How We Can Reduce Prejudice with a Conversation | David Fleischer | TEDxMidAtlantic

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@Talon3000 7 жыл бұрын
Talking to people face to face really is the best thing to fight prejudices. Not scream "racist" or "faggot" or "homophobe". Once you drop identity politics you will see only people instead of races, genders, religions or sexualities. Then you can start treating everyone the same. That is humanism.
@user-wc3ru5me3m Ай бұрын
I once heard, "facts don't touch and change hearts, stories do" This proves that to be true...I love the REAL connections made with this deep canvassing approach!
@williamandrews3482 7 жыл бұрын
I personally like this TED talk because it shows a rather liberal view, but not with demonizing the other side and by showing that they do understand the reason other people think the way they do and not telling that they are wrong and call them horrible names. Also this TED talk isn't just about their left view, but a different lesson can be taken from about how to bring someone over to your view point, whatever it is without being an ass to them or bulling them, like people on the left, the right and middle have and are doing.
@emperorlelouch5696 3 жыл бұрын
This was incredible! I truly believe that everyone can change and have their biases changed if they just listen. I want to be able to change this world step by step person by person by helping them come to an understanding on how things truly are and to see the light.
@vanjohnson1373 3 ай бұрын
Very well-prepared presentation in a very nice, gentle manner. It demonstrated that People could change their mindset if only they would take time to listen and be open-minded. I like it.
@CJ_Walks Ай бұрын
Potentially the most underrated Ted Talk I've seen.
@facetofacedelagandara8108 7 жыл бұрын
I'm spanish and i'm listening some ted talks to improve my english haha, i think i could understand most of the video and i have to say thay is beutiful and i agree whith it, we can change little by little the world using words 😁
@friedrichdergroe9664 7 жыл бұрын
I would say that this issue shouldn't even be up for a vote. Does it make sense that voters can vote on the rights of others? What is wrong with that picture.
@Tripper111 7 жыл бұрын
Hats off to you, great video bud...
@EricaEteson 6 жыл бұрын
This guy's a genius.
@melanieidachopko 4 жыл бұрын
Virginia too!
@belkyhernandez8281 3 жыл бұрын
Yes he is!!!!!
@roguedogx 7 жыл бұрын
Wait... he's 61! doesn't look it.
@BabvBlues 7 жыл бұрын
Very interesting video
@Молчацкий 3 жыл бұрын
Терпение и терпимость имеют такую силу...
@dotty9890 7 жыл бұрын
Just want to inform the TED team to take a second look on the title, a bit more closely this time
@jexsubrejhma6599 7 жыл бұрын
You can't stop people from being prejudice. Being prejudice is a form of belief, and it's not always about accepting something that one doesn't feel is right. I'm prejudice against several things, but it doesn't make me a bad person for having those prejudices.
@nevermind-bk3vd 7 жыл бұрын
Jexsu Brejhma i agree. its in the human nature to have prejudices but still i think that some of our prejudices are "outdated". we dont have to fear lgbt people as we have the possibility to know that they are not dangerous/weird/against our nature etc. based on sciene and research. therefore it would be nice if we as humans could get rid of them.
@nevermind-bk3vd 7 жыл бұрын
the prejudices not the lgbt people :D that was close
@janiviolin 6 жыл бұрын
That's actually not true. Sometimes people are prejudice based on fears that are not rooted in fact and reality. And, once they get to know someone with a background they were taught to be prejudice against, they realize that they didn't need to hold that bias and that they were wrong. This happens all the time.
@Aleksander_Konieczny 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! People can change!
@KiiroSagi 7 жыл бұрын
Didn't TED already post this? Save yourself time, the title is misleading. It's "How to correct misconceptions of an open-minded person." it has little to do with actual bigots you meet who are often hostile and stubborn.
@Skoda130 7 жыл бұрын
But where does the title speak about bigots?
@belkyhernandez8281 3 жыл бұрын
It's a safe bet that if the canvasser had approached that man by talking down to him and calling him a bigot the conversation would have gone in a direction.
@guyazbell8169 7 жыл бұрын
No one is promised tommorow, we are in the last seconds of the age of grace, i hate no man hell is a very very bad horrible tormenting place i dont wish to see my worst enemy to have to go to if i had a worst enemy, wide is the road that leads to hell but narrow is the path that leads to Heaven and few who find it, praying for everyone, btw sorry for descriptive words but its to late for tickly ears.
@chuyen3743 3 жыл бұрын
選定清晰目標 美國一個研究「成功」的機構,曾經長期追蹤一百個年輕人,直到他們年滿六十五歲。結果發現:只有一個人很富有,其中有五個人有經濟保障,剩下九十四人情況不太好,可算是失敗者。 這九十四個人之所以晚年拮据,並非年輕時努力不夠,主要因為沒有選定清晰的目標。 松樹毛蟲集體吐絲在松樹上結網為巢。每當黃昏時刻,牠們就傾巢而出,列隊爬過樹幹,去吃那些充滿汁液的松葉。這些毛蟲在走動時,有一種互相跟隨的本能,頭頭走在前面,後面緊跟著一條條的毛蟲,秩序井然,蜿蜒而行。走在前面的頭頭,一邊爬行,一邊不斷地吐出一條絲。不管牠走到哪裡,絲就吐到哪裡,其吐絲鋪路的目的,就是不論走多遠,都能順著絲路回巢,而不會迷路。 法國昆蟲學家法布爾曾對松樹毛蟲做了一項實驗。他把一隊的毛蟲引到一個高大的花盆上,等全隊的毛蟲爬上花盆邊緣形成圓圈時,法布爾就用布將花盆上四周的絲擦掉,僅留下花盆邊緣上的絲,並在花盆中央放了一些松葉。松樹毛蟲開始繞著花盆邊緣走,一隻接一隻盲目地走,一圈又一圈重複地走,牠們認為只要有絲路在,就不會迷路。如此走了十天七夜,根本不知道距離幾公分處有豐富的食物,最後終因飢餓而力竭身亡。 許多人跟松樹毛蟲一樣,只會盲目地過日子。他們按照既定的窠臼,每天懵懵懂懂地過日子,如果問他為何如此做,他會說「大家都是這麼做嘛」。一個沒有目標的人,就像一艘沒有羅盤的船隻,迷迷茫茫,隨風飄蕩,非但到不了彼岸,而且極易觸礁而亡。
@rahul17023 5 жыл бұрын
How to reduce post judice.
@abhiarun3349 7 жыл бұрын
i cant find this talk on ted application
@matiastoledo4201 3 жыл бұрын
Not all of them are, there are a few that I never found either
@patriciacovarrubias3127 7 жыл бұрын
No inglés
@ScottHz 3 жыл бұрын
I wish he would have used “respond” instead of “react” - reacting would have been to walk away or lash out. What he did was respond (with a thoughtfully laid out response), not ‘react’, which really would better describe the robocall or someone who might lash out against the epithet.
@glennhonestly6600 3 жыл бұрын
@curiousabout1 3 ай бұрын
You're wrong. A reaction is in no way inherently negative. A response IS a reaction, and a reaction is a response. You need a better understanding of English before you make semantic suggestions.
@matiaslucas8933 7 жыл бұрын
Do not let the Mormons listen to this Talk!
@danielbonilla454 7 жыл бұрын
please,someone translate this video to spanish.
@lucas13flu 7 жыл бұрын
This video was mostly great, I really wish all those angry SJW's would take the time to watch this. There are some things I still don't agree with however. Why should we change our pronouns to fit your personal feelings? (especially since gender is not a personal opinion, it is defined by biology) Why should a person who looks like a man be allowed to use the woman's bathroom, when it clearly allows rapists to do the same? With that being said, this really is a great attitude. Not everyone has trangender friends they can talk to and ask these questions, so this is a great oportunity for us to leave our echo chambers and realise what the other side thinks too.
@daniels.os. 7 жыл бұрын
Not going to discuss with you :) But just wanted to point an error: Gender is not defined by biology. It is a social construction. Sex is defined by biology at the first term (when you are born). But, anyways, that can be changed as well :) Receive a hug!
@lucas13flu 7 жыл бұрын
If you don't want to discuss that's certainly fine, I'd love to though. I think the message of the video is that if people with different opinions talk to each other they might change their point of views in a mutually beneficial way, so I'd love to discuss this with an open mind. If you still don't want to it's ok, it really is rare for a youtube comment debate to be productive mostly.
@daniels.os. 7 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't tell you something you can not find on scientific and sociological researches on the web or the library. I just wanted to point a fact that I've read and studied from multiple (overwhelming majority) proven sources :) But thanks for the disposition bro. The next TedX speech should be: "How can we reduce prejudice with a youtube comment section conversation?" We need it badly this last years. KZbin comments section has become a real war of prejudices, functional illiteracies and cognitive dissonances among non-professional people talking about topics they don't know the whole truth but just want to push their own personal experience or narrow facts... or just simple and plain intolerance and hate (fear and prejudices) and open lies. We can not live spitting cowardness behind a screen. That's too easy.
@lucas13flu 7 жыл бұрын
Very true, probably because most people here are underage and got into the whole "edgy" thing. I don't think there will ever be a mostly mature audience on youtube but it doesn't matter, as long as people willing to open their minds can do so.
@H4WK6969 7 жыл бұрын
Prejudice will always be prevalent, suck it up buttercup.
@ahmed85021 7 жыл бұрын
Doesn't mean it can't be minimized
@randomfotball7130 7 жыл бұрын
@geraldmerkowitz4360 7 жыл бұрын
@roguedogx 7 жыл бұрын
@mtm4671 7 жыл бұрын
@ScrappyXFL 7 жыл бұрын
Hold on, she just said who she's attracted to...that means it is just a preference. You can get your rocks off in many different ways. There is a choice of whether to engage in the preference or not. So basically this whole talk is how to sell your preference to others. Getting approval of others for what you are doing. This is sick. I can tolerate others actions, but approval is another thing. I won't go to a gay "wedding", doesn't mean I won't love them; it's just refusal to approve of it by me presence in what I believe is naturally wrong. Then again I believe the truest form of love is *a choice*. You can have feelings for others, that is fine. Yet when it comes down to being wronged by someone or being a burden, ultimately it comes to a choice of are you going to show love even when there is no affection or desire inherent in one's self to do good for others. Affection, infatuation, lust, horny, joy, happiness...all that feeling shit can go away or turn to digust, hate, withdrawing, hardening...still you *CHOOSE* to love the other person. In that respect the unnatural is done over instinct, your intellect will/can override your feelings. The only way you can justify an unnatural feeling is accepting that you are doing the unnatural. If that is a way of life for you, then it need not be acceptable to others. Selling that position to people is deceptive.
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