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How to NOT get Gatekept in Lost Ark

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@IntoTheCrawlspace 5 ай бұрын
@Devjl23 5 ай бұрын
Gatekeeping in a video game is a developer issue, the only good fix is for AGS to change the game. The rest is too much work for casuals.
@boomerhandssS 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the guide on what I should be gatekeeping on
@IntoTheCrawlspace 6 ай бұрын
mans on demon mode
@ilias-4252 23 күн бұрын
Having a hell title is like +50-100 roster for most lobby leaders (depending on title). Not an easy solution and definitely not meant for most people, but having demon hunter reduced my gatekeeping by about 50% when i was roster 130. Hell titles is by far the best way to gauge someone's skill in the game, but that content is not too active.
@Nonamed70 6 ай бұрын
eventually all you gatekeepers will have nothing to gatekeep left when everyone who doesnt have 40 set and a 25 weapon has quit the game lmao. keep gatekeeping as long as you can
@rashash9954 6 ай бұрын
To avoid gatekeeping the solution is easy, Don't play the game especially if you're a new player. many content creators say that with the Express pass and paths its way easy to catch up but thats the biggest cap I've ever heard in gaming, for example if you're a new player using the recent path to the SE, you'll prob find people for Valtan, Vykas to Clown but the second you reach Brel you'll prob suffer if you don't have anyone to sneak you in and the worse part is the second you reach 1540 and loose your mokoko symbol and try to do Brel hard and Kaya you'll probably spend your life trying to find groups cause the Express gives you ilvl and Gems but those are just two layers of gatekeeping and you don't have anything but those two so you'll probably end up buying busses or leave the game. The only solution to this since the game is not new player friendly is to suffer for one year trying to grind all the cards/stats/roster level/Stronghold Level/At least one title, then you'll be able to play the game with the average players cause if you try to get into groups with people who've been playing since launch trust me thats not gonna happen.
@IntoTheCrawlspace 6 ай бұрын
I've seen many join discords, make friends and bypass this. The issue is people don't really want to take that step to try and make in-game friends, and if they do make that step there's a good chance they do it with the wrong crowd. I think the discord I linked is a great first step for new players to begin this process and hopefully not fall into the dread you're writing about.
@DavitGrigoryan-kg7th 6 ай бұрын
Im playing this game for a 2months and im 1600 already. Yes gatekeeping is mostly annoying but if youre not a nerd and youre able to communicate with human beings in decent level (like all the people do if they touch grass at least once a week) then youre good to go. Don’t listen to this bozo 😊
@MrunknownGeneral 6 ай бұрын
The making friends is a big part in the game!!! No one wants to be your friend though when your an low Ilevel
@jakea3950 5 ай бұрын
​@@DavitGrigoryan-kg7thplays lost ark to 1600 and makes friends on lost ark discord. Think he aint a nerd 🤣🤣🤣
@HiroofDeath 5 ай бұрын
​@@IntoTheCrawlspacethats already an issue. Games should be designed in a way that players dont have to use 3rd party methods in order to be able to properly play. Im pretty sure lost ark lost a lot of players here. People encounter the issue and instead of bothering with it they just leave to a game where it isnt a thing. This will lead to a low amount of new players getting into the game and mmos need new players in order to make up for veterans leaving from time to time. If lost ark doesnt change anything in its game design its destined to die in the west.
@gerihuginn2143 6 ай бұрын
Bro before Clown was released there was gatekeeping at pre legion raid content, couldn't raise an alt past t2 because in order to get into the raid to get the t3 components i needed to have +7 t3 , it was like that for an entire week , the playerbase mentality is fucked.
@gustavomendessundfeld64 4 ай бұрын
And also a flaw in game design that won't change. The game itself make ppl want to do things faster because thats alot to do. So if you do fast you do more... this is the root of gatekeeping
@omarnaffeti1847 6 ай бұрын
the name and look part is the most wild never knew about that after 5K+ hours XD but great video i hope new and returning players can see ur video and apply ur advices
@IntoTheCrawlspace 6 ай бұрын
only seen it a couple times, so its more likely in a rare column lol. Appreciate the feedback!
@AceCapis 7 ай бұрын
what people should realize is that gatekeeping is just a progression guide😅😅😅 if you are trying to not get gatekept you are unconsciously trying to get better, in all aspects of the game. after I realized that I started gatekeeping without any remorse and didnt even care when I was gatekept game design is very bad in this case dont get me wrong, but after a point it comes down to players attitudes most of the problems
@jakea3950 5 ай бұрын
And what point is that? Your statement is a contradiction in itself and doesn't make sense. Basicall, like the player base. Anyone who is dedicated to this game is either a loser irl or am addict. Probability, however, is most likely both.
@CreetEnemyDK 6 ай бұрын
i start play lost ark since launch but i quit often realy fast and join only back for those mokoexpress or what it called and play it for a week then quit and repeat ...
@IntoTheCrawlspace 6 ай бұрын
the game is very fun to build and learn new classes, mokoko express is great for that.
@hasansun4202 6 ай бұрын
enjoy gatekeeping each other in a dead game with 5 g2g players and 1000 bots
@Anassaadaoui 5 ай бұрын
@mykellharris1 5 ай бұрын
check steam charts, game far from dead😂
@Anassaadaoui 5 ай бұрын
@@mykellharris1 no he is right , only whales and bots in the game rn
@jakea3950 5 ай бұрын
​@mykellharris1 thers is like 4 serves total in all of usa 😂😂😂. Bots are still rampant. Guess you also a wow enjoyer? Keep inhaling that copium dude lol.
@TyZi 6 ай бұрын
really well made video - i'd recommend it to anyone complaining about gatekeeping. after 8k hours, 9:54 is the something deeply relatable to me. :)
@IntoTheCrawlspace 6 ай бұрын
I appreciate the feedback, I was hoping someone would chuckle at 9:54
@lucianouo16 6 ай бұрын
the best way to prevent gatekeep is just to ask (assuming same server), i gatekeep pretty hard, but anytime that someone DMs me i would just invite them.
@IntoTheCrawlspace 6 ай бұрын
I've seen this work a few times, I don't got the balls to personally do that lol
@crueltyteam8930 5 ай бұрын
As a returning player, I used to play 1 character at the time, but now I do have 4 chars and will have the 5th with the new powerpass. Firstly I used to play bard and I'm still at 1475 waiting for the motivation to push her even further, and as any other player, I wanted to try new classes (Dps) since its kinda what we really want to see ( big numbers) So I made the Soul eater, and now i'm at 1560 ilvl, with 5x3+1 with very decent quality accs. The point is, I can not really join any party with my high ilvl character, even tho Brel normal does requier a lower Ilvl, but ppl gatekeep my character for the roster level, i'm at 115 roster level. Also, I do not really know which class to play with the new powerpass / event, Shall I made a support, this would make it easier to find a party ? I'm all into the soul eater, but finding a party is like a pain in the ass, Imagine, as a new player / returning player, you need to pay for bus to be able to get gold in return, the rest of my classes are sharpshoter/deadeye, and I do regert making them, since its not my type of play. Anyway, your point of view is very important to look at, but the game now, is not friendly for new /returning players at all, I do understand the mentality they working of, you need a high level / expreinced player to finish the raid even faster, since everyone has 6 characters with x3 raids each week and it seems quite a lot to do, and I'm okay with that, but playing the game, and all what you have to do, is to pay for bus, it isnt a good experince at all. Correct me if i'm wrong, since all what I need is to have a good time playing the game and feel the progress.
@IntoTheCrawlspace 5 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear your having this trouble. The ecosystem in game is 100% to blame for this new player experience as you have individuals like yourself who are closer to ilevel of older content since your newer to the game, just trying to get through in the same party finder as individuals like me who vastly over level the content and don't necessarily want to take extended amounts of time to help extensively a bunch of random folks on 18+ raids a week. This dynamic that is set up kind of screws new players. But there is ways to address this if you do enjoy the game. My tips of joining a friendly raid discord like LFG or a guild on your server are a great first step to not get gated. Part of me believes you may get significantly less gatekept if you try to push your roster level to 140 as well. I never host raids anymore so I watch how the lobby leaders pick to let in and it seems leaders seem more comfortable with 140+ significantly more the 110+ for some reason. Its a little grind, but things like tower and adventure tome are great resources for rewards but also considerable roster experience in a short time. Additionally, sometimes its also just a bad time to look for a raid. my 1590 SE was gatekept from all nm 1-3 Akkan lobbies for an hour this week for no real reason more than they liked the other similar ilevel and built chars to mine. On the inverse, in the 6 nm gate 4 brel lobbies I joined they were taking a plethora of sub 120 ilevel characters for the runs. I know this wont help much knowing this, but just giving some perspective that it kind of happens in all areas of game, but also could just be a timing thing. also, friendo, check out my roster review vid that I recently posted for any insights on potential classes to make come reset
@milancerpwns9358 4 ай бұрын
Orrr ppl can just list they own groups to get first clears... I see a dozen posts in every raid saying learners every day that being said tho I could def use a group now that I'm back to game on na east nineveh if any guilds recruiting i keep joinin ones that end up dead af
@alexou857 6 ай бұрын
Unfortunatly the best method is to swipe. Sad reality of Lost Ark 😢
@Rajjesh. 7 ай бұрын
'i gatekeep myself' let me teach you how you can scam people, like myself 😂😂
@Ronald_Barbosa 6 ай бұрын
Dead game! The most toxic community in mmo's.
@zentanextcav 6 ай бұрын
What if we dont want to raid on a set schedule? Im not main swapping back to support to play a class thats boring to play. Hell when will people learn that there are classes that going from a level 5 Cdr gem to a lvl 10 cdr gem is a %0 dmg increase and is a straight waist of gold Ive tried these lfg discords and they just sit on lf support And i know you cant expect everyone to know everything but. When someone is 1600 you might think that they know what there doing with there class. Apparently running Awakening 3 on scouter is a bad thing. When it is actually the highest dps build variant provided you have a crit syn and second highest without. This shits got so annoying when i host lobies i gatekeep on gender and looks, You must be a male class and not look like a stripper and your in. Thats it i don't look at anything else
@Wer-n3r 6 ай бұрын
Just joined the game and gatekeeping is annoying while folks with 150+ a lot of the time are imposters.
@AlexTheMan007 6 ай бұрын
This happens in all yea.
@jakea3950 5 ай бұрын
​@@AlexTheMan007Nope. Only p2w casino korean games.
@AlexTheMan007 5 ай бұрын
all mmorpgs are p2w lmao, tell me 1 that isn t @@jakea3950
@SeanCat 6 ай бұрын
I definitely accepted someone who was really bad looking but they dressed as Waldo so they got in the party lmao
@IntoTheCrawlspace 6 ай бұрын
This is hilarious based on one of the previous comments lol
@wineaddict6625 7 ай бұрын
Just have maxed out LOS. Ez.😅
@IntoTheCrawlspace 7 ай бұрын
or make some friends, one is significantly easier lol
@pascualbad 7 ай бұрын
Gate keeping is pointless. U can gate keep the best player with full lvl 10 gems los ilvl u name it he got it and it's a shit player. On the other hand you can have a moko player with thousands of hours xp playing on a diff acount. I myself have been gatekept on alts because I don't show a tittle and when I finaly do get in a raid I carry it on ilvl with less gear because they simply don't know mechs and lack the uptime.basicaly it's shit game design for gate keeping to even be a thing
@aegis-vii3071 7 ай бұрын
The thing is peace of mind, we don’t know the player but if we see title gems and card we will pick them if they are bad, oh well gatekeeping isn’t pointless
@donelle1231 7 ай бұрын
anyone who would gatekeep a juicer for someone on significantly less geared character would be an idiot when u take into consideration we don't know anything about either of u. 'Oh let me not take the person that can, at best do 25% of the group damage and at worst 12% for someoen that can do at best 15% and at worst 5%' Good luck with that.
@DivyMoon 7 ай бұрын
The Azakiel hate is REAALLLLLLL. I would love to slip into the ambiguity of a different server lmao
@IntoTheCrawlspace 7 ай бұрын
have you noticed it less and less? Or is it still just as high a turn away rate? I had a giga one in a brel last week.
@yahi06 5 ай бұрын
the economy in game is fuck. the Bots created so much gold only RMT player can buy the gear.
@IntoTheCrawlspace 5 ай бұрын
economy is definitely scuffed from bots, but my video lays out that your second point is just not true chief. Unless you're going for 95 quality of every piece of a full spec character (and even that can be done on a budget), its nonsense
@l2FARl 6 ай бұрын
Whats the skin for zerker weapon is called ? Cant recognize it... *At 2:25
@IntoTheCrawlspace 6 ай бұрын
"New Year's Affection Greatsword" Last years New Years drop for zerk
@thenightwollf 7 ай бұрын
Don't play it. That's how.
@IntoTheCrawlspace 7 ай бұрын
I think you may be on to something
@rzhecheah4114 7 ай бұрын
thats a fact and its coming from me who play lost ark for 2 whole year and near no motivation already.
@pootie3181 7 ай бұрын
You doing mirrors that way just sitting there waiting for 10 seconds when you have 1 real mirror is a reason to gatekeep you.
@IntoTheCrawlspace 7 ай бұрын
brother, if you think that stagger check is hard, that on hw content I need to be getting any and all stagger hits on the boss I don't know what to tell you dog
@joenuttah7886 7 ай бұрын
buy bus for gear/title, over gear the raid or make friends
@Joe-fb9ns 6 ай бұрын
mise well quit at that point
@jakea3950 5 ай бұрын
Wow, what a great endevour for peoples valuable time 🤨🤣 Lost ark is for irl losers and addicts.
@costas4058 5 ай бұрын
Gate keep this dislike +report
@IntoTheCrawlspace 5 ай бұрын
Damn, even my Greek brethren taking me out
@joseluisdossantoscruz1102 6 ай бұрын
Crit sinergy class is almost an accept. But if you're a full 10s Pistoleer or TTH you WILL be gatekept. LoA on SA is PRETTY STUPID and disgusting.
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