Hypertrophic HSV, Old or New Form of herpes?

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Dr Bret Palmer

Dr Bret Palmer

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Please remember to get a full set of sexual health screening tests, partners will also need to be tested and if positive will need to be treated appropriately. Treatment should always be guided by your doctor. this is advice for education only and not a formal diagnosis of any problem you may currently have. This video is also not a substitute for a clinical consultation or as replacement advice. Please follow your doctors’ instructions and advice.
Take care and have great sexual health
Kind regards
Dr Bret Palmer
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The Explained Series contains content generated by Dr Bret Palmer. Content provided via KZbin is for general information purposes ONLY. Information videos are not produced to provide specific advice on which you should rely. Medical education videos on The Explained Series are not a substitute for professional medical care by a qualified doctor or other healthcare professional. You should ALWAYS consult with your doctor regarding any concerns about your condition or treatment and before taking, or not taking, any action based on the content produced by Dr Bret Palmer.
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@DrBretPalmer 8 ай бұрын
youtube.com/@DrBretPalmer?sub_confirmation=1 If you enjoy this video please like and subscribe 👍 thank you for your support.🎉
@SacredOwl 6 ай бұрын
I thought this might interest you. I discovered HSV1 may be activated by proton storms (CME's or coronal mass ejections). I tracked 8 people for over ten years and the correlation was 100%. When had no CME for over a year, none had an outbreak, then our first CME after more than a year, they all had outbreaks at the same time. 2 weeks ago when we had a big CME, they all had outbreaks at the same time, like usual, except one had a shingles outbreak. The friends and family that I track typically will feel tingling within a few hours after the proton storm hits and all will have the bump by next morning. Not all CME's cause an outbreak and not all get outbreaks at the same time; they tend to have a certain threshold, so some are more sensitive and some need a very large CME, but again all of them have outbreaks immediately after the proton storm hits. For my wife, it has been an easy prediction, just same goes for her migraines, trigger 100% of the time by geo magnetic activity (a different type of space weather than a CME). I able to "predict" her migraines up to 7 days ahead of time with an hour window. I tested this correlation by building a shielding box, mitigating the onset of a migraine within minutes, but only if she goes into the shielded box before the migraine gets to far in, than it take much longer and sometimes does not work at all, which lead me to believe that once the trigger is activated the actual spread is another process than the initial trigger. (Maybe it explains cortical spreading). There are many other medical episodes I tested, some over 1k times over ten years with 100% space weather correlation and 100% mitigating the episodes within seconds to a few minutes max, almost always chronic conditions and episodes related to disease. (From pain from adhesive arachnoiditis to our surprise Fibromyalgia pain to 0 in 30 seconds). also just recently I saw a study titled "solar flares activate endothelial and inflammation" , which could explain why long covid pain flare ups also have a 100% solar flare or geo magnetic storm correlation, also mitigated immediately in a shielding box. Thanks for reading.
@DrBretPalmer 6 ай бұрын
@SacredOwl thank you for sharing. I always encourage people who do any research to write it up and try to publish their results.
@pevlex 6 ай бұрын
We hope our future and the scientists team can get a cure for hsv in our generation as it’s a hard virus to live with many people we meet and want a relationship with so many people are unaware that they have the virus
@iugranjith5339 6 ай бұрын
If the HIV viral load in the blood is low (but detectable), will a sample collected in a large blood sampling tube and tested after 3 hours give a correct answer? Sir
@DrBretPalmer 6 ай бұрын
Yeap that should be fine.
@bhuwankarki7437 8 ай бұрын
67% hsv 1 world epidemic hsv 2 15% worldwide epidemic
@DrBretPalmer 8 ай бұрын
Very common infection
@DrBretPalmer 8 ай бұрын
youtube.com/@DrBretPalmer?sub_confirmation=1 If you enjoy this video please like and subscribe 👍 thank you for your support.🎉
@user-mo9di3gt3m 8 ай бұрын
Hello Doctor Palmer. Hope you are doing well. I had an oral sex encounter with a csw nearly a couple of months ago. That encounter involved giving and receiving oral. I am concerned about Herpes and HPV. So far there have been no symptoms but I have had the herpes prodrome over half a dozen times. I got two painless pimples, one after around 6 days and the next after a week later near the thigh region. Showed it to a doc who said this isn't herpes. I have been really fretted out? Can you guide me with regards to both HPV and HSV? Thanks
@DrBretPalmer 8 ай бұрын
Hi there. If the pimples are painless then they are not likely to be HSV, as they are usually very painful. HSV and HPV are very very common. Not need to panick, its evidence of being human, that's all. If you had an encounter with a CSW, then make sure you used a condom and ensure you are vaccinated against Hep A and B. Can also use PrEP, depending on sex of CSW and other partners. HSV and HPV are things you should be too concerned about. Get a sexual health screen for HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydia and gonorrhoea only. Do not do a blood test for HSV. If you smoke stop, this will allow your body to clear the HPV virus. I hope this helps. Take care Dr Bret Palmer
@user-mo9di3gt3m 8 ай бұрын
Thank you@@DrBretPalmer for the response. In your comment, I think you meant " HSV and HPV are things you should not be too concerned about." Is it so? I had my HIV 4th gen test and syphilis total antibodies test on the 52nd day. They came out to be negative. Regarding tests for oral chlamydia and Gonorrhea, the doctor said that oral swabs are not available in our region. So, he told me I could have the Ceftriaxone injection which I did and also for chlamydia I could have a course of 7 days of Doxycyline which I haven't had so far. Now, I did ask the doc about Gonorrhea resistance and Chlamydia resistance but was told that this is not an issue here. Hep B surface antibody tests of mine revealed I was immune to Hep B. However, I am extremely worried about the following things sir and I would be grateful if you could answer these: 1) How likely from this episode of giving and receiving oral sex would I have contracted HPV and HSV? I have seen your previous video which talks about STI chances acquisition which said HSV-2 acquisition rate is 1.5 per 10000 sex acts and HPV acquisition is 4% for men. So, can I assume that the chances are even lower for oral sex considering that I am a person whose sexual record apart from this act is pretty much clean? The giving part was for about a minute or 2 and I cleaned my mouth after around 10 mins i guess and the CSW was a female. 2) I don't want to transmit HSV and HPV to my wife. Since I don't have any symptoms and my status is unknown what should I do? Should I abstain from having sex with her and if yes till when? The day that encounter with the CSW took place, I had sex with my wife about 4 hours later. So, should I get my wife checked for STDs as well? 3) I have had the following symptoms till date: (a) 2 Pimples on thigh with the first one occuring 6 days after exposure and the next one after at most a week from the first one. By that time the first one had almost healed and both did not cause pain. As I mentioned above, I have had pain in legs and tingling sensations at least during the first two weeks when I was really worried about herpes but no outbreak took place (b) I had what my doctor said a single or maybe two 'tender' lymph nodes in the left part of my throat. Are STI related swollen lymph nodes usually large and not confined to one or two lymph nodes only? (c) Pain in belly that has come and gone. Not constant. Sometimes I experienced pain in the penis. But again this has not been a constant phenomenon. So, my question is, when we talk about STI/STD pain how does it actually feel? (d) Sore throat after nearly 6 weeks of exposure which resolved after 2 days (e) I showed my doc my throat he said that I probably have a problem of post nasal drip due to which my throat is quite affected and its probably not an STI. Can I have your opinion if I could share the pic of my throat with you? (f) I developed two small sores on each side of my tongue. They caused pain sometimes and sometimes they did not. They have almost resolved now. The doc said that they could be due to stress but ruled out the Syphilis chancre. He also said that if it would have been a chancre then Syphilis total antibodies test should have come out as positive for sure Based on this, I would request your opinion
@DrBretPalmer 8 ай бұрын
@user-mo9di3gt3m out of interest what country do you live in? So far your negative for HIV and Syphilis, to make sure have another blood test in 3 months, that's the window period for Syphilis. Yeap I meant HSV and HPV. Most of what you are experiencing may be guilt. With infections pains etc tend to get worse, they don't come and go and come again. You've already had sex with wife. You're negative now, so leave it at that, no need for your wife to test just because you are feeling guilty. It will not enhance your relationship. If you test positive then you have to inform your wife. Don't do it again.
@user-mo9di3gt3m 8 ай бұрын
@@DrBretPalmer I am from South Asia. Once again please accept my regards and thanks for your responses. They have been a great source of relief. Thank you sir Regarding the guilt factor, I do agree there is a factor of guilt but since most of the STIs are asymptomatic this is what is freaking me out. I don't want to infect my wife just because I don't have symptoms. Now, I agree there is a risk and the feeling that I may be infected or not is affecting my marital relationship. So, for this reason and since you are an expert in this domain. Can you help me with these questions from my previous post: (a) How likely from this episode of giving and receiving oral sex would I have contracted HPV and HSV? I have seen your previous video which talks about STI chances acquisition which said HSV-2 acquisition rate is 1.5 per 10000 sex acts and HPV acquisition is 4% for men. So, can I assume that the chances are even lower for oral sex considering that I am a person whose sexual record apart from this act is pretty much clean? The giving part was for about a minute or 2 and I cleaned my mouth after around 10 mins i guess and the CSW was a female. I am of age 37 right now (b) Having my wife tested for Gonorrhea at least since their status was unknown and I took the Ceftriaxone injection Once again thank you sir and best regards
@gamingworld3803 8 ай бұрын
Doctor,I talked with u earlier.My condition is that the left side of my penis starts with normal colour then follows grey and red in the deep ending with no pain although can be sometimes sensitive and right side in cleaner in the top and at the ending it’s reddish and I can’t fully open my penis so I am assuming that the area below the tight foreskin that can’t be opened is reddish as well due to the ending starts with red colour.So my general physician told me to see a dermatologist.But can a dermatologist treat this I doubt and will they tell me to cut the above foreskin since the infection can be below the foreskin or will they tell me to use creams and the problem is the same for 5-6yrs at least so it’s not too much to worry right?Its so embarrassing and mentally painful as well what should I do and the more I try to insist my father he is also not giving it much importance
@DrBretPalmer 8 ай бұрын
If you want you can send me a photo on Instagram and I will review. Genital dermatologists can treat most penile skin conditions.
@gamingworld3803 8 ай бұрын
@@DrBretPalmerThnx doctor pls accept the invitation
@DrBretPalmer 8 ай бұрын
All done.
@umarsulaiman9456 8 ай бұрын
Just search Dr emuakhe from Africa the doc has every criteria to human health with his various herbal's for different purposes,the doc made me man enough so I think he is a better option to a lasting solutions to your case
@LuisHernandez-by6wb 6 ай бұрын
Hello Doctor , im a bit worried about my penis and i hope you find this message Sir I can retract my foreskin normally , when its erect too but when i put the condom when i get a little bit low of the head of the penis the condom dont go down( well it goes a bit down if i force it but it hurts and the skin turns like red ) so i have to use saliva but even with my penis with saliva the condom goes down but it still hurts and the skin like feels really tight , i dont know how to explain better .
@DrBretPalmer 6 ай бұрын
Can you use a different make of condom? Or a larger brand?
@LuisHernandez-by6wb 6 ай бұрын
@@DrBretPalmer i already use XL and when my penis its not lubrificated its almost inpossible to put , but even lubrificted too
@LuisHernandez-by6wb 6 ай бұрын
Yes im using already XL in condom , but i need to lubrificate to go down and it still hurts , my skin gets like stuck in the condom , i dont know what to do
@DrBretPalmer 6 ай бұрын
@LuisHernandez-by6wb id try latex free condoms as a silicone condom may help.
@LuisHernandez-by6wb 6 ай бұрын
@@DrBretPalmer ok i will try Doctor thank you very much
@Fulfill_Your_Potential 8 ай бұрын
I am a 20-year-old male. I currently have chronic pain in my SI/tailbone/sit bones. It is not that bad (mild). It is pressure-induced, meaning that I feel like zero pain after waking up, but it increases throughout the day - the more that I sit or stand. Sometimes, movement (e.g., playing basketball) can help it feel better for a few hours. I am speculating that it has something to do with masturbation. I have tried nearly everything else. I know it's not an injury because I got x-rays, MRIs, etc., it's been longer than 6 months, and the intensity of pain varies. I am concerned because I only want to masturbate every 4 days (i.e., 3 days in between). In the days in-between, if I try to masturbate, it feels sore and will possibly hurt. At this age, I think maybe I should maybe be able to/want to masturbate daily or perhaps every other day. I have tried abstaining from masturbation for 14 days - I have done this 4-5x times now - but it has not made a major difference in my pain. Now, however, I am considering abstaining for 30 days to see if that works.
@DrBretPalmer 7 ай бұрын
Does sports like swimming help?
@Fulfill_Your_Potential 7 ай бұрын
@@DrBretPalmer Not sure about swimming, but basketball seems to help temporarily
@DrBretPalmer 7 ай бұрын
@Fulfill_Your_Potential try to do more exercise if this helps and wear supportive underwear
@Fulfill_Your_Potential 7 ай бұрын
@@DrBretPalmer Supportive underwear?
@DrBretPalmer 7 ай бұрын
@Fulfill_Your_Potential yes, this is best. Take care.
@RoseBenedict-lk6zd 7 ай бұрын
I was skeptical about trying another product, but your condiments surprised me. The natural ingredients make it a safe choice, and I've seen a noticeable improvement in my herpes symptoms. Doctor Orias i immensely appreciate you in giving me hope and love I'm a free woman today with my hands held high ..♧♧♧♧
@MacchiatoSwirlGirl 8 ай бұрын
Did you hear the Mayo Hospital has abandoned all HBV testing. It's inaccuracies and inconsistency is no longer considered ethical science
@DrBretPalmer 8 ай бұрын
I haven't, but why did it take them so long. Thank you for letting me know.
What's the chances of picking up an STI
Dr Bret Palmer
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