How to De-Influence Your Reading (and make reading fun again)

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Mister Sosotris Reads

Mister Sosotris Reads

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@marinamendez5815 6 ай бұрын
Loved this! I wish more booktubers / booktokers focused on this instead of book collecting!
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Thanks! And yeah, it’s definitely a bit of a rat rate at times, rushing to keep up with all the new releases and meet high reading goals.
@LunabirdBookclub 6 ай бұрын
Some excellent points here! I think it's really important to protect your time and energy so that reading can stay as a beautiful pleasure
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Exactly! I love reading, and for a while I got sucked into the “My reading consumption isn’t good enough” and that just doesn’t accomplish anything productive, thinking like that.
@MicahRion 6 ай бұрын
I particularly like The Story Graph for reviews because you can write a review without having to leave a star rating. I don’t rate my books after reading them (part of keeping it fun for me is not evaluating too closely). But I love writing my thoughts and providing trigger warnings on Story Graph.
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
StoryGraph is so well designed! and I like how you can leave your impressions of the book overall without needing to write a full review.
@rnb8220 6 ай бұрын
I might hear about a ton of books but when I’m in the bookstore, I read maybe a few paragraphs to the entire first chapter in the store just to see if I like the writing. If I dislike the writing, I don’t pick up the book. It’s not foolproof but it much more reliable than just going off synopsis.
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, that feels like a good approach! Gives you a chance to find something you really want to read
@periwinkletree 6 ай бұрын
Agree with this 100%. These ideas and your presentation is exactly what we need to hear. Booktube and apps like Goodreads have become the publishing industry's free labor and publicity. We also tie our self-worth up in bragging rights, of numbers read etc. I'm tired of hauls of every kind, whether books or otherwise, because it's unnecessary and consumerist. Solid reviews are appreciated but why do I need to know that someone just bought but hasn't read those 20 books? I also don't need to know someone's TBR; it's not accountability but rather pointless to the audience and puts pressure on the person posting when maybe their lives and/or interests will change. Why can't we just enjoy books, whether we read them slow or fast, one a month or one a week, and focus on the quality of the experience? So that when we actually recommend a book, we do so from a place of true appreciation, where we remember how it affected us. As you said, stop being the publishing industry's unpaid intern. Thanks for a refreshing take!
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! I do love the online bookish community, but I’ve grown much more interested in reviews and analyses of books rather than just celebrations of how many books one has purchased.
@CactussKai 6 ай бұрын
I buy most my books from charity shops! In some of the stores near me I can go into a store and come out with four books for a pound. What I love about it is how it's made me read books I might not have otherwise read, like a couple years ago I read wuthering heights because I found it secondhand. I had only ever heard the kate bush song and knew nothing about the book 😂 but after reading it it quickly became one of my favourites, and since i've been reading alot nore of the older classics. Frankenstein, rebecca, hill house and things fall apart have became some of my favourite books. Ive never set numerical goals for my reading, but love to set other goals for myself. This year it's working through the books already on my bookshelf, and reading more short stories. Ive read roahld dahl's short story collection someone like you and am now chipping my way through the lottery by shirley jackson. I love storygraph for keeping track of my books. I dont write review's because I cant be bothered but I love the pie charts just too look at what genres i've been reading. All my books are fiction, but I might go browse the library for some non fiction on some topics im interested in. I dont think I could commit myself to buying a nonfiction book brand nee out of fear of not liking it. I'm not sure why I didnt think to got to the library sooner 😂. Really loved the video! Happy reading 😊
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
This is great! And yeah rummaging through shelves of used books is one of my favourite things ever! And the Kate Bush-Emily Brontë pipeline is a very good one! I love all the literary references in her music. 😊
@tianawashington8869 5 ай бұрын
The same here I went to the bookstore at my local libray got 2 bags of books for under 20 dollars! 😊
@bunnytojupiter 6 ай бұрын
a healthy relationship with the reading goal is so important!! i read a little over 100 books a year but i always set my goal as 60 in the beginning and treat it as a running check point instead of an end goal :) i just increase the goal in small increments as i get closer- if i'm at 55 books i'll raise the goal from 60 to 75 and so on and so on until the end of the year, it just happens that i end up reading over a hundred. using it as a reading checkpoint instead of end goal helps me a lot and i NEVER worry about pacing anymore, i can go a month reading 20 books and the next month reading 0 but it doesn't bother me because i increase the number relative to how much i'm reading now instead of how much i want to read by the end of the year, it all balances out at the end. i'm not gonna lie, i do get competitive trying to beat last year's number towards the end, but that's because i'm already so close and it *is* being treated as a "read-more-motivator" instead of a number for show. but 100 is the highest number i'll go when i reach that checkpoint on the reading goal, when i read higher than that (and i usually do) it just feels like i'm getting extra credit marks haha currently at 37/60 books for the first checkpoint! probably gonna read a total of 5 books over the entire summer season and then get back to hermit reading in the fall/winter (clearly, i'm very balanced)
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Well said! And honestly, if it remains fun, then there’s nothing wrong with that! It’s once it becomes a chore and a source of stress, that’s when it’s best to back off. But I love the way you set up your goal!
@Hyzentley 5 ай бұрын
Really needed this. I have such a hard time reading because of disability/mental health issues, but I also feel super bad about how little I read
@Mister_Sosotris 5 ай бұрын
It’s not a race! Just enjoy what you read! It’s all good!
@davidgould3297 6 ай бұрын
Excellent video. Totally agree about the reading goal. That’s what I experienced. Avoiding longer books is silly just to hit a goal. I don’t let it rule me now.
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Thanks! Yeah, the reading goal became a needless limitation. I’m much happier without it!
@whatsthetemma1308 6 ай бұрын
I just discovered you today. This video really hit the nail on the head. This year I want to read my bookshelves and use the library more. Buy only the books I would like to keep reading. I really appreciate it and it all resonates with what you said. I haven't heard anyone else say these things. I definitely pick up books from charity shops and love picking through the library especially the new book carousel that is at the front of the library. Definitely going to watch more of your videos.
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Oh thank you so much! Yeah, reading and book collecting should definitely be fun, not an obligation or a job!
@cherylwilson8519 6 ай бұрын
I needed to hear this, ty! I have not been enjoying my reading as much as I used to, so good points! 👍
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Thanks!! It definitely needs to be said more!
@Kite562reviews 6 ай бұрын
I just stumbled upon this video. I'm a slow reader and I'm okay with that. I read for the enjoyment of reading; when it comes to buying books, I make sure it's a book I know I'll re read down the road. My shelf is a mix of books,manga hardcover,paperback,new or used books on my shelf. Libraries are great places to discover new authors or genres. Without breaking the bank. I just enjoy documenting my thoughts on what I've recently read and I mainly lean towards older books and authors. Like Lovecraft or Stephen King. However, I'm open to other genres as well. Great video good sir! 🙂❤📚
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Oh wow, thank you so much!
@backawayfromthedonkey 7 ай бұрын
What a great video, one point I will add with your point on reviews, is that you can write 'bad' reviews that aren't mean spirited. You can say that you don't like something but you need to say why you don't, and you can do that in a way that isn't insulting or a personal attack on the author. I rarely give 5 stars, for me a 3 star is a good book I would reread, personally the star rating is pretty pointless it's more the written (or spoken) content of the review that is more important. Thanks for a great video.
@Mister_Sosotris 7 ай бұрын
Well said! I’ve read some really thoughtful 1 star reviews that told me a great deal about the book. I always laugh when I see posts online of folks saying never to write 1 star reviews because they’re mean. You can absolutely be thoughtful and informative with a negative review!
@backawayfromthedonkey 7 ай бұрын
@@Mister_Sosotris Exactly
@mtnshelby7059 6 ай бұрын
Great video, thank you. I enjoy building up a big TBR on Libby and if I listen I do if I don't I don't. Pressure free. I also set my Goodreads goal very low and achievable.
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Libby is wonderful! Definitely takes the pressure away
@amysrambles6748 6 ай бұрын
Some really great advice here. Particularly liked what you said about reviews! You can give a 1 or 2 star review without insulting the author or bashing on the book, you can be critical without being mean so we shouldn't be afraid of 'negative' reviews. The reasons I give something a lower star rating might be the reasons someone else gives a book a higher star rating. As you said, reading enjoyment is subjective. In terms of goals, this year rather than setting a book goal, I've set a page goal instead. It's a goal I know I can easily smash, and it means that I don't pay too much attention to the length of the books I'm picking up so I'm less put off by longer books and more likely to enjoy whats in my habds rather than thinking that I'm taking too long to read this!
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Page goals are great because it doesn’t make you feel rushed or anything! You can read long and short books, and it all contributes equally!
@MicahRion 6 ай бұрын
Something I like to do also is buddy read with friends! I get a lot of joy out of online book clubs but also have buddy read books at the same time with a friend who lives far away. I've also bought a copy of a book, annotated it, then passed it on to my roommate. It's a great way to be social about books and also take a break from the internet!
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Buddy reads are awesome! You can really get into the book more often, too
@jellums1208 6 ай бұрын
great video! i got into reading last year thanks to booktube and it's really easy to get swept up in the hauls and book goals! there's nothing wrong with reading goals or getting the latest book if it's still fun for the person, but this was a good reminder to just take a step back and remember that, in the end, it's about enjoying reading!
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Well said! It’s all about that balance
@Tdragonfly 5 ай бұрын
I see you outlander 👀 I just got back into reading again. Trying mystery as usually I went for fantasy/ period pieces
@Mister_Sosotris 5 ай бұрын
Haha, yes, Outlander is a fave. And mysteries are great! I feel like they’re not talked about as much in bookish spaces!
@YvesThePoet 5 ай бұрын
Love this perspective
@Mister_Sosotris 5 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@Felarof245 6 ай бұрын
just saw all your Iliad copies in the background and instantly subscribed to you channel :D
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Haha! That’s valid! I have…perhaps too many…but I’ll have to do more videos about my good friends Achilles and Odysseus in the future!
@Felarof245 6 ай бұрын
​@@Mister_Sosotris As an archaeologist I can assure you that there are never too many copies of the Iliad and Odyssey 😊
@angelalakes 6 ай бұрын
I’ve slowed way down on watching booktube for the reasons you mentioned. I love your perspective.
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Thanks! I still enjoy reviews, but I’ve drifted away from book hauls and videos on book goals and such. I get where you’re coming from. Sometimes it feels like we’re all being turned into billboards
@WhiteNoises 6 ай бұрын
Love these ideas! Thank you for sharing, excited to check out more of your videos. Really agree with what your had to say.
@Mister_Sosotris 6 ай бұрын
Thanks! I’m glad it resonated with so many people!
@francoisbouchart4050 7 ай бұрын
BookTube definitely instills FOMO.
@Mister_Sosotris 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely! And while I love getting amazing book recs I’d never heard of before, sometimes it’s okay to take a step back. 😊
@musicroom7185 7 ай бұрын
Interesting thoughts! I am one who decided that it was time to read some of the MANY unread books on my shelves...and I find selecting short books for just the reasons you described. Here is a somewhat related of my goals is to read more from my "classic" literature shelf..So far this year I have read Wuthering Heights, The Stranger, The Great Gatsby, and currently about halfway through Jude the Obscure (all fairly short books!). My issue is, they are full of horrible people treating each other this going to be the norm in the classics? My "plan" at the moment is to be reading 3 books at any given classic, one "fun" (I have been reading Thursday Murder Club) and one nonfiction (so far have been memoirs). The classics are always the "downers". Is this going to likely always be the case, or has my "luck of the draw" been bad? Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
@Mister_Sosotris 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for this comment! As for classics, they aren’t always about horrible people. Jane Austen would be a good author to check out. Emma and Sense and Sensibility are my favourites by her. I also loved Middlemarch by George Eliot. It’s very “day in the life,” but all the different character arcs resolve really satisfyingly. Another I’d suggest is Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. It follows a woman who goes through three ridiculous husbands and ultimately creates a life for herself that is fulfilling. There are awful people here and there in that one, but it’s ultimately inspiring and affirming! Literary fiction often has a tendency to dwell on characters facing injustice or tragedy, so I understand that it can be a bit depressing at times. An
@musicroom7185 7 ай бұрын
@@Mister_Sosotris Thanks so much for the quick reply & recommendations! I have both the Jane Austin books on my shelf so will try one when I finish up with "Jude". And I will keep my eyes open in the thrift stores for the other titles you mentioned. Thanks again, I knew you would be the perfect person to ask!
@joebloe4734 6 ай бұрын
@nanimaonovi2528 6 ай бұрын
Try 'Three Men in a Boat' by Jerome K Jerome. The humour in that classic is still relatable.
@musicroom7185 6 ай бұрын
@@nanimaonovi2528 Thanks for the recommendation! I am not familiar with it, but based on a search I just did, I think I would enjoy. Plus, it is free online at Project Gutenberg!! Thanks!!
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