I was working on a post so I have a model that has a post, user, no_of_likes, date_created and caption so I only want it that if the user navigate to create update he will fill the form and I already have a form in my template that has a method of post and enctype so I query it like this @login_required(login_url='signin') def post(request): if request.method == 'POST': user = request.user.username post = request.FILES.get('post') caption = request.POST['caption'] if post and caption: new_post = Post.objects.create(user=user, post=post, caption=caption) new_post.save() return redirect('/') return render(request, 'home.html') The issue is that if the form is filled and submitted it's not showing in the database I have checked and it's not showing an error message Even if I check the terminal it's not showing a post was created it's just showing a response of 200 and if I check my admin panel it's still showing 0 post how can I fix this please