Lyrics + English translation: Original title: 哀悼、そして日常は続く Translated title: Condolences, and then the everydays continue 学校を休んだ だけど朝 制服に袖を通した Even though I missed school that day, I still stuck my arm through the sleeves of my uniform. 礼服を纏った両親の顔はぼやけてた The faces of my parents who wore formal dresses were blurry. 広がる快晴な空と心地の良い風が嫌味だと感じた I found the open, clear sky and the refreshing breeze to be unpleasant. 前から声がして 車のドアを開け 歩いた I heard voices in front of me, the car's door opened, I walked towards it. 久しぶりの顔ぶれ 初めて見た顔ぶれ I saw the faces of people I haven't seen in a while and faces I've never seen before. 心ん中綯交ぜで 軽い会釈は上手くできてたかな I'm preoccupied with the cords of my heart being twisted and entwined, I wonder if my slight bow was good enough? 和室で座る椅子 布越しでも冷たくて In the Japanese-style room, even through all the clothes I'm wearing, the chair I sit on is cold. 係の人に呼ばれ 襖を開いた I'm being called by the person in charge, I opened the sliding door. その表情は柔くて まるで眠ってるようだった That expression was so tender, as if you were asleep. 今にも目を覚まして Even now, I had a feeling that 笑いかけてくれるような気がしたんだよ you'd open your eyes and smile for us. 湯灌で触れた肌は固く硬く冷たかった As we prepared your corpse for the burial by washing it, your skin was hard, stiff and cold. 絵空事は私の前で破られ 空っぽのその身を撫でる As I caressed your hollow body, all those dreams I held were torn apart in front of my eyes. 明くる日の朝 うつろげに制服に袖を通した The next morning, with a gaping hole in my heart, I passed my arms through the sleeves of my uniform. 会場までずっと ゆらゆら心は揺れていた My swaying heart kept shaking until I arrived at the venue. 棺の中に収まった アナタが花に包まれて埋まってく You were placed into a coffin and were enveloped, covered with flowers. 瞼閉じたら現実が頬を伝ってた I closed my eyelids and reality rolled down my cheeks. 扉は閉じられてく 鍵はかけられてゆく The door is going to be closed, the lock is going to be locked. それが運ばれてゆく 私はそれをただただ眺めてる "That" is going to be carried away, all I could do was gaze at "that". (1) 夏は先なのに蝉の鳴き声がした Although summer is ahead of me, I could hear the cicadas. 心の穴を埋めてくれた気がした It felt like it filled the hole within my heart. 別れは近づく 棺は吸い込まれてく Farewell is approaching, it's as if the coffin absorbed your body. 止められないほど溢れたのは汗か涙かわかんないや I don't know whether my sweat or my tears were overflowing to an unstoppable extent. 待合室の自販機で買ってもらった甘いジュース The juice I bought from the vending machine in the waiting room 味がしないそれを飲み干してく度に時間は去ってく had no flavor, time passed whenever I drank one completely. 零れた結露が床に落ちて爆ぜ 頭から爪先まで寒気が走る The overflowing condensation fell to the floor and popped, I felt a chill running through my spine from head to toe. 係の人が呼んでる The person in charge calls me. 肌は果てて 欠片になって Your skin has perished, it became a fragment of what you were. 箸で渡してく 壺に収めていく Your remaining bones are passed with chopsticks and are placed into an urn. (2) すっかり小さくなってしまったね You have become so completely small now. ポツリとこぼした 汗は冷えていた The sweat that has fallen in drops has cooled down. 軽くなったアナタを抱え歩く I hold you, who have become light and walk ahead. 現実か夢かがあやふやになる感覚に落ちている I'm falling into a sensation where the lines between reality and dreams become ambiguous. 少し火傷した手がヒリヒリと痛みだした My hand that I slightly burned has started having a stinging pain. 現実だって水を差されたような気持ちになる Reality felt like it was flooded with water, it's as if I were drowning in it. 車の中から見た夕焼け空 心と比べて色は鮮やかだった The colors of the sunset sky that I saw in the car were それは憎らしいほどに infuriatingly more brilliant and vivid than how my heart remembers it. 明くる日の朝 眠たげに制服に袖を通した The next morning, I sleepily passed my arms through the sleeves of my uniform. 腫れた目の下 コンシーラーで隠さなくちゃ I have to hide the swelling below my eyes with a concealer. 広がる快晴な空が窓の向こうでどこまでも広がってた The open, clear sky expanded everywhere beyond the window. 鞄を抱えて いってきます とドアを開けた Holding my bag, I said "I'll be back" to my parents and opened the front door. Translation notes: 1: I could have translated it as "you", but referring to a dead body as "that" felt dark, so I went with a literal translation. 2: From Wikipedia: "The relatives pick the bones out of the ashes and transfer them to the urn using large chopsticks or metal chopsticks, two relatives holding the same bone at the same time with their chopsticks. In other customs, they pass the bones from chopsticks to chopsticks."
@windastrit Жыл бұрын
So scary song, thank you for translation!
@gleb1599 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, legend
@ChouchooTranslations Жыл бұрын
@@windastrit It is. That's why I also love Ukaroku's lyrics so much. The phrases are very well written, and she's not afraid to express dark thoughts. I'm glad you enjoyed the translation! ❤️
@ChouchooTranslations Жыл бұрын
@@gleb1599 Thank you, it truly makes my day whenever someone says that to a translation I made. I'm glad you liked it! ❤️
@sanr289 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! This really helped my understanding