How to Use Your Stat Boosters

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@actuallizard Жыл бұрын
Sadly my talking audio is only playing through the left headphone :(. I didn't catch it because I only ever wear one headphone! In the future I will test my videos with both headphones on lol.
@blankblank6214 Жыл бұрын
Dam I only have left usable head phone
@andrewkim2368 Жыл бұрын
For viewers on computers: you can fix this by turning on mono audio in your audio settings
@nickziegler1904 Жыл бұрын
Are you gonna re-upload a fix?
@rubybunnies Жыл бұрын
XD i watched like 30 seconds of it with only my right earbud and was like "huh i wonder when the video will start" with only the bgm playing
@Emiturbina Жыл бұрын
What a jumpscare
@DaniDoyle Жыл бұрын
It was a really good choice of you to just repeat "DON'T GIVE THEM TO FRANZ" for 12 minutes uninterrupted, but I think you got the point across 😊
@fakesmile172 Жыл бұрын
The Chapter 5 Dracoshield is actually pretty good on Franz, especially if you early promote him, since his HP and Defense won't be very high at that point. I guess an Angelic Robe would work too.
@adamgalloy9371 Жыл бұрын
Something I've generally found for blind playthroughs where you don't have specific benchmarks in mind is: As just about any RPG goes on, the number of options you have for dealing with problems generally increases. The early game is usually when you have the least options available, so if you "save it for later" you are handicapping yourself at the time when you have the fewest options. Figuring out what the most immediate problem is and how the item can help solve it will typically be just fine (especially since stat booster benefits last through to the whole game anyway). Of course, you'll still occasionally regret how you used an item, but games are rarely designed in such a way that 1-2 misused items will softlock you (although I have heard FE5 might be a bit of an exception? haven't played it).
@Not_Alanius 8 ай бұрын
As someone that only played a bit of Thracia 776, I can say that specific item are Door Keys and Lock picks specifically. *Do not neglect your keys, there are alot of maps that softlock if you forget or misuse them.*
@naotoueda2838 Жыл бұрын
The easiest options: Just give to a unit youblike to cap the stats and be happy. Or lord to not get them killed in a ironman
@marcoasturias8520 Жыл бұрын
And then you regret the skill book that gave it a 1%crit on an enemy that opened up the path for the lord to be attacked and killed
@wolfx8751 8 ай бұрын
I'm a simple woman; I see Framme, I give boosts
@Zoran501 Жыл бұрын
FYI your commentary track is only in the left channel and not the right
@actuallizard Жыл бұрын
Yeah, someone just told me that. I am trying to figure out why now. Thanks for the heads up though!
@elite9237 Жыл бұрын
I didn't notice at first, and spent 15 seconds waiting before reading this comment
@AllBeganwithBBS Жыл бұрын
Counter point: To use your stat boosters, you click on them, click use, then click on the unit(s) you want to use them on. Great video though.
@cmck362 Жыл бұрын
A rule of thumb is to ask if it's a patch up stat, a breakpoint stat, or a win more stat. Defense and res are win more stats. Skill, hp, and luck are patch up stats. Speed and strength are breakpoint stats. Move is a win more stat, but so useful on utility units it's worth considering. Skills throw a wrench in this though.
@ivanbluecool Жыл бұрын
I either give them to my main lord to make them look how they feel or the trainee units to get them started and start rolling that rock down the hill. Awakening I just make robin solo it all and then get Morgan to help solo it all.
@s0nicblade353 Жыл бұрын
I'm playing FE6 for the first time, realized Gonzalez has a hard time hitting anything. I gave him the Secret Book for a little bump, and that helped me reliably use him so he could level up as a main stay member. I like this discussion topic as while I patched up a bad stat, it was to set up for the long term. But each unit and team are unique, so maybe next time I'll just let him work for it
@Sentient_Blob 3 ай бұрын
Bro Gonzales ain’t ever gonna work for skill points with his 15% growth (though I did have an insanely blessed gonny that somehow got 18 skill)
@thehappybasilisk Жыл бұрын
I feel very called out by the General Amelia boots point... but I will never stop dumping all my stat boosters into armor knights. Except when I forget I have them and they sit in the convoy till end game.
@dessam3939 Жыл бұрын
I was not ready for a LeBron quote to be used as a point of reference for FE stat boosters but anyways Jordan still better
@actuallizard Жыл бұрын
Dr. J is the GOAT in my heart
@Cookie-lw6ds Жыл бұрын
For blind playthroughs, I give stat boosters to units that see a lot of combat but have a mediocre or slightly weak stat.
@tomeinsmann8236 Жыл бұрын
Nice video, it's an interesting topic and you explained your reasoning well. One tangentially related thing that popped into my head was how powerful stat boosters can be for Laguz in Radiant Dawn. Since their stats double when transformed, +2 turns into +4! It's a neat way to mix things up and make non-royal Laguz suck less. On my last playthrough I hoarded all stat boosters and most of my bonus EXP and funneled it all into Kurthnaga which made for an interesting endgame.
@GreatAether58 Жыл бұрын
I love giving Skrimir a Speedwing in Part 4 Prologue. That boost to his SPD makes him able to double every enemy on the map. At least in Normal mode which is actually Hard mode but was mistranslated as Normal.
@oEllery Жыл бұрын
Funny timing, I have a perfect example of this. Just last night I was working on my Awakening Lunatic (No Grinding) run, and I was struggling with the Falcon Knights on Chapter 14. Vaike and Sumia can handle them just fine, but there are so many Falcon Knights coming from so many directions it can be hard to funnel them all appropriately. Cordelia was slightly too weak, and nowhere near fast enough to double them even with Lon'qu as a Pair Up. But she needed exactly 4 points of damage to one shot a Falcon Knight with the Beast Killer. +2 from a Strength Tonic wouldn't be enough, but combined with the +2 permanent increase from Energy Drop it gave her just enough attack. Forging the Beast Killer to deal more damage would have been more expensive overall, and the only "cost" here was using a Stat Booster that I had been hoarding in my convoy up to this point anyway. I like how the same fundamental logic works in the newer games but your reach and the ways you can hit higher benchmarks is a lot wider and more dynamic.
@stormfallvalkyri8389 Жыл бұрын
Give them all to alcryst to spite the internet
@TheKreve Жыл бұрын
Quick tips/TLDW Seraph robes on your high movement frontliner who is away from most healing Energy drop/ring/spirit dust on people who double a lot because that is +4 damage Secret book is pretty meh but i use it on my main Axe-bro so that hand axe combat is better Goddess icon for frontliners with very bad luck, so that they don't get low% crit Speedwing to hit certain benchmark. this one is the hardest to use. Dracoshield is very good on the same target as the seraph robe. Talisman is whatever. Use it on your physical magekiller? Boots is for the dancer so she does not get cold feet...
@fakesmile172 Жыл бұрын
I usually use Talismans on early prepromotes like Marcus and Seth since they have higher base resistance than most physical units will ever get, and the talisman will keep that resistance high and give them a bit of a niche.
@marcoasturias8520 Жыл бұрын
That's why the best user of Sigurd in Engage is Seadall! Sigurd is very hot!
@GreatAether58 Жыл бұрын
I usually sell the Goddess Icons tbh. Especially in GBA/Tellius. I find that an extra 4,000 gold is worth a lot more than +2 LUCK on pretty much any unit.
@crowhaveninc.2103 Жыл бұрын
This is a great video for more than just FE games. Consumables have always been a difficult point for gamers and designers. You have already touched on this a little bit, but I would like to emphesize one point a bit further: The only way to use these items wrong is not to use them at all! The speed wing example you gave shows this perfectly. You used it, but then learned that this was not the time to use it. Using consumables in games is a seperate skill, but one that translates to far more games than some people realize.
@marcoasturias8520 Жыл бұрын
A rule of thumb I use on gba rom hacks is giving angelic robe to frail but fast units and dracoshield to chunky units. HP+7 saves almost everyone from being one shot and Def+2 (damage reduction gains as concept) work better the more times a unit is hit, thus leaving a unit in the middle of the battlefield matches that description
@cyndit9054 Жыл бұрын
I tend to forget about my stat boosters until I notice that I have a bunch and then I kind of randomly give them out to characters I like Except for boots. I like giving my dancer a pair as well as the lord. My wolf knight Alear with like 7 move was very fun
@JACE70736 Жыл бұрын
The main way I use stat boosters is to turn decent stats to good stats or good stats into great stats. Giving a specialiazed glass cannon like Lysithia more defense isn't helpful because the difference between 2 and 4 is barely noticeable past the early game, and giving her more magic isn't helpful for the same reason. Tose stat buffs wouldbe better spent on a unit that relies on those stats but aren't very high yet, like Lorenz if you're building him into Dark Knight (which you definitely should).
@isyf1523 Жыл бұрын
I just choose to give it to the main character because I don't want to do the math to see who actually needs it the most, and because I like to play Ironman runs (stat boosters don't seem like necessary most of the time, so throwing them on the mc and make him op makes the game canonically accurate in some cases)
@grauenritter9220 Жыл бұрын
My other case, and related to promotion timing, is also that I prefer to use promotion item BEFORE stat boosters.
@Rezkeshdadesh Жыл бұрын
In 3 Houses, the correct decision is to give all your stat boosters to Ashe
@marcoasturias8520 Жыл бұрын
Oddly enough, due to how class minimums work, stat boosters used early are a complete waste
@Shalakor Жыл бұрын
@@marcoasturias8520 Right after reaching Advanced promotions is when to use them, unless it's a stat you know already exceeds or will be exceeding the Advanced class minimum. Or movement booster, since that's still strictly additive via class modifiers. Although, even then, the hardest part of 3Houses Maddening is the early game and often chapter 13, so if you need the stats for an immediate benchmark right then, survival of the hard parts of the game trumps being wasted once promo happens. Best to try to avoid such scenarios if you can, though, and/or literally farming boosters may invalidate the wastefulness of early usage.
@leolightfellow Жыл бұрын
The Lebron James part made me laugh out loud. Wasn't expecting it. :) I always just use them on the lord/tactician.
@90kalos1 Жыл бұрын
I usually give it to a unit with a mid stat. If their base is to low they likely won't benefit from it and if it's high then it's overkill. I'm to lazy to do enough research to find the benchmarks I need to do things so it's easier to find someone with a medium stat that definitely won't cap. Alternatively I use it to help catch a weak unit up, like my current sacred stones playthrough where I gave Tana lots of performance boosting drugs so she could survive helping me recruit cormag the next chapter
@LeviAuren Жыл бұрын
By my third playthrough of engage (and my first foray into its maddening mode), I knew that I could stack strength/magic on high speed units forever and there would always be a legitimate use because enemies scale hard to balance your crazy toolset. See booster, think of unit, do I have unit?, yes, give stat booster
@SamTheFoolishMan Жыл бұрын
My left ear really enjoyed hearing you talk about this. Good video though your videos have really gotten me more into fire emblem since I finished engage
@Dohiwario Жыл бұрын
Assuming I am unfamiliar with the game, my general rule of thumb for stat boosters are: Strength goes to Myrmidons or Pegasus Knights because they are usually fast enough to double most enemies, but struggle with one rounding. Magic on either mages who are struggling to one round or whatever mage I designate as my tanky boss killer. Speed on characters who need it to double. HP, Defense, Resistance on fliers because I typically throw them towards enemies across terrain to get objectives done faster, or lords because, while they might not get the most out of it, they are always required field and I would rather not have to reset if they die. Boots on Dancer because they are unique and you want to field them every map. Maybe on a flier or lord depending on how much work they are putting in. If I don't feel like I need to use stat boosters on anyone in particular, they go to the character that is my favorite
@Dohiwario Жыл бұрын
Uhhh, Skill goes to whoever's hit rate is on average lower than 80, Luck goes on whoever. If the game has skills with activation chances based on those stats, I jack up them up as high as possible for my combat units.
@blueash7077 Жыл бұрын
I tend to wait till most of my units are promotes to give stat boosters cause at that point I have a good idea of which units I am using in a given playthrough. Also I will know if a unit got blessed or screwed in certain stats so I can shore up those weaknesses since if a unit reaches a benchmark already you get diminishing returns.
@jierdareisa4313 Жыл бұрын
Really like your videos about FE. A focused channel with no fluff. And since we're on KZbin, and the algorithm rules, well... this is me showing ENGAGEment (pun intended)!
@DarkWorldQ8 4 ай бұрын
I usually give stat boosters to those who need it the most and those that I use, and sometimes the lord. I usually give boots to armour knights if I was using one, since armour knights benefit from it the most, and since they can reach a certain path faster and block that path.
@Outshinedsg 7 ай бұрын
My thoughts: Str/Magic: Give to a unit with high speed that is consistently doubling, but not already one-rounding normal enemies. If a unit consistently doubles, it gets twice the benefit from a strength boost. Skill: Give this is a unit that has borderline accuracy but good power when they connect (often axe users, can be others). Consistency is ideal because it makes your moves more predictable. Speed: Give this to a unit with high attack, but borderline doubling ability. If you help a unit more consistently reach the breakpoint for doubling, you double their power. Not as good on units that are already consistently doubling everything (typical rogues/myrmidons), or units that are hopelessly behind on speed (armor knights). Defense/Res: I usually give this to units with average to above average defense, but low dodge. If your unit dodges everything, it probably doesn't need armor. If your unit is already paper, you don't want it taking hits, ever. Improving a unit that's always tanking hits to one that can survive a few attacks is best. HP: I'll often give these to dodge units that are in danger of being one shotted if they low roll their dodge. Also the lord, since they are the one unit that you absolutely have to prevent from dying. Luck: Usually an extremely marginal benefit. Give to a Berserker or Swordmaster if you like seeing more crits, otherwise it may be more beneficial to sell. Con: Functions the same as speed, only for units that are consistently weighed down by weapons that are too heavy. Boots: The simplest option is to give to the lord if it's a game where your lord has to visit villages or seize locations. You can also give these to dancers or other utility units.
@einjharrelraca 8 ай бұрын
In most traditional fire emblems i find myself using stat boosters for offensive stats reactively, but i use my defensive stat boosts however i feel feels right. So i like giving say, erika the early angelic robe and the early draco shield, because i find it gives her enough bulk to be a frontliner. But i generally hold my energy drops to ensure kill thresholds are met on certain bosses or dangerous enemies. Now. Radiant dawn stat boosters are something i fucking LOVE talking about. They have an extra lair of useage that i like to abuse because of bonus exp's gaurenteed 3 stat boosts. So ill use stat boosters to get units to cap their high growth rate states, then use bonus exp to force growths in lower stats. As an example, i like giving miciah the earliest spirit drops, because it gets her to cap her magic around level 14 rather than 16, meaning i just handed her some combination of 2 points in speed and defence, both point miciah severly lacks in. One stat booster turned into 4 stats rather than 2. Man, now i want to do math on stat booster efficiency in that game. XD
@Gameboy_4041 8 ай бұрын
My left ear really enjoyed this
@Laezar1 11 ай бұрын
If going blind generally I think about it that way : Hp : High value for low health units to give them more freedom, although good defences also increases the value since more health = more opportunity for that defense to matter. Str : High value for low str unit since the less damage you deal the more often the extra points of damage will reduce the number of hit you need. Skill : a bit harder since the hit rate is more valuable for low hit units (since high hit unit might go over 100%) although hitting 100% has value in itself which might emphasize focusing on high skill units anyway, but also high skill units get more benefits from the crit rate increase since a low skill unit might not see any increase if they don't meet the luck threshold. So in my opinion the best target would be a high skill low luck units which helps fix their accuracy from low luck while emphasizing their high crit rate. Speed : preferably target an average speed unit to make them become quick. Low speed unit will probably still not double, and the next break point to not *get* doubled is much lower but if your speed is that bad it might be worth considering especially since you aren't going to dodge much either so getting doubled sucks even more, but outside of that a low speed unit doesn't get much benefit from it. A high speed unit will probably double anyway. So an average speed unit is the most likely to see benefits of extra doubling. Luck : Low luck units benefit the most as it increases the number of unit that can never crit them. And even if you can still get crit you gain benefit of reduced crit from every unit that could crit you, while a high luck units will not get it from the units that were already at 0%. Def/resistance : Due to it being a flat reduction high def/resistance unit benefit the most for the same reason low strength unit benefit the most from extra strength. A unit hitting you for 6 can be scary but if they hit you for 4 you can tank for days and if they hit you for 2 you barely feel them. On the other hand a unit going from 20 to 18 might not even reduce the number of hits required to kill you. Although I also give a premium to high mobility units since extra defenses let them use that mobility more efficiently with less risk. also true for health but to a lesser extent as defense are especially valuable when hit by many attacks, whereas mobility can be used to maneuver around a threatening damaging unit more easily. The defense means you don't have to go back to get healed and your healing items let you sustain for longer in a dangerous position. Constitution : This is one where you can really focus on hitting specific threshold though there are many consideration like who you can rescue and who can rescue you. Mounted units see a bit less value from it because of that but their constitution also tend to be in an awkward spot where they benefit from it the most for their speed so there is that. Generally would like to give it to a foot unit with average speed that happens to have a bit lower constitution than needed to wield their weapons of choice. Movement : Everyone can benefit from it but in very different ways. dancer being able to keep up with high movement units is an obvious one, mounted unit get a lot of value from it because of canto. High movement units can open many opportunities. But I think the idea that it lets a unit like a general keep up with the rest of the team has merit too, especially if you go for a more methodical approach and stay grouped in which case the movespeed of your team is equal to that of your slowest unit. (especially if they are supposed to be at the front). Another way to look at it is to separate your units in multiple groups based on movement speed and it does let a unit move to another group. As a general rule the better a unit is at combat the more they can squeeze out of their movespeed *unless* they are a mounted unit in which case the utility means they don't even need to be good at combat. But since movespeed also gives a lot of value for support abilities and let a unit escape danger easier it ends up just being great on everyone. So in conclusion I end up thinking less about the unit in itself for movement but rather about the it's place within the party and how the extra movement would change that. Although it's hard to go wrong with a flyer there are many reasons why you'd want to go for another unit. So yeah that's generally how I go about it
@justsomedude5727 Жыл бұрын
I tend to give stat boosters to those with a stat they use but thats slightly lower, except most health boosts go to the protag because if they die its game over.
@garthmarenghi9040 3 ай бұрын
In my last FE 9 run I gave my boots to Soren since I wanted him and Ike to be my main combat units instead of just using the typical cavalry goon squad. It ended up being much better than I anticipated because it ended up giving me +2 range on all the siege tomes, which made removing enemy artillery a breeze and opening up the map for the rest of my army.
@EthanKironus8067 4 ай бұрын
I am a huge hoarder, on grindy Awakening playthroughs I've gotten as many as a half-dozen of every single stat booster (bar Boots of course) accumulated by the last few chapters.
@aggressivelymediocre350 Жыл бұрын
I actually just started thinking about statboosters for thresholds on my most recent playthrough so it’s nice to hear some reassurance for that method of thinking. Basically using a statbooster how you would use a tonic
@yoso378 Жыл бұрын
FE is the only series where i don't like using stat boosting items asap and it's mostly because the randomness of the level ups feel like they make a much bigger difference in these games. There's always that worry in the back of my mind that I'll use an item on someone and then their level ups will just go down the toilet and they'll end up getting benched. A lot of RPGs have random level ups but most of them have some kind of mechanic where characters will have a higher chance of gaining specific stats if they fall behind the average, so it feels less bad.
@marcoasturias8520 Жыл бұрын
What other rpgs have random level ups? The most common, I believe, is to simply show the player the percentage dictated by the level. Pokémon comes to mind, nothing is random, just complex.
@yoso378 Жыл бұрын
​@@marcoasturias8520Off the top of my head, Dragon quest definitely has random level ups but not only are stat differences less prominent, it has the aforementioned catchup mechanics in place. On top of that, stat boosters also give more or less stats based on how many you've used on a character and how high that stat is on average for the character. It's become less of a thing with most modern games but if you watch RPG speed runs there's a bunch where they want specific stats on characters or else they need to do backup strategies.
@Syngrafer Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately I'm nearly deaf in my left ear so I can't really watch this video
@marcoasturias8520 Жыл бұрын
Flip the headset 180° laterally
@ricardopaddyfoot4705 4 ай бұрын
I usually give the offensive boosters to my mage so I know I have someone who can always tear through any none capped enemy. Everything else goes to frontliners. Boots can go to dancer or high move unit .
@Maroxad Жыл бұрын
Hey, General Amelia with boots is hilarious! (I only gave them to her for the memes, it is obviously a bad move compared to giving them to someone like Seth or Vanessa)
@hylianfelldragon1308 Жыл бұрын
When it comes to stat boosters in really any Fire Emblem game really, I typically use them like this. -Use Strength and/or Magic Stat boosters (IE Energy Drops) to combat units that I'm focusing on the most. Regardless of how much damage they're doing, I'll give them it anyway because I like Big Damage Numbers. - Sometimes, I'll use Magic boosting stat boosters (IE Magic Dust) for staff/white magic units to increase the range of staves/white magic where their range is tied to the magic stat. IE Warp, Psychic and Fortify. -For games that have proc based Skills, (IE Tellius and Modern Fire Emblem) I'll use skill/dex buffing stat boosters on units that have proc based skills attached to them. Even if it's only a 1-2% increase, it's still a 1-2% more of a chance to proc the skill with it than without it in my opinion. -If I want more bulk to my units, I'll give them either an HP boosting booster or a Defense boosting one. Although I'll prioritize the HP one because they usually tend to have better bonuses than the Defense ones -Speed boosting really depends on speed thresholds between the unit and the enemies in question. If the unit doubles consistently, I'll either save them for a different unit or sell them. If not, Might as well use them on this specific unit. -Luck and Resistance boosting stat boosters I almost always sell. More luck can help in like... 2 games in the entire series, things like Awakening's Armsthrift skill and Anna's Personal skill in Engage, but unless I'm using a team where skills like those are relevant, more money is going to help me more than extra 2 Dodge. As for Resistance, Barrier Staff and Pure Water are better for buffing Res than stuff like Talisman. Yeah it's not permanent but if I'm in a situation where more magical bulk can help (which is honestly pretty rare in most games) I would rather use a temporary +7 Res buff then a permanent +2 Res buff if I'm being completely honest.
@Posby95 11 ай бұрын
The dragon shield is better than the angelic robe when you're attacked by 4 enemies or more.
@xenofes2 Жыл бұрын
I tend to use all of my stat boosters immediately, so I don't end up hoarding them. Reaching certain thresholds is nice and all, but I'd rather not put effort into figuring them all out when I could just slap them on units where they'll be generally useful.
@ourdivinemouseoverlord3308 Жыл бұрын
My strategy is to immediately feed the stat boosters into the lord(s). I have no regrets doing it like this.
@cyanplaza5153 4 ай бұрын
your slop is so tasty I'm putting up with the botched audio almost a year after this video's posting
@Geswert72 Жыл бұрын
"2 speed points is not 2 points, I'll explain it to you later" - Ross
@GreatAether58 Жыл бұрын
I still like to give Boots to Armors like Oswin, Gilliam, and PoR Gatrie. In RD I take the Celerity skill away from Tormod in Part 1, have Ilyana deliver it to the GMs in Part 3, and give it to Gatrie. None of those make me able to reach enemies faster than I could before in general, that much is true. But it's nice to have a more mobile brick wall, so that's how I justify it. Even if I don't necessarily need a unit with that much DEF, it's still nice to have just in case I get myself into a sticky situation. Specifically talking about PoR, I also like to give Gatrie the skill combo Provoke, Vantage, and Adept. There is nothing in Fire Emblem more hilarious to me than watching enemies attack PoR Gatrie on Enemy Phase only to be Vantage/Adept killed before they get to attack, even though the enemy initiated the combat. Giving Gatrie the Boots helps him get to more enemies and do that more often, so for me it will always be worth it.
@poompoom3495 Жыл бұрын
give everything you have to sophia just for her to still have 38% hit rate and get one shotted by hand axe
@Xertaron. Жыл бұрын
If the game doesn't have supports that require fighting to build - FE5-12 - then I give it whoever is missing one or two points to do something they couldn't before. Otherwise I give it to my Jagen(s), because they have harder time keeping up with the rest of the army later on. Awakening doesn't really have one so they go to whoever gets stat screwed, in Fates they go to Gunter (or Reyna in BR) and I'm pretty sure in Engage they would go to Vander, but I haven't played it so I can't comment on that. It's partially bias, because I really Gunter and hate how much IS screwed him in Fates.
@thoriandragontamer1411 Жыл бұрын
The one thing that I think I did once, was in Path of Radiance, I got Ena, and then dumped every stat booster in the game on her. XD Can't remember if I got her to Lv. 20 or not, or if that helped fight Ashnard at all. It was still fun though. :)
@Elfangor567 Жыл бұрын
I tend to give boots to dancers. Unless there are ballisticians, in which case...
@blahmaster6k Жыл бұрын
LeBron is taking his talents to fire emblem heroes next.
@auraguard0212 Жыл бұрын
I never use stat boosters. Gotta keep that Funds rank up, even in games without it!
@SeraSer4phic 8 ай бұрын
General + boots everyday babyy
@kevinfigueroa5444 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. I’m currently playing through Ch 18 of Binding Blade and Merlinus inventory is maxed out cause I haven’t used any stat boosters
@AshenDust_ Жыл бұрын
Why do people do this?
@pawmotmasuku Жыл бұрын
What I just do is throw the stat boosters into the well in engage. What else am I gonna do with 'em
@DylanBeaudry Жыл бұрын
Who should you give a secret book to? Also, I think the Skill stat should give 5 points of hit. Would actually make it useful.
@Posby95 11 ай бұрын
To a unit with accuracy issues. Also, I think 5 hit per point of skill is too much - you would end up with everyone having 100% hit all the time. But I wouldn't be opposed to 3.
@MugenCannon97 Жыл бұрын
The correct answer is to give all your stat boosters to that one unit you're using as a joke
@chezcak486 Жыл бұрын
1:06. Loved this 😂😂
@actuallizard Жыл бұрын
I'll take any chance to work NBA memes into my videos lol
@DarrienGlasser Жыл бұрын
I don’t let the subscribe button sit in the convoy 😤
@zeropat0000 Жыл бұрын
Most people use stat boosters wrong. What you need to do is memorize every stat on every enemy in the game and then calculate the most efficient gaps to close. Its so simple 🙃
@actuallizard Жыл бұрын
I think in blind playthroughs it's simple enough to look at the next map and find what enemies 2 spd or strength helps your best combat units one round. The thing I think is ineffective is basing stat booster usage on only your units' stats, instead of your units' stats relative to the enemy.
@Rezkeshdadesh Жыл бұрын
I usually give the boots to my thief, lord, or dancer
@janitorben1434 Жыл бұрын
I use my stat boosters to make one unit hit like a truck
@midnalight6419 Жыл бұрын
Andaran saga just came out Let's just say I did not spare a life to give my favorite brave unit 4 extra damage
@lilbonsly Жыл бұрын
At least one Boots always go to the Dancer
@priestessii Жыл бұрын
bold of you to assume that giving general Amelia boots so she can keep up with the rest of my army isn't a plan
@chikin8895 7 ай бұрын
Music is super loud on this vid
@chosencode5881 Жыл бұрын
Bro you're a cool guy, but we're not tight enough for you to molest only 1 ear like this XD
@Dragonite43 Жыл бұрын
For my first playthrough, I tend to not use stat boosters. However, after that, I tend to use them. However, I personally like using stat boosters on the last chapter of the game. At that point, it gives me a very clear idea of what units I might need to patch up or what units need to do better.
@Realmidboss Жыл бұрын
Me: what's a benchmark ?
@Olimario34 Жыл бұрын
sell all your stat boosters to forge more wingspears
@crystalqueen9711 Жыл бұрын
Why is the audio mixing on this video so bad?
@Burnt_Enchilada 6 ай бұрын
I give them to myself cause I'm the best :>
@RobotGuy405 Жыл бұрын
smh. any true fire emblem elitist pro ltcer knows you give the speedwings to lyn
@marcoasturias8520 Жыл бұрын
Desperately trying to make lyn survive the battle
@sargin1 Жыл бұрын
this audio is so rough i might have to skip this video
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