How To Deal With Awful Bosses At Awful Jobs (the Smallwood Way)

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Fact Fiend

Fact Fiend

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Karl teaches us all about how to manage terrible managers.
Who was your worst boss?
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Sources and credit in original videos:
Stephen King Wrote Carrie Because Someone Said He Couldn't
• Stephen King Wrote Car...
The Awesome Way Prince Motivated His Staff
• The Awesome Way Prince...
James Cameron Almost Couldn't Make 'Aliens' Because of Tea
• James Cameron Almost C...
Daniel Dancer - The Man who Punched Dogs to Save Money
• Daniel Dancer - The Ma...
"Two Finger Johnny" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (creativecommons...)

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@TodayIFoundOut Жыл бұрын
From one sort of former bosses side of things. I have to say, Karl is one of the best employees I've ever had and one of the best researchers and writers. Always a pleasure to work for the several years he worked with me and constantly high quality work and obvious desire to always try to improve. And just a good person in every interaction outside of anything to do with work. Nothing but good things to say about him on all sides. I still use his work and him in general as an example to new researchers and writers on the right way to do things. -Daven
@Crocogator Жыл бұрын
Hell yeah. No matter what happens, appreciating your employees even after they leave is great. My kitchen bosses still keep in touch. Food is life. We all pitch in to make it better.
@aubreyyoung4610 Жыл бұрын
Hey could I use you for a reference? This would be an amazing employer letter 😆😆 But seriously, employer praise especially after an employee has left is awesome. Great job.
@Audiostyleable Жыл бұрын
This is the kind of review that is either 100% genuine or coerced through nefarious means and the latter is more fun sooo what's he got on ya
@ThatBloodyHobo Жыл бұрын
​@@Audiostyleablethe problem is, if you try that on Daven ol' Whistle boy will come out of nowhere and destroy you, no one messes with Daven.
@andyroberts310 Жыл бұрын
Seriously, always respect the cleaner. They know your secrets and make you look good. They deserve it.
@L0ve1tRetr0 Жыл бұрын
And without them, guess who's doing it?..
@throwback19841 Жыл бұрын
After a Christmas party once my boss threw up under his desk. When I showed up at work the next day (he was late) I found it and asked the cleaner for the necessary things to clean it up (I didn't actually ask her to clean it up cos I didn't think she should have to because there shouldn't be vomit in offices) and I didn't want to work with it there while waiting for my boss to arrive. She went ahead and cleaned it up. I tipped her $20 and thanked her, then expensed it. My boss queried the expense item and I told him what had happened (he didn't even remember hurling). He signed off on it without any further questions and also later got the cleaner some flowers. Good lad.
@Allantitan Жыл бұрын
@@throwback19841sounds like a good boss (besides the part where it was technically his fault) he at least was willing to do something to apologize for making her clean that
@Snaily Жыл бұрын
Karl is the type of person managers hate because they actually know their rights, and I fully respect that.
@rudeboyjohn3483 Жыл бұрын
And how to properly manage
@vincentvindevogel2368 Жыл бұрын
I think it would be more accurate to say that Karl is the type of person that BAD managers hate. He even said it in the video, for a good boss, he would go above and beyond. But Karl was confident enough in his life that he has a "fuck around and find out" attitude.
@Allantitan Жыл бұрын
@@vincentvindevogel2368I’d suggest Karl for employment at my job….and then buy popcorn and a comfortable chair for his first week 😂
@clubdjmarcus Жыл бұрын
I once worked at McD with a terrible owner. Always penny-pinching while earning millions a year. He came in on a very busy day during rush hour and picked up some trays and threw some stuff in the trash and pushing it down with his bear hand halfway down the bin. I thought that was nice of him since we had a bad score from corporate a few weeks prior about cleanliness and procedure. He immediately goes to the kitchen and without washing his hands started making big macs... As a supervisor I just let him, but when he handed me the burgers to pack them I immediately threw them in the trash and had some crew member trow away any ingredients he touched: lettuce, pickles, cheese, everything... And kicked him out of his own kitchen complaining about that bad score we had and he needs to abide by the rules of his franchise contract he signed if he didn't want a bad score. He was absolutely pissed but secretly told the restaurant manager he was impressed by my willingness to improve the standards and having the balls to call him out. I walked out about a year later when I was forced to sell potentially raw meat from a broken grill. I was officially suspended without pay the next day. A month later in court I was awarded 3 months salary and a mandatory good reference without ever having to work another minute for that man. FU Cor!
@basbarbeque6718 Жыл бұрын
"You can either listen to me and NOT send a new hire into the piss swamp on his first day.. Or you can fire me, force him, and be down 2 employees in 1 day, because that's what's going to happen."
@Nostripe361 Жыл бұрын
It’s funny that some of these are over middle management and end with the higher management completely agreeing with Karl
@Acranify Жыл бұрын
so, someone who thinks they are untouchable just becouse they have gotten a taste of power and now can kinda boss people around
@beemcbuzz7354 Жыл бұрын
My boss at my current job got on my ass 1 month after I started for "coming in late". The latest I have ever shown up was 13min before my shift started. She expected everyone to be 20-30min early for their shift, without that time counting towards your work hours. Started looking for a new job that evening.
@theavenger2378 Жыл бұрын
I've been saying it where I work for years, the manager dictates the atmosphere of the workplace. I'm an assistant manager where I work, and the most effort I put in is undoing the awful atmosphere of my boss and making sure our new hires have a fun work environment. The rest of the job is a piece of piss if everyone's having a good time.
@zets8238 Жыл бұрын
Pretty much. My decent manager got moved to another department, my previously bad manager became the okay manager and I somehow ended up with an absolute git in charge. recruited someone for a highly specialized job out of someone who applied for a checkout role, go figure she only lasted 3 days.
@weirldalfan Жыл бұрын
I was a supervisor at a pub. The owner legitimately said to me on payday “paying your employees is the worst part of running a business. I’d be so much better off if you guys did this because your believe in the company” Another one complained no one would do overtime on their only day off and said “where is the team spirit, everyone wants something in return”
@nekolalia3389 Жыл бұрын
If the supermarket, electricity, gas, water, landlord etc. all just gave me their goods and/or services because they believed in my little family (🧍🏼🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ ) then yeah sure I *might* do some free bartending or whatever. That sounds terribly socialist, though. Not sure the pub owner thought that through.
@rieskimo Жыл бұрын
the thought makes sense to have as a business owner. To actually lend any weight to that thought(nevermind vocalizing it) is incredibly foolish and unthinking. It's a nice little snake-rattle for their employees though. A boss like that will NEVER give you a raise.
@zachanikwano Жыл бұрын
Wow he wasn't even subtle about it. They want slaves. Not employees.
@spareumbrella8477 Жыл бұрын
I could understand not giving away other beverages, but a cup of tea costs literally pennies to make. What you're really paying for is the venue and the staff.
@schtoobs Жыл бұрын
You seem like a conscientious employee to me Karl. Making tea for the cleaning lady, not giving some new guy WC based PTSD and generally "stickin' it to da man"! Not all heroes wear capes, you should probably wear one anyway though. So there's no confusion.
@MoonflowerX30 Жыл бұрын
I clean at a school as an outside contractor. My new boss wrote me up for some nonsense. I was referred to me as an "it" in said write up...twice. I reported it to the company, but after several meetings I was told "He didn't know what he was doing." They sent my boss to training and said "He made a grammatical error.", citing that he couldn't spell his own name. They also tried to "make it right" by not having me report to him. When I said "it's a start" they were flabbergasted and walked it back. That guy is still my boss and I'm on track to take the bastards to court because the whole of upper management has been involved and handled this poorly. And, as their only trans employee and a massive bitch...I'm not taking this lying down
@L0ve1tRetr0 Жыл бұрын
Nice. Keep your cool and handle it all by the book. That's a horrific think for a person to write. There's no shot they get away with that. Keep going up the ladder until you find the rung that punishes all the ones that ignored you on your way there. 👍
@MoonflowerX30 Жыл бұрын
@@L0ve1tRetr0 Since February I've been going back and forth with higher ups from the Ops manager for the state I live in, HR, and up to the VP of the company. I tried to get in contact with the CEO, but he stepped down. So, I'm waiting to be able to get to speak with/email the current CEO. I also have appointments to meet with for the discrimination that took place. Like government agencies. And, should it come to it I'll take them to court. So far though, I've mainly kept my cool and keep giving them more rope to hang themselves with. I have everything recorded or taken down in notes with dates and times. 😅
@sulfergotjuice Жыл бұрын
Good luck on the potential court case
@MoonflowerX30 Жыл бұрын
@@sulfergotjuice Thanks! I honestly want this to be over. All I wanted was for them to follow their policy and get rid of him for discrimination. But apparently that's just too hard. I even said "Look, however long it takes for you to find his that. Just get him out ASAP." I was made to look unreasonable because "You want us to fire somebody for a stupid mistake?" 🙄
@L0ve1tRetr0 Жыл бұрын
@@MoonflowerX30 Sounds like you're handling the situation perfectly. All the best, nobody should be in a shitty work environment.
@stompyrobutts Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I'd be so content with a "Karls Life" series, where its like this, just cuts across multiple fiend episodes centering on Karl rambling on about a subject he takes just a smidge too seriously. Keep up the good work, you big wang'r you.
@justinhockstead3551 Жыл бұрын
I actually really appreciate that attitude. Match the energy brought to you. Don't follow stupid rules and let your boss make an ass of themselves. Respect
@ExcuseZero Жыл бұрын
I had a boss at a particular restaurant... We had to wear salmon dress shirts, lightly starched. Dark blue jeans and bowling shoes, and carry at minimum 3 of a specific pen. I got tendonitis in my left foot, told them about it weeks ago. They FLOODED me with kids parties. I begged for reprieve, they didn't care. So I took my fiancee with me when I quit that shift
@thedude20125 Жыл бұрын
I love being able to look back at horrible bosses now and laugh about them. My first job was at a grocery store and almost all of the people who worked there were great but one assistant manager was on such a power trip it was insane. He was this gross 40 year old creeper that loved to boss around the high-school guys and be wildly inappropriate with the high school girls that worked there. I was maybe 15 at the time and he kept trying to schedule me for graveyard shifts but as a student I had an exemption from having to work them. Other than that which was a totally legit exemption all students got I was a model employee (but the bar honestly wasn't that high). Well one day this man child of a manager, decides to schedule me or a closing shift that ends at midnight then a graveyard that starts 1 minute later at 12:01. I went down and found him in an isle and said I had been scheduled for back to back shifts and one of them was a graveyard and he tries to pull this power move on me and says if I don't work them I'll be fired. I was a pretty quiet kid at the time and I think he thought that meant I would just shut up and do it. The look on his face when I took off my belt with a box cutter and stuff on it and my name tag, wrapped them up nicely and put them on the shelf next too me and said ok and walked away is still one of the best things I've ever seen. As I was walking away he started yelling that he was serious and I'd be fired and I just tured to him and said "I'm 15, live at home and have no bills I don't need this job so I guess I'm fired then" turned around and kept walking listing to him make angry dumbfounded noises behind me. His boss saw this and chased after me apologized for the scheduling and said it would never happen again and I obviously wasn't fired. Icing on the cake was a few years after I left the job and went to uni a girl finally reported him for his behaviour and when they looked into him found out not only were here alogations ture but he was also stealing money from the store and basically all the rumours around him were true and he ended up catching some charges. Lol
@L0ve1tRetr0 Жыл бұрын
I feel a kinship with anyone who worked hospitality long enough to talk about it like it was all a funny dream/nightmare. "Am I being paid? No? Then come back in 14 minutes." 🖕 And good lad for defending the cleaning ladies tea. Who on earth thinks that's even a question? People like that really are a waste of skin. Edited this twice now. I'd hire you in a second Karl! Having the balls to stand up to managers like that comes with experience, and anyone who can't do it after a couple of years needs to get out of bar work before they get treated like crap for the rest of their career. All of your examples are just not letting managers get away with crap they try and get away with. I had a manager of a new cocktail bar I was working tell me I couldn't have a smoke break after 6 hours of straight serving on opening night. Fancy place, a few minor celebs and the mayor were in attendance. I absolutely smashed the shift, it went perfectly. Started taking my apron off, "What are you doing?" "Going home, you think I'm working like that for you and not being allowed 5 minutes for a cig now the bar is quiet? Not a chance." "Oh, you'd best go for cigarette then." The next day I had other staff thanking me for having breaks introduced. Areyoufuckingkiddingme? 🤦 Not the only abuse of the staff I put a stop to there either.
@AmarisFrede Жыл бұрын
You're a hero
@Holo-Tape Жыл бұрын
I'm currently serving my notice right now. I was the sole cleaner for an entire supermarket. boss man used to throw rubbish onto the floor instead of walking 5 feet to a bin because he knew I'd have to pick it up. Before work he'd flick his tab ends onto the ground outside and then me go out in the baltic fucking conditions to pick them up because it made the shop look unpresentable
@AmarisFrede Жыл бұрын
I hope your next workplace is better and that that boss gets his karma served hot!
@Holo-Tape Жыл бұрын
@@AmarisFrede thank you 😭 supposedly he got fired from his last management job. who could say why 🤔
@Gentleman_Viking Жыл бұрын
At one point my boss had been getting on my case about not checking emails on my days off, to which I eventually asked if she wanted me to clock in from home on my days off just to check email, and it seems that up until that point she hadn't considered that checking work emails was, in fact, working.
@pterojacktylus2475 Жыл бұрын
Karl and I had the same exact framed black and white New York picture with only the yellow taxis in colour, and now I'm wondering just how many of us actually had that same cheesy picture at the same time 🤣
@L0ve1tRetr0 Жыл бұрын
It seems there was a series of similar style pictures that I saw in numerous places. Another was a bridge with a city skyline. Seen it standard in a few places, also with LEDs for the lights on the bridge once.
@pterojacktylus2475 Жыл бұрын
@@L0ve1tRetr0 yeah I want to say mine of the New York one came from IKEA? Too long ago for me to say for certain, but it was definitely some very common brand store for house ware
@gst_6377 Жыл бұрын
“I’m such a prick never hire me.” Nah more sounds like you don’t take peoples shite and is vocal about it. Sister had a boss who was on a power trip constantly.
@c0nn0r0hagan Жыл бұрын
your old boss is mr krabs incarnate
@JOCoStudio1 Жыл бұрын
Absolute respect. Karl doesn't take shit from anyone. A common thread here is doing things for other people who would otherwise be utterly shafted.
@jammer2omega277 Жыл бұрын
A+. Treat managers how they treat you!
@wastedinspiration Жыл бұрын
Karl being super reasonable and saying "don't hire me." Everyone should be a Karl at work!
@karlking9871 Жыл бұрын
I think it's the American mindset that has infected work culture everywhere. Where the boss/manager has all the power and people below them just need to tow the line regardless of how they are treated. I think the big thing with Karl and his job history is that he was in a place where they couldn't hurt him since he was willing to lose his job. Once they don't have that leverage they can't get away with illegal shit because they can't silence him with a threat.
@elijahgrimm8052 Жыл бұрын
Bosses have always been, and always will be, bastards. Sure, every now and then there's a decent human being in the mix, but you don't go digging through piles of shit to find a kernel of sweet corn do you?
@pennyforyourthots Жыл бұрын
I don't think that's the American mindset, it's the capitalists mindset. In a system built on the owner class having power over the working class, it shouldn't really be that surprising that owners take advantage of this system. The u.s. is definitely one of the worst offenders, particularly because of neoliberal capitalism which is this perfect combination of just enough government to suppress the poor, while not having enough government to make meaningful regulations.
@karlking9871 Жыл бұрын
@@pennyforyourthots yeah I guess I am generalizing a bit, my bad. But you have to admit America is more oppressive than other places, then again I'm Canadian and we have similarities, I'm just thankful for health care and not being quite as oppressed as my southern neighbors, tho I do feel bad for them
@Tardisntimbits Жыл бұрын
I sorely wish I'd ever had a boss like you, Karl.
@BadgerBishop Жыл бұрын
I'd hire Karl! He sounds like the kind of guy who'd make it worth coming to work everyday.
@ChrisCandreva Жыл бұрын
Never hire you ? Dude I'd hire you in a minute. You are my idol!
@Bigglenndaddy Жыл бұрын
I've always thought Karl was cool as hell but this video puts it over the top for me. There's absolutely nothing worse than working for shity people and having them try to get over on you
@J.A.R.S. Жыл бұрын
That patreon shoutout probably took a lot of time and effort and I just want to say its the best of its kind ive ever seen.
@albonthegoat Жыл бұрын
Karl basically describes every job in America for 17:32
@tehevilengineer7939 Жыл бұрын
14:32. 3 minutes is just pleasing the patrons. that's a lot of dudes
@mikkokalkaja4604 Жыл бұрын
Wait... the 'thank you patrons' bits are actually entertaining and fun? This channel keeps on surprising
@doe9000 Жыл бұрын
that last one made me laugh. This isn't school, bosses have no right to personal property
@leonardEast846 Жыл бұрын
once had an argument with the owner of a place, 42nd East Bakehouse if you're curious. Working in the kitchen baking, 10 ovens on in summer, no water bottle to drink. I ask the owner why we don't have fans. He goes "it's not safe for keeping the vegan food vegan, might blow the air on it". I just went oh alright then, didn't think much of it. Later Realised that's unbelievably stupid, its air. it's already on the food. 2 days later I go in and there's fans all around in the kitchen.
@jamesrogers7049 9 ай бұрын
Karl is the epitome of a good worker. Keeps people on track but doesn’t give a shit about illogical mangers.
@benm6893 Жыл бұрын
Since they've said they don't read their comments in the past I'm just going to start leaving random bit of information I've learned in mine. Did you know that sharks piss through their skin?
@Lord-Regent-of-the-Imperium Жыл бұрын
Outstanding opener
@FactFiend Жыл бұрын
Cool fact. -Brad
@Lord-Regent-of-the-Imperium Жыл бұрын
Benm6893, Brad senpai has noticed you
@thrillhouse4151 Жыл бұрын
Couldn’t tell if this was about Dark Souls or Elden Ring cause I’ve been playing so much and getting so much recommended to me cause I looked up something.
@brohen Жыл бұрын
I think this is one of the only "thank you patrons" part I've actually watched through good job lol
@mattshelton7423 Жыл бұрын
I used to work at a deli, and every shift the cool manager would let us take home one of the cookies at the end of our shift. Everyone was happy, I stayed late and got extra hours, the other spoiled teens working with us never had to work late, manager never had to worry about needing someone to help close up, it was great. New general manager comes along and suddenly the cookies are $1 (they’re sold for like $1.50 to customers). I said “fuck that, I’m gettin my cookie, and you’re not getting that dollar.” New GM sees me taking one on the first day of the new rule and starts to make a fuss about it, I pay for the cookie that night just to shut her up, but little did she know I was one of the 2 people who consistently volunteered to stay late to close. Suddenly I stopped volunteering (causing the other consistent volunteer to also stop) and they suddenly can’t find anyone to stay past their time sheet time and had to start “forcing” people to stay late. Turns out cool manager had just stopped scheduling people to close cause he knew me, him and the one other chill guy would just clean house when everyone left and help ourselves to a well deserved cookie on the way out. It was a win-win-win for everyone until the new GM came in and just had to do it by the books with no exceptions. Moral of the story: give a mf a cookie every once and a while and they’ll go out of their way to do the most for you.
@winfordlee7151 Жыл бұрын
American workplaces need more people like Karl
@---l--- Жыл бұрын
I still hate the first story. It is insane they didn't give the staff at least boots.
@MrNickp2300 Жыл бұрын
I have arguments like this all the time because the perception of work ethic here in America is so politically charged. There is so much talk about how people are quitting jobs trying to move up to better paying jobs. And the complaints are always talking about loyalty, which should go both ways but it never does. Employers don't care, so workers don't care. You can't expect people to care for your company when you treat them poorly. So of course they leave, of course they demand better pay, and of course they won't go out of their way for you because you won't go out of your way for them
@Captain_Yata Жыл бұрын
I just found your channel and it is an absolute vibe. Thanks for the content :)
@tommykelly8765 Жыл бұрын
Love this work in a pub people done understand how much work it is with no kinda of incentive
@RyugaruSenbi Жыл бұрын
Honestly if I was in upper management I'd hire Karl in a heartbeat because he'd make sure that my middle/lower management people don't drive away all the other employees by being unreasonable douchebags by calling them out and standing up to them.
@Zaneoo Жыл бұрын
I always get a chuckle when Karl talks about his past jobs.
@TheMightyBattleSquid Жыл бұрын
This was exactly how I behaved at my last job working for a place that rhymes with "Taco Smell." I had worked at other locations enough that they hired me in at a higher wage, almost as much as the managers. I had also apparently been working longer than some of the managers and knew how stuff worked better than even some of the long-time staff at that location. I would show them how to fix the fryer when something went wrong and what not. Point is, they couldn't get rid of me. Once I realized that, I got niiiiiiice and comfy. When our general manager started acting up, pulling the nonsense like was mentioned in this video, of claiming people needed to come in early, people didn't get their break, people needed to put phones in the safe, regulating how people got free drinks, etc. I flat out told them no and that if they enforced it on anyone where I could see it we'd both be walking out and I'd be filing it with corporate and/or the gov't (because some of these things were flat-out illegal and even corporate reminds us of that to avoid law suits). He HATED it because his ego trips kept stopping early. Eventually, I threw my back out on a shift due to some company-related nonsense and this asshole decided he wasn't going to put in the paperwork to get me set up with a company-approved doctor. I ended up getting a month's backpay for all the time I missed thanks to that. It just doesn't pay to be an asshole at that level.
@mrsmeef537 Жыл бұрын
I was expecting this video to be something like a how (not) to do business. I love seeing these so much
@enzi87 Жыл бұрын
I admire your wit to deal with those sort of employers
@siverthusby6407 Жыл бұрын
Man, I would love to have a random job with Karl as a coworker
@liamfarranree4433 Жыл бұрын
r/antiwork would appreciate this.
@redx0266 Жыл бұрын
I've worked with agency's for most of my jobs but on the weekend i work in a independent nightclub and I've had more problems than i can count working for them but the most recent one is a month back i had a heart attack and spent a week in hospital hooked up to morphine and monitored constantly i tell all my bosses I'm taking the month off to rest because a heart attack is a scary thing to have when you're 20 years old. Everyone i worked for was absolutely fine with this 2 day's into my month of a get a text from the bar asking if I'm working the weekend i say no because I said I'm taking a month to rest and they try and make me feel guilty for not working through the worst chest pain I've ever had.
@deadpool1162 Жыл бұрын
I used to consistently get written up in elementary for cleaning up others messes and had to have the school staff take me to the principal because otherwise I’d get suspended
@evelynvocu8731 Жыл бұрын
I remember the worst supervisor I've had because of your bathroom story. I was working at a grocery store back in 2008, and one guy ended up getting made into one of my direct supervisors because he didn't want to quit or accept a manager position in the hardware section of the store (despite his attitude towards my uncle, who was one of the floor managers at the hardware section of the store while I was under the grocery section. Basically this guy got pissed off that he faced some form of consequences of refusing to listen to any of my uncle's rules/the hardware section's necessities and acting like he was the manager to other employees). Basically because he hated my uncle and couldn't retaliate against him, he decided to retaliate towards me. The worst day was when the toilets completely backed up and I was the only bagger/stock on the floor, and he demanded that I be the one to clean the raw sewage that was gurgling back out of the men's toilet. No equipment to do so other than a several years old pair of rubber gloves, a bucket, and the worst plunger I've ever seen. I refused and went back to work the front, as he proceeded to insult me to the meat department (and eventually had one of the meat department members clean it. Yeah... The meat department closed down by town government ordinance a few years later because of shit like that.) Eventually I quit because I got sick of the stores overall manager being an absolute cheap jackass and the supervisors being awful people.
@CausticSauce Жыл бұрын
genuinely didnt realize this was a comp video, briefly thought Karl had unlocked some kind of secret reverse-aging gene. or vampirism.
@Youre_a_wizard_shark Жыл бұрын
We have a point system if you got 13 you were fired. Low points helps you get a raise or help you to get transferred into a different department. Yet our boss would point you for any little thing. Force you to come in everyday to get the points down. So he won't lose workers cause if you show your a good director you got a raise as well. He would change your days off without notice. One week you had two days off then by next week you had one. Split days or forced to work a week straight. Even mess with your times you had to come in. He was a creep to the women coworkers. He took pictures of them yet lie saying were not working and had to show the higher up proof. The thing is he was using his personal phone and not his work phone. He try and get them alone and heard he had alot of complaints of sexual harassment. HR wasn't doing anything to help and had some high ups cover for him Til we got new HR team. He was fired cause HR took a look into him after another complaints from a female coworker said he took a picture of her bend over.
@stephaniec9539 Жыл бұрын
I cleaned at a hotel.. the worst I dealt was someone took a shit on the small space between the bowl and the back of a tank.. so nasty
@Lord-Regent-of-the-Imperium Жыл бұрын
How does someone miss that bad? You literally sit on it and nature does the rest.
@stephaniec9539 Жыл бұрын
@@Lord-Regent-of-the-Imperium it took some skill and I am sure it was done on purpose
@Lord-Regent-of-the-Imperium Жыл бұрын
@@stephaniec9539 that's the only way I can imagine it happening in which case it's dick move
@alansmith3049 Жыл бұрын
Im just going to say i can relate to everyone of these situations atleast once through my work career
@randomwalk1551 Жыл бұрын
the outro is phenomenal, love the way to thank the patrons.
@AlexA-zi3bf Ай бұрын
Employees who come in on of days when they are called are Golden and deserve to be appreciated.
@hsinhaowang Жыл бұрын
This is by far my favorite video of yours so far.
@Mr.AimToMisbehave Жыл бұрын
I'd hire ya Karl, you sound like an awesome team member.
@boojon2 Жыл бұрын
fact fiend just came back onto my algorithm apparently, cant complain at all, good content haha.
@jonasholm-mw5bn Жыл бұрын
As someone who have cleaned before then those small things can do a difference. In one of the departments I was told I could take from the bowls of candy they had.
@tobiasmills9647 Жыл бұрын
One of my stupid dreams of things I'd do with any lottery winnings, would be to sponsor a video for you guys.
@michaelnelms4296 Жыл бұрын
I love the patron read
@tr4shp4nd45 Жыл бұрын
Best patron reads its fresh & creative
@JakanoryJones Жыл бұрын
This would do well on the malicious compliance and anti work subreddits haha
@MrReuben13 Жыл бұрын
I have been searching for the Docked 15 minutes pay story for months, thankyou so much for uploading this compilation!!
@rudeboyjohn3483 Жыл бұрын
I have so much respect for Karl
@cicadasigil9471 Жыл бұрын
I've always thought that the pateron reads at the end of youtube videos seemed alot like something off a number station.
@zachw2971 Жыл бұрын
Wasnt about managers but does anyone remember what video it was when he told the story about how he used to go up to posh people at a restaurant and fuck with them by correcting their pronunciation of some wine or something
@pennyforyourthots Жыл бұрын
We need to bring back militant unions. I don't think most of these managers would be nearly as shitty if they had to deal with the Battle of Blair mountain every time they tried to talk shit.
@qwastem Жыл бұрын
buddy of mine (Nico) worked as a chef in a small town restaurant, and he had an asshole boss so on a Friday, they were discussing his contract when Nico asked for a pay raise when that was refused, he decided to tell them that he won't renew his contract and that he had enough off days saved up (because they would always ask him to work on his days off) to sit out the rest of his contract at home only to then remind them they had two weddings booked this weekend they ended up doubling his salary in his new contract, but only for six months, with the intent to get a cheaper replacement before his new contact was up But Nico would spent the next 4 months working every shift plus over time so he could do the exact same thing again, before they had time to gat a replacement he worked there another six months for even higher pay check and got all his spare off days paid out at the end of his contact They wanted to cheap out on him and he took every penny from them he could get
@killertree7958 Жыл бұрын
Respect. But at the same time, in the US, a lot of states are becoming "Right to work" states. Where they can fire you for any reason, they don't have to give you the reason, but that can of course include "ego bruising" shitty managers.
@pixelsthered Жыл бұрын
That phone-stealing boss thought she was a school teacher holy shit
@TheReecesl94 Жыл бұрын
I worked in KFC and I dropped some chicken on the floor and said 10 second rule as a joke and my store manager punched me in the back of the head
@greghelm843 Жыл бұрын
"I started giving her tea to go." Brilliant Karl makes me proud to be northern
@truck-kun941 Жыл бұрын
Need more workers like you. He'll I'D make you a manager.
@umwhatisthis3594 10 ай бұрын
I was not expecting the ending lmao.😂😂😂😂
@schrodingerscat3741 Жыл бұрын
honestly, if I was that new hire being told to got wade through a flooded toilet on my first day..... I would just quit on the spot
@donnikthejedi2222 Жыл бұрын
Oh I used to work in an Industrial place when I first learned the trade and all and my coworkers always gave me shit for just bringing the trashbags with me after lunch to throw them away so our cleaning lady wouldn't have to do that on top of her already high workload in that place. Hell I worked in Logistics and we had the Trashcontainers there, why the actual fuck wouldn't I? In turn she bandaged a gash on my head I got for not having a helmet around cranes because our boss didn't deem them necessary and drove me to the hospital. ^^
@user-yc8jm7lw7r Жыл бұрын
Gods I wish I had your bravery. I shut up and take it. btw on every job I've had except for one where I've gotten paid hourly. If we're one minute late we get docked one hour. I just assumed that's the way the world works. Although one the last one, which was work from home, we didn't have to work the hour.
@Hair8Metal8Karen Жыл бұрын
10:30 Karl showing exactly how Northern he is. Tea is a basic human right.
@diana-yp1dz Жыл бұрын
Yes well I have had a hard time as well. I work in a Hotline. At BEST it takes 8 minutes to start the laptop and all necessary programs. But that time does not count as work time. We are still expected to be logged in the hotline on the dot. So basically 10 minutes every day to start everything is free work the company gets. Also the policies gave gotten less and less customer friendly. So I have to choose between quitting and malicious compliance, or go nuts. I chose the latter. Think mister incredible at insuracare.
@Hawaiianjoker01 Жыл бұрын
Karl was a "quiet quitter" before it had a name and I love it
@cyrustakem7993 Жыл бұрын
I have no issues with washed used plastic "glasses", i do hate plastic glasses, but i get it, in a place where people are drunk as hell, having glass glasses is not a very good idea.
@stollwerk 11 ай бұрын
I really liked the skit at the end :)
@johnlarro6872 Жыл бұрын
When COVID started we were all sent to work from home. Every single day, we had to Zoom with the boss first thing in the morning to confirm if we had done what we'd said we would be working on, and if not - WHY NOT? And then have to confirm what we were doing that day. This, despite 6 years of zero supervision whilst working in the office. I couldn't take it any more, and in one of the Zooms I rolled my eyes at my boss when they were grilling one of my co workers. The boss then had a private Zoom with me: Boss: I can tell you're not happy, why are you still here? Me: Ok, honestly - I'm looking for a new job. Boss: So you're just going to keep taking *my* money, whilst you're looking for another job. Me: Yes. Boss: What if I paid you 4 weeks to leave now? Me: Let me think about it. (Have 3 kids and a wife to consider, and it was early COVID - the world was crazy!) 2 hours later Me: Yes, thanks, I'll take that offer. Boss: I can't afford it. So.. they couldn't afford to pay me $4k... I guess the new Jeep they had just bought and bragged about to us was pretty expensive. A week later when I took the first job I could find, I gave notice. Despite being keen to get rid of me a week earlier, suddenly they wanted to enforce me to stay for 6 weeks (or forfeit my annual leave entitlements). That boss was a sociopath, total lack of empathy, and the staff turnover sat at around 50% per year. They could never understand why people would always leave... It couldn't possibly be their fault...
@kingthe13 Жыл бұрын
Manager at my job doesnt get payed annove honestly she doesnt get payed by the hour and is expected to come in if no one else can no matter the time of day and her pay is maybe a few dollars more then my hourly pay(which gets canceled out by her commute and extra hours) despite this she payed out of her own pocket a gift card for me for picking up other peoples shifts. Only downside is unlike my old boss she cares so no slacking off for us and no podcasts while working nights
@theGreenChangeling Жыл бұрын
I would love to hear more stories like these😂
@wilkybarkid Жыл бұрын
Absolutely love this!
@tysonlachmann650 10 ай бұрын
I love this man of it wasn't for him I wouldn't be the same man I am
@jobymahon2871 9 ай бұрын
Wait UK companies actually GIVE you drinks?
@bradleylaycock3859 Жыл бұрын
Wondering if he worked corporation Sheffield.
@jasonmorley9217 Жыл бұрын
I normally skip the patron-read on principle. I will have to rethink that principle. *who collect stamps*
@estefanolivares4159 Жыл бұрын
Man that was inspirational
@Scrombo2 Жыл бұрын
5:38 yeah I haven't even heard this bit yet but, as an American I'm fucking sorry, American companies will REPEATEDLY grind you into the dust then, act offended when you're not thankful for being treated like shit Edit; yeah honestly sounds about right, I remember one time I had to sweep up the rubbish outside of a building (like condoms, drink wrappers, stuff you'd bare minimum want some kinda cleaner to get up) with a regularly ass broom on the hottest day of that year, it's inhuman and cruel
@monstermunch8670 Жыл бұрын
"give me that phone" exctly like a school teacher yucky
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