1.take initative,做公司沒讓你做的事情,有proposed來影響boss和peer。2.pm讓你做的事情要先ask why ,3network。4學會合作,credit給的是你們。5.communication is a part of the project. 6.不要怕自己英文不好 7intention network
Richard说得让人能听进去,是作为一个leader为华人来准备的内容,很难得,很用心。有些话听了固然难堪,比如说communicate不够拿不到credit,大家觉得忿忿不平的同时不妨也当作一个对自己的警醒,机会都是自己争取的,单纯希望环境能为自己服务何尝不是一种鸵鸟行为。 BTW, 我觉得leader也应该要反省一下为什么自己没有足够的context on who is doing what and their contributions。我认为毕竟这是manager的工作,是对底下员工的负责。
非常好的討論,很顯然你們都是很優秀的人。我是退休的軟體工程師,specialized in embedded real-time systems/firmware. 所以我了解這些因素。 我女婿45歲在美國十大Hitech公司之一已經做了engineering VP。他的父母跟我一樣都是從台灣來的我女婿在美國生出生長大。也許他語言和文化佔了一些便宜。他是很認真工作的,和我女兒在Stanford 認識的。他是BS & MS EE from Stanford. 我女兒讀microbiology.她現在是醫生在醫學院做副教授。
It takes a VP to explain VP attributes. Communication ability, writing ability, network, take initiative, and too many others are all important. But the best is to work for oneself. Otherwise, the best slave is the person who doesn't know he/she is a slave.
What should be done...1) visionary seeing the market needs and gap 2) support of peers and form the team 3) get support of capital....4) must have ability to raise capital....5) come to HK to raise capital..