How to Start Decluttering Even When You're Overwhelmed

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Dana K White

Dana K White

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This is my specialty, y'all! I'm an expert at breaking through the paralyzing feeling of being overwhelmed because I have to do it regularly.

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@kathleenscharf7600 Жыл бұрын
I joined Take Your House Back last April and it has been an amazing help for me. Although the course itself has been incredibly helpful in establishing habits and routines that make my life so much easier and satisfying, it’s Dana’s No Mess Method that has made the biggest impact for me. I used to get so overwhelmed every time I tried to organize anything, not realizing that I had to declutter FIRST. I would just end up with piles that inevitably had to be shoved back together to “take care of later.” Then it would start all over again with no progress and feeling worse than ever. Now I declutter one item at a time and deal with it, whether it goes where it belongs, to trash, or a donation bag. What a game changer! Progress is real now, and even though I am a ladybug, sometimes I leave a cupboard door open just so I can walk by and enjoy the tidy space. The course is worth every penny. I had watched videos from Dana, Dawn and Cas for several months before I bought the course, but it’s the structure that made all the difference for me. I can go back and read, listen to, and watch whatever I want whenever I want. It’s a very well-designed course, and new information is added on a regular basis through videos, audios and blogs. It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made!
@DanaKWhite Жыл бұрын
I love hearing this!!! For anyone considering joining the course, go here to find out more:
@maryloumilyard1909 Жыл бұрын
Agreed!! Same here! Affordable and well laid out. Not hoity toity at all like many "programs!" I feel like Dana is a normal person like me...well, I can't Really claim to be normal, besides, isn't that just a setting on the hair dryer?!
@dougandcarrieann Жыл бұрын
@vicwei4302 Жыл бұрын
@calisongbird Жыл бұрын
@@DanaKWhite your videos are intriguing, but my first impression of your website is that it’s completely OVERWHELMING. Waaaaay too many products and newsletters and blog posts and coaches and training courses and sponsored ads and… omg. Ironic for a business about simplifying and decluttering. Also, why the need to repackage the advice in multiple different books? If it’s a simple and effective approach, it shouldn’t require multiple books - just one should be able to sum up. Again, seems ironic that people come there for decluttering advice and are encouraged to clutter their devices with multiple e-books essentially saying the same thing. The whole impression I get is a “money grab,” honestly… I know I’ll get blasted for this comment, but I just wanted to provide my honest feedback. I was prepared to give your methods a try, but was turned off by the hard sell vibe coming from your website.
@1213LB Жыл бұрын
I just started something today. I am overwhelmed now with a 4 month old but I have decided that every diaper box that I buy (I buy the jumbo ones) will be filled with donatables before it leaves the house. That way I can slowly fill the box and it's a constant declutter!
@dorothyduvall6503 Жыл бұрын
What a great idea & image! Be encouraged, friend.
@DearReaderReadAloud Жыл бұрын
So smart! I love using diaper boxes as donation boxes. Keep at it if you can! I will try to too
@ForgetTheHouse Жыл бұрын
I did this and it is a HUGE help!!! Way to go mama! 💪🏻
@tomtensecretlanguage9273 Жыл бұрын
@bka2810 Жыл бұрын
Omg literally me with a 4 month old! I went nuts today posting stuff online to sell, donate, toss. Felt so good!
@AltClev37 Жыл бұрын
Who else loves that feeling of having just dropped off a whole load of crap you didn’t need at goodwill. It’s wonderful 🤩
@lauralei6963 3 ай бұрын
It makes me mad that goodwill has increased their prices so much. I’m gonna try selling online. Even though it’s not at all my personality😂😩 That may also be a danger,, Goodwill is much easier just to Get Rid of It!!
@OkieTLB 3 ай бұрын
@@lauralei6963There are many other places to donate your items: homeless shelters, shelters for victims of abuse, animal shelters/ rescues, nursing homes, community adult day cares, local opportunity centers for those with special needs, public schools, etc. Please consider contacting your city government offices to ask about where you can donate some of your items. Police officers and firefighters often carry comfort items for children and young adults too. I promise if you donate to one or some of these types of places you will feel so happy. ❤
@BunnyLo 2 ай бұрын
Not me, gives me anxiety. Think im going to try to get someone else to drop it off.
@mminietto4175 2 ай бұрын
@@lauralei6963I’m with you ! I can’t just give it away when I know it’s worth money so I try tell sell online and it ends up sitting longer
@colleenarthur8472 Жыл бұрын
I broke up the room into zones (ex. Floor, stove top, sinks) 10 in all. Assigned each zone a number 1 - 10, then rolled a 10 sided die. That's where I started. Then my niece called. We wound up video calling and cleaning our respective problem rooms. We're now cleaning buddies.
@Duckies1023 Жыл бұрын
I like that idea. Of letting the die decide! I always end up “cleaning” the same three areas/rooms…. I pick the ones that are the most de cluttered as they are easier to tidy…. Every other space/room of the house stays neglected. I’m going to use that idea this weekend!
@rg-mi5hh Жыл бұрын
This works really well too. We have been doing our kitchen like this since January. Not with dice, just a list. We have about three things to do yet. Hang blinds, clean oven, get electrician to fix outlet. It is finally getting there. Also, found out that Scott's Liquid Gold spray works on my stainless steel frig. Appliance cleaner works on our stove, but not the frig. Soap and water doesn't work on frig either. Maybe this will help someone. I have a list on my phone with things to do in kitchen. When one is done, it is erased. Yay
@crystalwatkins2720 Жыл бұрын
@gypsysundrop Жыл бұрын
I need a cleaning buddy
@danarzechula3769 11 ай бұрын
@kellyrozenel7863 Жыл бұрын
I struggled with depression for a few years and my home suffered. I’m now in a much healthier headspace and ready to get things outta here and under control. But….overwhelmed is an understatement because I also feel guilty and embarrassed for letting this happen
@Spunkkygirl Жыл бұрын
Glad you are doing better. 🎉
@auril615 Жыл бұрын
@@ivana.m111 I feel you so, so much! "Ugh this is no way to live at all" is something I say a lot. We have 3 kids and we are about to move in a bigger home. I'm even embarrassed to let in the people who want to help us moving, it's so messy... I'm mostly at home because my kids are little, but it does feel more like a place I'm being held in than a home to me. I feel like all I ever do is trying to fight against the mess and lose. I'm not really living my life, I'm barely enjoying anything. It's so sad, because my life could be nearly perfect... I'm mentally so tired and my biggest fear (right after anything happening to my family of course) is that this will just continue in the new flat. When I think about that I'm terrified...
@kellyrozenel7863 Жыл бұрын
@@ivana.m111 thanks for being honest I relate so much to what u r saying. Little steps is what I have been taking. The amount of things my family has accumulated over the years is sickening. I have been using the reusable grocery store bags (cause I always forget them and end up buying more 🙄) to fill with donations. So far we have loaded up my Tahoe 3x with bags full of toys, clothes and household items). I gave myself a 30day challenge to start with. Day 1 was to fill 5 bags with clothes and clean out my entryway. Day 2 was cleaning out and deep cleaning the bathroom… each day I gave myself just one or two tasks to complete. It has not been a perfect system but it’s helping.
@susanprice3377 8 ай бұрын
Just one or 2 tasks is doable!
@SF-ru3lp 6 ай бұрын
Don't beat yourself up. You had to get through the tough place and other things become secondary. Now that you are stronger you can face the objects with Dana's help. We all hate how we have handled some aspect of life... God is good. We get to come round again and go at things with more support. Very best regards. G Ire
@lorreinekennedy7674 8 ай бұрын
At 62, and a life long consumer, I am overwhelmed by keeping the house tidy when everywhere is over run with stuff. I work silly hours (my choice) with the result that I often treat myself with stuff. The house is huge and there are 2 of us. Every room is stuffed with our goodies. I’m a minor league hoarder. Someone who likes to have things just in case. 37 full bottles of kitchen/bathroom cleaner to name one such thing. I see a moisturiser that I like the look of, or it’s on offer, and I buy it, before I know it, my dresser and makeup cupboard overflows. Dozens of airplane make up bags. All so useful, but not used. I have a home in Spain, a 1 bed place that we have to keep tidy, and we only have what we need. So why can’t we do it with our main home. Ok. Some incredibly good stuff here. VERY USEFUL!
@serenakoleno9338 7 ай бұрын
Food stamps don't pay for things like make-up or cleaners. Why not use Dana's method and only keep the items that fit in your designated space for them and donate the rest? You may even get a tax deduction. 😊
@beverleyb5372 Жыл бұрын
After watching the video, I started typing this out to prep myself as I get up to get started for the day, and thought it may be helpful for others as well. I HIGHLY recommend reading Dana's books and watching her videos! They have been so helpful for this overthinker to settle down and just get started. Here are the decluttering steps that I have learned from Dana over the past month from her videos, blog posts, books, and podcasts: 1st: Grab a trash bag and a donatable donate box 2nd: Begin in the most visible place possible (Usually the place where visitors would enter your home) 3rd: Using your trash bag, look throughout that area for anything that is obviously trash. (old sales ads, wrappers, empty boxes or grocery bags, ect.) 4th: Once it looks like you have gathered all of the trash, grab your donation box and look for anything that is an obviously easy(to you) donate item to put in the donate box. This can be things you don't like, won't fit, doesn't work in the space anymore. This isn't the time to make tough decisions; this is when you are looking for those easy donations. 5th: After you have made it through the steps of removing trash and removing the "duh"(obvious) donations as Dana calls them, you now want to look for items that have a home elsewhere in your house but they have ended up there somehow. When you spot those items, don't waste your energy asking yourself how it got there, and don't just sit it down in a pile to deal with later; this is the key step to Dana's no mess method... TAKE IT THERE NOW! With that item in hand, take a quick glance around the area to see if you can spot anything else that also goes to that same area of your home, and if you spot something, grab it too. Now, walk to that other area and put the items in their pre-designated home. If that space is already full, look for enough trash or "duh" donations that you can grab to make room for the item that you are placing there. If the room is too cluttered to get far enough into for you to put the item in its actual home, place it as close as you can to that home and grab any obvious trash or donations to make the space for the item you just delivered. Now that the item is in its pre-designated home(or as close to it as you are able), take the trash or donations that you grabbed to make space for the item back to your original starting space and place them in your trash bag or donatable donate box. Keep doing this step until you don't see anymore items that already have pre-designated homes within your house. At this point you should already see progress within your space! This is when you cheer and pat yourself on the back for making such great progress to move the space forward toward better because better is GOOD! By following Dana's "Take it there now!" method, you should NOT have large sorting piles sitting around or any keep piles or boxes; all you should still see is your trash bag, your donatable donate box, and the items still remaining in that space that aren't obvious trash, donations, or have an already pre-designated home. If you are at a point where you are just exhausted and need to rest, all you should have to do is take the trash bag out to the bin and load the donate box in your vehicle to drop off. When you are ready to start back, go through these steps again but this time you should be able to progress through them quicker since you already made progress in the space. Once you are through the easy stuff (trash, obvious donations, and items with pre-designated homes) you can now begin working through the items that do not belong in that space and do not yet have their own space in your home. You do this by following Dana's decluttering questions with each item. With the item in hand, ask: - If I needed this item, where WOULD I look for it first? Go with your gut instinct here; that first place that popped into your mind. Take it there now! If you were unable to answer that question because you have no idea where you would even begin to look for it, then ask yourself the next question: - If I needed this item, would it ever occur to me that I already had one? Be honest here. If I wouldn't remember that I had one, there is a strong chance that I would just go and buy it yet again which would add to the clutter, so I can allow myself to donate it knowing that fact. If I WOULD remember that I had one, then where WOULD I look for it first when I started searching? Take it there now. The final step is - Make it fit - This is for the items that are to remain in this space. - Consolidate: Put like things together. - The Container Concept: Purge down to the natural limits of the space that I have. Every item needs to be placed use-ably and get-to-ably in this space. All of this with three things in mind: Less=Success Better is GOOD! If I try to keep more than can physically fit, use-ably and get-to-ably, in this space that I have, there is literally no hope of my house being under control; it can't be under control if I have more stuff than space.
@dorothyduvall6503 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for typing this out and offering it to us! What a blessing!
@staybruta Жыл бұрын
!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ you are amazing my goodness
@marthaklock3415 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@momof4littleladies Жыл бұрын
This is amazing thank you so much for taking the time to type this up this is great!
@cheerfulmouse Жыл бұрын
This was really helpful. And I already have pretty decent decluttering and organizing methods. But hearing different takes is helpful as well ❤️
@brookerafferty7362 9 ай бұрын
You know when you get that feeling of someone who is talking directly to you and understands.... 😭❤️
@NadiaKeates Ай бұрын
I totally agree.
@Pajali 11 ай бұрын
I can’t tell you how much “you don’t need to be better organized, you just have too much stuff” and “you’re not decluttering your whole house, you’re just dealing with this one item” helped me get my house under control. Those ideas really helped me identify what my next steps were so I didn’t get lost in the sauce trying to do everything at once. I’m still working on some areas, but that’s SO much better than having the ENTIRE house in need of some work.
@sherrilindstrom3064 Жыл бұрын
Your method works so well because I am not pulling everything out and making a worse mess. It always looks better.
@janiemcneil94 Жыл бұрын
I literally do listen to you non-stop. Even my husband and kids know a declutter is about to start when they hear your voice. You are my declutter companion and I’m grateful.
@Janet-bf1dt Жыл бұрын
The timing of this video was unbelievable! I am so overwhelmed!!! I told myself after Christmas (because of all the wrapping, boxes...everywhere!), that I was going to make some decisions. I am a box (and bag), hoarder, but now with the gift giving season over, I will take the first big step to break down boxes for recycling. I know it may seem small, but if you could only see, it will make a huge difference!! Thank you for helping me take the first step.
@BB-ej9hk Жыл бұрын
I found a place here in my town that wraps gifts for their clients every Christmas and they will take boxes , bags and gift wrap in good condition. Might be some place where you are that does the same!
@Janet-bf1dt Жыл бұрын
@@BB-ej9hk I will have to inquire about it. Thank you for the suggestion.
@vivianhudacek1556 Жыл бұрын
Box holder here too! 😂😂😂
@fleabitz1474 Жыл бұрын
@@BB-ej9hk I know you mean to be helpful, but for someone who is overwhelmed and is about to take a first step it can add another paralyzing layer of complexity to have to research somewhere that might take the stuff. Yes, in a perfect world we would all find the absolute perfect thing to do with every little item. But sometimes you just have to move it on out, and boxes and bags can go to recycling which is good enough.
@BB-ej9hk Жыл бұрын
@@fleabitz1474 You are so right!
@kix1464 Жыл бұрын
I so appreciate you saying that it's OK when you freeze and don't know what trash is etc. And yes. I so agree with if you are overwhelmed with what you need to do to achieve your goal then break it down to smaller steps. For me I have difficulties in distinguishing what I need vs what I don't need. I've tried this method of grabbing a big black garbage bag and going through my apartment. But after going through all of my rooms I only had very very little in it. I went in so motivated and came out so demotivated because: Again, I couldn't find much and declutter my apartment.. For example I have SO many eye shadows and nail polish I have had for over 20 (!) years and still think that I MIGHT use them.. Soon.. Or all of the magazines (some also over 20!!! years old) I wanted to read so badly so I THINK I still want to read them.. I get motivated almost every day to at least start to declutter my apartment only to be confronted with all of the things I "might" need. And I've watched SO many videos on this topic that I just don't understand how I can STILL think this way. But today finally I think I had an AHA moment: I took a SMALL plastic bag (the ones you get from take outs - so I found a way to get rid of them! Yay!) and again went through my apartment and FILLED that one with garbage! It wasn't much but it was still more than I would have put in a big black bag. I guess it's just the mindset of getting something full which amongst other reasons prevents some of us to be able to declutter in a big scale. I also used a list of very specific things (this time for the kitchen only) which helped me a lot in finally coming to the conclusion that I REALLY didn't need some of the things on the list and filling that bag. Plus this thought process made click today: The reason that something is old and UNUSED is because I DIDN'T NEED it -> If I didn't need it for over one (!) year than I will most probably NEVER NEED it. I know this has been talked a lot int decluttering videos. But this time my focus was on the reason of it being "unused" and that for whatever reason made the difference (I guess me thinking over the things I REALLY didn't need for my kitchen helped me in actually understanding it as well). If it's been unused then I don't need it. This is the mantra I'm going to tell myself from now on whenever I'm decluttering. I even made some post it notes in case I forget it. 😊 If you are overwhelmed - no matter how small the step is - if it's the biggest you can do right now - that is what matters.
@lindasisk9002 Жыл бұрын
I don't use makeup, but I think I've read that makeup older than 6 months is no longer safe to use. The timeframe may be off or vary for different types of makeup, but I'm pretty sure 20 year old makeup should be tossed. Wishing you success in your decluttering journey.
@garyhobby723 Жыл бұрын
I like the small plastic bag idea, too.
@rachellemini8632 Ай бұрын
I can relate so much to everything you just said! I know I have to start somewhere I just don’t know how to start, how to decide what to get rid of, what to keep, and then I stress about organizing the things that I am keeping! I also have a ton of old nail polishes, makeup palettes and stuff like that. In my bedroom closet I have piles of old blankets and sheets, bags of shoes and clothes that I used to wear to my office job and I haven’t worked in an office in 5 years and will probably never wear them but I just can’t get rid of them! I’m hoping I can just take some small steps and start getting rid of a bag or two per week maybe?
@generalleia5374 Жыл бұрын
I've read your book, 'Decluttering at the Speed of Life', twice! It's the only one that stuck in my head. I read it again because I thought I must've missed something in it because applying the steps was too easy as I was going along. Nope, you taught me well the first time around. Still a fun read the 2nd time, though. Thank you for taking me from a crying overwhelmed embarrassed mess staring at several mountains of clutter to a happier, freer human again. You'll never truly understand what you did for me. Thank. You.
@lylky Жыл бұрын
Is it any different than Marie kando method ?
@maggiemceneaney3687 Жыл бұрын
Some great tips here. I’m in that stagnant stage where I don’t know where to start…. Something I like to do is try to de clutter (WITH BLACK GARBAGE BAGS) on the day before garbage pick up. Because THEN, you won’t be tempted to go back, second guess and retrieve any of those items you already parted with. They will be gone quickly.
@KJDogluv 4 ай бұрын
Agree. I get a lot of trash out that way!
@kristinpetersen5709 Жыл бұрын
I've watched a gazillion decluttering/organizing videos, and your methods are by far the best and easiest! In part cause you make it fun, but essentially because you make it make sense. I don't get overwhelmed and understand my old thinking (like yours) " Oh well I just need a bigger container or to have it more organized " Thank you so much!❤️🙏❤️
@MorningClarity Жыл бұрын
My sister has joked that she tried the KonMari method and ended up with no bras - no joy in that! 😉... This has been my fear, that I would end up throwing out the wrong things. I recently came to understand your system, with the "take it there NOW" rule, as a "sort it out one item at a time" practice. Over time, if you see you are overcrowded in a "where I would look first" place, it indicates you are likely overstocked in that category of things, so you can afford to choose the best, let go of the rest. My instinct had been to want to see each category all together before I could let go of anything, now I see I just need to sort it out one item at a time, one day at a time, and eventually I will be presented with an easier set of choices with no new mess in the middle, and no fear of ending up with out... 😘
@victoriaoliver9958 Жыл бұрын
I love the way you explained this!
@MorningClarity Жыл бұрын
@@victoriaoliver9958 💖
@fleabitz1474 Жыл бұрын
I found KonMari before I found Dana, and KM saved my life. Having said that, KM is challenging and not always easy to understand, as your sister demonstrates, while Dana's method is simple. I'm helping a friend, and KM is completely opaque to him while Dana's method is working. KM is for those of us who really want to go deep into the psychology of our relationship to objects, which is something many people have no interest in.
@annblachly8068 Жыл бұрын
Did your sister discover she needed bras that fit and were beautiful?
@shirleypatten6212 Жыл бұрын
I used to follow the rule of "if you haven't used it in a year [two years?], get rid of it." I hadn't used a table fan for the longest time, so I got rid of it. Unfortunately, I ended up cremating some food in my microwave oven and had no way to blow the smoke out of my kitchen. Now, I'm more prudent about what stays and what goes.
@EmilyHercamp17 Жыл бұрын
As a curly-haired person, who understands that it has a personality all its own, I ALSO thought your hair looked divine! 😍 I'm not sure about Reid's hair, I've never seen it 🤷 😂
@buddyneher9359 Жыл бұрын
Agreed: Reid needs to support his claim by putting a current pic in the credits!
@debbiev.1311 Жыл бұрын
Yes Dana is rockin' the curls...I've embraced mine, but they never look that FABULOUS!! 😉💗👍🏻
@charitywsilva Жыл бұрын
That's what I thought! Dana your hair looks amazing in this video! I love that it's longer. So pretty. You have helped me and my family SO SO much. Thank you!
@theresareiser8882 Жыл бұрын
My first thought when this video started was that your hair looks so good! As another curly girl myself I can appreciate that you made him admit that your hair looked so good! I also am curious about what his hair looks like….and he obviously gets his humor from his mama. 😂
@corrinnacorrinna5572 Жыл бұрын
As a straight-haired person, I'm so envious of beautiful curly locks!!!!
@mrik7868 Жыл бұрын
You are speaking to the Queen of being paralyzed! Thank you so much for every book, video, podcast, blog. I joined the take back your house course and I'm still feeling quite frozen. But I will keep trying. I'm already fearful about the all day declutter because I'm afraid I won't be accomplished. I'll keep reminding myself that any progress is better!
@MlSSadventure Жыл бұрын
My dad used to say, “The perfect is the enemy of the good enough.” And I’ve learned in CODA, progress not perfection.
@garyhobby723 Жыл бұрын
This is me!❤
@KCtheSUNSHINE Жыл бұрын
Flylady says progress but perfection. Also, blessing your home imperfectly by doing ANYTHING, is still a blessing. Don't let the stinking thinking negative rule! Every little thing you do will add up. I also watch minimal mom, listen to Clutterbug podcast, and have Flylady zones loaded in my cozi app. No I'm not perfect and have a long way to go but every positive thing I do is a step in the right direction. You can do this.
@melissagrzybowski7506 11 ай бұрын
@PrettyInPink1004 Жыл бұрын
Everything you say resonates with me and I just needed to hear it to move forward and not give up on piles of clutter. I think my biggest issue is feeling so overwhelmed, especially with paper clutter (bills, mail, junk). I don’t have a system in place and need to just dive in and start with the paper junk mail and start sorting. It will eventually get easier as you train yourself to do this everyday. Even if it’s only for a few min a day.
@nnylasoR Жыл бұрын
I really, REALLY appreciate you taking that moment @6:33. Compassionately acknowledging, validating, and speaking to those of us who have difficulty recognizing / differentiating *trash* is what sets you apart. God bless you, Dana. ♥️♥️♥️🥺♥️♥️♥️
@jillf24 Жыл бұрын
OMG Today I cleaned, organized and labeled containers in my kitchen, including OTC medicines, tossed out extra cups, coffee mugs, expired seasonings and everything I have not used in 1 year- (baking supplies were so expired bc I am Celiac-so I never use Flour etc!!! Im exhausted!!! BUT THANK YOU!!!!!
@kathybullmer8884 Жыл бұрын
Good morning Dana, I am helping my teenage granddaughter declutter her room. She has ADHD and is easily distracted. She feels overwhelmed, but we work together well. I am very calm with her and I repeat what I have learned from you. I tell her that I am here to judge her, because I also have been in the same place, but after listening to you and Dawn, I have built up my decluttering muscles! Thank you so much for sharing! ❤️
@candidwings5609 Жыл бұрын
Did you mean "NOT here to judge her"?
@ritatharp5238 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing Dana! #1. Get the trash out and if you don't see trash move on to the next question. If you're getting it out of the house it makes a big difference. You make so much sense. Thank you! It's not a failure to be overwhelmed. 🤔
@bcgrote 11 ай бұрын
Decluttering doesn't always mean "throw it all awayyyyy". Start with PUTTING things away. Throw out trash immediately. Handle paperwork/mail every day - throw out/recycle ALL ads and mailers - you can get those online.
@dreamweaver221 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making me know that I am not the only one paralyzed by the feeling I can't do it. I felt like a failure for not being able to "conquer" the mess.
@garyhobby723 Жыл бұрын
Me too
@lisawhitehall1870 5 ай бұрын
@mkmstillstackin Жыл бұрын
Very helpful thank you. As a single guy with years of accumulated clutter, I realize that mindset is the key, but getting there is the challenge. This definitely helps in doing just that!
@carolinehatley3783 Жыл бұрын
This has been my struggle for many years. I am borderline hoarder and I don’t know how to get out of it. I get anxiety attacks and I can only work for a half hour and then rest a half hour. I just pray God will give me the strength to one day start and not give up.
@lauram.511 4 ай бұрын
Maybe this might help. Just try getting rid of one thing & another time get rid of one thing,....
@CoffeeTeaWithSusan Жыл бұрын
Is she talking about literal trash… like water bottles, empty plastic cups and food wrappers? Or is she talking about items that we don’t need anymore and should be donated and not thrown away? I like her style cuz I went from 3 homes to a downsized home … along with a mum that died that had lotsa nice things. I had to do things in layers just as she describes here in this video. Trash (literal nobody wants this) first. Then got rid of duplicates (good-will). Then decided on larger furniture what I was gonna keep and donate. Doing it in layers really helped me… not feel overwhelmed. Now I’m down to what I basically need to live… and I “still find things” to toss in the good will box by the front door. It’s addicting now because it is so freeing!
@kaywilliams1065 Жыл бұрын
I just have to say, I have the best kids! I got 3 of your books for Christmas!!! YAY 🥰 I kept jumping up at Christmas to "take it there now". That was a little weird 😂
@mjgereau Жыл бұрын
God bless you! I can’t tell you how many decluttering videos I’ve watched that don’t explain how to get into the correct mindset. When you said our goal is to declutter NOT ORGANIZE. It was like a light bulb turned on. Thank you!!!!
@robyn-mareepenny2926 Жыл бұрын
Oh and this year before Christmas presents were even opened, I had the black trash bag open and ready. Felt like a win and you were there with us that moment. Thank you so much 🌺
@susanprice3377 Жыл бұрын
We called our trash bag "the whale" and reminded the kids to "feed the whale" all the ripped papers, used ribbons, empty boxes and various packaging as we opened things. It was fun and we didn't have a mess when I went to get lunch ready ...
@jeanmarie806 Жыл бұрын
At the beginning of the video, I was thinking that your hair looks amazing! I also think that your choice of background is perfect! The wall color makes the color of your eyes pop and I enjoy seeing your simple décor in the living area. Your videos just keep getting better and better! Then, of course, there is the content: which is super relevant to me! Thank you for being genuine!
@jeanmarie806 Жыл бұрын
@UCPTSoGQxuxQUjHDXhXyZdmA Can you please tell me how to DM on telegram? I downloaded the app but it is telling me that I have to know your phone number in order to DM you.
@thomaschew2191 Жыл бұрын
We have worked through the Dave Ramsey 7 Baby Steps to get our personal finances in order. Next up, we have to declutter our home. We need to get rid of stuff. I was looking for something to address the mental aspect of clutter, much the same way the Baby Steps helped us get control over money and why it is so hard to start. Main thing we need to learn is just how to emotionally get rid of stuff to simplify our lives. I think I have found it here. Thank you.
@carol622 Жыл бұрын
Merry day after Christmas Dana! You're one tip helped me have a stress free Christmas season . Thank you. The tip was. .its not perfect but it's good enough! I sprained my leg, ankle, and my knee 4 weeks before Christmas. I'm much better now and did what I could that truly mattered to me.
@tamichambers7455 Жыл бұрын
I’m putting this TIP on my refrigerator, as I Begin a Real overhaul of 4 bedrooms !!!! Thankyou for Your Recommendations !!! Happy New Year !!!
@shellybettis5157 Жыл бұрын
I have decluttered so much and I keep on it. Anything I bring in double goes out. I have scaled down clothes dishes furniture and organizing my kitchen my bathrooms. My oldest moved out so I’m making it my living/crafting room and I’ve scaled my crafting down. Thank you so much for the advice and inspiration. I literally go through looking for trash and I start bringing out the shredder so I can keep paper work down that doesn’t need filing.
@terryruiz7417 Жыл бұрын
Both timely and helpful. I'm about to tackle storage in basement, which includes Christmas, and I really need to downsize. In our 70's, time for a reality check...what are we capable of doing, and what do we feel like continuing where season decor is concerned. One thing for sure, I plan to spend only one hour at a time working on this project! Thanks for the words of encouragement!
@helenebennie3961 Жыл бұрын
Yep. There's the "fantasy self" and the "real self".
@charlensing3120 Жыл бұрын
My house is looking better every day, thanks to you. Love the inspiration and your sense of humor, Dana. "Take it there right now" echos in my brain several times a day!!
@momof4littleladies Жыл бұрын
This is my first time ever watching one of your videos and I am SO OVERWHELMED so this information and these tips were REALLY helpful for me to here. I have allowed all sorts of "clutter" to take over basically each room in my home and I want to clean it and have a home we can all relax in and we are proud of and want to have people over, but I am having such a hard time getting anything accomplished at all and it's really upsetting. I am going to try these methods. Thank you so much!
@deyaeliza 10 ай бұрын
Been procrastinating because I feel overwhelmed at a room in my house. This video is so helpful actually this is the most helpful video I have yet seen about de cluttering. It motivated me to start after days of feeling frozen. Thank you so much for putting this valuable information.
@angielovett4159 Жыл бұрын
You hit the nail on the head! I’m SO stuck, I can’t even…and I hear what you’re saying, but I still can’t figure out where to start. I’m going to watch this video again…
@Swan-rb4yg Жыл бұрын
She told you. Start with a black trash bag and pick up trash. That's the first step of any cleaning system. Just do it ;)
@beverleyb5372 Жыл бұрын
@@angielovett4159 See if you can find my comment on here, as it may be helpful for you as well. For the past month I have been reading her books and blog as well as listening to her videos and podcasts, so I am finally feeling like I am ready to start my progress (classic researcher and overthinker here!). After watching this video, I decided to type out everything that I could remember that she has taught me. I wasn't typing it for anyone other than me, but as I made it to the bottom, I thought that perhaps help someone put the pieces together of this amazing thing that Dana has created. Anyway, check it out to see if it is helpful to you. I hope that you finally feel like you are ready to get started too!
@myrahuber260 Жыл бұрын
@@beverleyb5372 I also am a classic researcher and overthinker. 🙂
@Maloma12 Жыл бұрын
Did you HEAR the penny finally drop!?!?!? I had no idea that I was trying to organize but calling it "de-cluttering"--even with your amazing no-mess decluttering plan, I was paralyzing myself by trying to "fit it all in" by organizing it. I know, I know...but I DIDN'T KNOW until you what you said in the first 4 minutes of THIS VIDEO! THANK-YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART ... and the bottom of the piles that I am going to remove!!! (That's not procrastination; it's 1 am lol! Gonna wait until tomorrow). God bless you as you continue in this amazing ministry that He has so aptly designed for you to do!! M
@dawnjeffersramstad8401 Жыл бұрын
Right on time! I am just beginning my studio reset today. The east wall and 25% of the square footage is for writing. The west 75% of the room is for sewing. That's my container, I think I will make myself a photo documentary. The entire project is over 2023. The east wall shelf emprovements is step 1 while I have a break from sermon writing. I am retiring from full time ministry in 2024 and I need to reduce my library to 198 linear feet that will support my part time work as an interim pastor and my writing goals through 2028. That's 5 years from now. Off to find some trash!
@fleabitz1474 Жыл бұрын
Taking photos as you go is so helpful. I have photos like that and I can't believe how things looked when I started.
@loriz.5771 Жыл бұрын
Late to watch. You give me hope: I do see things to donate, I do see things that are trash. That gives me hope to get my piles down. This is great incentive ! TY 🌹
@seanagarrow7488 Жыл бұрын
Your advice…the insight…is decluttering gold!
@laneyoh5 Жыл бұрын
My first thought when I watched the video was, "Oooooh, Dana's curls look extra gorgeous!" So glad you agreed with your mother, Reid. You know moms are generally right anyway.... 😉😁😇 Great video, Dana. Thanks for the encouragement!
@shereemoon Жыл бұрын
What a blessing you are, Dana. You bring hope! You remove the terrible “overwhelm” feeling!
@kathyengland3534 Жыл бұрын
Dana, Your video finds us knee deep in plumbing burst pipes just before Christmas and trying to find the right plumbers to do the work, and other things (like a new floor now that ours is ruined) ANYHOW: I took a break from boxing things up in 3 bedrooms (one being my craft room) I KNOW all the craft room items will not find their way back into the craft room but unfortunately I only have time to box things up before the workers come tomorrow...not make decisions unless they are obvious. ALL THAT TO SAY: following you and Dawn have encouraged me more than you know. That even for a time such as this, things are not as bad as they could be. And each step just makes it a little better. Thanks for being you, and --love your hair!
@marylecce5013 Жыл бұрын
This is the video I needed at this moment. Thank you Dana!
@kelmel54 2 ай бұрын
This is honestly THE BEST advise for getting started on decluttering when you’re overwhelmed!! Thank you!
@DebM122 Жыл бұрын
Hi Dana, love when you say get stuff out and refocus on getting stuff out only right now. This resonates with me and I’m starting today. This video came out at a perfect time. Thank you.
@sherryyost786 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video. Breaking down the steps to start decluttering is such an easy but greatly makes sense step that I can handle. Just pick up the trash/recycling. I have been re-motivated to start...again.
@kelseyd4196 Жыл бұрын
Oh Dana! This video feels like it was made SPECIFICALLY for an extended family member of ours!!!! We want to help them so badly, but they WILL NOT ask for help and they do NOT want it brought up. But now they are having a severe mold issue in their (very dilapidated) home because of the hoarding!! They need to declutter and get out of there! Truly, it's like you're speaking right to them! I've tried casually sharing a couple of your videos with them before saying how you've completely changed OUR lives!! I would hate for them to have a serious emotional meltdown if the time comes that their home needs to be condemned. We want to help them go through their items in a low stress way while there's still time. How can we help???
@melissahope5796 Жыл бұрын
Just heard you in a podcast. I found you here on KZbin and subscribed! I really loved your tips and helped me understand why I can’t keep up with the house! I just finished decluttering my whole house (including junk outside). Now I need to organize and clean! I never thought about it that those are 3 separate things and I don’t have to do all three at the same time!
@sewcraftymarigold5556 Жыл бұрын
When I find myself overwhelmed I just go straight to step one again. When my days are hard and my mind is not clear I would ask the question "where would...." and then realize it is trash. Sometimes all i am doing is step 1 and that is OK because it helps from it getting worse but if it does at least I know by doing step will help me to breathe again in my space. I will do step 1 no matter how many times I have to do it to just keep it at bay before I can go to step 2. Thanks Dana for another great video. ❤ My younger self would not need to declutter this way but the me know does.
@robyn-mareepenny2926 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. Christmas is so overwhelming and I end up with a list of things I will tackle AFTER Christmas. Then paralysis hits and I'm stuck. So stuck! 😔. The mindset shift at the start, was just what I needed. It's crazy how what we learn goes out the windows when we feel that paralysis. I got the mindset shift and now I can take those steps I need to. I've been holding a black trashbag for nearly 24 hours, but couldn't see what I needed to begin. Thank you, for always having the answers at the right time. 🥰. P.S. Reid, her hair wins hands down 😉
@rg-mi5hh Жыл бұрын
Each item that leaves a space really helps clear a room. Christmas can get a little congested, but a little each day will pull it back together.
@trainertylee3481 Жыл бұрын
I just subscribed to your channel. It's good to see someone winning at life. Maybe someday, I can win at life too 🎉
@kgktan Жыл бұрын
Thks for this video. I have lots to declutter but keep procrastinating for years.I mix organizing with declutter and just don't know how to start.I am overwhelmed even though I stopped working for a few months.I hope to get started soon.
@wonktootie 9 ай бұрын
I recently got a lot of clutter out of my house and overall I feel more decisive. I feel I can sleep better and I feel more energized to work on stuff. And breaking it into steps really helps. Do a little now, do a little later. Like any project, don't feel like you have to get it all done at once. Thank yourself when you make progress :)
@summerlyric506 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the motivation. We tend to say "we might need this one day" and after years the days never come lol Ive been ripping old receipts and paperwork from over ten yrs ago!
@debjanims2008 Жыл бұрын
I saw you on the Mel Robbins Podcast - and your method is making so much sense and giving me the hope that I could make progress too. I can tell that you have been through it all yourself, with your clutter threshold, that's why your process is so relatable.. Thank you!
@granitemoss1451 Жыл бұрын
Great to 'see' you today Dana, thanks for the encouragement. I hope you and yours enjoyed a great holiday.
@juliatepe5760 Жыл бұрын
Lucky for me, the gift unwrapping was done at another family members home! There is only a little trash to deal with here. However the kitchen is another story, so I'm off to "do the dishes" and store/meal plan the leftovers. If that's all that gets accomplished today; it's a great day. Thanks Dana
@levifoster2992 11 сағат бұрын
This is so helpful! I have a beautiful 9 month old golden retriever puppy and a very overly cluttered, disorganised house. I've spent many hours trying to puppy proof effectively, but with this level of clutter it's just not possible. The final straw was when she recently chewed up my engagement ring (luckily she's fine and my fiance wasn't mad because he said it was a temporary cheaper one he planned to replace anyway, but I was still devastated). I'm not mad at my puppy for doing puppy things, but I'm mad at myself for being so disorganised that I didn't notice I'd left it where she could get it. We've got a big house, and decluttering and organising all of this? So overwhelming I could put it off forever. But this is great advice. I've got a real knack for holding onto random junk, like cables for appliances I don't have anymore or shoes my puppy has chewed up. This is a much more manageable first step.
@lw3924 Жыл бұрын
I needed to hear this today. Thank you, Dana!
@kristinpetersen5709 Жыл бұрын
Always clicking Like b4 I watch cause I just KNOW it'll be great! Merry Christmas to all and have a Happy Dana K Whiting new year! We got this!❤️❤️❤️
@janethunt4037 Жыл бұрын
Great explanation of the basics! I used a lot of your lines with my husband as we decluttered part of the coat closet yesterday. Many of your lines are ingrained in my head now. They are so helpful!
@bjb0808 Жыл бұрын
I've watched this before but, watching it again now, I really appreciate the kindness. I really beat myself up over the seeming inability to get things done (or started) and this was a way of testing the waters again. I can look for trash. Yes!
@Pinkfong2 Жыл бұрын
I’m still following your process for downsizing. Being older it takes a little longer but I’ve really gotten so much better with your method and Dawn’s and FlyLady, who contributes to the process in profound ways. Your way I actually think is the best, but only acquired it 😮by listening over and over. TY. Right now I do have Christmas clutter still at this age. I shall begin.
@MlSSadventure Жыл бұрын
Dawn who? Looking for any other sources of tips & inspiration.
@katherinerotnicki5910 Жыл бұрын
@@MlSSadventure Dawn is from “The Minimal Mom” on KZbin.
@myrahuber260 Жыл бұрын
Cas from Clutterbug is great too!
@MlSSadventure Жыл бұрын
@@katherinerotnicki5910 I’m such a Minimal Mom that I’m child-free! 😆
@MlSSadventure Жыл бұрын
I’m disabled, so I move a lot slower. I can’t do the ‘take it there now’. I put things in boxes and then take the boxes there when they are full. I actually tend to gut an area, have a huge mess, pull out items to donate/sell, then put back in. BUT, my secret is that I HIRE a middle schooler to do a lot of that. I’ll help out until I’m in too much pain, but then sit and direct him.
@jeanmay1413 Жыл бұрын
You are my cheerleader! Have a long way to go but I’m positive I’ll get there with your encouragement. Having you play while working does help motivate me. ❤
@suzanneantonich4106 Жыл бұрын
You’ll never know how important what you just said is to me right now. I now have a game plan for every time I walk into a room and I am overwhelmed! Thank you, thank you, thank you! 9:41
@kc3503 Жыл бұрын
Hi Dana! Thank you for finding a way to say it with a new twist so that it resonates and connects with us. Real, practical thoughts to work through our stuff.
@bethreisman8869 Жыл бұрын
@sammycollins3667 7 ай бұрын
Thought I was never going to be able to get my "stuff" under control due to having chronic fatigue with fibromyalgia as well as effects of having "long-covid ". Had no idea that a multitude of women are suffering from not knowing just "how" to approach the overwhelming stress of life a chock hold keeping me disorganized & exhausted each time attempting to decanter my home This has been a real answer to a real prayer. ❤
@sammycollins3667 7 ай бұрын
I meant de-clutter my home.😂
@jodi578 Жыл бұрын
I had such a Victory today - I found myself at the store and 50%. Off all Christmas stuff - I ended up touching over 15 things but Since I have been Enjoying the Decluttering Mindset over the last 3 plus years - I talked myself Easily out of EVERY item ( super deal but not quite what I was looking for, did not want to store, wrong color etc). I ended up Buying just a few items I Truly needed and a couple sets of drawer dividers to finish up what I started in a set of bathroom drawers too motivate myself for 2023. Watched your Video for More Motivation...have felt stuck on some projects lately - The Black trash bag idea is So Funny because it’s Right on, such an Amazing place to get started 😂 in years past I never would have realized it was a thing but always feel accomplished and ahead after the process ( a tissue here, wrappers here then onto small garbages etc. ). Happy 2023 to you and your Family and for Superior Videos 🎉
@valerieschlabach2431 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE Reid’s comments at the end…I totally noticed how good your hair looks! 😂
@christinab9133 Жыл бұрын
Just so grateful for your videos! Take it there now!
@kk4608 Жыл бұрын
Dang something so simple...but so profound! Just get it out , don't look to organize or sort. That's a game changer! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
@martasplace6414 Жыл бұрын
I subbed to your channel because I have ADHD and I get so overwhelmed when I want to clean and it's so hard to just "start" cleaning! Thank you!!
@pp57642 Жыл бұрын
The no mess method has been incredible for me to follow in my decluttering journey. Gone are the days when I pulled everything out of a space and after a while became overwhelmed and left the mess there for days and days and ……. Now I focus totally on the no mess method - love it. Forever grateful for your videos and the take your house back course.
@blacksquirrelhomestead Жыл бұрын
This has pretty much been my method for many years. I hate pulling apart a room only to feel worse when the mess explodes. I do a drawer here and there or pull one or two items from my closet. It's also going to work for maintenance too.
@laurarodewald2276 Жыл бұрын
Dana, your first few sentences were ME! Are you looking through my windows. I said I’m starting the 1st of the year in the bedroom downstairs. I’m going to give myself a week, I get so overwhelmed, but I’ve already started, so that’s a plus👍🏻
@uploadingjoy9120 Жыл бұрын
I don't think I've ever commented before but I want to say that I just love you! I love your books (audio version is fabulous!) and your videos. While listening to this video I walked around my messy kitchen and threw out trash and I already feel better. THANK YOU for making it simple. God bless!
@triciaperinger2675 Жыл бұрын
I’m 5minutes in and already filling a trash bag. Thank you Dana for the timing of this video!!!!!!
@soccerchamp0511 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the reality check! I just started watching your videos, and I think they are going to help me get out of the mental block I've been in. I moved to a new place almost four months ago, and while everything started out good it has already devolved into a cluttered mess. I unfortunately moved during my job's busiest season, which didn't help. But I've had time since then to deal with stuff and have been defeated by analysis paralysis. I had such great plans to have friends over for game nights and things, which hasn't happened because I'm embarrassed by the state of my apartment. When I look around I feel overwhelmed. Yet I know the best thing I can do is just get started. I guess I just needed someone to remind me that it doesn't have to be done all at once, and it's ok that perfection is not the goal, good enough is.
@amandarowe728 Ай бұрын
Finally, I found the treasure I have been looking for after all this time. A lady who has simplified 'housework' (or drudgery for want of a better word). I've been swimming against the tide for years. Thank you, Dana, for putting things in a much more optimistic way. You are wonderful.
@dwanewilliams2172 8 ай бұрын
I love that you said, "The Power Of Getting Started"......really really helps!
@ninak8506 Жыл бұрын
Trash & recycling, boxes - always the first to go. Always surprised by how that gets me rolling. 2nd - wash the dishes (after I find them while looking for trash & recycling) 3-do some laundry 😱 I like to wash the dirty floor rugs when I'm on a whole house clean & declutter. 4 easy declutter items go in a box. But you can't drive around with them in your car for the whole month of December. (yea, personal experience) Love ya Dana K White. 😉
@holisticsoulsc 10 ай бұрын
Hi Dana! I am a trauma therapist in South Carolina and have just started recommending your channel to my clients. I love that you have relatively short videos packed with amazing information! Thank you for sharing your expertise!
@summerrose4978 5 ай бұрын
Been 4 years trying to declutter, ugh, going to try your method. Wish me success
@XSweetNSaucyX 5 ай бұрын
Same from room, to attic, to garage, to storage unit. Good luck to you, wish me luck as well.❤😅
@summerrose4978 5 ай бұрын
@@XSweetNSaucyX Good Luck, keep us posted how you did
@ellenpeterson-t9w Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Dana! Loved this talk on decluttering- just what I needed to hear! So positive!!!!
@thepartysjustbegun5557 Жыл бұрын
I listen to your videos over and over they're life changing ☺️ I tell all my friends the decluttering tips like the no mess method it's a hit 🥰 our houses have never been more tidy 💖
@amycoleman3917 Жыл бұрын
Good morning! Hope you had a merry Christmas! I appreciate your content. It is a big help to me
@cinderellalands8030 Жыл бұрын
I just started my decluttering journey Your advice of getting the trash out and focusing on decluttering instead of organizing is the most encouraging thing I’ve ever heard. I will definitely take your advice, and now I feel like I can start by just getting the trash out. That makes a daunting task seem so simple. I already purchased a big box of black trash bags and for the first time, instead of feeling overwhelmed and excited about decluttering. I will definitely continue watching your videos as I work my way through the process I’m so happy I found your KZbin page. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge I really appreciate you❤
@bellaluce7088 Жыл бұрын
overwhelm cure: - get rid of stuff BEFORE trying to organize - start with black trash bag and look for trash to get rid of helps get rid of decision paralysis the power of getting started - if can't identify what's trash, ash the first decluttering question: - if I needed this item, where would I look for it first? - overwhelm can also come from past failures decluttering - by getting started with easy things like trash, you start to see the environment change right away, building your confidence
@meggarstang6761 Жыл бұрын
In my clan, you call Aunt Meg, the retired process designer. Decluttering is a trip to Disneyland for me. Clutter is kryptonite to my adult nieces. Knowing when to delegate to the appropriate relative is the key to success!
@lmack6596 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, for yet again, getting me up and moving. 😊 Half the battle for me is getting up and getting started. I'm feeling tired today, so def a baby steps day. 5minutes matters! ❤😊
@kael1716 Жыл бұрын
Now that's a great idea. I'm always looking at the big picture and overwhelmed!! Simple but very sensible. I'm feeling better all ready. Can't wait - Thank you. Still watching you.
@carolynf-a.k.a.minniemouse7894 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! I know what I am going to be doing today, for the first time in I don't know how long I feel like I have something to look forward to and some direction. This makes sense to the point I feel silly for not starting here sooner. I am actually looking forward to taking this first step. I appreciate you and your encouragement and speaking from a place where everyone watching has been or currently is. I hope you have a blessed day and week! I'm off to look for trash so by Thursday I am looking forward to my trash being taken permanently away from me and my space once and for all. 🤗❤️👍
@mychalbrown4585 Жыл бұрын
First: your hair does look amazing today. ♥️ Second: I've made significant progress using your methods (although the piling habit dies hard). However, I've really stalled out as a lot of the glaringly obvious stuff is gone, but there's so much more to do. Going to get a kickstart in the new year following your methods more closely. 🤞🏼 Thanks so much!
@beautyteen15 8 ай бұрын
Yes I want a video on the hair lol
@Coffeecup.0110 Жыл бұрын
I’m decluttering and listening to this video! Thank you!!! ☮️❤️😊
@jamesbriggs5740 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget the recycling bin! Kathy B P. S. I finally got all the dishes done today! I had some help. My dishwasher broke before Thanksgiving and I was overwhelmed with the volume of dishes. I finally did the turkey roaster. Then I soaked the leftover dishes in the dishwasher. My husband dried the dishes at that point.
My No Mess Decluttering Method Demonstration
Dana K White
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HOW to Find a Place for Everything in Your Home when Decluttering
Teaching a Toddler Household Habits: Diaper Disposal & Potty Training #shorts
escape in roblox in real life
Kan Andrey
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How to Get Motivated to Declutter
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Heal Chaos and Overwhelm: DECLUTTER Every Part of Your Life
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How to get Instant Freedom from Toxic Clutter (with Dr. John Delony)
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NRM DeCluttering 35 Years of...Stuff
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How to Get Back on Track When the House is a Mess!
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*NEVER* Get Rid Of These 12 Things When Decluttering!
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