PIP Government Changes 2024
2 ай бұрын
5 Tips To Help You Win PIP
2 ай бұрын
I Am Terrified - Unedited
3 ай бұрын
@Rae-yv7md 19 минут бұрын
Had mine today. Nearly 3 hours. The so called health professional seemed very interested in how I put on my underwear and can I wipe my bum. All designed to be degrading and dehumanising.
@minstrelofMir 46 минут бұрын
my mortgage was miss sold ,i used my pip to balance it,over a few years...my windows were over 50 years old singel glazed bungerlow,used to freeze on the inside,,i bought new windows with my pip (after saving it a year +) could i buy things like that with vochers ? my next plan in central heating,,age60 this year and never lived with central heating,,i use a calour gas fire
@ricwebber3951 49 минут бұрын
Hi thx Charlie. will chk out all the vids. liked from the The Pancreatitis FB gp
@asterickjones Сағат бұрын
So sick of these clickbaity article, it is no good for mental health, I'm with autism and ESA/PIP is only income.
@darrenwilkes1462 Сағат бұрын
I don't understand why there needs to be a consultation for those who clearly have issues and it says you can get it when working or not. They have visual evidence and GPs evidence Hospital evidence. And support worker evidence.
@minstrelofMir Сағат бұрын
in 1996 after seeing dwp doctors they brought in,i was told DLA for life,,then they changed it to pip and said "we dont have to live up to the promise we made,as we changed then name of the benifits" not be able to walk far for the last 10 years ,been pestering my doctor to find out why "you walked into here" never looked at it,,i complaind so much ,they called the police on me,,i complained to my MP and they called the police on me,,now im waiting half the year to see metal health,,with them texting me now and again,,reply to this text,or we will scrub your appointment... yes i wish i was dead
@janice506 Сағат бұрын
They can find billions for the hotels & pocket money for the invaders but no money for our most vulnerable in society.
@erictheblue1565 2 сағат бұрын
Universal credit the new name for poverty
@amoltaylor7050 2 сағат бұрын
love your channel 😀
@mcooper593 2 сағат бұрын
A friend’s son has been refused PIP as he hasn’t had cancer long enough. He’s 22.
@megalewy19 3 сағат бұрын
I think it was one of the hardest things I've ever done Trevor
@gillianmillington7735 3 сағат бұрын
do video on how to get a blue badge, fot pensions, please.
@poolelasssb 3 сағат бұрын
Im claiming p.i.p, e.s.a and I.i.d.b which is industrial injuries disablement benefit that is for those that became disabled via injuries due to an accident. I'm sick of newspaper pings coming through on my phone everyday I can't stop it. All about dwp and the stress it causing is making all my health conditions worse. My body is in so much pain I've been sick with it. I've been so worried at the possibility of losing pip because of the government that I rely on its litterly making me ill. I have severe nerve damage to the spine, also endometriosis and ibs. So as you can imagine this reform is affecting me so much I can't sleep properly even on my strong medication. I'm constantly struggling with fatigue and chronic pain this reform is litterly killing me. I cant cook a meal anymore, I can't clean my home is a mess, there's alot of things I can't do anymore. I feel down alot because I'm still young but my body is unable to do things. I buy takeaway often because I need to eat. Not only that I have my cat to feed and vet bills on top of bills. Vouchers will be useless for me. Also I'm worried about any savings effecting my pip, mum is 87 I could lose her any time so I need savings to pay for mums send off. I'm so aggravated by alot of there ideas it's making my life hell. Like you i also get help with my bins as my neighbours turned against me after major surgery needing a wheelchair and stopped helping me. So i had to get on to my local council for help and was excepted which changed my life as i cant physically do it myself.
@alisongarner988 3 сағат бұрын
Vouchers are a waste. If you are disabled you are more than likely going to the aids that you need, I have already got a toilet seat, I already have a mobility scooter. I need the money to help buy food and pay my bills. So I’m saying no to the vouchers. When I’m having a bad day I don’t leave the house. I don’t want vouchers because I don’t want to be told where to shop.
@megalewy19 3 сағат бұрын
Respect to you for the truth 💯 take care we need to find more people like you ❤
@alisongarner988 3 сағат бұрын
Vouchers are a waste. If you are disabled you are more than likely going the aids that you need, I have already got a toilet seat, I already have a mobility scooter. I need the money to help buy food and pay my bills. So I’m saying no to the vouchers
@twisterchickxxx 3 сағат бұрын
Hi, I have just been awarded pip fir my fibromyalgia, I watched this video to help with my forms and has an assessment on the phone for over 2 hours which was exhausting. I was awarded first time so wanted to thank you for your help in the video 😊
@jaythompson2554 4 сағат бұрын
Makes me sick pip they lie assement on phone lies have shit loads of paperwork changed review sent all paperwork consultants my health detoraied joke they take piss
@Janysis 4 сағат бұрын
@hedwigwendell-crumb91 4 сағат бұрын
The fact that we need to beg for support when we are clearly disabled is the shocking thing
@David-nd4to 4 сағат бұрын
The criteria needs tightening up, you cant have an explosion of people claiming and not make adjustments
@samsara-summermooncomehome5881 5 сағат бұрын
After recieving pip for around 15yrs of high mobility and middle care they stopped my award for 12 months,. After appeal in 2022 i was awarded the highest rate of both mobility and care until 2025. In 2023 only 12months after, they started a review. They postponed it at the beginning of 2024 to August. I've had numerous text messages reminding me throughout the year, (once on Christmas morning which was particularly distressing) This has resulted in me being in a permanent state of stress for 12 months. I still don't have a decision on even if i need a face to face an assessment!! And now we have this stupid proposal! My already impaired mental health has taken a total nosedive and I have a history of suicidal thoughts and attempts. What they're are doing to people is criminal. I literally can't take much more of this torture.
@samsara-summermooncomehome5881 6 сағат бұрын
Labour is no different. Anyone thinking that they will help in any way are going to be so disappointed.
@suesmith3744 6 сағат бұрын
As if sick and disabled people need all this extra worry , I genuinely believe death to be preferable . I exist in perpetual fear and anxiety ….
@frederickdowding3031 7 сағат бұрын
My son has been waiting for pip been turned down four times he his waiting again for over five months still hasn’t heard anything from pip
@MarjorieOley 7 сағат бұрын
What about all the none paid careres out their
@felixmitchell7888 7 сағат бұрын
first time i had a PIP assesment they came to my home a nurse, i got it, my review was done without going to see them, i had a paper based assesment got another award. so everyone has different experiences with PIP. I got more money they changed me from standard to enhanced mobility. and daily living was a point from enhanced.
@MarjorieOley 7 сағат бұрын
My son was starved of oxygen before he was born it has effect ed his memory how can they help him i have been his career i agree vouchers are not realistic its bloody embarrassing he likes money its going to be hard explaining all of the changes to him as he is routined in with everything he does loved listening to you its also helped me to understand whats going on
@Pepper6972 7 сағат бұрын
Its nice to see and hear people like you on here explaining issue for us. I never thought I would be where I am today. Here I am. It can happen to anyone. Look after yourself.
@lindyjohnstone7377 7 сағат бұрын
I had my review 2 months ago i suffer with H EDS, fibromyalgia, chronic pain and fatigue syndrome basically my body torchers me everyday 8n pain and especially if i have to move or walk i can hardly leave my house because of this and mostly stuck in bed recovering, the woman who interviewed me twisted everything i said just to cut down my money of £200 and then said id have to pay back some because they feel i was over paid , baring in mind i cant work because of my conditions i had to medically retire as a staff nurse, and my quality of life is pretty shit, these people dont care how much we suffer or if we need help.
@catatata5785 7 сағат бұрын
Currently on a 7 year waiting list for adhd assessment 😅
@DamoDGCUK 8 сағат бұрын
Its Labour of course they will do with the Voucher system, whether the Tories have spend £1 or £100 million. I am long suffering disabled person with ostomy bag, low energy and a kink in the spine. I got my PIP and ESA stopped in 2017-18 because the transferred from DLA to PIP. They gave me £50 a month and told me to go on taxis and buses. I won my claim back after over a year fight and got a huge back pay, but it didn't even touch the side of the overwhelming money I owed out due to the high cost of my illness. Make no allusions Labour and Tories are the same, they my say or try to save us money in the long term, but its is about control and we are the first line as guinea pigs.
@flipinfish 9 сағат бұрын
It has to be understood that there are still many conditions the NHS still don't understand. Therefore getting a diagnosis just is not possible. So ip getting pip is going to be determined on having a diagnosis people like that are not going to get the help they need???????
@Tsunami1618 9 сағат бұрын
If they think that vouchers will not create a black market they are living in a dream world! People will trade vouchers for cash for a much lower value! My son (32 Downs Syndrome, Autism and ADHD) was awarded DLA for life when he turned 18 but they then introduced PIP and now i have to reapply like everyone else. The way the government treats genuinely disabled people is a disgrace! Yes there are people who fiddle the system, but thats not EVERYONE, when you have a clear cut case like my son its just an insult, why is everyone treated like a criminal!? I feel so desperate most of the time! No respite no certainty, just stress stress stress. And now im being FORCED onto UC after being on IS for 30 years! They want us to unalive ourselves it seems to save them some money thats how it feels most of the time.
@LoveonTour4ever 9 сағат бұрын
Charlie, I can honestly say, hand on heart, that you are categorically NOT A FAILURE!! You are the exact opposite! You ARE a warrior. You don’t need “warrior mode” when you ARE a warrior! You’re still there, fighting every single step of the way, every single day, in pain and with a million reasons to stop fighting… but you don’t. You haven’t given up. THAT is being a true warrior.❤ Very VERY few people, when struggling through a physical and mental battle like you are in this video, would have the balls, or even thought to put it out into the world for others to see and hopefully benefit from. THAT it being a true warrior!❤ I’m not trying to blow smoke up your backside 😂 I’m just saying it as I see it. I’ve only recently found your channel and started watching your videos, but I really do find you such an inspiration, and so helpful to me personally and my ongoing health situation. Please don’t ever feel like a failure. You are helping more people than you can possibly imagine by sharing your story, your thoughts and your struggles with the world. I feel like I’ve found an advocate for all of us in this situation and it’s a huge help to me knowing that there is someone else out there who understands and experiences the same thoughts, fears and challenges as I do myself. So THANK YOU, just for being you, and for reminding me that we all have our own inner warrior… even when we can’t see it or believe it ourselves, that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Take care of yourself, and please be KIND to yourself too. xx
@clivehall137 9 сағат бұрын
Thanks very much
@Garryokee100 10 сағат бұрын
This is the first Ive heard of this so let me give you my views. Firstly you have to see how they view disabled people and if this has been achieved anywhere else in the world, if it has then it WILL come in. The fact that its at the green paper stage (formal plan to introduce) means it will happen in one way or another. If we leave the ECHR and are allowed to make our own equality rules then it will 100% get through, and sooner, as our government will have a free reign on everything we do. Lastly dont expect the new Labour government to object to it in anyway as it will save them money ultimately, and if they were against it, it would already have been scrapped.
@LeoWolfish 10 сағат бұрын
My aunt who is on pip is so server she is in a specialist care home for what she has. This would mess things up completely.
@LoveonTour4ever 10 сағат бұрын
Hi Charlie, Firstly, thank you so much for this video. I found it very interesting and informative. I’m in the process of applying for PIP and am trying to figure everything out for myself as much as possible as I have no one to help me with any of it. So finding your channel is a blessing!❤ However, I really think you should reconsider your decision to not return this questionnaire with your responses. In my mind you are EXACTLY the right person to respond and answer the questions that are being asked! You understand first hand what it’s like living with a chronic illness and how it affects you day to day. You know the importance of being able to make your own decisions and choices regarding what you use your payments for, and how that varies from time to time. YOU KNOW JUST HOW MUCH THIS CRAZY VOUCHERS SYSTEM WILL NEGATIVELY IMPACT YOU AND OTHERS LIKE YOU!! Surely this is the information the government needs to hear..? Personally I can’t think of anyone better suited to offer feedback on these proposals for change. It’s only those of us who are struggling every single day to remain independent who are able to explain why the proposals are such a terrible idea. If not us, who will? I completely understand that it’s an extremely draining process, both mentally and physically, but if you have it in you to do it I would be so grateful if you would complete the questionnaire and send it back. I believe there is strength in numbers, so the more of us who can respond to these proposals really need to do so. Thank you again for your videos and support. You are a rare gem! Take care of yourself. Sending love and healing energy your way! x❤x
@raytavares2256 11 сағат бұрын
But how do you report about the changes of money which is coming direct from them and having to tell the same official government of DWP, how about when you are vulnerable with issues of remembering things chronically? Even my bank knows that am vu in remembering things for me and always puts notes for them and suff with Dyspraxia and Ray it's Dyslexia?
@cuba5381 11 сағат бұрын
I lost my home due to Labour policy when I worked for the Home Office.
@Julie-si3hi 11 сағат бұрын
Ive just found your channel. Thank you for all you do its really helpful.
@51BMPec1 11 сағат бұрын
I think it’s because they want to enforce the benefits cap on more people that have been getting housing benefit as well
@raytavares2256 12 сағат бұрын
Thank you for assuring some of us, in particular suff with paranoia schizophrenia, chronic as and heart issues at the Same time with my my mum it's a growth in her brain causing her to have rand falls, fibromylagia clinical depression, anxiety, ryhmotoid osteoarthritis, injuries from her back, neck, shoulders right one is worse than the left one as well as the right lower hip for the lower back due to an aggressive violent patient while she worked as registered mental health nurse as well as the band 6 for infection control nurse as she worked and cover up the shifts for her ward 7manager who was injured by same patient and he is also on an ill health retirement pension. In the case of my mother her BEH NHS TRUST trashed her under the bus they discriminated her in settlement of compensation, but her manager was compensated and yet she was the most hardworking dedicated loyal nurse in the trust she worked for. Right now she is worse with excruciating pains and suffering with anxiety, ptsd right now the consultant from Barnet hospital has informed her that she has another second tumour towards her lung as she is battling with insomnia, fatigue syndrome has just gone worse and triggered by the bad news with the conditions of the the adverse reactions to Clopixol acuphase as the slowsless when attempting 🎉to pick up the any objects not able to remember what am meant to do, I just stand up in a stupor confused, and difficulties to adhere to what am meant to do and getting disoriented as well as disorganised I bent my back w difficult stiffness to my joints from top to toes like someone who suffers parkison or dementia my mind is randomly blanked with random blackouts when my mother helps me out with remembering to take medication, here at home we eat pre paid meals bcoz my mum can hard cut some vegetables so I help her with peel all the oni and potatoes and she doesn't get any carer allowance bcoz she looks after me as well as well as me looking after her as well, in particular in the opening bottles for her, cleaning the house is very difficult because she can't stand straight for more than ten minutes until she seats down. My mum also use incontinence pads and no one has given us the blue badge. She also wants a scooter but the house is small in want enter tgr our main door. Dementia symptoms are getting worse both memories and events are getting worse for us. Am due for another Mriscan for my head brain but am be neglected and ig and yet you mother has informed the consultant about the challenging issues am experienced now.
@tomhirons7475 13 сағат бұрын
as an Iraq vet, with injuries and on full pip, i would be happy with non money and a voucher scheme. We should be gratefull we are getting something and you saying, give us the money, sounds so bad its shamefull. just be glad you dont live in a land where people have nothing. unlike me i hope you have both legs as i do not anymore.
@MickRiley 14 сағат бұрын
Access for work is not new. it's very helpful for wheelchair users to get a lightweight chair and not the junk off the voucher schemes also for adaptions in your workplace.
@stephendowning1788 14 сағат бұрын
I get PIP and live alone, so I have no choice but to prepare my meal regardless of how much pain I'm in. I can't stand for long, just enough to make a hot drink, then I have to negotiate going from the kitchen to the living room, by which time I'm in severe pain.
@LI3TOM3 15 сағат бұрын
Universal Credit no Cash
@blessman8476 15 сағат бұрын
They don’t want vouchers that’s sad for the disable
@gamestar4761 15 сағат бұрын
This is bull shit I have had covid 3 times I have a heart condition get out of breath easy now and feel tired constantly my knees and elbows are shot and I had to stop working though a back injury from the building game my wife has to wash the bottom half of my body in the shower and help me put on socks underpants and my trousers i suffer from social anxiety and bouts of depression I applied for pip they turned my down flat they also told me I’m not entitled to dole as my wife works the symptom is fucked and it’s only going to get worse