Trying my hardest not to take my husbands process personally
@gtetonya4 ай бұрын
My Opinion: I disagree with alot of what was said in this video. The first ⅓ I agree with, everyone grieves differently and processes their grief differently and we shouldn't judge them for it. We should ask how we can be there for them. I think one of the worst things you said was to remind them how courageous they are and that this will make them stronger and better- No. Just No. Do not in any way say or imply that my loved ones passing is a positive thing. Its almost as bad as saying 'everything happens for a reason' or 'its all part of God's plan' or 'he's in a better place'. Those are all terrible things to say to someone like me who is grieving. As for emotional/physical intimacy: I've found the exact opposite to be true. Many people use physical intimacy as a way to distract from their emotional pain or fill the void. Especially after the death of a loved one. Almost as a way of reaffirming life. There is a reason the "Wedding Crashers" movie had the funeral scene in it. Many times funerals leave us feeling emotionally raw and we want to feel close to someone and what feels closer than the act? Honestly, after watching your video again it sounds like your advice is how YOU would want to be comforted after the death of a loved one. Not how someone like myself or possibly your fiance (who you said prefers distraction and keeping busy as a coping mechanism).
@rullalani4 ай бұрын
You're absolutely correct that everyone processes grief differently. What worked for my husband may not work for you. All advice is subjective and we should only apply what works. Nonetheless, I pray for your healing and peace as you navigate this difficult chapter. 🙏