How To Reduce Pain That Is Controlling Your Life

  Рет қаралды 2,842

Charlie Anderson

Charlie Anderson

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Пікірлер: 73
@Quranforalltimes 7 ай бұрын
Chronic pain is real. Keep warm be very kind to yourself eat well and don’t worry about the world. Focus only on yourself. No one knows about chronic pain except those who suffer from it.
@sallyheath8860 7 ай бұрын
When this happens to me,after 8 years of pain and fatigue and lack of mobility.I’ve learned (some of the time)! To say, “ right bad day, be kind to me, accept I can’t do anything and say “ it’s temporary”. Even though I get more days now like this, I have to say this. Trouble is people don’t understand and it is depressing. So, to keep going this is what I have to do. Doesn’t always work but what else is there.
@marcbrants628 7 ай бұрын
I’m so glad I’ve found your channel, I’ve had 3 ops on my lower back , I have degenerative discs,the last one was emergency 2 years ago for Cauda equina . Recently had lumps come up near my scar which are excruciating and get worse walking and standing. I’ve had to really fight for pain meds, I hate them but can’t be without it or I’ve got no life at all. Feels like I’m on my own with it all lately , its getting hard to cope every day
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
You're definitely not alone. Glad my videos have helped. Keep fighting and good luck
@katieday2744 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Charlie. Really appreciate this post. I myself have felt suicidal due to the pain and mourning that my life is pretty much over(my old active life). I'm still at a stage where I fear meds and keep trying natural things but I know I'll have to bite the bullet. As a wise friend recently said to me, you have to control the pain before th pain controls you. I'm just scared of exhausting pain meds and not having anything that helps when I'm in my oap years(I'm 41) and in an even worse state. Thanks for bringing support to us chronic pain sufferers x
@Rosebud04me 6 ай бұрын
Hi Charlie. Thank you so much for this video. It means so much to me. You are documenting all the things I don't have the guts to document myself. I felt every word. You made me cry. It is so frustrating to have an invisible illness where people look at me "on my mobility scooter" and , maybe think, "why is she on that". I hate having ALL the conditions I have but plod on. My med's are debatable lol. Gabapentin to name one. There are a multitude of others but my pain levels are ALWAYS there. Sorry for the rant Charlie. You massively say what I feel. Thank you so so much. Much Love. Hope u have a better day tomorrow :) xx
@michaellaw1441 7 ай бұрын
I don't like seeing GPs as most of them I see in person want to mess around with my pain medication. The last time I went in for ear dermatitis that I'd put up with for two years before seeing the latest GP about it (so nothing to do with my chronic illness, and I'd not met this GP before), he was trying to take me off my pain meds that my specialist had originally put me on. It was such a fight. GP was saying I'm in my mid 30s and shouldn't need it as I'm "too young" , don't have arthritis and that they're addictive. Fortunately I put in an online request straight away and it got approved by a different GP, and nothing came out of the other GP trying to take me off it.
@julieford6204 7 ай бұрын
Hi Charlie sorry to hear your in pain today .but its all true what you are saying you don't get up one day and said l want to be ill you have no choice .and every boby different.
@timcranham4145 4 ай бұрын
Im on a patch as well as paracetamol and tramadol, Failed getting pip 2 years ago, after comimg across your channel has inspired me to go again !!!
@keridavies8557 5 ай бұрын
Thankyou so much for this video. Everything you said resonated with me. I suffer from arthritis of the lower spine, I have an annular tear on my disc and degeneration of my lower vertebrae. This causes pain in other parts of my body as well as my back. I am in my 40s now and have suffered for 20 years. I've been on countless medications - tramadol, naproxen, amitriptyline, nortriptyline, gabapentin, pregabalin, oramorph. NONE of them touched my pain, not even a little bit. I had a glimmer of hope when I was told I could have the lumbar steroid spinal injection, but this too had no effect whatsoever. I'm at a loss as to what I can do now. I was told once by a GP that it's just unfortunate that my body has a resistance to pain relief and that I will just have to learn to live with the pain. Not helpful in the slightest and as a result I try not to go to the GP for help anymore. Anyway that's my story. I just wanted to say you are not alone
@KimWilliamsmixupchannel 7 ай бұрын
Good for you Charlie showing us your good days and bad days your a brave warrior for sure!!. I made myself a drink last night and burnt my hand xxx I've got you some gifts the other day I'll send them soon hopefully I defo know you'll like them xx
@fatabelly 7 ай бұрын
Hi Charlie, new subscriber here. Sorry to hear that you’re not doing good. Just wanted to post something about pain management and medication, especially for those who don’t take enough or just take over the counter medication. I have Scheuermann’s Disease, Spinal Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, CFS, COPD, Depression and Anxiety. The medications I take are Zomorph, Gabapentin, Naproxen, Paracetamol, Mirtazapine and Omeprazole….And now and then I take a good measure of Oramorph……. Yet would you believe that I’m still in pain 24/7!?? So for those people who don’t take enough medication, God help you, and please get yourself sorted with adequate pain medication! Don’t listen to the fear mongering and bullshit about the negative effects of pain medications! Your quality of life is much more important and you need to at least live and function! Take care luvvy 🌷
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing some of your story, all the best to you xx
@user-fz2rc7tp2i 5 ай бұрын
I feel you, my God, I do.
@Earthismadeoflayers 7 ай бұрын
Thank you. I hope the paracetamols helped you with the visit on boxing day. I've been ignored by gp's for so so long - years - on my pain, they just offer anti depressants which I don't want - so I'm allowed to dumb down my brain, but not the pain. The pain came first, your right about pain it gets so bad you see no way out but to die... but they keep accusing me of 'its all in your head', with a smirk on their face, even when mri clearly shows damages to my spine. Have come across too many gp's that are just evil.
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
So sorry to hear this, it’s horrible isn’t it!
@keridavies8557 5 ай бұрын
Hi I had to comment as I've had this response too from GPs they wanted me to do cognitive therapy because they said I was making up the pain and that's why pain meds didn't work. They too had my MRI results and notes from my trauma and orthopaedics consultant
@ej_8888 7 ай бұрын
❤🙏🏻 sending you love. I know your pain 🙏🏻
@user-tf4vt9jh1c 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for keeping it real Charlie 🙏
@meltimmins6368 3 ай бұрын
Pain management is naff for me! I was on codeine, plus paracetamol and naproxen. But due to diverticular disease I’ve been taken off the codeine as it was bunging up my all ready moody bowels! So I’m on amitriptyline as a muscle relaxant but they’ve increased it as a pain relief! As for the naproxen they put me on Lansoprazole to combat its long term issues!
@nigelleyland166 7 ай бұрын
Hope you are feeling better soon Charlie, I'm now in the possition of 'must have' pain relief. Shaking, dizziness and vomiting as a result of pain is no longer acceptable! Thank you for all you helpfull content.
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
Sending you best wishes
@melvyn2946 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this , May I just say never feel alone there are many who love and care for you, I felt your raw emotion but cant share the pain to try and help you , Just know this there are many of us that will be sending our positive thoughts in support, You are more stronger than you imagine, our inner strength shines out in the most needed times we might not be seen but you stand alongside many who love and care for you, All the best Love and care ❤
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your support! xx
@herat2937 7 ай бұрын
Sick with the pain, then if we take too much pain relief sick again. Cheers for your advice on meds. I have Co cods 15mg - take one 4 - 5 times a day. Good days I can take 3 bad days up to 7. I also use CBD oil in the evenings as the Co cods can affect bowels & bladder, not being able to go to the loo starts off more pain. CBD oil is expensive, rheumatologist said he'd talk to me about it all when I see him in June so maybe I can get those prescribed, I juggle the meds with other meds like steroids & antibiotics.
@LemonPuf 7 ай бұрын
I hope you’re having a better day today than what you were in this video. I feel you with GPS. They only give me acute painkillers for a month at a time and it’s so frustrating. They give me naproxen short course for night time use as my hip/knee/ankle pain wakes me up as it’s worse at rest. They say naproxen is not good for your liver but they’re ok that I take multiple ibuprofen throughout the day which are basically useless to a point and they tell me to buy OTC co-codamol. PSA pain is worse at rest Charlie. They was looking into for me but CRP wasn’t raised but it’s not part of the Nice guidelines or CASPAR criteria.
@bellaalmaktoum 7 ай бұрын
Hi Charlie, sorry to hear about your poor health. I have the same arthritis & it's unbearable pain. 😫 😢. I'm just undergoing more tests to see if I can try a new drug on the market because all the medications so far are just not working. I know things could be worse, so I have to have faith. Like you I was also prescribed tramadol and it did help alleviate some of the pain but the hallucinations were freaking me out day and night so I had to stop that. Best of luck with your journey & thank you for your videos. 😍
@tarat26 7 ай бұрын
Tramadol worked quite well for me, but my GP has drastically reduced the amount of tablets per month from 50 down to 30. She says they are addictive and I shouldn't take them each day even if I have pain. 😢
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for your message! I hope all goes well for you with potential new drug, it can be so disheartening trying to find the right medication for you. Definitely keep the faith. Best of luck to you too with your own journey and thank you for your support xx
@Welshhippywitch 7 ай бұрын
I'm really anxious ive been waiting a year who my pip review to be looked at. I had a letter saying they've extended it . But yesterday I missed two calls from them I rang the helpline they said someone tried calling about evidence. I sent loads of evidence with my form . I'm so anxious. Is this normal to just call out of the blue? If they fail me I have to pay for a solicitor to take on my case I don't have the money for it but I'll have no choice . The stress they put sick and disabled people is awful it's makes my mental health so much worse .
@colly6013 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your life with us, it means a lot to me to feel included and understood ❤
@donnasamuel3399 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Charlie. Such a brave expression of how you understand pain that lurks over us, x
@barrysumner3024 7 ай бұрын
Hi Charlie, thanks. As a dyslexic. Word are difficult. I am79 ill 37yrs. Since may2023 I have found "neoplastic" has made me/it worse because IT WORKS for me. I was a worsening addiction. NOW 2024 I am NOT addict so much. Sound contradictory: here my experience, came off all meds & vits. Cold turkey yes felt awful but May2023 more in control. 3 elements, Exertion. Pain, sleep. I know it works because of much better pain and exhausted . The killer is sleep. BUT I am beginning to manipulate my 3 symptoms. "Neuroplasticity". Much more to say but I am tired.
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing some of your story with me. Take care xx
@miriamhanvey5826 7 ай бұрын
Sending you big hugs iam a new follower .i have fibromyalgia spinal disease and arthritis in my hip xx
@danpullin6610 7 ай бұрын
Hi Charlie, they taken over a year since I've sent mine back, I get a text every now and then, saying, were reviewing your claim,
@tay7366 6 ай бұрын
What do I do when they want me to walk in. I look like I can walk ok, but that night if I walk too much it’s like I’m being burned at the stake for 4 hours. I have fibromyalgia cfs and knee problems
@amybicute 7 ай бұрын
I have had to end up in hospital before to even get pain meds helped at Frist then went down hill then went back to my docs kicked off and they gave me different stuff and then top up with what I have. Works and I go from what I am now where I am struggling to move to I can walk son to school and back easy. And docs keep f***ING my meds that work up have to kick off every month. Waiting for specialist appointment in October been waiting for 2 years and that's just general person about area I have problems not one for the endometriosis I have
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
Ahh so sorry to hear this. Really hope come October you get some help and in the meantime I hope my channel can help you. Stay strong xx
@amybicute 7 ай бұрын
@@CharliesJourney I am on the reconsideration on pip now. Will I have to do another assessment with it as be back dated to August. As may record the assemets from now on sas I know I forget alot and means I have a back up of what's said as they lied on my pip assessment
@user-nm3ew7nk5u 7 ай бұрын
Hi Charlie sorry your suffering atm, I have just got over a flare up with my Ulcerative Colitis, however I am suffering more just lately with my osteoarthritis in my knees and hands, so I have had a steroid injection in my right knee and have to go back in two weeks for the left one. I take paracetamol and codeine when I have pains in my tummy, but if I am having pains in my knees I take Naproxen, but the trouble with them is I have to take them with food and I don't have an appetite when I am poorly, anyway great advice thank you x x
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for your message x
@tomw5963 7 ай бұрын
Im 38 male , I have cluster headaches for years , no pain relief works unless I'm higher than easyJet but now I'm on last resort oxygen bottle but they don't really work or at all. but I have found since I got a COVID jab , working with NHS , but the past year it went chronic , 5 out of 7 days I suffer multi hours headaches , I can't drink so socialising is gone , any high pressure work like bending over or strain, but now I'm about to lose my job , in the trust what would I do if I want pip and is there still a working pip if you could help.
@gavin2678 6 ай бұрын
Chronic fatigue and pain is horrendous. Íve been on the jurorney for 30 yrs. Broke back at 14. Even now I have yoú look fine yet in bút indside im dying, meds are not easy to balance it really sucks your story is so like mine, My level 6 or 7 daily, im fed up with the clowns mask on i have my review today its 3 years over due. My doctor is on them ball with me
@janetsandham7058 7 ай бұрын
Hi charlie Im with u on the pain levels I suffer with arthritis ,copd my lungs are si bad Fibro ,anxiety ,essential tremmer panic attacks and depression, So i understand what ur going through
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for your message and sharing what you are going through. Knowing we are not alone in this makes a difference. Take care xx
@janetsandham7058 7 ай бұрын
@@CharliesJourney thank u , U too
@johnw8009 7 ай бұрын
Chaz you are an inspiration to lots I would love to talk to you but am to shy we have alot in common
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for your message
@johnw8009 7 ай бұрын
😊Im DLA So getting ready for when the dreaded call from pip comes. I have a heart condition need a back op but they won't do it because of heart I have diabetes arthritis. Take a shed load of pills doc says they would knock a bull out what I take. I get down but people like you inspire me
@curlers8798 7 ай бұрын
I have constant pain in my legs 24/7 all i get for paid is co-codamol tablets and the reason my GP WONT give real pain meds is the addiction views shared in the medial community. I like a life where each day is 4hrs or so of any quality and thats never pain free no matter what i do. I am at the end of my tether with this as the new sanctions that are looming offer even more stress trying to live in a country where sickness is targeted as vile by Politicians. When will it ever end because like many i sat awake in the middle of the night wondering how much more will i take before i snap
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
It’s so tough really sorry to hear your experience. Like you said, you’re not alone in this. Try and stay strong x
@bongjovi4168 7 ай бұрын
Your videos are such a big help. Is there a way I can contact you as I am currently not claiming any benefits and have been disabled since 2018 as I have 2 cages in my neck and 3 fuzed vertebrae. Which has left me with spasticity, fatigue aswell as chronic neuropathic pain throughout my body. Thanks again, and hopefully speak soon Charlie.
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for your message. Currently we do not have any space for consultancy bookings. However we will be reopening soon. We will be offering first places to the newsletter subscribers. Here is a link if you would like to subscribe: When we reopen, we will give the newsletter subscribers two days to select bookings then we will reopen to the public. If this does not suit your timeline, please be aware you can ask me quick questions via email: I am very sorry I am not free right now to support you but check out the other videos on my channel as they might be able to help you.
@bongjovi4168 7 ай бұрын
@@CharliesJourney thank you ever so much for your reply.
@janetsandham7058 7 ай бұрын
I got up at 12,30 today and was back in bed by 3,30pm ,in so much pain
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
I know what this is like!
@JoolsVoiceOver 7 ай бұрын
Have been bedroom bound for over 12 years my GP is crap I asked for stronger meds and he refused and before someone says change doctors I did and went from the frying pan into the fire. Doctors laugh and say fibro doesn’t exist and pip assessors say I am a liar, no one will help me. I was on co proxamol till a few years ago (they had been removed because of suicide risks but I was still prescribed them till the bitter end) then moved to co codamol which do bugger all. Now I am getting lumps on my fingers and my hands are so swollen I’m in agony but refuse to go to my gp as he is dangerously useless looooong story so what do I do?
@johnh1191 5 ай бұрын
@MrNickGreen 7 ай бұрын
My partner is on gabapentin and tramadol it’s just not touching her pain they are useless the doctors round here. 10 days now to get a doctor to just call u on the phone. I just wondered if anyone knows of other tablets that work for nerve disease. They call it that now think they have stopped calling it peripheral neuropathy. Mean while we are in an appeal for pip they are really messing us around even scheduling a hearing.
@egriffiths8993 7 ай бұрын
My GP doesn’t believe in long term pain killers which is fantastic morals. Yes we know they can do more harm than good eventually but to be told it’s better you have nothing forever sucks.
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
You’re right, it sucks!
@davidtoynton7702 7 ай бұрын
Hi Charlie I have the same illness as you, PsA plus other health conditions. I have recently got basic PIP and am applying for New ESA as I had to close my business last year. Do you have any experience of the Capability for Work questionnaire please? We are struggling with completing the mobility section, we just don’t understand the questions so your input would be appreciated. Hi I’m J and have typed this message for David We both hope you are doing ok Thanks
@CharliesJourney 7 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for your message. Currently we do not have any space for consultancy bookings. However we will be reopening soon. We will be offering first places to the newsletter subscribers. Here is a link if you would like to subscribe: When we reopen, we will give the newsletter subscribers two days to select bookings then we will reopen to the public. If this does not suit your timeline, please be aware you can ask me quick questions via email: I am very sorry I am not free right now to support you but check out the other videos on my channel as they might be able to help you.
@timtreadwell54 7 ай бұрын
I’m here pal if you want a chat ♥️
@annisaurangzeb8567 7 ай бұрын
I love u
@dougforbes6742 7 ай бұрын
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