Рет қаралды 84
Mikrotik CHR install in Proxmox. Today we learn how can we install Mikrotik in Proxmox. 1st we create a VM Machine and set a unique ID for that machine and then we will download latest CHR in our VM and extract from zip then apply this to VM Machine.
Create VM
Node: Set any Name and Next
OS = Select = Do not use any media
Type=Linux, Version, 2.6 kernel
System = nothing
Disks= delete default created disk
CPU = select any core
Memory= select RAM
#Download Latest CHR Mikrotik
wget download.mikrotik.com/routeros/7.16.2/chr-7.16.2.img.zip
apt install unzip
apt update
unzip chr-7.16.2.img.zip
rm chr-7.16.2.img.zip
#Resize the image
qemu-img resize -f raw chr-7.16.2.img 512M
#Disk import for VM ID
qm disk import 105 chr-7.16.2.img local-lvm
#Go to VM Hardware
#Select unused disk (click on it) and add
#Click to options = change boot Order = Select disk and drop on top
#Now we can add more Network interfaces
Kamran Awan