哀悼、そして日常は続く 歌ってみた/宮下遊

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宮下遊 miy_yuu / Official Channel

宮下遊 miy_yuu / Official Channel

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宮下遊ワンマンライブ2024-白紙- 開催決定!
2024年6月29日(土)神奈川・ KT Zepp Yokohama 開場 17:00 開演 18:00
出演:宮下遊 Guest:seeeeecun、かいりきベア
公式サイト yuu-miyashita....
vocal 宮下 遊 (yuu miyashita)
- twitter -   / miy_yuu
- official web - yuu-miyashita....
Music : 卯花ロク 様
Illust:房野聖 様
◇original movie
• 哀悼、そして日常は続く / 卯花ロク ft.裏命
◆Thank you for watching.

Пікірлер: 454
@auroramedina6396 2 ай бұрын
I lost my mom after years of struggling with alzheimer and dementia, she was calm in her last moments, she couldn´t even tell us what was wrong and the next moment she was just gone, i couldn´t even proccess what was going on when we were waiting for an abulance but it was too late. It felt so sudden, the next i knew is that we were at the funeral, she had a calm on her face i never saw before, i'm not even an adult yet I lost my mom. I found this song in a playlist and when i finally payed attention to it I just cried, it describes so well the feeling of losing someone you love, I felt so lost after it happened and still do, it's barely been a month but this song makes me feel like i'm not alone.
@ChouchooTranslations Жыл бұрын
Lyrics + English translation: 哀悼、そして日常は続く Condolences, and then the everydays continue 学校を休んだ だけど朝 制服に袖を通した Even though I missed school that day, I still stuck my arm through the sleeves of my uniform. 礼服を纏った両親の顔はぼやけてた The faces of my parents who wore formal dresses were blurry. 広がる快晴な空と心地の良い風が嫌味だと感じた I found the open, clear sky and the refreshing breeze to be unpleasant. 前から声がして 車のドアを開け 歩いた I heard voices in front of me, the car's door opened, I walked towards it. 久しぶりの顔ぶれ 初めて見た顔ぶれ I saw the faces of people I haven't seen in a while and faces I've never seen before. 心ん中綯交ぜで 軽い会釈は上手くできてたかな I'm preoccupied with the cords of my heart being twisted and entwined, I wonder if my slight bow was good enough? 和室で座る椅子 布越しでも冷たくて In the Japanese-style room, even through all the clothes I'm wearing, the chair I sit on is cold. 係の人に呼ばれ 襖を開いた I'm being called by the person in charge, I opened the sliding door. その表情は柔くて まるで眠ってるようだった That expression was so tender, as if you were asleep. 今にも目を覚まして Even now, I had a feeling that 笑いかけてくれるような気がしたんだよ you'd open your eyes and smile for us. 湯灌で触れた肌は固く硬く冷たかった As we prepared your corpse for the burial by washing it, your skin was hard, stiff and cold. 絵空事は私の前で破られ 空っぽのその身を撫でる As I caressed your hollow body, all those dreams I held were torn apart in front of my eyes. 明くる日の朝 うつろげに制服に袖を通した The next morning, with a gaping hole in my heart, I passed my arms through the sleeves of my uniform. 会場までずっと ゆらゆら心は揺れていた My swaying heart kept shaking until I arrived at the venue. 棺の中に収まった アナタが花に包まれて埋まってく You were placed into a coffin and were enveloped, covered with flowers. 瞼閉じたら現実が頬を伝ってた I closed my eyelids and reality rolled down my cheeks. 扉は閉じられてく 鍵はかけられてゆく The door is going to be closed, the lock is going to be locked. それが運ばれてゆく 私はそれをただただ眺めてる "That" is going to be carried away, all I could do was gaze at "that". (1) 夏は先なのに蝉の鳴き声がした Although summer is ahead of me, I could hear the cicadas. 心の穴を埋めてくれた気がした It felt like it filled the hole within my heart. 別れは近づく 棺は吸い込まれてく Farewell is approaching, it's as if the coffin absorbed your body. 止められないほど溢れたのは汗か涙かわかんないや I don't know whether my sweat or my tears were overflowing to an unstoppable extent. 待合室の自販機で買ってもらった甘いジュース The juice I bought from the vending machine in the waiting room 味がしないそれを飲み干してく度に時間は去ってく had no flavor, time passed whenever I drank one completely. 零れた結露が床に落ちて爆ぜ 頭から爪先まで寒気が走る The overflowing condensation fell to the floor and popped, I felt a chill running through my spine from head to toe. 係の人が呼んでる The person in charge calls me. 肌は果てて 欠片になって Your skin has perished, it became a fragment of what you were. 箸で渡してく 壺に収めていく Your remaining bones are passed with chopsticks and are placed into an urn. (2) すっかり小さくなってしまったね You have become so completely small now. ポツリとこぼした 汗は冷えていた The sweat that has fallen in drops has cooled down. 軽くなったアナタを抱え歩く I hold you, who have become light and walk ahead. 現実か夢かがあやふやになる感覚に落ちている I'm falling into a sensation where the lines between reality and dreams become ambiguous. 少し火傷した手がヒリヒリと痛みだした My hand that I slightly burned has started having a stinging pain. 現実だって水を差されたような気持ちになる Reality felt like it was flooded with water, it's as if I were drowning in it. 車の中から見た夕焼け空 心と比べて色は鮮やかだった The colors of the sunset sky that I saw in the car were それは憎らしいほどに infuriatingly more brilliant and vivid than how my heart remembers it. 明くる日の朝 眠たげに制服に袖を通した The next morning, I sleepily passed my arms through the sleeves of my uniform. 腫れた目の下 コンシーラーで隠さなくちゃ I have to hide the swelling below my eyes with a concealer. 広がる快晴な空が窓の向こうでどこまでも広がってた The open, clear sky expanded everywhere beyond the window. 鞄を抱えて いってきます とドアを開けた Holding my bag, I said "I'll be back" to my parents and opened the front door. Translation notes: 1: I could have translated it as "you", but referring to a dead body as "that" felt dark, so I went with a literal translation. 2: From Wikipedia: "The relatives pick the bones out of the ashes and transfer them to the urn using large chopsticks or metal chopsticks, two relatives holding the same bone at the same time with their chopsticks. In other customs, they pass the bones from chopsticks to chopsticks."
@vyckygy6626 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much. The lyrics are so painful yet beautiful.
@fruitymilk8112 Жыл бұрын
thank you
@happyishape Жыл бұрын
Do you know what's the title od this song in romaji/english?
@ChouchooTranslations Жыл бұрын
@@happyishape Yes. The first two lines are the title. 😄 I translated it as "Condolences, and then the everydays continue" In Romaji: "aitou, soshite nichijou wa tsuzuku"
@happyishape Жыл бұрын
@@ChouchooTranslations THANK YOU SO MUUUCH 💙💙💙
@user-iz6ok2yk1r Жыл бұрын
@user-lf5ee9yl7c Жыл бұрын
@ririarevenna2853 Жыл бұрын
I am sorry for your loss. Hope you are doing well now.
@UKAsker Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss
@randomperson-ILYUU Жыл бұрын
Sorry for your loss ❤
@user-lf5ee9yl7c Жыл бұрын
優しい言葉をありがとうございます。 今は元気に暮らしています。 今年が良い年になるよう祈っています。
@_oOhmw_ Жыл бұрын
祖父を最近亡くしました。 聞いていてあの光景が蘇ってきて、思わず泣いてしまいました 身内を亡くしたのは初めての出来事だったので、初めての経験でした とても戸惑いながらも、現実が受け入れられませんでした でも生きていた頃の思い出と共に、亡くなってしまって見送ったあの日の事も決して忘れてはいけないなと改めて思えました とても切なく優しい歌声で好きです
@user-hz2pd6om9e Жыл бұрын
@fruitymilk8112 Жыл бұрын
After seeing miyashita's post about his grandma this song is breaking my heart more. I hope he's doing well. May his grandma rests in peace.
@zo_suuu91 Жыл бұрын
歌詞 0:00 学校を休んだ だけど朝 制服に袖を通した 礼服を纏った両親の顔はぼやけてた 広がる快晴な空と心地の良い風が嫌味だと感じた 前から声がして 車のドアを開け 歩いた 久しぶりの顔ぶれ 初めて見た顔ぶれ 心ん中綯交ぜで 軽い会釈は上手くできてたかな 和室で座る椅子 布越しでも冷たくて 係の人に呼ばれ 襖を開いた その表情は柔くて まるで眠ってるようだった 今にも目を覚まして 笑いかけてくれるような気がしたんだよ 湯灌で触れた肌は固く硬く冷たかった 絵空事は私の前で破られ 空っぽのその身を撫でる 1:23 明くる日の朝 うつろげに制服に袖を通した 会場までずっと ゆらゆら心は揺れていた 棺の中に収まった アナタが花に包まれて埋まってく 瞼閉じたら現実が頬を伝ってた 扉は閉じられてく 鍵はかけられてゆく それが運ばれてゆく 私はそれをただただ眺めてる 夏は先なのに蝉の鳴き声がした 心の穴を埋めてくれた気がした 別れは近づく 棺は吸い込まれてく 止められないほど溢れたのは汗か涙かわかんないや 待合室の自販機で買ってもらった甘いジュース 味がしないそれを飲み干してく度に時間は去ってく 零れた結露が床に落ちて爆ぜ 頭から爪先まで寒気が走る 係の人が呼んでる 2:50 肌は果てて 欠片になって 箸で渡してく 壺に収めていく すっかり小さくなってしまったね ポツリとこぼした 汗は冷えていた 軽くなったアナタを抱え歩く 現実か夢かがあやふやになる感覚に落ちている 少し火傷した手がヒリヒリと痛みだした 現実だって水を差されたような気持ちになる 車の中から見た夕焼け空 心と比べて色は鮮やかだった それは憎らしいほどに 3:51 明くる日の朝 眠たげに制服に袖を通した 腫れた目の下 コンシーラーで隠さなくちゃ 広がる快晴な空が窓の向こうでどこまでも広がってた 鞄を抱えて いってきます とドアを開けた
@Swoool Жыл бұрын
I will never stop listening to this man. He’s fucking amazing
@s_osuo Жыл бұрын
@happyishape Жыл бұрын
@hikuhi Жыл бұрын
Glad he's back (*´-`)
@Swoool Жыл бұрын
@@hikuhi for real !
@littlemingchan1412 Жыл бұрын
He’s back 🙏
@user-ye2mj5vz3p Жыл бұрын
この原曲がめちゃくちゃリアルで起こったときに知って原曲を聞いて号泣したものです、 宮下さんの繊細な歌声や表現力が曲にのせていてこの曲を初めて聞いた時のことを思い出して胸がきゅっとなる思いの伝わる歌声でした、素敵な歌声ありがとうございます。
@vanitas-ti2ze Жыл бұрын
the song is about loss and the process of mourning... I like that it's described vividly, rather than simply told. the door sound effect does wonders for making the song more immersive. I really like this cover. his singing really enhances the emotions of the song
@neoadams4717 Жыл бұрын
Also, in a part of the song you can hear the crying of the cicadas, that detail is awesome too
@natsukawa_meguru Жыл бұрын
@user-qr1rw2ez5e Жыл бұрын
@AnnikaDoll Жыл бұрын
I lost my father to bone cancer a few weeks ago. I was there when he died and I have not been able to get the image of his weakest state out of my head, so much so that i almost don't remember what he looked like healthy unless i see pictures. I have been processing this loss and struggling to understand it. The feeling of walking into a room that someone used to frequent and seeing their place empty. The feeling of stillness and woe. It's painful. I had this song in my watch later playlist for a while and just finally got to sit and listen to it, but doing it now feels like such a gut punch. This is a beautiful song. It perfectly encompasses that numbness, that grief that's felt when you're faced with a loss. The airiness of Miyuu's voice, the way it becomes wispy after every line like someone on the verge of a breakdown, the repetition of lyrics conveying repetition of daily actions with such a grey mood, just really hits hard. I'm very glad I listened to it at this point in my life, because I really needed it. I love Miyuu's music/covers. This is no exception. Thank you, Miyuu~
@se-yan1027 Жыл бұрын
@___ei___ Жыл бұрын
@Nemuruhito_Sleep Жыл бұрын
歌詞と遊さんの透明で霧みたいな声で 鳥肌が止まらない…… 毎度期待を上回ってこられるの 最高すぎて泣ける
@user-ul5hw2fz1p Жыл бұрын
@ku8408 Жыл бұрын
❤️❤️❤️ Oh I love how the sentences end, that slight raise in pitch that stops in a breathy exhale then sharp inhale after, it makes my chest tighten, it's gorgeous. There's so much emotion in it, it really fits the song with an added comfort of softness (the English translation in the original video's comment section made me cry)
@vyckygy6626 Жыл бұрын
@paorin3941 Жыл бұрын
So I also read the translation it made me sad but when I remember what my mom would've felt when her dad died I cried:'((
@user-kc1en9qt3v Жыл бұрын
@user-pv2ry4we8f Жыл бұрын
@user-Ooo__ Жыл бұрын
この一定の高音本当に癖になる、綺麗すぎる 夕方あたりに聴くとなんか切なくなる
@nuray07 Жыл бұрын
I’ll probably even cry. We missed you so much! I’m so happy that you’re back and hopefully healed up to 100%
@kojiii859 Жыл бұрын
heal up? oh no did something happen to him before?
@drinkthywater Жыл бұрын
@@kojiii859 He got sick for like 2-3 months straight. He said smth about a laser treatment wearing off like last month
@pokekura1239 Жыл бұрын
@@drinkthywater The voice comes at a price
@deflatedballoon1653 Жыл бұрын
Also I think his grandma passed away
@YanYancore Жыл бұрын
He sings so painfully yet still able to make it so melodic and soothing that it even made me feel the pain too
@user-bz1kx8xq9z 10 ай бұрын
別れが辛い時、思い出すといつも聴いてます 諦めがつくような歌声で、どこか救われます ありがとうございます
@user-et8cz2oq2s Жыл бұрын
@Izaokas-IgnotasChodakaukas 6 ай бұрын
Nice beat
@shobo55 4 ай бұрын
@ariireruro Жыл бұрын
i decided to find an english translation to this song because i love the way it sounds... turns out its about the loss of a loved one and the process of mourning. and coincidentally, my grandma (who i loved dearly) passed away the same day miy_yuu's cover was dropped and im currently going through the same process and feeling the same emotions. suddenly this song means a lot more to me than it should. but this song and its lyrics make me feel a little less alone, and so to miyahita yuu i say thank you. thank you for giving me a small piece of comfort (as sad as it is) through your beautiful cover of this song. you will probably never read this, but my words are genuine. this cover is making my troubles just a little bit easier to handle. thank you so much.
@miy_yuumybeloved4293 Жыл бұрын
I do not know if you've seen his tweet yet, but this cover places coincidentally close to a loss Yuu experienced today. His grandmother also passed away today. I think this song was made while he was preparing for it.. May both your and Yuu's grandmother rest in peace Edit: the cover really gives a different feel now...
@ariireruro Жыл бұрын
@@miy_yuumybeloved4293 i saw the tweet last night and nearly cried. i hope hes doing well bc it must be so difficult for him right now ^^
@user-or6ke5el8i Жыл бұрын
@fruitymilk8112 Жыл бұрын
thank you
@valkire7767 Жыл бұрын
The voice of an angel🛐
@user-hb2hn8cu3h Жыл бұрын
@pissfighter69 Жыл бұрын
@nmi__u_u Жыл бұрын
@nee7308 Жыл бұрын
@mio-raru Жыл бұрын
@werenb3628 8 ай бұрын
I don't know why but recently this song started to make me cry. It's currently 3:49 and i'm crying in my bed listening to Miyuu
@milkxx_1 Жыл бұрын
so sorry for your loss, miyashita. blessings for you and your loved ones.
@Ruimiau Ай бұрын
@ame_hym Жыл бұрын
@drinkthywater Жыл бұрын
I really went off below this so read what I have to say at your own risk lol. Its crazy what life throws at you. One moment you think youre doing alright, then something unexpected happens. I find the coincidence of this song quite ironic. I know this cover was probably made with different intentions in mind, and I give my deepest condolences to Yuu because of it, but I cant not think about it. I once had a grandmother. She was from my moms side of the family. I loved her with all my heart and she loved me back. She gave me so much. When I was in elementary, my parents didnt have an easy time handling both me and my bigger brother who went at a different school in the small apartament they had so they basically gave me to her care. I woke up in her bed, ate the food she gave me, she was the one who wished me a good day at school, she would pick me up from school and go to my swimming lessons with me, she would help me with homework, she would hold me in her arms at night. She did everything. We even called her mom, just like that. That was just who she was. But in 2019 she started having health problems. I remember going to see her at the hospital, when she could be home helping her get to the ambulance every day to get her health checked, I remember when mom brought my great grandmother, to the city to stay with her. My family went on a vacation because her health finally started getting better and she and her mother could handle themselves. It looked to be getting better, but the first night there I had a nightmare. In it she died and I was getting greeted by relatives telling me their condolences about her. The next day her health worsened, and we didnt get to the hospital in time to see her one last time. That hurt a lot. And Im already writing too much but, we realised how much she actually had an impact on our lives. Our life changed drastically after it, and I still feel it today, during holidays, when something just feels off constantly. There was a hole in our lives and it needed to be filled. Thats when she stepped in. Lets call her Aci. Aci was an elderly woman that lived in the block next to us. I dont even know how it happened but next moment I know, she was an important part of our lives. Especially mine and my moms. My mom and her would do everything together, and Id join them from time to time as well. As much as I dont like admitting it, because it feels like Im ignoring grandma, she became someone we can lean on- a grandma for me, and mother for my mom. I was so happy to see mom so close to her constantly. Aci filled our life with joy. She was energic, practiced sports constantly, was healthy, smiled and laughed everyday. She filled the hole in our hearts so well. This New Years we spent together with her. She came in a short red dress with white polka dots. She looked great and happy. On the 2nd we went to visit our great grandmother with her. Aci became a pillar for my great grandmother recently as well. After losing her daughter she was in a constant depression and her health worsened as well. Seeing both of them talk and laugh almost brought me to tears. It was getting too hard to ignore the hole that she filled. Seeing her play with my dog was especially great. But, its clear where this is going. Today, we were supposed to attend a funeral of a relative of ours. I wasnt close to them so I wasnt that affected. Aci also was supposed to go visit my great grandmother while the funeral was happening. She even prepared her gifts (she would always gift us chocolates). But she didnt respond to her calls. She didnt respond to the door. So, my aunt who lives next to her and has a key for her apartament decided she, alongside my mother and dad should go check on her. She was found in bed, looking like she was sleeping, but there was no pulse to be found. She had passed away in her sleep. The healthy, sporty, always smiling old lady passed away. It was a shock. Im still in shock. The doctors said she probably passed around midnight, but we think it was earlier for certain reasons that I wont specify because this is getting too long. But she had passed, and i can feel the hole that she filled dripping out. My mom and I had a moment alone, where we confessed about the hole that she filled for us and even though I knew it in my heart, it really still hurt. I still cant believe it. I cant believe that she wont be there to go with mom to do sports, to watch my concerts and to give us her little chocolates. It really does. And now, I am just left wondnering, how will we manage without her? Also.. to add to the fire, later today mom also got a call that some other close family friend passed, so really life is throwing everything at us right now. Now its midnight, and I have to go to school tomorrow... I hope Ill manage. Listening to Yuu's voice helped me a lot so far. Especially this cover. It brings a lot of comfort and I managed to let go of my feelings a lot listening to it so far. So I want to thank Yuu for making this beautiful masterpiece and Im ending this on.. pretty much no note, because I still dont know what to do. My eyes are hurting from so much crying and my head hurts lol. I probably need some sleep. Ive gone on for too long and this just turned into a vent, but it is what it is. I need to thank Yuu for this.
@nobodyxiii4611 Жыл бұрын
Dear Miyuu I'm so happy... You've saved me yet again... Right now that I'm having the happiest atst hardest time of my life... Your voice always gives me some sort of reassuring feeling to my scared heart... Thank you for real... This was as always... Perfect!
@garcia3458 Жыл бұрын
Gakkou wo yasunda dakedo asa seifuku ni sode wo tooshita Reifuku wo matotta ryoushin no kao wa boyaketeta Hirogaru kaisei na sora to kokochi no yoi kaze ga iyami da to kanjita Mae kara koe ga shite kuruma no doa wo ake aruita Hisashiburi no kaobure hajimete mita kaobure Kokoron naka naimaze de karui eshaku wa umaku dekiteta ka na Washitsu de suwaru isu nunogoshi demo tsumetakute Kakari no hito ni yobare fusuma wo hiraita Sono kao wa yawakute marude nemutteru you datta Ima ni mo me wo samashite Waraikakete kureru you na ki ga shitan da yo Yukan de fureta hada wa kataku kataku tsumetakatta Esoragoto wa watashi no mae de yaburare karappo no sono mi wo naderu Akuruhi no asa utsuroge ni seifuku ni sode wo tooshita Kaijou made zutto yurayura kokoro wa yureteita Hitsugi no naka ni osamatta anata ga hana ni tsutsumarete umatteku Mabuta tojitara genjitsu ga hoho wo tsutatteta Tobira wa tojirareteku kagi wa kakerarete yuku Sore ga hakobarete yuku watashi wa sore wo tadatada nagameteru Natsu wa saki na no ni semi no nakigoe ga shita Kokoro no ana wo umete kureta ki ga shita Wakare wa chikazuku hitsugi wa suikomareteku Tomerarenai hodo afureta no wa ase ka namida ka wakannai ya Machiaishitsu no jihanki de katte moratta amai juusu Aji ga shinai sore wo nomihoshiteku tabi ni jikan wa satteku Koboreta ketsuro ga yuka ni ochite haze atama kara tsumasaki made samuke ga hashiru Kakari no hito ga yonderu Hada wa hatete kakera ni natte Hashi de watashiteku tsubo ni osamete iku Sukkari chiisaku natte shimatta ne Potsuri to koboshita ase wa hieteita Karuku natta anata wo kakae aruku Genjitsu ka yume ka ga ayafuya ni naru kankaku ni ochiteiru Sukoshi yakedo shita te ga hirihiri to itamidashita Genjitsu datte mizu wo sasareta you na kimochi ni naru Kuruma no naka kara mita yuuyake sora kokoro to kurabete iro wa azayaka datta Sore wa nikurashii hodo ni Akuruhi no asa nemutage ni seifuku ni sode wo tooshita Hareta me no shita konshiiraa de kakusanakucha Hirogaru kaisei na sora ga mado no mukou de doko made mo hirogatteta Kaban wo kakaete ittekimasu to doa wo aketa
@user-gg6xv4yf9j Жыл бұрын
@Ilikesoup261 Жыл бұрын
The melody suits his voice so well, it’s addicting
@lxarnis0301 Жыл бұрын
Romaji lyrics: Gakkou wo yasunda dakedo asa seifuku ni sode wo tooshita Reifuku wo matotta ryoushin no kao wa boyaketeta Hirogaru kaisei na sora to kokochi no yoi kaze ga iyami da to kanjita Mae kara koe ga shite kuruma no doa wo ake aruita Hisashiburi no kaobure hajimete mita kaobure Kokoron naka naimaze de karui eshaku wa umaku dekiteta ka na Washitsu de suwaru isu nunogoshi demo tsumetakute Kakari no hito ni yobare fusuma wo hiraita Sono kao wa yawakute marude nemutteru you datta Ima ni mo me wo samashite Waraikakete kureru you na ki ga shitan da yo Yukan de fureta hada wa kataku kataku tsumetakatta Esoragoto wa watashi no mae de yaburare karappo no sono mi wo naderu Akuruhi no asa utsuroge ni seifuku ni sode wo tooshita Kaijou made zutto yurayura kokoro wa yureteita Hitsugi no naka ni osamatta anata ga hana ni tsutsumarete umatteku Mabuta tojitara genjitsu ga hoho wo tsutatteta Tobira wa tojirareteku kagi wa kakerarete yuku Sore ga hakobarete yuku watashi wa sore wo tadatada nagameteru Natsu wa saki na no ni semi no nakigoe ga shita Kokoro no ana wo umete kureta ki ga shita Wakare wa chikazuku hitsugi wa suikomareteku Tomerarenai hodo afureta no wa ase ka namida ka wakannai ya Machiaishitsu no jihanki de katte moratta amai juusu Aji ga shinai sore wo nomihoshiteku tabi ni jikan wa satteku Koboreta ketsuro ga yuka ni ochite haze atama kara tsumasaki made samuke ga hashiru Kakari no hito ga yonderu Hada wa hatete kakera ni natte Hashi de watashiteku tsubo ni osamete iku Sukkari chiisaku natte shimatta ne Potsuri to koboshita ase wa hieteita Karuku natta anata wo kakae aruku Genjitsu ka yume ka ga ayafuya ni naru kankaku ni ochiteiru Sukoshi yakedo shita te ga hirihiri to itamidashita Genjitsu datte mizu wo sasareta you na kimochi ni naru Kuruma no naka kara mita yuuyake sora kokoro to kurabete iro wa azayaka datta Sore wa nikurashii hodo ni Akuruhi no asa nemutage ni seifuku ni sode wo tooshita Hareta me no shita konshiiraa de kakusanakucha Hirogaru kaisei na sora ga mado no mukou de doko made mo hirogatteta Kaban wo kakaete ittekimasu to doa wo aketa Source: www.lyrical-nonsense.com/global/lyrics/uka-roku/aitou-soshite-nichijou-wa-tsuzuku/video/
@user-zk1vm3uf4j Жыл бұрын
@fuji919 Жыл бұрын
@fruitymilk8112 Жыл бұрын
if i ever try to compare 2022 December with any upcoming year's December, this Dec will probably feel more memorable to me thanks to this song. past few days have been the worst for me and i think hearing his voice fixed my day so much better. cannot explain in words how much his songs and covers mean to me, how much respect and love I have for this man.
@randomperson-ILYUU Жыл бұрын
my december may have been happier than yours, but ive had my fair share of sh** days but we share the same source of happiness and the same december 29th ♡
@mintiipepper3673 6 ай бұрын
i don’t know how to explain it, but my heart hurts when i hear this song.
@user-jw6ll7kh5f Жыл бұрын
@pee10884 Жыл бұрын
the way he delivers every line so softly and genuinely is just so addicting...
@user-mf5yj7im7b Жыл бұрын
まさか… 誕生日に推し曲を推しが投稿してくれるなんて… 幸せな誕生日過ぎて泣ける。😭
@Tommyjoe577 Жыл бұрын
Oh gosh, Absolutely beautiful ❤
@viscousheart Жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this... My dad is in critical condition and we're going to say goodbye today. It's weird, because we haven't been close in years, but it's no less painful. I've been listening to this on loop since it was posted because I found a sense of nostalgia from the sound and a connection with the meaning
@randomperson-ILYUU Жыл бұрын
stay strong ♡ im gonna go to sleep in a few minutes, just listening to this to feel better after some rough days.
@viscousheart Жыл бұрын
@@randomperson-ILYUU thank you so much, you have no idea how much i needed to hear this
@goriantheboi8044 Жыл бұрын
Hey I know time has passed but I hope you're doing alright
@viscousheart Жыл бұрын
@@goriantheboi8044 thank you for caring
@senpai76 Жыл бұрын
Still here to send positive vibes 💙
@MysticRabbits Жыл бұрын
I missed you... Your voice is a highlight of my day, and I was feeling so down recently. Although it doesn't make sense for a song as sad as this to cheer me, I can't help but say it does. Welcome back
@Venti650 Жыл бұрын
you're gay
@MysticRabbits Жыл бұрын
@greenpotatoskinz5955 thank you for stating a fact I already know
@Venti650 Жыл бұрын
@@MysticRabbits huh
@Venti650 Жыл бұрын
@@MysticRabbits oh sorry I think that was my brother
@WhatAmIDoingWhat Жыл бұрын
OH MY GOD i miss miyyuu's voice so much!!!!! Thank you for uploading 😭💖
@user-hl9wy4cy7c Жыл бұрын
儚さの表現がさすがすぎる 大好きです…
@user-uo7rs5cg1u Жыл бұрын
@AlcachofaQ Жыл бұрын
I knew I was onto something when I heard this song a few days ago, glad it's getting the recognition it deserves
@user-br1kd7fb2b Жыл бұрын
好きな曲、、、😢 とっても声が心地よいです。ありがとうございます。
@user-wb4cb1cj9o Жыл бұрын
@user-yo9tx9sc3u Жыл бұрын
@user-he2qb2pe3v Жыл бұрын
@fruitymilk8112 Жыл бұрын
@user-mg3pp3ue1m Жыл бұрын
なんと!!! この曲聴いた時すごく好きだなとおもって、今日KZbin開いてみたら大好きな人が歌ってた!!ハッピー!!
@user-cz8oy2hy9d Жыл бұрын
@Sphygmos Жыл бұрын
Best end-of-year gift 🤍🎉 Thank you for everything
@yoru_notte16 Жыл бұрын
I love miyuu's soft voice so much, every time I listen to his voice I simply feel happy and proud of him
@mirroredhour Жыл бұрын
i also like it when he gets aggressive with his singing but yeah this is wonderful as well uwu
@cocot_kt Жыл бұрын
@meedee_ Жыл бұрын
Miyashita supremacy. I love him so much
@meedee_ Жыл бұрын
Русские отписуемся
@dinosaurgorawr Жыл бұрын
Honestly I can never get tired of his beautiful voice. I've said this over a million times and I'll keep saying it Yuu miyashita is really f* talented.
@yunaisnothere9491 Жыл бұрын
@blipblop8000 Жыл бұрын
@yunaisnothere9491 Жыл бұрын
@user-tq6ts9lp2g Жыл бұрын
@fruitymilk8112 Жыл бұрын
i can imagine and at the same time i can't imagine how much emotion he'd put in his covers. miyashita yuu truly is unbelievably stunningly astonishing
@FlippyFlippers Жыл бұрын
lyrics got me depressed
@bnnuokay2944 2 ай бұрын
Omg I still cry whenever I listen to this
@MintiiLi Жыл бұрын
i was going to go to bed since it's 2:30 am but i saw the notif and dropped everything. miy_yuu over sleep any day
@Calcax_ Жыл бұрын
@Tommyjoe577 Жыл бұрын
@SelinSarayli Жыл бұрын
Yuu might never see this but I hope he knows that he helps me a lot for staying alive with his music
@FlyingIceCream_ Жыл бұрын
@SiloThriller76 10 ай бұрын
@@FlyingIceCream_ türk miy yuu fanları gerçek miydi uhdlwgfıwuehfqhejkjdl
@FlyingIceCream_ 10 ай бұрын
@@SiloThriller76 OHA
@meedee_ Жыл бұрын
Легенда вернулась и продолжает радовать нас шедеврами
@meedee_ Жыл бұрын
@Arite Doch а о чем поётся то
@meedee_ Жыл бұрын
@Arite Doch так все шикарно, эмоции переданы очень хорошо, из-за чего плакать хочется, вокал на уровне, все чудесно, за что любим мияшиту. Текст так же символичный, возможно, из-за тонкостей японского нам не дано понять глубокий смысл. Вы сейчас мало где найдёте весёлые песни, обычно, даже с весёлым мотивом сам текст песни может в переводе быть грустным и иметь глубокий смысл, поэтому спорно
@meedee_ Жыл бұрын
@Arite Doch тема заезженная или нет, но с таким исполнением явно недооцененно
@meedee_ Жыл бұрын
@Arite Doch действительно, песня оч гармоничная и приятная на слух. Даже если человек не любитель поп музыки, не согласиться с тем, что исполнение на высоком уровне - сложно. У мияшиты достаточно песен с весёлым мотивом, поэтому на любой вкус! Спасибо за рекомендации, послушаю
@RivaiwarenaiRivai Жыл бұрын
Мне почему-то мотив с самого начала показался каким-то грустным, но мб это просто я, мб из-за Юи, тк из подобно звучащего, что он до этого пел, обычно были грустнявые песни. Блин, как знал же, только сегодня додумался чекнуть не появился ли перевод и на те. Похороны отца меня преследуют, наверное.
@DrMonkrstein Жыл бұрын
glad to have you back
@HaloDJumper Жыл бұрын
Listening to this on the way home from my grandmother's funeral was the closest I've been to crying since I was 16. Not quite there with emotions still, but I'm getting there, I think
@mjolnika Жыл бұрын
I love your choice of indie songs and making us viewers aware of these beautiful gems 🥰
@pee10884 Жыл бұрын
the song choice is so so so good everytime.... miyashita yuu never fails fr
@mortisdementis4782 Жыл бұрын
What's the mame of this song?
@babusan941 Жыл бұрын
been listening to miyuu all my life and i never get tired of his voice 😭😭😭
@randomperson-ILYUU Жыл бұрын
infact i feel his voice appealed the most to me ever since i listened to it from day 1
@babusan941 Жыл бұрын
@@randomperson-ILYUU not only that but he also has a very unique way of singing, so unique not even words could describe it
@youjustlostthegame2028 Жыл бұрын
I may have a terrible sleep schedule but at least it means I'm early for a new post!
@koma_ Жыл бұрын
Yuu just casually dropping masterpieces as if it's nothing
@Crosshill Жыл бұрын
i like the simple steady monotonous progression of the song, it fits the songs themes of daily life continuing relentlessly, btw the black screen while the door sfx plays says 'next day'
@aceonlyone1800 Жыл бұрын
Once again, Miyashita Yuu has done the thing where he just expose things I feel to myself in such a beautiful and angelic way
@Kuromame_243 Жыл бұрын
@potatod1141 Жыл бұрын
I've been listening to this on repeat everyday. It's so soothing it makes my heart feel lightened everytime. Thank you for such a masterpiece. I love it
@user-googo55647e Жыл бұрын
@ngyuxin Жыл бұрын
gods, miyashita yuu sounds amazing every time, i find myself loving his cover more than the original. i feel like crying. the music, the song, the lyrics, all remind me of my grandmother's death when i was 11. i was there before her death, during her death, and after her death, when we had the funeral and cremation, and i also got to pick her bones up with a pair of giant chopsticks and put them into the urn. i got to hold the urn and take in the lingering smell of her ashes. this song perfectly described what i saw and how i felt at 11 when i went for the funeral, the cremation, and school the next day; from the perspective of 19 year old me now looking back on it. nostalgic in a bittersweet way. amazing how a song sung by two different people could make me feel like my younger and older self. amazing stuff. thank you miyashita yuu!
@prokiller4860 Жыл бұрын
Miy yuu blessings with his soft voice
@-cyberpunkdeadboy Жыл бұрын
holy shit his voice fits this song so well 🛐🛐
@Tommyjoe577 Жыл бұрын
@grengreeny Жыл бұрын
@L1ardr34m Жыл бұрын
Yeah 💕
@erikaadame1154 Жыл бұрын
Por fin un cover de Miyashita, ya podré dormir en paz.
@cygnet6 Жыл бұрын
Comment copied from Chouchoo's comment on the original video, they also did the translation! Lyrics + English translation: Original title: 哀悼、そして日常は続く Translated title: Condolences, and then the everydays continue 学校を休んだ だけど朝 制服に袖を通した Even though I missed school that day, I still stuck my arm through the sleeves of my uniform. 礼服を纏った両親の顔はぼやけてた The faces of my parents who wore formal dresses were blurry. 広がる快晴な空と心地の良い風が嫌味だと感じた I found the open, clear sky and the refreshing breeze to be unpleasant. 前から声がして 車のドアを開け 歩いた I heard voices in front of me, the car's door opened, I walked towards it. 久しぶりの顔ぶれ 初めて見た顔ぶれ I saw the faces of people I haven't seen in a while and faces I've never seen before. 心ん中綯交ぜで 軽い会釈は上手くできてたかな I'm preoccupied with the cords of my heart being twisted and entwined, I wonder if my slight bow was good enough? 和室で座る椅子 布越しでも冷たくて In the Japanese-style room, even through all the clothes I'm wearing, the chair I sit on is cold. 係の人に呼ばれ 襖を開いた I'm being called by the person in charge, I opened the sliding door. その表情は柔くて まるで眠ってるようだった That expression was so tender, as if you were asleep. 今にも目を覚まして Even now, I had a feeling that 笑いかけてくれるような気がしたんだよ you'd open your eyes and smile for us. 湯灌で触れた肌は固く硬く冷たかった As we prepared your corpse for the burial by washing it, your skin was hard, stiff and cold. 絵空事は私の前で破られ 空っぽのその身を撫でる As I caressed your hollow body, all those dreams I held were torn apart in front of my eyes. 明くる日の朝 うつろげに制服に袖を通した The next morning, with a gaping hole in my heart, I passed my arms through the sleeves of my uniform. 会場までずっと ゆらゆら心は揺れていた My swaying heart kept shaking until I arrived at the venue. 棺の中に収まった アナタが花に包まれて埋まってく You were placed into a coffin and were enveloped, covered with flowers. 瞼閉じたら現実が頬を伝ってた I closed my eyelids and reality rolled down my cheeks. 扉は閉じられてく 鍵はかけられてゆく The door is going to be closed, the lock is going to be locked. それが運ばれてゆく 私はそれをただただ眺めてる "That" is going to be carried away, all I could do was gaze at "that". (1) 夏は先なのに蝉の鳴き声がした Although summer is ahead of me, I could hear the cicadas. 心の穴を埋めてくれた気がした It felt like it filled the hole within my heart. 別れは近づく 棺は吸い込まれてく Farewell is approaching, it's as if the coffin absorbed your body. 止められないほど溢れたのは汗か涙かわかんないや I don't know whether my sweat or my tears were overflowing to an unstoppable extent. 待合室の自販機で買ってもらった甘いジュース The juice I bought from the vending machine in the waiting room 味がしないそれを飲み干してく度に時間は去ってく had no flavor, time passed whenever I drank one completely. 零れた結露が床に落ちて爆ぜ 頭から爪先まで寒気が走る The overflowing condensation fell to the floor and popped, I felt a chill running through my spine from head to toe. 係の人が呼んでる The person in charge calls me. 肌は果てて 欠片になって Your skin has perished, it became a fragment of what you were. 箸で渡してく 壺に収めていく Your remaining bones are passed with chopsticks and are placed into an urn. (2) すっかり小さくなってしまったね You have become so completely small now. ポツリとこぼした 汗は冷えていた The sweat that has fallen in drops has cooled down. 軽くなったアナタを抱え歩く I hold you, who have become light and walk ahead. 現実か夢かがあやふやになる感覚に落ちている I'm falling into a sensation where the lines between reality and dreams become ambiguous. 少し火傷した手がヒリヒリと痛みだした My hand that I slightly burned has started having a stinging pain. 現実だって水を差されたような気持ちになる Reality felt like it was flooded with water, it's as if I were drowning in it. 車の中から見た夕焼け空 心と比べて色は鮮やかだった The colors of the sunset sky that I saw in the car were それは憎らしいほどに infuriatingly more brilliant and vivid than how my heart remembers it. 明くる日の朝 眠たげに制服に袖を通した The next morning, I sleepily passed my arms through the sleeves of my uniform. 腫れた目の下 コンシーラーで隠さなくちゃ I have to hide the swelling below my eyes with a concealer. 広がる快晴な空が窓の向こうでどこまでも広がってた The open, clear sky expanded everywhere beyond the window. 鞄を抱えて いってきます とドアを開けた Holding my bag, I said "I'll be back" to my parents and opened the front door. Translation notes: 1: I could have translated it as "you", but referring to a dead body as "that" felt dark, so I went with a literal translation. 2: From Wikipedia: "The relatives pick the bones out of the ashes and transfer them to the urn using large chopsticks or metal chopsticks, two relatives holding the same bone at the same time with their chopsticks. In other customs, they pass the bones from chopsticks to chopsticks."
@wozwald2530 Жыл бұрын
That soft voice brings peace to my body
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