomas-qd7hp 11 жыл бұрын
i live in indonesia and ficus is our national tree and it's roots are normally hanging and also ficus benjamina is tropical and the tree hates dry weather
@misaad16 11 жыл бұрын
my bonsai is dieing too,its roots are jammed in the pot i gave it a root prunning but still not sure it will work so please help me
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
@iamgeeoh No reason to prune the leaves if the tree hasn't gotten to the size trunk you want yet. Give it time.
@TetenDesignproduce 8 жыл бұрын
盆栽 NICE!
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
I still have the tree and it is growing very fast. It will take a few years before I can do anything with it. I'll do another video in the future
@sidewaysonhighways 11 жыл бұрын
Only real reason I would get one of those trees is if it were a ficus like that one. However I just got a willow leaf fig at a nursery where the do bonsai right. I took a class there. Did a azalea. It died. I think it's too chilly to be transferring them around to different substrate. I have a Japanese Pierer that will get the bonsai treatment next month. I want to do a Cedar of Lebanon. Is that something I can get at a nursery?
@inkk13 11 жыл бұрын
I did find some, but yes they are expencive! Like this Dallas Bonsai Garden place has quite a few. But there mostly really small, then you get to the 11" range and there like $60-90! I also dont really like them. I few months ago I found very simple clay pots around 8"x12" some glazed some plain and they where $20 each. Nice size and simple. The guy working at the store had no idea where they came from so I can't get more. Any ideas on pots more like that? I'm just not interested in spending $60
@iamgeeoh 12 жыл бұрын
I just bought a starter (really young plant) Japanese Maple but I realised the trunk or any part of the tree hasn't gone 'barky' and woody yet. Is it wise to start pruning the leaves or branches now? (it's summer in Australia now)
@iamgeeoh 12 жыл бұрын
@OrlandoBonsaiTV Thank you so much! :)
@Mr420rush 12 жыл бұрын
@OrlandoBonsaiTV thanks!
@ann53090 7 жыл бұрын
Can you do a video on indoor growing for those of us that live in urban desert states? :)
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
@tylersburns I actually still have that little patheic tree and it is doing very well in it's new soil mix. Who knows, maybe one day it may be a real bonsai :)
@Lew1G 11 жыл бұрын
Hey again. just needed a few answers. i got an English oak bonsai that i received for last Christmas which died. It didn't get much water over a week and it had to travel in a car for several hours in significant heat. its been a while since it died and ive taken all the leaves off because they were just falling off. if i keep the soil moist and in conditions typical to my other bonsais, will it recover in spring because its deciduous? What should i do? Thanks.
@Psqwall 12 жыл бұрын
I have a bonsai that was dying. It was over watered to near death by my girlfriend. I now have it in a sunny window and am watering it much less and I see some color returning to the leaves of a light green shade. I have not re potted it yet nor pruned it or put it outside. I believe it is a needle pine but I'm not sure. Can you help me? I can send you a pic of the tree
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
@chema5253 Thank you and Merry Christmas to you as well :)
@patrickbowen5398 5 жыл бұрын
Hi - Is there a PART 2 to this video ? I'd like to see what you did with this poor-mistake-of-a-bonsai plant... Did you repot ?
@dougiethoresen 11 жыл бұрын
And cambium is still nice and green the leaves are curling up brown and crisp aswell??? And its October here in Scotland and my 3ft ficus bengimina and 1ft retusa are my oldest and established nice but there poping buds like mad in october I dnt know what is going on with them this year!? Can u please give me some of your advice please on ficus and junipers please?? Thanks
@inkk13 11 жыл бұрын
Hello, Where do you get shallow pots from? All I can find in local shops is house planters or dollar store pots. Online I found some in Ontario where I live, but there $30 and up and no bigger then 8-10" I want them to be simple, but not small or very deep. Any tips? Thanks
@dougiethoresen 11 жыл бұрын
Hi iv followed ur videos for a while now iv only bn doing bonsai art for 5 yrs still a beginner I have a banyan style ficus small but real nice, but I fertilized the tree and now all.the leaves are turning yellow and dropping I don't know what to do here i felt sorry for it it was in homebase and the soil was dry and the soil edges shrunk from pot I repoted it and it looked fine for a couple wks and now I dont know if its to stressed with non regular water n feed iv scraped a bit bark off bk
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
@B3ref Gotta love the visual with that :)
@dillonnicholasentertainmen8964 10 жыл бұрын
Nice dog
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks, thats Cosmo my rat terrier
@Sounga74 10 жыл бұрын
Do you mind doing a follow up video with that Tree?
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
I actually always keep a small collection of trees so it has to be something special to remain in my collection. I donated this tree to our local bonsai club for some one else to develop. I get a lot of trees for just doing instructional videos but I don't always keep them in my collection
@bellajaime50 11 жыл бұрын
Hi! So I'm sure you're getting a lot of this BUT I actually got my bonsai from a nursery and I'm slowly killing it. Its a princess earrings or Dichrostachys Cinerea. It wasn't getting enough sunlight and the leaves started falling off so I put it in some more direct sunlight and its now under a growing lamp... I don't know what to do next or how to tell if its too late :/
@Dubbya123 11 жыл бұрын
I thought you weren't supposed to put ficus plants in direct sunlight at all....
@potpielover 10 жыл бұрын
I like trees
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 12 жыл бұрын
Please continue to wtahc my channel and other videos. I cover most aspects of growing and caring for bonsai
@LDeschi 10 жыл бұрын
Hi, thank you for posting this video! I just received a Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans' bonsai tree as a birthday gift. I live in New Jersey and am concerned about its survival come the winter. Any suggestions regarding this specific type of tree?
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
You have a very difficult tree to care for as a bonsai. It's not cold hardy so it needs to be protected. You may need a grow light to keep it going through the winter as well. My advise is keep it in a warm area but don't cook it with a radiator or heat vent. Good air flow a light to help it stay stimulated. It's not going to look pretty during the winter months but you're only concern it to keep it alive over the winter and get it back outside in the spring to recover. Good luck
@Lew1G 11 жыл бұрын
This is the exact same thing that happened to me.
@OldFilmCameras 10 жыл бұрын
Hey! I just recently bought a juniper bonsai and a chinese elm bonsai. I'm very excited to care for them. I was hoping you could offer some advice for both trees, such as like how often to water, fertilize , etc. I am doing alot of research but i keep finding alot of variance in the advice online. please help. Thanks! btw you have a great channel i subscribed! =]
@Moosmom 8 жыл бұрын
I received a Juniper as a gift. I live in NJ, kept it in mulch outside. Took it out of the mulch about a month ago and now it's totally brown. I pruned it. Just noticed wires coming up from base of tree - should I remove the wires? Anything else I should be doing to save it? Repot it?
@amiraismail5537 9 жыл бұрын
Please help me ... My Ficus Bonsai has lost all its leaves 2 weeks after I bought it ... Is there a chance to revive it back again ? also the weather is so hot it reaches 40 Celsius..; How can I take care of it ??
@sudheer1608 8 жыл бұрын
I am starting with a new small plant, but where should I plant it first? In ground or in some training pot?
@JuanMartinez-kf5mq 10 жыл бұрын
Hey I'm a subscriber and seen most of your videos I live in the central part of U.S to be exact Chicago right now we are in the middle of fall so my question is when is the right time to go in the woods/forest or construction site to look for a future bonsai oh and say Hi to Cosmo for me 😊
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
YAY Cosmo say's hi as well. Yesterday was his birthday (10-22) and he just turned 14. Right now is a great time to go and scope out some trees because still having foliage helps to identify the trees. Mark them with a ribbon and then in January-February go back and dig them up
@bluefox041 9 жыл бұрын
Hello, would you be able to advise me, I have a Canadian maple for two seasons, but this year the leaves are slowly turning brown, I generally stick my finger in the soil to see if its wet , I'm not sure about the best position ie indoor or outside, any tips please ?
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 9 жыл бұрын
Maples really belong outside full time. They are cold hardy so they will go dormant in the winter. Also hot summers with warm nights will cause the leaves to turn brown because it is just too hot for them. Don't water as much when the tree is going dormant and if you are having the issue as new leaves are starting you'll want to apply a fungicide to address that problem
@tammy9288 10 жыл бұрын
Paul, Love your videos! I would also like some books on Bonsai. Do you recommend any authors or titles? Thank you for your help!
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Tammy, great place to start is with Bonsai Techniques I by John Naka. These are pretty much consdered the basic for American Bonsai. I also like David Degroots Basic Bonsai Design. Both of these are pretty pricey these days so you may want to consider a subscription to a bonsai magazine like International Bonsai or Bonsai Focus. You'll find a ton on line too!!
@rigbreakers 9 жыл бұрын
Hi I have been looking at your videos and the have really help me get started. I,m in South Carolina and I was wondering about protecting my trees from winter. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to keep them in the greenhouse? This last winter we had it got really cold here. Thank you for your help!
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 9 жыл бұрын
Lamar Hedden It really depends on what trees you have. Deciduous and evergreens can handle the cold weather but tropics and subtropicals cannot. Other than tropicals/subtropicals you can protect in a unheated coldframe so that you don't break the dormancy
@rigbreakers 9 жыл бұрын
OrlandoBonsaiTV Thank you! I have started out with cedar and pine and I was thinking of trying a water oak.
@ThePhobosAnomally 7 жыл бұрын
OrlandoBonsaiTV, you know Ginseng ficus (the one with the fat root), if I take a cutting off of it (not of the root), but of a small branch, can I grow it as a seperate tree and somehow prevent it from developing such a fat root? Thanks!
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 7 жыл бұрын
PhobosAnomaly if you are looking to separate a larger branch you should google air layering since that would be the most successful method. Smaller sizes like the thickness of a matchstick might take but might require rooting hormone to be applied and that they don't dry out. Spring and early summer are best times to try it
@adityajoshi99 10 жыл бұрын
hi, i have always admired your work...i live in india and have a collection of a few ficuses. wanted some guidance from it possible to talk do u?
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
Sure send me a message though KZbin I'd be glad to help you out
@cicilia8989 10 жыл бұрын
how do you raise a bonsai from a seedling?? and what do you do??
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
Very rarely do any people in bonsai start a tree from a seedling. However if you do wire the trunk to an interesting line giving it good movement to develop your tree
@cypress1337 9 жыл бұрын
My Fukien Tea is dieying because i shocked it from cold to warm (to late winter sheltering), what can i do?
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 9 жыл бұрын
Don't worry. Fukien tea are very sensitive to any kind of change. Keep it about 45 degrees and give it some sun. You should see new leaves popping in a couple of weeks
@stephanienleon8116 10 жыл бұрын
Help me PLEASE!! I have had a bonsai for almost 8months, I bought it at wal mart. It is really special for me ( he even has a name! "Dallas" ) and now my baby is loosing leaves every day ( it is so uncommon) it used to loose maybe one a day, and now it is loosing like ten or more every day! It has like 4-5 days like that! :( I don't know what to do and the leaves that are falling are between green-yellow What do you recomend me to do? I really hope you can answer before it is too late :(
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
Sorry for the late response. Hopefully your tree is still hanging in there. Yellowing leaves might indicate not enough sunlight or too much watering. Don't let the tree stay wet and be sure the water is draining. Ficus will recover if you give them plenty of sunlight and regular watering. Best of luck
@johnnycruz7794 9 жыл бұрын
hi orlando what happened to this tree ?
@newenglandpipesmoker5319 9 жыл бұрын
Great videos. Can you recommend any good online sites for purchasing a bonsai from? Thanks in advance
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 9 жыл бұрын
It really depends on the price you are looking to spend and what type of tree. eBay has always been a good source of bonsai. Also Facebook has a few groups with some great material. Look on FB for bonsai auctions and bonsai classifieds. Shipping costs will be expensive so if you can find a local nursery that would be your safest best and most affordable
@newenglandpipesmoker5319 9 жыл бұрын
thank you very much for the reply. Greatly appreciated. Just wanting to get started in the world of Bonsai. Love your vids, very informative
@MacielGera 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, I just received a Ficus Ginseng as a gift from Ikea, looks similar too the one in the video. I really want to save it and care for it. Is it possible to keep it indoors? Spring is here, is it save to do repotting?
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 9 жыл бұрын
If it's doing go ahead and repot your tree into some better soil. The tree will be happy and stay alive for you
@TheFennahh 10 жыл бұрын
You say that you have never owned a tree from a walmart or anything, if that is the case where did you actually get your plants from. (I don't actually own any yet, but I am looking at getting into it and have been watching all your videos)
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
there are a lot of locations that actually grow material for use as bonsai. You can find some one line or ebay. Just search for prebonsai and you'll find different species in a early stage of bonsai. Also you can shop local nurseries for shrubs like boxwood, ilex, junipers, etc that you can use to create a bonsai for not a whole lot of money
@foxyflash1747 9 жыл бұрын
Help I have a juniper and it has begun to turn brown I trimmed it so maybe it would grow new leaves but it's starting to spread. I changed the soil and it still turning brown please help...I don't want it to die...
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 9 жыл бұрын
When you trim junipers the tips will brown and the will eventually drop off. Wait a few weeks and everything will be okay
@crankyboiy 8 жыл бұрын
are you keeping it indoors? junipers are outdoor bonsai. it's rare that they will survive indoors.
@Spinz002 10 жыл бұрын
bless you cosmo, did you sneeze? great info tyty
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
Awww thank you so much! Cosmo is my best bonsai friend and its always nice to get comments for him.
@yuchusun1628 8 жыл бұрын
hahaahahhaa i love your distain
@melissajukes1138 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, I have a schefflera arboricola bonsai that I purchased from a home depot store a few month ago. The plants lost all the leaves and the branches started to die. I think it may have gotten a bit dried out when I went away for five days. So I trimmed all the dead bits and kept watering hoping the roots were still alive. Trimmed the truck which was dried out. I bought a fertilizer for it and watered it about 1 week ago with the fertilizer. I just found it with mould on the trunk and so dug out the root. The roots all had a shell on the top that slid off and looks like mould under it. I think it is dead, but put the root back in with the soil for now. Please help! Is the bonsai dead or alive? What am I doing wrong?
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 9 жыл бұрын
Sounds like you removed all the mold and cleaned it up. Try new soil and give the tree some filtered sunlight and water it to keep the soil moist but not wet.
@melissajukes1138 9 жыл бұрын
okay thankyou!
@dvdfrnzwbr 9 жыл бұрын
Were do you recommend acquiring a bonsai plant if not at a nursery?
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 9 жыл бұрын
There are a number of bonsai nurseries that you can visit and many have websites. Also you can acquire good material from the home improvement stores or regular nurseries but I recommend you buy the plant material and then make a bonsai from it. The ones that are sold as bonsai are not prepared correctly and the wrong soil is used. This is truly a hobby which is done best if you do it yourself
@blauw73 9 жыл бұрын
dvdfrnzwbr also not all nursery plants are that bad you can even give them a change to light up just think about a 80cm high azalea cut till 16 - 20cm of the bottem let them rest for a year good bonsai to go even with nice flowers ;)
@Lazybunnybanana 10 жыл бұрын
I got bought a couple of "bonsai" for christmas, mine didn't even come with a label to tell me what kind of tree they are :-/ I really want to take care of these and started out by re-potting and trimming them. They are my first ones and they seem to have a good starting shape but I really don't know what else to do with them. are there any sites that you recommend for beginners like me?
@OrlandoBonsaiTV 10 жыл бұрын
There are a lot of websites out there and plenty of videos that will help you understand how to care for your tree. for the most part keep the tree watered but don't let it sit in water. It would prefer to be outside during warmer weather. Good luck and feel free to leave me a comment with any specific questions
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