How to Replace Spokes

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Kenji's Plastic Models

Kenji's Plastic Models

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@brianmros4844 10 күн бұрын
Hi Kenji san, I am just as amazed as the first time I watched you do this. The accuracy, and consistency is awesome. I look forward to all of your customizations on this. Thank you for sharing, and take care.
@kenji-plasticmodels 10 күн бұрын
Hi Brian, thank you as always. Just by replacing the spokes with thin metal wire, the sense of precision is greatly improved. To be honest, it's a lot of work to do on both wheels, but I'll do it little by little in my spare time😊
@andrewgrace4410 9 күн бұрын
Nice work Kenji, those wheels are true👍🏾🐙
@Bismilla-agu 9 күн бұрын
自分も昆虫針を使ってスポーク張替えしていましたが、手に刺さりまくりで絶賛放置中です💦 動画を見て、再開するモチベーション頂きました。ありがとうございました。続きの製作動画を楽しみにしています。
@kenji-plasticmodels 7 күн бұрын
ありがとうございます。 刺さるようでしたら、尖ったほうを少しカットしておくといいかも…
@TheMozerfok 10 күн бұрын
What a way to start this new build!
@MKminiaturecarremodelingStudio 9 күн бұрын
@daimor1544 10 күн бұрын
これっすよこれ。期待通りのカスタム内容で嬉しいったらもう。じっくり見ま~す [見たので追記]・・・はぁぁぁ(恍惚)素晴らしい内容でした。リム側は想像通りでしたがハブ側どうすんのかなと思ってたらラジペンでくいっと曲げて一丁上がりとは全くもって恐れ入ります。ある意味実物よりも大変そうなスポーク組みでした(実物はスポークは自作しない)センターもそこそこ出てて全く素晴らしいとしか言いようが、いやもう感動しましたよマジで。私らは動画で見られて幸せですが、実作業は1組8時間ぐらいでしょうか?(見当違いならごめんなさい)根気と集中力が異次元です。BGMも素敵すぎです。本物に本物が引き寄せられたって事でしょうか。次回も楽しみです!
@kenji-plasticmodels 10 күн бұрын
@SONSHIHEIHO 5 күн бұрын
@kenji-plasticmodels 5 күн бұрын
@SONSHIHEIHO 5 күн бұрын
@kenji-plasticmodels 感謝です!!🙏
@johnblenkin6869 10 күн бұрын
Superb work. I enjoy your work immensely
@ManekiNico 10 күн бұрын
I’m currently lacing up some bicycle wheels, so I enjoyed this one more than usual. 👍
@rubencriviDT 8 күн бұрын
Wow that's a lot of work Kenji-san, but the result is magnificent so it was worthy 😊 I see that insect pin are really useful for a lot of things, I hope I can get them in Europe. Waiting for the next video!
@kenji-plasticmodels 7 күн бұрын
If you don't have an insect pin, you can use 0.3mm stainless steel wire👍
@rubencriviDT 7 күн бұрын
@kenji-plasticmodels Thanks!
@patrickcamp8076 Сағат бұрын
Thank you, Kenji. I remove plating in two stages. The first is to soak the parts in caustic soda (or use a strong oven cleaner such as Oven Pride). Wash the larts in water once the plating has dissolved away (can take some hours). Then remove the lacquer layer underneath using Dettol bleach. Vive final wash when done.
@Builtbyronny 10 күн бұрын
Very interesting to follow your work 👍
@frohnnielsen 6 күн бұрын
Wonderful! Than you!
@paulofarrell3460 15 сағат бұрын
Wonderful work Kenji. One question though, does the ribbed central hub remain grey in colour, and if not, can the wheel to be disassembled to allow painting of the bare styrene parts?
@kenji-plasticmodels 14 сағат бұрын
I'll paint the whole wheel the same color.
@vibeforge 7 сағат бұрын
Some tips: Ribbed cylinders (sheaves etc) can be prepared with fine needle files of appropriate profile (triangle for 60⁰, square for 90⁰, half square for 45⁰, blade for 15⁰ etc) roughly, then refined with sharp blade. Perfect chopping of small tubes and wires is easy with rotating tool and diamond disc. Rotate wire/tube slowly with fingers and touch the end with diamond disc - this will make it perfect clean. Then touch the wire/tube at needed length with disc at 45⁰ angle - this will make a grove so you can snap it off and press insert where it belongs to. Then clean the end and repeat. Chrome plated sprues made by 1) priming the plastic with self levelling coat; 2) plating over with chrome in vacuum; 3) overcoating for durability. So you have to dissolve all layers. Try various chemicals, not very agressive to PS plastic. Spokes... probably it would be better to insert heads into 0.3 mm holes in hubs, then supergluing aligned spokes between rim halves. I've seen people prepare groves in rims from inside for tubes with spokes, instead of drilling into glued rim. Good luck!
@nightcrow6965 7 күн бұрын
お疲れ様です。 ちゃんと治具作ってセンター出して…Kenjiさんらしい丁寧な作業ですね。 自分は面倒くさがりなので、数本ずつ交換してゆくやり方です。😅 一気に片側カットしてしまうのは恐ろしいので… メッキの下のクリアは厄介ですが、メッキを綺麗に乗せるのに必要なのでしょうね。 噂ではカワサキがターボ化して2ストを復活させるのだとか。 まあ、海外での話ですが、欧州や北米で成功したら、日本でも復活あるかもですね。😊
@kenji-plasticmodels 6 күн бұрын
お疲れさまです。 治具といっても適当なプラ板にプラ棒を3個貼って穴を開けるだけなので、 部分ごとにやるより楽なんじゃないかと……😅リムをヤスリがけするのも一気に出来ますし。 まあでも自分のやりやすい方法でやるのが一番です! 2スト復活してももう自分は多分乗れないですが現代版マッハなんてロマンありますね。
@HVTNZ 9 күн бұрын
I don't speak Japanese, I don't do modeling, but I stayed to see the process. Thanks.
@aserta 10 күн бұрын
I have trouble doing the real thing, so this (at this scale) is mind blowing to me. :))
@hiroscalemodel 10 күн бұрын
@mechachrist Күн бұрын
Can anyone tell me what type of material he’s sanding with at the 24:53 mark?
@kenji-plasticmodels 14 сағат бұрын
This one.
@kuroblacknoir 10 күн бұрын
久しぶりのバイク製作楽しみです! おそらくスポーク張り替えるんだろうなと思ってましたがいきなりですね! しかしこれは…実車のスポークを張り替えた事ありますが、間違いなく実車の方が楽ですw
@martinseelos5157 7 күн бұрын
Thanks for this great video. I want to try it for the first time on my 1:6 Honda CRF 1000L.
@kenji-plasticmodels 7 күн бұрын
Before cutting the spokes, it's a good idea to take pictures from both sides and to remember the angle of the spokes. Thanks.
@martinseelos5157 7 күн бұрын
That was my thought too. Thank you very much for your information. The tutorial for making the door hinges will also be a great help to me. I've learned a lot of useful tips from them over the last few years. A very helpful video series. I have the utmost respect for their abilities.
@坂道登るカンゲンコン 7 күн бұрын
また凄いことやってる 1日どのぐらいのペースで制作してるのでしょうか? 同時進行で違うモデルを制作してるのでしょうか?
@adrianbekerian4518 9 күн бұрын
Kenji, pregunta el exceso de pegamento para sacarlo utilizaste Thinner...? y cuanto tiempo lo dejaste en la bolsa porque el Thinner deforma el plastico.
@조성원-f6y 9 күн бұрын
황금손을 갇고 계신 모델러분 대단하시다는 말밖에 없내요 부러울 따름 입니다 항상 응원 합니다 ❤
@shin0t0shi 10 күн бұрын
@sallyho4089 5 күн бұрын
@vexx481 10 күн бұрын
初コメです! ホンダのcbx400f カワサキのKH400 の制作も見てみたいです!お願いします!!
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