How to build a meta Armored Core for PvP, Full Guide

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JeeNiNe Media

10 ай бұрын

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It's time to say goodbye to Elden Ring and embrace Armored Core 6, I would like to thank all the Souls content creator for this experience. Prod the funny, Chasethebro the great invader, FighterPl the parry king, Saintriot the meta hater, DangitJM the underrated, SunlightBlade the top 10, Peeve Peeverson the almighty, Oroboro the darkmoon blade sellswords, YukasLegion I ban him, VaatiVidya lore fix, LimitBreaker fun facts and my favorites BathedInBrena tournament host and iamamish the role model.

Пікірлер: 92
@mouaz670 10 ай бұрын
2:04 Heads 6:04 Cores/Chests 13:20 Arms/FCS chips 23:04 Legs 32:25 Boosters 36:48 FCS chips again 39:39 Generators 50:37 Expansion slot 53:52 Weapons
@revaronsdemise5366 10 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@politary7063 10 ай бұрын
You forgot to mention a very important detail: The more free EN load you have, the faster your EN regenerates. At 80% EN load you can have about 3x the energy recharge speed compared to max EN load, which makes a lot of difference since you can touch the ground and almost instantly regen all energy without being vulnerable for long time otherwise.
@aaronnunavabizniz199 9 ай бұрын
Ive been maxing it with the coral generators.
@mouaz670 10 ай бұрын
A tip for assault boost, I was experimenting with assault boost in test mode and found that you can use the quick turn OS tuning while in assault boost to do sharp 90 degrees turns left and right, i played with it in pvp and it was extremely useful
@TrickyMellow 10 ай бұрын
You can also assault boost past enemy and qt to the back so you lock instantly while gaining distance. Instead of 90 degree. It's 180.
@stuartmccleary 10 ай бұрын
Someone was late to the party but we’re glad you came
@eldenlean5221 10 ай бұрын
I feel like theres some tec with quick turn and turning on and off the regular boost(not QB) waiting to be discovered Like if you assault boost and immeatly turn off boost and quick boost you can canceñ the assault boost almost immedeatly
@eldenlean5221 10 ай бұрын
You can also cancel melee with assault boost, and chain it with another melee, which you can also cancel
@stuartmccleary 10 ай бұрын
@@eldenlean5221 just press X during quick boost the ascent going up will make you come out of assault boost while keeping momentum
@Thereisnogreatersword 10 ай бұрын
This armoured my core, fired my rubicon, released my coral and pile bunkered my balls all in one thank you jesusnien
@Xhaleon 10 ай бұрын
Recoil control significantly affects the accuracy of weapons too, usually two guns can overwhelm it and make early shots start to roll misses. It's only worth mentioning for rapid fire weapons that require some consistent accuracy however, slow firing dual shotguns won't care.
@stuartmccleary 10 ай бұрын
It’s also has an impact on firing any kind of bazooka or gernade launcher. You can tell the difference in how long your character is “stunned” by firing the weapon.
@JE-nf2gd 10 ай бұрын
Kinda dissapointed to hear that weight isn't a factor at all for meta builds. IMO one of the most interesting things about building in AC games has always been the interplay between fast, squishy and low damage vs heavy, tough and high damage plus all the points between. Weight not mattering seems weird when I feel like the system is set up so that weight is supposed to be like a primary consideration.
@MBunn-uf1we 10 ай бұрын
Weight does matter a lot for speed, quick boost reload and assault boost. If you overweigh the booster your mobility tanks.
@JE-nf2gd 10 ай бұрын
@@MBunn-uf1we I mean I'm aware that being light doesn't do nothing. It's actually rly sweet against certain bosses in single player. Just bummed that most ppl who are good at pvp say that the upsides of being fast are slight enough to not make light builds worth it over just being a chonker lol.
@MBunn-uf1we 10 ай бұрын
@@JE-nf2gd , Im expecting assault in pvp to get hit with the nerf bat, zimmermans probably gonna lose a chuck of impact too. though ive been having plenty of success with a high speed dual pistol build. The speed at which i can dance around players really confuses everyone.
@aseemmateen7696 10 ай бұрын
@@JE-nf2gdI don't think that's a good take, lights are definately viable, they just might not be meta. What fromsoft has done has shifted weight management to energy management. Light's have alot more energy efficiency than heavier builds, along with reverse joint jump heights mean that it is very easy to kite people. The downside is that they basically have no attitude stability, so if you get tagged you get staggered. What this leads to is lights being high skill, high attrition builds that usually don't burst you (though they certainly can) but they are extremly safe and if the player is good it is extremly annoying to fight against. That's why you hear people saying lights are worse than tanks, where you can just turn your brain off and just go max throttle and get good results. @JE-nf2gd ​​
@lubricatedsnake4528 7 ай бұрын
@isaacmarcucci3777 10 ай бұрын
Weight is extremely important for quick boost overall performance. Every booster is set for a certain weight and exceeding it causes En recharge delay, En consumption, an En emergency supply to be severely reduced. Most pvp builds I see exceed 100000 weight thus making dodging and recharging energy way worse than it needs to be. I can 100% beat any overweight build with a lightweight laser boat everytime because of this. High enough jump distance can break hard lock with light weight builds too.
@Jeenine 10 ай бұрын
Quick boost is overrated in the current patch
@ddd09ish1 10 ай бұрын
Don't let people tell ya what to play I enjoy myself immensely with lightweight builds. I think in many ways a lot of this meta stuff represents the desire for consistency in a playstyle. Lightweight builds and quick boosts are extremely risky due to the stagger mechanics, but are by no means invalidated
@isaacmarcucci3777 10 ай бұрын
@@ddd09ish1 he quick boosted hundreds of times in those match's and was constantly overheated. Quick boost is overrated tho.
@LorenTR 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for a great guide. I found your explanations particularly articulate. Only thing that is missing is shoulder options for your meta dual Zimmerman setup.
@Graati 10 ай бұрын
I just want to sya that Jee's build in thus video is fucking insane. It can tank whole Assault armor to the face and win the trade by like 4k
@stuartmccleary 10 ай бұрын
You can stay in the air with all mid-light weight builds by using the VP-20C generator with the Gridwalker. Heavier builds can abuse the Gridwalkers with the NGI 000 generator BUT you have to be super high or abuse recoil. So while your EN recovery status you fire a like the songbirds or a bazooka in your hand. I’ve had matches with quad gernade launchers where I never touched the ground or died because everyone was fighting while I was mortar firing. IF you don’t use hard lock and aim ok you can do a lot of dmg from the AoE while sustaining flight. Have to run away from anyone trying to chase you
@splder5430 10 ай бұрын
Reverse joint legs also have a longer range+gap closing kick compared to the other leg types, where’s tetrapods have a nigh-unavoidable spinkick but you still have to close yourself, the reverse joint has a really good tracking “lunge” kick.
@noshua2326 10 ай бұрын
You should try double napalm bomb launcher it’s fantastic especially in team fights and I have yet to see anyone else using it
@LateralKiki 9 ай бұрын
What's up man, I just read your QR, I think you won that match, you're very good! keep it up, you've already gained another subscriber aswell!
@bitcheslovecannons5073 10 ай бұрын
Jeenine: releases an hour long guide for pvp Me, who's never even touched the pvp: hmmm yes, very interesting.
@reijin999 10 ай бұрын
for some reason i thought attitude stability was related to flight and how quickly your ac stabilizes after boosting/strafing lol. couldn't figure out what the stat was to prevent stagger. really helpful thank you.
@aaronnunavabizniz199 9 ай бұрын
@Martinanjo 10 ай бұрын
I watched the generator section and it was really useful, but I did want to point something out: The EN Recharge stat does not matter AT ALL - it provides a base, but you will get a lot more EN regeneration by picking something with a high max EN load, because the more you go under, the more bonus regen you get (this is the EN supply efficiency stat, displayed on your AC's overall stats) With this in mind, I think Hokushi and VP-20D are worthy of consideration. The Hokushi is just the VP-20C with negligably lower stats in other areas, 2000 extra weight (translates to the loss of about 1-2 points of speed), and a not-massively-but-significantly better max EN load - it will generally return your energy a lot faster.
@whatcodeSV 10 ай бұрын
Quick boost reload ideal weight is another useful stat to keep in mind, affects cooldown of qb and allows actual dodging. Also having high total EN output and low current load greatly affects the efficiency stat. example: SANTAI with ideal weight melee build gets 8 qbs and recharges like a coral gen without the huge downtime.
@Jeenine 10 ай бұрын
Qb is overrated in the current version of the game
@ddd09ish1 10 ай бұрын
​@Jeenine would you mind elaborating?
@echoq7594 10 ай бұрын
Tracking performance is not just about locking on fast, but how fast the aimming reticule corrects itself when your tagret moves, its pretty important to have high tracking especially if you have a high stat for your performing range on your FCS.. if your arms can't follow then you've wasted that potential.
@amtrent123 10 ай бұрын
Reverse joint legs are good for disjointing seeking missiles
@BitterSteel69 10 ай бұрын
Thanks G you’re the man
@karisaparolampinen 10 ай бұрын
Something that should be tested; I think that quads and tanks may have larger hurtboxes, so there may be a slight advantage to using bipeds in that case. This could be tested by firing zimms from a distance that doesn't land every pellet (something like 160m?) and looking at the average buildup on both leg types.
@the7thgymleader 10 ай бұрын
Zimms fired outside of their max range will get deflected.
@karisaparolampinen 10 ай бұрын
@@the7thgymleader Yeah, good point. I didn't bother looking up the max range, just assumed that would be a good test range. I'm editing the comment to make sense.
@YggdrasilsBranches 10 ай бұрын
Watch we start getting those players that hate being narrowed into a build and end up making meta killer builds. Or we get that one player that only players lightweight and becomes a master of them, annihilating everyone in the process.
@InAVanByTheRivr 9 ай бұрын
Assault armor is good if you, or your opponent will be trying to keep to less than 100m. Pulse armor is more situational, but essentially you activate it Before you get staggered. ie ranged kiting builds (especially vertically spacing as you can't quick boost up or down directly towards them and get the AA off, or very tanky builds that are difficult to fill the gauge in the first place. Assault armor won't Stagger a Tetra for example
@chicomaru 10 ай бұрын
will you also make one for weapons?
@NAmania 10 ай бұрын
I sincerely hope FromSoft sees your video and nerfs/buffs stuff accordingly. You really nailed it in showing how you are being funneled into specific heavy/high stability builds with current balancing. Maybe a Zimmerman nerf will make this a bit less obvous, but it still will be there. Lightweight mobile builds need to find their place because they are very fun.
@Cyrogan 10 ай бұрын
Good video, very informative. But one thing i disagree on is that in my experience lightweight speed builds are very good for medium range builds so they can kite Zimmermans super easily, but if you are a close range build you are better off tanking up on AP and stability.
@Jeenine 10 ай бұрын
Thats unfortunatey false, lightweight builds cannot compete with heavier, tankiers acs in the current version of the game
@aseemmateen7696 10 ай бұрын
@@Jeenine This isn't true, the only threat tanks have against lights is assault boost, which can be dealt with using smart movement and even certain weapons. If tanks didn't have assault boost lights would destroy them every time. Having really good hangtime means I can either just spam missiles or even run a laser build with a good generator. Since tanks are slow and not quickboosting, if I'm running linears it's alot easier to hit tanks than it is to hit bipeds. Lights just have a higher skill cap and the reward doesn't really scale, so while I agree they are worse than midweight bipeds and quads (generally speaking) they are definately viable and the difference in viability between the leg types is not that large.
@10XSeiga 10 ай бұрын
Assault boost tetrapod wants to have a word with you
@everettdaly5621 10 ай бұрын
I wonder how much effective ap you lose to the huge hitbox on those arms
@stuartmccleary 10 ай бұрын
I doubt you catch this comment to JeeNine but as you have talked about competitive and how the game will form. In priors PvP was more pop shot based using cover to duck in and out and land missile poke and charged shots. Once you had a health lead. Or in this game instance a stagger build. You would then try to rush your opponent to make a play. With current game there are a couple maps where in 1v1s I stay behind cover spam my scanner and use vertical missile launchers. Basically by time you get to me I have landed a couple charged shots from behind cover and got plasma missile chip. The games play style is all skirmishing cause it’s all randoms. But against two coordinated teams getting out of position your insta dead. I’m hoping the game gets back to those fundamentals
@Jeenine 10 ай бұрын
110% agree
@stuartmccleary 10 ай бұрын
@@Jeenine the last thing I would like to throw out to you. (I’m an old die hard AC btw) Try the plasma mace with a Verril quad leg build. While hovering there is no tell or stop for the mace swing. The tracking on it I’d argue is the best melee wise in game. When ppl approach me if you have 1 bar of stagger built on anything NOT a tank or the two heaviest two bipedal leg build, I get stun on you and the follow up now is guaranteed. If they don’t panic Dodge out the second is almost guaranteed if you stay close to them.
@thehotwindblowing 10 ай бұрын
so basically Watchpoint Delta is the worst map?
@requiem9167 10 ай бұрын
It is time!
@hennyboi1523 10 ай бұрын
i'm hoping for a change that makes heavyweight less meta
@hurtboychulo7371 6 ай бұрын
I don't have any tips I'm just here to let the community know I love em
@GloriousGEO 10 ай бұрын
55 minutes? Time to strap in.
@Okil_Atlas 10 ай бұрын
Tip for making a build use dual Zimmermans that's it
@austinkatz1551 10 ай бұрын
They are going to have to figure out a solid, game changing benefit to being lightweight, i think light weight builds should have a hover function like quad legs do. And there needs to be more of a sacrifice for making heavy/high stability AC's, the fact that the lightest weight AC basically moves and Assault/Quick boosts virtually the same as a heavy weight AC, but has 20% of the stability and AP is ridiculous. "MLAGA" Make Lightweight AC's Great Again
@austinkatz1551 10 ай бұрын
I want pvp to get reworked in armored core 6, I would like there to weight categorized matchmaking, or another idea I have is to have objective based game modes where speed and your abilities are more of a factor in winning. I love AC6 single player and it's an amazing game but PVP was obviously just an after thought and a huge missed opportunity imo.
@904buffalo 10 ай бұрын
I didnt know i was running a meta build lol
@icecoldbrew92 10 ай бұрын
I just want to have a viable light sniper build 😢
@MBunn-uf1we 10 ай бұрын
Thats easy, linear rifle+arm missles, your choice missile lauchers to keep pressure up, coral generator do you can just keep assault boosting away if they to chase. It hard counters zimmermans if you out stay out of the 100 meter bracket. If you wanna get zesty any type of shield will counter zimmermans too
@icecoldbrew92 10 ай бұрын
​@@MBunn-uf1weyeah I've tried, I mean actually viable not meme
@MBunn-uf1we 10 ай бұрын
@@icecoldbrew92 it's not a meme it's entirely viable because in a 1v1 you have more AP at the end than the other person you win.
@icecoldbrew92 10 ай бұрын
@@MBunn-uf1we lol
@BisonAffinity 10 ай бұрын
Why are all the meta stats slapped on the parts I always consider ugly :/
@scottholmes6080 10 ай бұрын
Am I the only one dumbfounded the game doesn't have simple matchmaking? I guess it was known but I never saw anyone talk about it. The lobby's are fine I guess but just seems like such a waste and goes against building a pvp community
@juancolon123 9 ай бұрын
Look dude you have to look cool in order to be a legendary AC pilot 😆 I literally pick other cores just because I want different looks 😃
@Adercu 9 ай бұрын
Anyone here bc of the QR?
@BSJINTHEHOUSE420 10 ай бұрын
This video should be flagged for sexual content. My Core is Armored and my Rubicon is on Fire, and I can’t stop touching it because of this.
@10XSeiga 10 ай бұрын
The meta would be so different if you couldn't kick in pvp
@mrawesome33341 10 ай бұрын
My ass really about to watch an hour long vid over an aspect in a game I will never play.
@TheTrickyTwix 10 ай бұрын
I had never played a mech game in my life and am enjoying it a lot. Give it a shot it’s worth
@RAWKITHED 10 ай бұрын
It's the best Armored Core so far. I see a bright future for this IP.
@dad_uchiha1707 10 ай бұрын
Its good but build does not equte to battle skill and playstyle, using meta doesnt mean better
@10XSeiga 10 ай бұрын
You must not be fighting the tournament sweats lol
@dad_uchiha1707 10 ай бұрын
@@10XSeiga I haven't witnessed any that I know of but I'm winning 1v1s quite a lot and the only thing meta I'm running are zimms with misc. shoulder weaps
@snimon5824 10 ай бұрын
A good player can beat the meta slaves any day, even if his build is sub-optimal. But a good player with a meta build is probably going damm near unbeatable unless the other good player is also using a meta build. Skillz can only take you so far.
@lchn12345678 10 ай бұрын
lol you kept misclicking into control guide doesnt melee cancel use qb instead of ab? i think u made a mistake when explaining en recharge, u do not need to touch the ground to start recharging, the delay starts whenever u stop using EN, this stat also does not affect how fast ur EN recharges, EN recharges faster the more excess EN output u have, but being in the air also gives a penalty to the rate of EN regen
@charlesballiet7074 10 ай бұрын
lol there are a ton of tools a light can use to pick apart and kite a heavy, its just not zimmermans and dual blades. pppl should stop complaining they cant body a heavyweight in there tinfoil doll