The murder of Lennon and knifing of Harrison shows how terrifying it was to be a Beatle. Lots of money, but mobs of lunatics chasing them.
@davidskidmore4189 Жыл бұрын
I think John in a lot of ways was a private person. So was George. I read that after he was attacked in his own home, he said "All I ever wanted was to play guitar in a band..." None of them asked for or could ever have imagined the kind of fame they achieved. If Ringo wants to eat his broccoli in peace I say let him. They've earned it.
@DavidMorley Жыл бұрын
I have lived 18 years more than John Lennon and I still have a lot to do and enjoy. Would I trade these extra years for his success, adoration, wealth and even talent? No. He should still be here. Nobody deserves a slice of someone else's life, let alone take it.
@Macsinho11 ай бұрын
Great reflection. The way we feel about the beatles now, it's because things happened exactly as they did. The only thing that we wished didn't happen it's John's murder or George's cancer, being both an external occurance, out of their power to decide.
@MIB_63 Жыл бұрын
Shortly before John's passing he was said to have planned touring Europe in 1981. I would have loved to have experienced that and have even fantasized about what songs he would have included in the set list.
@dan2050 Жыл бұрын
Per Denny, the last verse with the words about “it’s only me” (a story Paul has told many times about John) were written by Paul. This is what Denny Laine said in an interview about writing No Words with Paul: “The only song I wrote was 'No Words,' and that ended up being a dual composition, because 'No Words' was two songs that were put together. It was Paul's idea to put two of my songs together, which made one song, and then he added a few lines in the last verse and helped me put it together. So it came to be a dual composition. But basically it was my song and all the rest of the songs were his." The Beatles belong to history the same way Shakespeare, Wordsworth or Dickinson do. The interpretation of poetry often involves researching the poet and their lives and times in order to better understand their words. I think Another Kind of Mind is a brilliant podcast that adds great depth to our understanding of the Beatles and their music. Revisiting and updating the Beatles story will happen many times in the future and will be one of the reasons, in my opinion, that their music will live on well past our lifetimes.
@PhilJS67 Жыл бұрын
Enjoy all the music, that’s what they wanted to share.
@spinynorman8217 Жыл бұрын
The jam split at the right time too and that let to fresh and new and equally valued music, what will be, will be, l agree John.
@RonaldBrown59 Жыл бұрын
They're still under the microsope after all these years. Thanks for sharing John.
@popgoesthe60s52 Жыл бұрын
Great video John! Excellent analysis... it's giving me ideas for another collab!
@matm4331 Жыл бұрын
Hello John, thanks for posting. I like to remind myself that the term "fan" is likely short for fanatic. Their music has such an impact and, sometimes, we forget that they were / are people who never really had complex plans for their life.
@graniterhythm53 Жыл бұрын
They all wanted fame & fortune as a working group - that has consequences & Macca has said as much!
@benmeltzer Жыл бұрын
I'm no expert on Beatles solo work, but a late friend of mine argued that together they checked one another. He felt the group-at least generally speaking-kept Paul from getting too sentmental, John too political, and George too spiritual/airy-fairy. Left to their own devices, however, he felt each suffered from such excesses. As for me, I concur with what you say and feel these artists are entitled to their privacy and to their autonomy. I don't buy into the notion that the fans are the ones enriching the artists or "giving" them anything. Fans and artists enrich one another and, more so than anything else, it is talent and appeal that are responsible for the lifestyles artists enjoy. They owe us nothing beyond the music itself.
@patriksweden9203 Жыл бұрын
i appreciate all your solo beatles videos
@connorrandles8709 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your down-to-earth-ness John, much appreciated and enjoyed
@frugalseverin2282 Жыл бұрын
Fans appreciate the high quality of Beatles albums which dropped off to varying degrees in their solo work. I think John and Paul's competitive relationship was a healthy one and they helped each other out in songwriting on occasion. The '70s I remember as everyone looking for a reunion or "the next Beatles" band to appear. That label was applied to bands such as the Bee Gees, Klaatu, Cheap Trick and the Bay City Rollers. The dream may have been over but people had trouble accepting that.
@justlookingaround98348 ай бұрын
Really enjoyed your views here, I fully agree with your observations. You be great fun down the local. I just want to hear more when I met Yoko tales! 😀
@josephmantineo1376 Жыл бұрын
Hello John Heaton, WELL SAID!!! I’ll speak of Ringo - over the past few Years he has taken a lot of criticism over his statement, and how he made that statement where he wasn’t going to sign anymore photographs or anything. Well I want to stick up for the fans - A lot of people don’t have the money that they(the Beatles) have, a lot of people in this world wind up sick with cancer or other elements and the people I’m talking about are good people not people that try to cheat systems so when you are in the spotlight and have a life that they have because of the people that are fans you need to choose your words wisely, and be smart about how you talk, I don’t think Ringo really thought it through when he made peace and love, peace and love this is serious announcement about signing autographs. I think it could’ve been handled better however over the past couple weeks I’ve been thinking about him and for the past few years, he’s been releasing books some of which have his autograph in them. you can pay big money if you want his autograph, it won’t be exactly how you want it to be, it is in a book but it is there for anybody to purchase. What Ringo has done is maybe backtrack a little in a way and is now in charge of his autographs more so than possibly before that’s how I see it as far as John, George, as far as Paul goes And even Ringo. I never thought that I knew them personally because of their lyrics. You’re right there are some people that possibly are out there that do think they know them I agree with you I would never go up to any of them while they’re having a meal out with their families trying to enjoy their life, but at a concert if I get the chance to meet one of them or at a convention, should they show up That’s beautiful Pol that’s beetle Ringo and at one time that was beetle John that was beetle George so I agree with you and I appreciate what you’re saying and I fully give you props for saying it but sometimes you gotta think in the case of Ringo who are these people selling and why are they selling, they’re not always selling to get the mighty dollar. Some of them are truly good and are truly needing the money to pay for hospital bill or a mortgage bill. We would all love to be able to have an autograph we would all like to say, we know them, we don’t, it is enjoyable to listen to the music and that’s what I’ll continue to do. Thank you for your video. I do feel it was really great and have a great day. Take care of yourself.
@buddyneher9359 Жыл бұрын
How old are the people doing those podcasts? I ask because I was around when the Beatles got famous, and I grew up with them. As were many, I was sad when they split, but they kept on producing solo records immediately and I bought those and accepted them. The rumours of a possible reunion were exciting, but I saw both Paul and George in concerts in the mid-70s. Paul had his new band, and George split his stage time with Ravi Shankar. I don't think anyone really expected John to pop up on stage. I'm guessing these podcasters didn't live through Beatlemania in realtime and so they didn't live through growing out of it like my generation did. Somehow the nostalgia seems to exert a stronger pull on people who missed out on the original time "when the Beatles walked the earth." My little theory, which is mine. Thanks for your videos 💕🎶
@jeffreylind3739 Жыл бұрын
Appreciate your take on all this. My apologies for the long comment-but here goes. The Beatles will be discussed as long as there are humans on this planet. All of us who were lucky enough to be around when they were still a band and churning out one fabulous album and smash hit 45 after another can tell you the incredible excitement they generated- I was one of those kids and remember it well. As for speculation- certainly had John not been assassinated, he and Yoko and Sean would have been at Ringo/Barbara's wedding. It would have been the first time in years that all 4 Beatles were in the same room together, for a happy occasion. The business wars were in the past. Would there have been a jam session? It certainly seems possible. John was planning to visit his relatives in England, where he had not been since 1971. I also think, depending on how the intervening years of the 80s into the early 90s were- that you might have seen all 4 Beatles involved in the Anthology project. To what end I have no idea, but seeing Paul, George and Ringo together again for a somewhat extended time, and clearly enjoying each other's company leads me to believe that the 4 might have done something then- if even for a laugh. But we'll never know. Unfortunately, there will always be those to who "claim" to know what this Beatle or that Beatle said/thought/did/didn't do. Unless they were actually there (and can prove it) then it's a waste of space and I completely ignore that stuff. After all, I lived it and don't need anyone to tell me what I experienced. I have a friend who actually worked with the Beatles and other bands (and yes, can prove it). His insight is fabulous, and we have spent many hours discussing what he saw and experienced.
@blackbaron0 Жыл бұрын
When I worked in the Media. I met many people who were famous, mostly for being on the TV. It certainly is a vocation where positive and negative are pushed further. They are people who have more than average determination and that certainly shows. Overall it was a positive experience for me, perhaps in part because I treated these folks like people, who have hopes dreams and fears like us all, and I think they appreciated that.
@Beerning Жыл бұрын
Love hearing your thoughts about the Beatles. Always great stuff John
@davidjones4906 Жыл бұрын
Excellent analysis and 100 pc correct
@keddw Жыл бұрын
Each day just goes so fast I turn around, it's passed You don't get time to hang a sign on me
@danolaf8377 Жыл бұрын
Excellently put.
@tyronewhitehead3123 Жыл бұрын
The Beatles history is fascinating and I love them for their music and whit .I watched. May pangs documentary Didn’t know what to expect but I’ll say this it’s absolutely well put together and I found out more about John . George and John personally for me would’ve surprised us with greater things.
@scottrap Жыл бұрын
It’s hard to believe they wouldn’t have reunited if John had lived but who knows? In terms of their legacy and mythological status maybe it’s all for the best.
@RickM01 Жыл бұрын
Well, in general, people will always interpret facts, speculate, and reshape things to fit their narrative. And it's an individual's choice to read, listen to, or watch, what they want and form beliefs. Personally, I am glad that May Pang is getting some attention because she knew John, Julian, and Yoko for longer than the period of when John was living with her. Yoko has had a monopoly on John's music and 'official' perspective that's taken as fact when it has a lot of speculation itself. John was not the best at telling what was really going on with his life either. He put things in simple terms - like you said 'baking bread.' If we as fans, want to 'know' John Lennon, or any of the other Beatles, as much as we can, it is up to us to determine what credible sources are and what that means. The telling and reshaping of history, in general, is slanted by who's in power and there are always factions struggling to have a voice. It is always a good idea to question what you believe and where your sources are coming from and who is being left out. I think famous people can choose or not choose to do what they like for their fans during their private lives. I find life a struggle enough just to get from day to day and enjoys the little bits in between. I don't know how to find Yoko, Denny (when he was alive), or others, to meet and get autographs. I listen to you and others on KZbin talk about things like that.
@frommetoyou1981 Жыл бұрын
Very well said.
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I think your points are valid, articulate and make great sense. If Paul can but out books via friends like Barry Miles, then May Pang has every right to do so. If one is not trusting of another you can choose not to buy or read their work. The bigger issue here is one of do we want to go to the other extreme and have censorship? It is such a tangled web of an issue. And I personally tend to stick to books on music mostly as I have tired of narratives. However, I would never support the banning of any books. That's why critics and analysis do have importance. It's a very messy and grey area but so too is most of life. Recently in an interview Paul was asked about being famous and if he would trade it back for anonymity etc. He stated despite the down sides but that he could never complain that much because that's what he always wanted to become - a famous musician. That happened and overall, he accepts that happily.
@marcyfan-tz4wj Жыл бұрын
you're right as rain, john. they split at the right time and the 80's were clearly the time that they would have collaborated and some rat's ass ruined it for all of us. "let them lead their own lives!" indeed.
@drummer78 Жыл бұрын
I think there needs to be a John Heaton and Pop Goes the 60’s collaboration on this topic. I know John Heaton has collaborated with the host from Pop Goes the 60’s before. That host (Matt?) just interviewed May Pang and some of the “What If’s” were speculated. Maybe this topic could be debated because both John and Matt are interesting in their tales.
@thejoin4687 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. People say “never meet your heroes”, but that truism is a product of the disillusionment of encountering the gulf between our somewhat deluded images of Lennon-the-Beatle-and-leader-of-the-protest-movement, Dylan-the-spokesman-of-a-generation, or Bowie-the-space-alien, and the actual human individuals in question. With their music such an important part of our lives, we develop a lifelong intimacy with these artists, but it's ultimately an intimacy with their art.
@jeffkaufman9875 Жыл бұрын
I believe many people believe (I don’t) that had John not been murdered, The Beatles would have reunited for Geldof’s Live Aid in 1985; though of course I wish John were still with us, I’m otherwise grateful the full band never publicly reunited…
@josephderr1964 Жыл бұрын
Great video, John. The endless speculation of what might have been post 1970 is just a waste of time. I’d rather spend that time listening to great music they made while together.
@70PaulK Жыл бұрын
Of course we can't know what would've happened if different decisions were made, but it just shows our human interest in these artists as real people. I'm pretty sure that Paul could've made excellent contributions to any of John's or George's work in the 70s (with amazing harmony vocals). As for the 80s, there's obvious reason to speculate on John's options, and his previous career suggests a huge range of choices.
@nickfield1569 Жыл бұрын
I'd like to think there would've been a Lennon-McCartney reunion in the 1980s, but George Harrison was no mood to get The Beatles back together until he was financially forced into it during the early 1990s. Of course, the longer the four of them were together on planet Earth the likelier a full Beatles reunion would've been, but it's impossible to consider one a fait accompli
@marktaylor7568 Жыл бұрын
hi @john heaton, great addition to your channel...i do love the fabcast podcasts though...what do you think of them generally?
@sandralawson4761 Жыл бұрын
Amen. I'm so tired of people stating definitively that the Beatles would have reunited for Live Aid. None of us can ever know but if you take the Beatles at their word, they had no interest in a reunion concert. George and Ringo didnt go to Live Aid, and if they wouldn't get it together for Georges Bangladesh concert or Paul's Kampuchea concert, what makes them think Geldof's Live Aid would be different? All that reputation damaging pressure for a one off concert? Nope.
@GilgameshThorne9 ай бұрын
Always interesting to think of what could have been. When I listen to the song Tug of War I wonder what it might have been like had it been a duet with John Lennon.
@andydixon2980 Жыл бұрын
Well said. The trouble with fame, especially at their level, is it attracts nutjobs and obsessive fans who often forget that The Beatles were human beings like the rest of us.
@bobbrunn2622 Жыл бұрын
Dead on. 💯
@dougieadam1 Жыл бұрын
Would The Beatles have reunited if John hadn't have been murdered? My guess is probably not. The band had run its course... George first wanted out in 1966 and so they stopped touring, took a break and became a studio band. Ringo quit and returned. George quit and returned. John quit but it was kept quiet then Paul announced it was over and he had no plans to work with the others or as The Beatles again. They they spent most of the 1970's either suiing each other, or Allen Klein, or EMI / Capitol. As stuff was reissued (eg CDs in 1987 followed by Red & Blue on CD) those new releases just led to further litigation either among themselves or with EMI / Capitol or with Apple (computers) over rights to the Apple name. The only times they really came together briefly was for Ringo's wedding; working on All Those Years Ago after John was murdered and then Anthology when George needed the cash. All the way up until Pete Dogget's book "You Never Give Me Your Money" was published he said the Beatles were suiing someone about Beatles business all the way from 1970-2009! The legal stuff meant they didn't appear together to be inducted into the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame; delayed their catalogue appearing on compact disc format; delayed their catalogue being made available as legal downloads etc. You only have 3 or 4 years (1962-65) where John. Paul, George and Ringo all wanted to be in a band together and work closely with each other, and after that they rushed to deliver as many albums as they could under the Beatles name to fulfil the contract they'd signed with EMI / Capitol. Magical Mystery Tour became an LP and counted towards that, the White album counted as 2 albums and almost as soon as that was released along came the Yellow Submarine LP with 4 'new' songs and some instrumentals to count as another LP, and at the same time the Get Back sessions have started here the band are hoping they can write, record a new album and perform it live within a month (what could go wrong!) and then Abbey Road is pretty much finished 6 months later.
@jeanmarieboucherit73769 ай бұрын
Nice picture !
@calebsmith2362 Жыл бұрын
Great video John. I agree completely. The whole "bi-sexual" thing is so ridiculous. John's behavior at Paul's 21st birthday party should be enough to dispel such baseless nonsense.
@ricardo_miguel13 Жыл бұрын
Yoko said he was bisexual. Who knows in the end, and its not really that important. Many out-there musicians (around that time) were bisexual so not a big deal.
@kg1392 Жыл бұрын
Really? The fact that he overreacted to such a crazy degree kinda validates that his sexuality was something he was insecure about.
@ricardo_miguel13 Жыл бұрын
@@kg1392 I agree, that makes no sense lol
@daytripper9222 Жыл бұрын
I definitely think John's song I know I know was written to paul. The third track on side one was written about yoko.
@SeltaebEht Жыл бұрын
i couldn't agree more
@Peakabike Жыл бұрын
All good points. What's the story behind the thumbnail of Paul and you ?
@SamualtheOrangtang Жыл бұрын
It's nice to think about what if, but sometimes people get really hung up on it.
@rodneygriffin7666 Жыл бұрын
What if i jumped off of that train bridge when i was 22 years old? I didn't. Now im 58 years old. What's the difference? The only difference Is that I made a different choice at that time. You can't change the past. However, you Can change the future. I look at my old young self and i can understand him. What if i'd died? Who knows what any changes may have occurred? Me being alive now at 58, What changes have occurred? Or stayed the same? What ifs are fantasy exercises. What now? Is Right now! That's Reality.
@williamneillgross3926 Жыл бұрын
I do think that Paul's voice would have sounded great on the album "Living in the Matewrial World
@thejoin4687 Жыл бұрын
George: "Suuuuue me" Paul: "Suuuuue you"
@mikahattunen4502 Жыл бұрын
The Police was famously the one other popular group which quit at the top. I'm surprised you didn't remember them.
@rarerecordcollector9459 Жыл бұрын
John, I have a question…. The Nashville Skyline album cover behind you. I’ve always thought it looked like someone else other than Bob Dylan, maybe Cliff Richard or someone. Could you explain what it is please?
@johnheaton5667 Жыл бұрын
It’s a mate of mine called Dave who sadly passed away in 2012…I had the picture made as a tribute…t shirt too…he was a huge Dylan fan
@rarerecordcollector9459 Жыл бұрын
@@johnheaton5667 sorry for your loss John.
@paulbrown4620 Жыл бұрын
The Police also went out at the top.
@jamesgriffithsmusic Жыл бұрын
Hi John. What do you make of the Fabcast theory that Little Lamb Dragonfly was about John?
@johnheaton5667 Жыл бұрын
Didn’t hear that but don’t buy it
@martinmcgrath19853 ай бұрын
I’m gonna listen and I will believe it haha I’m gullible
@Yrksman Жыл бұрын
I’m one of millions whose lives have been enriched by the music of The Beatles and their solo work. They inspired me to lead a life involved in music. All this discussion and analysis of them and their songs is soooo boring. Enjoy the music for what it is. Visiting John and Paul’s homes in Liverpool was very moving and a reminder that really they were lads growing up very much like a lot of my generation. They are/were normal flawed human beings like the rest of us, blessed with enormous talent for which we should be grateful.
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 Жыл бұрын
I enjoy reading about their music but perhaps you mean when people start to read something into every line. In terms of melody, instruments and how songs were constructed I find very interesting indeed.
@benmeltzer Жыл бұрын
I think Simon & Garfunkel also quit while on top. Bridge Over Troubled Water is their biggest album, is one of the biggest albums of all time, and is generally regarded as their best album. They would periodically reunite to play live, but that album would remain their last.
@DayTripperTravel Жыл бұрын
If you “don’t project your own fantasies onto them,” how do you conclude that I Know (I Know) is “quite obviously” about Yoko? Did John ever say that? (In his Playboy interview, he called it “a piece of nothing” and left it at that.) What about Jealous Guy, which Paul said was about him? What about John’s Real Life demo? John was quite obviously, to borrow a phrase, writing songs about Paul in the 1970s.
@dennisosborne4368 Жыл бұрын
Yes of course its speculation and no they wouldnt have got together in the early 70s as John Paul and George were all at loggerheads. But ... if John and George had lived until their 70s or 80s would at some point they have collaborated with Paul again? Yes , probably . Look at other bands where there has been tensions . CSN , Simon and Garfunkel and the Everlys all collaborated at some point . It may have been harder to get George to do it than John as he carried resentment towards Paul and he was the most negative about the Beatles. In fact its ironic because although he said how the Beatles , particularly touring , was a nightmare when Denis O,Brien conned him out of millions in the 80s and 90s the Anthology saved his bacon financially . Also the business side of the Beatles collaborating on an album or project would have been too good to turn down ( although they continually said no to Sid Bernsteins millions in the mid 70s).
@dennisosborne4368 Жыл бұрын
yes you are right the other guy was the film guy at Apple , better delete the comment in case I get sued ! @@johnheaton5667
@jeffkaufman9875 Жыл бұрын
The whole “McLennon” fantasy is just that for a new generation of rainbow dreamers wishing to re-write history and claim a couple of magnificent others “as their own”…
@ricardo_miguel13 Жыл бұрын
Might be true, but no big deal that he probably was bisexual. Many were back then, and to say that is the new „woke“ generation is nonsense, it was always there in yes, surprise surprise, most artists are progressive and politically left.
@justlookingaround98348 ай бұрын
@@ricardo_miguel13 Many we’re back then? And aren’t now? If you are politically left, are you saying you are more likely to be bisexual?
@ricardo_miguel138 ай бұрын
@@justlookingaround9834 in that scene they started to be open about it in the 1970s, elsewhere later, today its just a bigger topic. And being left doesn’t make you bi or gay but there is a correlation in the other direction probably, as they do more for gay rights historically and still.
@justlookingaround98348 ай бұрын
@@ricardo_miguel13 There is no correlation to your political views to your sexuality, are you mad? Being gay or bi didn’t start in the 70’s.
@ricardo_miguel138 ай бұрын
@@justlookingaround9834 did you even read my text? I never argued it was, just that they became more open about it through the liberalization in the 1970s. And back then if I was queer I would be dumb to vote for a conservative/right party that wants to opress the sexual orientation.
@Dan147Danny Жыл бұрын
Am I correct that there was a rumour that Paul had said to a music journalist (off the record) after John had died, that they had agreed to work together again? Also there is the rumour that John had written on some of his demo tapes 'For Paul'
@johnheaton5667 Жыл бұрын
The former not that I’m aware of and the latter pretty sure not handwritten by John but people will reach their own conclusions…relations between them cordial but hardly very warm in my opinion (from what I’ve read/heard)
@Dan147Danny Жыл бұрын
@@johnheaton5667 I'm sure I read the former in the Keith Badman book The Beatles After The Breakup, but I'm can't be 100%
@user-mi1oh1bf2o Жыл бұрын
Ask Julian if he and Cyn were invited and were planing on coming to Ritchie's wedding?
@user-mi1oh1bf2o Жыл бұрын
All of them including wives and children were planning to be at Ritchie's and Barbara's wedding in 1981. There are photos of all except the Lennon side. As for No.,Paul wanted to introduce MJ to John. Who bought copy rights. A distraction. How long has Peter Asher been at Sony?
@user-mi1oh1bf2o Жыл бұрын
Again, you have not challenged me. Still hate the tie.
@user-mi1oh1bf2o Жыл бұрын
If you know John, he said he would never set foot in Britain again. To be in Britain again, at Ritchie's wedding, with the boys. So close, yet so far.
@user-mi1oh1bf2o Жыл бұрын
You did not challenge me. Thank you.
@user-mi1oh1bf2o Жыл бұрын
If on holiday and I take tour; am I taken to the proper crossing for Abbey Road?
@mikeysaint43687 ай бұрын
3:50 "We can't change history." True, we can't change the facts, but we are often misled by primary sources. I think that when John Heaton says that John Lennon spent five years baking bread it's with his tongue in his cheek. Sources close to the Lennons during 1975-80 have put it on record that Lennon maybe baked a loaf or two, didn't do very well, and never tried again. These people (O'Hare, Seaman, et al) have also said that John would play with Sean for an hour or so, become irritable and bored, and head off to the solitude of his room, leaving "bringing up baby" to the nannies. The truth is that, no, we can never know our heroes, and merely have a sketch of what they are really like, and that they are amongst the most unreliable narrators of their own lives.
@martinmcgrath1985 Жыл бұрын
Cold Turkey could have been a Beatles track… Yer Blue was. What’s difference?
@johnheaton5667 Жыл бұрын
John offered ‘Cold Turkey’ to the others but they weren’t interested
@martinmcgrath1985 Жыл бұрын
@@johnheaton5667 I understand but I mean thematically it’s about the same subject. There has been a notion the Beatles rejected it bcus its a single yes I get that’s not a Beatles single given what it’s about but Cold Turkey would sit on the white album beautifully..
@fantasticmr.fox77 Жыл бұрын
What we all know is Lennon would not have wanted his Now and Then demo made into a 'Beatles' track with a bombastic instrumental all those years after the split.
@mariaalejandra2913 Жыл бұрын
....we all know? Don't count on me, sorry.
@roywatson8133 Жыл бұрын
had john met with paul in new orleans maybe not would have come out of it maybe a jam or two as paul was recording a WINGS ALBUM it would have been intresting to see what would have happened but as usual that yoko ono could have said have a threw days with paul then come back to me ONO no chance of that was there so on that note we will never know the out come
@maxwelleddison6717 Жыл бұрын
Probably not very well at all. Unless you stalk them.
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 Жыл бұрын
Beatle fandom is a strange thing.
@Multijoe84 Жыл бұрын
Hang on a minute - didn’t you say on a previous video that you hung about outside Paul McCartneys offices in London once during your lunch break?!!
@johnheaton5667 Жыл бұрын
Yes but I would argue that that was where Paul always signed autographs (on his way to the car)…I like to think I’d have left him alone in a restaurant (though I’ve never been put to the test it’s true!)
@PlanetoftheDeaf Жыл бұрын
The reality is that John read things into Paul songs, and Paul read things into John songs, which in many cases weren't necessarily true, so they were as bad as the fans 😁
@Hawking1969 Жыл бұрын
John unfortunately the world has regressed into lurid sexual speculations and fantasies, rather than the music, as a craft, or each Beatle, as a person.
I've talked to George about fans. Most of the time he avoided them when possible. Fans are folks with no life. Get on with it. It's just a rock band...this is LIFE. Please stop feeding off other people's fabulous lives. It's simply an illusion on top of illusion.
@ronfowlermusic Жыл бұрын
I'll get on with life when you stop writing Beatles books. :)
@jeffkaufman9875 Жыл бұрын
@Geoffrey You should at least have prefaced your comment with the fact that you as a younger man had your own star-trip with The Fabs and Townshend (to name a couple), but came-out the other end with the realization that, though magnificently talented, they’re just people at the end of the day, and, like nearly-all of us, not necessarily magnificent in THAT department; that said, as everybody populating this space doesn’t necessarily recognize you as “that guy who wrote the books”, it would have lent a much greater import of credence to your comments for those majority of folks who will never, through rare and close proximity to their idols, come to see through it all as you apparently have…
@@jeffkaufman9875 Some truth there
@martinmcgrath19853 ай бұрын
@@GEOFFREYGIULIANO says the biggest creep going!
I did 25 years ago I'm an actor for Netflix@@ronfowlermusic
@dougreed2257 Жыл бұрын
For a start, Paul was replaced in 1966 they didn't write the songs between62-66,wstch the 'sage of quay' VIDEOS, with Mike Williams. It's heartbreaking to know these things, but i:m afraid it's true!! 😮
@justlookingaround98348 ай бұрын
Satire, I assume.
@dougreed22578 ай бұрын
@@justlookingaround9834 Nope,based on facts,open your eyes a little,eh?
@justlookingaround98348 ай бұрын
Don’t be daft man.
@dougreed22578 ай бұрын
@@justlookingaround9834 amazin' depth of your understanding🙄
@hansmagnusmalcolmsen9354 Жыл бұрын
Maybe George Harrison would have lived longer if not for the stabbing. His wonderful family never wanted to make a fuss about it.I love 33 1/3 and Cloud Nine. And My Sweet Lord. And Shanghai Surprise.
@truebeatlepeople Жыл бұрын
i love your shows john but have to disagree with you here. First off when one makes a deal with the devil as too speak, your freedom is toast , gone. You and they the label will do ANYTHING to get you famous and make you a lot of money and the beatles were KEPT in the spotlight every single year starting with the red and blue albums so that no one WOULD FORGET them and hopefully draw ;NEW fans in come the following decades. Also, i am sure the solo beatles loved the revenue comming in from beatles 1970's sales and i am pretty sure it dident hurt their solo sales either since young fans were more than anxious to go and discover john lennon or paul mccartney in the record stores and in concert ..... Do you see where i am going with this. They gave thier nervous systems, well too bad too sad. i woulld have given anything in my 30 years in music too have made thier money or a peice of ect... Now, as for living viciously thorugh our idols, this i agree with you on. Lennon said " no one should have idols..." and he was right. The human syche is just too fragile and it can produce monsters like chapman. ( even though like JFK i do not beleive the official narrative). Like everything it is not black and white but GREY and once you sign on that dotted line, you are in for the log haul . Yet, IF they had wanted too, they could have dropped out of the bussiness all together couldnet they? they had the money and past successes so why not just quit and become carpenters or something. No, i think they reveled in it as much as anyone but just that they wanted thier cake and to eat it as well. Just my own personal take on it all. Regardless, i loved them, bought all the albums, books ect... and cried non stop when john died which in itself is strange looking back on it as a kid since i did not know them or them me !!! This could be an entire episode for a shrink to help fiigure out me thins someday. I will stick with john when he said " dont have idols...." cause brother, i think he was SO correct on that one. Love the music yes, but not the man since family and God is everything and they were or are neither. take care john.
@justlookingaround98348 ай бұрын
Family aren’t everything they can be the biggest dicks. God is just a human construct.
@nicholaswood2523 Жыл бұрын
I've loved The Beatles for 50 years but hate the lunatic fringe they attract. It's very unhealthy, as the death of John and the near-death of Geoge illustrate.