How To Homebrew A Space Marine Chapter Warhammer 40K

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@dings215 Жыл бұрын
"Word on the street is you're trying to create your own homebrew chapter." - WHERE DID YOU GET THIS INFORMATION? WHO HAVE YOU BEEN TALKING TO?!?
@dolphinerofachero3159 Жыл бұрын
Im alpharius
@GarkKahn Жыл бұрын
Alpha legion moment
@Saf_Ibn_Sayyad_Bacon 6 ай бұрын
@edwardbryan9501 Жыл бұрын
If anyone is interested, this is my homebrew for my Iron Hands Chapter called "Scoria Metallum". My Space Marines Chapter, Scoria Metallum is a Second Founding that is a fleet-based Chapter, who are comprised of both First-Born and Primaris Space Marines, that are also Blanks/Pariahs (ex. exactly like Culexus Assassins for reference). Their origins stems less than a few years after the Drop Site Massacre of Isstvan V, when a squad of First-Born Space Marines were sent out to recover or scrap every Iron Hands ships, vessels, and vehicles within a makeshift shipyard. From there, the squad was granted the request to build a mobile space station made from the wreckages which is a few hundreds of meters smaller than the Phalanx, called the "Smoldering Forge". A quote I made for my creation, "Like a growing embryo of metal and fire, she will be born from the smoldering ashes of her many dead mothers. Born from death and bringer of death. May all who witness find salvation or devastation." Unlike the Phalanx, the Smoldering Forge is akin to a mobile Forge World traveling throughout the Imperium as reinforcements to requests or rebuild broken worlds. This also means that this station could build everything the Chapter needs from ships to small arms wherever and whenever needed. The requestee or destroyed world also benefit when upon arrival, the station could literally rebuild everything (by Imperial standards). Since the Chapter is fleet-based, Scoria Metallum has dozens of capital ships and a few thousands of smaller ships and vessels. This includes every logistics, recovery, mining, maintenance, and reconnaissance vessels. The Chapter does maintain 1000 Astartes and carries millions of civilians, Voidsmen, Skitarii, and Cadian Guardsmen. This was possible due to the Iron Hands, Iron Council, approving the new Chapter but only in the condition that almost all resources are to be from the shipyard wreckages. The initial Space Marine squad and a dozen brothers were the only members until Primarch Roboute Guilliman added Primaris, completing the 1000 requirement. To explain how they became Blank Space Marines. The Chapter was trapped in the Warp for hundreds of years because they crashed into a Space Hulk the size of a tiny moon (4-6km diameter). However, the Space Hulk itself has no Warp corruption or demonic presence whatsoever. Reason being, the Hulk is carrying a large, fully self-reliant population of human psychic Blanks creating a literal border stop from the Warp. The population lived comfortable but could not "feel anything" since for generations, they have become used to staring into the Warp as an everyday occurrence. The birthing process also requires guards to remove the born baby from the mother to prevent its' death. Among the human population are AI who are in a symbiotic relationship with the humans because the Warp corruption cannot influence them. In return, the AI operate perfectly while also keeping their relationship with the humans as top priority without depriving them of purpose. This is plausible due to most fused ships dated back to The Golden Age of Technology era along with dozens or few hundreds of STLs. How the Chapter returned to real space was to simply create more powerful Blanks to force the Space Hulk out of the Warp. To do so, they raised and genetically monitored candidates to become Astartes but only have 1/100 of a successful chance. After hundreds of years and thousands of failed trials, the Space Hulk forced its' way out of the Warp and into real space. Long story short, when Scoria Metallum crashed on a Blank populated, moon-sized Space Hulk. Settled in for hundreds of years in the Warp. Created Blank Space Marines to escape. And then finally, returned to the Imperium. I do hope this was entertaining, please leave a like or comment.
@jayday1480 Жыл бұрын
Nicely done
@aleanddragonITA Жыл бұрын
But what happened to the A.I.s afterwards? I don't think the Imperium would accept them simply because ''Oh, they can't be Chaos Corrupted'' Even because for what i know it was never revealed what actually caused The Men of Iron to rebell against Humanity
@edwardbryan9501 Жыл бұрын
@aleanddragons Easy. The AI pretends to be Machine Spirits with the help of my Chapter and Tech Priests.
@aleanddragonITA Жыл бұрын
@@edwardbryan9501 I would have said that they pretend to be or are converted in servitors (without their AI being directly altered)
@edwardbryan9501 Жыл бұрын
@@aleanddragonITA Why not both?
@datamag2018 Жыл бұрын
SOOOOOOO helpful this video was! So I'm coming at this from a different angle. I'm making homebrew chapters as well, but not for tabletop gaming but for inclusion in fanfiction that will be shown in stop motion videos with custom space marines using the Joytoy figures. I have 2 homebrewed chapters created and I have thought through things like chapter symbol and progenitor primarch, but I also want to include the lore specific details you showcase in this video, so this is an excellent guide to making the chapter feel "real" and complete. Thanks!!
@aleanddragonITA Жыл бұрын
With Progenitor Primarch you mean Homebrew OC Primarch?
@datamag2018 Жыл бұрын
@@aleanddragonITA Do you mean an original character (OC) as a primarch? If that's what you meant, no. My chapters will have gene seed from an existing primarch. The chapter(s) itself is would be the part I create.
@NovelPilot01 Жыл бұрын
Funny enough, I've just started making a blood angels succesor chaper called the Crimson spears, it was a mix of luna wolfs and blood angels, primaris had a chimaric gene seed of Horus while the first born were Sanginius that were "cured" of it by drinking the blood of 40k vampires. Just started writing it.
@goldjaw 15 күн бұрын
My successor chapter is called the “Sunrise Warriors”, a White Scar successors chapter. Founded fairly recently, maybe M37. Based on the Japanese Biker Gangs of the 80s, the Bosozoku. Aggressive, skilled, and always itching to fight and prove themselves, the Sunrise Warriors focus on getting to the fight as quickly as possible. Bikes and Jump packs are the focus, with lots of melee. The Founding Chapter Master stole a Custodes Jetbike and used it as his personal vehicle. They’re still mad about it. Since then, it has been the symbol of office for the Chapter Master, or Souban. Training heavily in fast attack, every marine is at least skilled in the use of bikes. The non-specialists in the practice use older retired bikes from other legions they meet. The new Outriders replaced the old bikes, so there’s a lot of surplus. Only veterans and officers are allowed to have hair. Battle Brothers have shaved heads. The Homeworld is based on the 80s Bubble Period, but with more Skulls. Look at Yakuza 0 for reference.
@Official_jameslby 10 ай бұрын
I just sort of went with a gulf war vibe made a coalition of different chapters gave them a military vibe similar to the raptors. Being kitted out for tactical urban combat and city sieges. The back story was that it was a group set up by roboute guilliman and Tu'Shan as they wanted a force that they could rely on if the high Lords of terra become corrupt
@TammoKorsai 9 ай бұрын
I can imagine something like the Deathwatch, but with special bonuses for urban combat, so they go out and attach themselves to other chapters to spread their wisdom.
@Belgian_Nerd Жыл бұрын
Well I`m still at the basic stage of my own custom chapter. The name is Ryuu of Tenno and they were founded during the ultima founding. They are a samurai looking chapter so all of them have bits them make them look more samurai for now I have around 6k points of them. Never did work on there lore this video really made me think to work on the lore of my chapter.
@laurawright719 Жыл бұрын
Would y'all ever continue making videos on specific homebrew chapters? Because I got my Storm Dragons that I want to show off
@dovahkruz Жыл бұрын
Your chapter sounds like could be good friends with mine the Thundering Flames xP I'm planing on showing them off too
@TammoKorsai 9 ай бұрын
My chapter's lore mostly wrote itself through the power of narrative campaigns both in 40k and Battlefleet Gothic, so my chapter has an extensive history of space combat, not that it goes so well for them in many instances. The Eagles of Kai were inspired by the paragraph about the Kai Forge World and how it was eaten up by the warp. (The chapter had a fortress monastery on Kai's moon.) My chapter master, Varro, intended to slay Yegethmor during the Fall of Medusa V campaign in 2005 or '06 but failed and ended up in a dreadnought. Thus he failed to avenge the previous chapter master who died at that sorcerer's hands. Other stories from that period involved beating down a planet that had seceded from the Imperium during a campaign with a friend, but we never quite finished it. I then ran a Battlefleet Gothic campaign that did not bode well for my chapter. A Nurgle fleet utterly won a planetary landing scenario and the deathblow was meant to be delivered by a Blackstone Fortress... but we ran out of time and agreed that the chapter's new homeworld had been utterly ruined by Nurgle's 'blessings.' We rationalised it as Abaddon suddenly diverting it to another target... Years later, I hear about the Blackstone crashing into Cadia! The shake-up of the rules and lore opened so many new opportunities! I leaned more heavily into the Raven Guard origins by using the stealthy bonus in 8th edition, with plenty of Sternguard Veterans. The loss of the second homeworld also resulted in the gene-seed stock being corrupted, so the Eagles of Kai are set to become a Primaris Chapter as the ranks of the Firstborn thin out. None have volunteered to cross the Rubicon Primaris since it brings back memories of Corax's disastrous genetic experiments, so they have no choice but to accept that only the 'young' Primaris Marines can ensure the chapter's survival. To reflect the dwindling numbers, all tactical squads are now Sternguard squads since the reduced numbers means there's enough elite equipment for everyone. I've got other tidbits like Brother Marqus climbing from the rank of Sargent in the Medusa V campaign then to a Captain and eventually chapter master since the dice seem to favour him. All the while, I kept his trademark storm bolter (using the one of the Dreadnought, which I devised just before the Grey Knights appeared and popularised that style) and powerfist, with a slight hatred of Orks after he clashed with a warband on Medusa V. (I used the Captain Cortez rules in 5th edition to reflect this.) I really should write an Index Astartes styled article about my chapter to make it much more coherent to read, not to mention that I have some great reference images made waaay back in 2005 by somebody on Librarium Online. Here's the pics in question:
@Kenny-gl9ik 8 ай бұрын
I had a go at this myself several (million) years ago, using, what everyone uses; one of the "lost" chapters. I have since grown up and started modifying my insane zealots into a loyalist faction of the Word-Bearers. Until I watched your video on the deep-dive into Lorgar and his Word Bearers, I was unaware of the many factions they already had. A little more delving on the 'web led me to discover the "Tri-Fold Crown" faction which had similar iconography to my own chapter that was birthed when I was fourteen! So, the loyalist Tri-Fold Crown was renamed "The Burning Skulls" and is frequently at odds with the Inquisition. Having the same gene-seed as their fallen brethren, the demons of the warp often ignore their use of psykic powers until they realise who they are. The flaw in their seed, developed after the Heresy due to the radiation of their adopted home world, giving them blood-red eyes and an infa-red visual spectrum. You can run, but you can't hide.
@danielhall6354 Жыл бұрын
It's definitely a good idea to include flaws in your chapter - making them too perfect or flawless is a mistake
@adamduffield7782 4 ай бұрын
Easiest way to do this is tie them to a founding legion. Since they would share the same geneseeds they would also share the same strengths and flaws
@royalarts7508 Жыл бұрын
As promised the lore The Gutter hounds chapter is one shrouded in mystery and doubt. Few things are know of the chapter, but what is know that the chapter is loyal that it servers its purpose. The chapter is very stalwart in their hunting of the heretic, with ferocity fue others can match. Their chapters motto and warcry is: "Within the arena our forgivness cometh!" The chapter is based upon a world called Vayar it has shown that its people are hard and ready for war, it is a stronghold of a world. Due to the influence of the chapter, it stands as a hardy stronghold. That has yet to fail at repealing attacks made towards it. The chapter is mostly codex complient they are with in 1000 astarties at all times, but the father chapter of the Gutter hounds is unknown. For every gene seed sent to be checked is either of a diffrent gene father. It is though that they are a successor of the Blood angels or dark angels. There has been rumors of them being space wolves or even more dangerous rumors. That the chapter has the gene seed of one of the arch traitors. The chapter is on watch by the inquisition and the only reason for why they have not been investigated and judged, is for one of the battle brothers has agreed to leave thw chapter and become a bodyguard for inquisition Hara Styrnar. He is yet to report any suspicious activity from the marine or any signs of corruption or mutation. The founding of the Gutter hounds can be traced back to the death of High lord Goge Vandier. With a purpose of giving aid to the forge world Ganfard which was at the time being assaulted by a heretical incursion. The chapter has had a few chapter masters though only two are known to us. The first chapter master Riantol Furu Gardol a mighty mind on the battle field he was the one that saved the forge world and one to bring the chapter many successes. Under Riantol the Gutter hounds had saved many worlds liberated many more and purged heretical installment fleets from systems. The chapters tactics are brutal, yet effective. Bloody battles and merciless unforgiving fury is what leads to the chapters successes. Unfortunate that the chapter master would meet his demise upon a space hulk field with traitor astarties. The mission was to destroy the hulk. It posed a threat to the undefanded world raids were happening already. The battle was long and the defenders were dug in deep, the hounds found many relics upon the vessel that were quickly seized by the inquisition. Except for a few. The chapter masters death was hard upon the chapter for the gene flaw of the chapter is unwavering loyalty and admiration for those in charge seeing and wanting to be noticed by them. To make this great wound worse the chapter master was not killed in glory of combat bug by a dishonorable attack form behind. One who suffered most was Furghai who was the only bladeguard veteran and body guard to the chapter master left alive but unable to move due to his injuries. He now rests with in a contsmptor pattern dreadnought that was found on board the space hulk. It was examined and deemed non corrupted by the mechanicous of the forge world Ganfard. He is still with in the up most circle of command in the chapter and one of the new chapter masters bodyguards. The new chapter master is Urugway Archo Altherian he is a paragon on what makes the Gutter hounds the Gutter hounds. Unmatched warrior with both speed and power behind him. He was the first marine of the chapter to pass the rubicon primaris, and incouraged his brothers to do the same. Soon after they joined the indomitus crusade and with the blessing of Guillaman they have been allowed to push into the warp to weaken the traitorous forces within, bolstered by the fleet of adeptus mechanicus lead by a relatively new engineseer of Ganfard. Currently the chapters location is unknown last transmissions indicate that another battle has befallen the crusaders. With some rumors of them facing the "World eaters". May the emporor protect them.
@rileygoddard7181 Жыл бұрын
Either, you need a reminder to edit, or you've been a bit slacking for a month or so.
@royalarts7508 Жыл бұрын
@@rileygoddard7181 ur right lad I apologize
@royalarts7508 Жыл бұрын
​@@rileygoddard7181it is done my friend
@GrimViridian 22 күн бұрын
Currently working on an unknown successor chapter, maybe salamanders, maybe raven guard, maybe a weird mix since cawl had so much fun lol, but theyre stationed on a swamp planet and wear the pelts of gigantic snakes that look like massive spiky versions of the spiny bush viper, they are a very small chapter that uses few vehicles or heavy armor so they use guerrilla tactics, sneak up and strike quick like the snakes they hunt, of course breaking out the flamers and meltas after stealth is broken
@jaimeperales7219 Жыл бұрын
An updated homebrew video nice! The old one literally was on my feed yesterday!
@glue6143 Жыл бұрын
It's the exact same video they just reused the script and rerecorded it lol
@sparkusclark6176 10 ай бұрын
Came here after binging on the Space Bears. Dunno that I wanna for a Space Marines Chapter, but maybe a Sisters of Battle Order.
@cyberdaikaiju Жыл бұрын
Super useful, I just happen to be working on this. video saved for future reference!
@codyfoster7183 8 ай бұрын
Well thanks for telling me I have balls. More so I'm considering having my homebrew as loyalist E.C. descendants. Never played a single game yet but I've been studying lore for a few years.
@wasteyelo1 Жыл бұрын
Great job man. Excellently explained
@OneMindSyndicate Жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@archaon78 Жыл бұрын
your channel deserves way more attention. Go on like that❤
@ayylmao9907 Жыл бұрын
choosing based on your painting skill is a really good tip! helps out a lot!
@fallout101rulz Жыл бұрын
Creating my Homebrew of a Salamander successor/Warband devoted to the Promethean cult, obsessed with the flames of war and the firery beliefs they created a separate force known as the “Ashes of Nocturne” - an excuse to have fire attributed marines who forge their own fiery/molten arms
@iron-ham414 Жыл бұрын
I want to say thanks to this Warhammer channel for helping with developing my homebrew chapter
@OneMindSyndicate Жыл бұрын
Happy to help!
@iron-ham414 Жыл бұрын
@@OneMindSyndicate the revengers of dantioch, proud loyalist successor of the iron warriors thank you Iron within, vengeance without 💀❤️‍🔥💯
@ChrisHolman 10 ай бұрын
Black, Grey, Red, White all look good together
@aslysa2277 Жыл бұрын
I declare my new chapter, the Emperors Shadow Claws a mighty chapter of waging subversive and brutal war by any means assassinating enemy leaders, sabotage, subterfuge and devastating hit and run deep strike attacks and etc
@preacherofmusic Жыл бұрын
Came here looking for a comment my old alt made and realized this is a repost. Thanks OMS, now there's no remaining lore at all for the Swords of Canen. Luckily I have a new chapter in the works.
@brokenthought1102 10 ай бұрын
I need a form for this; i love it.
@brokenthought1102 10 ай бұрын
I think I worked out a form - Constructive notes appreciated.
@CainCorvinus 6 ай бұрын
Could my custom embrace melee and vehicles? Also would I be able to add Imperial Knights into my space marine chapter? My Space Marine Chapter is focused on their alliance with the Adeptus Mechanicus and protecting farmers. They were abandoned/forgotten about on an icy planet during the Horus Heresy and over the last 10k years they've evolved and adapted. Having only been re-found recently by the Mechanicus and receiving aid from them. They're focused on training in hunting Tyranids as they have invaded their planet the multiple times. This causing my chapter to hone their melee combat skills. As the Mechanicus came around they trade resources for vehicles. The planet this chapter is on is small, covered in snow and ice, but is large enough to have a molten core similar to earth. All of its sub surfaces and caverns are vast and their hive city is even underground. Their primary resource is food and precious metals. They have a working self sustaining mass farm and numerous mines. As well there is plenty of sources of meat. Part of my custom's lore, is that they've adapted their own way of doing things and training new space marines. The final training stage is to kill a swarmlord and feast on it. On this planet there is a creature (name i wont name because my chapter names themselves after this Apex predator and iv got a lot invested into it that i dont want people stealing the name) that hunts even Tyranids into hiding. My chapter gets all their influence from this Apex predator. As they've been stranded on this planet that was to be used for farming but got lost to knowledge during the horus heresy. They adorn their armor will the bones and remains of Tyranids. Similar to a Predator taking skulls and spines as trophies. Their sole priority is to protect the citizens of this planet, the farmers and miners. They were originally 100,000 space marines with 100,000,000 guardsmen and 1 billion citizens. The planet didn't have any enemies on it originaly. Just hostile creatures. And had tropic subsurface caverns that spanned miles. However shortly after arriving they found Tyranids hot on their heels. The legion was slowly dyeing off from their countless encounters with invading Tyranids. So over time they learned to evolve in order to maintain their vigilant protection for the eventual return of the imperium or face dying off through being cut off by the imperium. This is where some of my lore starts to get shaky and may even be deemed heretical or not even allowed by the ground rules. But the Space marine legion started testing their own gene seed to change it to allow them to reproduce, and thus also creating female space marines, blending genes between space marines, guardsmen women, and citizens. Essentially creating their own new super human race that excels in killing Tyranids, farming, and mining. They had no means of space travel as they were suppose to be regularly visited by the imperium but the horus heresy didnt allow that to happen so they were forgotten completely.
@sunbreakerqueenofbronze621 11 ай бұрын
I’ve made a custom Tyranid hive fleet and a custom Custodian shield host, but I’ve never tried making a custom chapter.
@danielhouse897 Ай бұрын
I wana do a chapter thats like death watch in its diff lines in it, but its chapter style and based on survivors that escaped comorahg (cant spell it right). I just dont have a decent list of chapters that have bein lost ppl to them.
@GarkKahn Жыл бұрын
I'm planning on creating a chapter specialized in fleets Still not sure if i'll use iron hands/warriors or white scars
@brianmccord8106 Жыл бұрын
Very Helpful! Thank you! In work!
@e.j.leonard2379 9 ай бұрын
Is there any prevision in the lore to make a force that's not technically chapter but is rather a varied group of Astartes gathered in another way and for a different purpose? Like the Death Guard, but not the Death Guard? The reason I ask, is cause over the years Ive bought a few 40k board games to play without getting into the full table top skirmish/war side, and even various minis second hand just for the aesthetic and the assembling/painting side of things...and now I actually have a good size force worth of Marines...but from different chapters with no unifying theme. I've some Ultra Marines, Blood Angels, Raven Guard, Dark Angels and Imperial Fists...not enough to make a force out of any, but enough to make something if I can justify using them all
@adrianmiskiewicz6762 Жыл бұрын
There is my Custom Space Marine Chapter: Blood Jaguars Progenitor Chapter: Blood Angels, suspected Blood Angels/World Eaters chimeric gene-seed Theme: Aztec Color Scheme: Red Armor, with light blue shoulderpads and kneepads, and brown details Combat Doctrine: Quick Assault, followed by engaging enemy in close combat. Homeworld or Fleet-based: Fleet-based Founding: 21st Cursed Founding Geneseed Flaw: "Hunger of Jaguar" caused by Red Thirst and Black Rage "merging" into one genetic flaw after failed attempt to cure or mitigate their effects. It causes affected Blood Jaguars Space Marines to enter "battle rage" similar to World Eaters Chaos Space Marines's "Butcher's Nails-induced rage", with one difference: Blood Jaguars affected by "Hunger of Jaguar" still have "limited control of their actions" and can direct their fury against their enemies (rather than anyone nearby). "Hunger of Jaguar" has it's price: It causes that affected Blood Jaguars Space Marine's Catalepsean Node "can't keep up", which causes such Battle-Brother to fall into deep sleep after battle ends. It may also be Khornate in nature.
@mcdoogle_robotman 8 ай бұрын
So if i want my own Successor Chapter, do i have to "follow" the Codex? I really like Black Templars due to Helsreach & "Blood and Fire" got me into 40k, and i know that they dont follow the Codex, so i kinda want them to be loosely based on the same kind of theme would that be possible??
@TYPHON13KTA Жыл бұрын
Why are both the hometown art examples based on Hawaiian themes?
@kdin795 Жыл бұрын
Champion mate
@tonerdamoose1837 11 ай бұрын
I know nothing about Warhammer but would a pistol/sword jump pack would a successor salamander be something that could be done or do thet have to be flamers ect?
@lightborn9071 7 ай бұрын
Any weapon. The flamer is just a heavy preference.
@marrowkaiproductions7053 Ай бұрын
Legion also doesn't need to have a effect on your Chapter.
@jamesejudy3 Жыл бұрын
I'm actively designing my first homebrew chapter, it's really complicated 😅
@jayday1480 Жыл бұрын
Best vid yet covering this topic very well done! Mo0o0orree ; )
@vexiluspraetor6851 Жыл бұрын
I'm a deathwatch player and i want to have a full watch fortress wich is 5 companies of 4x10 man kill teams plus captains and others so since I have units the i can't put into a KT, lore wise don't go with DW or just spare minis xd Those are going for My successor chapter and i'm thinking of a successor chapter of the salamanders called "Sand Dragons" xd
@DavidD8029 Жыл бұрын
Have they put out any rules for Custom Chapters yet?
@epiccthulu Жыл бұрын
Tau Marines for me
@christianmedley3373 11 ай бұрын
Making a Christianity space marines home brew which is super contriversial but is allowed by the emperor
@jasperdecastro5215 6 ай бұрын
yooo same hame idea of homebrew but different techs instead but with splash of the 21st centrury religions as well....
@renem3958 Жыл бұрын
the cinematic of @32:48 its from a game?
@ButchersNailsEnjoyer 5 ай бұрын
Ima just say, dont make it a loyalist chaos legion. One it’s overdone especially with night lords, thousand sons, and iron warriors. Two it makes zero sense that after 10,000 years their own legion hadn’t hunted them all down by now or the inquisition just killed them all
@thebigone6071 Жыл бұрын
Question: could I homebrew my own chapter with leaves for space marines and twigs for filthy xenos? I need to use stuff I can find for free since I’m broke asf my ninjas!
@aleanddragonITA Жыл бұрын
Try switching to the Taus The Empire is too Xenophobic for that So having a Traitor Chapter that didn't align with Chaos but with the Tau's Greater Good is more on what you want to do
@aleanddragonITA Жыл бұрын
The story would be that some Space Marines left the Empire after the Horus Heresy and seeing The Empire becoming more and more corrupt During their journey they encountered a Human Colony under the Tau's Banner and through them entered in indirect and later direct contact with the Tau's Greater Good and accept it Or something like this
@thefunnygamer3810 11 ай бұрын
13:00 can I make a primarch without messing up the lore to much
@Shrimpleton_Deluxe Жыл бұрын
Didn't you already do this 3 years ago?
@milcearry Жыл бұрын
I have a question: Can I a marine carrier two different pistols
@dolphinerofachero3159 Жыл бұрын
I think they can carry a gun & sword but not 2 guns or 2 swords
@heliconone3977 Жыл бұрын
I feel like you're putting too much focus on lineage, successor chapters can and often will deviate wildly in their beliefs, methods and organisation from their origin First Founding. A Salamander successor can just as easily become feral combat berzerkers as artisans and weaponsmiths. A Raven Guard successor can just as easily become specialised in methodical grinding infantry as in lightning strikes. A chapter's geneseed doesn't dictate their methods any more than your job or political beliefs are dictated by who your great-great-grandfather was. Concentrating too much on geneseed-geneseed-geneseed can be a recipe for a frankly not very interesting homebrew of "they're just like the parent legion but I painted them a different colour" which is something that you see a lot when people are writing their own chapters.
@karl4291 Жыл бұрын
Love the video. However, not all loyalist chapters came from loyalist legions, there is so much evidence to suggest that the blood ravens are a thousand son successor, space sharks came from night lords and the red scorpions (can't fully remember the legion)
@aleanddragonITA Жыл бұрын
He mentioned that
@Serbinderbintine Жыл бұрын
@aallen3311 2 күн бұрын
@seymourfields3613 Жыл бұрын
Twenty Primarchs..?
@seymourfields3613 Жыл бұрын
Omegon ran off for a pack of smokes when roll call was taken 😅
@ChrisHolman 10 ай бұрын
Play renegade
@1xoACEox1 11 ай бұрын
Additional unspoken rules for home brew Chapters. This community is toxic and massive gate keepers. People will hate your Chapter. They will roll their eyes and ridicule it. They will point out any lore issues. Be prepared for that. Do no be cringe and make your Chapter from one of the missing Primarchs. Thats a no no. Be humble, do not make your Chapter a band of Mary Sues that are holding the galaxy together single handedly. The best homebrew Chapters are nobodies fighting the good fight off screen from main canon events.
@nks432 Жыл бұрын
First comment!
@TYPHON13KTA Жыл бұрын
Are you just reposting old videos?!?!?! I’ve seen this before… this channel is gonna die. It’s sad. This was the first lore channel I subbed to. I love you guys but the content is really going downhill….
@TYPHON13KTA Жыл бұрын
You just retitled and used a new thumbnail…. Then took the original down…. I’ve seen this vid like 20 times. This is Chanel suicide guys. A last gasp. 🥸🔫
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