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BBK Network

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@BBKNetwork Жыл бұрын
Odoo 提供免费使用的平台,操作简单,即使是初学者也能轻松上手,快速生成自己或公司的网站。你再也不必为网站建设而烦恼,立即试用,就能轻松拥有一个精美的网站! Odoo,你的网站建设好伙伴。 点击链接自己设立网站!🔗 www.odoo.com/r/a4f 看看 BBK Network 的网站: bbknetwork.odoo.com/
@souki5639 Жыл бұрын
@28excellent Жыл бұрын
我是新加坡人,从小受英文教育。可是我在中国公司工作有些内部的电邮是用大陆式的中文。用中文报道新加坡的合约、法律、工程技术的事务。从小学到高中就每周只上1小时的华文课。我们从来都没去想过哪个是first language,哪个又是second language。 为什么马来西亚会有什么English-ed vs Chinese-ed的问题? Those 3 in the English-ed camp can’t even speak proper or fluent English.
@zhen86 Жыл бұрын
@@28excellent fluent not frequent
@Steven-qs7zp Жыл бұрын
@@28excellentyour English sucks, are you sure you are Singaporean?
@shuangguan3346 Жыл бұрын
@Moonduck1024 Жыл бұрын
跟爸爸讲福建话; 跟妈妈讲客家话; 跟长辈讲广东话; 跟朋友讲华语; 跟马来人就讲马来语; 跟堂兄弟姐妹和做工讲英文; 现在在准备学日文。 所以学什么语言真的跟环境息息相关。要学新的语言,也是看你愿意付出努力没有。 至于歧视不歧视就是个人性格问题,跟语言无关。
@DialecticalJuche Жыл бұрын
@gordywong2606 Жыл бұрын
@51eugeneteeyeefarn86 Жыл бұрын
@suqi0210 Жыл бұрын
@jameswong7061 Жыл бұрын
@@51eugeneteeyeefarn86 有环境学什么都可以,没环境 除非你很有爱,比如自学日/韩,打死我都不会去学没环境的新语言。
@stbshen Жыл бұрын
@Justin-2000 Жыл бұрын
@sayaanakmalaysia-gu9ie Жыл бұрын
@ivanyeo3889 Жыл бұрын
@limruth18 Жыл бұрын
@chocoslife Жыл бұрын
真的!出差遇到馬來西亞同事 基本都可以講四種語言以上 而且都不只是半桶水的程度啊 請收下我的膝蓋😂
@JimMorrison-x3h Жыл бұрын
@k_wang64 Жыл бұрын
@bernardwong1071 Жыл бұрын
@@k_wang64 因人而異吧?我是馬來西亞華人,我幼兒園是受到英文教育,小學中學是華校,大學是在歐洲。我個人是要看我當時思考的語境是什麼,就會根據語境的語言來思考。例如,我工作都是英文的,所以任何有關工作的東西我都會用英文思考,日常的東西我會以華文為主。但是這些不是固定的,我潛意識開心想用什麼就用什麼。
@James-rf9vt Жыл бұрын
@zhen86 11 ай бұрын
lol, 西欧洲人会英文和母语,英国人有学法语。中国人会華語和方言(越来越多会英文)。印度人在印度会英文和母语。什么語言天才?
@ChopperMXgaming 11 ай бұрын
@@k_wang64 I dont know why I laugh so hard over this comment- maybe because it's a logical question. But what in can say is you think the way you speak. For instance, you would not come out with fluent english if your mind thinking your mother's tongue. It makes for when you speak other languages.
@MrCrazytofu Жыл бұрын
@sukinekomiao Жыл бұрын
那我本人算是个例外吧 从小家庭以英文为母语沟通 毕竟家人都是英校毕业及拥有国家警察的背景 但是从小学至中学被迫接受目前主流的中文教育 家里没有人扶持学习中文的情况下 还是考出挺出色的统考成绩 而且至今英文依然还是我的母语 挺庆幸能双语流畅 能同时融入中国为主的中文社交圈和欧美为主的英文社交圈 it tremendously widens up my horizons in terms of social values n so on!
@AmandaBan 11 ай бұрын
@Jill_Spring 10 ай бұрын
@Orlando-b7g 4 ай бұрын
@安全-o2p 2 ай бұрын
@mm8693 Жыл бұрын
很喜欢这种讨论,这种话题没有对错之分,更多是观点的分享。女儿从小在美国长大。英语是她第一语言,但她从小也在坚持学中文,小学时每天会到中文after-school学习一小时中文,然后再去参加各种体育活动。上了初中高中,会改上周六上午的两小时中文课,每天写20-30分钟中文作业。她周围很多华人朋友都是如此。在美国初中高中通常可以选修一门外语,她选了西班牙语,她的朋友们有选法语德语或拉丁语的。女儿从小喜欢日本动漫,又自学了一些日语。 我们每年去中国探亲,或去日本欧洲和拉美等地旅行,女儿基本不会因语言有沟通障碍,她很放松自如。在中国跟亲朋聊天时,大家也不会把她当成从小在外国长大的孩子,女儿业余时间会看一些热门的中国电影和综艺,帮助她建立了与亲朋的共同话题。因为学习不同语言,她对中华历史文化、拉美与日本文化都有些许了解,帮助她拓展视野,也让她对各种文化更加理解与包容,不随意因文化不同去judge 他人甚至一个族群。比如每次去中国探亲,她都会发现中国在迅速进步,这帮助她突破西方媒体对中国固有负面报道对中国形成自己的认知。她在小学就曾与我讨论世界主流媒体对民众认知与思考的重大影响。我相信这些都会让她终身受益。 另外想多说一句,女儿从小读私校,每个年级有100名学生左右,其中近10名会选修学中文。坦白讲,对于非华人家庭,孩子独自学中文真的很难,但这些学生坚持学,他们的家长看到了中国和整个华语圈的发展,也坚信会说中文将对这些孩子的事业与生活有所帮助。而华人家庭这么天然的学中文环境,为什么不学呢😅
@mktam3355 10 ай бұрын
@martmonkey Жыл бұрын
@Sakurayaya Жыл бұрын
我們馬來西亞人可以利用不同語言溝通在於當地的歷史文化。 台灣很難甚至是不可能變成雙語國原因在於台灣沒有雙語的歷史背景塑造成現代的文化啦(這是我在台灣住了1年多的感想)。
@fromwordstosounds Жыл бұрын
@cccccz986 Жыл бұрын
@@Sakurayaya 事實~ 而且台灣人很容易有"腔調"的迷思, 英文說得不夠美式=不會英文,但世界上這麼多人口使用英文也不盡然都用美式英文阿! 光是台灣人對年輕一代就是用"台語這麼爛乾脆不要講"這種態度,真的不要怪為什麼台語後來越來越式微(當然幾十年前的政治因素也是原因,但教導後代的態度也很糟糕)
@Sakurayaya Жыл бұрын
@@cccccz986 他們好像忘記了英文原本是來自英國 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ #美國主義過強
@terencetay998 Жыл бұрын
@cameljen Жыл бұрын
我爸是banana, 我妈是华校生。到现在也很感谢当时父母送我们去上华校。因为现在大多数MNC都是要跟中国,香港,台湾对接的,很庆幸自己会中文,才能跟这些国家的同事/客户无障碍交流。
@serenaboonngetyoon6902 Жыл бұрын
我很慶幸,會寫會講會讀中文。在工作的時候面對台灣或中國客戶,都能順利溝通。這個可要謝謝我的daddy. 他是banana, 會寫自己的中文名,只能講簡單中文。有次,他在台灣上台致詞,用中文表達真的很有限,讓他很慚愧自己是華人不會中文。就這樣,我就被送去華文小學上課。那時候,我還蠻抗拒,因為功課很多,壓力大。回想起來,一切都值得。我的英文還可以,現在通過很多管道進補中。如果要比較,中文是比較困難,需要花很多時間學習。我還是鼓勵大人們讓小孩從小學習中文吧。
@qinjitan6008 Жыл бұрын
以前读大学写论文的时候常常用英语查资料。有时查不到的时候,我就用中文查找,往往能够找到所需的资料。而如果需要参考政府机关的资讯,则用马来文来找,事半功倍。所以多学一门语文绝不只是多一个"沟通方式“, 而是多开启了一个个新的知识宝库。
@mizzsia2077 Жыл бұрын
真的,有的官方网站/ dokumen 完全没有英文版叻
@Vivace1810 Жыл бұрын
@jamiehou4189 Жыл бұрын
那是因为你中文不够好。 没有进入中文精英圈。
@DQ-pb9ho Жыл бұрын
@@jamiehou4189 ⬆️「中文圈比較有毒」的生動展示。
@Jerry-xj7yw Жыл бұрын
@hopiuscoliun6746 Жыл бұрын
@@jamiehou4189 完美地展示了原po讲的东西
@adrianwong69 Жыл бұрын
@@jamiehou4189 还精英勒 每个句子都要加上成语,谚语吗?你搞笑的吧
@anjianshangren Жыл бұрын
@weikongchia5917 Жыл бұрын
马来人至少不会出现一个群体自称英沙 然后歧视马沙 懂爪哇文的也不会自称爪沙 恰恰出问题的就是华人群体 更准确的说法是十字徒有不能见光的隐议程 大马独立那么多年 华人群体去殖民化做得不够 所以有一些华人还以英国人自居 李X耀就自称自己是新加坡最后一个维多利亚人(辉煌时代的英国人) 新加坡的华教就是被他毁掉的
@moneytsien Жыл бұрын
@kefeizhou788 11 ай бұрын
@长富刘 8 ай бұрын
@masterpisj8855 Жыл бұрын
我很小的时候家里和我说华语, 和亲戚和婆婆说客家话, 看港剧学广东话, 幼儿园的时候是以英文为主, 之后上的华小和独中; 现在我真的很庆幸我从小就学了华文,因为华文比起其他语言真的难学很多。虽然我英文不是特别流利,但是我还是可以正常交流并通过练习来进步。至于马来文相对一直以来对我来说是最难的😂 好在备考SPM的时候真的很努力的在学而且也学的不错。我现在在韩国学习韩语,出国留学的时候能够掌握各种语言成为了我的优势,我可以和各国同学进行交流,在其他人眼中我就像语言大神一样😂
@malcolmtay9476 Жыл бұрын
@kefeizhou788 10 ай бұрын
@Freeman_9996 10 ай бұрын
@纯野生佩琪 9 ай бұрын
@救世主-c5c 9 ай бұрын
对,上一代都一直争取华小 华教,却有哪些部分的人不珍惜,尤其高学历的人,自己读的,又不自觉去学习,尤其是教育者。
@chchwang1655 8 ай бұрын
​@@纯野生佩琪有些家长的认知还没达到那么高的层次,不知道保持自己文化独特性的意义!!! 从功利的角度看,中国正在崛起,同时学好中文也会给孩子更多的工作机会,也许很多家长也没这样的眼光!我现在在深圳为shopee工作,shopee总部就在新加坡,创始人其实也是中国人,我有很多同事是新加坡和马来西亚华人诶!
@Bigdreamsbuilder Жыл бұрын
@shroombang Жыл бұрын
这集我狠狠共鸣了!我是pj人,在这一带english ed的人居多所以不会讲华语不会被歧视😂 不过在多语言环境下长大的我曾一度面临identity crisis, 读中学的时候朋友们觉得我很cina, 上了大学觉得我banana, 甚至在我曾经表达我上学的时候最喜欢的科目是英文而被嘲笑....(在pj的学校很正常!大家都觉得英文很容易考而且都可以考蛮高分)上了大学后的确有让我大开眼界到认识了不同环境成长的同学们 后来我也很庆幸自己可以中英切换自如 这个优势在学业和工作上给我了很大的帮助
@YZsTravelAdventures Жыл бұрын
That crossover between WABIKONG and BBK is that one thing I'm looking forward to the most :D
@wonderfulfable Жыл бұрын
I followed Wabikong for a long time now, and I never realise Bernice is a banana! Her Mandarin is good!
@leealex24 Жыл бұрын
@@wonderfulfable Haha, yeah, me too.
@gogogracie 11 ай бұрын
I'm so happy that this topic is being brought up! I did a similar project with a group of artists and the answers we get are very similar. it's very nice to know the story from both sides so that we can understand each other better. Both my parents can't speak Chinese so English is my mother tongue. I was quite interested in my own culture and so I self-study and because of work I have no choice but to learn Mandarin. At first it was really difficult and after one whole day of speaking Chinese at work, I would go back home and sleep for 12 hours because my brain was so tired. Responding to Sai's comment about banana having ''aggressive attitude'- I understand where he's coming from- but I would say most of these are from international school background- their classmate all also ang moh or expat background so they have to compete with them. So their personality must also be a bit 'high class'. But Malay school Chinese Banana is very different from international school Chinese Banana (a fact that only banana will know)haha. To all Banana learning Chinese, 继续努力!! It's a life long journey to embrace =) learning about your roots and connecting to your identity will fill the hole in your life you didn't even know was there. Although, because of the chinese characters in the title of this channel, I can tell you 98% of banana won't even click on this. 🤣
@JacquelineWong95 2 ай бұрын
curious ...would you send your kids to international school? SMK malay school? or chinese school? Primary and secondary wise
@ys723 Жыл бұрын
@yokelengleng Жыл бұрын
@HayashiShirou Жыл бұрын
@@yokelengleng 所以你是从中国来马来西亚定居的外来者? 身为马来西亚人不能完好地掌握马来西亚国语怎么自称是马来西亚人?
@trcliew5153 Жыл бұрын
这是真的,有试过家人在家发羊吊,打给ambulance一直和他说seizure,他一直问我sawan,事后google才懂sawan就是发羊吊 @@wongkeeksk
@雷漏木个海 Жыл бұрын
@cxc7632 Жыл бұрын
@highd9218 Жыл бұрын
I think it is Chinese, English or Malay since young. Especially Chinese, our ancestors fought so hard to preserve Chinese education in Malaysia. Of course, it might restrict other academics, however, it is what makes Malaysian Chinese unique and more diverse. We should recognise that we are so fortunate to have the opportunity to learn such a beautiful language.
@Chingaez Жыл бұрын
True. Do know, however, that choosing just one isn't the best of option in these times where multi-linguistics can give you more advantage. You look at some of the communities in the American cities where each one speak their own mother tongue and you know what I mean. So long you're not using some of those languages as grifting, we're basically fine.
@hopiuscoliun6746 Жыл бұрын
As a Chinese, the mindset of “I need to learn all 3 languages” has been implanted into my brain since I was at a very young age Mandarin-As it is my language as a chinese English-the official/professional language used in the adult world Malay-As a Malaysian, I need to know my national language that defines my identity Growing up seeing my fellow friends who cannot communicate with the Malays, or writes in proper English makes me think that is the education system in our country really that bad? Even in uni, a lot of my friends still write essays with full of errors, not an expert here but doesn’t this concern of how we advance as a country?
@iamhardwell2844 Жыл бұрын
Language is a skill learn more language will just make our life better it won't get any worse
@ChongChenTong Жыл бұрын
I don’t think your ancestors speak Mandarin. Mandarin is spoken by the northern part of China. You only preserving the language of other people’s ancestors, and not your ancestors. Sorry la.
@jeremychow5861 Жыл бұрын
Very well said. People have been brainwashed to believe that the mothertongue of every chinese is mandarin@@ChongChenTong
@Dawsoncws Жыл бұрын
My first language back home is Hakka, then mandarin. English was my 3rd language followed closely by Bahasa Malaysia after my parents failed to enrolled me to SJKC. Along the way, through tvb ive picked up Cantonese and at work, I was forced to pick up Hokkien. Totally agree Bernice. Malaysians are actually very well respected internationally especially when we are multilingual. The East Asian companies wanting to step a foot into ASEAN markets would love Malaysians be part of their team. So we shall not be ashamed even if we are speaking half baked languages. We should all be proud because we are Malaysians!
@adrianwang2724 Жыл бұрын
but sometimes we being disrespect from Malay as we not fluent in Bahasa. although international focus on chinese & english, when you enter government office, if your Malay terrible, you got a lot of trouble. for example, not layan you.
@visHan8 Жыл бұрын
​@adrianwang2724 Bahasa Malaysia now is very important too when you want to chat about bad things about someone's attitude.Example : When my family travelled overseas, that country people didn't close the toilet door and pee. Everyone saw their secret part very clearly.😢 Then all the Malaysian travel teams using Bahasa Malaysia judge the people.😅
@KeaneCJK Жыл бұрын
​@@visHan8high 5, i always use BM when im overseas cuz they won't be knowing that im actually shitting on them 😂
@FmYuzu Жыл бұрын
我蠻慶幸自己會多種語言和方言...來新加坡打工(零售業)真得很加分... 即使我沒上過大學,中學spm也只有馬來文一科踩線合格。 也可以只靠語言優勢 順順利利得做到當店長的位置 馬來文 對 (馬來人+印尼人) 華文+粵語+客家話+福建話 (可以吃完全部華文市場了,可以直接對付 中文不好的香港人,中國人..越南華僑那些 他們英文也不是很好 蠻長會用華文來溝通) 英文破也沒關係得 只要可以溝通 表達意思 (不會Grammar也沒關係) 已經可以對完其他國家... 英語系國家普通對話 也不會照著Grammar和課文上交的那種英文來得。
@pauline8903 Жыл бұрын
@starshine9836 Жыл бұрын
Being bilingual has provided me with a significant advantage in my career. I had the opportunity to work in China at a younger age than many of my colleagues, which allowed me to develop my skills more quickly. I found that I was able to understand technical terminology much faster than others, who often viewed it as a completely foreign language. In a previous role, I taught expatriate children, and their parents inquired whether I could communicate with their kids in Mandarin. This included families from various backgrounds, such as French, Indian, German, and Japanese, where the primary language spoken at home was their mother tongue, and they recognized the value of learning Mandarin. Furthermore, with the influence of grandparents during video calls, it is not uncommon for these children to be exposed to three to five languages. In my opinion, it is essential to encourage the use of the mother tongue at home. For learning additional languages, it is important to consider future needs and the competitive landscape in a globalized world. While I type quickly in English, I can also type competently in Mandarin. However, I sometimes struggle with writing as I may forget characters.提笔忘字
@KeaneCJK Жыл бұрын
Same here, typing in English is so much faster, and typing in Mandarin is always slower. My Chinese karangan is always worse than the other 2 languages because no matter how beautiful the sentence sounds in my head, I always forget how to write some of the words in Mandarin lol
@mizzsia2077 Жыл бұрын
按电脑用的是拼音(相对慢), 按电话用stroke, 让我还不至于提笔就忘。当我难得要手写,忘记怎么写时,我就回忆我电话笔画是怎么按的😂
@newfish93 Жыл бұрын
@WChocoleta Жыл бұрын
I was born in Mainland China in the late 80s, and while it was not yet a common practice to teach their children English starting from a young age (plus there were very limited resources), my parents started teaching me English when I was three, and I cannot overstate how being bilingual has changed my life and the way I understand the outside world. I also learn to speak Cantonese fluently in ny college years in HongKong, and proficiency in these languages has greatly boosted my confidence wherever I go. I think multilingual proficiency is really an area where Singaporeans can shine. You guys are lucky to be brought up in a multicultural society and you should definitely take advantage of it.
@midnightwarrior641 Жыл бұрын
Umm, did you realise these folks in the video are Malaysians though. Haha :D
@可樂77 Жыл бұрын
@mrslew9109 Жыл бұрын
個人經驗:我本身直到高中畢業英語是最差的。 直到一個人升學國外根本聽不懂老師的英語口音。那時候強迫自己多看書多和當地人交流聊天。短短一年時間英語聽力和會話進步很多。 環境是會影響你的語言能力的。其實也不需要太過於糾結先學哪個語言。你自己自然而然會想要去進步的。
@fengjun6299 Жыл бұрын
@alochong Жыл бұрын
@TheJayJayYoung Жыл бұрын
I’m a Singaporean Chinese, my family mainly speaks English and Mandarin when I was younger cause my mum was from Chinese Ed school, while my dad was from Chinese Ed primary school and English Ed higher education, whereas my grandparents speak dialects (Cantonese and TeoChew) and very little mandarin. In school, as all subjects are taught in English except Chinese class, it makes it easier for me to catch up with school syllabus whereas classmates that are Chinese oriented tends to struggle in the beginning. I was fortunate enough to be able to balance both languages and am fluent in both languages, however after completing secondary school, the use of Chinese language is close too none, and these continued thru Uni overseas. I find the interest in the Chinese language and culture much later in my mid to late 20s, and picked up the habit to read in both English and Chinese. I feel that one have to be interested in our culture, else it is really difficult to want to learn more about it, and that’s probably why younger generations are not as willing to learn Chinese as they think it’s boring.
@scottn516 Жыл бұрын
@soochoiyan728 Жыл бұрын
我想让我的孩子学各种语言,毕竟我们是三大种族的国家,不要忘本,通过语言可以了解大家的文化,不要因为缺乏沟通而不能互相了解,其实因为我们的语言的优势可以让我们更容易和不同的人沟通,虽然是不同民族 , 互相尊重很重要😊
@KitBryan Жыл бұрын
Because of the environment i grew up in I don’t feel that learning different languages is hard for me. It just happens naturally. I speak canto at home, mandarin in SRJK and malay and english in SMK, and even more english in uni. I can’t say I’m 100% fluent in all of them but I’m 100% grateful i can at least speak them and others understands me 😂 Definitely proud of it.
@kentwindwong5083 Жыл бұрын
其实语言是一种人与人之间的沟通工具,增进对彼认识的一座桥梁。语言本身并没带有歧视的元素,是人类把歧视的元素带进语言。懂得使用越多语言沟通只有利没有弊。 在马来西亚,不管你说得流利与否,基本的中文,马来文和英文都难不倒大家。加上华人本身拥有自己的籍贯语言,更让大家在语言上被冠上“语言天才”之称。
@chanjon7056 Жыл бұрын
一开始去到新加坡工作的时候会因为害怕英文不好而被歧视,但是在努力学习与工作上的好表现 即使英文不好的我 也得到了很多人的肯定甚至愿意用我舒服的语言跟我沟通。 语言只不过是人与人交流的工具,但是可以解决工作或者生活上的问题 那是个人的态度与价值 不要因为语言上有障碍而去否定自己, 更多看看自己的价值展现自己的价值 那你去可以说一百种语言来得更加的有底气👍🏻
@112ffhgffg12 Жыл бұрын
@axe3425 4 ай бұрын
@crystal8537 Жыл бұрын
I am Singaporean Gen Z chinese but can speak fluent English, Mandarin and Hokkien! 😊 very sad to see kids nowadays dont wanna learn Mother Tongue. Learning more languages is always good
@PNWPawsPathsPad 11 ай бұрын
I would say it depends on your family. I’m Chinese Singaporean and no one in my family speaks mandarin. So it technically isn’t my mother tongue.
@masterseries4004 10 ай бұрын
Singapore government is very practically good in making money, from 1st day Singapore independence day they wanted to close all the Mandarin Chinese school due to survive in international trade with People spoken English countries (provide jobs and further education knowledge)The PM (Mr Lee) was so afraid of Chinese educated groups to control the government (Mr Lee is Banana man fully English educated)due to majority Chinese Singapore are from china and non English speaking. MR Lee had regretted when china government opened the international trade to the world (Mr Lee knew china would be world largest economy nation)and implement Chinese language as second language.The point is jobs and further development for them (Singapore is very small marketplace). Singapore government do not practice races favorism and Mr Lee Himself do not believe in china and have good relationship with America (America army base in Singapore)for protection from neighboring countries included china.Any languages that could be making money (huge marketplace)in international trade Singapore government will implement in government school.
@YummYakitori 9 ай бұрын
We have similar problems with Malaysians actually, just that we have one less language to learn (Bahasa). Not gon lie I do actually think Malay is the language with the least practical and business uses compared to Chinese or English, even though it is our (and also Malaysia's) national language, and if there's one language that has to be given up in Malaysia it should probably be Malay. Relatively there are more bananas in Singapore because nowadays our main medium of instruction across all subjects is English. Having graduated from a SAP school which is touted to have a more 'bilingual environment' with emphasis on the Chinese language and cultural values, even there the number of bananas is shocking -- and the worst part is that some of my banana classmates were actually proud to score C5 for Chinese or be unable to speak Mandarin like its a flex.. LOL. Basically our SAP schools actually share some history with many of the Chinese-medium schools in Malaysia, except our SAP schools were completely absorbed into the national education system and therefore the curriculum was also revamped to align with the national standard. Indeed looking back I feel pity for those who have lost touch with their cultural roots, being a banana is not 'high class' it just shows they are ignorant, particularly in a future world which becomes increasingly multi-polar with the economic rise of China, I can't see how one can continue being 'proud to be a banana' and being able to only communicate in English (equivalent to many of those 'redneck' Americans). Personally I would say my English speaking skills are not great, but I have good writing skills and funnily enough, I have consistently managed to rank in the top 10% of the school cohort for A Levels GP or O Levels English even though I don't have an English speaking environment at home. My Chinese is also good enough to pass Higher Chinese in secondary school, maybe a part of it is because my family speaks Mandarin at home and I am well exposed to the language. Overall I'm quite happy with where I am in terms of language right now.
@3mKay Жыл бұрын
@曾华琳 Жыл бұрын
@yokelengleng Жыл бұрын
@菲腾黄 Жыл бұрын
@痘包儿 Жыл бұрын
@kvn1806 Жыл бұрын
@Tiff7320 Жыл бұрын
我觉得2 个都重要 都要会看 会讲,工作能变成优势 我以前做HR ,很多公司要求至少要会英文 和中文、方便沟通 减少沟通成本
@MHMHakaMicHoh Жыл бұрын
我本身是讀國小的,上中學都不會看中文,就試過給自己親戚奚落說華人不會華文。。。從此之後我就看報紙,漫畫,雜誌學認字。。。不會的字就問身邊會中文的人。。。。現在我可以閱讀80-90% 中文字
@southpoletaiwei 8 ай бұрын
@rooowtwx Жыл бұрын
Went to an English as main language of instruction kindergarten. And maybe because I watched way too much Disney and English cartoons etc. my Mandarin was pretty bad when I was in kindergarten. To the point that the Chinese teacher asked my mum to not send me to SJKC or I will fail miserably in school. Stubborn mum still insisted on sending me and I ended up even taking Chinese language for SPM. As an adult, I still prefer English as my dominant language but I can converse fairly well in Mandarin and it does give Malaysian Chinese an upper hand when meeting people from people around the world. I don't think it's as simple as linguistic/cultural background vs family background/upbringing that would ultimately determine a person's grasp of language or whether they would primarily process their thoughts/experiences in a certain language. Still... I always get mistaken as banana. A Chinese teacher also seemed to dislike students who were more "banana" in the Chinese class... Oh well. I think even for people who straddle the in-between space of Cina and Banana will probably have a lot of different tiers. Kinda felt what the guy from Wabikong said about having to remember his own 華人 identity... because that's the only thing we have. Sad, but true.
@ChongChenTong Жыл бұрын
I just think the 華人identity is really not important. We need to be a human being, not a 華人。 是人,很重要。是不是華人,就隨興吧。
@rooowtwx Жыл бұрын
@@ChongChenTong I agree... but at the same time, the current conditions seem to prevent that to some extent. But yes... 如果說身為華人這身份不被割捨而阻擋了建立國族認同,那就應該被割捨。但同時,個人身份認同是重要的所以你說的只要是人類就行... 或許是在那遙遠的未來才能實現的
@webstorage-c1n Жыл бұрын
@yokelengleng Жыл бұрын
@n0buddy919 Жыл бұрын
哈哈哈哈,那些反中文的华人们 反而希望中文别在大马留底呢。 最好剩下 马来文和 英文 那种呢 最好像 泰国/印尼 这种单一种族独立的国家那样 他们完全将我们大马是 3大种族 联合独立的 ,变成 我们是在'寄居' 在 单一种族独立的国家的 。 马来文 是国语 的确是应该要会,至于那些不会的 的确应该谴责 马来语/华语/印度语 是个族母语,其实最好都各族都应该学会自己的语言(马来人的 马来语就是 自己的族语,难理解他族对母语的重视是正常的。毕竟自己的母语没有任何威胁感) 英文 - 3族都应该要学的外语,至于注重程度看个人。国际语言国家文字 是对国人 对外 的优势 华人有banana,印度人也是有的 但是人家的banana 还是保留了 母语 你们banana 有保留吗?(我认识的是有啦) 其实多数是反中演变到变反华 的 大马华人 在煽动 纯华人与banana的 对敌而已。 讲学华文的华人 不会 马来文 才是 阻碍 大马人民融合的,他们banana也是有 不会中文和马来文的 大马banana人(印度人也有,就我做工地就有几个了)啊。
@jacksent432 Жыл бұрын
@@yokelengleng 是嗎?那你英文一定很好了。
@yokelengleng Жыл бұрын
@@jacksent432 蛮好的,我写作蛮OK,只是口语不好
@TheJayzism Жыл бұрын
@shin1nn Жыл бұрын
I grew up speaking Hokkien at home, went to SRJKC then SMK which is where I picked up Cantonese. I study Mandarin language until form 5, but also had tuition for English since 8 years old. I considered myself lucky to be able to well versed in Mandarin, dialects and English. I definitely found all of them true as I observed my Chinese circle feeling shy to speak English and English friends felt ashamed for missing out Mandarin. In the end, just like Sai, Chinese literature didn’t interest me much, not being able to remember all the 名句精华典故. I grew up consuming mostly in English and still prefer reading in English. But with the mandarin exposure it did helped me learned Japanese & Korean. I personally think this multi lingual background which we all have, provided a very diverse mindset for us and it encourages diversity & inclusion and ease acceptance so much more external culture and understanding from the world. In the end I’m still anak Malaysia; being Rojak is uniquely us!!
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
@nousername6501 Жыл бұрын
我的孩子是给印度邻居带大,所以他们在还没上幼儿园时是说淡米尔文和英文😂 直到进校学(华小) 花朵和石头都分不清楚😅 不过在老师的教导下,他们都能掌握华文。
@terencetay998 Жыл бұрын
@b7076-y7x Жыл бұрын
I grew up speaking Cantonese. I picked up Malay, Mandarin and English later on, and I'm reasonably well versed in all three, but I'm most comfortable speaking in Cantonese. Cantonese will always be my mother tongue, and I will pass it down to my children if I have children one day.
@tyou5779 Жыл бұрын
@wenghoe88 Жыл бұрын
Don't let Cantonese die out like what is happening over in China.
@leealex24 Жыл бұрын
​@@wenghoe88Cantonese is strong in KL and Ipoh. Make it stronger
@leealex24 Жыл бұрын
​​@wenghoe88 Cantonese is strong in KL and Ipoh. Make it stronger as it can be a very strong niche advantage!
@Jy41614 Жыл бұрын
Those idiots from Johor and Penang. Stay at KL only know speak mandarin , but never try to learn.. Babi betul even Bangladesh also fluent
@andytan1430 Жыл бұрын
I grew up speaking English at home while being sent to a Chinese school from primary (華小) till secondary (獨中). The reason I was being sent to a Chinese school is because my family can’t speak a word of Mandarin even though they converse in Cantonese daily. From my experience, I struggled with Mandarin as none of my family members could speak Mandarin, which pretty much makes sense for the situation. When I was in secondary school, I struggled with learning traditional Chinese (文言文)as I wasn’t interested in learning Chinese literature etc. In the end, I’m still grateful that my parents made the decision in sending me to Chinese school, which somehow made me to be who I am today, being able to survive in Malaysia with different languages. Therefore, going overseas won’t be a problem for us as well since we know at least two languages. After all, knowing different languages can be quite handy.
@AddyLepak Жыл бұрын
Cantonese is one of the Chinese languages too, so your parents actually know Chinese, maybe they can’t read. The Mandarin is only being selected as National Language for China when the PRC has being established. 獨中不可能不知道吧? there are many Chinese languages, not just Mandarin….
@KeaneCJK Жыл бұрын
And the best part is, u can always talk shit using another language when someone understand whatever you're saying when youre overseas, and i find Malay to be the most useful when it comes to such situation 😂
@andytan1430 Жыл бұрын
@@KeaneCJK Yea, that’s the best part 🤣🤣
@limeishaokao Жыл бұрын
@derek7762 Жыл бұрын
@@AddyLepak Yeah, but speaking casually at home is very different from having been educated in it. I'm thinking they definitely didn't know how to read Chinese.
@Gladish Жыл бұрын
哈哈哈看完很多感触,我是华校生,而且从小到大没有接触任何讲英文的圈子,出到社会自然不敢开口说英文。 我最记得我第一次去interview做admin的工作,怕到开不了口,还被那个老板说的话打击到我。他大概是说了类似“妳不会说英文你觉得我会请你吗?浪费他时间”之类的话。 吓死宝宝。委屈🥹
@救世主-c5c 9 ай бұрын
我试过面试都是讲英文,我就用英文说我不怎么会讲,可以讲华语,然后面试官就换了 😂
@melanieamberly7118 Жыл бұрын
This is an interesting topic to talk about. Coming from a mix-raced background from Sarawak, I speak roughly 7 languages. At home, I speak English, Mandarin, Iban, a mix of Hokkien and Teochew to my family and bf. In uni, we speak Bahasa Sarawak + Melayu and Mandarin to my classmates. Sometimes, I speak Bahasa Indonesia with my international friends as well. In my opinion, although i speak multi-languages, i would still want to sent my kids to SJKc mainly because Mandarin is the top demanded language worldwide atm. Basic in writing, reading and speaking are essential to learn during their primary school years. It will be easier for them to mingle around chinese-speakers. After mastering the basics, I'll sent them to SMK. Since we're in Malaysia, BM is definitely important too. Being able to converse in BM is important as in the future, working in Malaysia, requires us to work well with BM-speakers. All in all, learn as much languages as you can. It's never wrong nor a waste to learn a new language.
@brandonpau6395 Жыл бұрын
speaking as someone who is currently living in japan, studying japanese. I didnt realise how the language skills of malaysians are seen as such a powerful thing untill i've moved abroad. here, english to japanese translators are paid super well, because machine translations are not accurate. I meet people from all around the world in my language school, and they are all surprised that i can speak more than 3 languages, and i often serve as a cultural bridge between many classmates just because i grew up in a multilingual and multicultural environment. English is my first language, and i went to an SJKC for 6 years, before going to an international school for secondary. I then ended up working in a place that had international customers, and i had the opportunity to communicate with people from all around the world and learnt phrases in so many languages. I can speak English, Mandarin, Malay, Japanese. I know a bunch of phrases in Spanish, Italian, French, German, Dutch, Portugese, Russian, Korean, Persian(Farsi), Tamil. My only regret now is i wished i had learnt more chinese dialects when growing up like hokkien, cantonese, hakka, as well as the opportunity to learn tamil. The more i get on in life, the more i realise that information is the thing that gets you ahead. Language is the key that unlocks information and knowledge. Communicate well, and you will go far in life. Thanks for the video, i will be showing this to my Mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwanese classmates.
@tanyifan8630 Жыл бұрын
Ditto. I had a similar experience when I went for an exchange in Japan. My Japanese and Chinese (from China not Malaysia) friends that I met there was actually really surprised with our ability to switch from English to Chinese and vice versa literally on the fly. You literally dont have to speak absolutely perfect English and Chinese as long as you get your point across you're golden
@shahrizalarif9307 Жыл бұрын
I like this content so much. Started to love break the bubble session. I got to know now the perspective from banana and chinese itself and it was fruitful kind of discussion. Even I am malay myself but I surrounded with many friends from diff races and somehow I even questioned myself about this banana thing. Now I got clear understanding how banana came from and whatnot plus I kind of agree with, whatever language that you use in your daily basis, it not necessarily will shape on how you act and react and it is more like coming from your background, circle of friends and the way you were brought up. Good job team! Can't wait for another different topics on your channel in the future. Jiayou! :)
@leealex24 Жыл бұрын
Wow, 有趣的影片。 我也不太會說中文,因為我只在華小學過幾年。 然後主要是英語和馬來語,但幸運的是,我能說流利的廣東話。 這幾年我也重新學了中文
@jeff95271 Жыл бұрын
@SiriusTheKid Жыл бұрын
@mingrhu Жыл бұрын
厲害的是 你還打繁體字😂👍
@megumilam7315 Жыл бұрын
@leealex24 Жыл бұрын
Yes,對我來說,如果一個人會說普通話、廣東話、英語和馬來語,就可以統治世界。 Haha.
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
马来西亚国情是两个主要模式。 1) 英校教育制度,加强一科华文的第二语文课程。 2) 华校教语制度,加强一科英文的第二语文课程。 两个教育制度,都会加强国语马来语的课程。 这样子,大家都差不多一样了咯 汉语方言也在民间流行
@drmel9389 Жыл бұрын
I am from 独中 and i studied up to 高三. My parents sent me to 华小 when i was a kid because they couldn't speak Mandarin and they saw the importance of learning an extra language at a young age because it's easier to pronounce the words properly. I don't regret a single day. I can speak English, BM, and Mandarin fluently. I am not 半桶水, but my comfort, go-to language is still English lah.. Knowing more languages is very useful in the field of healthcare...
@leejun8955 Жыл бұрын
我是覺得重點是不管甚麼語言 什麼種族都好 他們在什麼環境長大就會變成什麼人 都不應該被歧視或嘲笑 即使是華人不會講華語也有他們的生存方式 就像你也不能要求猶太人或黑人一定要會他們的族語是一樣的道理
@elainev670 Жыл бұрын
What I appreciate most about this interview is the diversity. To those who aren't Malaysian Chinese, it's difficult to grasp the concept of "tiered Bananas" but this is just what it is. We Malaysian Chinese are a diverse and plural group of people and it's beautifully displayed here. ❤
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
It is an eventual evolvement process , majorly of the malaysia’s han chinese will converge into Manana ( a modified version of Banana ) which can understand 4 languages , English , Malay , Mandarin , han chinese’s dialect.
@magnacarta740 Жыл бұрын
@@ct9245 well, Wan Fayhsal will never accept you, get it?
@herovck Жыл бұрын
@Byanbyby Жыл бұрын
我反而羡慕会说方言的人 因为方言最快消失的😂😂😂。 在同个国家华人不管讲什么语言文化还是一样,我的美国澳洲的cousins文化就差很远了 😂 通常他们不会要学中文 只会讲英语而已 想法也不一样。
@ngcollin88 Жыл бұрын
美国/澳/新西兰 那里太习惯单语通行了,虽然美国好一些(总政府没设定官方语言这回事以免歧视任何人/原住民 - 尤其南部地区,但英文还是默定的工作/行政语言) 尽管如此,周围环境还是会影响一个人对某种语言文化的态度。例如,旧金山唐人街区长久以来是粤语垄断直到中国大陆和台湾侨民陆续过来居住开店
@mm8693 Жыл бұрын
@@ngcollin88 我周围的美国华人朋友,大部分会让孩子坚持学中文😊
@ChiJunGaming Жыл бұрын
我是住在kl的檳城人。當我帶kl朋友去檳城玩的時候,尤其是去茶室叫水喝的時候,就可以發現到很大的差別了。如果是檳城人那些茶室的uncle aunty都會比較友善,講話也會比較有說有笑,反之不是檳城人的話,他們就會一臉不耐煩的看著你問你要叫什麼水之類的。 會說中文肯定是主要的,但是會方言的幫助會比較大比起會中文,所以那些會方言的香蕉人通常都不會有被歧視的問題,只有只會英文的才會比較嚴重被歧視。
@kasioz82 Жыл бұрын
@ChiJunGaming Жыл бұрын
@@kasioz82 我帶朋友是去檳城被歧視的😂
@kasioz82 Жыл бұрын
@@ChiJunGaming 其實你講的情況比較像是造成對方的不便所以人家才不喜歡啊,你試看去茶室跟那些華人安迪安哥只講馬來話看看人家是不是一樣的反應,我相信在哪一州都是一樣的
@ChiJunGaming Жыл бұрын
@user-yj8zw7hk6f 對檳城本地華人可以聊到天花龍鳳,對不是檳城的華人就一臉嫌棄的樣子😂
@lohhowtien2778 Жыл бұрын
From my experience, no matter what language/skill u are good at, when you start to work in the real world, (sometimes) you will be facing a situation which require you to learn another language. Learning never stop even you finish school 1.. We are staying in a multiracial country, so just let your children learn everything they can since young!
@kcpkcp1000 Жыл бұрын
If we know our own mother tongue , in my case here Chinese, that is a bonus. But it is not polite to despise others who don't know their mother tongue. I think as Malaysians, we all need to be fluent in Malay. I am fluent in Chinese, Malay and English but never disrespect others who can't speak their mother tongue.
@leblanc6166 Жыл бұрын
your ancestors 100 years ago do not speak mandarin, but dialects.
@wenghoe88 Жыл бұрын
Mother tongue is your dialect. Mandarin existed 100+ years ago and your ancestors don't even speak it
@b7076-y7x Жыл бұрын
My mother tongue is Cantonese and I'm proud of it
@leealex24 Жыл бұрын
​@@b7076-y7x Cantonese is strong in KL and Ipoh. Make it stronger as it can be a very strong niche advantage!
@leealex24 Жыл бұрын
​ @user-bp5qz5jd3f Cantonese is strong in KL and Ipoh. Make it stronger as it can be a very strong niche advantage!
@蟲蟲-r6h Жыл бұрын
never felt so proud because of I'm a chinese speaker! thank you BBK! NICE EP
@df9708 Жыл бұрын
讲真的语言一直是我没有想过的强项 直到来澳洲读书 我才知道会超过两种语言不是很平常的事 他们会吓到讲说wow 你很厉害 因為本地人通常都只会一种 我家比较特别 除了华国英 还讲广东 福建 潮州(然后每次我会补一句, 其实malaysia 大多数人都这样😂) 所以我觉得既然我们有那个环境就全部都学 因为真的出国的时候你才会发现你几特别 无限穿梭在华人和外国人的social group 相信我 🫶🏻
@hyrulelink2307 Жыл бұрын
@hyrulelink2307 Жыл бұрын
@adaphee 11 ай бұрын
其实,我一直觉得生在 大马 的我们,非常幸运,有机会学到各种不同的语言。 语言是打开不同 文化 和 思维 的钥匙,让我们能深入了解不同语言文化的背景。 它是学习的“工具”。 至于精通与否,各人自己决定是否要下苦功。 但我们的环境,已给了我们这个机会,何不好好利用学习?
@路过的小林 Ай бұрын
你们会三语是很大的优势,但这个优势必须要走出马来西亚才能体现。这里的三语指的是华语,英语还有你们祖籍的方言。比如如果你会闽南语华语和英语,那你在福建省和台湾省做外贸销售之类的,比当地人更有优势。会华语意味着你能和年轻人沟通,会闽南语意味着你能和老一辈和落后地区的人沟通,会英语意味着你能作为当地和外商的桥梁。这种人当地也不多。 但在马来西亚大家都是三语,反而没优势,更别说你们干脆就喜欢用英语来做通用语交流了。所以大马华人还是要发挥自己的优势,走出去
@hanloh8840 Жыл бұрын
@千山雪 3 ай бұрын
@bijinoka Жыл бұрын
I think the problem with bananas is that they are scared to speak in chinese because they are not fluent in it. And because of that they got judge by it. And its same goes for chinese people that are scared of being judge by the lack of fluency in english. The actual problem here is that both are scared of being judged by the other. I think if both get to know each other and try to lepak, they can actually help each other to be better at both language
@impostor8984 Жыл бұрын
same for me but cantonese, i'm an introvert to begin with and whenever i speak canto people just mock and laugh at me, i hate speaking canto lmao
@tengfs 10 ай бұрын
As for me whenever people speak to me in Cantonese, I will reply them in Hakka. If they don't understand Hakka then we will have no choice but to spontaneously switch to Mandarin.
@YuenK.WaiKay Жыл бұрын
My suggestion would be a Chinese primary school for basic Mandarin, then English secondary school for English and BM. Fun fact: my parents are bananas so I used to speak English and Hokkien only up to my primary school years. Went to an sjk(c) and my English went downhill that my parents had to send me for Cambridge tuition 😂 I decided that I have had enough of Mandarin when I had to learn those poems and stuff, hence back to an English school for my secondary school years.
@goldkwi Жыл бұрын
It's important to remember that the so-called "dialects" of Chinese are actually distinct Sinitic languages. Notably in SG/MY, we primarily speak the Yue 粵語 and Min 閩語 language families. The former consists of, non-exhaustively, Cantonese and Taishanese, and the latter is further spilt into Eastern (Fuzhounese/Hockchew), Central, Southern Min.(Penang Hokkien/ SG&Johor Hokkien, Teochew, Hainanese) Mandarin itself is also a separate Sinitic language family consisting of many variants, like Sichuan Mandarin, Northwestern Mandarin, Dongbei Mandarin, Yunnan Mandarin, etc. It just so happens that the Beijing variant was selected as the lingua franca of China, aka Putonghua普通話, and other Chinese speaking communities adopted China's decision. Mandarin was not spoken by our great grandparents and the generations above. So I don't get the hype over 華人不會講華語 and this condescending attitude. Given the complexity of the various languages and variants, agreeing on the terms "Mother Tongue" & "Native Language" is a contentious one. Based on what the Singapore government says, for us local Chinese, the Mother Tongue taught in school is Mandarin, but one can argue that our true mother tongue is actually Hokkien, Hainanese and the like. Meanwhile, there's no definition of the word "Native language", but many Singaporean Chinese would say it's both English and Mandarin, since we are able to communicate in either language, many-a-times more fluently in English. (PS: btw OP speaks English, Mandarin, French, Spanish, a teensy bit of Japanese and a mixture of Teochew/Hokkien)
@ancestral_lingo Жыл бұрын
Yes, I agree with you. I am a KZbinr too. I am very conscious that this concept of "Chinese" does not solely mean "Mandarin". "Chinese" can be Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, Teochew, etc. Growing up, I have been constantly concerned about how we keep passing the myth that "Chinese" must be Mandarin-speaking. I even have to explain to all folks who are working in restaurants, banks, etc.: "Even though I look like Chinese, in fact, I speak Southern Chinese languages like Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka and Teochew. However, Mandarin is a Northern Sinitic (Chinese) language. Mandarin is not our native tongue." Although it is very tiring, I still insist. I do not wish to see Southern Chinese languages die out in Malaysia, Singapore and elsewhere. Please support my KZbin channel as well. Thank you. kzbin.info/www/bejne/gaOQnp6aeLiDj7M
@limeishaokao Жыл бұрын
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
其实以前双方是互相给社会压力, 当今是要学习互相宽容, 互相共存,互相鼓励,互相学习,才是大马的正能量 才能帮大马成就昌明大马
@偉傑吳-h5v 8 ай бұрын
@xmn952 Жыл бұрын
小學是讀華小,中學是讀SMK不過一個星期上一堂中文課,學院是讀新紀元,至於怎麼學英語多看書還有看免費的英文報The Sun,然後在學院是有一整年的早餐在M記吃早上有英文歌的播放在那種環境之下英語是自己學會來的,英文讓我學到西方的哲學蠻有深度的,因為在幼稚園是讀創價幼兒元是根據日本的教學但小時候在幼稚園就學三大語言,語言對我來說是溝通工具而已,而現在工作需要三大語言,在家我是說客家話的
@jacksent432 Жыл бұрын
我是一個只讀到初中一的人都認識到英文思想的不同,I USE English For Meditation.
@jasonyan83 Жыл бұрын
@watert1682 Жыл бұрын
Im 36yrs old now.im bidayuh from sarawak.study at chung hua primary school yrs 94-99.i still remember my chinese name given by my teacher ( 阿历山大)😂😂..now still practicing my mandarin with aunty² uncle² at outside.for me mandarin a bit hard to learn at beginning because have so many words n tones but it was fun to learn mandarin.1 of my favourite subject is maths.sjk have it own methods to teach maths.example if 2x2=4, you just say 2 2 4 🤣. even till now im still counting using mandarin.
@homan0929 6 ай бұрын
其實,學習自己族裔的傳統文化和思想是必定有好處的。 排除身份的問題,排除對國家認同感的問題,但你不可能排除自己原生家庭的背景,而原生家庭的背景會影響你個人的思考方式,所以認識自己族裔的文化,等於幫助認識自己,在人生的路上必定有助益。 而且你自身族裔的身份,其實在日後個人事業發展上,是可以幫助你開拓更多的人脈,所以在功利的前提下也是有幫助的。比如說,世界很多地方的人過去都會學英文,現在也會學,然後多了很多人會學韓文,中文,都是因為文化及經濟的影響。 玥白點說,去了解自己族裔文化,去了解鄰族文化,以至外國文化,多學點事情不會有壞處。
@hewmarcus516 Жыл бұрын
@superanson7 Жыл бұрын
其实在欧洲许多国家(不包括英国,爱尔兰)除了学习英文,他们还要学习一个外文(德文/法文/西班牙文/拉丁/意大利文等等)。但是他们的科学知识不会少过英语国家,甚至超越美英.所以我觉得马来西亚外语班不应该影响学生的知识. 很多时候问题是他们怎么教外语/其他科目 (加了等等因为某些学习荷兰文或者俄文)
@AkiraYC88 Жыл бұрын
Pick up Chinese at young, until Primary 6 is enough for writing and speaking already. Learning Chinese is tough, not like English and BM where you can learn the pronunciation and read in a month (despite not knowing the meaning of the words), Chinese cannot, you need to recognize each character and it takes years to build that. So if kids don't pick the language up, it is very likely they won't anymore when they grow older (unless one really has deep interest and determination); they might know how to speak, but not read and write. English and BM are important too and need consistent exposure and practice if one wishes to master it. My suggestion is for kids to use Chinese in daily communication, whereas English and BM for songs, movies, cartoons, games etc.; Once in secondary, English & BM can be added into communication with people (depends on situations), while keeping all three languages for songs, movies etc. To learn a language, never be afraid to speak with people around you, don't feel inferior / insecure because of accents etc., and we shall never mock anyone or discriminate based on the language you speak. Always learn more, not less. Banana friends encourage Cina friends to speak more English, Cina friends teach your Banana friends some Chinese. Same goes to BM, please dig out dusted your BM vocabs that you memorized like crazy back then in school and practice them more often. We have the priviledges to learn more, so why limit yourself to only one.
@xygdra Жыл бұрын
学多一种语言就多一条出路,其实就算语言半桶水 还是更有价值的。思维真的有影响啦,比方我认识的人中,会和不同族群/国际结婚的都是偏向 English educated的,思想更开放的。
@ErnestL3944 Жыл бұрын
@itssimonwai Жыл бұрын
本身是独中生现在生活在澳洲,可以说多种语言真的可以在这混得很远,有说中文的中国台湾香港朋友,有说英文的白人朋友. Proud to be a Malaysian commanding various languages , it can open up a lot more opportunities in life
@yebadio7938 9 ай бұрын
@kevinchan2707 Жыл бұрын
我的个人观点是自己的母语必须要会讲,但是可以不需要精,我举个例子,我觉得自己身为华人如果不会华语/中文,就像没有了根,不人不鬼的。 我认为身份认同是很重要的,但是不是说要排外,同样可以接纳其他族群,同样可以使用英语作为平时沟通的语言,但是不能不会自己的母语。 Before you learning other language you must know you mother language,it represent who you are.
@cxc7632 Жыл бұрын
@宗宗-q4i Жыл бұрын
@wenghoe88 Жыл бұрын
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
@@宗宗-q4i 那是被他籍贯给同化掉了
@vanillalatte2105 Жыл бұрын
能精通语言当然是好事,但每种语言半桶水也不觉得丢脸,毕竟语言是让大家沟通的管道,能用三种语言基本沟通,我觉得挺自豪的 ❤ 曾经旅游时还替中国游客和菲利宾人做翻译 😂
@cxc7632 Жыл бұрын
@NganDaiWai Жыл бұрын
怎么方便怎么来 平时接触是群体用这个群体的语言😂
@ngcollin88 Жыл бұрын
BBK, if u’re reading this.. 衷心希望你们在🇸🇬开的standup专场可以分配足够的airtime给你们讲这个话题, 来个够力够力的让所有网络媒体有个正面又impactful的报导
@ASD-tg4zu Жыл бұрын
Singapore has given up Chinese education.
@zhen86 11 ай бұрын
@@ASD-tg4zu no. Singapore has given up using mother tongue as a teaching medium. You still need to learn your mother tongue in school.
@ASD-tg4zu 11 ай бұрын
@@zhen86 This is just purely a joke. None of them can speak proper Mandarin.
@zhen86 11 ай бұрын
@@ASD-tg4zu its a choice if the youngsters want speak English more. If you take A level in Singapore, you need to pass your mother tongue. Talking about proper Mandarin, most Malaysian Chinese don't speak proper Mandarin. No, I am not talking about accent.
@ASD-tg4zu 11 ай бұрын
@@zhen86 most of the Malaysian Chinese can switch to standard Mandarin anytime, communicating with China people seamlessly. Come on, just admit that Singaporeans have abandoned mother tongue, that's you own choice, stop pretending to be multi-cultural.
@kiara416 Жыл бұрын
@Oliver90s Жыл бұрын
My points (Q3) are: Prioritise English for kids when toddler, send em to Montessori does the same laying a foundation in them. But when 5yo send back to Traditional Chinese Kindergarten to focus Chinese esp writing/ reading. As such, during their SRJK(C), let school continue to nurture em in Chinese while you could send them to higher level English enrichment to accelerate their journey in English proficiency. Thereafter, decide where you want em at Secondary level....... ( I believe for certain schools, DLP still works well or Private Schools with National Curriculum (confirmed they conduct in DLP in Maths and Sciences). To add, Maths and Sciences in English will prepare em well in A-Level/ Pre-U/ Singaporean Uni. Even if you choose to to do STPM for local Universities, they will be greatly benefited as many books are in English as references.
@asianbiscuittinnn3682 Жыл бұрын
My first lang is Eng and second lang is Mandarin. I went to a chinese primary school and what Soon said is very true. Teachers discriminate you the moment they find out u don't speak Mandarin at home. The teachers think they're high and almighty just because they speak Mandarin (their English is terrible for a school teacher btw). I grew up being scared to use Mandarin and I felt ashamed. Now that I'm an adult, its a flex that I know Eng, Mandarin and BM.
@mackesyjang1073 Жыл бұрын
Living in a colony is a flex ?
@Teng_623 Жыл бұрын
@chrischen1730 Жыл бұрын
As a Singaporean Chinese , I definitely proud that I still able to converse and speak fluent mandarin .. however I not sure 90/00 peeps .. nowadays I also rarely hear pple converse in mandarin too in SG so I feel is impt to have a good Chinese base For me although I fluent in mandarin but reading Chinese words will have slight lag in myself 😂 but ultimately I will still recognise it 学华语是不容易,可是会觉得很骄傲我们懂自己的语言,就比如说,法国人不懂法文,那不是好笑?
@ngcollin88 Жыл бұрын
Bro, I think for those 18 and below (based on this year), many of them their mandarin conversation ability kinda jialat liao.. at best mix-mix or worse, banana Chinese (u can refer to angel hsu 安琪兒 video detailing the different variants of Singaporean mandarin) 你的比喻很到位.. in European countries esp Switzerland/Belgium/Luxembourg (the 3 have multiple official languages), general population knowing 2-3 languages well is the norm. What excuse do we have to not be effectively bilingual?
@Jy41614 Жыл бұрын
mandarin also proud ah? How about Hokkien?😂😂 small matter Lmao
@Steven-qs7zp Жыл бұрын
@chrischen1730 Жыл бұрын
@@Steven-qs7zp 不一定要看那个 office 的 setup 和环境 , 可以是英文和中文
@ChongChenTong Жыл бұрын
你的孩子移民澳洲後。下一代不會華文是okay的。 強求什麼?
@thomasyt29 10 ай бұрын
這集有打到我,我Subang人,English speakers > Chinese Speakers的地方。從小就覺得自卑,很想要以後讓自己的小孩進English-ed school。但看了這集,才知道English speakers有這麼多辛酸血淚史。BTW, 我在台灣生活了14年,種種經驗讓我aware到,懂這麼多語言會讓別人覺得自己是個鬼才。談唐詩宋詞中國歷史,因為有獨中的教育所以都能信手拈來侃侃而談。跟印尼來的交換學生聊天,也能好好show off 自己的馬來語,甚至能覺察到台灣原住民跟東南亞原住民非常Nuance的關係,比台灣漢人更能和台灣原住民有共同語言。懂廣東話除了可以跟港澳學生交流,也可以用玩味的態度去找出那些用中文念不出押韻的詩詞,然後用廣東話來念一遍,甚至發現到很多日文、韓文都跟廣東話和閩南語很像覺得很好玩。至於英文,申請美國Master的時候準備了GRE,背了3000多個vocabs,還能回過頭來糾正很多自以為英文很厲害歧視去台灣留學的大馬華人,遣詞用字能更精準,好像也沒那麼後悔自己從小受的是中文教育了。
@Orlando-b7g 4 ай бұрын
@蟲蟲-r6h Жыл бұрын
'breakout of the bubble' really a very good series! well done BBK❤❤❤❤❤很高兴我不是banana
@watsonwoo6723 Жыл бұрын
@zrayzho4170 Жыл бұрын
@ksengchan27 Жыл бұрын
我觉得只要有能力表达出自己想法无论什么语言都可以,而不仅限于某个语言。但说真的我曾是有个经验,不会说英文而被一个banana uncle歧视过😂。
@R2d2koko Жыл бұрын
当一个不懂自己语言而只会一种语言的人 , 一般上也只能靠点他自己也莫名其妙的歧视才能掩饰自己的自卑
@HelloHI-zp2zl Жыл бұрын
分享一个经验,我是受中文教育的人,华小,独中,之前我在 starbucks 喝饮料的时候,就听到前面一群banana在聊天,有一个女生在说他和他的男朋友的事情,大概就是我是banana,可是我的男朋友是受中文教育的人,我觉得长远来说,我们的思想可能有点差距,然后他的朋友就跑出来一句,你知道chinese education的人思想都很ah beng,我的内心:你会英文,你了不起?凭什么这样说?
@SayaMahuRehatlahBossku Жыл бұрын
什么是ah. Beng 啊
@HeyTruth Жыл бұрын
hmmm…. 他的朋友說對了一半啦。 的確有很多斯文的華語使用者, 但也不少ah beng的華語使用者 「出口成章」。 只是我們的朋友圈比較斯文。我曾接觸過不同的朋友圈 出口就成髒, 完全大開眼界,竟然很多這樣的人,而他們的朋友也是這樣😅
@SayaMahuRehatlahBossku Жыл бұрын
@@HeyTruth 就是说话比较粗或脏的意思吗
@HeyTruth Жыл бұрын
@@SayaMahuRehatlahBossku 是的! 髒話的髒
@jasonmai4771 Жыл бұрын
@danny102462 Жыл бұрын
@Justin-2000 Жыл бұрын
我觉得不会英文不要自卑,不会中文也没关系,语言只是拿来沟通的,多学一种语言必然是好的,不要“语言用时方恨少”😂学会互相尊重和包容,我们都是马来西亚人啊🇲🇾❤ Heng~ Ong~ Huat~ Ah!🤣
@NganDaiWai Жыл бұрын
不用刻意去学 环境逼着自己去学就行了
@duhuanpeng1398 Жыл бұрын
@Justin-2000 Жыл бұрын
@@duhuanpeng1398 👍
@nicoletan8260 11 ай бұрын
@Justin-2000 11 ай бұрын
@@nicoletan8260 😂
@CT-zm2sf Жыл бұрын
我從小在一個講福建話跟廣東話的環境長大。上的是國民型小中學,語言切換不是問題,但不是每個人都能掌握好3大語言。我家裡有香港人跟澳洲人,從小就接觸到流利的粵語跟英文,考 SPM,在英國大學畢業,目前有機會在台灣發展。 一開始我並不是很喜歡中文,覺得太難學了。後來上了大學才開始發現多種語言多好用,自己多接觸中文媒體才變好了起來。 第一,馬來西亞中文學校的問題是:學生只被鼓勵用中文,別的方言一律禁止。大家的文化背景因此慢慢被同化。在學校也只能用中英馬來文溝通,我非常不解。 第二,英文教育應該讓學校去教。學的時侯,不要抱著 『隨便啦,別人聽的懂就好』 的心態。 第三,學習語言就是多種文化的結合。語言好了,自己交友的圈子就更大了。用英文聊天跟用中文聊天的朋友圈子會有完全不同的領悟與學習機會。 第四,在工作圈子,英文絕對是好幫手。譬如說在台灣,公司就會需要中英雙全的員工搞國際事務。在學術界,發表學術研究也得用英文。 第五,家長不要認為小朋友學了方言,就中文發音不准。今天有很多網路跟學校的教材,根本不是當時那個年代,所以那種思想要改。如果你的孩子老是學不好,就是說他不想學,僅此而已。 As a Malaysian, I'm very proud that I can speak English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, Malay etc. We shouldn't be limiting ourselves in anyway to learn any languages, after all it's part of our shared heritage and unique culture.
@megumilam7315 Жыл бұрын
@honggan4561 Жыл бұрын
@@megumilam7315 确实
@CT-zm2sf Жыл бұрын
@@megumilam7315 這個說法無誤,但當今社會學習管道眾多,網路發達,國民型小、中學都有統一教育的語言課。現在的資訊時代跟以前無法比。
@megumilam7315 Жыл бұрын
@@CT-zm2sf 好遺憾,華文學校只講普通話,導致大馬年青華人只會普通話,不會方言的現象了
@CT-zm2sf Жыл бұрын
​@@megumilam7315 的確遺憾。台灣在推行 《國家語言發展法》 把本土語納入課程,從國小到高中。反觀我遇過一些家長在家裡跟孩子用英文聊天,(他們的英文並不好),批評別的家長用廣東話跟孩子溝通,但平日與自己的另一半或朋友卻用廣東話交談!非常無語。
@sawakun Жыл бұрын
@limnyuk2195 Жыл бұрын
待在多元文化的國家的最大好處就是,只要能夠溝通,你愛用什麼語言都行。所以才會有rojak 語言的出現
@cxc7632 Жыл бұрын
其實要學這麼多語言也不能每個都精通🥲但我還是會學自己平時常用到的,中文(簡體/繁體),馬來文,英文,福建話,台語,廣東話 冇/乜/咁/系,韓語 한국어
@sawakun Жыл бұрын
@@cxc7632 👍
@中国那些事儿-t3f Жыл бұрын
人的精力是有限的,语言能给你带来什么,要好好想清楚。 而且随着去全球化加剧,国际氛围整体往右,以后语言也只是一种汲取敌对国家科技的工具罢了。 可能多说几种语言,除了浪费时间,并不能给自己带来任何好处。 要明白学习其他语言的目的是什么,少数人是为了方便融入当地,旅游比较方便,但多数人一定要明白,是为了汲取其他文明的长处,来发展自己,目的还是为了本国化。 否则你那个国家是不可能发展起来的。
@sawakun Жыл бұрын
@@中国那些事儿-t3f 這取決於個體怎麼看,如果你喜歡學習語言的話,這其中對個人的意義不言而喻,時間無所謂浪費不浪費,視乎你怎麼樣去運用,獲取知識的渠道是多面的,前提是你有心,主動去做,而不是被動吸收
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
华语在广义上是指汉语/唐语/明语,是包含各汉语方言,各官话,与历代雅言。 所以讲各种汉语方言,或峇峇马来语(也是一种福建话的方言),都属在用华语。
@solutions-ai Жыл бұрын
幼儿园 - 中文环境 小学 - 中文环境 中学 - 中英语环境 大学 - 中英语环境 工作 - 英语环境 中文比英文难学,很多人都觉得不用学英语,只需要学中文,因为中国强大了。但是英语还是国际语言。英语也是最高效的沟通语言,所以英语是必学的。 英文真的就是一个非常简单的语言,但是也是需要一个环境来辅佐学习,以我的经验来看,唯一的难度就是语言环境的转变,还有就是一开始的害羞不敢说。这些都是需要老师家长慢慢开导的。 说掌握双语你的机会就会大很多,无论是在学习或者工作上(比如,你既能看得懂 KZbin 上老外的教学视频,也能看懂哔哩哔哩上的视频),到了社会工作上就更不用说了。 如果以后我有孩子,我估计也会让他和我一样,跟着我以前的语言环境,从中文渐渐转变到英文。因为中文是非常难学的语言,所以最好在幼儿园,小学时期就让他学起来。这样哪怕在中学/大学时期都呆在英语环境,中文还是能够做到高效沟通,至少我是这样。 我自己个人其实还是比较喜欢英语环境(学校)的,确实能够从某个角度上开放你的思想思维,能够更加大胆的表达想法看法,而且英语环境(学校)的教学方式真的不一样,这里就不细说了。但是,这不代表学了英语你就高人一等,会这么想的人也挺恶心的说实话。 那些和别人说不用学英语或者中文的,在我看来非蠢即坏,前面说了,掌握两个机会多,社会生存能力更大,至少我是鼓励每个人都掌握中英两种语言。 至于那些歧视别人不会其一语言的,只能说这种人就不用理会了吧,成天歧视别人,你累不累啊。
@FRANKHSU-q7t 9 ай бұрын
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