How To Do *Everything*

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Barbara Sher

Barbara Sher

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@jooosiii01 4 жыл бұрын
Rest in Peace, Barbara Sher (1935-2020): a life dedicated to helping people reach their dreams!
@ChrisSaenz13 2 жыл бұрын
She's still helping people... I thank goodness that she made these videos!!! I'm 58 and just finding this vital info.💜
@SarumanDeWhite 2 жыл бұрын
Omg didn’t know she passed. Love her work.
@lhm1586 5 ай бұрын
I just "discovered" this woman and my god shes just great
@taylora3830 5 ай бұрын
She is wonderful.
@MrRafac1880 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Ms. Sher for making our world more organic and happy. I appreciate and commend that work that you do. May God bless you now and always.
@wpaul79 8 жыл бұрын
I guess, for most of my life, I have intuitively known I was a scanner. I dabbled, with some success, in freelance writing in my 20's, because I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to make some money researching and exploring the things that interested me. Other interests and a secure job got in the way and freelancing fell by the wayside. You said you would address doing what you love for money. I am very interested in hearing what you have to say about this. Thank you for creating these videos!
@WriteSpeaker 8 жыл бұрын
+Paul Park I plan to devote a video to it soon. In the meantime, I posted an answer I gave in an interview on Facebook that included this: Q: Interests of scanners do change all the time. But what if you want to make a living based on what you love? How can scanners achieve that? = a question coming from my community ;-) A: I personally don’t think one should always do the thing they love most for a career. In one important sense, regarding what one’s innate talent actually is, everyone is like a poet: you have to search for what the poem needs - the best word, the best emphasis - not what the people who are paying you want in the poem.You have to be in charge of your gifts, at least until they're established in your life the way you want them to be. When it comes to making a living, you have the choice of getting a Good Enough Job (one that is not toxic, has reasonable hours, and a modicum of interesting work to do) and calling it your own Subsidy to the Arts. Another option is to do the one thing that you're driven to do (as I do): trying to stop something bad that you cannot bear to continue. With doctors, it is illness. With some lawyers, it is unfairness. And you'll find yourself using every talent you have - writing, singing, speaking, teachng, studying, making things - to help the cause you care most about. No one, even Scanners, get tired of what you are driven to do. With me it's showing Scanners how to have a great life. They have so much to give the rest of us! And they feel bad about who they are! So I have to do everything I can. You won't find this discussion (Drive for Scannerrs) anywhere but in the Refuse to Choose book club - which is closing in two days. How will I get everyone to know in time? Oh damn. Well, I made a video about it right here on this Channel a few days ago! Take a look! "Why you should join the Refuse to Choose book club"
@wpaul79 8 жыл бұрын
+Barbara Sher - just joined the Book Club. I've started the exercises in the book and I am looking forward to having a group of fellow scanners to work through it with!
@WriteSpeaker 8 жыл бұрын
+Paul Park Hooray! I just decided a few days ago to put the whole thing about Drive and Scanners into this book club, and reading your reply made my heart sink because I didn't have time to tell you. So you have saved my day. Thank you, Paul!
Your heart has taste buds! OMG! I LOVE THIS! And I also love "finding the sweet spot", the need to respect our nature to be inquisitive "scanners", that nature wants us to be happy, and that we know what makes us happy. Many thanks Barbara, it is so beautiful that even though you don't know me, you totally get me and gave me clarity, validation, focus and hope!
@llleantribe7441 8 жыл бұрын
Here is my one observation from this video. I cannot stomach doing a career or having responsibilities that aren't in line with my passions and what i love. When I think about doing work for the sake of supporting myself that takes time away from what I already feel like isn't enough it makes me extremely unhappy, so I have a guilt in a lot of cases for choosing careers or quitting jobs or dropping responsibilities that take time and focus from what I feel my purpose is, which is to connect ALL of these pieces and to be in practice of these things the majority of my time.
@llleantribe7441 8 жыл бұрын
In other words, you can't live without money but you forfeit your time for your money and you forfeit time out of your purpose happiness and passion in that case for money...this has in the past led me to literally being homeless and thinking about living in a cave somewhere that I could do what I love most of my day and do the practical, "adult" and obligation stuff as little as possible. :p Yet being accountable, financially independent and feeling confident in my choices is at the forefront of my goals...and true independence stems from's just sacrificing hours of my life for something that isn't on the path, which is really more like a huge explosion of possible paths that I want to walk all of...well, diddling on something not at least down one of them and using that as a source of income is a vomit-worthy thought to me. I don't do work for the sake of other words I do work where I completely adore the work I am doing...I am not a huge "stuff" person, but life seems to need money and in order to do the kind of connecting and healing work I want to do and am most passionate about I have to be the one who is stable and reliable and driven. I want to pave the way for other people...anyhow...all this thinking makes my head hurt haha just venting my frustrations with feelings of money and obligation vs living and passion.
@WriteSpeaker 8 жыл бұрын
+LALA LAND Well, you can't do something for 40 hours a week that gives you absolutely nothing, and that you just hate, that's for sure. But I know an actor who does taxes for creative people 3 months a year and earns enough to go on traveling theater shows the rest of the year. He's good at numbers, but he doesn't love bookkeeping. He does love working with and helping creative people, he loves problem solving, and he loves earning enough money for the whole year in three months. It's not as simple as you make it sound. There are loads of Good Enough Jobs that get you involved with great people and can be easily changed for other jobs where you learn exciting things, or take every course at a college, or travel all over the owrld, or write brief histories of small companies, small towns, non-profits, or assist talent scouts, etc. etc. There are jobs so loaded with variety, you're learning all the time. The real question about 'forfeiting' your time is this: when you're not working at a job do you really use all your time doing what you're passionate and joyous about? Few people do. Most people need some normal, good-natured socializing, some structure, a place to go where they're expected, affectionate responsibility - for an animal, for instance - or to help an archaelogist or a photographer or an auto detailer or an inventor. It's a big discussion. Have you looked into Refuse to Choose? I suggest great careers for 9 different types of Scanners, and I'm hearing about more every day. This is the kind of discussion that should be held over at the boards, where we can get some real conversation going: and scroll all the way down to Refuse to Choose. I'll be there.
@juniemom1 5 жыл бұрын
not to mention that it also takes away my/your ENERGY
@Marialla. 4 жыл бұрын
My problem is I'm running out of space. I love learning how to do crafts, but when i get excited about a new craft I buy all the stuff the craft needs (about $200 usually, to get started) and I play with it obsessively for 1-3 months, then I begin to lose interest as soon as I start to get a little bit good at it. And I find nobody NEEDS this craft in their life. Nobody loves or needs the widget I just learned how to produce. I can't sell them for much. I wouldn't want to go into production anyway. But now I have at least one big new box of stuff I can't bear to part with because it's all these good supplies that I think I likely will want to play with again someday, but all these boxes are taking over my house! I am a terrible housekeeper because I can't get rid of all this clutter, that I can see so much potential in, but which isn't really doing anyone any good. Any advice for me?
@gregsmall543 6 жыл бұрын
This is so awesome, thank you!
@MelissaLoy 7 жыл бұрын
"your heart has taste buds" ❤😁❤
@melaniemartinezfan5 3 жыл бұрын
Help I'm 12 and I'm stressing out because I don't know how to do anything in life I don't know how to cook, how to do laundry, I don't know how to get a job, I don't know how to start my career, I don't know when to move out, I don't know how to DO ANYTHING!!!
@ros8986 2 жыл бұрын
Hi MMF - youtube has videos on everything. Laundry - don't dry things on hot, it makes the fibers brittle and they break and you get holes. Starting a career, just try doing something and see how it goes. And you will learn by doing - life is an experiement. To be a good employee, always think how you can support your coworkers and boss. And accounting is a very good skill to have even if you don;t do it full-time or even part time.
@abdulkass112 7 жыл бұрын
you don't decide what makes you happy, you discover it. wow.
@bsherny 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, Moses, that's right! So glad you heard that!!! :-)
@DominiqLi 5 жыл бұрын
yes, wow.
@sukjidham 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I got the same reaction
@tulayamalavenapi4028 3 жыл бұрын
I decided to discover that happiness as well as distress, just like the changing seasons of winter and summer, come and goe of their own accord, and I may not get more happiness or distress than is due me by destiny's design.
@buzzybee186 2 жыл бұрын
She was so insightful
@BriaMcCarty 6 жыл бұрын
I have had one of your books sitting on my shelf for a couple years now, unread. I couldn't sleep tonight and found myself googling "how to be self-employed and multifaceted," (honestly as a joke lol) and through a series of wonderful events I rediscovered your book on my shelf and read a chapter on the topic of scanners and divers. By the end I was a puddle of tears. I can honestly say that in the last hour of finding you, my life has been altered. Thank you for your work. I am so happy I found it.
@josepmar2744 4 жыл бұрын
yeah, I identify with your comment.....having read more than 15 self-help books years ago, I discovered Barbara Sher 2 hours ago, in her TEDex "Lonely kill dreams, not your bad attitude", and then I went to find out what "scanners" was......and here I am....finding out that I am a "scanner" and that she is the unique single "coach" addressing this concept in the entire history of self-help gurus.....and I am delighted, because I have been decades wanting to do "everything" achieving little....good luck
@charlottewatchorn6590 3 жыл бұрын
I’m in your similar boats. It’s nice to see there are people alike to me :)
@Inadace 2 жыл бұрын
Its so freeing and amazing seeing others like me. Just a reminder here to listen to your "taste buds!"
@stephanielcornett 8 жыл бұрын
Your heart has taste buds. That's lovely Barbara. My favorite phrase of the week!
@labroswall 8 жыл бұрын
Hi, Barbara! Love your books, am enjoying your youtube videos. I am 70 now and just finally realized that there is nothing wrong with me loving to learn new things all the time. Now I am a volunteer with the regional VA center, where I get "loaned out" to various departments who have projects that they need help with - and they NEVER have enough help. So I am always doing new things sometimes even from one week to the next - and no more boredom! I am excited to get up in the morning, eager to get on with my day, because I know there will be new things to learn about and do, new people to meet.
@Adilelidrissii097 Жыл бұрын
You still alive honey? 😐
@raysaspaniol 8 жыл бұрын
"It's efficient to pay attention to what makes us happy. That's how nature talks to us. It makes us not happy with what it does now want us to do, and it makes us happy with what it wants us to do." That's just amazing. You said it all.
@kmichalene 8 жыл бұрын
Just want to say that after watching your videos this weekend, and getting into "Refuse To Choose" today, I am feeling a sense of peace that I haven't felt in about 8 years. I don't think I'm fully a "scanner," but I have a lot of interests and I've spent a lot of time doing things based on others' expectations and standard. You've reminded me of who I am and I'm very grateful....truly. I look forward to this new leg of my journey. Thank you!
@maggesish 6 жыл бұрын
I have read so many self help books to try and help me “focus”. Now I know it’s not me it’s them. I have been paralyzed thinking that I was such a scatter brain. I could not initiate any more hobbies because it would make me depressed but now I get it and I feel totally free to just go for it! Have fun, learn and keeping trying new stuff all the time. I have my day job as a stay at home mom keeping up with many responsibilities but now I don’t have to feel guilty about pursuing all of my interest. It’s my me time and I can’t help it if I’m never bored by doing 20 projects at once even if one may take two years to “finish”! Thank you for this amazing clarity!!
@LisaMBlacker 8 жыл бұрын
I have had a similar enthusiasm for education as the woman whose letter you read. When I began at the community college, I took courses that appealed to me rather than those that met requirements for a specific academic program. I loved school, loved learning! When I was ready to consider a particular degree program, I was disheartened that I had wasted so much time and financial aid on courses not applicable to my degree. I have since earned one bachelor of science degree in biomedical sciences and am 2 classes shy of my second bachelor's degree, in psychology. I also have one year of medical school - couldn't focus with so much life going on around me so I withdrew-- and several courses toward my MBA, which I have discontinued. Even now, I still have a long list of 101 level courses I'd like to explore.
@LisaMBlacker 8 жыл бұрын
So, now, I'm going to evaluate what about each of the courses I chose was the sweet spot. What did I want to learn about each subject and why...then see if there is a pattern or other clue about my scanning.
@WriteSpeaker 8 жыл бұрын
+Lisa M Blacker A *very* good idea, Lisa.
@WriteSpeaker 9 жыл бұрын
I'm going to talk about Scanners on TEDx in a few weeks:
@WriteSpeaker 8 жыл бұрын
+Barbara Sher Changed my mind and talked about 'Isolation is the dreamkiller,' and how, to get your dreams to become reality, you need other people.
@stephanielcornett 8 жыл бұрын
+Barbara Sher Loved the Tedx talk. I think the concept of isolation is so relevant today as we are all so very "Connected" virtually and yet so disconnected emotionally.
@spotterofgold 7 жыл бұрын
And it was a perfect talk! Thanks for all you do! Have read your books for years but got stuck on what calendar to make... though I did fill many Scanner's Day Books...will follow the suggestions in this video and get back to you. So glad I found your videos! Thanks again!
@pembertonl1844 8 жыл бұрын
Mind blown! I've just come across your group on facebook and then found your youtube channel. I always thought there was something wrong with me! I thought I possibly had undiagnosed ADHD or something. I've done many things in my life and had a degree of success with most of them. I've never known what it was I wanted to 'be' or 'do' when I 'grew up' but the other day I watched a TEDex video about the subject and realised that the reason I've never known what I wanted to be or do is because I've been looking outside the home! I want to be a homemaker. Someone who creates a wonderful living environment for my husband and kids. I want to blog about homemaking, I want to try out every single aspect of homemaking - cooking, cleaning, child rearing, being a fantastic spouse, gardening, baking, crafting, sewing, home decorating, from the old ways of living the good life to product testing vacume cleaners! Gosh, it sounds like I want to be on an episode of how clean is your house but cleaning is my least favourite job, believe me! I just want to do it all whilst looking fabulous, losing weight and travelling the country in search of the best cream tea ever. LOL! Of course I want to do all of this whilst studying a VAST array of other things like French, Occitan and Gaelic, I wanna to know pretty much everything about history and dress making and I wanna read everything I can get my hands on. I'm sooooooooooo glad I'm not some kind of freak of nature. I guess I just have to find a way of expressing my inquisitive nature in a more positive light than freak of nature, huh?
@anilaumesh7398 7 жыл бұрын
I knew I had multiple interests but always pushed myself to find the one. It was terrible. No matter what personality or career test I take I always get a different result. At some point I even thought​ I have multiple personality disorder. And finally here I get the result..SCANNER yay hi all scanners out there. So glad to meet you and I've no words to thank you Barbara. It's such a great relief !
@christinevr7698 6 жыл бұрын
Anila Umesh I felt the same way. I had recently gone through career counselling and everything that came up for me sounded equally good! I couldn’t figure out which one to go for! I felt completely frozen. And I was getting flack for having too many things on the go. I have many personal projects I jump in and out of for years at a time. I’m relieved that Barbara has found systems that work for people like us to get to... somewhere happier than where we’ve been for some time; frustrated and anxious. I’m going to try some of them and see if I can’t work through some of the unfinished things I have on the go.
@lindacaldwell488 7 жыл бұрын
I just found you and am so happy to be listening to your wisdom.
@digitalClay Жыл бұрын
May your soul rest in peace dear Barbara. Your book Refuse to Choose changed my life more than a decade ago, allowed me to thrive in a new creative career and ignited the spark of many accomplished projects and adventures.
@lisakeller9105 4 ай бұрын
Me too.
@richardalvarado-ik9br 6 жыл бұрын
How to do everything or anything......God, Jesus Christ, Superman, Supergirl, Leonardo DaVinci
@sunrise444 3 жыл бұрын
I wish I new about this amazing person before. % scanner. Thank you may you rest in peace
@luisortega4991 8 жыл бұрын
Since I owe you so much for allowing me to know I am not crazy but just a regular scanner, I think I must let you know that Celtic languages (Scots and Irish Gaelic, Welsh, Breton and the few others) are indeed Indo-european :) Stay well, dear Barbara!!!
@bsherny 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Luis! I didn't know that!!!!!
@sukjidham 3 жыл бұрын
I'm at 80 % of refuse to choose, ever so difficult to finish, OMG, I can get to 3 or 4 pages every two weeks now. At first I was eating those pages, I was certain I had everything clear, but now it is like I can be any type of scanner, yet in my heart I disagree. But OMG this book is changing my life, it is only odd that is taking so long, I need to move on......
@donedennison9237 8 жыл бұрын
My heart has taste buds! YES.
@allyomeally-watson3285 8 жыл бұрын
That list is so funny! I find the concept of scanners useful, but I'm afraid it may stress me out trying to do EVERYTHING I love, but it's given me the freedom not to force myself to choose just one, thanks.
@excel04 5 жыл бұрын
"Your heart has tastebuds" - Barbara Sher
@raysaspaniol 8 жыл бұрын
"I'm not very interested in knights, dungeons, dragons, princesses, or the Holy Grail. I just don't care about that." hahahahahahahahhahahaha you're the best
@pembertonl1844 8 жыл бұрын
I find it really difficult to balance the stuff I want to do and the stuff I have to do. As a mom to a 5 year old who also works school hours to make the ends meet I just can't seem to get any time to do some of the creative stuff I'd like to get to. Stuff like the laundry need to be done and while I know I have to make dinner, I land up making just every day dinners instead of making some of the great recipes I'd love to try. The same with baking, the same with beautifying my home.... I feel like I'm spinning my wheels and getting things done but I'm just surviving instead of thriving, if you know what I mean. How do I get what I need to get done and also the things that interest and inspire a scanner like me?
@elenalokshina3836 6 жыл бұрын
Your kid will be grown up eventually, but you still be a scanner :o)
@klovem 7 жыл бұрын
Barbara, this whole thing about scanners are the best thing that happened to me! I read your book "Refuse to choose" and it feels like it is written about me. Thank you very much for everything you do!
@WriteSpeaker 6 жыл бұрын
You are so very welcome, klovem. Your comment makes me very happy!
@fabiennebip 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Barbara! I'm not sure I understood what you said about those 20-30 binders to pick up from when the subject smiles at you. My different interests very often include specific material, like knitting/crochet/sewing, chinese calligraphy/drawing, etc. It's difficult (but not impossible) to have all this stuff available any time (I'd need about 5 more tables in my house) but it's certainly impossible to have these things in binders. Did I understand something wrong?
@tarazamanfar Жыл бұрын
Rest in peace. You inspired me to follow my happiness.
@ladonnamontalto917 4 жыл бұрын
This helped greatly, thank you for your passion. Rip Barbara 🌹 💜
@bistretti Жыл бұрын
Gosh! Just have discovered the book Refuse to choose. It's like she was inside my brain, looked at all my questions, doubts and misunderstanding and then said she would give me a detailed answer. Such a relief! Thank you so much, Barbara!
@franzhaas6889 5 жыл бұрын
@kepspark3362 3 жыл бұрын
Man I should meet her! I myself have so diverse interests, I struggle to stay calm & focused. I'm working on it though. 1 by 1, whenever I feel like it.👍🏻
@ros8986 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Kep, I am afraid you are a little late - she passed away in 2020.
@JoBlakeLisbon Ай бұрын
Thanks - even though you're no longer with us, your wisdom lives on. Quite fantastic video.
@rlmpproductions 7 жыл бұрын
We Love you Barbara Sher! Thanks for caring about us!
@MyValeriane 4 жыл бұрын
Youre heart has tastebuds...👌 I dont even know where to starts...! Ill make a list...and get back to you.. 🌹
@tuxorizon 2 ай бұрын
I myself has a profound intellectual desire to have a thorough exposure towards a variety of different disciplines whether academic or technical. It's even worthwhile nowadays to become a generalist rather than having an expertise in few ones. In the age of internet you can learn almost anything and AI services like chatgpt is making it even less difficult to get a mild perspective over a certain discipline. Also most of the advice is quite decent. But still it can be overwhelming to try to pursue those discipline simultaneously. But still satisfying your intellect always is very rewarding. Anyways thanks for such a nice advice and also for writing a decent self help book on achieving what you want. I hope every individual person get their specific intellectual desires, have a felicitous intellectual journey ahead!
@neveralonecoaching 3 жыл бұрын
This is how I homeschool my kids- I encourage them to be scanners and learn whatever interests them!
@Inadace 2 жыл бұрын
You just saved my life I'm crying I finally feel understood and free.
@lisakeller9105 4 ай бұрын
That is what happened to me as well.
@22februari1999 4 жыл бұрын
The problem I personally have with the map-binder method is that my perfectionism gets in the way. I learn and absorb information in a sort of marathon style. Even when I feel like I need a break from that subject, I have this need to continue on with it in extremes until I reach a certain level of knowledge/mastery before I can slow down, which often causes me to ignore my university studies and ends up giving me stress because of my lack of studytime. This is especially prevelant when I want to learn about something that is actual and revelant now, but might not be so in a few years and so I feel this need to learn about it now because I'm at a fear of missing out otherwise.
@twinkycharm8138 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for your video, Even though you are not here to answer or listen to me. I really love each word you said. Thanks for comforting confused newbie scanners. Rest in peace
@StephanieTips 4 жыл бұрын
You're lucky in the US because you can get majors, minors, concentrations. It doesn't work that way in Italy. Either you study languages or history or medicine or law or engineering and so on. There are no minors and no concentrations, apart from master's degrees. The liberal approach to education the US offers is great for scanners.
@iffana 7 жыл бұрын
"That's how Nature talks to us: it makes us not happy with what it does not want us to do and it makes us happy with what it wants us to do" simple but life-changing!
@WriteSpeaker 6 жыл бұрын
So glad you hear it so well, Ivana C!
@FigaroHey 4 жыл бұрын
Scanner or diver? Well, there's nothing new under the sun, is there? The Greek poet Archilochus wrote, "the fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." Fox = scanner; hedgehog = diver.
@mfst100 2 жыл бұрын
Barbara talks about creating a group of common advising and support. How many people should such a group consist of? Is there any reliable source online where I could check this information?
@smithhometeam209 4 жыл бұрын
Love this one! Cheers to you in heaven Barbara
@roarpicturecompany5997 3 жыл бұрын
She left us with a huge source of rare knowledge.
@lisasternenkind6467 4 жыл бұрын
Icelandic is my love. ;-) I would also like to learm Gaelic and Finnish. I am German Austrian, so German is my inherited language.
@tomkeelingvideos 8 жыл бұрын
You are absolutely wonderful and have deepened my understanding of loving everything and yet 'getting nowhere'. Honestly, writing it all down and finding the 'sweet spot' for each desire and just leaving it on the list in itself is sooooo necessary and allows for a huge relaxation. Huge. I've felt so judgemental towards myself that I'm always so enthusiastic about so many different things and then forgetting it very quickly. I've thought that maybe it was a form of ADHD - but that worry has fallen away. Thank you. X
@andreadreyab9755 7 жыл бұрын
"Your heart has taste buds"! :D I love that. I need to remember this...
@jordaandoret6547 8 жыл бұрын
The practical advice that is so elusive elsewhere! Thank you Barbara!
@shonnabe7295 9 жыл бұрын
This is actually really helpful. I find that I take TOO much time reading and researching whatever I'm "into" that month, but I never thought to keep track with notebook so I can come back later. I found that "intro to" classed or seminars are really helpful but risky. A good example is when I decided since I love numbers and math that I should be an accountant and started with accounting 101.... NOPE! I really hate ledgers, entries lines and re-balancing the same thing over and over. I found what I like about math is there is usually a reliable, explainable solution that contributes to order and a bit of a confidence boost in my life. Theorems, formulas, and equations are like my big sand box that I can roll around in, no matter where I roll or what I build the edge of the box is still there. A little strange but oh well! Math YAY! Accounting...not for me. Anyhoo back to your video, thank you so much, it makes sooo much sense to me. I'll be share it with my many scanner friends!!
@WriteSpeaker 8 жыл бұрын
+Shonna Be You really should try to be in the Refuse to Choose book club, Shonna Be - but registration closes in 2 days!! (go right now to the video I made a few days ago and put up in this channel called 'Why You Should Join the Book Club." (That's from memory, so it might not be exact.) If you did, you'd have your Day Book all set up and this problem would be taken care of. Look in this channel for my video called (I think) #1 Success Story in which someone talks about how that radically changed almost eveyrthing that was wrong with his life.. It will blow your mind.
@WriteSpeaker 8 жыл бұрын
+Shonna Be Here's the link, if you see this in time: ttp:// Only 7 and 1/2 hours before doors close for another year.
@ОльгаНиколаева-м8х 7 жыл бұрын
Здравствуйте. О да, это обо мне видимо) натыкалась на этот термин не раз, но не вникала, думала что я наверно все же не сканер, но чем дальше тем я больше к этому склоняюсь и мне даже легче от этого. Ведь я всегда завидовала людям целенаправленным, с детства знающим чего они хотят, а я даже представить не могла кем буду я. Мои увлечения: вязание, вышивание, рисование, путешествия, фильмы, книги, скрапбукинг, украшения, спорт..наверно всё)) больше не припоминаю. Но чаще всего и больше именно рисование, бывает в разных стилях: рисую на бумаге, на одежде, на людях (хной), на стенах. Спасибо за ваше видео. Hello. Oh yes, it seems to me about it) came across this term more than once, but did not delve into it, I thought that I probably still is not a scanner, but the further I go to that, and it's even easier for me to do this. After all, I have always envied people purposeful, from childhood they knew what they wanted, and I could not even imagine who I would be. My hobbies: knitting, embroidery, drawing, traveling, movies, books, scrapbooking, decorating, sports .. probably everything)) I do not remember anymore. But more often and more drawing is, it happens in different styles: I draw on paper, on clothes, on people (henna), on walls. Thank you for your video.
@TheBaronessBlack 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, I was really happy to find this series of videos, Barbara! Thank you very much for talking about this! :) I didn't know it at the time, but when I was first going to college I remember distinctly that I wanted to do something art related as it was a skill that I had, and I picked a program that covered a multitude of subjects that could land me a job. I didn't have a specific job in mind. Now at 30, I work in games and animation and was lucky to find a career that requires many many interests to advance or to at least keep me interested in it. However lately I was wondering why I was still passionate about so many random subjects. It's an amazing realization to be allowed to just discover specific things and not feel like I have to master the entire subject. Narrowing down what specifically interests me about each one is a huge help, and I'm gonna try and write it all down! :) Hopefully I can find your book and give it a much-needed read! Thanks so much for putting these videos up! All my best.
@rigofernandez1196 8 жыл бұрын
RIGO YOU ARE JUST AWESOME BARBARA-!!! i love the way you teach the most important journey in our lives-HAPPINES-and how to get there We all want that-but very few have found a way..thank you for saving so many souls from living a life of .."nothingness-dispair and regrets"'- into a diferent way of living,.a life of joy happines and excitement -by litening to our heart and that little voice inside.. we love your teachings.thank you!
@rigofernandez1196 8 жыл бұрын
RIGO YOU ARE JUST AWESOME BARBARA-!!! i love the way you teach the most important journey in our lives-HAPPINES-and how to get there We all want that-but very few have found a way..thank you for saving so many souls from living a life of .."nothingness-dispair and regrets"'- into a diferent way of living,.a life of joy happines and excitement -by litening to our heart and that little voice inside.. we love your teachings.thank you!
@UkrainianUnleashed 4 жыл бұрын
What would it be if you had only 1 day and a scale from 1 to 10 are very much useful! Thank you!
@perrydoerr8668 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for validating everything I am....Sometimes we just need conformation.. Thank you thank you...Now back to my Model building... Photography, Woodworking, Guitar playing, The Great Courses lessons...Ha! I am freeeeeeeeeeeee.
@WriteSpeaker 6 жыл бұрын
lol! I love seeing this kind of happiness. This is the way it's supposed to be!
@SoulVinci 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot, Barbara! You gave me the answers! I found that I'm scanner after this video. It's great information for me. I'll go to read your books and see more videos and information from website about scanners. And greetings from Russia! P. S. Oh, and thank you for Russian subtitles!
@luhblix5373 3 жыл бұрын
Wow. The simplicity in this video is so calming and beautiful. I love this. Live in the present moment, always :)
@Thecopywhale 7 ай бұрын
Gosh, this is wonderful 😍 Thank you!
@iraidetalavera 9 жыл бұрын
Dear +Barbara Sher: I love what you say about the fact that "our heart has tastebuds", maybe because I thoroughly enjoy eating. Nevertheless, I have a question. When it comes to big projects like writing a novel, do I rely on my tastebuds (intrinsic motivation to keep up with it) or is it preferable that I opt for structure and accountability in order to make sure I will stick to it (if I still feel it matters to me, of course)? Are tastebuds and structure compatible? The same goes for keeping up a blog or studying a language. Should I wait until I feel like I want to continue, or should I schedule it and rely on the fact that once I begin I'll enjoy the activity? I have a blog on writing, and during the first few weeks I relied on accountability, but then that external motivation interfered with my internal motivation and I felt it was constraining. Maybe the happy middle (at least for a Sybil like me) lies in keeping all my project at sight, on a whiteboard, so that I don't forget about them and about the progress I'm making, as you suggested with the "priority board"? I think thatwould keep the different flames alive, so to say. What do you suggest? Giving in to what makes me happy at each moment is too sweet a temptation to ignore it!!! Rejecting that would be like saying no to a chocolate cake. :) Greetings from a Spanish Sybil, Iraide
@WriteSpeaker 8 жыл бұрын
+Iraide Talavera 1) Tastebuds point you to what you love and should be doing. Getting a long-term project done requires structure and accountability, just like getting through school did.
@WriteSpeaker 8 жыл бұрын
+Iraide Talavera 2) In your case, let me say there's not much similarity between how to handle a blog and how to learn a language. Blog: You can wait until you feel like continuing on your blog if you like. Learning a language: But you have to study a new language every day. Best thing is to have an ongoing appointment with a live human who will call every day and the two of you can do your language studies in that hour. With your blog on writing, what's the purpose of it? Are you teaching other people how to write? Then design an online program that runs itself or that you show up and run on certain pre-arranged dates, just like I did with the WriteSpeak program. If people expect you, you'll show up. Or do you have a blog on writing just to keep track of what you're feeling as you do your real writing? That one can be tended to or abandoned, for a while or forever, and nothing bad will happen. At any given time you need to ask yourself 2 questions: 1. Which flames do you really want to keep alive, because you're in love with them? 2. Which flames do you *need* to keep alive or their will be big problems?
@WriteSpeaker 8 жыл бұрын
+Barbara Sher Finally," Giving in to what makes me happy at each moment" must usually take place in your free time. If you have a job or you're in school, other people are expecting things from you at a certain time. You will want to do them - not because they make you happy, but because you want to avoid unhappiness. :-) But if you have time and you don't know what to do with it, listen to your heart. And while it's framing its instructions to you, set up your Avocation Stations so that you can walk over to whatever suits your fancy and it's ready to go!
@iraidetalavera 8 жыл бұрын
Dear *****, thank you so much for your sensible advice. ¡Muchas gracias! After reflecting a little bit, I decided to create a schedule so that I can spend time on all the things I love during my free time, so that none of them gets abandoned (drawing, knitting, playing the piano, learning Japanese...). Most of them are related to ongoing projects, so yes, I want to take care of them even if sometimes I feel like not doing them because I'm tired or because resistance appears (it normally disappears once I have began with the project at hand, anyway). As to my writing, it is a blog that intends to teach people how to write creatively, and I usually post once per week. I had't taught about the possibility of an online course, that's not a bad idea at all!!! :) I have some other projects on the go and I have discovered that structure helps me keep them on track. Right now I use a very simple app called "deadlines". It's free and it helps me know how many days are left until the deadline. Very useful, because I usually lose the track of time!!! Thank you again for your answer, it has been really nice to read your words. Greetings from the north of Spain!
@yvettep1093 7 жыл бұрын
Perhaps I'm not understanding this scanner concept because I think it's common for people to have many interests. It's interesting to look deeper into why people like what they like but I find that this is a waste of time. I'm guessing some people lack focus in what could possibly fulfill them as human beings, and maybe it stems from a lack of private time to devote to a bit of silence. Some people with a lot of interests have overactive minds that don't understand stillness or lack of thought. My point is that some people with too many distractions or activities due to those many interests avoid, in my most humble opinion, learning about themselves to know for sure what they really want in life.
@christinevr7698 6 жыл бұрын
Yvette P clearly you are not a scanner. I actually do meditate and it has made no difference to my interest in many many things. I just move from one thing to another when I feel like it. It’s not a matter of spiritual lack. God created scanners too.
@crumpets27 2 жыл бұрын
this really helped me thank you! Rest in Peace.
@RobertBloom 8 жыл бұрын
Loved this video. It's my favorite so far. So many great little tips. I started breaking down my interests to find the sweet spot of each and I'm going to find ways to study and build skills in those sweet spots and keep a binder for each (or maybe in Evernote). I really think having that collection will make me feel less like I'm giving up one thing when I want to study something else. Thank you!
@MrYsosad Жыл бұрын
such people need to learn dedication and patience first...
@JamieNelson. 5 жыл бұрын
Your heart has taste buds. Wow, that's great!
@guilhermesobrinho1329 5 жыл бұрын
Ok.... but I need to survive now, therefore I need to make money now... how to solve this paradox?
@WriteSpeaker 5 жыл бұрын
Do both. Make money so you can survive, and do what you love on your own time. Then your job is a subsidy to the arts.
@archangul Жыл бұрын
Seems like the best career for a scanner is to be an actor lol
@viharsarok Жыл бұрын
Gaelic languages are Indo-European.
@linyonglan 4 жыл бұрын
Gaelic is Indo-European.
@zmartus 7 жыл бұрын
Dear Barbara! I have been thinking, it is something wrong with me... I´m forty now and I am looking for the new job... I have decided to be happy. Thank You!!! Peace and love!
@WriteSpeaker 6 жыл бұрын
Delighted to hear it, Marta Z!!!
@Peteragent5 5 жыл бұрын
This is amazing
@buzzybee186 2 жыл бұрын
Putting it out into the world- thank you Barbara for sharing your ideas and knowledge and not keeping them to yourself. It has made a difference
@sarahknight9688 5 жыл бұрын
If anyone is still out there reading these: I’m 23 and in my last year of college, I have no idea what I want, or to be fair I just want so many things and I’m terrified that if I was going to be great, and I really do want to be great, I would have already started these things. I feel absolutely stuck, if I were going to be successful, than why do I spend all my time fretting and distracting myself instead of actually making art. I am unable to do anything that I do want, I feel way too afraid, way too anxious. I can’t stop comparing myself to others and I can’t distinguish what are my interests or what are other people’s. Please help! I know I can be great I just feel so stuck in the storm
@kurodesuuuu 5 жыл бұрын
Hey mate, I'm 19 right now- and I'm well aware that I don't have much of a right to give out advice, as I'm still lost as hell and don't know how things will be next month, let alone next year or the next decade. Five years back, I wanted to become the best medical scientist, 4 years back that suddenly turned to 'just travelling the world', 3 years back- becoming an astronomer, 2 years back - being thoroughly sick of my wavering personality, just devote myself to a path that ensures the highest paying career- that didn't go well either, lol. If there is one advice I'd give is just "accept" NOT being able to know how things will turn out in the future, that you'll inevitably question your path, whether you'll actually succeed, whether you are 'too late' , and MOST OF ALL- accepting to ignore whatever your peers/ family might say about you and your current 'quest'. But accepting this fact helps a lot, as you realize that you simply need to jump your 'current' wall in the thing you 'currently enjoy', and keep consequently doing that. You also get to look back and realize that 90% of the people are clueless and have no position in giving advice (includes me lol)-as only you can truly 'discover' your path. I also recommend having some sort of 'tangible goal'/monthly goals, and journal them-but really- the point of that is to ensure that you stay consistent. I'll give provide my embarrassing 'progress', tbh- many wouldn't consider it progress..but I certainly do. Last year, I turned clueless, aimless again- after being disappointed/bored with my goals. One day, I watched a film in Japanese, loved it. Watched a few more, began getting enchanted with the language and it's unique aspects, it's writing system,etc. I slowly began considering to learn the language, but was a bit apprehensive. The 'correct thing' for me would be technically deciding a career path, working towards its qualification, keeping family interests in mind etc- but that was the last thing in my mind THIS time (I just knew I liked it at that time). I just decided to screw what others would think, forget how long it takes (usual answers say 4+ years) and focus my all on what I needed to do THEN (which at the beginning, was just getting started and learn my alphabets,etc. )to reach my goal SOME day. I kept changing my daily activities to suit the goal. make amendments, challenge myself (learned 50 words on per day this week? Try 60..Read a novel this week?Aim for 2,etc.). Most of the time, I had no clue why or where I'm heading to by 'pushing myself'- I just realized that it feels great to be doing it, and very satisfying to look look how far I've come. I was ofcourse, not just focusing (couldn't help that!) on Japanese- but indirectly found new hobbies like programming, guitar, and to my surprise- Maths..I kid you not, I wouldn't have come across them- if I weren't doing Japanese.. About 4 months ago, (So after a total of 6-8 months)- I realized that I can already pass the highest proficiency test (the one that was supposed to be 4+ years) and that I, surprisingly still haven't come to hate Japanese. I started helping people online with translations- was super apprehensive/doubtful of my abilities- but decided to try it 'to keep improving'. Realized I love it, contacted some translators and found out that I can actually make a (very decent) living off of this (after a rough 1-2 years)! So that's one of my current goals! ..That I found something accidentally, was apprehensive, just started/did it because I wanted to- and I am still enjoying! It was crucial to forget where it could possibly lead me to, and other stuff I mentioned above. This somewhat fulfills my dream of possibly travelling the world and astronomy (atleast I get to see beautiful stars,lol)! I also found this accidentally (which I highly recommend doing if you are unsure about your life/career, even a little/ have current career plans): It kinda acts as my future-proof, just in case I get bored with my current thing. It's been some time since I completed it ,and I'm still actually happy with the results. Sorry as this got way too long
@kurodesuuuu 5 жыл бұрын
I also found these couple of books help a lot I think the first one 'exactly' describes your feelings
@alohachristine 5 жыл бұрын
When I stumbled across your Ted X video, then your video about scanners I got a big grin on my face as I listened. I'm totally creative and have many interests-- I sing, paint, sew, dance, write, do home improvement, do photography, blog, give care to the elderly or those with serious challenges, write poetry, make jewelry, do woodworking, metal sculpture, etc. etc... Oh, and lately I have an unquenchable obsession with writing-- But, whenever I've tried to decide what to do with my life-- I feel overwhelmed. I LOVE learning and have even gone back to school. I feel like God is helping to lead me along, but I appreciated feeling more "normal" as I listened to you talk about "scanners"! :D It's hard to be so different from my sisters who are organized, and focused on specific careers. I've long joked that I'm the black sheep of the family because settling for one thing is not something I can seem to do! I feel better about myself from your words! Anyhow... thank you for your insights. For those interested I have typed down some of what you said: "on a scale of 1 to 10 how happy does this make you. On a scale of 1 to 10, which one is the highest... You're not different people. You're one person. With a love of learning. You love what's new. You don't love everything because there's certain things you genetically just don't get and don't care about. And there are others that smell sweet just cuz your curious. When you peak in you realize that's all I wanted to know. And the [other subjects] are [so fascinating you ask]... 'Where's this going?'! It's [a] very crude [way of figuring out what to study] but it's oddly precise." You have to look at your happiness levels. So, look at your list and see which one is calling to you. Pick one of the subjects that's smiling at you right now and just give it an hour, or a half an hour, or 20 minutes, or a day, or a week, however long you've got. However long you stay interested. Keep all your notes about it in [a] binder. Go on the internet. Print everything out because you're not always at your computer. You want to take things with you onto a desert island, or a coffee shop. When you get less interested and something else starts smiling more brightly put this [interest binder] back, [making] sure you [can still see the binder]. We're not saying 'Good-bye' forever, you can pick it up whenever you want." continuing she says: "Look, you do it with food. When it's time for dessert-- you look [and think] 'Am I in the mood for chocolate? Do I want fruit?' and you ask [your] taste buds. . . You don't tell yourself 'I want ice cream" or "I want fruit." You [ask] 'What do I want?" And usually we've kept in touch with what we want to eat because nobody really cares. You know, you can't really do that with things where society has an interest [and says] 'You're supposed to do this, you're supposed to do that.' But usually when it comes to colors of food, you have a pretty good idea of what you want right now. ...So you can look at these lists and say: 'What am I in the mood for?' Understanding that this is not your only decision. This is not your last decision. This is your decision for right now, today. 'That's the one I'm going to do.' (13:38) Are you allowed to be that happy? Yay! It's efficient to pay attention to what makes you happy. That's how nature talks to us. It makes us not happy with what it does not what us to do. And it makes us happy with what it wants us to do... Pay attention to what makes us happy. Your heart has taste buds. You don't decide what makes you happy-- you discover it. Have that respect. So, if there's 552 things you want to do, don't worry about it. Just write them all down and start seeing which one is singing to you today."
@ivanbarbosa81 3 жыл бұрын
the person at 4:33 sounds like me loll
@catechumen24 6 жыл бұрын
Ok this approach seems to work for *studying* subjects but not things like starting 5 different career paths. That's harder to just pick up and work on for a little bit cause the hard work behind it is no fun. And there are deadlines.
@josepmar2744 4 жыл бұрын
¡¡ god bless you Barbara !!........ having read more than 15 self-help books years ago, I discovered you 2 hours ago, in your TEDex "Lonely kill dreams, not your bad attitude", and then I went to find out what "scanners" was......and here I am....finding out that I am a "scanner" and that you are the unique single "coach" addressing this concept in the entire history of self-help gurus.....and I am delighted, because I have been decades wanting to do "everything" achieving little.....I will share with you m experience later on, so that the feedback would be useful for you
@orisisorisis6946 Жыл бұрын
Muchas gracias Barbara por todo tu esfuerzo para hacer de nuestras vidas una mejor experiencia . Recién descubro tu canal y me apena saber que has trascendido. Que en Paz Descanses, mucha luz en donde quiera que te encuentres.
@northernhighlandmist1478 4 жыл бұрын
But if we only depends on our moods I don't think we're gonna master something, e.g. learning a language, that would require consistency / habit, not only daily fluctuating mood. What do you think?
@lessandra602 Жыл бұрын
Rest well, Barbara Sher ❤
@carmenguerra5449 3 жыл бұрын
I LOVE THIS!!! I am definitely a SCANNER! I’ve been having a really hard time trying to see what I want to do when I grow up. I am a 52 yr old woman with a 16 yr old son. I have designed & created Leather goods products. (Love it!) and now working in a College as a Youth Coordinator. I’m fantastic with people of all ages. But don’t feel I’m being rewarded for my work. I want out. SO- I will start to do what you mentioned & let’s see.... 🙏🏽 thanks! ☺️
@AmandaSmith-qp4fn 4 жыл бұрын
You are the most insightful person I think I have ever had the pleasure of knowing exist. Thank you for your mind and sharing what you’ve learned. I have a huge dream and I’m a scanner. My problem is money and it’s not even that much in comparison to what good I can do with it. I wish (my wish) that you still had meetings and that one was close so that I could attend. I just need that one person to raise their hand and fix my problem. You are amazing!
@lucaa703 Жыл бұрын
Muito feliz em descobrir o trabalho maravilhoso que a Barbara Sher deixou para nós. Seja livros, vídeos, etc...
@kurodesuuuu 5 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this video! Although the method wasn't exactly same, I finally ended up finding something (translation) that I might not hate as a career, out of pure accident and never intended to 'find' the first place. I realized that I kept going towards it everyday, and that I still continue to enjoy it, despite having other interests. What does one do if they finally find something worth 'specializing' in? Do you just go for it? I know it might be an odd question, but 'realizing' this itself kinda gives me past-fears of how many times I ended up losing interest'. haha
@tomfranov153 4 жыл бұрын
I find that UX Design makes me happy, it allows me to focus on using 2 or three different talents that join together in the "sweet spot" of overlapping work skills, to make the job always interesting.
@mgoddette1 6 жыл бұрын
"Your heart has tastebuds" that really speaks to me. I'm am going to add you to the top of my very long reading list. I find that a lot of my interests are quenched just by reading a book on a topic. I am very interested in animals and conservation. I have worked with animals for the last 15 years but I do change jobs very often. The longest I've ever worked in 1 job is 4 years. I was hoping it would all culminate into something I'm great at and I love but maybe this is just the way I operate. And maybe that's not a bad thing.
@Freeman3d1983 7 жыл бұрын
Oh, I was doing like that all the time )) Thank you very-very much for this video! At least now I know I was doing allright =)
@JoseSiandre 5 жыл бұрын
Barbara, I love the idea of creating a list of everything we would like to do. I used to basically dive into that bright and shiny object the moment I got excited about it, but then slowly my interest would start to wane once I'd uncover something that I didn't like about it. This would obviously cause a lot of frustration and lost dollars since most of my endeavors always required some type of financial investment causing me to go deeper and deeper into financial distress. The method you described certainly eases some of that urgency of having to dive in deep right away.
@jl3trepanier623 5 жыл бұрын
Your heart has taste buds. And comparing what you want to do with what you want to eat when your hungry. I really like those analogies. Thanks a lot Barbara. Cheers,
@alaaelrefaay2893 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciate that. I remember when I was little, I loved to do too much but got confused about mastering what I want. I am gonna try that. I will try to care about "my heart taste".
@kellysmithmarketing 6 жыл бұрын
That list of what she wanted to study was stolen from me. Just kidding, but we definitely think along the same lines!
@noconintended 6 жыл бұрын
I love how your change up the drapings behind you to match what you are wearing.
@victory4926 4 жыл бұрын
after titles and a career I am struggling with my vocation....always did on the sidelines.
You Don't Know What's Possible
Barbara Sher
Рет қаралды 35 М.
Scanner Success Story #1
Barbara Sher
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Стойкость Фёдора поразила всех!
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Are You a Scanner?
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How I make time for everything (even with a full time job)
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Should Your Dream Make Money?
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Introduction To Scanners
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Barbara Sher's Absolute Guaranteed Secret to Success
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Author Barbara Sher presentation
Thrift Store Tapes
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