MashAllah - good lecture- specially for students. Jzk ❤️👍🏻 It’s what I’ve been wanting to explain to my daughter, but didn’t have the words to explain.
@haledhajdari1154 Жыл бұрын
Assalamu alaikum Shaikh, jazakumullahu khairan for the efective explenation of tawakul ! It was all excellent and what especialy hit me home was the example with Sayidina Abdulmutaleb and why the Kaaba was not destroyed in that ocasion although it was damaged in orhers. Just amaizing.
@angelamaanaki67693 жыл бұрын
Salam Sheikh Shomali 🙏💫
@angelamaanaki67693 жыл бұрын
A mark of a good master is a wise student
@haledhajdari1154 Жыл бұрын
About the observation that Hz Rumi ks gives information not found in the hadith about different events and personalities, I was explained that due to being a Waliullah ( a man of Allah) he in his vision was able to see and transmit those events to us. And indeed, what would the other possibility be ? For him to fabricate hadith and stories covering real characters? When we rule that out as impossible, the first version is now even stronger.
@angelamaanaki67693 жыл бұрын
It is true if one has goodness of virtue sometimes being outside of ones comfort zone one can deeper understand and test their virtue but not testing Allah
@haledhajdari1154 Жыл бұрын
As for Mawlana Rumi ks regarding the question if he was a Shia or not, let me throw some light on the matter. He was a Sayed and a renowned faqih or doctor of fiqh in Konya, then capitol of the Seljuq sultanate. As such he was Sunni and I would guess of the Hanafi mazhab. A Shia is someone from Shiatu Ali, suporting Imam Ali kw and loving Ahlul Bait. Now some of them became Shiites of the Jafari mazhab ( and smaller Shiite groups) and others are actualy Sunni of any of the four mazhabs and invariably atached to tasawuf. Hence you can see the love for Ahlul Beit, love and suport for Imam Ali kw and the other Imams. For us belonging to this actualy numerous and old group, this is the proper way to practice Sunni Islam. This is why Imam Shafei and president Erdogan called them selves Shias. Shia in that sense.