Nice commercial for wix, but i'm not sure for who is this made ? If you're a dev, use a framework you already know vue/react/whatever, if you're not a dev this tools is not for you. If you want to share this to have someone make the UI with wix tools and ask a dev to add some custom feature once, why not but if the UI guy change some stuff it could f*ck up the dev part. And the biggest downside, you cannot export this to your server/computer you will be force to forever use wix tools. So pay the price they ask even if it increase, fix whatever bug new features introduce because they will update their tools rather you wanted or not, so some feature could be deprecated, and you cannot run the old version. If it was a opensource/free builder, yes it would have be really good.
@developerfilip11 ай бұрын
I disagree, if you’re a skilled dev, sometimes you just don’t have the time to developer from scratch - especially the UI. 😄
@nustaniel5 ай бұрын
Not a fan of builders either. Practically every single site I see that has used a builder has stupid small oversights. A scrollbar that shows up when animations on scrolling push some items outside the view port. Easily fixed with one line of CSS, but they forgot to do that. I prefer control over my underlaying HTML, CSS and JS. I see no real purpose for a framework or a builder if you learn how to use the native language.