I Finished SWTOR... Is It Worth YOUR Time?

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Bellular Gaming

Bellular Gaming

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SWTOR is an interesting game - and the story of how the game might have been impacted by Anthem of all things is even more interesting. Anyway, here are my thoughts - and, of course, my recommendations.
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0:00 Intro
0:57 The Journey To The End
8:44 Pros & Cons
11:08 Is ANTHEM Why Content Dried Up?
14:43 So, Do I Recommend It?

Пікірлер: 408
@Swtorista 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for suggesting my story order video / guide! We've got one up update for 2022 as well compared to the 2018 one in your video for anyone who needs it, as well as a matching written guide.
@Tijuanabill 2 жыл бұрын
Ayyy! I know your channel. "Hello there."
@immatureshowwithpeeweederp356 2 жыл бұрын
Watch your stuff still today 😊 not a ton of swtor youtubers. So I appreciate you sticking around.
@troger147 2 жыл бұрын
She's the best!
@immatureshowwithpeeweederp356 2 жыл бұрын
@@troger147 100% 😊
@swtorfan6756 2 жыл бұрын
Glad Bellular gave you the nod! Your channel is the only one I recommend for new and veteran SWTOR players.
@Mymloch 2 жыл бұрын
Basically 8 different stories for the base classes, then a story for each expansion... fully voice-acted... completely solo-able content... based in the most interesting era of Star Wars... and free. SWTOR is great!
@videogamesworld01 2 жыл бұрын
everything after shadows of revan is not free.
@DerakosZrux 2 жыл бұрын
Mostly. Wish they hadn't made the 1-50 content brain dead in difficulty no matter what you do. Finishing the rest of the class stories a few years ago really brought my brother and I to the end of our ropes. Good stories, but not being in any danger, not having to care about the normal flow of MMO combat, we could not stop yawning and it definitely effected how much we enjoyed the stories themselves. It became a grind for story. And we haven't gone back even though now we just need to beat the DLCs on one character at least. But neither of us have wanted to return, no matter how cool the new trailer lol. Making early game content too easy with no way to change meaningfully is why I didn't get into ESO a couple years ago. Don't need that s*** again.
@joaomarcosoliveira8696 2 жыл бұрын
@@videogamesworld01 It might not be free but it's very cheap... In my country it costs about 7 usd for a month of sub and I've just had a burguer and fries combo for the same amount of money. With a month's worth of subscription u can create characters of pretty much any of the vanilla species for the time being (and unlock em for any class eventually) and you're also granted permanent access to all expansions so far. Also by completing achievements and attaching the security key mobile app you can get cartel coins completely for free and with 'em you could unlock the sub benefits to your f2p account.
@xKinjax 2 жыл бұрын
@@DerakosZrux Unfortunately this seems to be the trend with every MMO's story content. WoW, ESO, FF14, all braindead in terms of difficulty because they want anyone and everyone to be able to finish it. Same for leveling dungeons 90% of the time.
@AceFromGorillaz 2 жыл бұрын
@@videogamesworld01 and its totally fine ,the free content is already huge and then you just buy premium once and u unlock all the existing premium story content forever. swtor has one of the better premium systems compared to other games like eso where buying premium only unlocks expansions for the duration of the premium
@duerf5826 2 жыл бұрын
IMO the issue with the game is that it was developed with the assumption that it would continue to receive the same level of support throughout its development cycle but it's not case. It takes a lot of resources to develop new contents for SWTOR (which is is fully voice-acted game btw) and the team clearly no longer have the capacity to push out contents consistently like before. It sucks but it is what it is.
@Myrddin_Nebelstein 2 жыл бұрын
i dont really think even that the voice acting is the problem because i think the charles boyd said like June 2020 that they were recording voice lines and Echoes of Oblivian for which was recorded cam out in december 2020 so i think its more a thing of the programming side of the team being understaffed
@duerf5826 2 жыл бұрын
@@Myrddin_Nebelstein I'm not 100% certain of how the SWTOR team works it out but according to the game director of FFXIV, the fact that not all contents are voiced acted greatly expedites their content delivery time (new patch every 4 months, new expansion every 2 years).
@Mediados 2 жыл бұрын
They are getting far too little attention from EA, especially considering that as an MMO with a great base game, this is essentially an infinite gold mine.
@Myrddin_Nebelstein 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mediados that is one of base problems yes
@ShadowKallig 2 жыл бұрын
The problem is the dev team is small, not the cost of resources. Bioware's focus is ME, and DA. Swtor is on the backburner. It's not applicable to compare FF14 to SWTOR, FF14 went through a massive internal overhaul(especially when you consider the culture of the east in the matter), whereas Bioware, is not doing this and barely acknowledged their mishandling of Anthem, and other games. All in all, I think if this game had a larger staff, had a much larger team of devs -- content would be able to pump out content at a consistent manner and be able to stick to it's schedule. A good example is ESO, ESO's content is all voice acted, consistently but they have the team to make this content consistent. Swtor does not, and that's it's downfall. It's attempting to try and rival and modernize itself with juggernauts like FF14, ESO, GW2, etc etc and it simply cannot because they cannot afford it.
@poatrykdas 2 жыл бұрын
this was literally a single-player game for me, in my opnion, it's story was comparable to ffxiv in quality and was even better in some regards, like having choices that actually mattered. The ending of the Sith Inquisitor story (lvl50) is still one of the most badass moments i've ever felt in any game about my character.
@ingolf82 2 жыл бұрын
the ending of the Trooper story is the worst in the game, bar none. The Trooper story is fantastic, but I despise the ending. Not gonna spoil it, even if the game is 11 years old.
@bigman9490 2 жыл бұрын
@@ingolf82 I agree. I've played them all and I would rate them in this order from best to worst overall: Inquisitor, Imperial Agent, Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Jedi Counselor, Trooper. Each story has some great moments and sequences, but some storylines are truly better than others.
@Silver-pn9pn 2 жыл бұрын
FFXIV doesnt give you fake choices, it doesnt give you choices at all. You're just playing through the story. They never act like choices are important or even present.
@Ulvetann 2 жыл бұрын
I played all the classes through Onslaught, but after 7.0 I could only be bothered doing it with one toon. I mostly start new toons for the fun of it, messing around with the legacy class-stories, but they feel amputated too now, since the introduction of dual-classes. It really amputates the game. I have to remember to unload my milliions into my friends guild before my subscription expires. I don't think I'll be coming back.
@williamshakespeare1988 2 жыл бұрын
Murder and Mayhem await!
@landotucker 2 жыл бұрын
The final confrontation with Vitiate with my gunslinger was hilarious when he made a comment about my character not being a force user and I responded with "Hey, I'm as surprised as you are"
@marzatplay 2 жыл бұрын
MMO Veteran, just started SWTOR last month and LOVING it! Why did I ignore this game before. This game made me a big SW fan and now I'm rewatching all the movies and shows...what a universe!👍
@Xerkrosis 2 жыл бұрын
I don't find SWTOR/KOTOR is comparable with the movies. To me the games' era is infinitely better, than the Palpatine-era. Thousands of Jedi & Sith, who are much more powerful than in the movies. In addition with soldiers & agents trained to be on par with the force-users, which made them true beasts, that would mop up the Clone Troopers.
@Thessalin 2 жыл бұрын
Getting legendary player, while long and annoying at times, was well worth it imo.
@derekfreeman6517 2 жыл бұрын
No the old Republic's universe is good . The original starwars universe is dog shit in comparison. Because BIOWARE wrote it in KOTOR Instead George Lucas or Kathleen Kennedy/ Jar Jar Abrams.
@griffca4814 2 жыл бұрын
Because it was the TORtanic at launch.
@ingolf82 2 жыл бұрын
@@griffca4814 no it wasn't. It just lacked end game content or people expected too much. If they had released more operations other than the eternity vault, maybe players would have stayed longer than 6 months, but players are way too impatient. they forget that Vanilla WoW only released with Molten Core as a raid, it would be 4-5 months until Blackwing lair came out. that's when I started the game, in may 2005. Anyways, I wish people would be more patent. the first expansion for the game wasn't bad either, Rise of the Hutt cartel.
@Supercomet13A 2 жыл бұрын
As a fairly long term player of swtor, (off and on sub from 2.x-4.x and long term sub since 5.x until now), I think it is easy to feel jaded with the game. The "main content" on the game is basically the stuff the game launched with. Then the fallen empire/eternal thrown are SO long in terms of the linear story it makes doing said content feel like such a huge undertaking, that players tend to do it once and forget about it. I have played four times I believe. two on vet mode and one on master made. This compared to the 12-14 characters I have done class stories on. Then they bring back the branching story after being so linear that it now feels like I am only seeing a quarter of the story of the recently released content. The sith on manaan for instance, I am fairly certain you don't HAVE to fight him, but I did. Also we are STILL waiting for the operation for this expansion to release, over 5 months after it was slated to be released. This operation also is only going to be 8 man, which is a disappointment. Not because I run 16 man, but the idea that it is one less thing to strive to do. Right now I probably am not on a team that could run the NiM version of R4, not that it will exist anytime soon. Operations only release with normal and hardmode. I hope the hardmode is challenging, the designer seems to be the one from Gods... which if you are just now doing end game, I am very curious to see if you are able to find a group that will take you through it and show it off. I still like the game, I still have over a hundred days left on my sub and am planning on sticking it out until then. At that point I will actually decide if I am staying. I still have stuff to clear in NiM and I would like to eventually tank some NiM teams.
@arcticdream4905 Жыл бұрын
+1 I agree with these sentiments
@Graavigala85 2 жыл бұрын
playing Sith warrior on light side is so great with its writing, and same with Jedi sage as darkside. So many actually great moments!
@DerakosZrux 2 жыл бұрын
lol that's funny my first two characters ever were exactly this!
@Ulvetann 2 жыл бұрын
I am trying to platy through the game again for the umphteenth time as a sorceress through the sage story-line. It is quite surreal, indeed. Like a Sith completely missing the point of what a Jedi is. ^_^
@boxhead6177 2 жыл бұрын
Anthem as the cause, sounds wrong to me, cause I think Anthem and SWTOR are suffering from the same effect... Biowares and EA's attitude to over budgeting and hyping their games and failing to deliver a proper Live Service model for future game development and player retention. Like who plans a Live Service 5 year plan for a game that includes staff layoffs after the first 3-6 months.
@cynreiusacari3163 2 жыл бұрын
From what I recall swtor got hit twice. Developers were moved to work on Andromeda and Anthem. The base game is great and I loved playing all the class stories. Stopped playing in onslaught though because of story pacing.
@Mediados 2 жыл бұрын
@@cynreiusacari3163 I love every story expansion they make and I return for them regularly. But jesus, they play like samples of the actual story. The SWtOR team does their best to get out quality content, but they lack the capacity to do that in a timely manner.
@002shinigami 2 жыл бұрын
Ultimately the issues with content droughts in this game are almost exclusively because of EA's mismanagement of an otherwise great content team from BW Austin. They got thrown into other projects and I would genuinely not be surprised if the SWTOR team only has a handful of the original numbers they had for KOTFE/KOTET. It really is a shame because overall BW does a great job with the stories, gear/wep designs, and (sort of) balancing classes. My secret hope is, even though its going from one evil to another, that Disney takes BW from EA and then give them what they need to A. remake SWTOR in a better/newer engine or B. simply give them the numbers/talent to make updates more frequent with far more content. Been a member of the SWTOR PvP/PvE/RP community since launch and I really hope this game can do better with a rejuvenated team of story tellers, devs, and artistic directors. BW and Star Wars deserve better for these fantastic stories.
@rafter_man 2 жыл бұрын
Every year I resub trying to relive the old glory days of swtor pvp. I miss when you could level a character doing nothing but warzones with instant que pops during anytime of the day or night.
@Rakka5 2 жыл бұрын
I will never forgive what this game did to the story of KOTOR 2. Basically went out of their way to destroy the legacy of it. Killed off the Exile, made Kreia a generic madwoman, and just completely shat on Revan.
@Sovietmass 2 жыл бұрын
I love the voice acting, class stories, the fact you can play as an evil jedi or nice guy/girl sith and the saboteur quest lines are some of the most unique things you can do in any mmo. Not alot of mmos let you be the bad guy (darkside aligned character) and very few even bring up working for the opposing faction in the stories narrative outside of the two factions teaming up storylines (sabetour). I really do want them to push the sabetour plot line even further and potentially even let us in the narrative openly betray our starting faction if we want. Most other mmos factions with faction important gameplay changing is handled entirely outside of the story with paid services and you are treated like you were always that faction once the change occurs so a storyline around changing factions and the aftermath of swapping would be unique and very cool. I just wish they had more story and when they do put out story to not rush through it. I was so disappointed with the length of the new legacy of sith content that felt like a secondary patch rather than expansion launch and thats being a little generous. And they really do need to fix the bugs and problems that occur especially the Malgus fight. I know they are having issues even figuring out what it is that is causing the bug but it does really ruin enjoyment.
@Mediados 2 жыл бұрын
Same, Legacy of the Sith had a great premise with Malgus as the main antagonist, but when I thought "Yeah now it's getting started" the credits started rolling. They need FAR more people to work on this game.
@KlaelDemon 2 жыл бұрын
Cheers, this felt like a pretty fair perspective on where SWTOR is currently at, for a new or returning player. Great shoutout of Swtorista as well, the work she and company do for the community is unparalleled. I'd also like to recommend Vulkk as well, they do great class build guides. Cheers!
@dude92 2 жыл бұрын
I started playing this game like 2 months ago and this became my favorite game. I'm a big star wars fan anyway and the story is just so good. I'm on the sith inquisitor in the middle of the Shadow of Revan and man, this storyline has all the characters needed for a good star wars story.
@jackyrulez 2 жыл бұрын
I love SWToR but when they announced Legacy of the Sith as a expansion I expected Fallen empire length story however we got super short content and it sucked. They should of never called this content an expansion.
@ingolf82 2 жыл бұрын
that's the problem they release something and it's just.. meh! now. I uswe to love this game, I return every expansion to play it, but I have stayed away from Legacy of the Sith. masybe I'll play it once they release the full storyuy in all the patches.
@Ulvetann 2 жыл бұрын
It really felt like a two minute cutscene and a five minute Flashpoint. Didn't ever get the tenth anniversary vibe from it, far from it.
@jackyrulez 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ulvetann I agree.
@Kayem237 2 жыл бұрын
I played back in 2011 when it came out. I liked the class stories up to 50. I also liked the gameplay of the Knight and Assassin. But, I went back and tried it out again recently, didn't like the new stories, didn't like how they abandoned the class stories, didn't like the changes to the classes, especially getting rid of talent trees like they did in WoW.
@judgedredd2039 2 жыл бұрын
I would say the Agent class story line is one of the best and maybe even the arcatype for what they are currently doing with the loyalist/ saboteur story lines. Out of all the class story lines it feels like the one where your choices have the most effect on the story and where your character is at the end at the original story line. After that going in to the first expansion and the ones that following expansions those choices sadly come up maybe once or twice mostly cause they stared moving away from the separate story lines for each class at that point but it does come back up, well depending on the choices you made, as a lead in for saboteur on imp side.
@BazzFreeman 2 жыл бұрын
I played SWTOR from before official launch (I'm a Founder!) and to be honest, the class storries (Yes, I've played all of them) are outstanding. Some better than others of course, but overall, all very good to excellent. The expansions were all pretty good, though playing through them 8 times wasn't something I was prepared to do. Everybody felt it when they pulled the devs off to do Anthem. The release pace slowed, there were bugs, and the engaging story just wasn't really there. Then Legacy.. Played through to the flashpoint with Malgus. Glitched. Fell through the floor, got punted into the wall, hid behind the rock,, stood against a pillar. Nothing seemed to work and after about 10 attempts I just said screw it and went back to FFXIV.
@Skyblade12 2 жыл бұрын
@BazzFreeman 2 жыл бұрын
@@Skyblade12 50 of course. :)
@BazzFreeman 2 жыл бұрын
@@Skyblade12 Legacy of the Sith.
@Mediados 2 жыл бұрын
That was in the first week, had the same experience. But they fixed it after that so I didn't mind it that much. I have a lot more patience when it comes to bugs.
@BazzFreeman 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mediados yea, finally got it done.
@mrbill4206 2 жыл бұрын
I still love playing the game even though the expansion was short and just more Malgus stuff. What i didn't like was the complete dumbing down of the skill system. You now have abilities just appearing in your tray instead of Acquiring them from a trainer.Your skill tree is just something you look at instead of choosing the abilities. Your highest level weapons ,armor and accessories are generic ones chosen by them for optimum gameplay by using chits of different kinds. As far as i can see this has devastated the galactic market because i see very few people standing there any more. Because of all their changes there is 0 chat in the game.
@talisredstar1543 2 жыл бұрын
I think you need to play more than few classes to truly enjoy SWTOR. Ever class or Origin now has great stories, and you can find yourself really being drawn into them. yeah the world quests and story can get a bit old doing itover and over, but its the Classes own spin on things that keeps it new somewhat. I've played every class to its chapter 3 endings, and loved it. I was never really interested in the Smuggler's story, but I played, and loved it. The combat styles are great as well. Imagine being able to play as 2 classes as when ever you want. You change up your spec whenever, no need for a book or be in rest area. You can play as Jedi Knight, but switch over and go through the Jedi Knight's story and play as Jedi Sage/Consular. You can vice versa play through the Jedi Consular's story, and play as the Jedi Knight. There are some limits to the combinations, but its lore friendly in it. Like Force users can only pick other force users's classes, and tech can only pick tech. But that is it. there are still many choices to pick from
@jacobhammons9867 2 жыл бұрын
I really love this game. When I first played it I got so invested in the story I cried multiple times. I really hope that in the future there’s more content that’s better cause I was disappointed in the newest patch
@Wolfsschamane 2 жыл бұрын
I am glad you took a look at SWTOR, it was my love before I swapped over to FFXIV that is just the better executed MMORPG. Good story and some questionable decisions for the remaining part of the game starting at the engine (it always was hard to work with and had many limitations they never managed to get rid of), over to how they reworked dungeons (no trinity is better as a thought experiment than in reality. Where are you supposed to learn to tank/heal? In the actual difficult content? and balance was a mess for them) to level synching not being executed well, ect. And then the kotfe era not adding anything meaningful to the endgame for years which left you with little reason to stay. Nowadays it just feels glitchy to play and not well maintained at all. If they were smarter about what to focus on and had a base easier to work with maybe this could have been what FFXIV is nowadays but Yoshi P (and team) actually understood what makes a good MMO while EA/Bioware didn't. Still the basegame is worth playing through if you love star wars and enjoy tabtarget combat.
@Kiboune_YT 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't played much, but one thing which suprised me is how one my choice affected story later. Also force push is so much fun to use and gap closing abilities actually work like jump. In FFXIV I can't jump or even teleport to enemy on higher ground, but in SWTOR I can
@SCDarkSoul 2 жыл бұрын
Height isn't handled super well in FFXIV, especially not in combat. It's why like all boss arenas past early ARR are totally flat, because height just screws everything up, and it's probably baked deep enough into the engine that it isn't worth changing.
@patrickkershaw4885 2 жыл бұрын
SWTOR is alright as a single player RPG, but it sucks as an MMO.
@skippyzk 2 жыл бұрын
Would you rather have kotor 3? I think I would
@caseycoker1051 2 жыл бұрын
I tried to go back to SWTOR when they did their big dungeon revamp a few years ago. I bounced off of it pretty hard. I really didn't like how dungeons worked after that (boosting everyone to max level for all dungeons, making it so you could clear them without tanks and healers, etc). I really don't think it's worth the time, at least not for me.
@Mediados 2 жыл бұрын
I see that, but cause I am far more of a story and PvP person and don't care much for dungeons, I don't mind that change.
@caseycoker1051 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mediados it's funny because the effect it has on the story (or at least the feeling of the story imo) was the reason it bothered me so much. It felt jarring to me since the dungeons were very tied to the story originally, but all of a sudden the dungeons felt completely removed from the rest of what you were doing. Either way, to each their own as it were, as long as you are enjoying yourself more power to you!
@RabidJohn 2 жыл бұрын
SWTOR was my 1st MMO, which I preordered, and I loved it. Played it a lot on and off, and even ended up leading pugs through HM Ops. But it's always suffered from a lack of content updates. You're right, though. For a new player, especially a SW fan, 10 years of content does add up to an enjoyable experience. My wife started playing it when the FFXIV free trial was suspended. She's just got to KotFE and she's really enjoying it. The big thing SWTOR has - and it really is brilliant - is the full VA. I didn't like anything in the new 'expansion', though. The devs seem to have run out of steam.
@Mediados 2 жыл бұрын
It's not that they don't have ideas, they definitely seem to have an interesting idea for the story direction, but damn, it seems impossible to achieve that direction within the next 2 years considering that they lack the resources to actually make this in time.
@rerako4755 2 жыл бұрын
how did her ff14 free trial get suspended?
@RabidJohn 2 жыл бұрын
@@rerako4755 They suspended the free trial to ease server congestion when EW launched. It was unavailable for about 3 months.
@rerako4755 2 жыл бұрын
@@RabidJohn oh thats what you meant, I thought that they only stopped the free trial accounts from being made but guess they suspended them huh.
@RabidJohn 2 жыл бұрын
@@rerako4755 No, active free trial accounts weren't suspended, but priority was given to subscribers at login. She couldn't even get into the queue.
@KaiSaeren 2 жыл бұрын
I have loved and adored swtor ever since it was released, bought the collectors and played it since the early access or beta or whatever it was, I have thousands of hours in it, I played all the class stories and expansions numerous times, trying out if not all then the vast majority of all options everywhere using esc out of conversation and seeing what will happen if you chose something else. I have raided a ton the first few years and made it to like valor 86 in the first few years before kind of stepping out and only playing on and off, because honestly that is the only way that long time fans can realistically play, unless they simply enjoy the gameplay and the few systems the game has to support daily play. For anyone interested in a good rpg story, for anyone discovering and liking Star Wars, for anyone into rpgs with actual story defining choices, companions and romances, this is for your, if you enjoyed any of Biowares previous works, you will love swtor. Most of its narrative and story content is very enjoyable. But this is not really an mmo and suffers frombeing trated like it majorly, Anthem had nothing to do with it, the content has been shrinking for years, Kotet has been cut down after Kotfe which has seen some more money poured into swtor didnt meet the expectations and its been the same since then, long periods of time when there is simply nothing punctuated by few infrequent story patches usually in form of a flashpoint so there is some multiplayer content. There simply isnt enough people and resources, there hasnt been and possibly still isnt a clear enough of a vision where they wish to take the story or they had the control over it taken from them a few times over the years. And worst of all, the engine and full voice acting in three languages make it nearly impossible to push out anything on basis even remotely similar to other mmos. I absolutely hate I stopped playing when the new expansion released, it was a disaster imo but I still hated leaving, but there was simply nothing to do, especially from a perspective of a person who played through the content on offer so much already. I adore swtor but there is no end to the ongoing storylines in sight, very little direction and months between bits and pieces of continuation. Swtor needs a complete reboot, massive rework or an offline version and a new mmo to continue its story, that will be run better.
@thekingchem8800 2 жыл бұрын
I like seeing your interesting takes on other MMOs. Your perspective is more inline with mine as a casual WoW player. Although I get MMOs are very time consuming so it’s not something you can do very often
@Maria_Erias 2 жыл бұрын
This is one reason why I love narrative games like SWTOR and FF14. Whenever you've got a free evening, you can sit down and enjoy an "episode" of your favorite MMO that way. The narrative flow of both games makes them something that's easily enjoyed in chunks, rather than being a monster of a demand on your time like World of Grindfest.
@jonteguy 2 жыл бұрын
Next up, Guild Wars 1? I strongly prefer GW1 over GW2.
@shperax 2 жыл бұрын
Anthem had the foundation for one of the best Bioware games ever. To give up on 2.0 was the biggest mistake Bioware has ever made, and will likely be hailed as the beginning of their end. RIP Bioware.
@asyde2146 2 жыл бұрын
I love how I just remember this game and suddenly all the old wow content creators have been playing it for a few months and I had no idea. Must be in the force.
@Cthu1hu 2 жыл бұрын
I've been rediscovering how much fun SWTOR can be. My current goal is to get each of the origin stories through chapter 3 of the story for the achievements and all that. Not sure how much more I'll play after that but I may dabble in it when there is content droughts in ff14 and need a change of pace.
@fantasymusic-jtm1919 2 жыл бұрын
SWTOR's main storylines for every 8 characters + unique options to choose answers + fully voiced ingame scenes made this game an absolute masterpiece for me personally as a Star Wars lover. Although don't play the game anymore, cause of direction of game design, story elements etc., this was the first MMO I put effort into and played through, and will forever have a unique place in my heart.
@Sidecontrol1234 2 жыл бұрын
Literally returned a day ago after playing it on launch back in 2011. I'm loving the new revamp to the character UI and the character creation UI.
@GetterRay 2 жыл бұрын
I just finished Inquisitor and it was pretty good, but my god does the game's morality system take me out of it. So murdering a prisoner is a Dark/Renegade action but imprisoning them to be tortured is Light/Paragon? Killing a spy is Dark/Renegade but getting him to give us a list of assassination targets so we can murder senators in their sleep is Light/Paragon? I don't want the game to tell me that my calculating decision to cause the most amount of death is Light; let the player be the judge of their own moral character. Hell, I basically tried to be Sheev/Dooku and as a result I ended up a Lightside Sith. There is a very good reason why most RPGs threw away morality systems in the late 2000s, they make no sense and they are cancer to anyone who actually thinks about their choices beyond a child's morality. But I had fun despite its flaws and it was free so I can't judge it too harshly. Also, Bellular is completely right about the combat padding. It was fun at first, but by the time I got to Voss I was doing suicide runs into caves to get to my quest objective and letting my medic droid revive me so that I didn't have to go through the endless waves of enemies for 2 lines of dialogue. For a "story" based RPG, it feels like 80% of the game is clearing trash mobs ad infinitum.
@harambe4267 2 жыл бұрын
I view the morality system somewhat different for sith. The lightside is you being selfless, actually trying to benefit Empire rather than powerplays and politicking for your own benefit. At least that's how the decisions come across, many times the lightside decisions when you're interacting with imperial personnel or potential resources are you being a sane and rational actor that does not murder effective soldiers for failure or petty slights etc.
@EyesOfGehenna 2 жыл бұрын
As with other BioWare games (Mass Effect, I'm looking at you), the morality system is more about hard choices than actual light or dark choices. in Mass Effect you have the same nonsensical choices between paragon and renegade. The added problem is that eventually they become meaningless because you detach yourself from it because you want to reach either Light or Dark V. So you stop caring about what it is and just go for the icons you want.
@farfa2937 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah some of the options are bonkers. The other problem is that the points awarded are so standarized that commiting genoside and being mean to someone on holo might give you the same amount of DS points lol
@kaleiohulee6693 2 жыл бұрын
the morality system screwed me over when i got to unlocking one of the companions, it's been awhile so i forgot the details but there were 2 versions of the character depending on if you were light/dark so i didn't get the version i wanted and eventually restarted which just felt bad.
@GetterRay 2 жыл бұрын
​@@harambe4267 Its not a very good morality system if the definitions for light/dark change from character/political affiliation. And they change from quest to quest. I'll give you an example. In Dromund Kass there is a quest to look for missing commandos. When you find them, they've been turned into cyborgs and killing them to put them out of their misery is a Light action, while sending them to the empire to be studied is a Dark action. By your definition, sending them to the Empire to be studied benefits the Empire and should be Light. You can even say that you are sending them back to get medical treatment but the game has already judged your choice without any consideration for the context or consequences. Now look at another quest, like the ones later on where you are taking a prisoner hostage in Balmorra. You can kill them and spare them misery, or send them to the Empire to be tortured, beaten, broken, and paraded in front of TV cameras to demoralize their friends. Guaranteed they will eventually either be killed or have a slave collar slapped on them so they can be sold. Killing them here and sparing them the misery is Dark, while sending them off to be tortured is Light. And now, no matter what YOU THE PLAYER are thinking in your head, no matter how you are roleplaying the situation, the game puts a blue or red smear on the screen and judges you for your actions. It just pulls me out of it when I am agonizing over a choice and then the game says "good job asshole" afterwards.
@ZeusStormbringer 2 жыл бұрын
As a SWTOR fan who's been on and off since Rise of the Hutt Carte, it is a fun game to play a bit at a time. I was able to play it for a bit, leave for the military and dabble in it while still in and still have fun with it all the while not feeling like I missed out on anything. It is a game that I definitely recommend even if you don't go all the way in it's still a fun mmo experience.
@Captain.AmericaV1 2 жыл бұрын
I returned in January after five year break and was supremely disappointed. It felt much different, for the worse and don't know why, it just felt soulless!! Only carried on until i completed the new season track, then uninstalled!! In its current state I'll not want to return.
@pandamaster1138 2 жыл бұрын
It makes me cry that someone pays attention to swtor💖 so few ylutubers or streamers do it just make me happy :D
@TeroTheShortOne 2 жыл бұрын
I've played SWTOR since I was in the original beta test, and have been subbed for every bit of it minus about an hour when I didn't realize I hadn't swapped out my expired card. It's one of my longest-standing games, and I hope the dev team is able to get more of the resources needed for the content updates it must have to survive.
@lewmano7367 2 жыл бұрын
i plan on slowly making my way through all the origin stories they seem amazing after having done jedi knight so far
@silentstephi 2 жыл бұрын
Please do a follow up about the end game stuff : I love swtor but it's end game can be a struggle to navigate, especially when you played the game once when it launched and then came back a decade later x.x
@bodybrest2644 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video, I was hoping you didn't give up on a followup to your previous one. Algo boost
@deusanti 2 жыл бұрын
My SWTOR experience, Summer fling that turned into a marriage. The game makes you RP as your character, what I mean is you don't necessarily have to RP with others but because it is written with your point of view of the world you feel like you are part of some great novel you can't seem to put down. You personalize your choices and even when interacting with other players you feel very vested in your character. When you do PvP it really shows. Most players try very hard to stand out in the game, like capture a node by themselves or get involved in duels in the middle of the Battle Ground. It is actually more fun than the game mechanics itself because like I said you RP as your character. Top DPS or Top HPS is no joke in this game. Everyone goes for it and is super competitive. You will find players who are so good at their class that you have to just admire their ability and try to emulate it. For me there was a Jedi Shadow named Shinarika back 7 years ago, I know that was forever ago but it should tell you how affected by that person I was. She, she turned out to be a female in real life, was so good at tactics in how to fight that you had to watch it if you wanted to be competitive in PvP. She did a series of video on how to play as a Shadow and I still go back and watch those videos every now and again because it still applies today. Just pick up the game and play. This is probably the best game to play when WoW or FFXIV is on the downside of expansions. The game has many flaws but the dialog sometimes can make you laugh your a*s off. PvP Battleground is more like huge Arena matches and Ranked is basically a 4 v 4 Arena with very good players. The raids called Operations are very long and difficult, kind of like old school WoW raids. For those who want to RP you can join very dedicated RP Guilds with events many times a week. There is so much for so many people of all levels of MMO competency I think it would be a shame to not at least try it out. Hope to see you on and one quick advice, Join a Guild as soon as possible. Experience boost and game guide from Guildies is going to be invaluable. How could I forget this, Fleet Gen chat is pretty toxic but it is not indicative of most players, they are just the few same people everyday with the loudest opinion. Hope to see you on.
@RefugeeKLicious 2 жыл бұрын
SWTOR was my first mmo in 2013. My brother bought it for me for my birthday and I enjoyed it for a solid 4 years. Made some friends I still keep in contact occasionally, made some great memories. Glad to see it get some love!
@Mediados 2 жыл бұрын
Even though I still love the game, I miss the time when it actually was a challenge.
@paulyv1805 2 жыл бұрын
My advice would be to play through all the class stories and then play through everything else on your favorite. With the new combat system if you like your Sith Jugg play style, but like the Sith Inquisitor Story better than play as that specialization. The game always has something to do.
@Scionofgreyhaven 2 жыл бұрын
I really want to play it again but not at a sub fee, I never did most of the end game stuff but the levelling experience and whatnot was so much fun back in the day if i remember correctly
@ryanchaney6226 2 жыл бұрын
the thing about doing it as a sabateur, is that there is no difference at all between that and your factions regular story, besides a few different dialogue options. After doing both sides normal and then doing it as a sabateur, I was a bit disappointed. I thought maybe my sith would be working with some jedi or vice versa, but nope, just a few different dialogue options.
@farfa2937 2 жыл бұрын
I'd assume at some point they'll introduce faction swaps and you'll have that option as a saboteur. Firstly because they've done work to decouple class from faction in LotS already; and secondly because the story doesn't really resist a saboteur forever, there has to be a climax at some point. This isn't Blizzard, they do care about their story.
@trippin_ninja 2 жыл бұрын
Galactic Starfighter is surprisingly good. I think you will enjoy it. It's actually really rewarding for end game gear too.
@feeblemind 2 жыл бұрын
I never gave this game a chance until recently but I really appreciate how much sheer dialogue and choice there is in the game. Despite all its shortcomings the community is still quite large surprisingly and I feel like if they could just get their head out of their asses and work on the game with a little more budget and a sizable team again they could actually get it going again. Its still one of the most enjoyable star wars experiences you can have video game wise and if they clean up some stuff add new content and adjust the monetization it could still thrive another 5 years.
@Ed-qo4oz 2 жыл бұрын
Love this game it’s worth the play through of the classes, new content updates while fun are very small. It does have enough stuff to do to keep you busy(but I play rather casually), legacy of the Sith was more a small patch. But the game is fun
@NerfsDJ 2 жыл бұрын
SWOTOR was my first mmo too never got that far into however, think i managed to get to level 30 or so but yeah loved the experience i had back then
@opticmidnight2629 2 жыл бұрын
I love the game, been playing for a fair few years now and still love the game and will continue to play it, despite most of my friends have moved on.
@bstoker9468 2 жыл бұрын
thanks for this!!
@TheOther644 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't gotten anywhere near these stories, I mean I did have a main character which I finished killing of the Emperor and his kids. But that was a long time ago, and I'm having fun making characters. I've just jumped back into it after nearly a year, and this new thing where you can be a Marauder in a Sage rule looks like fun. I gotta look into which class is fun and stick with a character for each class or I'm never going to finish lol The thing I don't like, is after busting your butt from the main story and now you Commander of the Alliance whether you want to or not. And yet, even those you're now the boss you're still running around for others like you did when you were a Padawan or whatever.
@anyroad5455 2 жыл бұрын
I recently started playing SWOTOR (with a sub) and I think it’s absolutely great. Gameplay is solid, voice acting and story is very high quality and my guild is extremely friendly and happy to help me understand the game.
@jarmo7689 2 жыл бұрын
I bought the special edition Razer Mouse around 7 years ago and didn't play the game, just liked the starwars theme of it. Last year started playing it because I googled my mouse coz i got another one and wanted to sell it and it was worth €300 or so... Now I play SWTOR with the special mouse and life seems to be complete.
@grahamhill2130 2 жыл бұрын
Liked your honest and fair review of the game. Playing since launch, Anthem definately messed with the quantity of content coming to SWTOR - no question. It was painful and depressing to feel sidelined in such a manner. The real question is, now that Bioware have jettisoned Anthem can it swing the focus and content back to SWTOR in a way that both rewards them as a studio and us as loyal SWTOR and Star Wars fans deserve? One thing that was not mentioned in your video was the pandemic and the effect working from home had on the studio...there is some fairness in allowing that as an excuse for recent lack of content but with Anthem now a thing of the past and the pandemic a lesser problem than pre vaccine there is really little reason for Bioware not to deliver. Lets hope the remainder of 2022 sees the slew of new bugs resolved and exciting content come at pace.
@Talsbynians 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder if there are ways to have choose your own story path in any of FFXIV's side content stories. Maybe in a Bozja like situation for the endgame it would give a lot of interesting character choice
@williamradke4290 2 жыл бұрын
SWTOR was my 1st MMO and the one i played before I came to FFXIV. It is a fun game for those who haven't played it but you should treat it as a PS3 era single-player game, because its not anything else but that. The original storylines were amazing, but its a bummer they basically got ditched and streamlined into 1 story, that and getting rid of all your favorite companions. SWTOR at this point is definitely a game to go back and try out every now and then and perhaps I will do that soon but tis definitely not as good as it used to be. Thanks again for looking at SWTOR Bellular. Hopefully the next Star Wars MMO is just as good or better.
@marks2807 2 жыл бұрын
Watching some of the interviews around launch. I think they originally planned to keep doing the class story lines, but the game was not a successful as they thought it would be so had to cut back to one story line per faction. I mean the game lost like 80% of it's players after the first month. Though some do come back when expansions come out.
@hajkie 2 жыл бұрын
I played swtor on release, but quit after 50, then i came back in 2021 january and played since, i been mostly grinding credits for buying decorations, mounts and cosmetic sets from swtors auction house, GTN. Yea there was not much content released in the new initial patch.
@Hunterbw93 2 жыл бұрын
I miss the glory days of this game. So many memories from Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan. PvP was the best I’ve ever played. Operations were coming out left and right. Now it’s basically a single player game with the biggest content drought of any mmo but damn if that cartel market doesn’t slow down with new cosmetic items 🙄.
@DudemitnemHut 2 жыл бұрын
I played SWTOR since it was made F2P Ofc with a lot of breaks coming back again breaks again and so on. I played every class to max lvl played my favorite classes through the story mulitple times. I sadly never got into raiding I only ever did a few raids since they are not rly madnatory to do. I rly enjoyed running masterflashpoints or worldbosses but what kept me playing the game is the story. My favorites beeing the sith inquistor and the bounty hunter. I think I played both 5 times throught the story and through the dlcs including KoTFE and KoTEF. Even now when Im only waiting for new expansions to get released so I can play the story with my main character Im still from time to time start a new character to enjoy the story again.
@EyesOfGehenna 2 жыл бұрын
From my point of view the two options you have (saboteur and normal) on both sides made me lose interest in the story, because I suddenly lived in a dual universe, rather than one where at least the main events are the same. So this caused me to feel like I was in a single-player game rather than a bigger universe that everybody was part of. Think of the main story of the Rise of the Hutt cartel (first expansion). There you have the same story about Makeb where the main events are the same and don't conflict with the other side. I play both Imperial and Republic characters, so it felt like they were experiencing the same story but from a different perspective. Onslaught disconnected my characters by an alternate universe essentially. And that's why I didn't care for it. When I played the Imperial (normal) version first I was quite excited. Then when I played the Republic story (normal), I realised that the same main events had entirely different results, effectively putting them, as I said, in alternate universes. As a side note: I know that there are more contradictions in events that happen during SWTOR but never like this. I can ignore those easily, but not this. It's about the main events of the main story and that's why I feel disconnected to the story. Also, not sure I agree with the Anthem link. From what I understand a small team at BW was assigned to find out what it would take to create Anthem 2.0/Next. When the findings were reported to EA almost a year and a half ago, EA cancelled it, presumably because it would take too much to fix Anthem. That means that BW Austin had their complete team working on SWTOR for over a year before it came out. Considering what came out as an expansion it should've been better. Unless of course they didn't assign a proper team to maintaining SWTOR to begin with...I think you'll find that that's where the issue lies.
@ItsHyfal 2 жыл бұрын
I have and always will love this game. I am a massive SW nerd, I've read all and I mean all SW books. And ever since I have been able - I have been subbed. It may not be the best on the market - thats obvious. But I love it none the less.
@1RightTurnClyde Жыл бұрын
It's a very fun game. My son and I started playing and we're having a great time. We've both played WoW for years and the experience we've had in SWTOR is very refreshing. It's our main mmo now.
@chadraybon4822 2 жыл бұрын
Jaded day 1 player here. Spent at least every other evening since launch in ToR and have quit for good. For a new player this game is great. Pick it up hope you enjoy it as much as I have (the Imperial Agent story line is one of my favorites in gaming) in the past. Almost every issue is in the end game especially in the highest difficulty of raiding content. Please PLEASE check this game out of you're on the fence.
@FrostiOrca 2 жыл бұрын
Swtor is an rpg I come back too every so often but I do think I've ever done co-op content XD
@arthurzeer753 2 жыл бұрын
one thing i like is that all expansions are $15 basically you buy one month subscription and then you can keep the expansions forever or until the game shuts down.
@fenrysfenir5858 2 жыл бұрын
they actually introduced the anthem gearing system in swtor before legacy of the sith
@FeyNoel 2 жыл бұрын
I loved anthem and didn't see most of the bugs people were talking about. It's too bad it got turned off. There was so much to explore in the section of the world, and it was pretty.
@darkadia6520 2 жыл бұрын
I've been playing SWTOR on and off for like 8+ years and it's definitely worth playing if you've never played it before it has months of content you can enjoy. Unfortunately the game is really limited without the subscription but makes sense because you can play for free. Some more unfortunate news is that the latest "expansion" patch 7.0 was received poorly and they changed quite a few things around that upset a large portion of the player base. They are slowly fixing it but this pushes back all the new content they planned on adding that we would have had already if they didn't screw up. I still love SWTOR but it feels like it's possibly going down the same rabbit hole like retail WoW did as in the people in charge of the game have lost touch with their players and forgot why people loved the game in the first place. If you love Star Wars you will love this game but it has it's flaws, more so now than before.
@raywilson641 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, pretty much how I feel. If you haven't played yet and can start the base stories and expansions fresh then my recommendation is hell yes, it's worth it. If you've already beat all the content before this expansion then I'd say no until they add more stuff. You ain't missing much. Mabey like 2 hours max of story and some technical updates.
@Spacebelongstome 2 жыл бұрын
Short: Swtor is a good game, not perfect, but a lot of fun. Laughs, suspense and epic action to be had. No regrets delving into it properly. Long: I left WoW a little before all the controversy kicked off, I didn't know what I would spend time on gamingwise but it was not going to be WoW that was certain. I played some FFXIV, but after a decently long time trying the game I realised it wasn't for me, many things about that game's development I really respect still, but the game itself, nah not my cup of tea, thanks. Then I decided to give SWTOR a new try after years of not playing it at all and very little back when I last did, and for me that was the right call. I have had so much fun in that game, I have cared more about my characters than I have in any game since the peak of WoW in my life. The story had me engaged where other titles fall short, the combat was comfortable and familiar enough to be fun to experiment with and the structure within the game content felt perfect for where I am at with gaming, which is I like the style, characterbuilding and gameplay of an MMO, but I much prefer if the team (big group) experience is organic (or optional) as opposed to how forced/mandatory as it became in WoW in later years. Needing 53 other players to get anything interesting/rewarding done in a game is not my idea of fun these days, I have done that for a very long time in the past, and it's not the same anymore. That said, I don't expect everything to be obtainable without other people, but I do expect to be able to have fun and continue to progress my character(s) in a meaningful way...and this Swtor does brilliantly in my opinion. You can go the traditional guild group route, do group content and so on, but you don't have to in order to get your character to a place where you feel like you have a place in the world that is meaningful to you, and that was massive for me, I could enjoy myself and progress at my own pace and it didn't exclude playing with other people if I so chose. Finally, the game is not perfect, there are bugs, clunky designs here and there but overall it's worth far more credit than it has gotten over the last few years. Maybe it's the nostalgic ties I have to Star Wars as a universe, I couldn't say, but for me Swtor has managed to get really really close to the feeling I had when I first started playing WoW in vanilla, that sense of wonder and enjoyment that I have been chasing the last 6-7 years or more to no avail, and that alone has made Swtor a game I will treasure. There are veterans of Swtor who will have tons of negative experiences to reference (and they do...usually in general chat haha), but I think that is partly down to the nature of the gametype, when you sink countless of hours into any of these types of games you will become less enamored over time and the things that the game could be but isn't are far more impactful for them than for someone who hasn't been through that whole cycle over years and years. I'd say I was the same in WoW...as you know the in's and out's of the game and you know the dysfunctional, underwhelming side of it that isn't necessarily that apparent to someone who isn't as invested as you are or have the experience with the game that you do. That factored into why I wanted to experience the game for myself, I didn't want the "disgruntled" veteran view of the game to shape my feelings on it, and that I believe is why the game is so enjoyable to me, I don't know everything that the devs have dropped the ball on and I don't care, I only care about whether the game is fun and rewarding to me at this point in time and overall worth my time investment, and yes I believe it is.
@KianneofTroi 2 жыл бұрын
you play this too :D sweet!!
@deadkodo 2 жыл бұрын
I have been a subscriber to SWTOR since Day 1 and continue to do even when I am not playing. I just think team tam allocated to SWTOR is just so small they can't produce a lot of content. Some of that could have been because they had to support Anthem but it was never really that big beforehand either. I would recommend it for the stories, tho replaying them on all 8 classes can get a bit repetitive by going to all the same planets but you do get to know your way around. BH ship is the best BTW.
@mister-x2 2 жыл бұрын
Weird, I came back to SWTOR after 4-5 years of absence. I'm having fun in a single-player kind of way, but I have my doubts if this has legs at endgame, signs point to "no". They messed up by not keeping the unique stories past level 50. This makes catching up with alts a chore. Also, here's a hot take: I enjoy SWTOR's maps and fighting scenarios more than FF14's 'zip between cutscenes and maybe a dungeon' style.
@Maria_Erias 2 жыл бұрын
I really think the enjoyment of combat in SWTOR depends on your class. When I played, I loved Merc, Sith Juggernaut, and melee-spec'd Operative. As a Mercenary, you just gunned down everything and felt like a badass. As a Sith Juggernaut, you really felt like a melee beast. And being a sneaky, vibroblade-wielding Operative meant that every fight could be a simple bloodbath, or you could take a second to plan them out and execute them with all the flair and skill that a sneaky spy can manage.
@nunya_bizniz 2 жыл бұрын
5:42 good job on that tongue twister. 👍
@ModeKaioken 2 жыл бұрын
I am really mixed on this. I very much got BFA vibes in the sense they nerfed a lot of class gameplay to either make the game more appealing to new player or easier to make on the back end but all the class changes are very much not for the older players. I played 6 of the 8 classes before the change and I really didn't enjoy BFA since I played every class prior they all felt nerfed BUT for many people swapping to a new class the changes on the new one could feel good to you. I haven't tried the changes yet and after finding out about the story piece meal I am not in a rush but it is on my todo list to catch up on at some point. I am excited to at least see the class changes even if I am skeptical with my past WoW experiences with gcd changes.
@farfa2937 2 жыл бұрын
This is a very random bit of information, but it's always surprising. Darth Rivix is voiced by Lor'Themar.
@LordMidichlorian 2 жыл бұрын
Class combat style: I started feeling classes were completely lacking personality. Until I decided to get deep into pushing the juggernaut and discovered how incredibly mobile and fun it could get. With LotS, they took the kay ability ot make it so fun as a talent tree choice bewteen it and one defensive cooldown. I chose it and so, Juggernaut still is as fun and mobile, just a little bit less sturdy. The gearing, or rather equipping of gear, with the new double class multispec model is trash. So cumbersome and annoying having to equip everything six times. If you've not played SWTOR, it's worth it. Subscribe one single month to get all expansions. Then you're preferred status. Sub doesn't need renewal until you want to play operations and I think ranked PvP is also locked behind the sub? Since 2020 I was convinced they would be closing down the game, so it was a bit surprise that when something was announced it would be an expansion. I knew it would be tiny, though, as it's clear SWTOR is receiving minimal attention and resources from EA.
@mcbrite 2 жыл бұрын
Can I play only the story missions? Or do I have to grind it like a "normal" mmorpg?
@Tattle-by-Tale 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah you can play only the main story missions, some will be very tough though without leveling enough, and for that, side quests. Side quests tie in to the main quests and are written just as well, so you'd be missing a lot. Also there is no real "grind" with this game unless you're trying to get uber high level armor for pvp, and there's heroics and operations for grinding.
@FAHQU2 2 жыл бұрын
Such an underrated game. The story alone, among eight classes, can keep you going for hundreds of hours.
@GradietPanda12345 2 жыл бұрын
Shame this Mmo is dry at endgame
@Karldin83 2 жыл бұрын
It's been a few years since I played swtor last. Was enjoyable
@akatsukii-_- 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who has over 2000 hours played all DLCs beat 15 level 80 toons multiple NiM and HM clears and has completed all 8 class stories I can say even though I've pretty much done everything I still like making a new toon and playing a different style like a dark jedi or a sith turned jedi the stories are very good though 1 thing I do not like is the new system for your abilities
@faythe03 2 жыл бұрын
Waiting for you to try ESO!
@nick15684 2 жыл бұрын
Really the only reason most people would be interested in this game is for the class stories, which are pretty good, especially by MMO standards, and they're free. Basically, just play it like a single-player RPG that also happens to have other people wandering around and you'll be just fine. This game will be especially appealing to people who are fans of Star Wars, that's really the primary draw, just the story, and RP.
@sleepypurple4262 2 жыл бұрын
Content is very good in this game when it comes to customization. Lots of cosmetics right off the bat. You rarely come in contact with a character who looks like you , especially if you like role playing. WoW and other mmorpgs however ehh. Mounts by the many. Housing if you like that stuff. Space ship battles. And so much more. And all of it goes into a web of detail on its own. Very story based game. But it has pvp and its own web of feats as well like specialized gear and things you can get by playing pvp. Which can be a lot to go in to detail. There is a lot of unmentioned things i could mention. The point is if you remove the star wars theme from it, in terms of content. Its the best all around for being released 11 years ago. And I have yet to find a mmorpg with as much content as swtor has.
@robsolf 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty much agree. Up to and including the fallen empire storylines(and maybe excluding the Hutt Xpac and DEFINITELY that terrible mission as a party caterer) is very solid stuff; a strong amount of good content. But not only is the new content sparse from that point, their continuous attempts to make the endgame advancement more and more like mobile games has been a major turnoff. And it seems to me like they're razor focused not on the game, but on trying to get that mobile game profit margin. Can't help but think they're trying to cut the team to mobile game size while still trying to get the same sub and mt money.
@atrop19 2 жыл бұрын
Galactic Starfighter is loads of fun; if you can make it past the steep learning curve, and completely free to play. It really puts the vehicle combat of wow to shame. You'd think Bioware would want to put the fact that their game actually has good vehicle pvp combat front and center, as it is something that could separate it from other mmos, but I think the devs that created gsf don't work on this game anymore, so they just kind of leave it as it is without adding more content to the game mode.
@cynreiusacari3163 2 жыл бұрын
I used to play and stopped at the beginning of onslaught. To get my money’s worth I might wait another expansion or two.
@sardonicspartan9343 2 жыл бұрын
Both SWOTOR and STO need to come out with version 2.
@Thessalin 2 жыл бұрын
Good heavens. I would love a SWTOR 2 with the same awesome but more.... can we buy BioWare from EA?
@StrikerTVFang 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy the game. The only reason I haven’t finished it is because I’ve been spoiled by FFXIV gamepad setup and prefer that over Mouse and Keyboard. But that aside, I really liked the story. Gameplay on the other hand is questionable.
@GetterRay 2 жыл бұрын
There are guides to set up gamepad play with Steam but I found it to be way more hassle than its worth. I wish I could lie down and play it like a single player console RPG but the game just isn't built for it. The crazy thing is that XIV's cross hotbars are not copywrited because YoshiP wants other devs to use it. For all the complaining that the SWTOR community has over the bad UI, why can't Bioware just literally copy XIV's when its free and YoshiP wants them to do it?
@Tijuanabill 2 жыл бұрын
I often recommend this to people as a single player game. If you are a fan of Star Wars, you will have fun with it, leveling up at least. Pay for one months sub, imo. The speed boost alone is worth it.
@Draemn 2 жыл бұрын
I would suggest people thinking about picking up the subscription, to wait until you need it. The game is amazing to play for free for quite a while before subscribing and that will let you get the best value out of your sub.
@lhfirex 2 жыл бұрын
This makes me wonder about Bellular trying out LOTRO. The gameplay is pretty bland but the story is pretty good on its own, and amazing if you're familiar with the books.
@AsikoTFC 2 жыл бұрын
honestly, its a great MMO to just log in and vibe on. There's nothing better than sitting in the shire for a few hours and chillin'.
@bernardo879 2 жыл бұрын
gameplay is as bland as ffxiv, I have no idea what he was on about. Like if he was comparing to games with good combat like gw2 sure theres a point to be made, but lotro swtor and ffxiv combat is bland and slow, lotro is great tho
@bludclone 2 жыл бұрын
anthem came out early 2019? my god what year is it
@sortedevaras 2 жыл бұрын
If there are any issues it's down to EA being cheap. The actual devs are doing a good job with what they have.
@Walklikelions 2 жыл бұрын
swtor was underrated. I havnt played it for years but I have a ton of tokens that built up from the authenticator lol.
@Honyakusha 2 жыл бұрын
I pre-ordered SWTOR, had lots of free time, got a head start and all of my nerdy friends joined me back then. We did a full trooper play for both PvE and PvP, made our own guild and like-minded people joined too. I still remember when they opened a big open world PvP map and how we put insane amount of time while having a blast, it was a peak moment even years past i still remember those times, did raids and devour every single scrap of content they offered. Alas it's EA/Bioware, first comes to boxes, exlusive loots and even people buyed those like crazy we never saw a good healthy content injection. People started to leave, game started to shrink and they hammered it down with f2p model. I was one of the few people remain in our once mighty and alive guild. Watched all cinematics once more, get to empty canteen once brimmed with people doing RP all day and having fun, now desolate, lifeless. Disbanded my guild and uninstalled.
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